Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 10, 1921, Image 6

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Children's Laughter a Pleasing Sound
Altoonn, Pa. "I am writ
ing to tell you what Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has done for mo. We
Had six children die almost at
birth. From onohour to nine
teen days is all they have
lived. Bofore my next one
was born I took a dozen bot
tles of your Vegetable Com
pound, and I can say that it is
tho greatest medicine on
earth, for this baby is now
four months old, and a
healthier baby you would not
want I am sending you a
picture of her. Everybody
says 'That is a very healthy
looking baby. ' You have my
consent to Bhow theso few
lines to anybody." Mrs.
C. W. Benz, 131 -d Avenue,
Altoona, Pa.
Mrs. Jansscn's experience of interest to childless -wives.
Mills ton, Wis. " I want to givo you a word of praise for your wonderful
-tMdidne. We are fond of children, and for a considerable tixno after wo
wwm married I feared I would not have any. I began taking Lydia E. Pink
fan's Vegetable Compound, and it strengthened me sol now have a nice,
otr&nz, healthy baby girl. I suffered very littlo at childbirth, and I give all
& credit to your medicine, and shall always recommend it highly.' Mrs.
H. H. Janssen, Millston, Wis.
In, Held of Marinette, Wis., adds bor testimonial for Lydia E,
Plnlchnm'fl Veprctablo Compound. Sho says:
Marinette, Wis." I was in a norvous condition and very Irregular. My
lector advised an operation. My husband brought me one of your booklota
aod asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It overcame
mj weakness so that I now have a healthy baby girl after having been mar
slad nine years. I am glad to recommend your medicine, and you may uso my
3ttr a a testimonial' Mrs. II. B. Held, 830 Jefferson St, Marinette, Wis.
Thar are many, many such homes that were once childless, and are now
iMtuwd with healthy, happy children becauso Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Cssiponnd has restored tho mother to a strong and healthy condition, as it
acts s a natural rcstorativo for ailments as Indicated by backache, Irregu
teitfra, displacements, weakness and nervousness.
"Women every whoro should remember that most of the commoner ailments
womon are not tho surgical ones they are not caused by serious disploco
xBemU or growths, although the symptoms may be tho same, and that is why
ao many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vfptable Compound, as it acts as a natural restorative. It can bo taken
with perfect sofoty and often prevents sorioua troubles.
Therefore If you know of any woman who is suffering and has been unable
totweare reliof and Is rogrotfully looking forward to a childless old age, ask
fearto try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as ithaB brought health
tad happiness into bo many homes onco darkened by illness and despair.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments
IPoouliar to Women " will he sent to you f rco upon request. Vrito.
to Tuft Lydia E. Pinkham Modiclnn Co.. Lvnn. Mnssnnhiisfitts.?
Tlila book contains vnluablo information. -i""
Material Called Lamb's Fleece In Syria
Merely Went by Another Name t
In England.
A certain young gltaie-trotter, pos
sessed of more money limn bruins, was
recently truollng In Syria. Wlille
Journeying through (lie Interior lie wn?
prevailed upon by one of the sons ol
tin prophet to purchase at u very Inrge
price u quantity of wlmt wns described
iim Syrian lamb's lleeee.
Tills, when ho returned to London,
he sent to his tailor with orders to
II no mi overcoat with It. A fow days
after ho culled to try on the cout.
"You didn't send us quite enough
nintorlnl, sir," remnrked the tailor,
"and I hml to get some moro to lino
the alcoves."
"Hut," remnrked the traveler In sur
prise, "It's Impossible to obtain that
fleece In England, It's only tojo oh
tnlued In Syria."
"Not at nil, sir," wns thu reply. "In
England wo call It rnbblt sUln." Mon
treal Ueruld.
Tarmer Had No Idea of Allowing
Hired Man to Beat Him In
Gathering Corn.
A' SuiUvan county farmer hired n
awm to help him gather his corn last
oeaaon. Now, tho farmer had a repu
tation for being un ufllclcnt worker,
2t the hired man wan not daunted by
3L They started out slilo by sldo, tho
Wed roan being advised by the farm
w to keep as close to him us he could
with tho row lie was gathering.
But lol tho new worker after a few
jalnutes of keeping up with tho farm
r. passed him and soon wus several
ttel nhend. Frantically tho farmer
palled the ears from tho stnlks, but
th new mnn still kept gaining. Then
alt at once he heard tho fanner shout.
Wtop," ho yelled. "Stop, If you want
3 work for me. I nover yet lot any
man who worked for me got nhend
f meJ
Tomorrow They'll Do It Again.
Spark Plug. "1 got flrcd today."
Jattiry "Thnt's nothing. I'm dis
charged, nlBO." Science imd Inven-Hen.
lie albo Unit Is slothful In his work
3s brother to him that Is u grent
winter. Bible.
"And because ho wished to hold his
Job, tho hired mun "slowed up." In
dlniiitpolls News.
Most men lire up when you throw
cold wuter on their schemes.
What Better Drink
for Table Use than
stum Cereal
When well boiled-twenty
minutes or more it has
a rich, color and a partic
ularly delightful flavor.
In these respects, Postura
Cereal is the eqioal oP
fine coffee; and much
better for health.
7heres a Reason
Made; "by
Postirm Cereal Company, Inc.
Battle Creek, Miqh.
Ln 4444-m-t M I I 1-1 H l-i-L, .i-xi j.l M H 14? UJggSS
llratfu.fi E
' ... l
v.:. i
Speech Chiefly Devoted to Ne
cessity for World's Re
" construction.
Chief Executive Says He Consider
Electoral Vote a Mandate From the
People Upholding Policy of Aloof
ness From Foreign Entanglements
As to Tariff Readjustments.
WuihliiRton, Murch 4. President
Hurdltig, in his Inaugural address,
spoke .substantially us follows:
My Countrymen Wlion' one surveyn the
world about him after the great storm,
noting tho marks of destruction and ct
rejoicing In the rUKSfdncis of the things
which" withstood It, If ha Ik an American
he breathes tho clarllled atmosphere with
a strunge mingling of regret unci new
hope We have seen u world of passion
spend Its fury, but we contemplate our
republic unshaken, and hold our civiliza
tion Hecurc. liberty liberty within the
law and civilization are Inseparable, und
though both were threatened, we Hml
them now secure and threre comes to
Americans the profound assurance that
our representative government ts the
highest expression and surest guaranty
of both.
standing In this presence, mindful of
tho solemnity of this occasion, feeling the
emotions which no one may know until
he senses the great weight of responsibil
ity for himself. I must utter my belief In
ho divine Inspiration of the founding
fathers. Surely there must have been
God's Intent In tho making of this new
world republic. Ours Is an organic law
which had hut ono ambiguity and wu saw
that effaced In a baptism of sacrifice and
blood, with union maintained, the nation
supreme and its concord Inspiring. We
have seen the world rivet Its hopeful gaze
on the great truths on which the found
ers wrought. We have seen civil, human
and religious liberty verified and glorified.
In the beginning, the world scoffed at our
experiment, today our foundations of po
litical and social belief stand unshaken, a
precious Inheritance to ourselves, an in
spiring example of freedom and civiliza
tion to all mankind. Let us express re
newed and strengthened devotion. In
grateful reverence for the Immortal be
ginning, and utter our confidence In the
supremo fulfillment
No Entanglement With Old World.
The recorded progress of our republic,
materially and spiritually In Itself proves
the wisdom of the Inherited policy of noh
Involvcmcnt In old world affairs. Confi
dent of our ability to work out our own
destiny, and Jealously guarding our right
to do so, we seek no part In directing the
destinies of tho old world Wo do not
mean to bo entangled We will accept
1 ) responsibility except as our own con
science and Judgment, In euch Instance,
may doturmlne.
Our eyes nover will bo blind to a
developing menace, our ears never deaf
to tlirt cull of civilization We recog
nize the now order of the world, with
the closer contacts which proRress has
wrought. We sense tho call of tho
human heart for fellowship, fraternity
and co-operation We crave fellow
ship, nnd harbor no hat Hut Amer
ica, our America, tho America bullded
on the foundation laid by tho inspired
fathers, can tie a purty to no perma
nent military nlllance It can enter
Into no political commitments nor as
sume any economic obligation which
will subject our devlslons to any other
than our own authority.
Amocliite In Counsel.
Wo are ready to associate ourselves
with tho nations of tho woi'ld ureal
nnd small, for conference, for counsel,
to seek the oxprossed views of world
opinion, to recommend n way to ap
proximate a disarmament and relieve
the crushing burdens or military and
naval establishments. We elect to par
ticipate in Hiiggcstlng plans for media
tion, conciliation and arbitration and
would gladly Join In that expressed
conscience of progress which seeks to
clarify und wrlto the laws of Inter
national relationship nnd establish n
world court, for tho disposition of such
Justiciable uuostlons us nations are
ugrued to submit thereto, but every
commitment must be made In the ex
ercise of our national soverolngty.
Blnce freedom Impelled, and Independ
ence Inspired, and nationality exalted,
a world itiper-eovernment Is contrary
to everything wo cherlh, nnd can have
no nunc u on oy our repuouc. inn i
not selllshness It Is sanctltv It Is
not aloofness, tt Ui security.
We havo como to a now realization ot
our place In tho world nnd a new apprai
sal of our nation by tho world The un
selflshnesi of theso United State Is a
thing proven. Our dovotlon to peace for
ourselves and for the world Is well estab
llxlnv.1 Our rnncnrn for oresorvod civili
zation has had Its Impassioned and heroic
expression. There was no American fail
ure to resist tho attempted reversion of
civilization. There will be no failure to
day or tomorrow
Declares Nation Has Spoken.
Tho success of our popular government
rests wlmllv iinoii tho correct Interpreta
tion of the deliberate. Intelligent, depend
able popular will ot America. In a delib
erate questioning of a suggested change
of national poUry, wbero tnturnatlonallty
was to supersede nationality, we turned
to a referendum ot tho American people
There wus ample discussion, and there Is
a lenubllc mandate In manifest under
standing Ameilca Is ready to encourage, eager to
Initiate, anxious to partlilpnto In any
seemly program likely to lessen the prob
ability of war and promote (hat brother
hood of mankind which must Im Hod's
tilulioMt roiii'iiotion of human relationship
Wo nsplro to n high pUmMn the moral
leadership of civilization and we hold a
maintained Atneiha tho proven republic,
tho unshuken temple of representative
democracy, to be not only an inspiration
and example, but Ilia highest ageu. v of
strengthening good will und promoting
accord on both continent
Mankind needs a world-wide twnedlctlon
of understanding It Is needed union In
dividuals, mnong peoples, among govern
ments, and It will inaugurate an r i or
good feeling to mark mo uirtn or .i new
United States as an Object Lebson.
Wo must understand the ties of trade
bind nations In closest Intimacy and none
may recolve except as he giver In the
nsw order of finance nnd t utile w mean
to promote enlarged nctlviitoi an I cfk
expanded conndencc
rerhups we can make no more hel"ful
contribution by evamplo than a Wpub le's
capacity to emerge from tho wreckagi of
war while the world's embittered travail
did not leave up devastated lands nor des
olated cities, left no gaping wounds, no
breast filled with hate. It did Involve us
In the delirium of expenditures, in ex
panded currency nnd credits, In unbal
anced Industry, In unspeakable waste and
.4itiiriil relatlonshtnn While It uncov
ered our portion of hateful selfishness ut
home, It also revealed the heart of Amer
ica as sound and fearless and beating In
confidence unfailing.
.Supreme Tnnk llefore Nntlon.
Our supremo task Is the resumption
of our onward, normal way. Recon
struction, readjustment, restoration
nil these must follow. I would like to
hasten them, to lighten the spirit and
add to the resolution with which wo
take up the task. Iet mo repeat for
our nation, we shall fflve no people
Just cause to make wnr upon us. we
hold no national prejudices, we enter
tain no spirit of revenge, we do not
hate, we do not covet, we dream of no
conquest nor boast of armed prowes3.
If, despite this attitude, war Is again
forced upon us, I earnestly hopo a way
may be found which will unify our In
dividual and collective strength and
consecrate all America, materially and
spiritually, body nnd soul, to national
defense Ther Is something Inherent
ly, .wrong, something out of accord
with the Ideals of representative de
mocracy, when one portion of our cltl
V.cnshlp turns Its activities to private
gain amid defensive war while another
is fighting, sacrificing or dying for
national preservation
A regret for tho mistakes of yester
day must not, however blind us to the
tasks of today. War never left such
an nftermath. Discouraging Indebted
ness confronts us like all the war
torn nations, and these obligations
must be provided for. No civilization
can survive repudiation We enn re
duce the abnormal expenditures, and
wo will We can strike at war taxa
tion, and we must. Our most dangerous
tendency Is to expect too much of gov
ernment, and at the samo tlmo do for
it too little. We need a rigid and yet
sane economy, combined with fiscal
Justice, and It must bo attended by
Individual prudence and thrift, which
aro so essential to this trying hour,
and reassuring for the future.
Timk of IlendJtiMtinent.
The business world reflects the dis
turbance of war's reaction. Tho eco
nomic mechanism Is Intricate and Its
parts Interdependent, and It has suf
fered the shocks and Jars Incident to
abnormal demands, credit Inflations
and price upheavals. We must seek
the readjustment with care and cour
age. Perhaps we never shall know the
old levels of wage again, because war
invariably readjusts compensations
and tho necessaries of life will show
their Inseparable relationship, but wo
must strike for normalcy to reach
stability. All tho penalties wilt not
be light, nor evenly distributed. There
is no Instant step from disorder to or
der. No altered system will work a
Outllnm 1'nrtr'n Program.
The call Is for productive America
to go on. I spoiik for administrative
efficiency, for lightening tax burdens,
for sound commercial practices, for
adequate credit facilities, for sympa
thetic concern for all agricultural prob
lems, for the omission of unnecessary
Interference of government with busi
ness, for an end to government's ex
periment In business, and for more
etlicieut business In government ad
ministration Duty Before Women Voters.
With tho nation-wide induction of wom
anhood Into our political life we may
count upon her Intuitions, her refine
ment, her Intelligence and her lniluence
to exalt the social order. We count upon
her exercise of the full privileges and the
performance of the duties of citizenship
to speed tho attainment of the highest
Revolutionists Warned.
If t evolution Insists upon overturning
established order, let other peoples timko
tho tragic experiment There is no place
for It in America. When world war
threatened civilization we pledged our re
sources nnd our lives to Its preservation,
and when revolution threatens we unfurl
the flag of law and order and renew our
consecration. Ours Is a constitutional
freedom where the popular will Is the
law supreme and minorities are sacredly
protected. Our rovlslons reformations
and evolutions rcllect a deliberate Judg
ment and an orderly progress, and wo
mean to cure our Ills, but never destroy
or permit destruction by force.
Tariff Readjustment.
It has been proved again and again
that wo cannot, while throwing our mar
kots open to the wot hi, maintain Ameri
can standards of living and opportunity,
nnd hold our industrial eminence in such
unequal competition. Today, as nevtsr be
fore, when peoples are seeking trade
restoration and expansion, we niuat ad
just our turlfts to the new order. We
seek participation In the world's ex
changes, because therein lies our way to
widened Influence and the triumphs of
peace We know full well we cannot sell
where we do not buy, and we cannot sell
successfully where we do not curiy. Op
portunity Is calling not alone for the
restoration, but ror a new era In produc
tion, transportation and trade, wo shall
answer It best by meeting tho demand
of a surpassing homo market, by pro
moting self-reliance In production and by
bidding enterprise, genius and efllclency
to carry our cargoes In American bot
toms to the marts of tho world.
Aiiierk'H'D lllKhent IiU-iiIk.
We should not havo an America liv
ing within and for herself alone, but
wo would havo her self-rpllant. Inde
pendent nnd over nobler, stronger nnd
richer Believing In our higher stand
ards, reared through constitutional"
liberty nnd malntatnod opportunity,
we Invite the world to the samo
height. Hut pride In things wrought
Is no rellex of a completed tusk. Com
mon welfuro Is tho goal of our national
endeavor. Wealth la not Inimical to
welfare. It ought to bo Its friendliest
agency, There nover can bo equality
of rewards or possessions so long as
tho human plan contains varied talents
und differing degrees of Industry and
thrift, but ours ought to bo a country
free from great blotches of distressed
poverty. We ought to find a way to
guard ugatnst the perils and penalties
of unemployment. We want an Amer
ic of homes, illumined with hope und
happiness, where mothers, freed from
tho necessity for long hours of toll be
yond their own doors, may prosldo as
befits tho hearthstone of American citi
zenship holiMim Pledge lo the People.
Service Is tho supremo corrimltmvnt
of life. I would rejoice to acclaim tho
era of tho Gulden Itulo and orovvn tt
with the uutocrucy of service. I pledge
un administration wherein all tho agen
iles of government aro called to serve,
and ever tiromnte an understanding of
government purely as un expression of
the popular will
Ono cannot stand In this presence
and be unmindful of the tremendous
responsibility Tho world upheaval
has added heavily to our tasks, but
with the realization comes the surge
of high resolve, und there Is reassur
ance In belief in the God-glVpn destiny
of our republic. If I felt that there
is to be solo responsibility In the exec
utive for the America of tomorrow. I
should shrink fr,om tho burden. Hut
hero nre a hundred millions, with com
mon concern and shnred responsibility,
answerablo to God and country The
republic summons them to their duty
anil I Invito co-operation.
I accept my part with single Handed
ness of purpose nnd humility of spirit
and Implore the favpr und guldnnce of
God in Ills Heaven, With these I am
unafraid, and conndently face the fu
I have taken the solemn oath of
olllce on that passage of holy writ
wherein It Is asked: 'What doth the
Uml require of thee but o do Justly,
und to love ieroy. and to walk hum
bly with thy God." This 1 pledge to
God and country.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"J
SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu
matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American I
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents Larger packages.
Aiplrla ts th trade mark of Oayr Manufacture of Monoacticcldstr of Sallcjllcacld
Marvel of the Age.
"Uiirterty," Mild Mr. Dolitn,
j on over to n circus?"
"Many it time."
"And what was thu nioM wonderful
tiling there,"
"I wus.- The wuy I kei shovln'
money Into the window to see the
same old tricks lins kep' nic marvelln'
at myself more thnn I ever did nt the
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl
cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented convenient, economical face,
skin, baby and dusting powder and
perfume. Renders other perfumes su
perfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet
Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv.
"It requires dollars to f?et Into the
fast sot."
"And sense to keep out ot
It Is bettor to ho enthusiastic in a
mistaken cause than apathetic In
King George Now "Black Pig."
King George has received a new
title and Is now a member of the
Black Pig Order of Great Britain. It
Is a social organization of men who
are Interested In raising tho famous
Berkshire pigs, and particularly in
terested in making them reach un
usual si 7.e. King Alfonso also- Is one
of the Black Pigs.
Dye Old Skirts, Dresses, Waists,
Coats, Stockings, Draperies
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains easy directions for dyeing nny
article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or
mixed goods. Beware! Poor dye
streaks, spots, fades, and ruins mate
rial by giving it a "dyed-look." Buy
"Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist has
Color Card. Adv.
If you want to be happy and to
make others happy, put some play Into
every day.
:i: Will Rheumatism Again
Bind You Hand and Foot?
If vou had Rheumatism last year
nnd treated only the pains of tho
disease by rubbinjr with liniments
and lotions, you can be sure that
soon again you will be in the shack
les of this relentless foe. You may
get somo slight temporary relief
from the pains of the disease by
tho use of these local remedies, but
Rheumatism is too real and relent
less a disease to bo rubbed away.
So many cases of Rheumatism
como from a- tiny germ ia the
blood, -that you should try a rem
edy that hna proven so thoroughly
satisfactory in theso cases. S.S.S.,
the fine old blood remedy cleanses
the blood of all impurities, and re
moves all disease germs that may
creep into the blood. Begin taking
S.S.S. today, and if you will write a
complete history of your case, our
medical director will give you ex
pert advice, without charge. Ad
dross Chief Medical Adviser, 167
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Spohiffs Distemper Compound
to brak It op nnd Bet them back In condition. Twenty-six
years' use has made "8iohn's" Indispensable In treating Coughs
and Colds, Influenza and Distemper, with their resulting compli
cations, nnd nil dlfleosea of tho throat, noss and lungs. Acts
mnrvolously n a preventive, acts equally well as a euro. 60
cents and $1 IS per bottlo at drug stores.
laa -
Look at This Price!
3 Per Lb.
Semi-Solid Buttermilk
Trade Mark ReEJ- & Patent Office
putting Brokers' and Middlemen's profits ittCon-
sumera' pockets.
Best Hob and Poultry Feed on the market. It puts the
PEP in them and keeps them healthy. ,,,.,
Prices down to 3Kc per lb. in 600 lb. barrels: AHcia half
barrels; 4c in quarter barrels. P.O. U. factory.
Get Free Sample end Bookletdescrlbinirthia VTondeHul
Consolidated Products Co.
"The only thine for pigs. Makes them irrew like weds.
1C l.WClUUJr,UWVCt W,UDCUtH,,ui.
re- 1 - U k , E.gTJ
k VMrt?i.ifc:r -
"It's the best stuff lever fed."
i t. 1. :.!. auI inrl mat? mlfr"
BrCal u,. ...- "'UTTELL. W.lbsr. Nebr.
"The pigs sure UkciU Best thin k or slioau i Have found."
Cm, VXlil iUUl.WMl,fcVl.
L. 'i JJl i
i . r
Department of National Defense, It
It Believed, Will Meet With
Goneral Approval.
Washington. President IIurdlns'H
determination lo timnlKnmute war,
nnvy nnd air services of. the Rovera
nient Into n slntjle deportment of na
tional tlofuiiM1, with one chief and sub
teerotnrlo for each division, one pur
chuBine nniM?y fr " ulMl w'"1 Jn,nv
honnls of each sorvW rvspoiwllilo fir
the proper defense of the country ot
all times, It ts believed, will meet
with tho hearty approval of men who
have given this subject much disin
terested thought In recent years.
Mr. UnrdlnK must get consent of
congress to mergo the departments
mentioned and, prior to asking Its
permission, John W. Weeks, new sec
retary of wnr, and Kdwlu Denby, now
secretary of tho nnvy, must work out
the plan of action.
The unmlKiuimtlon might easily re
duce exp'ilturo at least a third.
rulwk rU,loct)on of Itod.cU , pply to Uttmoi.t of i
Uon, ucuwa, twiiu,vr
Lnnnuian uovermn-m Agents.
& Is as profitable as grain crowing. Successes as wonderful
as those from srowins wneat, oats, oaney, ana nax nave been made jn
raisins Hor, CattUt, Shcap and Hog. Bright, sunny climate, nurrtt
ias: zrasses. Rood water, enormous fodder crops these spell success to the
farmer and stock raiser. And remember, you can buy en assy terms
Farm Land at 15 to 30 An Acre
' land equal to that which through many years has yielded from 20 to 48 busbsls
or witaat to ma aera 'grume tana convenient to gooa
era In farms at nroDortlonatrty low prices. These lands have SfvXiO '
every rural convenience: good schools, churches, roads, tele-
itM..K ta jtlnaa a a luia Inaina Brtrl rvnsvrt nsaibala
If you want to get back to the farm, or to farm on atairer 5lw CtfJS,
scale than is possible under your present conditions. Invest! r47flH:'Kti
at talhlt lAAatarn Caflflda haft 13 6ffatr VOU. aafaTTataMRMaVV V
For tUattrttcd Wtrtur rtth mpi and pimcvqn reefcrdlno" reduced
. --