Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 03, 1921, Image 3

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, "
. .
Webster Man's Man
Author of "Cappy Ricks," "The Valley of the Giants," Etc.
Ill Copyright by Peter B. Kyno
CHAPTER XI Continued.
Dolores' voice brok In upon his cun
o'lng reflections. "But Billy tells me
you ulrendy hnve n fortune sulliclent
for fhe ueeds of n caliph without n
court. Why risk your previous Ufo to
acquire more? Money Isn't everything
In life."
"No, but, the gnmc Is."
"What game? Mining?"
"The guine of life."
"Hut this Is the game of death."
"Which makes life ull the sweeter
If I can beat the game. Perhaps 1 can
better illustrate my point of view with
n story. Some years ngo I was sent
to Arizona to examine a mining prop
erty and report upon It; If I advised
Its purchuse, my principals were pre
pared to buy at my valuntlon. Well,
when I arrived, I found n miserable
plianty close to n shaft and dump, nnd
In the shnnty I found n weather-beaten
couple. The woman was probably
forty but looked fifty. The man had
never been anything but n hard-rock
miner $1 a day had been the limit of
his earnings In any one day until he
ntumbled on some float, traced It up,
and located the claims I was there to
xamlne and try to buy.
"Ills wife had been a miner's daugh
ter, knowing nothing but drudgery nnd
poverty and continuing that existence
after marriage. For 20 years she had
fjeon darning her husband's socks,
washing his clothes, nnd cooking his
meals. Even after they uncovered the
ledge, It wasn't worth any more than
the country rock to them unless they
could sell It, because the man had
neither the money nor tho ability to
develop It himself. lie even lacked
'the ability to sell it, because It re
quires real ability to unload any kind
of a mine for $1,000,000, and real
nerve on the pnrt of the man who
buys. I examined the mine, decided
1t was cheap nt $1,000,000, nnd so re
ported to my principals. They wired
me to close, nnd so I took a CO-day
option In order to verify the title.
"Well, time passed, nnd one bright
day I rode up to that shnnty with n
deed and a certified check for $1,000,-
000 lc my pocket; whereupon I dis
covered the woman had had a change
of heart and hurked over the traces.
No, blree! She would not sign thot
there deed and Inasmuch as the claim
was community property, her signa
ture was vitally necessary. She asked
me so many questions, however, as to
the size of the .stamp mill we would
Install and how many miners would
be employed on tho job, that finnlly I
f-nw the light and tried a shot in the
dark. "My dear Mrs. Skaggs," I said,
"if you'll sign this deed and save us
nil a lot of litigation over this option
you and your husband have given me,
I'll do something handsome. I will
on my word of honor I'll give you the
exclusive boarding house privilege nt
this mine."
"And what did she say, Caliph?"
"She snld: 'Give mo the pen, Mr.
Webster, and please excuse my hand
writing; I'm that nervous In business
Dolores' si' very laughter rippled
through tho room. "But I don't, see
the point." she protested.
"We will come to It presently. 1
was merely explaining one person's
point of view. You would not, of
course, expect me to hnvc the same
point of view ns Mrs. Skaggs of Ari
zona." "Certainly not."
"All right! Listen to this 1 In 1007,
at the height of the boom times In
Goldfield, Nov. I was worth $1,000,000.
On the first dny of October I could
linye cashed In my mining stocks for
$1,000,000 ntid I had a lot of ensh In
bonk, too. tint I'd always worked so
hanl and been poor so long that my
wealth didn't mean nnythlng to me.
1 wanted the exclusive privilege of
more slavery, nnd so I staked a copper
prospect, which later I discovered to
consist of uncounted acres of country
rock and nbout $"" worth of copper
ntnln. In onJor to save $100 I did my
own assessment work, drovo a pick
Into my foot, developed blood poison.
Awnt to thf hospital, and wns nice nnd
helpless when the panic ciuno along
thu mtrt'lk' of the month. The bank
nt bust, and my ready cash wont
with It: I couldn't give my mining
stocks nway. Everybody knew I wns
r paupei everybody but the doctor,
lie nerslstod In regarding me as n mil
lionaire and sent me n bill for $5,000."
"How perfectly outrageous I Why,
Caliph, I -voulcl have let him sue me."
"1 would have, too but I didn't. I
Induced him to settle for $100,000
shares of stock In my copper prospect.
The par value wns $1 a share, and I
wns go'ng to sell a block nt 10 cents,
but I? view of his high professional
ntanding I let him have It for a nickel
a share. I Imagine he still has It. I
bought back later all the other stock
I sold, because tho property was
worthless, nnd In order to be n sport
I offered him ?500 for his block, but
be thought I wns trying to swindle
bfm and asked $5,000."
"Oh, Caliph!"
"Wonderful game, Isn't It this
fame of -life. Bo sweet when n fel
low's taking chances ! Now that I am
fairly prosperous again, the only thing
t lb7c that really tnattA-a I the tu.
certainty us to whether, when finally
I do leave Sobrante, I shall ride to
the stenuishlp landing In a hack or a
"But you could go In a hnck this
morning nnd avoid that uncertainty."
"The millionaire drudgo I told you
of could hnve gone to live In a pretty
villa on the Illvlern, but she chose a
minor's boarding house."
"Then why," she persisted, "did you
leave the United States with tho firm
.Intention of remaining In Sobrnnto In
definitely, change ypur mind before
you were here eight' hours, nnd cable
this Neddy Jerome person you would
return In 00 or 00 days and the fol
lowing morning decide to remain, aft
er nil 1"
"My dear young lady, If I chnnged
ray clothes as often us I change my
mind, the what-you-mny-cnll-'em chaps
that manufacture a certain brand of
clothes couldn't keep me dressed."
"But why?"
"That," he answered gravely, "Is n
"Women delight to pry Into men's
"I know It Hnd a friend once.
mnrrled. Every night after dinner he
used to sit and stare Into the fire nnd
his wife used to ask him what he was
thinking about. He would look up nt
her owllshly and tell her It was some
thing he couldn't explain to her, be
cause she'd never understand It nnd
that was all he would tell her, al
though right frequently, I dare sny,
he felt like telling her some things
she could understand? She brooded
over his secret until sho couldn't stand
It any more, and one day she packed
her duds nnd flew home to mother.
He let her stay there three months,
nnd finally one day he sent her a blue
print of what he'd been thinking
"What was It?"
"An Internal-combustion engine. You
see, until she left him, he'd never
been able to get set to figure out
something In connection with the Inlet
valves "
"Stop right there, Caliph. I'm re
buked. I'll lot you get set to
think ".
"1 didn't mean that. You let me
get set yesterday and I figured It all
out then and last night and a min
ute ago. I don't care to do nny more
thinking today. I'lease tnlk to me."
"And you refuse to tell me why you
cabled your friend Jerome?"
'"You will never know. I told you
It's a .secret."
"Bet you I find out."
"How much? That $10,000 you ex
pect to make from the Hour-gold In
your black-sand claim? And, by the
way, $10, please. I won It for guessing-you
were Interested In n mining
Sho returned to htm the bill she had
won from him the day before. "Ten
thousand dollars suits me. Of course,
I haven't ?ot the money just now, and
this is what Billy calls a finger bet,
but If I losfc, I guarantee to pay. Are
wo betting even money? I think thot
is scarcely fair. Undor the circum
stances I should be entitled to oddft."
"Nothing doing! No odds on t. bet
of this nature to a sceress who has al
ready jarred me from soul to vermi
form appendix by making good ! You
knov too i)!nined much already, and
how you discovered It Is a problem
that may drive mo crazy yet."
After breakfast they repaired to tho
veranda to await tho result of Web
ster's experiment with Don Juan Cnfe
tero. Sure enough, tho wreck had nguln
returned, he wns seated on the edge of
tho veranda waiting for them; ns they
approached, he held up n grimy, quiv
ering hand, in the palm of which Iny
a live-dollar gold piece.
"What?" Mr. Webster said, amazed.
"Still unchanged 4"
"I thried to change It nt half a dozen
cantinas," Don Junn wheezed, "hut
dlvil u bit nv systim did any nv thlm
have, Wnn offered this In splggoty
money an' the other offered that, nn'
sure If I'd taken the best that was
offered me In exchange, ye might have
fought I'd tuk more nor wan dhrlnk."
"Bravo! Three long, loud, raucous
cheers for Don Juun Cufetero!" Do
lores cried. "Was It a terrible task to
come back without n drink, Don Juan?"
lie shivered'. "A shljy-blue kangaroo
wit' a pink tall nn" green ears chased
me Into this patio, mn'utn."
"You're very brave, CatTerty. How
does It feel to win back your self
respect?" Webster asked him.
"Beggln' tne young leddy's pardon
It feels like hell, sor."
"Cullph, don't be cruel," Dolores
pleaded. "Call a waiter and give Don
Juan what you promised him."
So Webster went Into the hotel bar
mid returned presently with n bottle
of brandy nnd a glass, which he filled
and held out toward Don Junn. "One
of the paradoses of existence, Don
Juan," ho observed, "lies in tho fact
that so many of the things In life that
are good for us are bad for us. This
Jolt will disperse tho menagerie and
quiet your nerves, but nevertheless It
Is a mill In your coffin."
Webster, accompanied by his pro
tege, strolled uptown on a shopping
tour. Here ho outfitted Don Juan
neatly hut not guudlly nnd added to
his own personal effects two high-nw-
Bonrtloa rule, thrc Ur9-ci-
Iber nutomntlc pistols, and a plen
tiful supply of nramunltlon nftor
which he returned to the hotel, first
having conducted Don Juan to a bnr
ber shop nnd given him Instructions
to report for orders and his mid-day
drink tho Instant ho should have ac
quired the outwnnl evidences of re
spectability. At the hotel Webster . found two
messnges airaltlng him. One was from
Billy Geary, up at San Miguel de Pad
ua, advising him that everything was
In readiness for a trip to the mine;
tho other was a note from ftienrdo
Ruey, but signed with his alias of
Andrew Bowers. Webster rend:
' "Dear Friend:
"A certain hlgher-up hns been con
vinced that It would bo extremely in
advisable to eliminate you now. It
has been pointed out to this person
thnt you are a prom. clt. up In your
neck of the woods nnd dangerous to
monkey with personally and because
such monkeying may lead to unpleas
ant complications with your paternal
government. A far more artistic and
effective way of raising hell with you
hns been suggested to this higher-up
Individual, and he has accepted It In
deed, the plnn pleased him so much
that he laughed quite heartily. Ileal
ly, It Is quite diabolical, but remem
ber, he who lnughs last laughs best
and I'm the villain In this sketch.
"Barring accidents, my dear Web
ster, you are good for at least six
weeks of existence. Beyond that I
dare not guarantee you.
"That makes It nice," the recipient
of this comforting communication so
liloquized. He went up to his room,
packed a duffle bng with such belong
ings ns he would Hnd necessary dur
ing n prolonged stny In tho mountains,
nnd nt luncheon wns fortunute enough
to find Dolores in the dlnfng room
when he entered.
"I'm going up to Snn Miguel de Pad
ua this afternoon," he announced ns
he took his sent. A look of extreme
anxiety clouded her lovely face, and
he noticed It. "Oh, there's no risk,"
he hastened to assure her. "That
scamp of a brother of yours, through
his friends In high jilaccs, has man
aged to get me n reprieve." He hand
ed her Itlcardo's letter.
Slio looked up, Inuch relieved, from
her perusal. "And how long do you
expect to bo gone, Cullph?"
"Quite a while. I'll ho busy around
that dratted concession for a couple
'of weeks, sucveying and assaying nnd
whnt-all; then, while waiting for our
machinery and supplies to arrive from
the United States, I shall devote my
spare time to hunting nnd fishing nnd
reforming Don Juan Cafetero. The
cool hills for mine."
"What a selfish, unsociable pro
gram I" she reflected. "I wonder If
It will occur to him to come down
hero once In a whjle and take mo for
n drive on the Mnlecon nnd talk to
tee to keep mo from dying of ennui
before I meet Klcnrdo. I'll wait and
see If he Ruggests It"
Ilmvevei, for reasons best known to
himself und the reader, Mr. Webster f
made no such Interesting suggestion;
so she decided that while he wns tre
mendously nice, he was, nevertheless,
a very queer man nnd thoroughly ex
asperating. Just before the train polled out
John Stuart Webster took Dolores'
hnnd. "Good-by, Seeresa," ho said
very soberly. "The trail forks, hero
for the first time possibly tho last,
although I'll 2ry to bo on hand to
mnke good on my promise to present
you to your brother tho day he oc
cupies the palace. However, If I
shouldn't be In town that day. Just
go up end Introduce yourself to him.
rt's been wonderful to have met you
and known you, even for such n brief
period. I shall never forget you nnd
tho remarkable ill hours Just passed."
"I shall not soon forget them my
self. Cnllph nor you," she added.
"Haven't you been a busy little cup
of tea, Caliph! Within 21 hours after
landing, you have changed your mind
three, times, lost tho best Job In the
world, had your fortune told, been
marked for slaughter, acquit ed n new
found friend and commenced nctlvely
and with extraordinarily good results
the work of reforming him, boused a
gentleman In the fountain, spurned
another with tho tip of your boot,
rode with me nround the Malecon and
listened to the bund concert, bundled
poor Billy off to San Miguel de Pad
ua, discovered my brother presumed
to be dead, nnd received a reprieve
from your enemies, while they per
fect new plans for destroying you.
Kenlly, you are ijulto a cnllph."
"Oh, there's a dash of speed In tho
old horse yet, Miss Ituey," he assured
her laughingly. "Now listen ; don't tell
anybody nbout your brother, nnd don't
tell Billy nbout my adventures since
he left for San Miguel do Padua,"
"But I'm not liable to see Billy "
"Yes, you nre extremely liable. I'm
going to wnd him hack to you ns soon
ns I can sparo him, because I know
you'll be lonesome ami bored to denth
In this lonesome town, und Bill Is
bully good company. And I don't want
you to tell him about the mess I'm
In, because It would only worry him;
ho rnn'l nld tax and Urn Iccowltirtau
thnt I wns In any danger, real or
fancied, would be sufficient to cnusc
him to rebel ncnlnst my plans for his
honeytn for his vncntlon. ne'd In
sist on sticking around to protect mo."
He looked down at her little hand
where It rested In his, so big and
brown nnd hanl; with his free hand
he patted her hand paternally, "Good
by, Secrcss," he said ngnln; and turn
ing to the steps, ho leaped aboard
Just as the train started to movo out
of the station.
"Goo good-by Caliph," sho called
mournfully. Then to herself: "Bless
his heart, he did remember I'd be
terribly lonely, after nil. Ilo Isn't n
bit queer, but oh, denr, ho Is so ex
asperating. I could bump his kind
old head against a wall !" She turned
her hack on the train, fenrful that
from where he clung on the steps he
could, even nt that distance, seo the
sudden rush of tears that blinded her.
However, Don Juan Cafetero, with his
rubicund nose to tho window of tho
last conch, did seo them-rsaw her
grojie toward the carriage wnltlng to
tnke her back to tho hotel.
"Why, shure, the poor durllnt's cry
In'," he reflected. "Bo tho Great Gun
nn Athlone! Shure I fought nil along
'twas Billy Geary she hnd her eye on
God love him I An' be the same
token, didn't sho tell me I was to
shtny sober nn' tnko care at Mlshter
Web.stor. Hah-hah-a-at Weill I'll
say nothln' nn' I'll be neuthrnl, but
but hut "
From which It may be Inferred thnt
romance was not yet burned out of
Don Juan's Gaelic soul. Ho would be
"neuthrnl," but but but he re
served the right to butt In I
Arrived at San Miguel de Padua
about midnight, Webster found the
climate temperate, in fact, decidedly
cool. Billy was waiting for them nnd
was properly amazed, but not scan
dalized when Don Junn Cafetero,
uhushig the station hands In a horri
ble hodgepodge of English aivl Span
ish, superintended the lnmllng of the
bnggugo on the plntform.
"I hnd to bring him with' me," Web
ster explained. "I'm golujj to wean
him, and after that baby quits cry
ing for his bottle, nellcve me. Bill,
we'll hnve tlwj prince of n foreman for
oi.r mine Quite n character, Is Don
.Tun11, when you dig down Into him."
"Dig fur enough into thnt ruin and
you'll find lire crackers," Billy admit
ted. "However, John, I'm afraid he
won't explode. The powder's daw;.
How did you lenve Dolores?"
"Fit as a fiddle. BUI."
"How docs she stack v on better
acquaintance, Johnny?"
"She's n skookuii' hiss. Sho sent
her love und I promised to send you
buck to her P. D. Q. sTi don't bother
me with tnlk nbout her. You'll see
her nguln Ja n week or ten days, I
"Not Is that so, Johnny? Bully
for you, you old wampus cat. Tell
Don Juan to steer you over to the
Olobo'de Oro. He knows tho place.
I've got to go and hire a mule or
somo other qundruped for Don Juan
If we'ro lo nvoid a late start In tho
morning. Good night, old fellow."
They were up at daybreak, and
with three henvlly laden pack njule
In chnrge of two seml-nuked niozos,
whllo the cook Jogged comfortably
along on his big spiny feet In tho rear,
they set out for Billy's concession.
For 30 miles they followed the high
way, and then debouched to the south
west nlong u neglected road Just wide
enough to accommodate the clumsy
ox carts of the peons. The country
was sparsely settled and evidently giv
en over to stock raising.
Darkness hnd descended on the val
ley by the time they hnd- pitched camp
at tho claim. They were up at
dawn tho following morning, however,
ami Immediately nftor breakfast Jack
Webster went to his duffle bag and
In (Might forth a dozen llttJ canvas
sin is und n prospector's hummer.
"Nw then, WIHInni, my son," ho an
nounced, "light the lantern und we'll
see tf you've forgotten all l taught
you about mining."
'J hey clninbered up the dump to if
po ut where two light steel mils pro.
Je led over tho edge. On top of the
dump, lying beside the rails, were two
small, nihty, steel ore cars; the rails
led from tho edge of the dump to the
mouth of u tunnel In the hillside and
dlMippeured therein.
Webster stood u moment, looking
nr-iind him. "How did you huppen to
locate this ledge?" he demanded.
"Wuh It grnss root stuff, with un out
cropping here nt the foot of the lilll?
No. of course, It wusn't. You haven't
enough oro on the dump. What the
devil were you driving ut?"
"Only n small portion of thut dump
Is mine, Jack, nnd I didn't locate the
ground originally. I enmo Into this
valley from the south, nnd ns I worked
tip Hie range, I found a bnld spot
close to the top of the hill, nnd n gal
lows frame over un nbandoned shnft.
Naturally, I went down the shaft to
see why It hud been abandoned. To
my surprise, I found a 12-foot vein
of free-milling ore, on a contact be
tween iindeslto nnd Silurian limestone.
The ledicu vtood atraight, up ami down.
which seemed to argnf jfrrat fjjjttei
"Somebody hnd found nn ontcropJ
ping on top of thnt hill," Webster dJ
clnred with conviction, "nnd sunk
shaft on tlie vein to open it up nnd de
termine Its width nnd direction. And
whnt did you do, Bill?"
"I tot my transit and ran n lln
from the shnft on the hill, following
tho direction In which the ledgo wni
running, nnd marked out the exact
point toward the base of the hill where
1 would start my tutitfcl to cut the
ledge. To my surprise, I discovered
my predecessor hnd selected that
Identical spot. So 1 verified 'my cal
culations and then snt dowu to think
It over. I remembered thnt frequent
and violent earthquakes occur In thli
country, nnd it Deemed to mo a rea
sonable hypothesis to blame some an
cient nnd particularly violent seismic
disturbance, which had faulted the
vein and set It over a considerable
distance. According to my calcula
tion, thnt other man should hnvo cut
tho vein at 83 feet yet ho had gone
on 10:2 before quitting. So I got half
n dozen peons and drove ahead .19
feet on the other fellow's tunnel ; nnd
by Heck, Johnny, I cut the vein!"
"Bully boy! And then?"
"I drifted ten feet on the vein, and
the ore suddenly gave out. It stopped
Just like thot, proving I'd como to
the upper end of tho vein whero It
hnd faulted; so I Just worked up nnd
around, stopetng nnd sinking a "wlnw
here nnd there, until Just about the
time my cash reserve was getting pret
ty low I picked up the true vein nn4
opened It up for tho full width. Come
In, nnd I'll show you."
They entered tho tunnel, to tho sift
nal dismay of dozens of large bata.
When they reached the vein, Webster
broke off samples of the oro every
three or four feet, crnwled nftor Hilly
up through the stopo and bnck to thfl
true vein, from tho face of which he
also took numerous samples; then he
crnwled out Into the sunshine nguln.
hot, dirty, and perspiring.
"Billy, you'll be n real miner yet;
see If you won't," wns ull the praise
"Billy, You'll De a Real Miner Yet"
lie tendered his youthful partner,
standing bushju him In antidilution 01
a compliment, ns Webster got out hi
portable ussuy outfit
For threo dnys Webster worked
determining the values of ench sam
ple, only to find that his nssayn com
firmed Billy's. "You we right, son,"
ho finnlly announced.. "This mine if
n humdinger nnd no mistake; If yon
and I live ten yours we'll bo worth
$10,000,000 between us maybe more."
Billy's Jaundiced eyes glowed hun
grily. "We'll put In 11 hundred
stumps "
"Well, we'll try ten for n starter,"
Webster Interrupted dryly, "and add
more as the mine pays Its way. 7.t'
tho sweetest mining proposition in
earth only, like all high-class goovla.
It hns one Haw when you examine It
"You're crazy," Billy chnllengeO
"Nnme tho iluwl"
Derivation of Blachmall.
Orlgh.illy, hluckmnll vtus money
puld, In troublous time, to protect
hoiiHolinhjfr.H und workers uf. the laud,
nguliist freebooteyx. The word "black"
did not mean wicked or wrongful, but
hnd the sense of to eherh'h flr protect.
This wns u customary tribvlR of money,
corn, cattle or the llko ortintly paid
In the northern rciunl.V fr? England
or Scotland for protectijiii K!iliist pil
lage, Just as Insurance Is now paid
to corporations formed to provide If
for a consideration. In thu. course
of time the word took on added mean
ings, JukUiib almost every other word
has, and today It represents nn ut
tempt to hold up and defraud by
means of Intimidation nnd threats.
Din Fish From Mud.
In less civilized parts of tho conti
nent of Afrlcn on tho Gambia river,
for exnmplor-wo find llsb-specrlng ai
well 'as mud-searching. Tho West Af
nenn negroes are very fond of tho
"mud-eel," which, according to soma
naturalists, ought to be Unused us a
reptile, on account of Its foot-like (In
When the floods Hiihsldo thousands of
these nre left high und dry, and
promptly bury themselvcsjn tho mud
which soon becomes hard" and earth,',
and hero they would remain till th'
next Inundation If tho ncgroe did
not come along with wooden irk
and dig them out Excbuugu.
I I "'"i--y?" i-' nJ-t
A Qrf at Mtdlolni
Un. M. J. niltr. II. n, No. I, Box 101, cu
Ttct,Taxu, wrlui!
-I htT oitd re-m-ut tnd kacnrltliaood
for eoldt, ooogtit and ctunh. It cored taj
caurrh and Ido Dot Uka cold wbn I dm
r-ran. It U k bt at mullein."
During the, lutflftjryMn.IVm-nahubMn
looked upon aa tlia leltabla modlclna (or
eiurrti of erery description, whether It ba ot
the note and tnroat, atomach, boweli or other
Ur keeping r-rn-na In the homo (or ewer
cenelei, eertoni ilekneti may frequenUrba
prerented. Uieltarjerthe'irlporBraaUhFln.
Sold Evtrywhtrt
Its toasted
tJiwFairv Sodas packed irrtim
& ifrSh-ja-Jk-jfc-
As Tasty and Fresh As the
Day They Were Baked
Tlmt'n the way you (jet Fairy Soda Craok
ra when you buy thorn In returnable catia.
Tacked while still warm from tho ovene.
theae cracker retain tbelr flavor and orlip
ness until used.
Heturnabla cana ore molaturo proof, duet
proof. Intact proof, odor proof.
lluylni; In full cans 1 economical and
latlafaatory always.
Aak Your Grocer lor I'TEN'S FAIRY S0DA9
und be sure you get the trenulno.
When tho body begins to stiffen
und movement becomes painful it
is usually an indication that tho
kidneys are out of order. Keep
theso organs healthy by taking
1110 world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder nnd uric acid troublos.
Famous ulnco 1606. Tuko rerpilarly and
keep in good health. In throe nlzus, all
dniRtfiats, Guaranteed as represented.
Look for tit name Cold Mtlal on oTory boit
aid accept no IraltauVa
Rettorea Color and
Daauly to Cray and t-adei Ilaii
d. nnd II n) at Drntrrliti.
niM-nx Chern. Wka. l'tflion,N. Y.
HINDERCORNS Itemo nnme, Cal
louwta. nn., ttottf all pain, rnturea anuifort tn tha
trrt. malire walking ear. ISc by mail oral lruif
Clltd. UlaoosChroiUial Worka,l'atelwL-u,M. V. j
3AI.Krt.MAN WANTISI). A clean cut, mil-
Jltloua man. We liavo an opportunity whora
rour ability will ba rewarded In a 1110 way,
Miclunlvn territory to man nf merit Th
llarvol Wlndalilrld and Window Cloth sail
lo every auto owner, (lives driver clear view
!n stormy weather MA11VKI. Ml'll CO,,
111 8U.13EX AVK, NIlWAltK, N .1
roilACCO Ky 'a nttra fine chewing and
unoklni; tobacco, aged In bulk, two year
Jld, rich and mellow Long allky leaf 10
His., 14, poitpd Sd nrade, 10 lbs., SI. lief.,
1st Null Hank Adams Urot, Ilardwcll, Ky,
hKKIlS roit KAI.r.
MfulfftJIO Hwei'i clover 7 Corn 2. Tlnv
Jthy J AIUMIAI.U Noun City, Iowa.
lnriflfll A MK" V .K" nrauTirut
vimt Clifcai
tsfcMi ;