Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 24, 1921, Image 7

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    ) ,r
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A .
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t j:
Points the Way to Comfort
and Health. Other Women
Please Read
Moundaville, W. Va. "I had taken
doctor's medicine for nearly two years
because my periods
I were irregular, came
every two weeks,
and 1 would sutler
with bearing-down
pains. A lady told
me of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound and how
much good it had
done her daughter,
so 1 took it and now
I am regular every
month and have no
pain at all. I recommend your medi
cine to everyone and you may publish
my testimonial, hoping that the Vege
table Compound does some other girl
the good it has done me. " Mr3. George
"Tegakden, 915 Third Street, Mounds
ville, W. Va.
How many young girls suffer as Mrs.
Tegarden did and do not know where to
turn for advice or help. They often aro
obliged to earn their living by toiling
day in and day out no matter how hard
the pain they have to bear. Every girl
who suffers in this way should try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
if she does not get prompt relief writo
to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Massachusetts, about her health,
Such letters are held in strict confl
dence. Flavor!
No cigarette has
thosamo delicious
flavor as Lucky
Strike. Because
ThtsJfmiieA. tJrfaeZi
tr"al FREE
Send No Money
Our 10 karat gold-filled large slz
perfect vision spectacles fitted wlti
good sight lenses made of the purest
of optical crystal will bo sent to you f oi
They will enable you to read the small
ctt print and thread the finest needle ud
ler either day or artificial light. We will
end you glasses for either reading, dla
tance or working purposes.
Uio this ad to tent the atrength of you;
eyoa. Mark the smallest type you can read
bout 14 Inches from the eye with both eyea
Then hold a card over one eye and teat tni
strength of each eye separately. Send thi
result to us. State your age, and how loni
you havo worn glasses If at all. Properlj
fitted glasses will be sent you at once. Trj
them at our expense. If you like them send
us only 12 95 (regular value J7 60); It not,
return them and wo charge you nothing.
Sept. A10 Chicago, 111
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body
full of youth and health may be
yours if you will keep your system
In order by regularly taking
Th world's standard remedy for kidney,
Urer, bladder and uric add troubles, th
nemles of life and looks. In uia aloe
1CB6. All druggists, three sizes.
tok for Uia name Gold Maal on nary LoS
and accept do imitation
Guns nnd ammunition, skaten, sweaters, heavy
winter coats. All kliJ tclnlct sports tqulpmtnL
315-317 4th Street Sioux Clly, Iowa
The Dry Cleaner and Dy&
Expert Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
Hats Cleaned.
513 Nebraaka St., SIOUX CITY, IOWA
l.i:i).S KOK bAl.K
Alfalfa U0 Sweat cluvar 17 Corn I!. Tim.
othjr II J MUL.UALU Sioux City, Iowa.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 9-1021.
IFF v&$!&t
!112JH&Wi Jm
Yankees Like
Western Tales
Doughboys on the Rhine Show
Preference for Stories of
Adventure in the West.
Activity of Caesar In Rhine Valley
Makes Translations of His Gallic
Wars of Interest to Soldiers
Legends Also Popular.
Coblenz. Tales of adventure In the
American West are the favorite read
ing matter of the American forces In
Germany, and Zane Grey Is the most
popular author.
Strangely enough, Julius Caesar
runs a close second with the dough
hoys, who aro very keen about trans
lations of Caesar's activities In the
Ithlnu valley and the ruins of a bridge
he built across the Rhine, which lifts
Caesar's work out of the schoolbook
class and makes It a guidebook that
carries the Americans back nearly
'.2,000 years.
Books wliich describe the legends
centering about the lUiine are also
popular, especially with the soldiers
who are nniHicnlly Inclined nnd who
itteiid the Wagnerian performances
given 'by the various German grand
opera companies which play In Co
'ogne, Coblenz, Wiesbaden and the
other cities near the Hhlne frequented
by soldiers on leave.
Like Story Magazines.
All-story magazines wliich special
ize In adventures nro more popular
with the American soldiers than any
Dther periodicals, and the American
Library association has been unable
to supply the demand for publications
)f this sort.
With the assistance of the Young
Wen's Christian association, which
aids In the distribution of reading ma
terial In the American area, Miss Ala
VVeyth, who Is in charge of the Amer
can Library association's reading
rooms, has been able to make a geu
?ral poll of the reading taste of the
army and finds that foreign residence
.las not won the young Americans
iway from fiction laid in America, par
ticularly In the West.
The American Library association
ins about 30,000 books available for
merlcans, French, Belgians and Eng
lish residents of the occupied area, and
ilso hns circulated' ninny books by
null to Americans living In other parts
f Germany. Threo hundred copies
Mich of 30 American weekly nnd
Monthly publications, In addition to a
Mary Garden as
Mary Garden, the famous operatic
1 first day as general director of tho Chicago grand opern. Her appointment
' tr Oia tin tin ft tit nnof nniiund trm'ti nvnltninnnf Iti tint tnitulnri I t ml t It mi I tlffil
iJ till 111IJJUI . V JIVOl. VllMf7V.ll l.l V4).liviuvtlk Wit UIUOItl lllllt Vtv- W " "-
Find Latent Talent
Psychology Used in Tests
University of Wisconsin.
Experts Hunt Among Freshmen for
Material for Likely Journalists
and Machinists.
Madison, Wis. I'Hychoioglcal tests
of uhlllty for miicblno shop work evi
denced by freshmen In tho college of
engineering are being undertaken by
tho department of psychology at the
University of Wisconsin.
Tho results of the tests aio being
computed by students In vocational
psychology iih a part of their work In
preparing to become employment
Another et of tests designed to
gauge Journalistic ability Is to be giv
en to freshmen In the course of Jour
nalism In conjunction with schools of
JouMulIsm In other universities, T'ies
large number of newspapers, have
been taken by the organization and
circulated through the branch li
braries at Andernach and Mnyen, as
well as through the American base
hospital and the main library In
Turned Over to Y. M. C. A.
With the beginning of lO'il, tho
American Library association turned
Its: hooks over to the Y. M. C. A. nnd
Is no longer supporting the work.
The main library In Coblenz wns
formerly a German officers' club and
Is Ideally suited to library purposes.
It has a great ballroom, which makes
an excellent reading room, nnd also
hns sun parlors and large drawing
rooms, witli ninny windows. Mnny
Germans lmve asked for the privilege
of using the library, but this has been
denied, as the army did not think It
advisable. One German told the li
brarian he had lived ninny years in
America and should really be allowed
to have books, because he was an
American "In principle."
Toxic Candles
As War Weapon
Diphenylchlorarsine Develops Va
por Which Penetrates Gas
Masks, Says Expert.
Conceal Movements of Small Groups
of Men Close at Hand British De.
veloped Candles Which Were
Used by All the Allies.
Philadelphia. Toxic smoke candles,
recently developed, will have an ex
tensive use In future wars, In the opin
ion of L. I. Shaw of the Internal bu
reau of mines, who recently spoke on
"Smoke and Incendiary Material" be
fore the Franklin Institute.
"Smoke cnndles, so called," he said,
"are small cylindrical boxes which are
Ignited by some sort of friction de
vice, nnd which contains smoke pro
ducing mixtures. Their use Is In set
ting up a smoke screen close ot hand,
for after Ignition they are simply set
on the ground, not being thrown or
Opera Director
star, photographed at her desk on nor
tests will bo given for soveral succes
sive yearn to determine whether It Is
possible to discover latent newspaper
talent through psychology tests.
The system of giving psychological
teats, Instead of regular entrance ex
aminations to students who wish to
enter a university, has been tried In
severnl universities. Tho Iden Is that
it student who has a good mind, but
bus Insufllclent or Inferior high school
training, mny be advised as to the
lines of mudy for which ho Is beit
In this regurd, tho University of
Wisconsin lb giving more specific tests
than most other universities. IJy giv
ing a dozen or more tests for the nino
results, tho psychologists at the uni
versity are determining which tests
aro best. In a smull series of toot
already conducted, however, the re
sults do not correspond well with tho
scholastic lecords of tli indents
---- -- --- ---
j Man's Gold Tooth Stolen
j by Expert Pickpocket
New Orleans. There Is In
New Orleans a pickpocket who
Is expert enough to fill 1111 the
time-honored specification test
of being "able to steal a mniiN
gold teeth." He demonstrated
this when ho stole a gold tooth
which had previously been the
property of Adrlen A. Chazullo,
1030 St. Philip street. However,
the tooth happened to be In Mr.
Chazulle's purse at the time,
and It was the purso which the
pickpocket took while Us ownor
was a passenger In the Louis
iana avenue street car.
Noisy Geese Give Fire Alarm.
New York. Two thousand geese,
ducks nnd chickens, awaiting death In
a poultry shop, chorused an alarm for
lire that caused heavy property los
In eleven retail clothing and food
stores In the Bronx.
The unusual squawking awakened
residents of the neighborhood and at
tracted a policeman, who telephones
lire headquarters. The blaze was con
trolled by firemen after a two-hour
projected in nny way. The need U
very apparent to make the movement!
of small groups of men close nt hand
Tried by British.
"The British, early In the wnr, de
veloped very satisfactory smoke can
dles which wen1 used by all the al
lies. The Americans also developed u
candle which was satisfactory, but
which did not get Into production and
u-e in Krance before the armistice.
The smoke Is normally white, must
have maximum capacity and be cool
enough to prevent thG setting up ol
air currents nnd thus rise from the
ground. It must be heavy so as to be
displaced by the minimum amount of
wind nt low velocity. These require
ments are admirably met by cnndles
which produce a smoke consisting of
zinc chloride.
"As regards the future of Incendlarj
mntcrlal, my own opinion, which opin
ion, however, Is substantiated by at
least some of the military critics, la
that Incendlnry material, except for
small nrms and long range shell nnd
drop bombs, will hnvo at least a lim
ited and, perhaps, no use. The flame
projectors will probably never boused
In a future war. Smoke- material, on
tho other hand, will have n very exten
sive and ever-Increasing use. By tho
use of the smoke screen during an nt
tack the casualties can be lnrgely re
duced. New Us,e of Smoke.
There was In progress of develop
ment by tho British and Americans
during the lntter part of the war smoko
candles which would give a toxic
smoke. Tho toxic material em
ployed was diphenylchlorarsine. Di
phenylchlorarsine Is a solid which va
porizes In tho heat of tho candle and
is obtained In such a state of division
that It will penetrate most gns masks.
Such toxic smokes, of which thero will
probably lie others developed, will find
a very extensive use In the future. It
Is the greatest step mado thus far In
tho new use of smoke."
There Was She, Waiting.
Flora, Ind. Fred Rhodes awoke nt
his homo several miles out In tho coun
try to find tho roads blocked by snow
drifts. IIo was to marry Miss Vera
Gardner 80 miles away, but by the
time he had cleaned a path through
the snow and had made a horseback
trip to Elkhart, his train was gone
nnd ho was nine hours late reaching
the bride's home. She was still wait
ing. Slow Clock Costs Railroad Money.
Decatur, Ala. Because tho clock In
u railroad Matlon was slow, causing
her to miss the train on which tho
body of her dead son was being con
veyed, Mrs. Ellen Carey hns been
awarded $r;)0 damages against tho
Louisville and Nashville railroad.
". - ' 1M 4 .
t "Let's Go" Is Foremost
Among Slogans of War
Washington. "Let's go," was
tho chief Imttlo slogan of the
American army In tho world war.
Thero were other popular and
effective phrases used by tho
troops "Whoro do wo go from
hero?" and "When do wo eat?"
for Instance, but In the opinion
of Col. I2d ward I,. .Munson, chief
of morale, general stair, made
public recently, "for everyday
use, In rest, or In battle, the uio-
gan 'let's go' stands foremost."
Doe Wanders Throurjh Town.
ISenvertown. I 'a. A large doe chased
by dogn came down the main street
hero ami taking n Hying loop, lauded
In the garden of I'ulmer'.s hotel.
After a few minutes she again
Jumped tho fence nnd tiotted through
the business streets, often stopping to
look In windows. '"
Trade Mark lima.
putting Brokers' and Middlemen's profits in Con
sumers' pockets.
Beet Hob and Poultry Fred on the market. It puts the
PEP in them and keep, them healthy.
Pricea down to 3Kc per lb. in 500 lb. barrelt; Wc In half
barrrU; 4Vc in quarter barrels. P.O. U. factory.
Get Free Sample and booklet dracriblng thla Wonderful
Consolidated Products Co.
"The only thlnu for plea. Makes them btqk like weeda."
K. T. McKILUP, Beaver Crosslna, Nebr.
"It's Uio best atuff I ever fed." F. SEIVERS. Iowa.
"A creat chicken feed and ecs maker."
T. J. UTTF.LL, Wilber, Nebr.
"The piss sure like It. Best thine f or shoata I have found."
K VAN HORN. Burr. Nebr.
myvjo Z&- K w, -..
-zzjaett v jr
iii? j& jr
m ,
.i kind which grows
But Really It Seemed as Thourjh
Mother Had Some Strong Grounds
for Complaint.
Tlio following story Is told of n cer
tain school In centrul New York. Dr.
L , Uio henltli olllcur, had Just
tnndo tho customary physical examina
tion and filled out tho vorloiiH health
Ono afternoon hu received a visit
from an Irato mother.
"I should like to know," she snld hoi
llBerently, "what you mean by calling
my hoy 'a poor nut'?"
"Madam,' said the astonished physi
cian, "I haven't an Idea what you aro
talking about. To tho best of my
knowledgo I havo never applied tho
epithet you mention to any person."
"It's down In black and white," con
tinued his visitor unappeascd. "My
Jim hns Just been transferred to
D school, nnd It's on his health
card as plain as can be, 'Poor Nut."'
Tho light of comprehension dawned
on tho bewildered doctor. lie smiled.
"Ah I seo I Toor Nut,' my denr
tnadnrn, Is merely nn abbreviated way
ot saying 'poor nutrition.' " Youth'ri
The Alibi.
"Prisoner at tho bar, you nro
jharged with vagrancy, having no vis
ible means of support. Aro you guilty
jr not guilty?"
"Not guilty, your honor. Norn,
ihnko hands wld de Judgo; Judge, meot
no wife 1" Richmond Tlmos-Dlspntch.
' v " '- y ""y
Blip Am 5
$L tf&m mw.
eMMMt. . . yswmtms
in your meal-time bev
erage when you use
Instant Postum
Its pleasing flavor re
sembles that of coffee, but
it contains none of coF
fee s harmful elements
Made in the cup "Quick
as a winkT by the addition
of hot water, strong or mild
to suit individual taste,- '
InstantPoscum is the Ideal Drink
for all the Family.
Made!) Postum Cereal Gompany.Inc.
Battle CreeJc, MicKigarx.
Look at This Price!
3fc !rLb-
U. S. Pattst Office
Think what that means to you In
it ' ;.-Vt-Tr--r ' f-x. r& . Uev . .? '
SsM'SiSLV -'nJ cJ-vs4 '
. - m "i i r i .iv vt eip aiei a . ni a. iiee , i
V !' -riii v kwu uuiu uuuars wnn iuc KTcac ac
' , .. tnand for wheat at hlah prices. Many
a single crop. The same success may still b
fftP fjntl Mn hilu on itu Urma
Farm Land at S 15 to $30 an Acra
lA4nt..l n.D. (Iltllnl. .A.r.a mut.l nI.A.a hIIu l.l f .
20 to 4S buehela of wheat to the ear.
uooa Brazing lands at low prices convenient to your Brain farm en
able you to reap the profits from stock raisins and dalrylne.
Learn the Facts About Western Canada
low taxation (none on improvements), healthful climate, nood
schools, churches, pleasant social relationships, a prosperous and
Industrious people.
.. ll"V.r llluitrtM IIHrtur, map. dMcrlpllon of farm opportunities In
Manitoba, 8akatchewanaml AlWta, rwlunxl railroad ratal, etc., write
Department ot Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or
Canadian Government Agents.
Persistent Questioner, In the Classic
Language o'f the Street, "Got
Back at Him."
Tho deep-sun flshcrpinn often hns a
sharp tongue nnd Is not likely to got
tho worse of a vorbul duel. Rul
George, the skipper of n Yarmouth
trawler, who figures In "North Sen
Fishers and Fighters," by Mr. Vynltei
Wood, certainly met with his match
onco whether ho know It or not.
"There's Innd pooplo who como and
bother you with foollHh quoiflons," ho
complained In recounting the hard
ships of a skipper's life. "I try to put
Vm off, hut can't nllus do It. There
wns an old lady who worried mo past
endurance with her questions, ask
In' If tho horrln's wero cnught In bar
rels, as she'd sometimes seen 'cm that
wnj In shops. I told bur no, and then
sho aggravated mo to that extent that
I told tho only fib I ovor spoke In my
"'How do you kill 'em when you've
cnught 'em?' sho asked.
'"Wo blto oft their heads,' 1 an
swered. "Sho looked at tho catch of horrln's
wo had. 'My I MyP sho murmured,
wnlkln' away. 'IIow tired your pool
Jaws must bo I' "
Where the Ancients Excelled,
Elijah was fed by tho ravens.
"This bents carrier plgoonB," h
bonstcd. Now York Herald.
It Is swoot to Buffer wbon wo suffoi
for thoso' we lovo.
-. IMM W
NtumCrl Cnmpw
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