.V -I ft .--- f JP 4' -. 3 . f- C't " T DAKOTA COUNTY HISRALD. DAKOTA GITY, NEBRASKA. !! lllll III i ill i nillHII...yl'W .li.l . U.MilWMjrW ill MWW m I.,W .1 1 I lU ' j r i r n k i (t( I y Know Where to Find Me ? n the Davidson Bldg - Oth and Pio-co St. rth floor No. C . Phone No. -100G. (Remember the "SIX MS") Still anxious to serve you in Loan Im.stmci.ts Ir nance -Real Estate - Renting with the pood old "KEARNEY SERVICE." i:n t. ki:aum:v, President riiuiiu. riMM'i. company Sioux City, .owa G Henry A. Mushkio Dakota Oily, Nebraska SPKOIAliS FOR SATTRDAY TOMATOES, 2 large cans for :i:.c ASSORTED JELLIES, per glnss IM! FANCY COOKIES, per pound li.'tc KARO, 10 lb. cans dark MU KARO, 10 lb. cans white S.lc HOMINY, 2 large cans for ;. MEN'S HEAVY 220 DENIM OVERALLS, per pair SI. US ROYS' HEAVY 220 DENIM OVERALLS, per pair I.'-S COTTON FLANEL GLOVES per pair Oe pitnsii riM'rrs Ni vi:oLTui.i:s at .m(M)i:uti: puiciis ..1 Ray nnd Dewey Helkes shipped u env of 1ior3 to the Sioux City market last Friday. Iiiitlienm Church Notes By Rev C. It. Lowe. PnnnrnntiHniiul hliinlltlf lt l?m- There will he a regular meeting of raanUQl congregation nt tho homo of the Eastern Star Chapter next Tur-a day evening, March 1st. County Sunt. Voss will lu'lit ?pe Mrs. D. M. NicswnnKor next Sunday nftornoon nt 2 p. m. Congregational meeting of tho cial 8th grade examinations at his Salem congregation Inuncdlntoly fol office on I-ridny of this week. j lowing preuolilug services ,iicxt Sun Miss Dottie Cain, teacher in the Hrushy Rend schools, was homo for . 'i west ! SEEDS I ANY AX I) EVERY KIND Carload ami Les SEED BOOK -FKKE-- I HOWIES - LETMEIUI IX SEED 0).1I1AXY cto., OHIO See Us For Job Printing State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County 68. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior partner of tho nrm of F. J. Cheney & Co., dolne busines3 In tho City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that Bald firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot ho cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presonco, this Cth day of December, A. D. 1S88. (Seal) A. W. Glraeon, Notary Public. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts throuch tho Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1921 cholera nous - popiiky Why let hogs and poultry die of cholera, worms, lice or other disonse? Why not hnva hens lny? No stock powders needed. Send stamped en velope nt once. Everman Stock & Poultry Farm, Gnllatin, Mo. 1)11. S. .7. WAIL7. Resident Dentist PhO'.E &i HOMER, N E B R. . Mrs. Elmer K. Larson of So. Sioux City, visited friends here Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Parker of South Siou City, visited with friends here Tues day. Kide Ream was over frun West field, Iowa, last Thursday, visiting relatives. Miss Lena Ostmeyer of Morning side, was calling on lnends here on Wednesday. t Mrs. Walter E. Miller was summon ed to Wayne last week hy the serious .Illness of her sister. ' The M. E. Ladies Aid society will meet Friday nfternoon of this week at the home of Mrs. Will II. Orr. County Agent C. R. Young enjoyed a visit from his brother, W. V. Young, of Dighton, Kns., over Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Chns. T. Maxwell and baby eturnod last Wednesday from n Maxwell's When yon want your Ford Tropei-ly Repaired with Genu ine Ford Tarts, by Genuine Ford Mechanics, lake it to the Ford Hospital. HOMER MOTOR CO. BURPEE'S ANNUAL The Leading American Seed Catalog GENT FREE Burpee' Annual ! a complete guide for tho Vegetable nnd Flower garden. Jt it bright and interesting book with over a hundred YegeUhlat and flow tin illuttrattd In the color ttf nature. Write for your copy today. W. Atleo Burpee Co. Seed Growers, Philadelphia T. ml UtJAY HOME f.XfCCl YOU Tlie rULnO'fo tcul em all about SP8&asfet& vil!r Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville tuliirrMIiiiltifrllrOltli.FurnTCIifei,C)f Wtlt. Brlllliot Stole iiluantiil LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody doe! Ak Anybody Mwm THE 'W AID ICITtUOV WESI OF CHICK LET US PRINT IT FOR YOU several weeks' visit at Mrs farmer home in Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Warner celo brated their 2Sth wedding anniver sary on Wednesday evening of last week. About a, dozen guests wore invited in for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd P. Greenwood departed Monday for Green Bay, Wis., to make their future home. Mrs. Greenwood is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of this place. Miss Mayme Goortell, assistant tel ephone operator, went to her homo at Watcrbury Saturday, suffering with tonsilitis. Miss Margaret Aus tin of Norfolk is filling her place at the board, Funeral services for Geo. T. Kime? of South Sioux City, who was killed in a gun battle with the Sioux City police Sunday evening, were held Wednesday, burinl being made in a Sioux City cemetery. Railroad passenger rates were giv en n boost of 21 Tuesday, which1 makes it cost you !J.l cents per mWa to ride on the steam cars now. The Burlington charges 15 cents to South Sioux City nnd tho Northwestern xA. Harrv Maits, of St. Paul, Minn,, vas lure the past week, visiting in the home of his aunt, M.s. Paul Kin kel. Harry spent seventeen months in the trenches overseas, and has not yet recovered from the effects of being gasaed. On recount of the continued wnrm weather, work at the Consumers ice plant at Crystal lake has been in definitely postponed. The ice is too thin "nnd the quality too poor to har vest. Unless we get some real win ter weather, the manager of tho plant states, work will not be re timed again this winter. Prank Harnett of South Sioux City, was broutrht hero last week from Sioux City, where he had been taken into custody lor lits "queer actions, by the Sioux City police. He was adjudged insane by tho board of in sanity nnd on Saturday was taken tr the Norfolk asylum by Deputy Sher iff Rockwell and A. F. Sauford. A brother, Churlus Harnett, of South Sioux City also accompanied him to Norfolk, as he was veiy violent at time . Siunmlc Helkes. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Heikes, who are spending the winter in California, shipped three cars of fat cattle of his own feeding from the Helkes farm Monday morn ing. I no cuttle were loaiieu on me Voitl e,trn nt this place and ship pul to Chicago, Thov wore a flno lot, and were llnlnhed for the eastern mrrket Young Helkes has demon strated hla ability as a cattle feeder, having bought the lot and supervised their feeding, and when disposed of they were as fine n bunch of cattlo as one would care to see. week-end visit with home folks Rev. S. A. Drnlse tied the nuptii.l knot for Elmer L. Guy and Dorothy Hmnmond, both of Wynot, on Tues day. Mrs. Morris nnd two children and Mrs. Towner went to Norfolk, Neb., Friday for n week's visit with rela tives. Hnrry II. Adair nnd Elmer Bier mann took advantage of the holiday Tuesday and made n business trip to Norfolk. The Farmers' Grain & Supply Co., of Dakota City, Neb., is now in a po sition to supply their customers with Gooch's Best Flour. There will be n specinl mooting of Omndi Lodge No. 5 on Thursday evening of this week for work in tin Entered Apprentice degree. A basket onll game will bo played at the Dakota City high school thi Friday evening nt 8:00 p. m., sharp. The game will bo between Sioux City nnd the Dakota City team. Mrs. Pat Kellcher nnd baby went 10 Norfolk, Neb., Friday for a short vis it with relatives, and from tlieie they will continue their journey to their home nt Chadron, Neb. An election on consolidation in tho Campbell district, No. 21, northwest of Hubbnrd, will be held on Friday of this week. The district is tlesig. nated as consolidated district num ber 55. Henry Giese has moved out onto the John F. Sides farm, which he In." rented Tor a term of yenis. Heniy is ii goon i nrmer nno a nari worker, and will make good if nnyo'H does on the farm. County Supt. Wilfred E. Voss wm in Poncn last Friday night, being one of the judges in a debating con test between the Poncn nnd Oaklnnd high schools. The debate was won by Oaklnnd. Earl Frederick has bought the old Orr residence, recently vacated by Ennnett Hileman, and is repairing it preparatory to moving in shortly. He was compelled to move from tlie Win. Triggs residence, as Jlr. Triggs and family will move bnck here from Allen, where they moved last nunimer. County Judge S. W. McICmlev of ficiated nt the following weddings during tho past week: Bert Thompson of Webster City, Iowa, and Rusa E. White of Lehigh, Iowa, and Enoch M. Blood and BurneU'i Chessnr, both of Sioux City, on tna 19th, and Glenn G. Pace and Elvn P. Stevens, both of Sioux City, on the 21st. Mrs. .Elizabeth Broyhill received word the past week that her son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Weignnd, hnd moved from Dallas. Texns, where they had resided for the past six or seven years, to San Fran cisco, Cal., to reside. Mr. Weigand is in the employ of an oil nromoter. who has just moved his offices from Dallas to San Francisco. George Zentmiro arrived here Inst Wednesday from Hay Springs, Neb., with two cars of stock, machinery, household goods, etc., and has taken up his residenco on the Hnase farm in tho Salem neighborhood, which ho has leased for the coming year. Hi? fother, Harvey Zentmire, accompan ied him here to help him get locntcJ, and to visit old friends for a short time. "Parasites nnd Parasitic Diseases of Sheep" is tho name of a new United States Department of Agri culture fnrmers' bulletin which should be of much value to every sheep raiser. As its nnme indicated, it deals with the parasites and para sitic diseases which cause most of tho losses in sheep. It is a sheep man's business to prevent disease, nnd the bulletin sets forth various ways in which this can be done. Tho book has fifty-four pages, is well il lustrated, and is written in clear and concise English. It mav be obtain ed through county farm burenus or tlie College of Agriculture at Lin coln. A good ronds meeting, nttonded y about a hundred men from different parts of the county, wns held here with tho board of county commisslo. ers nnd u state engineer Monday The matter of locating the state ro id from Homer south to the county linn, nnd the connecting up of the' stale roads at tlie county line ne.u- Water bury, was taken up, and tlie board decided to look the roads over ptv ronnlly in company with the engin eer before making nnj decisi. n. Another mntter to be decided Is wliei e to begin work on tho highway lon-.i-ing from South Sioux Citv to the County line south of Homer: whether to begin work at the llmiti of South Sioux City nnd work south, or to begin at the Thurston county lino and work north toward Homer. Sheriff George Cain garnered two large, well equipped "stills" in a raid at South Sioux City Monday morning, nt the John Wills nnd Warren Whit ney houses. The parties are ne groes. The operntors of the stills were not at home when In called anil the sheriff was obliged to break in the door. Tho negroes weio suppoi ed to have been the oiks ronnorted with the shooting scrape in HIouk City Sunday night whrn Patrolman Phil Nyburg was shot In the arm. and he in turn shot and kilied Uto. uny. The young people will prncllco at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sides next Snturdny night. Tho Salem Ladles' Aid will moot at tho church on Thursday of this week from ll" to 4 o'clock. Thoro will be dinner and n Washington program. Como and enjoy yourself. V o r Sal e Early Ohio Potatoes. Enquire of JULll'S LISCHKE, Route 1, Dakota City, Nebraska. Hatch Curl.) Poultry raisers know by experience that eaily spring is nature's most favorable glowing season for chicks. Chicks hatched in Ir.te winter nnd early spring have a decided advant age oer those hatched in hot weath er, (liven the same feed and atten tion, chicks hatched in March will weigh more at tho end of four months than tlio.se hatched in May when they are four months old. Early hutched chicks grow more rapidly, have more vigor nnd arc less Ruble to injury by lice and disease. They are wellvon the road to maturity when hot wea ther comes, which retards growth, and they nre mature by early fall and ready to lny when eggs nre at their highest price. Matrimonial Ventures The following Marriage licenses wore issued by Couhty Judge Me Kir.Icv during the past week: Name and Address. Age. Elmer L. Guy, Wynot, Neb 25 Dorothy Hammond, Wynot, Neb... IS U. E. Thompson, Webster City, In... US Rusa E. White, Lehigh, la 2G Enoch M Blood, Sioux City 3G Burnetta Chessar, Sioux City 21 Glenn G. Pnco, Sioux Qity 2 Elva P. Stevens, Sioux City IS I-' 0 It S A h 10 Some good young work hort-e.-., fie m 1100 lbs. down. Price reason hie. MIKE MITCHELL & SUN, Jackson, Neb. Stinson's mmmmymmmimm-mmmimmmmmmmniim)m rMrBwpe,we Specials for Saturday, Feb, 26 I'OU THIS DAY ONLY Special mixed nnd Bean Candy, 2 lbs. for ' 2 pounds Wienies or Frankfurters,, for !l. G cans Corn, Pens or Tomatoes, for ....'... ' 2 pouids Dried Peaches -...' :!-' Large package of Oats A ;" -,' Jersey Cream Pancake Flour ; J ;.... !l"'" 5 lbs. hand picked Nnvy Beans, for . , . .. I"o Best Wisconsin Milk, tull cans ,.' I.'ic 2 pounds good Peaberry Coif ee, for . .i ""c 5 bats White Lautuhy Soap .' - ' Daik Blue Bungalo Aprons $1.00 Light Weight Union Suits fn Woman, Long and Short Sleeves, ankle length $1.00 A few Hendeison "Fashion Form" Corsets, sizes 10 and 20, to close out $I.'J Fresh Fruit and Vegetables of all Kinds for Saturday's Trade Stinson's Dakota City, Nebraska VoKotnbles inn! I'lult for Dwvy Ilniui Physicians are enthusiastic about tho value of a L'ood garden and n sunnlv of fruit for every home. Spiing nnd summer tonics hnve been supplanted by an abundance of veg etables and fi wit. The number of inquiries received by the State Col lege of Agriculture points to much interest this year in rhubnrb, aspar agus, strawberries, currunts nnd rjooscbonries. Asparagus can be grown fiom tho seed, three yenrs being re quired to develop productive plants, or tills time can bo reduced to two years by starting with one-year-old roots. Rhubarb can bo used the second yoq.r. Dividing the roots nnd starting a new bed every few years insures an abundant supply of rhu barb. Strawberries, one of the most delicious small fruits, do well In nil sections of Nebraska. They are eas ily grown and a few plants will pro duce enough fruit for the nverngo family. No gnrden is complete with out strawberries. Currants nnd gooseberries do well in this state and nre worth while. The College of Agriculture will supply information on the growing of all kinds of vego tables and fruits. Flynn Commission Company Office Phones Auto. 92119 Bell. 5101 Residence Phono AlitO &J282 Prune Before. Spring Work Starts It is considered good prnctlce to prune trees, vines and shrubs before growth starts in tho spring. In fact it is probobly better to prune during the dormant season than at any oth er time. In addition, farmers have more time In tho winter. If they wait until spring work starts they nro apt to forgot the orchard. In or, der to prevent Injury by freezing and drying out, the State College of Ag riculture suggests that where limba an inch or more in diameter nre re moved the wounds should be painted with white lead and linseed oil. Pninting the wounds also keeps out moisture aim disease. uecause no two trees are alike no deflulto and specific rules for pruning can bo given. It is considered well to keep the tree tops reasonably opMi in or der to allow penetration of sunlight. Dead and badly diseased limbs had better bo removed, as well as water sprouts and other limbs which are crowding into the center of the tree. Pruning smoothly, close up and par allel to the main branch, facilitates healing. WM. (BILL) J. FLYNN LlVi: STOCK COMMISSION MnitCIIANTS Room !I01 Exchange Bldg, SIOUX CITY, IOWA Slock Yards HOttS. CATTLK. SHKtir. Wrlto US Wlro, .US Phono us If you want market Information. Ship Us For tho High prico and good fill. OKDIIR BUYING CIIVUN SPECIAL ATTENTION EU FllKIMIAKTKLS, 1IUI.I.AKI), Nljlt. 11 m m m n n n m u n uu bed imi h ed iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii u BQ gQ H For R,et t 210 - A CUE FARM FOR RENT ON SHARE RENT Westcott's Undertaking Parlors AUTO AMBULANCE SIOUX CITY, IOWA Old Phono, 42G Now Phono, 2067 Seed Sui'et ('liner In Spring Early spring was the most popular timo for seeding among eighty-eight farmers supplying the Nebraska Col lego of Agriculture with data of their experiences with sweet clover. Eight seeded in Februnry, 10 in March, 49 Ii) April, 9 in. May, 1 in June, II in August, G in September, nnd 1 In November. Tho avorago acreage on tho 88 farms was 22, Sixty-seven wore growing hwcot clover for pasture, !H for soil Im provement, 21 for hnv, 18 foi nood, and 0 for heoa, Fifty-nine weto growing it on upland, 22 on well- drained bottom land, 7 on swampy land nnd 1H on alkull soil. Home found It of value on sandy land sub T. Klmes of Soutli Sioux City, who.J0Ct l" owln' ,.UV. .?WV, u i . '' ' I'liitnuacrnlltF nn nilfill (ill mfint'jt started the gun battle. Klines was "" """ ' "" "" " i an alleged bootlegger nnd all-around nol"Kt leo W01,,.l,l f'. , u '" ." crook. He wns arrested and tried sultivated grass which will do well In here In the fall of 19RI for bnatiivr' !,l'0i,t a ' Metloiw of the state, the up undrobblng-n man nonr thoaoulln r?"uV1" Katherecl from thoo end of the combination brVge. lie hty-elght fanner. Indicating that was acquitted of the cl.u.ge. 'lliei'1 ""I"'1 to n largo variety of, stills seized by Sherlfi Cain had f0J'(U1t,(l)n? ", l'rpoiws. More do seen hnrd usage, and would have seen tailed Information iniw be obtained more, as fifteen oO-gnllon barrels or .from the College of Agriculture, mash nnd a stock of "Imoteh" worn I 1 taken In the raid. The Herald, $l,G0 per year jjrl WAWJ .mumnca Comnam or HiwIUviH ccHutarcur JOHN H. REAM, Agent Dnlcota City, Nebrnskn. MNMk w I Abstracts of Title A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantoos the Acturacy of every Abstract I mak-3 J. .1. EniERS, lloiuleil Abstrnotor. Successor to tho Dakota County Abstract Company 8 m m m m ii ii m v - ?,f-i -v