Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 24, 1921, Image 3

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CHAPTER XI Continued.
"This Is moro comfort than I had
hoped for when I came here, gentle
men. I ura very grateful, I nssuro
you. Of course this little revolution
you're cooking up Is no nffalr of mine,
and I trust I need not ussure you thnt
your confidence is quite safe with
The Doctor and the Colonel Imme
diately rose and bowed like a pair of
marionettes. Webster turned to III
cardo. "Have you had any experience in
revolutions, my son?" he asked.
Rlcardo nodded. "I realized I had
to have experience, and so I went to
Mexico. I was with Madero through
the first revolution."
"How are you arming your men?"
"Mannllchers. I've got 20,000,000
rounds of cartridges, 25 machine guns,
and a dozen three-inch field guns. 1
have also engaged 200 American ex
soldlers to Imndle the machine guns
and the battery. These ruscnls cost
me $5 n day gold, but they're worth
it; they like fighting and will go any
where to get It and nre fnltliful."
"You are secretly mobilizing in the
mountains, eh?" Webster rubbed his
chin rumlnntlvely. "Then I take It
you'll attack Buenaventura when you
otrlke the first blow?"
"Quite right. We must capture a
seaport If we are to revolute success
fully." "I'm glad to know that. Til make It
my business to be up In the mountains
nt the time. I'm for peace, every rat
tle out of the box. Gentlemen, you've
cheered me wonderfully. I will now
go home and leave you to your evil
machinations; and, the good Lord and
the jiggers willing, I shall yet glean a
night's sleep."
Mother .Tenks was waiting for Web
ster nt the foot of the stairs. He
paused on the threshold.
"Mrs. Jenks," he sold, "Billy tells
me you have been very kind to him.
I want to tell you how much I appre
ciate It and thnt I stand willing to re
ciprocate any time you are In need."
Mother Jenks fingered her beard and
reflected. " 'Ave you met Miss Dolores
Ituey, sir?" she queried.
"Your ward? Yes."
'"Off does the lamb strike you, Mr.
"I liave never met ranny women; I
bnve known few Intimately; but I
should sny that Miss Dolores Ituey
Is the marvel of her sex. She is as
beautiful as she Is good, and is as In
telligent as she can be."
"She's a lydy, sir," Mother Jenks
affirmed proudly. "An I done it. You
can see with nrf a heye wot I am,
but for nil that, I've done my dooty
by her. From the day my sainted
'Enery 'e was a colonel o' hnrtillery
under President Ituey, Dolores' fnther
hescaped from the burnln palace
with er an' told me to raise 'er a lydy
for the syke of her father, as was tho
finest gentleman this rotten country'll
ever see, she's been my guldln' stnr.
She's self-supportln' now, but still I
ain't done my whole dooty by her. I
want to see 'er married to a gentle
man ns'll maintain 'er like n lydy."
"Well, Mrs. Jenks. I think you will
live to see that worthy ambition at
tained. Mr. Geary is head over heels
in love with her."
"Aye. Willie's n nice lad I could
wish no better; but wot 'o's got 'e
got from you, an' where'll 'e bo If ls
mlnu doesn't p'y big? Now, with you,
sir, it's different. You're a bit older'n
Billy, an' more settled an' serious;
you've made yer fortune, so Willie
tells me, nn' not to go beatln' about
the bally bush, I s'y, wot's tho mattor
with you nn' her steppln' over tho
broomstick together? You might go n
bloomln' sight farther nn' fare wuss."
"Too old, my dear schemer, too
old!" John Stuart replied smilingly.
"And she's In love with Billy. Don't
worry. If ho doesn't mnko a go of
this mining concession, I'll tnke care
of his finances until he can do so him
self. I do not mind telling you. In
strictest confidence, that I have
made my will nnd divided my money
equally between them."
"Gord bless you, for n sweet, kind
gentleman," Mother Jenks gulped,
quite overcome with emotion.
Hastily Webster bade Mother Jenks
good night and hurried away to es
cape a discussion on snch a delicate
topic with Billy's blunt nnd single
minded lnndlady. Ills mind was In a
tumult. So It was thnt he paid no at
tention to n vehicle that Jogged by him
with the cocliero sagging low In his
seat, half asleep over tho reins, until
a quick commnnd from the closed in
terior brought the vehlclo to an
abrupt link, half a block In advance
iv.P Save for nn arc light at ench end
of the block, the Calle do Concordia
was dim; save for Webster, the car
riage and the two men who piled hur
riedly out at tho rear of tho convey
tace, the Cnllo d Concordia wbb de
void of life. Wefater snw one of the
men hurriedly tons n coin to the cocli
ero; with n fenent "Graclns, ml cip
ttM)," the driver clucked to his horse,
ernrd the corner Inta the ChIIc EH
tendo and disappeared, living hi late
AStnwrv facinc Wobater and calmly
woo his LpsroceC. h wu within
Author of "Cappy Ricks," "The Valley
20 feet of them when the taller of the
two men spoke.
"Good evening, my Americnn friend.
This meeting is n pleasure we scarce
ly hoped to have so soon. For the
same we are Indebted to Lleutennnt
Arredondo, who happened to look
hnck as we passed you, and recog
nized you under the are light."
Webster halted abruptly; tho two
Sobrantean olllcers stood smiling nnd
evidently enjoying his discomfiture.
Each carried a service revolver in a
closed holster fastened to his sword
belt, but neither had as yet made a
move to draw seeing which, Webster
felt sufficiently renssured to accept tho
unwelcome situation with a grade
equal to that of his enemies.
"What? You two bad little boys
up this late 1 I'm surprised," he replied
In Spanish. Ho folded his arms,
struck an nttltudo and surveyed them
ns might an lndlgnnnt father. "You
kids have been up to some mischief,"
he added, as his right hand closed over
the butt of his automatic, where it lay
suuggled In the open holster under his
left arm between his shirt and coat.
"Can It be possible you are going to
tnke advantage of superior numbers
nnd the fact that you are both armed,
to force me Into n duel on your terms,
my dear Captain Bennvldes?"
By a deferentlnl bow, tho unwhole
some Bennvldes indicated that such
wore ids Intentions. "Then," said
Webster, "as the challenged party I
have the choice of weapons. I choose
"At what range?" the lleutennnt
r.sked with mock Interest.
"As we stand nt present. I'm armed.
Pull your hardware, you pretty pair of
polecats, and see If you enn bent me
to tho draw."
Captain Bennvldes' Jnw dropped
slightly; with n quiet, deliberate mo
tion his hand stole to his holster-flap.
Lieutenant Arredondo wet Ills lips and
glanced so apprehensively nt his com
panion that Webster was aware thnt
here was a situation not to his liking.
"You should use nn open holster,"
Webster tnunted. "Come, come un
button that holster-Hap and got busy."
Bennvldes' hund came away from
the holster. Ho was not tlio least bit
frightened, but his sense of propor
tion in mntters of this kind was un
dergoing a shake-up.
"In disposing of any enemy In a gun
light, so n professional killer once In
formed me," Webster continued, "It is
a good plan to put your, first bullet
anywhere in the abdomen; the shock
of a bullet there paralyzes your oppo
nent for a few seconds nnd prevents
him from returning the compliment,
and In the Interim you blow his brains
out while he lies looking nt you. I
have never hud any prnctlcnl experi
ence In mntters of this kind, but I
don't mind telling you that If I must
practice on somebody, the good Lord
could not hnve provided two more de
lightful subjects."
He ceased speaking, and for nearly
half a minute the three men appraised
each other. Bennvldes was smiling
slightly; Arredondo was fidgeting;
Webster's glnnce never faltered from
the captain's nervous hand.
"You would be very foolish to
draw," Webster then assured Benn
vldes. "If I nm forced to kill you, It
will he with profound regret. Sup
pose you two dear, sweet children run
along home nnd think this thing over.
You may chnnge your mind by tomor
row morn "
The cnptnln's linnd, with tho speed
of a Juggler's, had flown to his hol
ster; but quick ns be was, Webster
was a split second quicker. The sound
of his shot roared through the silent
cnllo, and Bennvldes, with his pistol
hnlf drawn, lifted n bloody, shattered
hand from the butt ns Webster's au
tomatic swept In a swift arc and cov
ered Arredondo, whose nnns on the in
stnnt went skyward.
"That wasn't a hnlf bad duel," Web
ster remarked coldly. "Are you not
obliged to me, Captain, for not blowing
your brains out for disregarding my
finer Instincts nnd refraining from
shooting you first through the abdo
men? Bless you, my boy, I've been
stuck for years In places where the
only sport consisted In seeing who
could take a revolver, shoot at a tin
can and roll It farthest In three sec
onds. Let me see your hand."
Benavldes sullenly held up thnt
dripping member, and Webster lnr
spceted it nt a respectful distance.
"Steel Jacket bullet," he Informed tho
wounded man. "Small hole didn't do
much damage. You'll be JUBt as well
as ever in a month."
He helped himself to Arredondo'B
gun, flipped out the cylinder, and
slipped all six cartridges into his palm.
Similarly he disarmed Benavldes, ex
pressed his regret that circumstances
had rendered it Imperative to use
force, and strolled blithely, down tho
calle. In the darkened pntlo he
groped along tho wall until ho found
tho swinging rope by which he had
descended from his room whereupon
ho removed his shoes, tied tho laces
together, flung them around his neck,
dug his toes Into the adobe wall and
climbed briskly to his room.
Tho next morning Webster waited
until Dolores appeared and then ac
companied her into tho dining room
for breakfast ' ,
"Well, how did you pass your first
night in Buenaventura?" she Inquired,
in the munufacturo of'breakfast con
versation. "Not very well. Jiggers bit mo nnd
woke me up, nnd finally I fell Into n
trnnco and had n vision about you.
After that I couldn't go to sleep again.
I wns fnlrly bursting to see you nt
breakfast and rend your palm. I've
Just discovered n wonderful system."
"Show me," sho flashed back at
him nnd she extended her little hand.
Ho picked It up gravely and with the
dull tine of n fork mndo a great show
of tracing the lines on her palm.
"You nro about twenty-four years
old, and your nncestors were pure-bred
Cnstlllnns who came from Mndrid,
crossing tho Atlantic In caravels. Ever
since the first Buoy landed on this
const the family has been Identified
. with tho government of tho country In
ono way or another. When you were
quite u little girl, your father, Don
Itlcardo Ituey, ai that time president
of Sobrante, failed to suppress a revo
lution and was cornered in tho govern
ment paloce, which wns set nilre.
"Through tho bravery nnd devotion
of n' cockney gentleman, Colonel Henry
Jenks, nn nrtlllcry officer In your
father's army you were saved from
perishing in tho burning palace. Col
onel Jenks turned you over to his
spouse, now known ns Mother Jenks,
with instructions to ralso you n lydy,
nnd Mother Jenks has carried out
thoso instructions. Colonel Jenks nnd
your father were executed, and Mother
Jenks sent you to the United Stntes
to bo educnted. You had u brother,
Rlcardo Luis Ruoy, older than your
self by seven or eight years, I should
judge. In some mysterious ninnner
you und your brother lost trnck of
each other, and at the present moment
he believes you perished in the flames
that gutted the government palace.
"You nre of a proud, Independent na
ture ; you work nt something for n liv
ing, nnd inasmuch ns you haven't been
able to set aside n great deal of mon
ey from your earnings, you nro plan
ning to terminate your visit to your
native lnnd nt an early date und re
turn to the United Stntes for the pur
pose of getting back to work. These
plans, however, will nover bo con
summated. "Why? Because you are to be mar
ried to n nice man and live happily
over afterward, and nbout sixty dnys
from now, If all goes well, I, John S.
Webster, am going to Introduce you to
your long-lost brother Rlcnrdo. You
will first sec Rlcardo riding nt the
head of his victorious rebel troops ns
lie enters Buenaventura. Ho will be
the next president of this wretched
country, if. fortunately, ho Is not killed
In the revolution he Is now fomenting
ngalnst his father's ancient enemy.
Your brother does not know you are
living and It will bo a proud and hap
py day for mo when I bring him to
you. In the interim, what do you pur
pose linvlng for breakfast7 Ham nnd
eggs sunny side up, nn omelette or n
He released her hand and favored
her with the boyish grin that alwnys
had tho effect of stripping the years
from him us one strips tho husk from
n ripe ear of corn. She was gazing at
him In wide-eyed amnzement.
"Is my Drother really alive?"
"He was as Into as midnight last
night. Do you recall tho chap I saved
from being assasslnnted In Now Or
leans?" "Yes."
"Your worthy brother. And do you
recall the chauffeur whose passage to
this port I was forced to pay?"
"Tho snme Individual. I sent him
ashoro In the launch with Billy, nnd ho
hns been housed nt El Buen Amlgo,
but left early this morning for tho
hack country to open n recruiting of
fice." She reached across tho little table
and squeezed his big brown hand Im
pulsively. "You'ro tho most wonderful
man I ever knew. And does my poor
brother know I nm living, Mr. Web
ster?" "No nnd I'm not going to tell him.
I think It will be much nicer to re
store you to each other on the steps
of tho government palace on tho day
when tho Ruey fnctlon comes Into Its
own again. Thnt will mako his victory
all tho sweeter. By tho way, whero
wus Rlcardo when your father's ship
of state went on tho rocks?"
"At school In a military academy In
"It Is a marvelous mix-up, which Rl
cnrdo can doubtless explain, Miss
Rue I know ho believes his sister
perished with her father. Mother
Jenks didn't know where he wns nnd
couldn't communicate with him and
there you nre. However, little old
Jack FIx-lt will bring you together
again In duo course. In tho Interim,
how about thoso eggs? Straight up
or Hip 'em?"
She beamed across nt him. "Wo nro
going to be such good, true friends,
aren't we?" she urged. Ho almost
shivered, but manugod a hypocritlcnl
nod. "While wo have only known each
other twenty-four hours, it seems n
great deal longnr than thnt probably
bocnuso Billy luuj told mo so much
of the Giants," Etc.
nbout you, nnd you're so comfortable
and easy to get acquainted with, and
I I enn't very wejl express my grati
tude for whnt you've done for what
you're going to do." Her voice falter
ed; she smiled roguishly through tho
tenrs of her emotion. "If I were only
Billy, now, I could put my arm across
your shoulders and settle the matter
by saying: 'Johnny, you old horse
thief, you're ull right.'"
"The best thing to do would bo to
cease pulling me up with Importance.
And now, before we climb out of the
renlm of romance nnd tho Improbable
to the more substantial plane of things
for breakfast, Just one brief word of
caution. Now thnt I havo told you
your brother lives nnd Is In Buena
ventura, forget it until I mention It
ngnln, because his presence here Is his
secret, not ours."
"All right, Caliph," she agreed. "I
think I shall cull you thnt hereafter.
Like the late Caliph Unroun Al Kits
chld, It appears you hint u luiblt of
prowling around o nights In queer
pluces, doing good deeds for your sub
jects. But tell me about my brother.
Descrlbo him to me."
"Not now. Here comes the head
waiter with u cablegram for me, I
That functionary came tp their tnble
and hnnded one of tho famlllnr yellow
envelopes to ench of them.
"We'll excuso each other," Dolores
suggested. Sho read:
"Go you If I lose. You are ft good,
gamo little scout, and I like you fine.
Sho glanced ncross at Webster,
whose face was a conflicting study of
cmotipns In which disappointment and
nmnzement appeared to predominate.
"You ancient scoundrel," sho heard
him murmur.
"What ho, Caliph 1 Unpleasant
news?" she ventured.
"Yes and no. I had one of tho
finest Jobs in the world nil stnked out
nnd now the boss cables me it's
filled by a better man."
"Whnt are you going to do about
"Well as soon ns I've nnd my
breakfast, I'm going to cable Noddy
Jerome nnd tell him I'm satisfied
satisfied to stnv here and satisfied
"You Ancient ocoundrell"
he's a llnr. You see, Miss Ituey, ho
objected vigorously to my coming lieru
In the first place wanted mo to take
a llO-duy vacation mid then manage
tho Colorado Consolidated Mines com
pany, Ltd., for him. I like Neddy and
would have been glad to go to work
for his company, but, of course. Billy
conies first, and so I declined the of
for. Later I changed my mind, und
last night I cabled him I'd accept If
he'd wait 00 days possibly IK); and
now ho replies that he's sorry, but
the Job is filled by n better mnn.
That's why I know he's a llnr."
"I see. You figure there Isn't u bet
ter mining engineer than you eh, Ca
liph?" He looked at her reproachfully.
"No, but Neddy Jerome does, and I
know ho does bocnuso lie has taken
the trouble to tell me so more than
once. And ns a rule Neddy Inclines
toward the truth. However, It's Just
ns well " . Ho paused, stnrlng hnrd
nt her. "Hy the way, ynu foretold
this! Why, this Is amazing."
Sho could have wept with laughter.
"Well" soberly "I told you some
other tilings equully amazing, did I
"Yes, you told me other things more
or less Interesting, but you foretold
this. How do you nccount fqr that?"
"Tho witness declines to answer on
tho ground that sho may Incriminate
herself and bo burned for a witch."
"Remarkable woman 1"
"You were about to remnrk that It Is
Just as well "
"That Neddy's reconciled to losing
me, becauso since cabling him yester
day evunlng I've changed my mind
Copyright by ret r n. Kyne
ngnln. I'm going to stay hero now."
"Indeed l Why?"
"Just to bo obstinate. Apparently
I'm not wanted hero by the powen
that be; so Just to rile them I'm go
ing to hang nround Sobrante and iirgu
the question with them. By the wny,
1 see you received a cablegram also
Bettor news than mine, I hope."
Sho nodded. "I hnve a little busi
ness deal on back home. Haven't got
a greut deal Invested, but It looks of
If I might make $10,000."
He arched his eyebrows and favored
her with a little disapproving grunt
Sounded like tho prospectus of n fnkf
mining promoter yes, by thunder,
that was It. Dolores was a schoo?
teacher, und school teachers and doe
tors are ever the mainstay of a sit
dler's sucker list.
"You won .$10 from mo yesterday,'
he challenged. "Bet you nnother tec
I can tell you the nature of your Id
"Go you, If I lose I" Unconsciously
she wns learning the argot of the mall
of the species, ns exemplified In Ned
dy Jerome's cablegram.
"It's a milling property."
"You win. It le," she nr.swerw
truthfully, starting to open her jwrso
"Quartz or plncer?"
"I don't know. Explain.''
He chuckled nt her Igunrnnca
"Quartz Is gold-bearing rock, ant
placer Is gold-bearing gravel."
"Then my mining property Is plao
er, because It has lots of sand."
"I knew It, I know, It," he warned
her solemnly, nnd he shook an ad
monitory finger nt her. "Black sand
eh? Is tho gold very fine?
"I think It Is."
"Then you're stung good tzsi deep
so don't delude yourself Into thinking
you hnve .$10,000 coming. I neves
knew u proposition for saving tho lln
gold In black sand that didn't turn out
to be n fizzle. It's tho hardest thlur
In the world to save. Now, listen
you tell me the name of the film-fine
artist thnt got you Into this deal, m(
when I get back to the United State
I'll Investigate the company; If It's an
out-and-out swindle, I'll tnke tha
promoter by the throat aim choke yotn
money out of him, tho scoundrel 1 P
Is Just these fly-by-nlght fellows thnt
ruin the finest gambling game In tlw
world und sen re off (Investors In legiti
mate mining propositions."
"Oh, you mustn't renlly, Caliph,
lie's an old lunn, und I only did It tq
help him out."
"There should he no sentiment in
business, Miss Ruey."
"Oh, well, let's be cheerful nnd hope
ful, Caliph, nnd discuss n moro Impor
tnnt subject."
Sho was very serious now, for by her
meddling she hud, sho renllzed, so nr
riinged matters thnt nt a tlmo when
John Stuart Webster's very fife de
pended upon his Immediate departure
from Buenaventura, ho wns plnnnlnj'
to stay and face tho music, Just to b
obstinate. "You must reconsider youi
decision to remain In this country."
she Insisted. "Your llfo may be Iho
price of liberty of action, you know
Isn't Billy capable of developing t)m
mine after you advnnco tho cash?"
"I wouldn't advance him u cent fov
his mine until I hud Investigated V
"Then you should make some n
rangeiiicnts to safeguard yoursef
while iuikliig the Investigation, nr.f
leave SobVunto Immediately thereafter
Isn't that sensible proposition?"
"Very If I felt like leaving So
brante. But I do not. If that iiilnln,;
concession Is u potential winner, I'll
hnve to stick wound and make u win
nor out of It ncforc I go uwuy nnd
leave Bill In change. Besides, I'm wor
ried nbout Bill. He's full of malaria!
fever, and last night I got thinking
nbout him und decided to semi him
back to the Colorado mountains for a
few mouths. I want Home regular doc- '
tors to work on BUI n he'll be fit wIiol
he gets buck on the y."
As u mutter of fuel, ibis Ideu of send
ing Billy to the United Stntes hud but
thnt moment occurred to .luck Web-
ster; he reflected now flint this plan
wus little short of n it inspiration. It i
would glvo Billy nnd Dolores tin op
portunity to marry and have a honey,
moon; It would leave him free of her
disturbing presence, and enable him to
lenve Sobrnnte when tho Gearys should
return. Ho resolved to speak to Billy
nbout It.
Ill-Flated Orchid Huntera.
Not very looj; ago u Now York iniin,
traversing a Venezuelan forest on an
exploring expedition, came uion a hut
wherein wero found three human
skeletons and Jiioiismids of dead or
chid plants. From between tho rlb
of one of the skeletons grow an or
chid of rare beauty. Tho three un
fortunates had evidently been mur
dered. Fruit Color la Suntlrjht.
The color of fruit Is the result n
chemical action, In which sunlight In
transformed Into red or yellow or or
ange or purple coloring matter. Thli
chemical action takes place best when
tho alterations between the bent of
day and the cold of nlh are most
marked; In tho fall, tlnv. Is to say
with the spring dotmly following
Hot water
Sure Relief
Dizzy Spells
Hastings, Nobr. "Some years ago
I was troubled greatly with liver
,. irouoio; i
WtSWSK woum D-
v.utuu utir
zy nnd
dark spots
would np
p o a r bo
loro my
o y o s , I
took Dr.
Goldon Medical Discovery and ono
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Dr Plerco's Goldon Medlcnl Dis
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Buffalo, N Y , If you wish a trial pkg.
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Yy This siyttt- Oibaee-
Duv'Fairv Sodas packed in-tin -A
iokeep the dainty fresh ncjsinym
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0n il'l ii ' mi i f VC W
As Tasty and Fresh As the
Day Thoy Were Baked
Tliat'H tho wny yob (jet Fairy Soda Craolt
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theao crackers retain thnlr flavor anil crlup
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lleturnahle ennn are molnturs proof, duit
proof, Insoct proof, odor proof.
JluylnK In full com la economical and
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Aim Your Grocer lor -TEN'S I'AIRY SODA9
and bo Huro you kK tho Kunulno.
T "" fflHTWft ririffiTiTT-TMIWra
80 Years Old
Was Sick
Now Feels Yound After
Taking Eaioaic for
Sour Stomach
"I had sour stomach ever since I had
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i inve uiKeii Kiiionic only n week und
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ISatonlc quickly relieves sour stom
nch, Indigestion, heartburn, blunting
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stomach ailments, if you havo "tried
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up hope. Kutonlc ban brought relief to
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costs but a trlllo with your druggist's
Tones tho Livor, riiishen tho KKlnoya.
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Sold by druRRlats nnd Rroeors every where
Horses or Mules Wanted
We need nt once on one of our farms a
good team of marcs or mules which we
will accept ns part payment on a new
Chandler or Cleveland automobile.
Lincoln, Nobraak
hAI,l.h.M,N WA.Vl'ICH. A cliun cut, urn
bllluuv mull. Wo Imvii an opportunity where
your ability will be rewarded III a HIU way,
Uxclualvn teirltory to mnn of innrlt The
Marvel WlndHhlnlil und Window i.'loth bMIi
tu every auto owner Ulvee itrlvtr olrui view
In etoriny weather MAItVIOI, MI'O CO,
111 Sl'SSEX AVI5 NBWAItlt N .1
I havo a baritaln fur tun, come quick.
Coilur lUplda, limit
$k cuktch OKU0HAciTir-ommiH j W
I t.. ,.,,,-,...,--..,. -n,.. V.IT.,T-. rrr.r.rriy