Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 10, 1921, Image 9

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Major Stimson and Her Aides
J" fl"
luLt I A
I !
Followed a Neighbor's Advice
and Took Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Vernon, Tox. "For three years 1
Buffered untold agony each month with
I pains in my sides. 1
found only tempo
rary relief in doctor's
meuicino or anything
clso i tooK until my
husband saw an ad
vertisement of
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound. I mentioned
I it to a neighbor and
she told mo she had
taken it with eood
I results and advised
me to try it. I was then in bed part of
the time and my doctor said I would
have to bo operated on, but we decided
to try the Vegetablo Compound and I
oIbo used Lydic E. Pinkham's Sanativo
Wash. I am a dressmaker and am now
able to go about my work and do my
housework besides. You aro welcome
to use this letter as a testimonial as I am
always glad to speak a word for your
medicine." Mrs. W. M.Stcphens, 1103
N. Commerce St., Vernon, Texas.
Dressmakers when overworked are
Srone to such ailments and should profit
y Mrs. Stephen's experience.
Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine
Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass., about
your health. Your letter will be opened,
rd and answered by a woman and
hojd in strict confidence.
Window Shopping.
"Vhy do you stare so at that fur
"That's the one my husbnnd Is go
ing to give me."
"Whoi fur coats are cheaper."
St. Louis, Mo. "I have taken
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
'for general weakness and when run
down and suffering with nervous
ness, and can truthfully say it has
done me more good than any medi
cine I have ever taken, and I find
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets very
good to regulate the system. They
(nid very much in keeping a person
,in a good healthy state." Mrs.
'Amelia Thorn, 4204 John Avenue.
At all first-class drug stores.
BHamiia tiwUinmuu
iDuy'Fairy Sodas packed iniin
Jto keep the dainty freshness iiy
I'ik v
As Tasty and Fresh 'As the
Day They Were Baked
That's tho way you get Fairy Soda Craclt
cra when you buy them In returnable cans.
Packed while still warm from the, ovons,
these crackers retain their flavor and crisp
ness until used.
Returnable cans aro molsturo proof, dust
proof, Insect, proof, odor proof.
Buying In full cans Is economical and
satisfactory always.
Ask Your Grocer lor I-TEN'S FAIRY SOOA9
and bo sure you eet the genuine.
Do you know
you can roil
SO Mood
cigarettes for
lOcts from
one ba of
Vjf J lfx Attt nrim eonCrtrj
r- o - ii i. ai iinB
llonent jfrndlnjr nd iiulck returns our
motto Trlil hlilpment will rouvtmc,
Hnd fr pi .te lit and tags
109-111 N.M.in St. St. Loui., Mo.
Ii llutne Since ISftl
l.Alts AI1. imy tit yuur vai time"
tftimll inwmnifnt stnrtH ou with ial tn i.t
linker Kiln Iim- ut ..t . n irunfc nl
net' ( l il I n " r if . I 1 i v i I.
i;in . I ' I t i i 1 J t
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. --1021.
siiV . . Bl
iBt o. pin
mm.,. .J i
Warn'- 4 if
is Nervous lM? ip-
UWJiU'UiwijiuaiiBMmmi'iiiM IxW1
Elusive Substance Gives Zest
and Real Value to the
Food We Eat.
Scientists Concentrate on Separating
It From Viands, but Without Suc
cess Differ as to What a
Vltamlne Really Is.
New York. Foot! values are of es
pecial Interest these days of high
One dines at, bay, n restaurant In
New York city's "Latin Quarter,"
fumed for its atmosphere but uncer
tain as to cooking. The food Is men
tioned cnsuully on the menu In sev
eral languages but tho chicken Is
tasteless, the potatoes boring and the
salad disappointing. However, one Is
hungry and eats largely. An hour
later, the pangs of hunger again liiuke
themselves felt. One llnully resorts to
the home Icebox and partakes of some
humble bread and butter unci milk,
and that Indefinable lack Is satisfied.
The reason for this slate of affairs
is not far to seek. Vltamlnesl At
such places the food Is deficient In
these Intnnglble and microscopic sub
stances, which scientists have proved
are essential to nutrition and which
aro to be found in a large number of
properly prepared foods but are de
stroyed by excessive heat, drying or
other methods of preservation often
employed for wonomy or convenience.
Tho mystery of the vltnmlne Is, there
fore, of vital Interest, as Its name Im
plies, to the world at large.
What Is a Vltamlne?
Just what Is a vituinlne? This ques
tion Is still perplexing chemists, ac
cording to a recent article by D.
Athorton Seidell of the public health
service, In the current number of the
Journal of Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry. These elushe substances
have been found necessary not only as
dietary factors but even for the pro
longation of life. Their exact nature,
however, still remains a mystery,
though much has been discovered con-
European Countries Tax Ameri
cans Equivalent of $10,
the Rate Here.
President Mitchell of the Red Star
Line Suggests Action by the United
States Chamber of Commerce
Peasants Go Back to Land.
New York. According to Percy V.
G. Mitchell, president of tho Red Star
line and geneialmanager of the Inter
national Mercantile Marine company
In Helgium, the charge of $10 for an
American Iso on passports Is not only
a tax upon Immigrants who have to
pay the high rate of exchange, but also
upon American business men abroad.
"Since the charge for a vise has been
raised from ?2 to $10," said Mr.
Mitchell, "the countries In Europe have
retaliated by making Americans pay
the same amount. They have arranged
to base their charges for a vise on a
sliding scale. For example, I have to
pay 175 francs for my vise at the Hel
ghm consulate because I am un Amer
ican, while an Englishman has only to
pay 10 francsv which Is a big differ
ence when a man is accompanied by
members of his family.
All Are Doing It.
"Since the war Europe has been split
up into a number of small countries,
and each of them Is charging Ameri
cans the equivalent of $10 In United
States currency. A business man lias
to pass from one country to another to
get anywhere, and in each case lie lias
to pay heavily because the State de
Annual Rabbit Drive in Eastern
IIIMMMWW, MPMWWMmMW,!! !! I IIiUIWIHHHII I ll 1 1 H 1 1 IWMWIMi II I lllll III II 1 1 Hfll HI HI wmw.m i am .n i ii.i.wilu
jl?" ' ' " Tf y1. ! II " rnr i.nillin r .iiiiiiiiJ
f t1"'1 " "" . .. irr inniiinr - &
Women and men by the hundreds n -it out on tjie nnnuil rubblt drive, or war, of Grant eo'intj eastun Wash
li gton, In which more than fi.OOO rabbits wire killed. Many women, hoiiio of whan aro shown In the photograph,
handled their shotguns or rllles us expirtlj s the men
SVviv" "
MaJ. Julia 0. Stimson, superintendent of the army nurse corps and deras
of the army school of nursing, with her aides at tho army nurse corps head
quarters in the munitions building, Washington.
corning their effect on tho human sys
tem and the general benefits conferred
by them. Tor Instance, experiments
have proved lhat animals can live In
definitely on n diet of milk alone. Hut
supply all the constituents of milk
separately proteins, carbohydrates,
fats and snlts, In fact, all the known
food elements and the animal wastes
away and finally dies.
Several theories are held In regard
to this problem. Some scientists 'In
cline to classify vltamines ns struc
tural compounds of living tissues,
which function along tho same lines
as the other tissues. Others relegate
them to the "catalysts," those strange
substnncos which have been aptly de
lined as "chemical poisons," as they
accomplish the chemical union of
various substances without being
themselves affected. Jinny think thnt
they are derived originally from
plants, and one well-known scientist
partment in Washington, without any
reason that I have been able to learn,
has raised the fee to $10.
"The citizen of the United States
has to pay $10 for his passport In the
llrst place, and then to pay another $10
to return from abroad, and the same
amount for the countries lie visits on
the continent. Why tho United States
Chamber of Commerce has not taken
up this question, which Is so important
to American business men traveling
through Europe, 1 am at a loss to un
derstand. Tourist Travel Hit.
"In addition it will also Interfere
with tourist travel In the summer,
which had already decreased consider
ably through the increase hi passen
ger fares made necessary by the high
cost of operation of the steamships, in
creased wages, food, fuel, etc."
Mr. Mitchell said tho Helgian govern
ment was putting the peasants back on
tho land in Flanders, and In place of
the small cottages with earthen lloors
which were demolished by the German
guns they were erecting neat, small
houses with tiled lloors and modern
sanitary conveniences. From what he
had heard recently In Hrussels before
sailing for New York, the government
would not rebuild Nleuport, tho former
fashionable seashore resort, as it hud
been blasted to pieces by shells and
bombs, the avenues approaching it be
lifa ruined.
DlMiiude, where the severe lighting
took place at the bridgehead on tho
Ysor, was to a great extent demolished
also, but the people had started to re
turn there In the summer of 1!)1!) and
build on the ruins of their former
homes. The liclghui peasant loves his
country and does not" want to go
abroad to live, Mr. Mitchell added.
states that they are always present
In natural foodstuffs Instinctively con
sinned by men and animals.
At the present time, three types of
vltamlne are known to exist: The.
water-soluble variety, found In milk,
yeast, and other substances; the fat
soluble ones, which are present In but
ter and egg yolks; and a third class,
designated as "antiscorbutic," which is
found in a number of fresh vegetables
and fruits and also In the outside
husk of rice. Lack of these necessary
food constituents results In various
Ills scurvy, beri-beri, and other dis
eases. In fact, the Importance of the anti
scorbutic factor was discovered purely
accidentally, as r. result of an epidem
ic of berl-beri among the rlce-eatlng
Eastern nations after modern milling
methods obtained in these countries
and the surface layer of the rice was
removed. When an extract of this
husk was eventually supplied, the dis
ease was prevented.
Lack of both the other types of vlta
mlne result In a gradual wasting
away. This, in the case of the fut
soluble vltamlne, Is accompanied by
blindness and often by lung trouble,
but the waiting process Is more grad-.
mil, ns the system subsists for n whllo
on Its reserve store of fat.
Swiss Convicted of Killing Girl to Bo
Freed Real Culprit Makes
Gcnevn. After serving more than
fifteen years of a life sentence for a
murder of which he has i.lways claimed
to bo innocent, a young man named
Hlrschbrunner Is to be released, the
real culprit having confessed.
On tho day following a masked ball
at Soleure In May, 100(5, the body of a
young Swiss girl was found In tho
waiting room of the railroad station,
where she had been strangled to death,
She had been seen tho previous eve
ning In the company of a young man
dressed as a peasant woman. The de
scription of her companion tallied with
a costume worn by lllrschbninner, and
he was tried and sentence;:! to life im
prisonment entirely on clicunistantial
Breaks Wooden Arm as
He Punches Man's Nose
Mnrtinsburg, W. Vu. W. H.
Welty, an alleged doorkeeper of
a suspected gambling Joint,
broke his wooden arm over the
head of I'hlllp Hack, a Tarcn
tuui (I'll.) business man, who Is
reported to hae tried to enter
by force the room which Welty
guards. The blow seriously
damaged Hack's nose. Major
Solbort lined Welty .?Il.(iO on a
charge of assault ami battery.
fter Every Meal'
AIJ over the.
use this goody
for its
benefits, as
well as its
Keeps teeth
clean, breath
sweet, throat
A 'ij Aids
f L0gfc2zM appetite
"tifiigliW and
"TFT digestion.
I 1
lyV- Still 5c
WU11 JtI'11'' JMfg- JCTTm til ill 11 ifbHuhflinlMiT! Zm
il, Hi III 's?m ! liSXJH?rs 1 B wU h? VyV Jjiies W9 fil' II
W0 D7 4P
Sealed Tight
HgggSgES-gfllLKiy JIMBll M.IHM1W
ii3muBWV4 wii "!??
l,- 't'.-tt
WMW!&oK&3 Wlvmfs'M (H
MllUflBKStffliLlffVwr3fr'IAj!FTrtVwHUir-ill) 4H
IKMH l IS "iStoi w I iHtrW J fl h yen
m tBiS &Jt$f JJS "fl"? S IL la.li ! Ir-lLli1
Hicrvr. rwiv vvr?'
m IttftfeEMlMi'HiOCj
jK.kJi'jLtt.'JAaj.ji.j.' fjvj,.A,,cJlv mi"'jj',i:iv:i. j ?jLi.Trr rjfTi .
Its Employment In Pottery Is Said to
Be Productive of Results of
Great Benefit.
Water containing radioactive com
pounds Is used as u curative agcnl for
certain Illnesses. Mere contact with
such compounds for a sudlclent length
of time will make water slightly radio
active. Pottery Is now manufactured which
has In It a small percentage of radio
active material. This is mixed with
the clay and baked In the kiln. Water
left In pottery of this nature for a
short lime will become radioactive by
"Induction," mid a health-giving drink
Is made.
Such water may also be employed In
(lie watering of plants with good re
sults, since the presence of a radioac
tive compound near the loots of a
plant Is very helpful to Its growth.
Popular Science Monthly.
Soft Music.
One of the piano Instructors at the
.Music School Settlement recently was
consulted by a young man who desired
a list of "good piano duets."
"Hxnrtly what kind of music do you
want?" Inquired the Instructor. "Mow
dllllcuin CliiSHlcalV Operatic?"
"I want some duels," explained the
young mail, "lo play with a young hid.v
I want in marry. I leave ll to you "
New York Kv ouliig Post.
Sweetness of Wheat
and Malted Barley
is the sweetness of
aj' M CfcutffeL $sjr 1nxJ
The delicately ric4 flavor, natural
to the grains, is deueloped through
20 hours baking. GrapeNuts needs
no added sugar, and is rich in nour
ishment of a form easy to' digest.
This ready-cooked
da .
Theres a
world people
37 ws
Kept Right
'anKvwaBBgau.j;jdt:Aja. r j ;yeana ,v jvn
rjf!3t f
rpuur ATinr,
lnllrtH ('
(wlKWi i-trWLVnAJtU.MJl M.H
iWBfl!iwE)fln nMM
J-Vl,3JWu 11
'-ii, rty.rww.yi - '"
Bachelor U Naturally Wondering if
That Is How the Ladles Really
Rcg.ird Him.
A Torre Haute bachelor stopped at
a friend's' house the other night to
got him to accompany him to a com
munity meeting. The friend was a
"much married" man and his spouso
did not wish lit 111 to go to the lecture.
Ho she told her husband so.
They were In the next room and her
husband was afraid the bachelor
might hear her and he did not desdre
for the other mini to think thnt he
was so henpecked. So he raised a
warning liaiid at his wife. Hut sha
continued In a voice louder than ever.
"I don't care If he does hear. If there'B
anything that makes me tired it Is
some old bachelor going around clut
tering up the earth."
The bachelor was startled. What
he wants to know now Is 'whether or
not all women regard him in the saine
light. Indianapolis News.
Promoting. Human HapplneBB.
"Mid you wish all your constituents
a happy New Year?"
"Yti-," replied Senulcir Sorghum;
"anil 1 felt It was a pretty serious oc
casion. When a man In my position
makes a wish of that kind it is con
sidered a promise and a lot of fellows
expect .vou to get together your lu
tlecneo and make good."
food is economical