4f -I !"r RALt), DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA Mf 'l! tj 'rfHHHR .. 1 PPfeSiCBBBBBWBBiWIIWIPWBWBIBPPBWBWWPWwWjyaljiiy, ' rlaaaaaaaH alT v U i . . aa aaaaaaaaTMPaWaMaSMrlSaV B "iS "' 3 : ff - -zr:r777z 1 ,V IB I ! I I ' UfaftiSTluIdDianli rrmitTYiii mutMatMa mmm&am&m jacMS-aHnoEiSJ AcWwwIWSXta. . - a ia tnn men hi iL i 9 UnfttteStMMa iTTSTCS' IfilneraLNorNAiioptic Ikf7admsism .Snwu .J -i,f..tT?medVlbr resc52mjnW TOBCerttfinCoH 1(UIJJ ASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature ft J5 In 4 Use Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC OCHTAUH COMPANY, N(W TOBK CITY. ENDORSED UY HOIISKMKN UNIVET18AT.LY SPOON'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND enjoyi a reputation equalled by no other veterinary remedy. For twenty-all yeara It haa been uied and recommended by the leading horiemen and itoolcmen of America. For twenty-all yeara Its uae under trying condition! haa won for it the blibeet eateem of veteran tralnera and driver. Sl'OHN'B ahould be In every (table to prevent oontaclon, whether INFLUENZA, PINK IBYli), DIBTEMPICK, COUOH or COLD. Buy ol your drug-flat. 60 canta and 11.15 per bottle. fJfOUN Ml'.UIOAI, CO., Qoahtn. Ind., U. & A. EVERYTHING WAS ALL RIGHT I MONEY IN BREEDING MUSSELS Judge Couldn't Be 8polllng tho Water When He Didn't Use Any Soap In the Bath. A Rcrloua Inconvenience) la caused It Australia by tho lack of spring Water. Tho trouble Is partly over come by the uho of hugo tin tnnkB In which tho rain Is caught. Nnturnlly, toward tho breaking up t the dry season, water becomes very precious. A Judge, on circuit, arriving at a fcaah ehunty, naked for n bath. Such a luxury was naturally refused, as ttore was only a llttlo water left at w bottom of the tank reserved for drinking purposea, snys tho author of "Quaint Acquaintances." When dinner was ready, aB tho Judge could not bo found, the landlord went to call him; whereupon a muffled 7lce Issued from tho tank, whero tho Jfidjo was bathing 1 Tho landlord, Justly furious, roundly adrased his guest "Do not exclto yourself," tho latter observed, casually. "I am not spoiling cbo wator, for I am not using any fioapt" All Set Bertram, ago eight, was begging his ssethor to glvo hhn somo coffee. Ho lad asked for It about nlno times, and finally his mother said: "Uortram, the next time you nsk mo for coffeo I'll step you." Th llttlo chap waited for about flvo Minutes and could Btand It no longer, mnnrklng: "Mother, get ready to slap M." Indianapolis News. United States Fisheries Bureau Re. ports That a Profit May Confl- dontly Be Looked For. Tho business of breeding pearly mussels artificially has been carried so far by tho United States fisheries burcnu that a money profit Is confi dently promised. To produce In this way 1,000 baby mussels costs about 20 cents. When they nro full grown 13,000 of them will weigh n ton. Thus tho cost of producing n ton of pearly mussels of ninrkot slzo (If nil survived) would be, as exactly reckoned, $2.08. Assum ing n loss of r0 per cent, tho cost would bo MO. Pearly mussels occasionally yield valuablo pearls, but commercially It Is tho shells, uttllzablo for mother-of-pearl, that uro Importantly to be con sidered. Tho fisheries bureau has devoted Its attention wholly to the propagation of superior varieties of mussels, thp shells of which linvo at present tinio n markot valuo of $30 a ton. Truth Is always a friend to thoso wlto honestly seek It. Flfty-Flfty. Ward's latest collection In tho dog lino was a young puppy which his fa ther compelled him to put In tho burn for tho night. It walled tho wholo night through and next morning NWnrd's father said Indignantly: "Wnrd, you get rid of that pup. It howled nil night ami 1 did not got n bit of sleep." With oyes full of Indignation the llttlo boy replied: "Well, pnpa, you got as much sleep as the pup did." Wo how to tho Inevitable, but make a face over It. .SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUlil lira a 3 z a 3 a a n a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ,a a a a a a a The longer you boil Postum Cereal the better it is - Your reward will be such richness of flavor as would please most coffee or tea drinkers. Tfris pure, wholesome cereal drink contains nothing harm ful. Its regular use proves a comfort and an economy. Try Postum Cereal There s a Reason" Sold by grocers everywhere Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc, Battle CrecUTich. c c c c c c c c c c a c c c c 1 c a c a a c tr c c c: c c: e c c r: n c u a a r t$ r ' W4rt&rytfrWWW'$2 CONDENSED i CJLASSICS THE WRECK OF THE GROSVENOR By W. CLARK RUSSELL Condensation by James B. Connolly The nuthor of "The Wreck ol (lie CSroavenor" lrna linrn In Ncvr York I'd.. Si, 1RII. Ife miih the non of llenrj- Hiimp11, nu tlior of the popu Inr nonir, 'Cheer, Ilojo, Cheer." He trim cdiienteA nt the fniimiM 'Wln eheater In Kni; Innil nnd nt Ilou Iordc In Frnnce. At thirteen he nlilppcd on ii IlrK InIi inerchnntmnn nnil nerved for clKht yenrn, which Kiivi; hint flmt hnnd Informntlon for the atorlcft whlrh have for ao lone been n Ae llKht to nil Tfho love n tnle of the Ncn. lit ftrnt hook mix "John llolila Vforth, Chief Mntc." It ivnn followed by n rnpld nnil lengthy nucccaalon of tnlca of the urn In n rlenr nnil plctur CH(nc atyle ivllh nbunilnnt ilrnmntlc kill. Thin (lrnt hook won him n de voteil nudlvnce, Increnneil the next yenr ly the nlory which rcnilcm will mont rendlly naaoclnte with hln nnme, "The AVreck of the Gronvenor." In nildlllon to being n kooiI atory It plenila for hot ter trentment of KiirIInIi nnllorn, cape clnlly In ninttern of fund.. The proper enre of the Hiillnrninn hnH nlwnyn heen one of the thing neeillnK n(en(lnn. In nililltlon to helue n proline writer of hooka he wnn nlno n newapnper mini, writing "lender" or editorial nrtlclea for the London Dully Teleirrnph. Theae Ticre of enough linportiiiice to he Kntli ereil together In "Itounil the dnllcy Fire" nnil other volume. He died In 1011. WE WERE bound out of Lon don with n general cargo. The wind dying out, wo hart to como to anchor In tho Downs. The crow had been grumbling uboutfhe grub; and wero now grumbllnf, yet more. I wns second olllcer, y.nd to mo enmo the cook saying: "Jit. Itoyle, would you mind testing t'.ils?" and banded me a bit of n ship's biscuit. "Sugar, molnsses, tea r.nd pork If they call 'em that they're all tho same rotten mess, sir." Tho biscuit wns bnd, nnd though It wns not my place to do so, I took It to Cnptnln Coxon, but got nothing from him except curses nnd the coltl advice to mind my own affairs. Mr. Duckling, tho first olllcer, added a few obsequious remarktr on his own ac count. Tho result wns thnt the crew, getting no redress, refused to make sail on the ship, nnd were put ashore. Next morning a crimp came down from London with a fresh crew. A fair wind sprang up, tho ship was got under way, but we wero -not clear of tho channel when tho new crew were nlso complnlnlng of the grub. Hot words were passed between them nnd the cnptaln, so hot that tho cap tain hnd to tako notice. lie finally promised to put Into somo hnndy port In Spnln or elsewhere along tho route, nnd lay In n fresh supply of ship's stores. "What Injustice In tho meanness of owners and cnptalns!"I thought. Hero wore good snllors and ordinarily harm less men who might be. mndc Into crim inals, and all to the end that our banking balance might bo kept large nnd our nntionul power supreme. With out tho British sailor there would bo no British empire, nnd what treatment Is meted out to him I He submits to hardships and danger, nnd receives low wages, poor food nnd mean living quarters; even should he bo granted a homing for a grievance, nineteen out of twenty persons np polnted to Investigate the troublo aro qualified neither by experience nor sympathy to render a Just verdict. Tho Grosvenor, of which 1 wns sec ond olllcer, was n fnst-salllng, full rigged little ship of fiOO tons. The cap tain, under owner's orders to make whnt time he could to Valparaiso, was out to drive, her. We wero rushing .along under n press of canvas when we ran over a small craft of some kind. I got a glimpse In the dark of n mast and a sail bel'oro they vanished un der us. No word enmo to bring her to. I asked Cnptaln Coxon, who wns on deck, if ho was not going to try to savo tho possible survivors. "Snvo bo hanged 1 Why didn't thoy keep out of the way?" 1 know what I wanted to say; but It Is In tho power of a ship's cnptnln to Injure, even to ruin, the future of an olllcer under him. I held my tongue. Wo ran Into n threo days' gale. Wo had a terrible time, but managed to live through It. As It was moderating wo sighted a wreck, a most mournful nnd piteous sight. It was In my watch, and 1 ordered the ship luffed to have n better look ut her. What I Baw was nn arm projecting through her deck-houso window. I nt once called tho cnptaln and asked for In structions. "Keep her away I" was his order. I called him n murderer nnd ap pealed to tho men. Thoy cried to save tho lives on tho wreck. Tho cnp taln then allowed mo to take a boat's crow and see whnt I could do. After a hard struggle our boat mado r I !! ! .1 the wfSMBHPMPMliMrimllsh ship, At no HttTeirT!l j. ..mlnlong the deck to her house, where I found a young girl nnd her old father. Another man was also there, alive, but Insane. See ing a pannikin of fresh water, this man grabbed It, draining it nntl dropped dead. When we were back aboard the Grosvenor, I for my pnrt In the res cue wns put In Irons. This wreck Incident, ndded to flic ther needless abuse of tho men ari tho further failure of the captain live up to his promise of putting for better food, Inflamed the crew yond endurance. They watched tlJ0lr chance, rushed the poop In the ntfgiit and killed the cnptaln. They hen killed Mr. Duckling. They might niuvo killed me, too, notwithstanding vlinl I had shown sympathy to theni hut somebody had to nuvlgntc tlio ship to within fifty miles of the Florida const, which was where they Intend ed to nbandon her nnd row irshorc. navlng the snfety of tho yjung girl nnd her father as well as mjf own life to think of, I ngrecd to acp. as uavl gntor. I wns having my supper 1n tho cablr. under the new regime wiy.cn I felt a touch on my nrm. I locked up. It was Miss Robertson, the rescued girl. Before I could prevent, her she took my hand and kissed It,; She told mo then of tho wrecked ship. Her fn ther, a wealthy Liverpool merchant, was tho owner of the ship, which had been bound home Hcom Cape Town. After the storm, the ofilcers nnd crew, fearing the ship Twould sink under them, hnd taken ylo the boats. She nnd her father hfad spent a terrible three days on th(V wreck, nnd now her father, nlrendy a) nervous wreck, wns shaken nncw by tho frightful threats of the mutlncers here. She trusted to mo for the snffety of her father and herself. nor trust Inspired mo with a new energy. To snve them I was now ready to pTiny any game whatever with Stevens, who wns the leader of tho mutineers. Our boatswain, who had not wlihed to join them, but to save his life hnd done so, wns on my side. It vns he who tohl me that Stevens waj Intending to scuttle the ship bo fo'ro taking to the boats, and so lcavo rne and tho passengers to our fate. We planned to frustrate htm. By this time we hnd taken Miss Robert son Into our confidence. One night our boatswain apparently fell over board and wns drowned; but he had not fallen overboard It was n box of ten-penny palls, which I hnd thrown over tho side. This wns the night be fore that day when Stevens went be low and bored the auger holes which wero to do for the ship ; but as fast as Stevens bored a hole, the boatswain, who hnd been hiding below for thnt very thing, followed nnd plugged It up. Thinking ho had scuttled tho ship, Stevens came on deck nnd led tho crow to the boats, grinning evilly nt Miss Robertson nnd myself ns he did so. They hnd not rowed far from tho ship when tho boatswain showed himself on deck. Stevens saw him. "We've been tricked I' he cried, and headed back for the ship. Tho wind was ris ing nt the time, but there wns not enough way yet on the ship to outrun tho boats. They tried to board us by tho main chnlns. As they did, the boatswain with n handspike nnd I with n revolver killed or hurled bnck Into tho sen nil but one of them. That one wns not so bad as the others, and wo saved him to help work on the ship. Throughout tho fight Miss Rob ertson, who had been gaining strength every hour, held the wheel so thnt tho ship should not be caught abnek ana tho spars como down on us. Wo had now to work the ship to tho , nearest land; but the Increasing wind mndo It dnngcrous with our meager crew, to keep sail on her. We worked llko dogs to reduce sail, but the wind beenmo too much for us. It came on us llko a solid wall; tho sens rolled to our tops. Spars cracked nnd hung down over our decks. Only nfter the most exhausting toll did we manage to clear awny the most dangerous ol the broken spars. In the height of II poor Mr. Robertson died. 1 read the eleventh chapter of St. John over his body. In time tho wind abntcd; but the sea, continuing to tumble nntl ronr, strained our ship so that she sprang a leak. There were not enough of us to keep her pumped out. We pumped till our urms fell to our sides; but ol no avail. When the water wns to our main chains we took to the boats; and It was then, when we believed we were doomed to die. thnt Mary Robert son and I confessed our love for each other, she tho daughter of n wealthy man nnd I n poor, penniless snllor. The sun wns setting; tho sky, far to tho north nnd south, u golden color; tho sea wns n purple glare, tho heav ens n tender green nnd blue; and while wo were gazing on nil this glory. tho ship went down. That night, before tho rough seas could swallow us, n steamer picked us up and took U8 home. CopyrlRht, 1919, by tho Tost rubllshlru Co. (Tlio IJoaton Post). Copyright In tin United Kingdom, tho Dominions. Its Col onlea ond dependencies, under the copy rlKht net, by ll'd Post Publishing- Co. Boston. Mass., U. S. A. All rlghta re nerved. fOMEN! USE "DIAMOND DYES" r'ye Old Skirts, Dresses. Waists. Coats, Stocklnjjs, Draperies Everything.. Each package of "Diamond Dvos" contains easy directions for dyeing nny article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or mixed goods. Beware I Poor dye Btreaks, spots, fades, and ruins mate rial by giving It a "dyed-look." Buy "Diamond Dyes" only. Druggist has Color Card. Adv. Giving Up. She A woman bus to give up a great deal after she gets married. Ho A man does nothing else but give up nfter he gets married. Bos ton Transcript. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as thoy cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu tional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an In flamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entire ly closed. Deafness Is tho result Unless tho Inflammation can bo reduced, your hearing may ba destroyed forever. HALLrS CATARRH MEDICINE acta through the blood on the mucous sur faces of tho system, thus reducing tho In flammation and rostorlng normal condi tions. Circulars free. All Druggists. P. J. Cheney & Co., Tolodo, Ohio Might Be the Reason. Johnson "De Brown never speaks of his family tree." Bronson "I ex pect It's much too shady." Don't tako any man's dust, unless It happens to be gold dust Find the Cause ! It isn't right to drag along feeling miserable half sick. Find out what is making you feel so badly and try to correct It. Perhaps your kldneyB are causing that throbbing backache or thoso sharp, stabbing pains. You may have morning lameness, too, headaches, dizzy spells and irregular kidney action. Use Doan's Kidney P. They have helped thousands of ailing folks. Ask your neighbor! A South Dakota Caso "btrjr Pkbjrt Tttb StKjr" Mrs. E. H. dotty, IE10 Third Avo., nrooklncg. 8. D.. sSKSsayB: "I had a dull "JJaoho In tho small ko( my back which Ltn.. ..nBA In It A nua nuiaq it. fc.to morning. Somo- times I would get dizzy. My kidneys acted too freely at I times. Doan'B Kid- :ma.. T3 I 1 I a Ii n A helped others so I got some and they soon put my kidneys In good condition anu tne Dacuacno leu me. Cat Doan'i at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S KpTJifaY FOSTER. MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. rfilA MBf'AJl Wlr,l www&m: wmfn Cuticura Soap AND OINTMENT Clear the Skin Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. FRECKLES POSITIVELY REMOVED bT Dr. B.rTT-1 rea.L OUiUavnt Tear drovRttt or bf mtlt, RK. Fr. bonk. Dr. C. H. Darn Co., 297S Michiaan Avnu, Chicago SEKDS lOlt SALE Alfalfa 110. Sweet clovor 7. Corn 2. Tim othy J 3. J. MULIIALL, Sioux City, Iowa, Kill That Cold With aVR FOR Colds, Coughs SUm. CASCARA EC QUININE OMlP ' AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for tho first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippo in 3 days Excellent for Headache Quinine In this form does not affect the head Cascara ia best Tonic Laxatlvo No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ! $: Keep Your Blood Pure ! tj aiuic vu. jl mc Avat. a Nature Will Do the Rest Did you know that ninety per cent of all human ailments depend upon tho condition of your blood? Nature Rives her warnings in va rious unmistakable ways, so that when tho appetite fails, and you become weak and listlecj and a cen eral run-down condition seem3 to tako possession of tho wholo body, it is an unfailing- Lign that impuri ties will steadily accumulate untjl your general health will be seri ously affected. You should recog nize the importance, therefore, oil very promptly cleansing out tho system, and keeping tho blood sup ply pure and robust. Get a bottlo of S. S. S. at your drugstoro to day, and note how promptly it builds up tho appetito and gives new strength and vi tality. Write for free literaturo and medical advico to Chief Med cal Adviser, 153 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Go. TSiMsan& sf Happy 1motitos? HrfF f -.a.T-,! AdSP"5r3Ci-H- toSl vji iVM M f i yaIU1 lYJmrkx IB.Bri IV nrf hMninfr their hnehnnrfo tn urn. .- i i-iV thai anr)AM4 ra&1 !& A -a a-h aa AL.. ...IJ . . a . w..w ui.uu4.ntu uitui lufcu ""cjtuicy tuuiumaKe a noma ot their V.WI1 save luyuig icui juju rcauce cost ot avian where thev x could reach prosperity and independence by buying on easy terms. Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land similar ;to that which throuch many years has yfetded from 20 to 49 bushels of whoat to the aero. Hundreds of Urmcrs in Western STfcSwffiP8 'V s,nsl seasi worth more than the wholS cust of their land. With such crops come prosperity, independence, good Domes, and all the comforts and conveniences which make for happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying aic nuuiics uj incope tweona oniy to gram growing and ctock rablrar. schools, rural teienhonc. etc... pfv vnn ih Kl3$.ySOj j opportunities of a new kind with the con veniences of old settled districts. For lltaitrattd llioratnre, mapa, description of .inn. L'lwiiui.uiiB in Diaiuiuaa, oaLKntcnevran. ml Alberta, reduced railway rate, ct write lahaatnAnt a-i I fa.H.,iainllAb fn.. - tyiy.uKi, v .uui.it ui.UUa WHUWi, IOa.a Q C. A. COOK. Drawer 197, Water, town. South Dk.R. A. GARRETT. 311 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn i.unaaian uoveroment Agent jffl2ii-iSi; wmsm M. .ilSVUkiftiU.' J A T-IKM hi Wftt!fctW5 -- is,'aB?J - uSSslrvBjSSi ' K8 3 Cents Per Pound FOR Semi-Solid Buttermilk It Happens. "What now?" "Just been to tho theater, and Uu song and dnnco team could slug ai well as dance." "No?" "Yen." "Well, I'vo always sald It mljjh happen, but I didn't think It woub happen In my time." Kansas Clt, Journal. Trade Mark Reg. U. S. Patent Office We have eliminated brokers' and middlemen's pro fit and shall in future deal direct from factory to consumer. Look at The Price of SEM1.SOUD BUTTERMILK nowl 33 cent, a pound, I. a. b. factory, in 500 lb. barrels, half barreli 4Jc, quarter barrel 42c No charge for containers. Merita for Pe Samnle and Booklet deat rikinv tkt. w..-. . .'. . . ' ja i .. . w:"-. .- dertui nog and poultry roeu. and h I. It put. the PEP in them, and eajinr, ue aura to ttt MtM . imifTM$ Consolidated Products Co. LINCOLN, NF.BKASKA Dent. 20 TSaaaaaaaaakHa at. - 5- M fcg-ratTiiarisa suwi-s LAS ENS h fesns jfcRxrasfiae' 200 ' i i I I f i." 1 2U.. Jt.,M ..