Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 03, 1921, Image 7

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    IJfelilllllJiSs'JHB JN
' . I -'-' r - ' -x,-.
tobacco makes 50
good cidateites for
She Meant Well.
Tlio orchestra In the grillroom wus
playing classical music during the
lunch hour. A womntt was listening
with what she probably regarded ns
the proper attitude to nssume when
good music Is played. After each num
ber she applauded, and murmured to
her companion, "I do so ndore good
music 1" She beckoned to a waiter
and asked him If the orchestra played
nny music by request. She was in
formed that It did.
"Will you please tell them to piny
the sextette from 'Bussln' for me?"
A Lady of Distinction
Is recognized by the delicate fascinat
ing Influence of the perfume she uses.
A bath with Cuticura Sonp and hot
water to thoroughly cleanse the pores,
followed by a dusting with Cuticurn
Talcum powder usually means a clear,
sweet, healthy skin. Adv.
Partial payments puzzle the school
boy and the older ho gets the more
they worry him.
Cupid has enslaved thousands, but
refuses to be enslaved himself.
Back Lame and Achy?
Do you get up mornings tired and
achy? Evening find you all "worn-outV"
Likely jour kidneys aro to blame.
Hurry and worry, lack of rest, and eat
ing too much meat, throw a strain on
the kidneys. Your back gives out; you
are tired and likely suffer headaches
and dizzy spells. Take things easier
and licip the kidneys with Doan's
Kidney Pills. Doan's have brought
new strength to thousands. Ask your
A South Dakota Case
H. A. Rademacher,
farmer, Route No. 1,
Emorv. S. D.. says:
Even Pirtort
Tells iStery"
"My back was weak
and ached. When I
sat down awhile and
went to get up, ani
awful pain took mc
through tny kidneys
and I had to straight
en up gradually. The
secretions passed tool
frcnuently and were
scanty and highly col
ored. I used Doan's K4dney Pills and
threo boxes cured mo."
Get Doan't at Any Store. 60c Dos
DOAN'S "pT.55
Reg U.S.Pat Off.
A convenient, safe
antiseptic for home
use. InvaluaHe for
dressing cuts and
sores. A time-tried
State Street Mew York
A St. Louis Woman
Tells Her Experience
St. Louis, Mo.
"During my
early married
life I found 'Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion' r wonderful
help. At one time
I was In very
poor health and
became nervous
and irritable. I
took Dr. Plerco's
Favorite Pro
scription and It
was jot long un
til I was a well
woman. I cer
tainly feel very grateful for what this
modlclno did for mo and am glad to
recommend It." MRS, WALTER
NAUMANN, 4053 Taft Ave.
Sond to I)r Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
for a ton-cent trial package.
I bare a bargain for 70a, enmn quirk.
Ceilur ltuplai, luua
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 6-1921.
55 3Sj3
Big Wealth in
Hands of Few
Fifty Families in United States
Control More Than $100,-
000,000 Each.
Oil King's Estate Is Now Estimated
at Between Three and Flvo Bil
lion Veritable Dynasty In Every
Important Industry.
Now York. Fifty families In the
United Stntes control over $100,000,000
each, 100 families control over $50,
000,000 each, and GOO families control
over 910,000,000 each.
John D. Rockefeller's estate is now
up to $3,000,000,000.
Flvo billion dollars of wealth liTtlic
United States has been hnnded down
to heirs, many of whom were Incom
petents, in tlie lust fifteen years.
Two hundred persons In the United
States control $15,000,000,000; In
Franco the same amount is controlled
by -ISO times that number of people,
or 00,000.
Dynasties to Fore.
Industrially the United States Is be
coming dynustlt there Is n veritable
dynasty in each Important Industrial
structure, some of which are:
Sixty per cent of the tobacco trust
tvealth Is in the hands of ten families.
Twelve families, with the Rockefel
ler family away in the lead, control
510 per cent of the oil industry.
Tho railroads of the country are
controlled by 1.3 per cent of tho stock
holders. One and five-tenths per cent of the
ftockholders In the steel trust possess
51 per cent of the stock.
Two families control 51 per cent of
the stock In the harvester Interests.
These startling figures on the con
centration of wealth In the United
3tatcs were obtained from Henry II.
Klein, deputy commissioner of ac
counts of New York city and a deep
Undent of economic affairs, lie hns
spent ten years collecting concrete
$100,000 Book, 700 Yrs.
Old, Is Brought to U. S.
Philadelphia. A book, 700
years old, valued at $100,000,
f was placed In tho University of
Pennsylvania for translation by
Dr. Wllllnm It. Newbold. It Is
said to hae been written by
Itogern Bacon, some time be
tween 1210 und 1202, and Is an
exposition of the laws govern
ing life. Tho volume is the
property of Dr. Wlllfred M. de
Voynloh, exile from Poland.
Dublin Bicycle Shop a Bomb Arsenal
British auxiliary police recently uncovered 11 veritable Sinn Keln bomb
arsenal In this bicycle whop on i'arnell street, Dublin. They are shown In
specting a case of the bomlm.
American Fleet Officers Make
Interesting Discovery.
Efficiency of Air for Transmitting
Radio Communications Affected
by Changes of Moon.
Paris. The changes of the moon
invo been found by tho radio olllcers
of the small American lleet In the
Adriatic sen to have a striking effect
upon the efficiency of the atmosphere
tor transmitting radio communlca
llonn. The olllcers havo succeeded In draw
ing curves and other iliiigrnins, Imbed
upon months of observation, which,
Ihey assert, reliably ere to indicate
ivhnt ntmopphorlc and celestial condi
tions affecting radio uorvlce will be
met at any particular date in tho fu
'ure. The discovery apparently has spe
facts on the pyramiding of Americnu
wealth. o
Mr. Klein's attention was cnlled to
the recent statement of George P.
Unmpton, managing director of the
Farmers' National council, thnt 33 in
dividuals own 2 per cent of the en
tire American wealth. Ho estimated
this 2 per cent nt about $1,837,000,
000. Mr. Hampton gave no names,
but tho following .list of Individuals
and estates and their vast holdings,
checked up to n recent date, was giv
en by Mr. Klein:
Estates or Individuals Amount.
John D. and William Rocke
feller, W.000,000,000 to 8,000,000,000
Pratt family 400,000,0u0
Ilarkness 400,000,000
Cariioglo ., 300,000,000
Woyorhaeuser cstato 300,000,000
Vandorbllts 300,000.000
AstorB i 300.000.COO
Pnyno Whitney faintly 1500,000,000
Frick estato lM.OOO.OOO
Goolets 100.000.000
J. J. Hill estato 100,000,000
Hetty Green ostnto , 10,000.000
Field estato 100,000,000
Harrlman 100.000,000
Morgans, 1GO,000,000 to 200.000.fti0
Flagler ostnto 100,000,000
Anthony Urady cstato 100,000,000
Gould estate 100,000.000
Wldaner SO.000,000
George Farr Rakers FO.000,000
Stllmnna 0,000,000
Isaac Stevenson 70,000,000
Kennedy-Todd group 75,000,000
Hage estato 60,000,000
Historic Tract
Being Reclaimed
Famous "Campagna Romana" Is
Being Cultivated and Is
Yielding Big Crops.
Since the Fall of the Roman Empire
This Once Fruitful Tract Hns Been
Uncultivated To Reclaim Many
Thousand Acres.
Ostla, Italy. Efforts are being made
to reclaim and plant parts of the vast
tract of land which stretches for sev
eral miles around Home and goes by
the name of tho "Capipagna Itomana."
It hns been allowed to remnln Idle and
uncultivated eer since the fall of the
Itoninn empire.
Before that time It was a sort of
terrestrial paradise; villas and gar
dons were dotted all over It as far as
tho eye could see, It wus luxuriant
with fruits and (lowers, It supplied
food nnd work for thousands upon
cial npplieutlon to the Iclnity of the
Adilutle, lor theie the (hangi-s In the
uliimsplicrlc conditions caused by the
change In the world's relation to the
moon are much more marked than
uny where else In the world so far as
yet discovered.
The Adriatic fleet under Admiral
Andrews depends almost entirely for
Its communications upon radio serv
ice, nnd having only receiving nnd
sending apparatus of moderate elll
clency It has specially benetlted from
tho discoveries. The powerful land
wireless stations, such as the new La
fajotte station near Bordeaux, manage
to overcome unfavorable conditions by
using great power and so aro not con
cerned about which way the moon
Woman Branded,
Bloninlngton, lnd. When she failed
((. glo food to a tramp who called
at lcr home near Klrksvllle, -Mrs.
- -..- A
Called Fire Department to
Quench Flames Inside, Him
Seeing n mnn rush up to a
fire nlnrm box and turn In an
I alarm, Patrolman Winner of
1 the New York city police de
partment, Inquired where tho
lire was. "Inside me," gasped
Joseph Mnrone of Wooster, O.
"1 drank booze and want the
firemen to rJm n hose down my
I throat and extinguish the
Tho imtrolmnn told the llre-
I iikmi where the lire was, but
took Mnrone to the police stn-
I tlon.
.. $
Hlalr estato ....., M.OOO.OOO
Rhlnclundors W.0OO.00O
Rogers M.000,000
Armours I00.0o0.000
Swift 100,000.000
A. C James family CO.000,000
Cleveland Dodgo CO.000,000
Archhold estuto SO.000,000
Mills cstato ro.000,000
Daniel Reld cstato '. &0.000.000
Plant estato fO.000.OW
Morris CO.Ow'.OW
Pullman cstato W.000,000
Sondes estato M.OOO.OiW
There are many families Mr. Klein
mentioned in the $10,000,000 class?,
and this Includes Mrs. William T.eeth,
now 1'iineoss Christopher of Greece, )
and Alexander Smith Cochrane, until
recently America's "richest bachelor"
and now the husband of Mine. Gantw
WnKka, opera singer.
Mr. Klein's list, which Is several
pages long, does not go below tho $10,
000,000 class.
thousands of men, it was one of tliu
most beautiful and Intensely cultivat
ed .spots In the world.
When Hume, however, was obliged
to resign her position ns "the mlslress
of the world," the "cnnipagna" was
abandoned and gradually became a
marshy, malaria-Infected desert, In
habited only by a few hardy shep
herds. New Law Having Effect.
Now, however, the law which was
recently passed, decreeing that any
one who does not cultivate Ids land
to the utmost of Its capacity, is llablo
to huve the land confiscated, Is be
ginning to huve Its effects. I'rinco
Aldobrandlnl lias engaged n company
to reclaim a huge estati' of several
thousands of acres, which ho owns In
the "campagna."
The work nlready hns heg'Jii and
nn experimental station has been set
up ut Ostia. The land was first of
all drained and then nrrungements
were mndo to obtain water from tho
Tiber for Irrigation. Electric tractors
to draw the plows were then bought
and vnrlous kinds of fruit, vegetables
and cereals wero cultivated In order
to And out how fertile the lnnd Is nnd
what kind of crop It Is mo6t adapted
Yields Plentiful Crops.
The results were beyond the wild
est hopes of any of (he promoters ol
the company. The land, after lying
Idle for centuries, seems to linvej
stored up Its fertility throughout nil!
that time nnd now yields crop upon
crop with unstinting hand.
An attempt has even been mndo to
grow cotton hero nnd Ihe experiment
hns been successful, but how success
ful It bus been Impossible to deter
mine, as Ihe cottonseed used was of
the worst (piallty obtainable. This
year, however, It Is proposed to plant'
American or Egyptian cotton. So hap
py hno Ihe results ut the experiment
al Mullen been, thnt It is hoped that
soon work may be begun for Ihe toial
reclaiming of the whole of tliu "cniiH
To Tench Hondurans to Fly.
Tegucigalpa. Honduras. Two Amer
ican u tutors h.io arrived In Hondur
as wllli American-built Hying mi
dlines bought for the wur department.
They are engaged for 11 certain period
to teach llylng and how to care for
the airplanes. It is expected that
In pence times the mnchlnes will be
used to carry malls over tho country
where railroads ,nro .scarce and roads
John Carmlchnel, forty-live jears old,
a farmer's wife, was attacked and
branded In many places with a llat
Iroii she luul been using. Her screams'
attracted persons passing by nnd 11
posue was organized to search for her
assailant. Bloodhounds followed the
trail of the Dixie Highway, nine miles
south of hero, whole they lost It.
. -
French Baby Has Heart
in Pouch Outside Body i
Purls. Purls medical authori
ties wero called to Solssons to
examine 1111 Infant born to a
working finally with heart and I
Intestines contained in n pouch
011 the outside of the child's
body. The casu was said tc i;c
tho llrst of Its kind on record.
There is every Indication that
the chili) will live, us all the or
gans ure functioning perfectly
desplto their displacement.
j --"" -"-'-'
l..)frf t f
8 "Me Me Well and
"I htre tkf n levm! tiotUen of IV rn-n
anil and It t:rrt benefit. I lilplntn
ray itointch And boweli, tint by tli uioof
lVrun and Man- lln. 1 am well and
trotigartln. I alwa j Vnt n a f aw botUot
inUiobouM," Man, Onciit On at,
II, K 1) Ko. J. Hoi 19.
Nlclioli, Iowa
Mm- Gray's cxptrlcnco fa Just mora evidence, thnt Po-ru-M
l-i qulto iu good a remedy for catarrh o( the atomach, bqwcla or
othor organs as It la for coughs, rolda and nasal catarrh,
l'o-ru-na la a wonderfully lino mmlldno tohavo la tho houaa
lor o cry day UK
Send to the Penmn Comp&ny, Cotumbui, Ohio tor trt
boohttt mod medlcMl advice.
Trade Mark Rec
putting Brokers' and Middlemen's profits in Con
sumera' pockets.
Host Hor and Poultry Peed on the market. It puts the
PEP in them nnd keeps tliem healthy.
Prices down to 3Uc per lb. in 00 lb. barrels: 4!c in half
barrel; 4Hc in quarter barrels. F. O. H. factory.
Get Free Sample and Booklet describing this Wonderful
Consolidated Products Co.
"The only thlnu for nut. Makes them Rrow llko weeds."
K, T. McKILLIP, Deavcr CrosainR, Nebr.
"It's the best stuff I ever fed." F. SEIVERS. Iowa.
"A great chicken feed and egir maker."
T. J. nUTTKLL, Wilber, Nebr.
"The pigs sure like It. Beat thing for shoits I have found."
E. VAN 1IOKN. Burr. Nebr.
Scientists Unable to Tell Why Bites of
Some Animals Are Fatal and
Others Innocuous.
Scientists In Oreat Itrltnln have
been greatly Interested In the recent
rase of u monkey bite resulting In the
dentil of Ihe King of (.Jreece, says a
London dispatch. The result Is thnt
a study Is being made of the effects of
bites from various animals, inasmuch
as the monkey Is what Is known us a
"clean feeder," It seems extraordinary
that the bite of such uiuaulmal should
produce tho fatal poisoning of n hu
man being.
It does not, however, appear that
the umllgnaiicy of tin m'hIiiuiI'h bite
can he measured by what It feeds
upon. A dog is a carnivorous crea
ture, yet Its bite seldom produces seri
ous results, while on tho other nuud
the bite of a horse or n donkey fre
quently results in poisoning. Only n
few weeks ago n woman died from
being bitten by a donkey, while u mnn
lost 11 bund through being nipped on
the thumb by a horse.
Useful Heirloom.
"A successful man of affairs still
cherishes tliu trunk strap with which
ids father chastised him In the old
family woodshed."
"A matter of sentiment, 0I1V"
"Sentiment and common sense,
lias the best behaved hoys In
uld. -Itlriuitigliatu Ago-Iler-
Swat the Big Flnurcs.
Knleker "A scientist calculates tliu
cailh will Inst a trillion years." Con
gressman "Well, I'd cut the esti
mate." Why should a novelist cure wheth
er one likes his boot: or not If fiO.OOO
copies of II nre sold?
you "Will Like
Because of its attractive
flavor and real economy
Tnere's no waste because it
is prepared instantly in the
cup by the addition of hot
water, and you can me-ke it
strong or mild to suit indir
vidual taste.
Instant Postum
Economical Healthful
Hade by Postum Cereal Co ,Inc.. Battle Creek.Mlch.
Look at This Price!
Per Lb.
U. S. Tatcnt Office
Dotanlsts Say That Within Another
Generation It May De as Rare as
the Mistletoe.
Christmas holly, that merriest and
most beloved of nil growing bushes, Is
threatened with extinction, according
to a warning sounded by lovers of a
red Christmas. Once growing pro
fusely In southern New Jersey nnd
Maryland, It lias been swept from
those states by the ruthless cutlers
for the city markets, and must now
bo sought In the swamps of Virginia
and North Carollnn, where already tho
supply Is gri Ing less bountiful ench
year. The liulf states have been sim
ilarly shorn to provide holly for Now
Orleans, St. Louis and Chicago.'
Within another generatlou, botan
ists say, holly will be ns rnro as mistle
toe, which used to grow In abundance
on the Atlantic seaboard as far north
us Rarltan bay, but has now practi
cally ceased to exist ns a Christian dec
oration. When will tho American peo
ple learn that tho bounty of their
fields and woodlands Is not HmltlessT'
New York Tribune.
Rough on Men.
The other day an elderly colored'
woman was admiring a north sldo
woman's children, telling her that tlioy
were angels,
"They's nothln' but babies," sho
said. "When they do anything It's
Yuuho they don't know no better. I
Joves children, but I'm mighty rough
on men."
Usually So.
"I'a, what Is a peacemaker?"
"He Is a man, my child, whose chief
success Is generally In precipitating a
Poetry of love Is transformed Into
prose at the paregoric singe.
awai rtiMniWM-'fl
Tabled or Liquid a
Sold Everywhere 'A