Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 27, 1921, Image 4

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CVr -TnnTiV,xtni ti viTur.Tji wiriraiiiriinntr. n.n ,
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riUAIUtNl Uk!5 4-.
Washington. Archbishop Kkoren,
whose areheplscopal see Is Erlvnn, cap
ital of the Armenian Republic, Jour
neyed seven thousand miles to present
President Wilson ono of the quaintest
and most touching documents In the.
archives of tlm Stnte Department. It
Is Illuminated by the monks of Etch
mlodzln, tho sent of the Armenian
church since Its separation from the
Greek church, after the Council of
,Chalcedon In the year 4.11.
Tho Encyclical Letter, which the
Archbishop presented to the President,
"012011013, Servant of Jesus Christ
ond by the Omniscient Will of Ood,
Arch-Priest and CATIIOLICOS OF
Patriarch of the highest Armenian See
of Ararat and of the Apostolic Mother
Church nt Etchmlndzln the Holy.
Apostolic Chief of the Holy Church of
"With placid, profound feelings of
devotion, wo desire, through this En-
cyclical Letter of Ours, to place be
fore you and to muke known to you
the expression of Our deep gratitude
for tho liberal help which, Inspired by
A spirit of philanthropy, you have ex
tended to Us both by Individual per
gonal donations and through the sus
taining assistance and alleviating In
strumentality of the Near East Relief
.Organization. Individually and Collec
tively, combined In ono body as It
were, you gnve and you brought to Ui
tho fruits of your offerings, to tho ml
vatlon and protection of Our Flock
during tho most bitter days of their
suffering Bufferings which We attrib
ute to the rigours of the War of Lib
eration, and to the cruelty of Our Im
placable Oppressors.
"In expressing Our thanks for your
generosity and for your evangelical
icopnnlsserntlon, Wo, ns tho recognized
'Head of Our Spiritual Children, com
prising the entire Armenian Nation,
would bo glad to view your acts of
;iercy ns tokens of your continued as
sistance In the future, and that It It
;your purpose to continue to assist Us
In Our regeneration nnd complete lib
eration, In the habiliment of a self-
governing Nation. With these thing
In mind, We appeal to you all; to the
Prelates of your Churches; to your
devout Dlshops, Our Brethren and be
loved In Our Lord Jesus Christ ; to men
endowed with political nnd civil acu
men; to those who have been rolled
upon by tho Lord In the Conduct ot
Public thought; and to every soul In
which tho spirit of Chrlstlnn philan
thropy glows. Come to our defense
nnd to tho couso of the Freedom ol
Our Flock. Come from the pulpits o
your Churches; from the seats of join
Council Chambers; from the platform.
of Public Associations; from the sune.
turn of your Journals. Raise the might
voices in yuur iimuii ana or your sym
pathetic people, as those of unfailing
and unfaltering friends. We need them
for the salvation of Our Klerk, tor
tured In body and soul through cen
turies of suffering. And Our people
will forever stand In history as wit
ness ttiut a Great Nation, prolltlc of
welfare, stretched Its helping bund uud
mighty arm to raise them up.
"The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
and Our thankful Blessings be with
you till, evermore, Amen.
"Cuthollcos and Supreme Putrlurch ot
All Armenians."
Durjng the VIII. year of Our Putrl
erchute at the Mother See of Ararat.
Etcbuiludzln the Holy.
New York. At a mass meeting re
cently held here to consider the need
of Armenia In the appalling dlsuster
thut bus overtaken thut unhappy land
the following telegrum was received
from the commander of the Second
"True to their religion, Unguuge ami
race through u thousand years of per
secution, the Armenians must not be
permitted to perish. Americans should
aid thttuj with moral, fluanclal mid po
litical upport.
.1 "J. O. HAKBOJtD."
n md c in in id a p a a a p
coiwtv (oiuuroNDiwXci:
a d a p a a a a a a a a
The banns of marriage were pub
lished in the Catholic church hero
lnat Sundny between M. R. Holer and
Miss Margaret Water.1?, anil Mamie
Heonon and Frank Heeney of Hub
bard. Nub.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. II. Sullivan, which died in1
Saint Vincent's hospital, Sioux City,
last Wednesday, was brought here oi.
Thursday for burial in St. John's
cemetery. '
V. J. McGonigle, of Newcastle, spent
the week-end with homo lolks. '
Mary Mitchell, who substituted in
Saint Catherine Academy a few weeks
before the holidays, began teaching
last Monday in district No, 2, Stru
hie, Iowa.
Mrs. Catherine Jones was on the
sick list the past week, and Mrs. M.
E. Kennelly, who has been sick is
improving slowly;
Mrs. J. S. Johnson departed last
Saturdny evening for Royal, Neb.
Tho Hammond family entertain
ment, which was the attraction hero
Saturday night, being the last niiin
)cr of the iycouin course, drew a
good crowd.
Mrs. M. Leahy returned Saturday
-venlng from Mitchell, S. I). She
was accompanied by Mrs. Jus. Leahy
mil little son Hilly, of Fedora, S. I).
The La'dies Guild will meet Thurs
lay jn the Mrs. J. M. Hrnnnnn home.
Mrs. Mike Holer will be assistant
Rev. Fr. McCarthy returned the
last of the week from n few days'
visit in Omaha.
Contributions were taken up lieto
in the Catholic church Sunday for re
lief work among the needy in Eu
iope. William Garner was down from
Newcastle Tuesday.
C. K. lleffernnn had a load of cat
tle on tho Sioux City market last
The Mrs. Anna Carpenter home is
under quarantine, her little son John,
Is down with tho unollpox. The co.?,1
is very mild.
Mrs. II. Demaray and son Harry, of
LeMars, Iowa, were in town Wednes
day of last week, looking after their
farm property, hero. They were en
route from Watorbury, where they
visited a few days In the Glen Hnys
Mrs. Kate Sawyer departed last
week for Ulalr, Neb., to spend n few
veeks visiting in the Mrs. E. S.
Heaty home.
Mrs. Tim Hodgins was taken sick
last Wednesday and a trained nurse
,vns called to help care for her. She
Is much improved.
Mrs. Lester left Snturday or Walt
nill, Neb., after spending the past
wo months vjsiting'ln the'homo of
her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Darnell and
family. s.
Tom Sullivan was taken quite ill
last Friday and his sister, Mrs. Mc
Ewen of Sioux City, was sent for.
He was improved enough to acconi
pony her home on Saturday, and ex
pects to stay there until lie recovers.
An H-lb. boy was born to Mr. and
Irs. Arthur Armbright Soturday.
Miss June duly, of Omaha, is the
-ew teacher at the Brushy Bend
MissLula L&rsou was a home visitor
'rom Wayne over Sunday.
A social gathering was held at the
mine of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Ostmeyer
aturday. which was attended by up
wards of twenty-live of the young
oiks. The evening was pushed in
flaying games and other forms of
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Keennnim and
Jr. and Mr. Kd Temple of Woke
ield, wore cullers at the .Mm IV its
'mine in Morningsido last Wednesday
ifternoon ami evening.
About twenty of tu. Salem hoys
Jluiriviirled Albert Ebel and bride
'ast Wednesday night, and theyweie
eworded with cigars and a nurse of
money. They then transferred their I
attentions to Mr. nnd Mrs. Willien
Eliel, who had just celebrated their
itith wedding anniversary, and pro
needed to charivniie them. Mr
Kbel promptly "came across" with a
"on pie of dollars to get rid or the
loisy bunch.
A number or the young folks sur
I'ised Everett Blessing last Friday
vening, it being his 17th birthday.
The Salem Ladies Aid will meet
with Mr. mid Mrs. George Mndsen
for n 1 o'clock dinner on Thursday of
this week, January 27th. The meet
ing will bo held from 12 to l ti.m
mo i mil es win please bring one dish!
of eatables, nnd tlu. husbands will
please bring their wives and partake
of the-dinner. A charge or 25c for
adults, and 15c for children will be
Mr8.'Geo, Mounoe of South Sjoy:
a d d a d o d d
n a a a a p a d a
City was si Homer vUilor vVc.ncyday
of las week.
Mrs. Chas. Holsworth, who lins been
quite sick with tonsllitis, Is much
Hob Small and Dr. Daily visited at
the Wrn. Clnpp home in Dakota Citv
1 uosdi-y of last week.
Nelson Smith and wife returned
from Omaha Wednesday of last week,
where Nelse had been courtinp and
M. Smith vis(ting relatives,
Mrs. Chas. Whnley was a Sioux City
visitor Tuesday of last week,
Mrs. Fiy of Chicago, who hns been
visiting her brother, Ed Norrls, sr.,
and family, went to Lincoln to visit
other relatives.
Mis. Ed Harris sr., was on tho sicl.
list Inst week.
The Misses Ednn Hansen, Ardoth
Harris, Lisle Smith, Lura and Dala,s
Whnley took teachers' examination
at Dakota City Saturday.
Lon McEntalfer's, who have been
living in part of Will Hroyhlll's
house since tho flood, have moved
into the Walter Smith house.
Mrs. Helena Green of Sioux City,
visited relatives here Friday.
Mrs. Kettler, Helen Holster, Maiy
Renz and Marion Curtis gave a mis
cellaneous shower for Mrs. Ed Fox,
nee Cora Sorensen, nt the Frank
Kettler home Thursday evening of
lust week. Brick icecream with a
red heart in the center, cake and
coffee were served at a late hour,
and everyone went home wishing,
some more would get married.
James Allaway, jr., wason the sick (evening was spent with cards and
list last week with a verv painful, visiting. At the close a nice lunch
case of pleurisy.
Mrs. Win. Grewcock is on the sick!
list with pneumonia. Mis.
jCrippen is caring for her. i
Miss Florence Whaley visited Sat-
urday nt the Win. Clapp home in Da-
kota City. .
Leleah Anderson, Julia Ilolsworl!:
and Kllcp Nelson took teachers'" ex-
amination at Dakota City Saturday.
Miss Bessie Holsworth, nuiseatthe
Samaritan hospital, Sioux City, spent L1y('i Mrs. Gibson, sr., and three
Saturday and Sundny with homo sons I-ee DeForrest and wife and Ira
folks. Waddell ind wife. Many hands make
Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Allaway and "Bnt l'or, but everyone found plen
Miss Neva Altemua spent Sunda with ly to ,cueP them busy, so as to get
relatives nt Dakota Citv. everything in in good shape for the
Charles, John and Mildred Blocket- stor" that came up in the afternoon,
er, of Dakota City, visited their fath- Mr. Hirschbach has built the first all
it, Win. Blacketer, Saturday. modern house on the Island, having
Miss Mabel Kasmusson entertained everything finished except the eloc-
about thirty frionds Saturday even- tricity, which the house is all wired
ing at her home on Wigle crdek. nmi ready, so as soon ns the line is
Prof. Swett and wife entertained n ,milt out fri South Sioux City t
card party Friday night. icnn ne connected up.
Mrs. Davis of Riverside, Si6ux City, Kulph Tebbens nnd Raymond Wad
was a guest of her cousin, James AI- (1c" nru working for the Consume. s
lawny, sr., a couple of days last week, Ice Co- at Crystal lake,
and nlso at the Geo, Penry home, vis-1 Tne Island Telephone Co. instnlled
Ring her cousin, Mrs. Sarah Rich- new phones for Chns. Waddell and
Albert Bristol is now it home from
Sioux City, whore he wan working
most of the winter,
i:lk vallky
L. C. Tilton, Axel Lind and Amos Rochester, Minn., where he will en
Llnafelter shipped u car load of tl'r the hospital for treatment,
hogs to the Sioux City market Mon-' Mrs. Davidson, of Bancroft, visited
ilny of this week. i friends here the past week.
Duvid Woods had his tonsils re-
moved nt the Samaritan hospitiil on
Saturday of last week, and is report-
ed as getting -"along nicely.
Elmer Stewart has been movinr
his mnchinery and some of his house
hold goods to the L. C. Tilton farm
which he has rented. He will move
his family soon.
L. C. Tilton, who hns rented his
farm and will move to Central City,
Nebraska, plans to load hi? car ut
Wat i'i bury Mondii) of next veel .
several parties in the neighbor-
hood have been shelling corn during
the past two weeks. i
Mr. and Mr-. Alfred Mogeusun'
spent several days lust week visiting j
at the honies 0f their parents in j
Sioux City, Iowa, and South Sioux
City. Neb. I
George Hilines wns quite sick with
something like urliino tlu llrvt m
the week, but is
now able to he
around again
Mr. ami Mrs. L. C. Tilton were
Miopping mui seeing after some bus-
Iness interests m 0 -.y;; City W - uluc - , -
day of this week.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gn' n.
lecently, a fine baby girl. Mother
and babe doing nicely.
M.irr.ed, on Wednesday, Janun y
l!Uh, at 12 o'clock, nt the home of
v!r. .ti l Mis. Chiile Stewait, near
Wntoibuty, Neb., their claughtsi,
Miss Clni.t , Stewart, to Mr. Robert
II. Allen, of Allen. Nui. The
mony was performed by Rev. Gen. J.
McClellan, pastor of tup Elk Valley
Friends church
Alter the coremo
ny a-bounteous dinner was .served to Pikers to Sioux City Wednesday.
guest;, present, which was greatly Kose Hartnett returned to her
enjoyed. The many' frleMs of this wiw l JncUson Saturday.
splendid young cmple extend hearty1. Mr- ,"u, A,rs- (''en Harris visited
nniliri-nliil.iltyi.id .....1 l.A. ...fl .
" wiunwin nun ucsi wisnes lor
a long, prosperous and happy wedded
Rev. nnil Mrs. Qeo. J. McCUllan
have been enjoying a visit from Mr.
McClcllan's brother and wife, Limes
E. McClellnn, of Albia, Iowa. Mr.
McClcllan inroad master on the main
lino of the Wabash railroad from
Mbia, to Dcs Moines, lown, 1'c )..
iieen v'Hb the Vnluis.i rni'n'.id for
more than thirty years, he,innintr
with that road when a Kv and work
ing up to this high place of trust.
He is now a senorlty .ran and has a
pts over all the railroads in the
United States. The two brothers
are all that are left of their family,
noncp these occasional visits arc en
joyable affairs with them.
Large audiences were prcser.t at
the Elk Valley' Friends church lasl
Sunday in spite of the bad roods.
The pastor preached at the inonnni.
service on the text, "Christ, our
passover is" sacrificed for .us." The
subject of the evening message -vis,
"The hst sheep." Mrs. IJr.se Sierk
fnvored us with n b'eaufital solo
which was enjoyed by those present.
On Sunday, Janunry 30th, at 11 a.m.,
the pastor will bring a nessaqe on
"The Visions of J'.echeriuit." Among
the visions of Zehariah that will be
considered will be the vision of "The
Horses and the Man among the Myr
tles," "The Four Horns and the Four
Carpenters," "The Man and the Meas
uring Line," "The Golden Candle
sticks and the Two Olive Trees.'
M. nnd Mrs. Wm. McAfee will sing
duet nt the morning service. A moai
cordial invitation is extended to ev
ery person in the community to at
tend all of our services.
Last Wednesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. H. Tebbin entertained in honor
of their son Irving's birthday. The
was served.
Fridny night the Island community
club gave a dance in the Knowlton &
Manning-hall. S24 was made clear
of expenses, the same to go into the
.community house fund.
Monday, the 24th, the following
neighbors helped Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hirschbach move into their fine new
l"ie: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tebbens
aml son Irving, Mr. Rounds and son
Paul Kruger Monday.
Tom Walsh visited the past week
in the John Hownrd home.
Fred Renze left last week for
v,rs- '' l Nncora, spent n couple
of t,avs tn past week in the Storey
Ednn and Emma Andersen spent
over Sunday in their homes here. ,
Mr. and Mrs. M.
relatives in Sioux
W. Green visited
City the past
Pat Parrel I went to Sioux City last
week after an extended stay hero
with relatives.
Nels Andersen motored to Dakota
City Tuesday.
Miss Kathryn Mclnt.ire, of Ponca,
attended the Hayes - Heeney wedding
""re last week.
Mrs. Chas. Good fellow of Jackson
vi-s'tei' friends here Inst week,
I'Vaijk Ulflng shipped a car of )wgg
to 0ll,lin 'at week.
Willie Rice, of Kenosha, Wis., is
',m' visitlnj- his sister, Mrs. Joseph
Rev. Fr. Zeph was a city passenger
Inst Saturday.
Mrs. Len Harris spent a couple of
days the past week in South Sioux
. City with relatives.
Charlotte Hartnett visited in the
Jol,n KWackey home in Hloomlield
t,,e l)ast wc(!k I
'Tom Hartnett visited the past week
l" lm Mrs' Annn r'nrrell home for a
Margaret Hartnett of Jackson spent
" l"l' tnti nust woek ',l l,u- home of
ftI, aml ftIrs' ,,ohn l'een.
Mary Webber spent over Saturday
n,u' Sunday with her parents at
In .-..-or. Ilw.ll l.l I
....,.-..,, iiiuuici.i auiiii:ii a cur 01
rHlntfl14 III llfllllitl- VI M t...linrr. n..l
- " -,. Ullu
ecatr. Neb., the post week.
Een Harris returned Saturday from
0lt on the bottom, where he spent
To Cash on Hand r $ 93320 10
To 1910 tax collected 26 J6
To 1917 tax collected 41 ol
To 1918 tax collected 137 41
To 191!) tax cpllected 22054 00
To 1920 tax collected '. ." 75507 84
To tax paid under protest 8778 29
To school land lease collected ; 338 05
To June apportionment received from state tfensurer '. . . . 3520 72
State highway fund ., 8037 70
To miscellaneous collections county general .....".'. 3190 M
To miscellaneous collections county bridge .'. 208 35
To fines and licenses 224 00
To interest on county deposits 1533 37
To automobile license collections 3045 25
To redemptions 101G 03
County Road, No. 3 154 25
To fees 154 75
TOTAL '...'..: 223094 97
By state treasurer's receipts $ 18133 b2
By county general warrants redeemed 20730 40
By county bridge warrants redeemed 9225 38
By county road warrants redeemed 5732 00
Stnte highway , 8405 33
South Sioux City water bond, principal 3500 00
Dakota City light 50 00
Dakota City general 1100 00
Homer Park 20 00
Homer streets ond alleys 200 00
Homer general 500 00
Homer light I 300 00
South Sioux City water bonds 1125 00
Dakota City water and light bonds 212 50
By school orders paid 39 151 92
Emerson light bonds 187 37
Emerson amusement 20 00
By inheritance tax orders paid ; 2735 01
By protest tax refunded 134 62
Emerson park 20 00
By district road warrants 3875 95
Road dragging 3400 01
Emergency bridge fund 2702 70
Hy orders on Drainage District No. 2 . . 574 05
Homer water bond -. 250 00
Emerson light 101 00
South Sioux City general 3850 40
South Sioux City light ...: ". 1208 75
South Sioux City park ,.'; .. 200 f,6
South Sioux City fire -;,' - 38 1
South Sioux City sidewalk '.V;V'". . '. . 125 00
Homer ewernge 330 00
Homer water extension 190 31
Emer.son general , -- 304 i')
By redemption 1722 25
Snlary and clerk hire .' 1934 00
Cash on hand in banks 90252 42
TOTAI Tl .$223094 J7
State funds .- .'.". $ G1G5 13
Dakota City, shoveling snow 34 OS
County commissioner, district No. 1 ' ,., 5433 02
County commissioner, district No. 2.. ... ..-. 152 98
County commissioner, district No. 3 234 83
State highway fund 172 43
Inheritance tax fund 60 05
County general fund 398O 27
County bridge fund .' 1563 21
Emerson bond 150 01
South Sioux City fire '. '. 5 n.5
South Sioux City sinking .'. j. ..;... .. . . 45853
South Sioux City park .-,' 8587
Hor:er light ' 023 99
Homer park j','. 48 50.
Emerson light jfjO 43'
Emer.son amusement 29 2 1
Emerson park ; -. 29 13
Homer sewei'age ',,. . . ,. . ; 220 C8
Homer water extension 148 OS
Jackson light 100 30
School district fund r-t 29445 02
Dakota City light .,,,,' 19 39,
South Sioux City sidewalk 2GV4(.
Fines and licenses fund . . . .,, ' iqq 25.
Transferred to county general fund v. ..!!'. ! 1533 37
Protest fund 19918 77
Road district fund 7 .......... 7205 87
Fees, transferred to county general fund .'.'.. ".". 271 50
Covington judgment . 4(52 7c
Homer streets nnd alleys .".'.'.'..' 322 18.
City of South Sioux City general iqo 30-
City of South Sioux City, light .- '.....;'.'.'. 330 7o"
Village of Dakota City, general 87 11
Village of Homer, general ",' 7J4 ij(;
Village of Jackson, general ..'.'.'.' 401 9S
Village of Emerson, general '. ".'.". '.'.'. '.".'. 388 43
Villnge of Hubbard, general ; '"' (J9 (ji)
Dakota City water bond !!!."!!! 1 1 10 35
South Sioux City bonds ..'...'..!!.! 044 53
Homer water bonds .'.'!.'.'..'.'!.'.'! 1480 97
Redemption fund .!..'.'...!... 12003
Homer sinking fund f )7' i;
Drainage district No. 2 3093 7
Emergency bridge fund . . .- .'...'.'.'..'.'.'.".!! 1 702 20
Road dragging fund t 1". ".'.".!! 335 07
Drainage district bond interest ' !!!!.!!! 579 01
Excess fees earned and transferred to county general' fund ".'. '. (!07 40
We do hf.-ehy eoitlfy, that we huve examined the above statement V
Walter K. Miller, county trensuier of Dakota County, Nebraska for thf
mx months ending Deoemboi 31, 19:'0. 'To the best of our knowledgo we
believe each collection has been con ectly entered and pi operly accounted
for, nnd that the vouchers and other items of credits were in proper form
nnd correctly entered nnd that the footings were verified by us and found
to be correct, and that the above statement of balances, agrees with said
accounts in said county treasurer's general ledger.
County Commissioner.?..
County General Fund S. 25 ''O.! 87
County Bridge Fund Tn'oBn m
Countv Road No. 2 1 o ,
i ,000 . j.
the past week baling Lay.
Mrs, Brown Palmer was n
shopper Saturday.
r I.. I .... !.. .. . I.
ucuriiv jiiiiiis spc-iu inu ursi u mo
week with relatives in South Sioux1
E. Christensen was in tho city be-,
tween trains Sunday,
Tlma I n.t.r ...na o n......... .-.n. ..tl, ..
.... ..mk - h n'ijr .icm uiiui.1
Mrs. E. Christensen was an over
night visitor Sunday in the city.
Carload and Loss
SEED BOOK -Piiii'i.'
I Miss Anna Beck visited here Sun
city day between trains
I Georcre Timlin i ,.!,-. 0ii, .i !..
' . I ... --- ni.I UUU III
mo care or Dr Maxwell
The Shenlian girls visited in their
home here Sunday. '
John Jessen was in Sioux Citv oa
buriness Tuesday.
II- 1 . . .
rtir. anu mrs. John Urevu entertnfn-
ed friends at dinner Sunday
Mrs. John Harty is quite sick and
under the cafe of Dr. Maxwell
r 3
i i
.. V