Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 06, 1921, Image 7

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Mrs. Lillle Tells How She
Suffered and How Finally
Philadelphia. Pa. "I was not nMn fn
do my housework and had to lio down
most of the time and
felt bad in my left
side. Mv monthlv
periods were irreg
ular, sometimes fivo
or seven months
apart and when thev
did appear wouldUast
lor two weeks and
were very painful. I
waa sick for about a
year and a half and
doctoredbut without
anv imnrovemont.
A neighbor recommended Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to me,
and the second day after I started tak
ing it I began to feel better and I kept
on taking it for seven months. Now I
keep house and perform all my house
hold duties. You can use these facta as
you please and I will recommend Vege
table Compound to everyone who suffers
as I did.'' Mrs. J. S. Little, 3455
Livingston St., Philadelphia, Pa.
How much harder the daily tasks of
a woman become when she suffers from
such distressing symptomsand weakness
as did Mrs. Little. No woman should
allow herself to get into such a condition
because such troubles may bo speedily
overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, which for more than
forty years has been restoring American
women to health.
Comfort Your Skin
With Cuticura Soap
and Fragrant Talcum
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
Got the Last Word.
Mrs. Scrnpp The doctor says 1
crnvo things that don't agroo with
Scrnpp That's nothing. I once had
the stunc trouble.
Mrs. Scrnpp When was that?
Scrnpp When I married you.
Important to Wlothora
Examine carefully every bottle ol
CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants und children, and sec that it
Rpnrs Ihn s i i"1
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoris
Covering the Situation.
Visitor "I hardly know what to do
with my week-end." "Native "I sug
gest that you put a hat on It."
At the Literary Meeting.
Literary Lady "Are you fond of
Lamb, .sir?" Literary Gentleman
"IXsnys or stew, ma'am?"
Is your back giving out? Are you
tortured with backache and stabbing
pains? Does any exertion leave you
"nil played out? Feel you just can't
keep going? Likely your kidneys are
to blame. Overwork, colds, hurry and
worry tend to weaken the kidneys.
Hackachc is often the first warning.
Headache nnd dizziness may come, too,
and annoying kidney irregularities.
Help the kidneys with Doan's Kidney
Pills the remedy recommended by
thousands. Ask your ncighborl
A South Dakota Case
Roy H. Chase,
carpenter, Alex
andria, S. D..
eays: "I suffered
w 1 1 li kidney
troublo for somo
time. My back
was so painful I
could hardly
stralRhten up. A
friend advised mo
to use Doan's
Kidney Pills.
Doan's cavo mo
nromnt rellof. I
always recommended Doan's to
for lliey aro u. wonderful rem-
Jjft Ooan'a at Anr Store, 60c a Box
r. uap.t off.
For bums, cuts,
sprains and all
skin irritations.
Relieves dryness
of scalp.
State Street WewVorh
A Bad Cough
If imslccttj, oftrn lerria to aerioua trouble.
Safeguard your health, relieve your diitrria
und aoothe your irritated throat by taking
W. N. U
OUX CITY. NO. 2-1921
mm, & I
w- i
V vPf W
AKLIEU than the first robins come
harbingers of spring in the shops.
They are tlio.se Cotton materials, as
well known and as welcome as the
red-breast, nnd distributed over the
length and breadth of the land. Janu
uryiinds our old friends nintng fabrics
ginghams, chmnbray, percale, dim
ity, voile, chnllle and the like Haunt
ing their springtime colors and Invit
ing the loresighteil mothers to make
selections and begin the children's sew
ing. One can almost forget the winter
by working on garments and with ma
terials that constantly suggest sum
mer time and getting this work out
of the way, In a leisurely fashion be
fore the more Important matter of
dress for the grown-up members of
the family comes up for consideration.
At the time that the shops make n
display of new wash dresses, fashion
publications, and also the shops, pio
vlde examples of now frocks for lltlto
folks. Those on display show simple
and practical dresses that have the
charm of neatness for one thing nnd
Ingenious design for another. Spring
colors, too, are pleasing nnd beautiful
Gay and Picturesque Bonnets
-" v
. 0 ". WWWMWVW, .AflOoAda
T1113 trend of tho styles In rlill
tlron's hoadwoar for several sou
sons past has been toward tho plain
est of lints und bounotH, nnd Is not
changing. Hut these plainer styles
huvo not en'liol.v crowded out gay and
llcturestiu' llttlo affairs In millinery
that crown tho heads of lucky chil
dren who arc allowed several huts
each season. Cozy bonnets frame rosy
fates with the softest and llulllest of
facings, made of fnbrlcs uy feathers
or anything which takes the fancy of
designers as suited to kii11 indies.
They aie tiHti.u iu re worn on state
occasions when one must ho quite
dressed up.
A group of these fascinating models
for the younger generation Is shown
nbove, nil designed for midwinter
wear, with the tpiulnt, always beauti
ful poke-bonnet shape featured among
them. At tho bottom a small poke of
hatter's plush would bo very pilm with
Its hand of ribbon If It were not for a
soft curly ostrich pluino Hint curls at
tho side. IVunlly bonnets of this kind
have a colored facing of silk and tho
plume Is In the same color, A much
ly combined, In ginghams especially.
A frock of this material, suited to ghls
from seven to fourteen, Is pictured
here. It will bo noted that It differs
very little from present styles and Is
easy to make. It lias n plaited skirt
set on to a plain bodice, having n llttlo
fullness at the front, which Is mnnagf-d
by gathering the front pieces nlong
the shoulder seams. The long sleeves
are finished off with bins bands of
the gingham, bound with tape. ' Tho
collar Is cut and bound In the snmo
way nnd a bmallcr collar of white
goods Is worn oer it. The girdle and
a bib front are cut In one and tho
girdle buttons at tho back. Small,
silt pockets, set In at ench side,
are bound with tape and five llttlo
pearl buttons, set In a row under each
pocket, make a prim and pretty finish.
The dress of plain chambray, with
bloomers to match, meets the needs of
llttlo girls of thrco to six. It Is made
with a plain skirt, gathered onto a
short yoke, nnd hns short sleeves with
turned back cults. Gnyl; colored
coarse linens make very durablo
dresses of this kind.
larger poke bonnet mnde of velvet if
shown at the left of the group. It
has n (llgnllled sash of moire ribbon
and gloiles In a large red velvet ,
A livnl of these bonnets nppearu
above them In an mousing miniature hat
with gay crown of brocaded ribbon
Just like grown-up millinery and side
crown of el vet. The slashed, up
turned brim Is bound with faille rib
bon and there Is u sash with long ends
of the same. Tho most pretentious of
dressy bonnets finishes tho group, a
regular poke shape with brim entire?
ly covered with curled ostrich plumes,
making tho softest of settings for
pretty faces and ringlets. It has tlei
of elot ribbon with satin edge.
ytuL, 0
corriiOHT n vtjTiiN ucvvuu union
Fur Trlmmlnrj.
Fur-t rimmed dresses nno fur
trimmed blouses are being worn.
Jar I -'- s Ov li
Mrs. Newbrlde Had It All Figured, to
Her Own Satisfaction, at
Any Rate.
"Yes, It does, na you say, give rath
er nu air to the Hat," agreed the al
most now husband. Ills wife hud seat
ed hersvlf on the arm of his chair sur
veying their latest acquisition, tho
baby grand piano, which tilled three
fourths of the living room,
"And now If we only lino one of
those nifty one-nrni Iloor lamps,"
mused the almost new husband's bride.
"Why, Ilcttlnu, It was only yester
day that you argued the piano would
finish the room without buying an
other thing," protested tho almost new
husband. "That was one of the ar
guments you used to whecdlo mo. into
buying 1"
"Well, of coiirsv, It saves us buying
a luscious blue pluslt bed-davenport, or
a graceful chaise longue or a library
table," she defended, "There simply
Isn't room In this npartment for much
besides the piano. It really is nn
economy In the end. Hut a lamp Is
dlltorent. You know that a grand pi
ano Is not complete without a lloor
lamp. And while wo are at It we
might as well get one of the newest
kind. Just think how cozy we would
look with you sitting peacefully under
the new lamp while I play to you ev
ery evening I"
"Hum I" groaned the almost new
husband. "The next thing you'll !-
telling me that a grand piano requires
an oriental prayer rug under the ped
als, a rersian scarf thrown across tho
bench and u vuso of dollar-a-smell
roses In constant attendance. I'm
rather surprised that you haven't men
tioned another apartment with n pi
ano room for your pet I"
"It would be nice," agreed tho bride
falling to note the touch of sarcasm In
the voice of her hushund. Then she
rallied her forces once more. "Hut
think how much money It will wivo
us on movies. Hy staying home to
play and sing we save let me bet.
exactly CO cents n dayl"
"Hy the way," said the almost new
husband, "we mustn't foiget our serial
on Friday night. Last week left Harry
Hairbreadth in an awful fix. Do you
think the piano would mind If wo
left It alone just once?"
"Oh, I guess not," answered Hetty
absent-mindedly. Then she launched
her (hull attack. "You know, Hilly, I
can't expect you to give up going out
entirely, at least until I learn to plliy
better. I have heard of a splendid
teacher at $10 an hour and I really
think, to bo worthy of such an Instru
ment, I should take lessons 1"
"It's not tho original cost, It's the
upkeep 1" said the almost new husbnnd.
"Come nlong, my dear, to the movies."
House of 1,000 Rooms.
A maze which forms a happy hunt
ing ground for robbers, Is tho house
formerly occupied by the ministry of
war In Vienna, says a correspondent.
Tho great size of the thousand roomed
house evidently attracts tho attention
of thieves and the military and police
seem unable to keep them out. Or
naments, pictures, typewriters, every
thing and anything, even to tho door
knobs nnd knockers nre constantly be
ing carried away. When a thief, In
the course: of his wanderings, meets
anyone, ho simply pretends to have
come on business, and goes on until ho
conies to an unoccupied room, there
he quickly gathers together anything
he can lay his hands on, and departs.
In many cases the robbers have an
accomplice In the street to whom ar
ticles aro thrown from tho window.
Cream-Colored Moles.
It Is rather curious to find dead
moles lying about dykesldes when
molefur prices are so high, writes a
correspondent from Scotland. I cros-ed
a field, and at the exit I counted no
fewer than moles In a heap. These
had evidently been thrown there
by u local trapper as useless lum
ber. More curious still, 1 came on
what may bo called the unique In
moles. A gardener had trapped four
of these rodents of a decided cream
color. No portion of the bodies gave
signs of normal coloilng. The gar
dener said he surmised there wero
more on his premises, but he had
failed to catch them at the date ho
exhibited the four referred to.
Continental Camp Rediscovered.
"Connecticut Village," one Of tho
camps of Washington's soldiers in tho
Hudson highlands, the slto of which
has long been unknown, lias been redis
covered l,v members of the New York
Historical society. The unearthing of
a ba.vonet blade, a grapesliot, buttons
of the Continental Infantry and aifcll
lory, bullets, gunllluts and other mili
tary relics, togtber with topographical
(haracterlstlcs that tally accurately
with let otds In Continental documents,
bnve placed the camp on the faun of
James Smith, about a mile and a half
from Cold Spring village.
Cow Gives 42 Tons of Milk.
A Hiltlsli Fileslan cow, owned by an
Fngllsh farmer, gave moie than 'j.OOfl
gallons of milk during HMO, mid prom
ises to lepeut the performance this
year. In tho two years her output of
milk amounted to coiiKlderahly more
than '1,000 gallons and weighs more
than 18 tons. In Icus than six jour
Moms Hoko has had seven calvs und
given more than '1U tons of milk.
Moro Trouble.
A firm of music publishers have pro.
duced what they describe as a tluee
quarter mio-stcp. It will soon ho im
possible to ct a dance without being
accompanied by a profosiionul urlth
uiutlcluii. London Punch.
Women Who Suffer
Should find relief from tholr suffer
ings by taking tho woman's cm
Ecrrtnco Tonic nnd Nervine, which
as helped so mnny women, soma
of them right in your neighbor
hood. When tho household cares
and the worries of everyday lifo
havo dragged you down, mndo
you unhappy, and thcro is noth
ing in lifo but Ueadacho, backacho
and worry, turn to tho right pre
scription, one gotten up by Dr.
Picrco fifty years ago, which has
helped many thousands of women
in this country. It is called Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription and
can bo had in every drug store in
tho land, in tablet or liquid form.
IIastincjs, Nehr. "About soven
years ngo I beenme very mlsernblo with
weuknovsa from
which women
suffer. I Buf
fered with palno
nil tho time.
One of my neigh
born urged mo to
take Dr. Pierco'o
Favor! to Pro
Bcription be
cause, it h n d
i on roil hor of
Bimilnr symp
toms, so 1 do-
cided to try it.
took four bottles
of l-nvoritoricscription' beforo I folt
Mitislled as to my condition nnd feel
certain mat -.favorite Prescription'
saved mo from tho operating tnblo nnd
tho surgeon's knife. Two years after
wards when the turn of hfo commenced,
1 took 'Favorite Prescription' ngnin
with tho leault that I enmo through
strong nnd healthy and still malnluin
wonderful henlth." Mns. Ma it Tit A
Stiiaykk, 6J5 South Denver Street. ..
Modern Deluge.
The biggest yearly rainfall Is In As
sam. In 1S01 the world's record was
broken there by a fall of 803 Inches,
or more than 07 feet of rain.
Thousnndfl of women havo kidney and
bladder trouble and never suspect it.
Womcnfl' complaints often prove to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or tho
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidncyn are not in n healthy
condition, they may cause tho other or
ganbto become diacaped.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of nm
bition, nrrvoiiBiicsH, nro often times Bymp
toms of kidney tioublc.
Don't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kiluicr'B Swamp-Root, a physician's pro-f-criptioti,
obtained at any drug store, may
bo just the; remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get a medium or large nizo bottlo im
mediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test thin
crcat preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer &. Co., DingliRmton, N. Y., for a
sainplo bottle. When writing bo euro and
mention this paper. Adr.
A private In tho United .States army,
with specialized knowledge, can earn
?(10 n month.
As usual, wnen n precedent Is brok
en, it Is proved that It shouldn't be.
6 Bellans
Hot water
Sure Relief
P ri r -
Kill That Cold With
roa 'tytrr&P& AND
Colds, Coiifjhs "OMV La Grippe
Neglected Coldo cro Dangerous
Take no chances. Koep this standard remedy laindy for tho flrat snnoza.
IJroako up n cold in 24 hours Relieves
Grippe, in 3 days Excellent forllunducho
Quinine In thin form iloos not affect tho head Cascara la best Tonic
Luxuilve No Opiate In Hill's.
X' - X - X - t - X - t - C - X'
I Why Are Skin
So Difficult to Overcome?
When your skin brcuks out with
itching eruptions, tetter, rash, ec
zema, psoryasis, or other terrifying
disorders, temporary relief will do
y'ou but little good, for soon all tho
itching; nnd irritation breaks out
afresh with renewed fury, and you
soon realize that local remedies
such as ointments, salves nnd simi
lar treatment will never rid you of
your trouble.
Thcso troubles originate in tho
blood, und if you expect real sub
Organization, Reiponaibility, Integrity In Other Word tho Reputation of
Cattle Live Stock Commiition, Sioux City Stock Yards Cattle
Sheep A Reliablo Firm to Ship to Sheep
dec u rut u market reportx euly furul Atvl free. Writo ua. Also Chicago, 111., Bloux Full, S, XX
wi mvpwmnv
Wins Championships at Interna
tional Live Stock Show.
Splendid Exhibits, Both of Anlmala
and Grain, Won Admiration of
Judges and Spectators.
One of the most Interesting sights
at the International lilve Stock show
at Chicago was the evening parades
of horses nnd cattle. As the Cnna
dlan section of theo parades camo In
to view, nnd as' It passed around tho
ring1, there was continued applause.
There wero two or three reasons for
this, the principal one being thnt In
this section there were tho wonderful
Clydesdales, the Ilclglans nnd the Per
cherons that had carried ott champion
.ships nnd first prizes. The provfneo
of Saskatchewan had a splendid dis
play of Clydesdales and showed In a
number of elnsses, nnd In every class
they got In tho money. A reiunrkublo
nnd noted winning was that of tho
University of Saskntchewan, showing
"I .aily Hruce." feinalo Clydesdale, In
a class of 2-1 and tnklng second. In
competition there were entries from
such famous studs us Conynghani Uros.
of Wllkesbnrre, P. I.. James of lOaston,
.Mas?., and George Chlett of tho snmo
state. Sho was beaten by ui Imported
mare, but was later made champion
American-bred niaro nnd reserve
grand champion, an honor never beforo
conferred upon anything but nn Im
ported anlinnl.
The following aro some of the good
things that Canada won at the Inter
national, In a fair light and no favors.
Grand, chninplonshtp for Clydesdale
stallions; championship for American
hied Clydesdale mares; reserve senior
and reserve grand championships for
Clydesdale mares; grand chnmplon
ship for Southdown sheep; sweepstakes
grand championship for wheat for tho
continent of America; championship
for Durum wheat for America.
Another of the reasons for the ap
plause given tho Canadian sections ot
the parade was the heartiness with
which tho American spirit was Imbued
that Impelled It to greet with tho full
est appreciation tho efforts of the win
ner, and the hundreds of Canadians It:
tho Immense audience of the amphi
theater appreciated It.
Tho purpose that Canada hnd In
making exhibits from their farms,
whether It wus or live stock und they
had It there In all branches grains,
grasses or roots, was to demonstrate
that the war had not created devasta
tion, that the country was nllvo with
Interest In tho matter of production
and that Itlind ability to produce In a
manner thnt would bring it champion
ships, und what better place than the
international, where It would bo placet!
beforo thousands mnny of whom, with
tho enlightenment thus gained nnd
with a desire to better their condition,
would he made to realize that In the
neighboring country to tho north there
was an opportunity thnt It might be
of advantngu to them to embrace
Advertisement. Naturo Lesson.
"Do nuts grow tui trees, father?"
"They do, my son,"
"Then what tree does yho doughnut
grow on?"
"The pantry, my son." Harper's
Cultivate tho habit of detecting tho
possibilities for good In things and
people. It Is worth tho effort.
lie n good listener, und you will
not he allowed to say any thing. You
never get a chance. f
- X - I1
stantial relief you must treat thorn
inrougn tno blood.
The best remedy for this purppvo
is S.S.S., tho fine old blood remedy
tliat purifies the blood of disenso
germs, nnd thus restores tho skin
to a normal and healthy condition.
Uecin taklnc R.S.S. tnAnv. nml
writo a completo history of your
caso, and our medical director will
give you expert advice without
charjio. Address Chief Medical Ad
viser. 101 Swift Laboratorv. At
lanta, Gj.