Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 06, 1921, Image 4

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1 .'7
IS el
A. H. Knudsen, of Sioux City, is
spending the holidays heie In ihe
home of his brother, Mans Knudsen,
and family.
Loretto Cusack returned from Cres
ton, Iowa, Monday evening, to resume
teaching in the Jackson high school,
which reopened Tuesday.
George Wilklns, the Income tax
man, was in town Tuesday.
Hazel Thompson returned Monday
from a week's visit In the William
Mockay home at South Sioux City.
Mm. William Sundt and sister, Mrs.
Mimnaugh, returned Monday evening
from an over Sunday visit with rela
tives in bloux City.
Thos. D. Jones departed last Wed
nesday for Hurlington, N. IX, to visit
his sister, Mrs. Ed Oklns, who has
been ill the past month.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pauley, ol
Sioux Falls, S. I)., were holiday guests
in the D. A. Casey home.
Jas. I'ullen returned last Friday
night from a visit with relatives and
frlnrl ftt TVamflb. Vol,
Mrs. Rogers of Wattrbury, has been!
nere me pasi wee helping care lor
her daughter, Mrs. Frank Winter
linger, who has been sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Sprlggs returned
to( their home at Council BlarTs. la.,
last Wednesday, after an over Xmas
visit with her father, I D. Hicks,
and other relatives.
Mrs. John Ryan returned from St.
Bernard's hospital. Council Bluff. la.,
last Wednesday, where she had been
for treatment. En rrittt hnm- h
ypent the Christmas holidays In thej
nomf oi ner oromer, ienY iicunae,
fit Waterloo, Iowa, returning with her
children, Mildred and John, who were
rlao there for Christmas.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Francisco re
turned last Friday from a holiday
visit with relative! at Royal, Neb.
Josephine Brannan is spending her
vacation with relative JnSJoax City
Mrs. D. J. McDonald of Sioax City,
sp4rnt over Sunday in the John Ryan
John W. Ryan and dxajrhttr Mar
garet, have gone to Siotix City v.
ipend the winter.
The Mlties Beatrice Jonw and Hel
en Erl&ch departed Saturday to re
sume their school dutlw, the former
at Scroyler and the latter at How.
ells, Neb., after a Christmas vaca
tion with heme folk.
Bart Lahy underwent an opera
tion for the removal of his tonsils at
St. Vincent's hospital last Friday.
Catherine Plynn returned Saturday
evening from Sticknev, S. D where
she accompanied her brother Nell,
for a few days visit in the N. K. Fox
home. Htr brother Neil returned to
Kama City Saturday evening.
Joe Johns, of Newcastle, Ncb spent
over Monday fn the Mr. M. Mimnaugh
Mrs. Anna Carpenter and children
and her father, Frank GoodfclW,
rpem over Sunday with relatives .M
wctle. Y.n route home Monday
Mr. Grxxlfellov.- stipped off nt Ponca,
where he will visit Mr. Catherine
iwohfg a few days.
X'ecella Fullen departed Monday
evening for Waterbury, Keb, to vie
It in the J.J. Hipp home
Mrs. Amy Brady and sister. Mrs. 21.
mttr, were called to Hlair, Neb., on
Mdnday by the death of 'heir broth
r.ln-law, K. S, Beatty. TJie deceased
whi well known here,, he being the
tfrttnr member of the Beatty Lou
structfon Company, which has In
tnlled and repaired the bridges In
this county for a number of years.
; -o
Albert Pmht nml l.t. I. ... ,!... i
law, Oswald Kettler, were Incoming
I'.iinciiKi-rn irom A iron JUeMUay.
Miss Gladys Crippen w;is a gurst
ftt tha Leslie Churchill home Sunday.
Mrs. Will Purdy of Mankato, Minn.,
who went to Coon Rapid, Iowa, lust
week, returned Saturday accompan
ied by her parents, Dan Purdy and
wife. JWs Leila Rasdal, who visited
relative at Coon Rnplds, returned
with them.
Klmer Uiermnnn of Dakota City,
was n Homer visitor Tuesday evening
James King and family of South
Hloujt City, were Homer visitors on
-MIrs Bessie lloworth of the Hu
innrltnii hospital, Sioux City, was n
vjsltor with home folks New Venr's
remaining till Sunday.
Mrs, Horn McQuIrk mid son wit..
"Inltora with her sister. Mrs. Millie
Uithrop, .Saturday and .Sunday.
Jessie Cook tmd family of Almond,
Wis., who hove been guests of the
than, Hnlsworth family for i. weel
departed Thursday for their home. '
Mrs. Amos Hh.-ok of Kr.doka. S. I)
Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Knclinol
Mrs. Bert Sheldon of Wnltlilll. vis
ted I,, he Mrs. Itnclmrl Kinncur
liome Haturduv mu , .!....
.,...,. I,r'"101 ,r Sl,,u Cty, was ,,
vUitor Tuesday with his parents, I),
C. Bristol and wife.
J'rof. Hwett ami wife entertained
n few friends In honor of the collece
HtudeiitN who were home for the hoi
Idays, ,L?K lr,"wn of "pltolf S. I) w,
or H. A. Brown, was operated on the
lirst of the week for appendicitis.
Misses Nodlne HIiejiardMin, Ruth
hmal , Ada ami Margaret Stldworthy.
and MHfon Loihrop, Malcom Smith,
Raymond Winch, Ralph Cluyton, all
have returned to their respective
colleges ofter the holidays.
P. R. Kettler returned Wednesday
from Alton, lown, where he spent
Christina with relatives. Mrs. Kiit.
tier and Alaxlne remained for n long,
er visit.
Miss Alverta Mldkllf, Miss Mabel
i hacker imd Miss Mnrlon Curtis
were those from town who attended
the Fudge narty at the Kd Allen
iiomo on Fiddler Creed Tuesday night,
Chs. Smith, of Damn Nob,, visit
...... viiiiitiif
ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Smith, and other relatives several
days last week. His little son occom
panted him.
Mrs. Cal Rockwell was an Incoming
passenger from the north Thursday.
Blanche Priest was an incoming
passenger from the north Friday.
Rasmus Nelsen drove uome fine
looking feeders to his place Friday.
Tilden Goodsell went to Lyons on
Friday to visit at the Goir home.
Alfred Harris and family were din
ner guests at the James Harris home
on New Year's.
Miss Mabel Crippen returned Tues
day to her duties at Struble, Iowa,
after a month's visit at home.
Harry Covell, wife and daughter,
of South Siou City, were guests on
New Year's at the Will Covell home.
Tom Allaway was a Homer visitor
Mabel Crippen was a visitor at the
Alfred Harris home Sunday.
Miss Gertrude McKinley was a be
tween train guest at the B. McKin
ley home and Rachael Kinnear homes
-,-t- .r i i r ,. .-
Tji V Aliljhl
Rich Hinken has been on the sick
list the past few days.
a,..i i in,! ! .hotline mm thu
week at his farm near Elk Valley J
Friends Church.
David Wood shipped a carload of
cattle to the Sioux City market on i
Monday of this week.
! C TJItr.n and C.n J. MpfTlpllan
were transacting business
bard Friday of last week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ren
inger. on Wednesday, December 2&th,
a fine baby boy. Mother and baby
both doing fine.
Evan Way and daughters. Mary and
Sarah, visited at the Frank Way
home in South Sioux City, the latter
part of last week.
The Vance family, who have been
visiting relatives for several weeks at
Walthill and Winnebago, returned to
their home in this community last
Josle McAfee returned to her stud
ies In Nebraska Central college on
Monday of this week, after visiting
with her parents during the holiday
Merle Benton, who has been visit
ing home folks during the holidays,
returned Ut his studies nt Nebraska
Central Colleife the latter nart of
last week. .want you to go over to our school
Arvilla McAfee has been on the'ho,,Ke ?nd Preach for us, my parents
sick list the past week. Quite a nevtT(heard a real sermon in their
number in this community have been '!VL'f- . n,i,s !n challenge to the
having very serious colds with some U,,V , ?,?.. cthlI,rch "f America. So
threatened with pneumonia. A little C'"I(;I Christian America" and peo
nephew of Bert McClnln's, whose par- Ple n,t our VP,rV , ( oors w, r
ents have been visiting at the lie heafd ,of our Christ! If the meetings
Claln home for several weeks, Is sick c"ul(l hnve continued two weeks long
wlth pneumonia. i,,r "cores of people would have been
jiamea, ai tne nome of Air. and
Mrs. Ora Barnhart, on Vedncsday,
December 29th at 12 o'clock, Mr.
William Thorne, of Homer Neb., to
Miss Helen Knox, also of Homer.
The marriage vas solemnized by the
Rev. Ceo. J. McClellan, pastor of the
r.m v hi iey menus cnurcn, in tht
presence of a large number of rela-
i ii An. i i j. . i a i
tlves and friends. A most sumntu-
ous dinner was served to the guesta.
The happy couple left on the after
noon train at Hubbard for Sioux City.
They will return the latter part of
inc wee, to make their home near
Hubbard. j Kny Jrtsnan was , ,t , ,
Grandma Knox was quite seriously Shanahan nome Sunday
Injured Wednesday evening of last, Miss McCauley returned the first
week W,en a sled In which she was of the week from Clearwater where
riding on her return from the wed- she spent Christmas. '
ding of her daughter Helen, to her. Joe Kelly of Sioux City visited the
home near Homer, upset, throw!n past week In the D. C. Heffern n
her out. It was thought at first home. m-Hemmi
that her hip was broken, but a phys- Mrs. Emll Young visited relatl-es
clan was summoned, and It was found In .South Sioux City the ,,Ll week
ft"1,!1!1 WM..Tly ". VtTy riri0UHrmn ' Zt'l Shanahan v sited the Ilres-
At this writing she is Improving and nan home the past week
I Is thought that she will I soon recov-1 F. Welsh is helping invoice the
aTe Jn'tuma MnX I" I4, y of.Bt"ck ,n lhe Thos. Img Co store
age, an old resident of this commu-1 Miss Webber returned the first of
ffi'know her-"'' 0n,, ,",n"r,", ' "Ml"' we",k fr,"' hw Chrlim v.e2
wno know Her. tlon at her home In Wayne.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ras-
On December Hth, the Elk Valley m",",en' n Jnnunry 3rd, a daughter.
Community work was organized for Al , c""cerned doing fine.
real constructive community work.' "nv Mullen Is behind the counter
A Vi-ry large and enthusiastic audi- ,l,Jn,n J" t,u' r'rmT.V Supjily Co.
enee was irecent ut the Elk Vallev nU''''
hrlenils church, where the organ I n". 'he city piisKengeis the pnst week
tlon was completed and where the wwri' '' -lonvn, Mrs. A. I,. Andersen
meetings will be held, using the i'"'1 ''""Kilters, Henry Tliom))n, Jim
church as the center of community ""ward, Mr. and Mr. Roy Armour
life. 'and daughter, Neln Andeisen, I.uls
C, If. Young, our eiricient county ' 'Vm,'',l;''. ''"hn Keller, Frank Ufling,
agent, mid Mr, Newton W. Gaines, of Nu'" ""',,"i ati(, Mrs. M. Fnricll. i
the State Extension Service, weie' Murt' nl went to Ponca Tues-
present and assisted In the comple
tlon of the organization. In IiIh hu-
iiiom.uk fashion, Mr. Gaines set forth
the need of community development
for coming generation mid as an
uiu in soivng uif larger problems or
lln ut n .. j. ...I ...ll
Tilt following nrininl )(,.
nmir nun Milium,
Wit n HOW lf nrifiinlfil ., ..,...,
fected; President, John Feller; Vice
i .. . .' -,,--"--.. ri.niM-i-i
n Feller; vice
m: ki..r..t:iru.
IMt-n.iU'lll, ill, .1, uencoiii
treasurer, Geo, J. McClellan. Afimi"
n discussion of the possibilities and
,""ll, i conuuciing "muut rings"
Iy C.unty Agent Young, un Is-'esti.',
J, --.... .....,,,,, ,,,, ini-ii.
ng conHiilitee componed of Duvid
Woods mid John Hinken wiih an. I
nted. The following committee,
was appointed to draft n constitution
md by- aws; Lorvn C. Till.,,,, Uav,
A, Woods and Sinn J. Knox.
""'-" iviifc. nirn. n m ma
Win. McAfee
lieullmr ..n !
A regular coniinunlty meeting encal
Outline ol iiliirliil.i ,
ames, contests, progrums, lectures, I
eritortBlnments etc. l.efriilntlon, ..j
i.euuprs nppoirileil lor other pro.i w,r,,', I0,"llv" ""ie.
Jects were us follows: Corn, S. J. . ,j,u,'tl Kunnussen has been suf
Knox I0 ,,!.,. Keeping cost rec ' h'r,1" wlt1" " ',cV"ri, 'l. '"t Is now
nrds; Poultry, Mrs. VV,',,. McAfee, two, K,V,l"K, B,,,,l ,,,l,,,v
cu Ing demonstrutloriH, 25 per cent ,'",rl1'1 -'ensen and wife are here
culled One JuMP poultry club. . vlHltli.K IiIm brother. Peter J,,"0 '"
1,1.., "p,wtrutliiii farm; Cattle,' ,, ft r,rt; "" was taken to St. Joseph
nutn pastures. I ure lued slreson'v llu'Mlay.
campaign. One bull ring. Hogs K,v,Mr- uml A,rH' Mlk" (Jreen snent
il.. y,r,lwo M'M feo,,or ''Jinionsir-iNt;w rY1"'l,r'H '" Ha,wr with relative
t oris. One meeting to discuss sinil- .''; Clirlatcnson ami wife enjoyed a
Uthn nml dlsea.es. Om, uK clul,vH,t fr," 'rli-nd the first of the
Rnt lift fllllxuttit .fcli... tlf ' v ... r "
JOHN II. Ri:AM, Publisher.
Entered as second clasa matter In
the Postofficc ut Dakota City, Nebr.
Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Year,
Telephone No. 1.1 nml !.
.Wlclnl Pnpcr of Bakotq City and
D.ikotn County.
Foteirn Advcnum Repreienlli i
H. Hinken. To get farmers atten
tion to their legislative problems.
To secure an organized effort through
farmers organizations and referend
um. Captain Munson of the state
extension Chautauqua service will
give sn entertainment early In Jan
uary, The exact date of this enter
tainment will be announced later.
Rev. Geo. J. McClellan, who has
been at Vale, S. I)., engaged In u
series of revival meetings, uriderthe
direction of the Church Extension
Ikxrd of Nebraska Yearly Meeting of
Friends, during the past several
weeks, returned home Friday of last
Notwithstanding the very jstormy
and cold weather prevalent in the
Black Hills country, a very success
ful series of revival meetings were
held. The meetings resulted in six
teen conversions; eleven backsliders
reciaimeu, aim acurcs ui wirisuuiis
0f different denominations were deep-
ened, and arc now co-operating to-
gether for more ellicient unnstian
work in that great and needy Held.
The meetings were held in the beau-
.lliui irngaieu uuiiu ruurcne vaney,
a thickly inhabited valley of very
excellent people. Heg nning at the
edge of this valley and covering an
area of near 100 miles east and near
mat distance norm ano souin, is a
vat area known as the "Adobe hills
and Plains." This section, far away
I from civilization. Is inhabited bypqp-
pie oi uwiereni nationalities: Ameri
cans, Indians, Russians, Finns, etc.
Rev. McClellan found that in all this
vast area there were no churches, no
Sunday schools, no religious instruc
tion vhatever. He also found many
young people, some who had reached
the age of fourteen years who had
never heard of Jesus Christ. Hear
ing of the great revival meeting over
In the valley, the people of the hills
and plains country sent for him to
come over and preach for them.
This plan wis to have been carried
out, but the storm came on and the
extreme cold weather closed up the
work for the winter. A young man
from this section was converted, and
he hus a great concern for his peo-
I,le- He Siid t' "v- McClellan, "I
Mrg. M. Fan ell and two sons spent
Christmas in the home of her sister
nenr Jackson.
Ed Hartnett came down from St.
rnui, Minn., to fpend the holidays
with h's parents
. -
Joe Hagan was here the past week
looking after his farm interests'.
Rev. Fr. Zcph was In the city the
past week.
Joe Smith and Jack Sherlock" were
cltv naiseniwrt Kntiiin..
'"""' "nrt"
(,r,T" (,,,,C1''
ftt is back in the John1
A,t,rv "flrty was In the city
'".l W,,J,,,
. """ "'"" " Willis, spent a driv
I lilt riflMt t).i,A, I.. 1. I .. '.
!" '"--i. ' hi ine JOIHl Ml
V ,Vr i "n"K Mi Sunday for
iiiovilli', Iowa, where shu bus iir..t.i...i
lHltlon ni teacher In the M.h,.U
IiKm If. .. .. . . .'
,;,l,"11 f,,1,,'-,v -ient .Sunday In the
I v,",l,"ii irienuH.
K1"t,,"y" '.arson and Geitrude MIL
, , - - "' iiimir Kill
, U'tl ll"' ,lrMt "f the week foi
" u'nt'' "fu'r "pending their Christ
"' vncatlon in their homes here.
7lll'l lf.,MU.... ...... I . 1
Kch.Mil work at Moville, Iowa, after
NH-ndlng her Christmas vi,etl
The Glen Harris house will soon bo
KMldV for llluMti.rlmr
IWngurs going east Sunduy were,
bhonohan, Ray Breinan, larijar'
ct UfTinK. Alice Sorcnscn, E. Chrir
tenscn and Mirgarct Hartnett
Mr .md Mrs. Mogcnscn visited with
friends in Plum Grove lat week.
Mr. and Mr. A. Ra."tnucn enter
tained a large number of relative on
Mike Jones took a bunch of cattic
put on the Crosby farm to clean up
the rough feed, Monday.
Ed Ebel got his foot caught in
the elevator chnin on a hay b.il?r at
the Klmer 1'royliill place Monday and
one of his big toe was severed and
the other toes badly mangled. He
was taken to St. Joseph's hospital,
Sioux City, for treatment, and Is im
proving satisfactorily.
The public sale at the Fred Schmidt
place Tuesday was largely attended,
and the bidding was quite spirited.
Things sold fairly well.
Henry Becrmann has his big public
sale today, Thursday. They soy Hen
ry Is going back to the fatherland
on a visit the coming summer, and
that he may not return alone.
The Barnett relatives enjoyed a
duck dinner at the Wm. Fulton home
on New Year's day.
Emery and Annie Austin, of Ponca,
former teachers In the schools here,
visited from Friday until Monday
with school friends In Brushy Bend.
Lola Engelen, of Kadoka, S. D.,
spent the holidays with relatives in
Salem, returning home Monday.
Mrf.. Chas. Anderson and son Earl, of
Oakland, Neb., spent holiday week
in the home of her sihter, Mrs. Frank
A watch party was given at the
Will Ostmeyer home New Year's eve.
About twenty-five guests were pres
ent, and games and an eleven o'clock
lunch was Indulged In.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Culbertson were
married twenty-six years ago New
Year's day. and about forty neighbors
and friends surprised them on their
anniversary. The guests gave then,
a charivarie party that they never en
joyed before,
Mr and Mr. Addie Sides entertain
ed the W. S. Baufhman and Harry A.
Sides families on New Year's.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bates and Rob
ert Ralph and family ate goose din
ner at the F, W. Beermann home.
Fred Krumwiede and family and
John Sohn and family ate goose New
Year's day at the Hannah Beermann
Mis.s Belle Morgan returned to De
vlt, Neb., Friday, where she teachc!
in the public school.
?,llss Lula Larson returned to her
school duties at Wayne Normal Sun
day. Marie Young, of Lyons, Neb., visit
ed holiday week at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. John Bolder.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bates receiv
ed a box of holly and mistletoe from
Mr. and Mrs. P. Schweter, of Sacra
mento, Cal., for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wegner spent a
few dnvs the past week in South
Sioux City nt the Carl Rogosh home.
Robert Voss drove to Emerson to
spend the holidays and was compelled
to leave his car. He went out Mon
day nml brought it home.
George Coughtry, of Emerson, spent
Sunday nt the Eric Beermann home.
The nnnunl Christmas meeting of
the Golden Rod club met with Mrn.
C. C. Beermann on Wednesday, De
cember 15th. The Christmas prog
ram and exchange of presents were
held. The visitors were Mrs. M. (J.
Learner, Mrs. Hannah Beermann, Mrs.
Recsie Clinkenbeard, Mr. and Mrs.
McDowell and Mrs. John Sohn. On
the 29th the club met at the Mrs.
Geo. W. Bates home. Roll Call was
nnswered by telling jokes and making
New Year's resolutions.
Winter Hecnll.
Blow, wind, blow, ncross the hill, and
chill us to the bone.
Freeze, iain freeze, ice and ,now.
We cough and sneeze, as in the houfe
we go.
Corn fields are yellow.
The trees In the hollow brown,
Tlie-billtops stand like snowbanks,
The leaves hnve covered the pond.
The cattle are looking for shelter In
every sunny nook;
The trees that shaded in summer
Will shelter them by the brook.
Burn, fire, bum, and warm us In our
And as the sparks fly out the flue
We think of those who roam,
Until each spark and thought of love
Returns to us as the peuceful dove.
Good Judgment
Mrs. Bacon And Imve your hus
buud'a table mauners Improved?
Mm. Egbert Oh, I think so.
Mrs, Bucoti And cuu he manage
NpuKbettl nil right now?
Mr. Et'bert Oh, well, you see,
wtien he becun to try to Improvo hU
ruble murmurs we thought It Just as
well to give up biivlng spaghetti.
Yonkers Statesman,
Rural V.iinci) Sliiiljlnif Health
The women's rural clubs of the
state nre now studying the subject of
health, u subject of vital importance
uml worthy of u great dual of time
and consideration. The Stute College
of Agriculture Extension Service is
supllying the clubs with u program
and circulnr on "Health Habits for
the Home Folks." S.unu of the sub
jects discussed are health Iduul.s,
health huhltx, habits of eating, sleep.
Ing, work and pluy, posture and
breathing, mid cleanliness. The Col
lege of Agriculture is encouraging
greater consideration of health in
every family, and is prepurtin to
Ishuu literature on meal pluiiniiu',
child feeding and hot school lunches.
Later on, Cho-Cho, u health clown
from the Child Health Organization
of New York, will bo In the statu to
aid In the better-health campaign.
UmmUy. )v.tx ''K VVi t,v )t V!viViiis- M"?l
Uwtvc futJK.i it if VrWk nViWWreis Vi-Hs
CM l"Wif.s, ljtrthl VJ XwWAv. Wrvs Wdwrtv
Itr:krtiTv Hw inHtikfMtf Qui AvwhimbMhs
RwrnrK IW ?JtAWi lapM5WWrt A. S X.
. Optm iimmitkx whh , fftA. Nyy .Mn wa
Ksutw wy Hw4x dwtn viWiWt, A "ss4 J4v
T wti iffAwi Jf M.miHNr t.
Prcfel UJTWii!rti wk iVip KMfa fM n-tyjf- vt
(sad pr.t.i AilJilffK & 'VWfsW
Re?SSrASKv 5 $ZhHh Www typ $ v-r
Fbc fr;Wr rimtV"rw.mw Mtvn.s.
IMU.Xni'AL schuok ar AWMcrutrKK
E. F. Rasmussen
Ponca Neb.
Write or phone me early for
dates, as I will sell nearly ev
ery day this season. 1 am sell
ing for the best farmers and
stockmen In Northeast Nebras
ka. I have some good farms
and ranches for sale.
Tours for Business.
g ' M
m y
m d m m m n m n n m u m m n m in m m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiQjv
Flynn Commission Company
Olfice Phones
Auto. i)2'M) Dell. 3G1
v.m. (im.i.) .i. ri.vNN
Westcott's Undertaking
Old Phone, 42G New Phone, 20G7
Abstracts of Title j
A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees the Accuracy I
I of every Abstract 1 makj I
.T. .1. Kl.MHHS, IIoiiiUmI Ahslractor. I
k,uuiasui u" u,u uaKota
?4t ,illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBiiwLv
Sale I
Residence Phono
Auto S8282
Room ,'JOl Exchange Rldg.
Slock Yards """
Write US Wire US Phone us
If you want market information.
Ship Us -Tor the llili pi ice and
good Illl.
county Abstract Company I
- - pw mmmmm jmh
( '
X it
i it ' , " ?:j? , . ';,Y; , U1 rw.$ vr4 ,-Ff
V 1
A s "Wi .
,. i . s,-. 4