Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 30, 1920, Image 6

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OVER $1,000 AND $2,000
Congress Preparing to Pass on to
Future Generation Greater Bur
den of War Debt.
Washington, D. C., Sentiment In
tho ways and means committee of the
houso following tho hearing of the
last fortnight lndlcatos the following
lino of action on tax revision in tho
noxt congress:
1. Ropeal of tho excess profits
2. Jlojcctlon of a sales law bocauno
of Its unpopularity with consumers.
3. lncrcaso In presont 10 per cent
tax on corporation net earnings and u
modorato, possibly graduated, tax on
undistributed earnings.
4. No Increase in normal taxes on
Individual incomos, but a reduct'lon of
surtaxes on largo Incomes and an In
crease in tho amount of incomes ex
empted from taxation.
C. New exclio taxes and lncrcaso in
tho tax on such articles as tobacco.
Thero will bo no refunding opera
tions during tho coming year. Con
gress will mako evident its determin
ation that tho burden of tho wur debt
shall bo passed along to futuro gener
ations and that tho floating debt shall
not ho retired from tho proceeds of
taxation as rapidly as contemplated
by tho treasury dopartmont simply by
kooplng tho rovenucs down to so low
a point that no funds will bo available
for this purpose Extensive refunding
operations will bo teifi. .. 1923, when
tho Victory notes maturo, tho republi
can program being to extend tho pay
ment of tho war dobt over a period of
from forty to sixty yoars, instead of
paying thorn up In twenty-flvo yoars
as contemplated by tho secretary of
tho troanury department.
Tho belief that tho substltuto of tho
oxccsb profits tax will bo a flat tax
on net earnings of corporations plus
a tnodorato tax on undistributed earn
ings, Is gaining atrongth among a
number of influential members of tho
committee Some havo advocated tho
present normal tax of 10 per cent on
corporation earnings as a substitute
Others including Representative Ford
noy, chairman of tho commlttoo, havo
Inclined toward a flat tax of 1G to 1G
por cont as a substitute for all taxos
on corporation earnings.
Senators to Clash Over Tariff Bill.
Washington, D. C, Congress Is to
roassomblo after a brief Christmas
week-end, but tho holiday spirit prom
ises to provall, with llttlo important
bualnosa plnnnod until tho now year.
Many mombora will not return until
next week and by tho unwritten agree
ment. Sovoral hearings and othor af
fairs will go over, Tho opening clash
In tho senate on the emergency tariff
bill, which paosod tho houso last wook,
Is expected soon. Dlockaded by Uio
democrats last week republicans plan
another effort to rotor tho measuro
to tho flnanco committee Notices ac
companied Christmas greetings to all
republican sonators from Senator Cur
,tls, of Kansas, republican whip, urg
ing a solid republican phalanx to voto
the tariff measuro Into committee.
andlt Holds up Freight Train Crew.
Kansas City. Difficulty plied on
difficulty for tho crew of an outbound
Kansas) City Southern freight train
here. Not only did tholr train break
down In a suburb, but whllo tho mon
were waiting help a bandit, a two-gun
ono, held them up. Tho brakoman
first occupied tho bandits attention,
whllo ha was rolieved of his watch
and a Biuall sum of money, tho engln-,
eer and fireman fled. Tho bandit
fired bait a dozon shots but without
effect. Tho ouglnoor and firoman
stopped at tho first tolophonu and
phonod tho pollco and officers were
'rushed to tho scone but tho bandit
Arkansas Mob Lynches Negro.
Jonesboro, Ark., Wndo ThomaB, a
negro, who last night shot and killed
policeman Elinor Itaglnnd during a
raid on a dlco game, was taken from
the Jail by a mob of about 400 citizens
and after being paraded through tho
business streets was hangod to a tele
graph polo near tho scone of his crime,
Tho body waa then rlddlod with bul
lets. Theater Man to Cut Tloket Prices.
Chicago. Theator tlckot prlcoa In
Chicago will bo rcducod 60 cents a
ticket It has boon announced by Harry
J. Po'drs, manager of four downtown
thtatoni. Tho avcraca prlco for "best
seats" haa boen $3. plus tho war tax.
Three Persons Killed by Gat.
fit. Paul, Minn., Threo porsons
woro asphyxlatod by coal gas in tholr
homes bore shortly after they had
finished their Christmas dlnnor.
Tholr bodlos woro discovered by a rel
ative who had como to extend Christ
mas greetings.
Can Always Find a Kicker.
Jud Tunkins says tho oldost man ho
ever met couldn't romombor aa time
when everybody agreed that business
was fino and things wero as cheap as
could reasonably bo expected.
Tfie Parting Guest
fll 'tfM WlSm&ma
1L-. ' H II
Repudiation of Agreement Based on
Findings of United States Commis
sion Would be Brooch of Faith.
Philadelphia, Declining to reopen
tho award of tho United States coal
commission, tho mine operators have
rejected tho demands of tho hard coal
mine workers for additional wago in
crease, a minimum six-day labor rato
and the establishment of a universal
eight-hour day.
Tho oporatots, howovor, notified tho
mlnorB' representatives that thoy
stood ready to adjust any "Individual
caso of inequality" that may bo due
to tho application if the commission'!)
Mfno workers' representatives told
tho operators that thoy could not ac
copt uny compromise and stood by
their original domands.
Thoy sa.d that tho entire matter
would bo placed boforo tho union's
gancral scale commlttoo at a special
meotlng in Hazelton, soon, when a
doflnlto policy for futuro action" will
bo outlined.
Tho miners asked gonoral Increases
of approximately 13 per cent in addi
tion to tho 17 per cent granted them
by tho commission. This, thoy con
tended, would glvo them wago advan
ces equal to tho 27 por cont recently
awarded tho bituminous mlno work
ers. The operators In rejecting tho
minors' proposals declared that tho
agreement which the Unltod Mi.no
workers' based on tho findings of
tho commission, was "a binding con
tract" and its repudiation would be a
'breach of faith with tho public,"
which was a party, to tho submission
of tbo award.
In the Judgement of tho operators,
no condition has arisen since tho
award of tho commission," added tho
operators' reply, "either tho gonoral
wago structures of tho country or
In tho cost of living, which has pro
ducod a burden upon tho anthraclto
workers. On tho contrary many
clasBos of workers in othor Indus
trios havo voluntarily accoptcd n re
duction In wagos and tho cost of liv
ing has steadily declined.
Coal Profiteering Aired In Senate
Washington, D. C, Senate Investi
gation of the coal industry was sus
pended for a few days', but sharp crit
icism of tho National Coal associa
tion and tho government departments
cutno up on the senate floor when
Bonator Caldor, of Now York, chair
man of tho Inesttgatlng committee,
brought rocont disclosures into de
bate Tho Now York Bonator glvo
notice thift tho commlttoo would pro
ceod noxt to cloar up charges by Goo.
II. Cushlng, manager director of tho
American Wholosalo Coal association
that government officials had person
ally participated m coal profits dur
ing tho period of shortago last 'fall.
Mall Fraud Revealed In Arrest.
Sioux City, Ia What purports to
bo an extraordinary schomo of using
tho Unltod States mail to defraud per
ions In England was rovealod recontly
,'ollowlng tho arroBt of Harry P.
Saunders, 42 yoars old, a Janitor at
Trinity College. Saunders was placod
indor arrest at tho college by J. A.
Jzarkovvskl, postal Inspector, and pol
co, and Is charged with using tho
natlB to defraud.
Andrew Jackson's Nickname.
Tho nlckmimo "Old Hickory" was
tlvon to Andrew Jackson for tho tough
loss and Bturdlnosa of his character.
Have you noticed with any dogroo
)f alurm that there soom to be no
roung women tlioso days with ambi
tion to save money, to buy sewing "u
chinos? Now York Evonlng Sun.
News From Antartlc Expedition.
London, Dr. John L. Copo, com
mander of tho British Imperial Ant
arctic expedition, has sent tho follow
ing message from Port Stanley, cap
ital of tho Falkland Islands: "Snllllng
from horo Docembor 20 will full equip
ment and dogs. Hopo to land at Q ra
il amB December 25. Expect to hear
from .3 In eighteen montlu, Ooodby."
Commander Copo with four coinvnr
Ions, purpuuo sbomllug eighteen
months In surveying und charting tho
western shores of Waddell sea.
New York Banker Declares Excesi
Profits Levy Has Resulted
In Profiteering.
Washington, D. C., Establlshmonl
of a sales tax, ropeal of tho tax on ox
cess profits, reduction of the hlghei
rateB on income surtaxes, upward ro
vision of tho tariff and tho levying ol
a flat tax on net profits of corpor
ntions woro advocated before the
house wayB and .means committee bj
Otto H. Kahn, New York banker, in s
comprohonslvo discussion of tax ro
vision legislation.
Mr. Kahn, ono of tho few witnesses
Invited by tho committee to appear be
foro it, dwelt at length on tho quos
tlon of a sales tax, partly in response
to Indications In the commlttoo that
that sort of tax is gaining in favor
Chairman Fordnoy, beforo Mr. Kahn
was called, said he and several othei
members bellovod some sort of sales
tax would eventuato, but were seeking
mothods by which the tax would not
bo multiplied and tho consumer un
justly taxed in tho final purchase.
As a result of tho chairman's state
ment Mr. Kahn discussed theso phases
of tho problom, advocating legislative
provisions which would require tho
tax to bo made known In each salo and
added to tho selling price as a sopor
ato Item. Such an arrangement, ho
said, in his opinion would check tho
profiteering which has resulted from
tho oxcoss profits tax.
In his discussion of the need for a
rovlsod taxation program Mr. Kahn
declared that American business
could not experience a healthy growth
If tho governmont continued "on a
road of oxcesslvo taxation and con
tinued to absorb tho life-blood of busi
ness through concentration of taxes
on Incomes and capital." Ho added
that tho tax burden alreaijy had ac
tually stopped commercial develop
ment Officers Arrest a Bride and Groom,
Cedar Itaplds, Ia Harry Coleman
and his bride of a few weeks are under
arrest horo pending a pollcu Inquiry
into their suspicious actions. They
woro nrrosted as they wore preparing
to loavo town. Coleman, tho police
say, waB peddling cloth which had
boon stolen in tho two score of resi
dence burglaries hero in tho last threo
weeks. Coloman admits ho was sent
to tho Nebraska stato prison from
Omaha for burglary nnd waa released
on November 16.
Struck and Killed by Plane Propeller.
Washington D. C Waltor It. Alex
ander, son of Secretary Alexander, of
tho dopartmont of commerco, was
killed Instantly at Dolling fiold hero
by tho propollSr of an alrplano In
which ho was preparing to mako a
flight, striking him on tho head. Tho
commerce secretary's son was a com
missioned officer In tho army air ser
vice during the war nnd had gono to
tho aviation field to mako a flight to
koop In training.
Two Dandlts Hold Up Passengers.
Phoonlx, Ariz., Two masked band
Its hold up a Phoonlx-aiondalo lntor
urban car on tho outskirts of Phoonlx
lined up' tho twelves or fifteen passen
gers by tho sldo of tho car and robbed
them. Ono of tho men wont through
tho pockets of tho victims, whllo tho
other covered them with a revolver.
Measures Taken to Run Down Bandits
Now York. Armed with repeating
rifles, twenty picked sharpshooters of
tho New York pollco forco are scour
ing tho city In automobiles In a huut
tor bandits. Each sharpshooter was
accompanied by threo detectives amd
a patrolman. Thoy woro undor orders
to shoot every suspect who attempted
to uscapo them.
Seward, Neb., Mayor Slain.
Boward, Neb., Goorgo A. Merrlam,
mayor of Seward, was Bkot and in
stantly killed by Arthur Andrews,
alias Patrick McFarland, his son-lu-law.
Mrs. Merrlam, wlfo of tho may
or, was shot twlco and seriously
wounded by Andrews, who, following'
tho shooting, cut his throat. Ho was
takin up as dead, but was latter found
to be nllvo though In a critical condi
tion. The tragedy, which occurod In
tho Merrlam home Is tho direct result
of a suit (or divorce brought by Mrs.
Andrews, wlfo of tho murderer.
wy v vv-v-vv vTTwwvv ri
Perconnel of Newly Elected Members
Many of Whom Are Making Their
First Appearance.
Lincoln, Neb. About sixty per cenl
of tho recently elected state law
makers, who will meet here next week,
have never olllclally taken part In '
legislative work before, nnd n greal
ninny or tneiu nro practically un
known here.
All of them nre republicans, with
the exception of four O'Gnrn. ol
Wakefield, Hock of David City, Oster
mnn of Central City, nnd Iloffmelstei
of Imperial. Following Is the roster:
Dlst. Member, Town
1 John Wlltsc. Falls City. .
2 A, F. Sturm, Nehawka.
3 Henry Pickett, Wahoo. I
4 John W. Cooper, J, A, Davis, John W,
Robbing, Charles L. Maunders, Loull
Rerka, Omaha.
t Albert II. Miller, nialr.
John O. Gannon, Rosalie.
7 Otto Ulrlch, Wlnslde. i ;
8 Chas. 11 Randall, Randolph.
9 W. II. Ulan, Albion
10 J, C. McOownn, Madison.
11 II, C. Heebe, Oscrolo.
12 R. H Norval, Seward.
13 C. R. Anderson, Lincoln: Chas.
Warner, Waverly.
14 Jacob F, Halderman, Pawneo City,
15 R. C. Harrlfis, Falrbury.
18 C, J. Watson, Fairmont.
17 Perry Reed, Henderson
18 George C. Humphrey, Orand Island.
ID Krlck Johnson, Hastings,
20 M. F. Rlckard, Guide Rock.
21 Fred Brown, Holdrege. i
22 Clarenco G, miss, Elm Creek,
23 William R. Dutton, Marna. I
z uennls H. Cronln, O'Neill. f
25 W. V. Hong-land, North Platte,
26 Geo B Hastings, Grant.
27 R. K. Bushte. Kimball. '
28 James "W Good, Chndron.
Dlst. Member. Town.
1 Dr. Geo. W. Rencker, Falls City.
2 Kills E. Good, Peru.
3 J. W, Armstrong-, Auburn.
4 Ernest II. Clifford, Lewlston.
t Alfred II. Dowlng. Vesta.
6 II C. Mcllct, Palmyra.
7 II. 1C. Fruntz, Englp.
8 Fred I.. Nutzmnn, Nehawka,
8 Allen Frazeur, Bellevue.
10 Uavld H Bowman, Robert C. Druese
dow, GcorKO II. Dyball, T. B. Dysart,
Harry A. Foster. V. C. Rascal!, I. A.
Medlar, Edw, W. Palmer, Wm. I
Randall, N. A. Robertson, Ed. -V
Smith, Jno. O. Yclser, Omaha.
11 Albert W, Hprlck, Fontanelle,
12 H. I,. Webster, Tekatnah.
13 Walter Sandqulst, Walthlll.
14 J. F. Kendall. Ponca.
1G W. II. O'Gara (democrat) Wakcflold.
10 F. E. Anderson. Wausa.
17 Robert Lynn, Magnctt.
18 W. W. Cole, Nellgh.
18 N. M. Nelson, Pierce.
20 V. G. Williams, Carroll.
21 I.aurlti Laurltzen, West Point.
22 Henry Behrens, Ueemer.
23 Mlclmel V. Rudy, Albion.
24 C, M. Morlnn, Newman Orovs.
26 Ed II. Hoare, Monroe.
26 C. V. B. Nleweddie. Lindsay.
27 Dan McLeon. Hchuvlcr.
28 Geo. F. Htaats, Frcmcmt: H. A. Frost,!
29 A. L. Ulstrom, Memphis; It H. Park,
30 Walter L. Anderson, J. 'Rold Green,
Clark Jcary, W. 11. Mellor, It. B.
Moseley, P. A. Sommcrlad, Lincoln.
31 Frnnk W. Acton, Harvey ft. Essman,
32 J. A. Axtull. Falrbury.
83 -J. G. W. Westerhoft. Carleton.
34 Milton Young, Plckrell.
3G J, Allen Murphy, Dorchester.
80 Herman F, Beckmnn, Utlca.
37 Henry Bock (democrat). David City.
38 Harry Banner, David City.
39 It. G Douglas, Osceola.
40 Fred McFarland, York.
41 Oeorgo A. Williams, Fairmont,
42 C. II. Epperson, Fairfield.
43 Peter Hakanson, Fairfield.
44 Frank Anderson, Aurora.
46 H. M. Goodrich. Nelson.
46 It, D. Thompson, Cowles.
47 J. C. Gllmore, Prosser; R. R.
48 John McClellan, W. W. Rank,
49 Theo. Ostcrman (democrat),
60 D. Htephenson, Fullerton.
61 C. E. Leftwlch, St. Paul.
62 E. 8. Wight, Wolboch.
63 W. W. Bethea. Ewlng.
64 Brantley E. Sturdcvant, Atkinson.
66 George D. Cllzbe, Alnsworth.
66 D. K. Strong, Ord
67 Geo. W. Wolfe, Litchfield.
68 Florlne Jacobs, Broken Bow; William
Lundy, Sargent.
69 W. T. Gould, Elm Creek; Charles Mines.
60 Ernest Peterson, Axtell.
61 A II. Byrum, Bloomlngton.
62 George M. Wallace, Orleans.
63 Harry Johnson, lloldrege.
64 S. J, Franklin, Beaver City.
66 Edward D. Perkins, McCook.
66 Walter II. Votaw, Maywood,
67 J. M. Beans, Lexington.
68 K. B. Davis, North Platte.
69 W. F. Wood, Halgler.
70 Fred Hoftmelster (democrat), Imperial,
71 Charles B. Reed, Logan.
72 BeuJ. II, Mickey, Wood Lake.
73 Dwlght P. Grlswold, Oordou.
74 Geo. H. Know, Chadron.
76 W. M. Barbour. Bcottsbluff.
76 James A, Rodman, Kimball.
77 Earl Hllllard, Roseau.
Members of Nebraska post of the
American Legion propose to use
pressure to legalize boxing in the state.
Prize lighting will be Mill clnssllled as
nn outlaw profession.
Dan Swnnson, commissioner of pub
lic lauds and buildings, In his biennial
report to Governor McICelvIe recom
mends that tho statu sell nil its school
lands. His report shows that the stato
Mills owns approximately 1,700,000
acres of this land and that It hns a
value of $20,000,000.
(.uming county inrmers union at a
recent meeting went on record as In
favor of the following measures to be
Introduced In the legislature: State
bank ami homes building law, to re
lieve the present financial stringency;
u illan to abolish n party circle on tho
ballot ; utilization of the Immense wa
ter power now going to wnstu In this
Receipts of the department of pub
lic lands and buildings during 1919
und 1920 amounted to $l,.r3fl,221.02, ac
cording to the biennial report of Dan
Swnnson, commissioner. Kentnl on
lease contracts of school lands netted
the department $070,000.24.
It Is understood the legislature will
be nskod to appropriate $.150,000 for
tho erection of three new buildings for
tho state university during the next
two yenrs, one of which would be a
niedlcill school In Omaha. The other
two proposed buildings nre u new
gymnasium and a structure nt the
statu farm.
Dr. Harry Foster, representative
from Douglas county, Is enlisting sup
port for his proposal to hnvo either
thu state or counties make bond Issues
to help flnanco farmers who fnco
bankruptcy because of falling prices.
Threo Inspectors nt $.1,000 u year
are proposed In a movie censorship
bill, discussed by representatives of
stnto women's organizations nt n con
ference with Governor McKelvIo nnd
Secretary Antles of the public welfare
board. The women recommend that
all 111ms deemed sacrilegious, Indecent
or tending to lower public morals may
bo confiscated.
Tinicly News Culled From All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for the Busy.
Arthur has organized a company to
drill for oil In that vicinity.
The prlco of milk at Columbus hns
I been reduced to 10 cents u quart.
A woman's auxiliary of the Ameri
can Legion has been organized at Ord.
Ono hundred employes at tho Bur
lington shops at Ilavelock havo been
laid off.
A conference of the Midwest Farm
burenu will bo held at Lincoln early
In January.
Albert Blehn of Ilebron hns been ap
pointed to take the navnl examination
for Annapolis.
The Midwest Implement Dealers
association will convene In Omaha
January 5 to 7.
A movement has been commenced
In West Point for the organization of
n commercial club.
A university press club has been or
ganized nt Lincoln by students Inter
ested In Journalism.
Farmers In Gage county have been
plowing the last few weeks, a rare
tlilng for this season.
The state normal school nt Kearney
hns added 7.8S3 volumes to Its library
during the lust two years.
Alliance Is already laying plnns to
get the 1922 convention of the state
volunteer firemen's association.
An effort Is being made by farmers
around Edison to orgnnlze an equity
More and cream station there.
The Women's Public Service club nt
Broken Bow has started a movement
to establish n city swimming pool.
A recent drive for membership has
increased the roll of the Hnstlngs
Chamber of Commerce to nearly 000.
The abstract of reports of 1,009 state
.bunks shows a decrease of nearly ten
per cent in deposits for the quarter.
The broom factory at TSeshler, em
ploying 125 people, hns been tempo
rarily closed down, to Instull new ma
chinery. Nels Nelson of Norfolk was killed
at Battle Creek when he fell from a
car from which he was unloading
I Omahn's death rate, 0.8 per 1,000
I of population, during tho week ending
' December 11, was the lowest in the
United States.
Frnnk Lenlnger, a York county
farmer, fcold to the York Milling com
pany live thousand dollars' worth of
corn nt 50 cents.
The Cambridge munlclpnl light
plant Is now furnishing lights to Bart
ley, Lebanon and Dnnbury. New street
lights hnvo also been connected.
OWing io the nenr-epldemlc of sev
eral diseases in the vicinity of
Chndron, the public schools there
have been closed until after tho holi
days. The practice of serving hot lunches
for the pupils at noon, especially In
cold weather, has been adopted In fif
teen rural public schools In Platte
county. "
Burglnrs entered the department
pnny nt Mitchell nnd carried away
pany nt Mitchells and carried nway
goods to the amount of about six hun
dred dollnrs.
Less than 5 per cent the usual num
ber of fur-bearing animals In Nebras
ka are being trapped for their pelts
this year, according to buyers nnd
state game ofllclals.
A wide spread epidemic of chicken
pox hns resulted In closing several of
the schools- of Sarpy county, the
malady attacking not alone children
but adults as well.
The state of Nebraska has started
local proceedings to obtain the In
heritance tnx on the $1,000,000 estate
left by the ltite John Nenl of the It. J.
Iteynolds Tobacco Company.
Women of the Nineteenth Century
club of Kearney have prevailed upon
the bonrd of educntlon to appropriate
5.100 toward a fund already nvallable
which will ho used In hiring a school
nurse for that plnce.
Tho careless throwing of a lighted
match was responsible for n serious
prairie fire near the vlllnge of Ames
which the farmers of the neighborhood
and the people of Ames fought for two
hours to conquer.
Itev. Georgo Aglus, pnstor of St.
Joseph's Catholic church nt Geneva,
recently celebrated the 2T)th anni
versary of his ordination, at tlint
place. The program covered several
days and was attended by 10 visiting
members of the priesthood.
A 320-ncre farm near Hnrblne has
been sold for $51,200. A store at
Seward, Neb., was Included In Uie
Omaha contractors nssert that with
tho decline in tho prices of building
mnterlal. everything points to con-
Mderable activity in the building lino
in most Nebraska cities and towns
within the next few months.
The car burns of tbo Omahn and
Lincoln Hallway nnd Light compnny
at Itnlston were destroyed by fire with
n loss estimated at $75,000. The barns,
n part of tho offices nnd three Inter
urban cars were destroyed.
Dr. Harold Glfford of Omaha sailed
for South America, where he will
mako a study of the eyes of tropical
unlnmls nnd reptiles. He will be
uwny for about two months.
A number of rural route carriers at
Niobrara havo resigned because they,
sny "spooks" along tho river persist
In hnnglng on to the hood and running
board of their "flivvers."
Tho report of Stato Land Commis
sioner Dan Swnnson shows n total In
crease of $103,407.00 In receipts from
Inmis leased and lands sold by the
tato for the two years ending-November
A rat on the switch boaid nt tha
electric light plant lit Grand Island
caused n "short circuit" that put tho
city lights out of commission for a
Hny reached Its lowest price on tho
O'Neill market last week, when buy
ers were paying only $0.50 u ton for
tho best and were not unxlous to buy
even at that price.
One week nfter celebrating his OSth
birthday William Thompson, resident
of the Nebraska Masonic homo at
Plqttsmouth, one of the oldest Ma
sons In the stute, died.
University of Nebraska sororities
hnve agreed to dispense with nil
formal parties this year. This was
agreed upon following a discussion of
the general need of economy.
A stone weighing probably ono
thousand pounds fell from Its place In
the state house walls nt Lincoln nnd
Imbedded. Itself In the sod near tho
north entrance of the building.
J. M. Larson a farmer living near
Holdrege, was gored and trampled' to
death by a pet bull. Friends of the
aged man shot the nnlmnl nfter mak
ing several attempts to rescue him.
The Burlington rnllroad has cut ltsi
working force In the Plattsmouth
freight car shops 51 men, or 10 per
cent. The reduction hns been distrib
uted over the different departments.
"Jack" Best, football coach and
trainer nt the state university, and
well known to every student of that
Institution for over a quarter of a cen
tury, celebrated his seveiujy-fifth birth
day last week.
In the opnion of George E. Condra,
director of the state conservation nnd
soil survey department, the chances
for discovery of oil In northern and
especially northeastern Nebraska axe
not very good.
Farmers around Lodge Pole are
aroused and mystified by tho death of
large numbers of cattle which hnvo
been turned Into cornfields. Death Is
evidently caused by poison In certain
stalks, farmers say.
According to census figures there nro
more women than men in Lincoln. Tho
women have a majority of 1,78-1. Tho
number of men la 20,582 and the num
ber of women Is 28,300, making a to
tal population of 54,918.
By using 158,000 pounds of arsenic
during the past season, County Farm
Agent Sheldon of Scottsbluff reports
practically no damage from grasshop
pers. Indications nre that the pest
will not be numerous next season.
Robbers who drove up to a gnrngo
nt Atlnnta, near Holdrege, took a Inrgo
safe containing unestlmnted amount,
loaded It Into their truck nnd drove
nway. They also filled their car with
oil nnd gas at the garage before leav
ing. ,In nwnrdlng contracts tho board of
control has been nble to obtain sup
plies for stnto Institutions at consid
erable reduction from the prices wlildi
governed contracts let three months
ago. In some Instances the cut will
rench 30 per cent.
J. H. Beverldge, city superintendent
of Omahn schools, wlll'be president of
the Nebraska State Teachers' associa
tion for the ensuing year, and other
officers nre: Vice president, W. H.
Martin, Falrbury; treasurer, John F.
Mntthews, Grand Island.
Newly elcbted legislators are begin
ning to worry over the prospect of a
place to stay when they arrive In Lin
coln to begin their work. Quarters
are scarce and range from $80 to $125
a month. Many of them will find it
Impossible to bring their families.
Since the death of Thomas Morris,
who was the oldest man In tills state,
If not In the United States, It Is be
lieved that Peter Starr of Dunning,
who Is nenrlng 103, may now justly
claim the distinction of being the old
est man In Nebraska.
The Nebraska Farm Bureau fed
eration, which Inaugurated nn active
membership cnmpnlgn on October 25,
now hns a total membership or ap
proximately 15,000 In the 17 counties
that have been cunvnssed, according
to state headquarters.
Tho federal government Is taking
enre of Charles Young, the leper vic
tim who escaped from confinement
near Bnttlc Creek some time ngo and
created n sensation when he stated nt
Washington that he was helped to es
cape by officers of Madison county.
A movement has been started by the
civic organizations of Kearney toward
preservation of the Old Fort Kearney
site, at one time the furthermost west
ern military post, being established in
1848. Today ruins of the .powder
house, entrenchments nbout the stock
ade and parade grounds are still con
spicuous, but there Is not even a mark
er lo direct travelers to the spot and
no effort hns ever been mnde to pre
serve the historic location.
Dr. Fred Brother, aged S9, said to
be tho oldest free mason In tho sta'e,
died last week at his home In Bea
trice. More than 500 rabbit?, shot as pestH
by the sporting club at Pllger, wero
shipped In three big bnrrels to the Sal
vation Army nt Omahn nnd distrib
uted to needy fnmllles In that city by
Captain James G. Cheyne.
Students of the city school at Stan
ton put on the play "It Pays to Ad
vertise" at the opera house ns n bene
fit to thu athletic fund, whereby the
basketball team can attend the stnte
meet at Lincoln next spring.
Itovert T. Meyer was placed on trlnl
In the district court nt Aurora on tho
chnrge of vlolntlng the language lnw
pnssed at the 1919 session of the legis
lature. It Is clinrged In the complaint
that he taught German to his pupils
In n parochial school during the school
Everything relating to the fnrni will
bo discussed und argued by delegates
and tpenkers attending meetings of
organized agriculture nt Lincoln Jan.
3 to 7. From the number of orgnnlxa.
tlons participating, It Is evident that
nil phases of farm life will bo rouv
sen ted.