DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Growers Laxative Bvomo & Quinine tablets Be sure its Bromo The genuine bears this signature 30c. Some classes arc like treadmills; they're always moving .but never get anywhere. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggist who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that, one reason why eo many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and the large majority or tnose wnosc applica tions are declined do not even suspect tlyat they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this crcat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bittlc. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. G:2frStr Cold baths in winter ought to pro mote the will-power; and they du pro mote the yell power. Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. It Is wonderful sometimes what Cutlcura will do for poor complexions, dnndruff, Itching nnd red rough hands. Adv. Which? "Agnes thinks her husband Is deceiv ing her. She smells a rat and Is go ing to set a trap for him." "Which, the rat or her husband?" lloston Transcript. 80 Years Old Was Sick Now Feels Young After Taking Eatonic for Sour Stomach "I had sour stomach ever since I had the grip and it bothered me badly Dave taken Eatonic only a week nnd am much better. Am 80 years old," says Mrs. John Hill. Eatonic quickly relieves sour stom ach, Indigestion, heartburn, bloating nnd distress after eating because It takes up and carries out the excess ncidlty and gases which cause most stomach ailments. If you have "tried everything" nnd still suffer, do npt give up hope. Eatonic has brought relief to tens of thousands like you. A big box costs but a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. "SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean eerioua disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder nnd uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL WLEJP S5 mM&M bring quick relief and often ward oft deadly diseases. Known oa the national remedy of Holland for moro than 200 years. All druggists, in three sixes. Look for the name Cold Medal on erarr box 1 and accept do lauiauon Coughing li annoying and harmful. Relieve throat irritation, tickling ond set rid of courfu, colda and hoarscntei at once by taking W. N. U.r SIOUX CITY, NO. 1-1921. mm m &i lnAaMAoooAoAM.VVSAA.VkA AVI WsT' CONDENSED 1 CLASSICS DON QUIXOTE f By MIGUEL DE CERVANTES Condencatton by Nathan Haskell Dole fesx-X''M:AWMH":,xXH:'':4S MUuel de Cer vnntea Snuvedrn, drnruntiat nnd novelist, vrna born In 15-17, the aon of n Spanish druggist nnd surgeon, lie died in Madrid In 1010, 10 days be fore Shukcspeare'a dentb. Aa a youth Cer vnntea went to Italy, Where he served as a pri vate In the army. In n navnl battle oft Greece he ytbb thrice vrounded, his right hand be ing permanently maimed. While returning to Spain he vrnn captured by pirates and taken to Algiers, where he vrna held aa a slave for five years. Alter his ransom he wrote many plnys. They brought him more fame thnn fortune, nnd he added to his re sponsibilities by wedding, at the ngc of thirty-seven, a girl of nineteen. It was evidently n marriage of love, ns her dowry consisted only of "five vines, an orchard, some household furniture, four beehives, 45 hens and chickens, one cock and a crucible." As he could not live by hla pen Cervantes secured a minor government position ( but he was In constant dlfllcultles becnuse of pressing debts and his unbusinesslike habits. Ige wna thrown into prison for debt released, he sank Into abject pov erty. Part of "Don Quixote" was probably written In Jnil. This novel, a mnglc mirror that reflects nobles and kitchen wenches, barbers and Indies of high degree, nil the varied life of a bril liant period, la considered by many to be the world's greatest humorous master piece. The wonder of It is that tt was written by a man ncarlng his sixtieth year, who had all his life been poor, who had known little except misfortune. "Children turn Its pages, young people rend It, grown men understand It, old folk praise It." IX THE sixteenth century romances of chivalry, written In absurd, ex--nggcrated style, were extremely popular In Spain. A dignified gentlemnn by the name of Qulxada, who lived between Arngon and Cnstlle, went crnzy over these foolish books, which he spent all his substance In buying. His brain was stuffed with enchantments, quarrels, battles, challenges, wounds, mnglc salves, complaints, amours, torments, giants, castles, captured maidens, gal lant rescues, nnd all sorts of impossi ble deeds of daring, which seemed to him as true as the most authentic his tory. Every Inn-keeper was a mag nate; every mule-drlvor a cavalier. He decided that for hla own honor and for the service of tho world, he must turn knight-errant nnd Jaunt through the world, redressing wrongs, rescuing captured princesses, nnd at last winning the Imperial sceptre of Traplzonda. He changed his name to Don Quixote de la Mancha, got himself dubbed knight by a rascally publican, whose Inn he thought was a castle with four turrets crowned with pin nacles of glistening silver. In order to carry a full purse he sold one of his houses, mortgaged another nnd borrowed a goodly sum from a friend. When his practical housekeeper and his pretty niece, together with his neighbors, the bnrber and tho curate, thought to cure him by burning his books, he was persuaded that his library had been carried away by a necromancer, and became crazier than ever. He scoured up a rusty suit of mall which had belonged to one of his ancestors, mended tho broken helmet with n pasteboard vizor, patched wltli thin Iron plates, and thus nccoutered set forth on his old hnck Itoclnnnte, whose ribs stuck out like the skeleton of a ship, accompanied by n rustic nnmed Sancho Panzn, persuaded Into serving ns his squire. Their departure was a bravo spec taclo: the tall, cadaverous, lantern Jawed knight, mounted on his bony nng, wielding his long lance and car rying his sword, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm and dreaming of .his beautiful mistress, whom ho called Dulclnca del Toboso; the short, squat, pnunch-bcllied, long-haunehcd servant with a canvas wallet nnd a leathern bottle, mounted on tho diminutive ass, Dapple. On the plains of Montlel stood a score of big wind-mills. Don Quixote took them for outrageous giants and prepnred to do bottle against them, and despite Snncho's protests that their huge arms were only vanes, he plunged the rowels Into Itoclnante's thin flanks and with couched lance, dashed off to the encounter. The wind blew violently and the knight nnd his steed were whlrlc'd nwav Into tho field. where they lny motionless nnd ns If ' dead ; his lance was smashed to llln i dcrs. Sancho hastened to tho aid of . his master and found him unable to stir; but he was soon ready to go on again. ' Their next ndventuro was with two monks, riding on mules as big as i dromedaries, in company with a conch I In which sat a lady escorted by men J on horseback. Don Quixote Imagined that adventurers hud captured a princess nnd In the uuv-ghtlcst terms undo them release her. Then wltliotj further pnrlcy he tlrovo against the monks, one of whom ran nwny while the other fell off his mule. Sancho nimbly slipped from his ass nnd be gan to strip tho luckless man; while ho was engaged In this legitimate np proprlatlon of the spoils of the battle, two muletecers of tho train overset him, tore out his beard by handfuls, mauled him nad left him senseless. Don Quixote engaged In n terrific com bat with one of the lady's gunrd who sliced off half of his helmet and one of his cars. Undaunted the knight pressed tho combnt to victory, but Just ns be was about to give the finish ing stroke, tho frightened lady begged him to desist nnd he compiled on con dition that the defeated opponent should go and present himself beforo the peerless Dulclnca, who was In reality n buxom woman known through nil la Mancha for bcr skill In salting pork nnd who had never deign ed to look nt her amorous neighbor. A few days laterr bruised nnd bat tered In untoward adventures, they came upon n flock of sheep which Don Qulxoto conceived tq bo n prodigious army composed of an Infinite number of nntlons led by mighty kings. He spurred like a thunderbolt from the top of a hillock, shouting his battle challenge, putting tho hapless sheep to flight and trampling both the living and the slain. Impatient to meet tho commander of the enemy he shouted: "Where, where art thou, haughty Allfanfuron?" At that moment tho shepherds ral lied In defenso of their flocks and overwhelmed the unlucky knight first with stones and then with cudgels, leaving him In n desperate case, with nearly nil of his teeth knocked out or loosened, and his ribs half broken. Did this ndventure discourage him? Not nt all. It was all n part of chival ry. He and Sancho rode on In dolor ous discourse. They were overtaken by night and had no shelter or food. Suddenly nppenrcd a band of about twenty horsemen, all In white robes, with torches In their hands and fol lowed by a hearse draped In black. It was the funeral of a gentleman of Segovia; Don Qulxoto took It to bo the train of some knight either killed or desperately wounded, and, assured that It was his duty to avenge the misfortunes of a brother-ln-arms, halted the cortege and demanded an explanation. The replies of the clergy men failed to satisfy him and he flow at them In high dudgeon. Encumbered by their robes they became easy vic tims and all took to flight. They possessed themselves of the edibles deserted by the clergymen, but, unfortunately, had nothing to drink, nor did they dare stir from the forest because of the awful clamoi made by a fulling-mill which Don Quixote sup posed to be enchnntment. The next morning they met a bnr ber riding on an ass and wearing his brass basin on his head to save his hat from the rain. Don Quixote rec ognized this ns tho. golden helmet of Mambrlno and flew nt the enemy as If he would grind him to powder. The barber fled, lenvlng his helmet which Sancho appropriated, though it seem ed to him merely a common dish. They came to another inn. In tho night Don Quixote, while sound asleep nnd dreaming, enjoyed the most fa mous battle of his career. Dressed In a short shirt which exposed his lean, long, hairy shanks, and wearing a greasy red nightcap, with a blanket wrapped around his left arm for a shield, ho was repeatedly plunging his sword Into the plump bodies of sev eral giants. Their blood flowed across the floor In wide, crimson streams. Imagine tho wrath of the worthy Inn-keeper nt discovering that his famous guest had disemboweled all his wlne-sncks, which were mado of goat-skins with the heads left on. After this Don Quixote was got home by the curate and the barber; but he broke loose again. First ho visited his Dulclnca, but came away convinced thnt through moro enchunt ment she had 'been changed into a blubber-cheeked, flat-nosed country wench, tho pearls of her eyes Into gall nuts, her long golden locks Into a cow's tall and her palaco Into a hut. Ho had adventures with strolling actors and lions; ho attended the rich Cnmncho's wedding; he explored tho deep cave of Monteslnos; he rode on a magic bark and visited the name less duke and duchess, through whose complaisance Sancho was granted his ambition to rule over an Island and did It with wisdom worthy of Solo mon. Mnny more adventures follow ed, but at last Don Qulxoto returned to his home and recovered his senses an his death-bed, dying as a lovable, high-minded, noble-hearted gentleman. Cervantes masterpiece In not nil sntlre. Don Quixote has lucid mo ments; Sancho's simplicity veils com mon sense, often expressed In witty proverbs. There Is occasional coarse ness, but not so much as in Shake speare. Tho chief fault Is its trontment of insanity, in Its author's fondness for cruel and brutal, practical Jokes, which may perhaps explain tho main tenance of bull-flghting as the national amusement of Spain. Copyrlftht, 1919, by -the Post Publishing Co. (The Boston Post). Copyright In tin United Kingdom, tho Dominions, Its Col oiiIps and dependencies, under the copy right act, by the Post Publishing Co., DoBton, Mass., U. B. A. All rights re served. Ml68 Fortune) Had Been There. Editor (to unsuccessful artist) None of theso drawings Milt mc bu cheer up I Dame Fortune will comi to your door one of theso flno days. Artist She'll Jolly well have tt knock, then. Her daughter, MUs Fop tunc, has wrecked tho bell 1 HraeTown MAKING BEST USE OF PAINT Coloring Must B0 Selected According to the Material on Which It Is to Bo Used. Paints and painting cost less thnn repairs necessitated by decay or dis integration. There Is no such thing ns an all service paint. Paint should bo se lected according to tho material to bo painted nnd tho conditions under which It must give service. The wenr on n floor Is more severe than on a wall, hence the floor calls for a tough er, more clastic pnlnt. Painting should not be done when tho temperature is lower than GO degrees Fahrenheit, as the paint will not flow well. It Is Impractical to paint a hot surface. The old painting maxim is: In spring and fall follow tho sun; In summer, follow tho shnde. Outside painting should bo done In dry weather. Surfnces should not bo painted when wet. Surfnces to bo painted should bo gotten ns smooth and clean ns possi ble. They should be free from grease. If painting new wood, knots nnd sappy surfaces should bo shellacked first. If painting over previously painted sur faces, all blisters and looso or peeled spots should bo scraped or burned clean. A brushing with a stiff wire brush followed by sandpaper is good practice. A priming coat usually pays for Its cost. A firm bnse for the final coats Is very essential to Insure long serv ice. The primer should bo thin enough to penetrate tho lumber. It should be well brushed In. Only pure linseed oil or pure tur pentine should be used to thin pnlnt. TOWN AS PART OF COUNTRY Southern Magazine Has the Right Idea That Communities Must Stand or Fall Together. Tho country town Is a part of tho country. It Is one of the encourag ing signs of the time that country town business men are coming to realize this fact It has not been so long ngo that every little town thought that Its business was to grow Into -a city' Just ns soon ns possible. Some towns and many town people still think so. Mnny small-town people, too, still think that their chief rela tions ond Interests uro with tho cltlca rather than the country. Tho most far-seeing business men have come to know better. They are seeing more nnd more clenrly that tho town, the small city, Is an Integral part of the country, that It prospers only as the country prospers, nnd that It has Its place in tho scheno of tilings to be the life center of tho country about It. The town merchant who opposes co-operntlvo buying or selling by the farmers of his territory, tho town banker who would hinder tho estab lishment of farm loan associations In his county, the town editor who neg lects the interests of the back-country districts, arc becoming more und more out of date. Not until tho country nnd the country town learn that they are yoke fellows and must pull to gether can either make the progress It should. And both are learning. Southern Agriculturist. Easier to Build Homes Now. A well-known building authority states that the averago man Is better able to build and own a homo today than flvo yearn njjo. "Money vnlues," ho suys, "have been batted about, and the condition has been aggravated by lll-advlsed buying by workers with sud denly acquired wage increases. Theso wage Increases hnve gone lnrgely Into the purchase of luxuries, resulting In a bhortago of necessities. The reac tion, however, has sturtcd In. Through all this period of cxtravngancu and recklessness the solid, substantial ele ment of our people hnve kept their heads. They have saved money. Prices nre on n downward trend nnd will reach a normal level In three or four years. In spite of the high cost of Inbor und materials prices can ho maintained at a fairly reasonable level. Homes can bo built now and the linnks nre willing to help." New York Sun. Need of Home Ownership. Robert K. Simon told tho convention of the Ileal Estate association of tho state of New York held at Roches ter, that every effort should be mado to encourage homo ownership, 'wheth er in the single or two-fnmlly house, or by co-operative ownership In tho multi-family house. "The lurgo percentage of tenantry Is one of the dangers in our country toduy," snld Mr. Simon. "Whllo France has 80 per cent of home own ers, the United, Stntes census of 1S00 allowed 48 per cent, nnd 1010 only iiS per cent; In 1020 it probably will bo still less. This tide must he stopped and turned ln tho opposite direction," All Forms of Public Wealth. The shade trees and ornamental Inntlngs of parks und streets, grounds of health and plcasuro re sorts, public Institutions and of city, luburhaii, country and farm homes, i (.-present a form of wealth which (he people realize In health, recreation, enjoyment of tho home, and tho In rreiiacil vuluo of properly. Mr Contents 15PluidDraoh iff?l "V 'WiajiiiiLi ,. liirttteaBa-Mjhjga f...WTiftvnntln&I)hlCS r,f.ifnotndRsVCoflUa neither Oplum,MorpMnc :nl sttiOUDesuBMnnsa. JkjJ-( ConsUpatlexinndDiarrlMC1 rr-aAthcrcfror feeble SijnBtnteft "":":: -ir- mrcw TriwaJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. The Result. "1 told Brown those wero doubtful securities." "Did he raise anything on them?" "Oh, yes; ho raised n smile." Hall's Catarrh Medicine TIiobo who nro ln a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much moro than when thoy are in Rood health. ThlB fact proves that while Catarrh is a local dlseaso, tt la greatly influonced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Ulood Purifier, and acts through the blood upon the mucous nurfacea ot the body, thus reducing the Inflammation and restoring normal condition!. All druggists. Circulars free. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Keep It Quiet. Little .Tacky Look, mother I that bulldog looks Just like Aunt Emily. Mother Hush, child I Don't sny such things. Little .Tacky Well, mammn, tho dog can't henr It Cole's Cnrbollsnlre Qnlcklr Itelleyea and heals burning1. Itchlnir and torturing i ekln diseases. It Instantly stops tho pain or Durns. iicais witnout scars, soo ana wo. Ask your druggist, or send 30c to The J. W. Colo Co., Hockford, III., for a pkg.Adv. Tho man of grit carries, In. his very presence, n power which controls nnd commnnds. Hotter bo driven out from among men thnn to bo disliked by children. Dana. VcOHOL-O PBK UBNT- . -U,,,M,fcW.Urtti0fl6fAs-I A Wfl.Vff Kill. That Cold With CASCAI& kf QUININE FOR tJlfe AND FOR Z&,J"vWr AND Coldi, Coughi TQV La Gripfa Neglected Colds arc Dangcroun Take no chances. Koep this standard romody handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Reliovea Grippe in 3 days Excellent for Headacho Quinino ln this form does not effect the head Cascarn is best Tonic Laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Organization, Responsibility, Integrity In Other Words the Reputation of RICE BROTHERS Cattle Live Stock Commission, Sioux City Stock Yards Cattle Hogs GUARANTEES SATISFACTION Hog Sheep A Reliable Firm to Ship to Stctf Accurate market reports cludly furnished free. Write us. Also Chicago, 111., Sioux Folia, 8. IX sands sf Happy Housewives V Swm aABaBaSaBMJaaS.fe,B) Aa A aaa A 'smmKjPuZ3r dk m fiim are Tiflnlntr fTiMi- fiiielirinrla tr nmna. -- i..i they encoursBed them to . u . "i. ""," could reach prosperity and w - - - W m '" " WSBS IllVf Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre land similar to that which through many years has yielded from 20 rn4nH.bh"v,!,,l,n.?,HWl.h"t 1 ,ho. 'V' ""ndredsof xarmers In wSt?m i A ihSffifSS wilS.M.;ni.B sIn8l oeawn worth more than the whole r,.v : i i r.r ""Mi.ii.iui'MiiioiJiusiieriiy, inaepenaence, gooa Homes, nnd oil the comforts und conveniences which make for happy living. Farm Gardens Poultry Dairying -C2 Good climate, good c suuilcbi in inrnmn .. litT """" www vitiiiaici uuuu opportunities of a Lirai if venlencca of old nettled aaChoOII. rural tfnriAnM roriiimnataui ttratura, rnapi, ilncrlptlon of firmDDportunltlM In Manltolia.Uukitchewan. and AlbarU, rjdocid railway rt, to., wrlto Department c,f Immigration, Ottawa, Ctn.. or C. A. COOK, Drawer 107, Water. town. South OaU.iR. A. GARHETT, JI1 Jackaon Street, St. I'aul, Minn, Canadian Government AKents. ktliWMpaMas1 NMta. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria A A. M m Bears the Signature of For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUR COMPANY, N(W YORK CITY. ' Its Clncs. "My cake Is dough 1" cried the ruined backer of tho show. "That Is what uiigel enko Is sup posed to he," explained the malinger. Affection makes and holds morel friends than service; but you can't nW ways evoke It. Sure Relief f Bell-ans Hot water Surt Relief E LL-AMS WFm INDIGESTION Girls! Girls?! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Tlcwn25c p t Si Wit ' KMT n Use Mr M ifiii iMDiasnjl WtMfcKN CANAft JuthS 'M- rw.- go where they could make a home of their im icuuco co oi uvinK where they IndcDendcnce bv huvlnS n .... - --". w..w .n.-M,0.wnM,tt tuWBWlft IU13I.11T. , neighbor nrrnnri nniv m crrnin rrrntuinn mir n.i hi.i. iiriuiiixiiB. : nfuj tiMi ti murriiM- ... . .i...am.- i lies, new land with the con- districts raJsaBrgaffiJMjfi ' ? IT. Wi M'j.i- '",WaKS! I 1 1 .1 9 1 J, r n -..n -&'