Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 30, 1920, Image 2

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i ,
John Stuart Webster, mlnln engineer, man's man, 33 yearn young-, boards
a tratn In Death VaJloy, California, on hla way back to clvlllxatlon after clean
f3R up $100,000. He Is dreaming of cool baths, silk pajamas and ham and egis.
Mut he looks like a hobo to the porter and the conductor. His way of chang.
loir their views gives a hint of the mettle of the man. Then he meets a dis
tressed lady, who makes his heart flop over for the first time In all his days.
He eliminates the offending man after the style of the man's man the world
over. Being what he It and also girl-shy, he docs not take advantage of his
opportunity. But he Just had to find out who the no-longer-dlstressed lady
Is, being determined to hatch up a scheme to meet her again and marry
her. fihe Is Dolores Iluey. Clad In purple and fine linen, John goes to the
Knglneers' club In Denver, the nearest approach to a home he has known In
twenty years. There he Is offered a 2S,000-a-ycnr Job with the certainty of a
fortune by a capitalist friend, Edward I. Jerome. Wlillo he Is hesitating,
being loath to go to work again so soon, he receives a delayed letter from
his own particular pal, Billy Geary, asking him to flnanco a gold-mining prop
osition In Contral America and go M-CO with him on the profits. Thereupon
ho turns down the big Job and decides to answer the call of friendship and
advonture to Sobrante.
CHAPTER II Continued.
"Well." Webster retorted humorous-
ily, "It Isn't exactly what you might
jtcrm a ruling passion, I llko to make
It, but there's more fun spending It.
Tto mado $100,000, and now I want
Ho go blow It and I'm going to. Do
iot try to nrgue with me. I'm n lunn-
Es and I will have my way. If I
dn't go tearing off to Sobrante and
In forcos with BUI Geary, there to
iplay tho game, red or black, I'd fcol
)Bfl If I had dono something low and
kicnn and small. The hoy's appealed
to mc, and I have made my answer.
It I como back alive hut broke, orou
"know In your heart you'll give mo the
best Job you have."
"You win," poor Jerome admitted.
"Hold tho Job open SO days. At
tho end of that period I'll give you a
sleflnlto answer, Neddy.
"I Knlff excitement nnd adventure
land profit In Sobranto and I've Just
Ijrot to look-sec. I'm llko nn old burro
'tnkcd out knee-deep In alfalfa Just
mow. I won't take kindly to tho
pack H
"And like an old burro, you won't
o happy until you'vo sneaked through
hole In tho fenco to get out Into n
stubble-field nnd stnrve." Jcromo
wore half-hcnrtcdly nnd promulgated
the trlto proverb that llfo Is Just ono
Wank thing nfter tho other an ln
thoato mnBS of liver and disappoint
went I
"Do you find it so?" Webster queried
Suspecting that ho was being
twitted, Jerome looked up sharply,
prcpaiiid to wither Wohstcr with that
glsnco. But no, tho man was abso
lutely serious; whoreupon Jerome
realized tho futility of furthor argu
ment and gave John Stuart Webster
op for a total loss. Still, ho could not
"help smiling as he reflected how Web
ster had planned n year of quiet en
joyment nnd Fato had granted him
no brief ovenlng. Ho marveled that
iWebstcr could bo bo light-hearted hnd
Seontented under tho circumstances.
Webster rend his thoughts. "Good
lye, old man," ho snld, nnd extended
ils hand. "Don't worry about mc.
Hah Is always kind to fools, my
Eend; sorrow Is never their portion,
answering Billy's cnll I have a feci
Stag that I am answering tho call of
la great adventure,"
Ho dtd not know how truly ho spoke,
f course, but If ho had, thnt knowl
dgo would not have changed his an
swer. f CHAPTER III.
Tho morning following his decision
to play tho rolo of angel to Billy
Gear's mining concession In Sobranto,
John Stuart Webster, llko Mr. Pcpys,
-was up betimes.
Nino o'clock found him In the ofllco
f his friend Joo Dnlngcrllcld, of tho
Bingham engineering works, where,
rwlthln tho hour, ho had In his charac--tcrlstlcaly
decisive fashion purchased
(the machinery for n ten-stamp mill. It
."was a nice order, and DalngerQold
was delighted.
"This Is going to cost you nbout halt
jrour fortune, Jack," hu Informed Web
ster when tho order was finally
nado up.
Webster grinned "You don't sup
poso I'm chump enough to pay for It
ow, ao you, Joo?" ho queried.
"I'm going first to scout tho coun
try nnd In tho meantime keep nil this
tuff In your warehouso until I au
thorize you by cable to shin, when
you con draw on mo at sight for the
entire invotco with bill of lading at
tached. If, upon Investigation, I rind
that thlo mlno Isn't nil my partner
thinks It Is, I'll cable n cancellation,
and you can tear thnt nice fat order
up nnd forget it.
From Dalngerfleld's ofllco Webster
went forth to purchase a steamer
trunk, his rnllwuy ticket nnd sleep
ing car reservation after which ho
returned to his hotel and set about
packing for tho Journey.
Old Neddy Jcromo, os aour and
cross as u setting hen, accompanied
aim In tho tnxlcnb to tho station, loth
to let hlin escapo and pleading to the
last. In a forlorn hopa Unit Jack Web
ster's better nature would triumph over
Ids friendship nnd boyish yearning
far adventure. Ho clung to Webster's
ana as they walked slowly down tho
jfcrack and paused at tho steps of tho
a? ecatnlnlng Uio wanderer's reaerva-
0mi J4 as a porter, carrying noma
Mr, passed them by, fal
- - - - -
Author of "Cappy Ricka," "The Valley of tho
lowed by a girl In a green tailor-made
suit. As sho passed, John Stuart Web
ster looked fairly Into her face, started
as If bee-stung, and hastily lifted his
hat. The girl briefly returned his
scrutiny with sudden Interest, decided
ahe did not know him, and reproved
him with n glance that oven passe old
Neddy Jerome did not fall to assimi
late. "Wow, wowl" ho murmured. "The
next tlmo you try that, Johnny Web
ster, be sure you're right "
"Good land o' Goshen, Neddy," Web
ster replied. "Fry mo In bread
crumbs, if that isn't the same girl!
Let mo go, Neddy. Quick 1 Good-bye,
old chap. I'm on my way."
"Nonsense I Tho train doesn't pull
out for seven minutes yet Who Is
chc, John, and why does sho cxclto
you so?"
"Who Is she, you nnclcnt horse
thief l Why, if I havo my way and
I'm certainly "going to try to havo It
sho's tho future Mrs. W."
"Alasl Poor Yorlck, I knowed him
well," Jcromo answered. "Take n tip
from Iho old man, John. I've been
through tho mill and I know. Never
ninrry n girl that can frcczo you with
a glance. It Isn't safe. By tho way,
what's the fair chnrmcr's name?"
"I'vo got It down In my memoran
dum book, but I can't recall It this min
ute Spanish name."
"John, my dear boy, bo careful,"
Neddy Jcromo counseled. "Stick to
your own kind of people Is Uits
a cr a nlco girl, John?"
"now do I know I mean, how daro
you ask? Of course, sho's nice. Cau't
you sco sno is? Antl besides, why
should you be so fearful "
"I'll havo you understand, young
man, thnt I hnvo considerable Interest
In tho girl you'ro going to marry. By
tho way, whoro did you first meet this
girl? Who Introduced you?"
"I haven't mot her, and I've never
been Introduced," Webster complained,
nnd poured forth tho tulo of his ad
venture tn tho train from Death val
ley. Neddy was very sympathetic.
"Well, no wonder sho didn't recog
nize you when you saluted her o
night," ho agreed. "Thought you wei'
another brute of a man trying to make
a mash. By thunder, Jack, I'm afraid
you mado a mistake when you nhed
your whiskers nnd burled your old
"I don't enre what sho thinks. I
fouud her. I lost her, and I've found
her again; and I'm not going to tako
any further chances."
Tho porter, having delivered his
chargo's buggagd In her section, was
Tir, Old Enounh to Ho Your Father."
returning for another Up. Webster
reached out and accosted him.
"Horry," he said, "where did you
stow that young lady's hand baggage-?"
"Lower Sir, Car Nino, sail."
"I havo a wenkuess for colored boys
who aro quick at figures." Webster de
clared, and dismissed tho porter with
tho gratuity. Ho turned to Jerome.
"Neddy, I feel that, I am answering
tho call to a great adventure," ho de
tltrod solemnly.
MI know It, Jack. Good-bys, n,
JJf . ..
'm lBl1" '"' Wd".ts-
Gianta," Etc
Copyrlcht r Ptr II. Kyne.
and God bless you. If your fit of in
canity passes within 00 days, cable
mc ; and If you're broke, stick the Co
lorado Con. for the cable tolls."
"Good old wagon I" Webster replied
affectionately. Then he shook hands
and climbed aboard the train. The
instant he disappeared In tho vesti
bule, however. Neddy Jerome wnddlcd
rapidly down the track to Car 0,
climbed aboard, and made his way to
Lower 0. The young lady In tho green
tailor-made suit was there, looking
Idly out of tho window.
"Young lady," Jcromo began, "may
I presume to address you for n mo
ment on a matter of great Importance
to you? Don't be afraid of me, my
dear. I'm old enough to be your fa
ther, and besides, I'm one of the nicest
old men you ever met."
She could not forbcur n smile.
"Very well, sir," she replle.1.
Neddy Jerome produced u pencil and
card. "Please wrlti your naqjc on this
card," ho pleaded, "and I'll rclegruph
what I want to lay to you. there'll
bo a man coining through this rar In
a minute, and I don't want hlra u see
mo hero. Please trust mc, )cng
Tho young lady did not trust him,
however, although she wrote on tie
card. Jeromo thanked her and fle4
os fast as his fat old legs could car
ry him. Under the station arc he
read the card.
"Henrietta Wllklns," ho murmured.
"By tho gods, one would never sus
pect n name like thnt belonged to a
face like that. By jlv-go, it would bo
strange If that madman persuaded her
to ranrry him. I hope he does. If
I'm any Judge of character, Jack Web
ster won't be cruel enough to chain
thrfl vision to Sobranto; and besides,
she's liable to make hlin decide who's
most popular with him Henrietta or
Billy Geary. If she does, I'll play
Geary to lose. Weill Needs must
when tho devil drives." And ho en
tered tho station telegraph office and
commenced to write.
An hour later Miss Dolores Iluey,
alius Henrietta Wllklns, was handed
this remarkably verboso and truly
candid telegrnm:
"Miss Henrietta Wllklns, Lower 0,
Car 0, on board train 24.
"Do you recall tho bewhlskcred,
ragged Individual you met on tho S.
P.kL. A. & S. L. train In Death val-
ley ten days ago? He lifted his lint
to you tonight, nnd you almost killed
him with a look. It did not occur to
him that you wouftj not recognize him
disguised as n gentleman, and he lift
ed his hat on Impulse. Do not hold it
against him, Tho sight of you again
set his reason tottering on Its throne,
nnd ho told mo his sad ctory.
"This man, John Stuart Wcbater, is
wealthy, single, forty, fine nnd crazy
as "a March hnre. He Is In love with
you. You might do worse than fnll In
lovo with him. no is tho best mining
engineer In tho world, and he Is now
aboard tho samo train with you, en
routo to Now Orleans, thence to take
tho Hteamer to Buenaventura, Sobran
te, C. A., where ho Is to meet another
lunatic nnd finance a hole In the
ground. I do not want him to go to
Sobrante. If you marry him, he will
not. If you do not marry him, you
still might arrange to make him listen
to renson. If you enn Induce him to
como to work for roe within the next
00 days, whether you marry him or
not, I will give you $5,000 tho day he
reports on the Job. Please bear In
mind that he does not know I am do
ing this. If he did, ho would kill mc,
but buslnc3s Is business, nnd this Is a
plain business proposition. I am put
ting you wine, so you will know your
power and can exercise It If you enre
to earn the money. If not, please for
get about It At any rate, please do
mc the favor to communicate with mo
on tho subject. If nt nil Interested.
"Edward P. Jcrme, President Colo
rado Consolidated Mines, Ltd., Cure
Engineers' Club."
Tho girl rend and reread this tele
gram several times, nnd presently n
slow little Binllo commenced to creep
around tho corners of her adorable
"I believe thnt amazing old gentle
man Is absolutely dependable," was
tho decision nt which sho ultimately
arrived, and calllm; for a telegraph
b'.Mik, Mi" vtlre-i tho old schemer :
'iritn ftimfanftrt nnt fwimir.li inn ia,
Mnkc It 51,000 and I will guarantee
to deliver Uip man within IX) days. I
stay on this train to Now Orleans.
That telesr-m unlved at the Eiifl
neors' club nbout midnight, and vur
sunnt to instructions, tho night br
keeper rend It nnd 'phoned the con
tents to Neddy Jerome, iO o prompt
ly telephoned his reply to tho olo
graph olficc, and then sat on the dee
of his bed, scratching his l.vs nnd
"That's n remarkable young wom
an," ho deckled, "and business to her
finger tips. Well, l'vo dono my pint,
and It's now up to Jack Webster to
protect himself In the clinches nnd
About daylight a black hand passed
Neddy Jerome's reply through the
berth curtains to Dolores Iluey. She
When you deliver the
goods, rommiiiilcntc with me nnrt gvt
jour money.
Sho snuggled back among the pil
lows nnd considered the various as
pects of this amazing contract which
she had undertuken with n perfect
stranger. Hour after hour she lay
there, thinking over this preposterous
sltuntlon, and tho more she weighed
It, tho more Interesting and nttrnctlve
Uio proposition nppenre'l. But one
consideration troubled her., How
would tho unknown knight ninnnge an
Introduction? Or, If he failed to man
age it, how was sho to overcome that
"Oh, dear," sho murmured, "I do
hope he's brave."
Sho need not havo worried. Hours
before, the object of her thought had
settled all that to his own complete
satisfaction, and as a consequence was
sleeping peacefully and gaining
strength for whatever1 of fortune, good
or III, tho morrow might bring forth.
Day was dawning In Buennvcntura,
republic of Sobrante, ns Invariably It
dawns In tho tropics without extend
ed prollmlnary symptoms. The soft,
silvery light of a full moon that had
stayed out scandalously lato had
merged Imperceptibly Into gray; tho
gray was swiftly yielding place to a
faint crimson that was spreading and
deepening upward athwart the east.
In the pntlo of Mother Jenks' estab
lishment In tho Cnlle de Concordia,
No. 10, tho first shafts of morning
light were filtering obliquely through
the orange trees and creeping In un
der tho" deep, Gothic-arched veranda
flanking tho western side of the pa
tio. Presently, through the silent
reaches of the Calle de Concordia, Uio
sound of n prodigious knocking nnd
thumping echoed, ns of some fretful
Individual seeking admission nt the
street door o El Buen Am I go, by
which euphonious designation Mother
Jcnks caravansary was known to the
pttbllc of Buennvcntura. In the sec
ond story, front, a window slid back
and a woman's voice, husky with that
huskl.iess thnt speaks so accusingly
of cigarettes and alcohol, demanded:
"Quleu es? Who Is It? Que qulere
usted? Wot do yer want?"
"Ye might dlsplnse wit' thnt pnrn
queet conversation whin rtddhressln'
the likes av me," a voice replied. "'Tls
me Cnfferty. I havo n cablegram
Leber give me tot deliver "
"Gawd's truth! Would yer wake
tho 'ole 'ouse with yer 'ammerlng?"
"All right. I'll not say another
worrd 1"
Without tho pjrtnl stood Don Juan
Cnfetero, of whom n word or two be
fore proceeding.
To begin, Don Juan Cafetero was
not his real name, but rather a free
Spanish translation of tho Gaelic
John Cnfferty. Mr. Cnfferty was an
exile of Erin with a horrible thirst.
He had first arrived In Sobrante some
flvo years before, ns section boss In
the employ of the little foreign-owned
nnrrow-guuge railway which ran from
Buennvcntura on the Caribbean const
to San Miguel de Padua, mctvuntry
whom the nltrnte beds were located.
Prior to his advent the railroad peo
ple had tried many breeds of section
boss without visible results, until a
Chicago man, who had como to So
brante to Install an lnter-communlcat-lng
telephone system In the govern
ment buildings, suggested to the su
perintendent of the road, who was a
German, Uiat tho men mado for bosses
come from Erin's Isle; wherefore Mr.
Cnfferty had been Imported at a price
of 5ii a day gold. Result a marked
Improvement In the road bed and con
sequently the train schedules, and tho
ultimate loss of the Cafferty soul.
Something In the cllmnto of Sobran
to must have appealed to a touch of
lalsscz falro In Don Juan's amiable
nature, for In the courso of time he
had taken unto him 'elf, without bell
0i' book, after the fashion of the pro
letariat of Sobninto, the daughter of
ono Estebun Manuel Enrlquo Joso Ma
ria Pasquol y Mlramontes, an estima
ble peon who was singularly glnd to
hnvo his daughter off his hands and no
questions asked. Fol'owlng the fash
ion of tho country, however, Esteban
had forthwlUi moved tho remainder of
his numerous progeny under the man
tle of Don Junn Cnfetero's philan
thropy, and resigned n position wh.ch
for mnny years ho had not enjoyed
to-wlt: hnltlng nnd packing green
hides at n local abattoir. This fool
hardy economic move had so Incensed
Don Junn thnt In n fit of plquo ho
spurned his father-In-Inw (wo must
call Esteban something and so why
split hairs?) undor tho tails of his
camlsa, with such vigor as to sever
forever the friendly relations hither
to existing between the families. Mrs.
CilTcrty (again wo transgress, but
what of It?) subsequently passed away.
In child birth, and no sooner had she
been decently burled than Don Juan
tool: n week off to drown his sorrows.
In this condition no had encoun
tered Esteban Manuel Enr'que Jose
Murln Pnsqnal y Mlrnmontcs nnd
called him out of his name. In the
altercation that ensued E3tcbttn, fully
convinced that ho had received the
nub end of the transaction from start
to finish, cut Don .Tuun severely; Don
Juan had thereupon claln Esteban
with a .-J-t-cnltbcr revolver and upoc
emerging ftom tho railroad hospital
month Inter had been tried by a So
biantcun magistrate and fined tho sum
or $20,000, legal tender of Uio republic
of Sobranto. Of course, ho had paid
It oft within six months from his
wages as section boss, but tho mem
ory of tho Injustice always rankled
him, and gradually ho moved down the
scale of society from section boss tn
day laborer, day laborer to tropical
trsjBp, and tropical tramp to beach-
'omber. In nnt'i mi to, ,
now uvlRted for M'venil timiiiliM.
To return in Mother .l-nik.
Before Don .hum could evin uiit a
innlutlnnl greeting. Mother .n-nks hint
finger lo lip nnd silenced him. "On
back to Leber's nnd return In tin hour,"
she whispered. "I 'avu my reasons for
wnntln' thnt bloomlu' cablegram de
livered Inter."
Don Junn hntln't the lenM Idea what
Mother Jenks' reasons might be, lint
he presumed she was up to some' chi
canery, nnd so he winked his blond
shot eyo very knowingly nnd nodded
his ncqulcscence In tho progrnm.
When ho had gone. Mother Jenks
went behind the bur and fortified her
self with her morning's morning
which rite having been performed, her
sleep-benumbed brain livened up lm
"Gord's truth I" the lady murmured.
"An' mo nbout to turn him adrift for
tho lawst fortnight! Well for 'Ira 'a
allcrs hadmlrcd tho picture o' my
sainted 'Encry, ns was tho splttln' Im
age of his own fawther. 'Evlngal
Ell's bells! But that was a bit of a
tight squeak! Just as I'm fully con
winced Vs beat It an' I'm left 'oldln'
the sack, all along o' ray kindness of
'cart, 'o gets tho cablegram 'o's been
lookln' for this two months post; an' 'o
allcrs claimed as 'ow any time 'e got
a cablegram It'd bo an answer to 'la
letter, with money to f oiler 1 My word,
but that was touch an' go I"
Still congratulating herself upon her
good fortune In Intercepting Don Juui
' mKHk
"Chop Your Spoofin', Willie.
Cafetero, Mother Jcnks proceeded up
stairs to her chamber, clothed her
self, nnd adjourned to the kitchen.
After giving orders for nn extra spe
cial breakfast for two, Mother Jenks
returned to her cantlnn, and formally
opened tho same for the business of
Uiat day and night.
To her came presently, via the tiled
hallway, the object of her solicitude,
a young man on the sunny side of
thirty. ,He was thin for one of his
height and brendth of chest; In color
his countenance resembled that of a
sick Chinaman. His hair was thick
and wavy, but lusterless; his dan;
bluo eyes carried a hint of Jaundice;
and n generous mouth, beneath an
equally generous upper Up, gave am
ple ground for the suspicion thnt while
Mr. William Geary's speech denoted
him an American citizen, nt least on
of his maternal ancestors had been
wooed and won by un Irishman. An
old Panama hat, sad relic of u pros
perous past, a pair of soiled buckakli;
pumps, a suit of unbleached linen
equally befouled, and last but not
least, the remnants of a smile thai
much hard luck could never quite olx
literate, completed his attire and to
one a stranger In the tropics would
appear to constitute a completo Inven
tory of Mr. Geary's possessions.
"Dulce coruzon mlo, I extend t
greotlng," ho called nt tho entrance
"I trust you rested well last night,
Mother Jenks, and that no evil dreum'
were born of your midnight repast ot
frtjolcs refrltos, marmalade, and art-an'-nrfl"
"Chop yer spoofin', Willie," Mothot
Jenks simpered. "My heyol Ho I'm
yer sweet'enrt, eh? Yer wheedlln'
blighter, makln' lovo to a girl us Is old
enough tobo yer mother 1"
"A woman," Mr. Geary retortod
sagely and not a whit abashed, "Is a:
the apex of her fcmlnlno charms a
Ho knew his landlady to bo not a
dny under fifty, but such Is tho cas
with which tho Irish Hcuttor their
blarney thnt neither Billy Geary nor
Mother Jcnks regarded this pretty
ppcech In tho light of an observation
Immaterial, Inconsequential nnd not
germano to tho matter at Issue. Nc:
ertheless, there was n deoper reao,i
for his blarney. This morning, watch
lng the telltale tlngo of pleasure un
derlying tho alcohol-begotten )mo of
tho good crenture's face, ho felt al
most ashamed of his own hearties
rrss almost, but not quite.
"Gor, Willie, I ain't respect
able. She's comln' to sea me
an' I cawo'l let 'er."
Jud Tunklns.
Jud Tunklns says everybody admits
that honesty is tho best ollcy, only
a lot ot folks differ ns to ths precis
definition of the word.
tB BBfw I MliwsTWlD?H IlTN
nnMOTUiwiiffl p
yllm h nlil In QfiJk
International Honors Awarded
Western Canada Products.
Proof of What Can De Done, With
Intelligence and Industry, on
Good, Low-Priced Land.
The 100 International Live Stock
show nt Chicago was probably tho best
thnt has ever been held, nnd ns Is
pointed out by a Canadian newspaper
writer, the number and qunllty of the
exhibits "Indicated a new milestone
on the road of progress." This year
It was truly "International." Tho part
that Canada took showed a spirit of
friendliness on both sides of tho lino
thnt was highly pleasing.
Six provinces of Canada were rep
resented In varying degrees, and when
the handsome share ot the prizes that
were carried off by our northern
neighbors, achieving phenomenal suc
cess in view of tremendous competi
tion, is considered, there Is renson to
hope thnt In tho minds of these people
there will grow nn esteem for the
Int'ernntlonnl that will be helpful to
both countries.
Canada won n number of champion
ships, not the least of which was the
sweepstakes carried off by Mr. J. C.
Mitchell, of Dahlnda, Saskatchewan.
In this nward may be seen nn object
lesson, going to show thnt It Is not
always the man born with a sliver
spoon in his mouth to whom the
greatest degree of success will attach.
It will bo interesting to relate thnt
Mr. Mitchell, the recipient of these
great honors, camo from the manufac
turing city of Manchester, England,
unncqunlnted with farming, but with
the lure of the land upon him. Be
cause he had been told of the success
thnt followed the tiller of the soil of
Western Cnnndn, fifteen years ago he
decided to make his home In Canada,
and selected ns a homestead tho land
upon which he grew the wheat that
has brought him a world's champion
ship. It Is true he had his ups nnd
downs, but he continued nnd Is now
enjoying the fruits of his labor and
the experience gained In a mnnner
of life thnt was enjoynblc. But he
Is still a simple farmer and will con
tinue growing grains that, with the
knowledge he possesses, Industry thnt
Is essential, nnd above all, a soil and A
climate that are favorable, will 8eJ
cure many more world's champion
ships. Well, then, too, there was born at
Stratford, Ontnrlo, 'n boy named Lu
ens, now of man's estate. Although n
town boy he always hnd a desire for
farming. He moved to Alberta to the
neighborhood of Cayley, nnd those
who have had no Idea where Cayley
Is will know now, for Mr. Lucas has
placed it "on the mnp." He had some
of his 49.2-lbs.-to-the-bushel oats nt
the" Internntlonnl, nnd with 240 com
petitors against him ho took the
championship and sweepstakes. This
was a notable achievement. As has
been snld, when he was a boy he took
a liking to fanning, but the grentest
obstacle In the wny of realization of
his dreams was the practical Impos
sibility of a man without a large
amount of capital purchasing the
high-priced furm lands of the settled
parts In the neighborhood he lived In.
However, nfter leaving school he
heard of the law-priced lands of West
ern Cnnada. This was his opportu
nity, nnd he embraced It. Beginning
ut 15 years of nge with 1C0 ucres of
virgin prairie, and with no practical
farming experience, ho has now, by
perseverance nnd Industry, Increased
his holdings to nearly 1,000 acres.
Such 1m tho brief history of the man
who curried off tho championship for
the best grown oatu, and It Is nlso nn
example that might well bo followed
by many who are struggling today
ngiilnst the prices received for the
producu grown on high-priced land, or
to those who, nn wan the case with
Mr. LuniH, had little means but an
aliuudauce of energy and a Hood of
ambition. Nowhere ant there offered
ImtiiceinentH Hitch iih are offered In
Western Caiiiidn.
Tiore were 25 prizes offered tn tho
class for hard uprlng wheats nnd 20
of them went to WeMtern Canada.
Womnn'H sphere nowadays seems to
lie the big round earth.
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