ka&Altf, DAKOTA OITV, tfEBRASkA, vmtmtmtmmttaiMM AHti fttm&M V i m iwiw rtnrffcn JIl. , . . ' . ., . . lJ-lt?S 1 . - .r"'?'""-- .w .... run imidi in mwa--w.7Tim fiiiiiimiwtTTiiMwiwjiijwatiMMwBwixjTwtu nwogwwmrtijUMt' tpiinnBaiBiafDiaBiiairaBiaG9Bia ! Dm DDLBniriiTnov on n ! .) m mmhhb r n C3 hm m h h eh hkb ia hm h ion ill i m m ffnl A We Start Taking Inventory January 3rd To Reduce Our Stock Previous to That Date We are Pricing Our Staple, Clean Stock of Merchandise that in a great many Instances is Below the Cost of Production todajr. These Prices Are Effective from Dec. 23rd till Jan. 1st 1 m m m u m m m u n ii ii ii u m M M u m m M m u m d m u d ii ii m m M U m U U m u m m m M U M M M M U U m U M U m U H la! II Blankets All Vool and Cotton Blankets ." per cent off Outing Flannel Heavy Weight 27-inch Outing Flannel, was 45c per yard, Now . . 22c Dress Goods ' 36-inch Standard Percales, was 45c, Now .'. 22c 27-inch Toile du Nord Gingham, was 50c, Now 2J)c Sheeting, Tubing, Etc. 9-4 Pequot Bleached Sheeting, was $1.15, Now .... 69c 45-inch Bleached Tubing, was S5c, Now 52c 42-inch Bleached Tubing, was 75c, Now 49c Heavy Sateen Feather Ticking, was 75c, Now 49c '36-inch Bleached Gauze, was 12c, Now 9c 3-lb Comfort Size Best Grade Cotton Batts, were $1.50, Now . $1.19 8-oz. Best Grade Cotton Batts, were 25c, Now .... 13c Mens Womens' and Childrens Hose Ladies' Black Cordovan and Grey Silk Hose were $2.50 and $3.00 per pair, Now $1.19 and $1.49 Mens' Parasilk Hose, Black, Cordovan and Navy, were 75c per pair, Now 49c Mens' Pure Silk Hose, were $1.25, Now 79c All other Hose for Men, Women and Children, go at 25 per cent off Mens' Wcrk Shirts and Overalls Mens' Best Cheviot Work Shirts, were $2.00, Now.. 9Sc Mens' Best 220 Denim Overalls, were $3.00, Now ..$1.98 Dress Shirts and Night Shirts One Lot Mens' band Shirts up to $3 values, Now... 9Sc One Lot Mens' band Shirts up to $2 values, Now. . . . 49o All other Dress Shirts 25 per cent oil J All Mens' Flannel Shirts 25 per cent oil All Mens' Flannel Kig-ht Shii'ts 25 per cent off Bath Towels All Fancy and Plain Bath Towels 25 per cent off Aprons, Dresses and Night Gowns All Ladies' Bungalow Aprons and House Dresses, go at 25 per cent off All Ladies' Flannel Night Gowns 25 per cent off Ribbons, Silk Ties, Thread All Fancy and Plain Ribbons 25 per cent off All Mens' Silk Ties 25 per cent off 3 Spools Coats Cotton Thread 24c 3 Spools Beldings Silk Thread 24c Underwear off on all Men's, Woinou'.s "and Children's' Two-Piece Underwear. 20 Per Cent Discount on All Our Other Vndenvenr m Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! m m oil on all Mens', Woniens' and Children' Shoes 5 m Grocery Department 1 10 Pounds Granulated Sugar $1.00 1 Six 18c Cans Tomatoes 79c 49-lb. Bag Climax Flour .' . $2.59 Six 25c Cans Salmon 98c - jj 4 Pounds Best Jap Rice Me ra 3 Pound Can Cresco . :. 79e rgt 1 Pound Best Peaberry Coffee . j 21c rgi . U' Meat Specials Armour's Shield Bacon, full strip .'. . . ' . . '32c ' "HO 10-lb. Pail Armour's Best Lard v .'.1.811 Armour's Best Frankforts 19c H U Candy Specials g Best Peanut Brittle, per pound . . . . 20c jg Jelly Beans, per pound JiOe 5J High Grade Xirtas Mixed Candy, per pound ..'..... frle aj Best Grade Xmas Mixed Nuts, per pound 23c S U PAIMftlliiliM HI THESE PRICES ARE TOR CASH ONLY NOTHING WILL llE CHARGED EMfllllllfflllKrilJIlin ilIIIIMIIIIi(llllllliliiiHIHII(l(lllllllUlltIMllil)llllllllllililllltlllltlilltllltlllltli(M(IIMiiillillttltllllltUilill m m l!ll!l!!!l!llllll!l HUil Store Closed All Day Christmas S. A. TINS0N Dakota City Nebr. m u m u u u u m DR. S. J. DAI LI Resident Dentist piiOM-; gi HOMER. NEBR. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1920 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the at of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly lnflu tnced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINC Is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is what produces such won derful results In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. J. B. ROBINSON Auctioneer (ji:m:hal farm sam:s ami ju:al kstvti:. Make your dntes enrly, as they arc Filllntf Fast. MI3 Court St. Klou CIO, lu When you want your Tort! Properly Repaired a itli Genu ine Ford Paris, by Genuine Ford 3Ieelia iiies, lake it to the Ford Hospital. HOMER MOTOR CO. Rudolph Schopka of Emerson trans acted business here Friday. F. H. Fqrrest was confined to his home last week with an attack of the flu. Mr3. W. A. Niemeyer and son Mau rice, visited over Sunday in the Ed. Rockwell home west of Homer. The snow of the past week has made rabbit hunting e iby for tlio nimiods, and some bifj "killings" aro lupoiteil. A civil service examination for railway mail clerk will be hold Jan uary 15, 1021, in the federal building in Sioux City. The first real snow of the season began falling here Sunday night, anl continued until today. Over a foot of "tlie beautiful" now covers mother earth. Byron Bailey, of Sioux City, son of Mrs. A. E. Christianson, and A. E. tlarper, of Clarion, Iowa, a nepbmv, were over Sunday visitors hero. The latter Is foreman of a construction gang on the Chicago & Great West ern raflrond. If you have an exceptionally good farm animal fit for breeding purpos es, and which you do not need on your own fnrm, advertise that beast and thereby get more than you possi bly could if sold for meat. Adver tising live stock in your local papery in profitable. Money thus spent makes good money, Mrs. Marguerite Larson, assistant principal in our schools, was taken suddenly 111 last week, and was com pelled to to give up her school work. She was operated on ut a Sioux City hospital lust Friday for tumors, and is lecoveiinf fintlafnM li-tl.r Ckn Una tendered her resignation to the board, of education, and the flame wus oc- repted Ut thf lionul- MiPi.tinrr lnofc Thursday night. Mrs. Vorn Heikes nos neon ining tlif vacancy, and by the time school icsnmpa mni-l- nflni. the holidays it ii expected that n luuuuur will uv becuruu 10 IOKO iho position. Guy Stinson went to St. Paul, Minn., Sunday evening on business. Leo J. Colombo of South Sioux fCaty, was married in bioux uity Mon- oay to jnez nasty, oi aioux uity. D. M. Noiswanger was a visitor last week in the homo of his daughter, Mrs. H. C. Paquin, at Sioux Falls, S. D. Misses Emma and Loraine Schmidt of Sioux City, wore vlsitoi t here the 3ast of the week in the Mrs. Vern .Altemus home. Prof. Fred Schriever is homo from "West Point, Neb., where J teaches in the public schools, and 'ill spend i the holidays with home inks. S. A. Stinson is this weelt adver tising his' big pro-inventory sale of nferchandise in The Herald. Head his advertisement and see the numer ous bargains he has to ofior you. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stinhon and baby 1oy came down from theh homo at Huron, S. D., last Thursday to spend the holidays in the home of Guy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stinson. Frank M. Sides arrived homo Tues day from Yankton, S. D., where he is employed by tho Armour Packing company as a salesman, and Earl L. Sides is expected homo today, Thurs day, from Camp Eustice, Va where ho Is stationed at present in the U. iio. army, to attend inc luncrai oi tneir iatner. For your Heating Stove or Furn--ace, there's more "Heat Units," moio lasting satisfaction Dollar fr Dol lar in a Top of Genuine Hocking Lump Coal than in rniy of the cheap or grades. Take home a lond-- You'll need it. Monroe Wilbur Lake Lumber Co. South Sioux City and Hubbard, Nebr. Paul Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Mason, and W. E. and Margaret Mason, brother and plstor of S. A. Mason, left Monday for California. Paul will visit tho W. C. Eckhart family at El Centra, foi a vhllu, ana Mr. Mason and sister will xpend tho v Inter in different parU of tho state n nd if the climate and Mirroundingi wait them they will likely icmaln in California, Prof. C. E. Simpson came up from Lincoln last Friday, and on Saturday entered St. Joseph's hospital, Sioux City, for treatment. Mr. and Mr.s. Leo Hallisay and lit tle daughter were here from South Sioux City over Sunday, visiting in tho S.' A. Stinson home. Miss Barbara Neiswanger is homo from Lyons, Neb,, whore she teaches in the public schools, and will spend the holiday vacation with home folks. Mrs, Belle Burnett left Tuesday morning for Goodwin, S. 1)., to see her father, Sumuel Grlbble, who Is bedfast at the home of his son, Clyde Grlbble. The most plousunt affair hold in Dakota City for a long time was the community banquet in the M. E. church basement last Friday evening, when about eighty men of this vi cinity gathered there for a si o'clock dinner and social evening. A number of speakers were presenr, among them being Dr. E. M. J'urman, of University Place, Neb,, superin tendent of tho Norfolk district; Uev. Enrl Hoon, pastor of the First M. E. church of Sioux City; Wm. Tncku berry, also of Sioux City, and Judge Wm. P. Warner of Dakota Citv. Their talks woio along tho line of good fellowship among men, and all were heartily enjoyed, as was tho excellent banquet, served by the M. E. Lnilies' Aid, and also tho music by the Brown family orchestra, which en tertained the gathering for an hour or mora with most excellent music. More of these community gatherings is promised, and we venture the as sertion that the capacity of the base ment will be taxed at the next one. F o r Snl! Some good Duroc Jersey boars. FRANK UFFING, Hubbard, Neb. FOR SALK One Aged Poland Chinrubonr, and several spring boars. Don Forbea, Da'.cota City, Neb." 1 THE HERALD FOR NEWS John F. Sides Dies , of Heart Failure The sudden death of John F. Sides, at his farm home three mile south west of Dukotu City, Monday even ing, came as a shock to his family and friends. Mr. Sides had not been in tho best of health for some time, but his condition was not considered serious. Ho had been attending to his farm work as usual until the evening of his death, when, after re tiring for the night, ho reullzedthat something was wrong with him, and called his father-in-law, Mr. T. T. Lindsay, who Immediately summoned a physician, but before assistance ar rived he had passed uwuy. Mr. Sides came to Dakota county about thirty-five yours ago, and took up his residence on tho farnt where he died. Ho followed school teach ing for several years, teaching In his homo district, the Htleman school, and in the bprrngbunk district In Dixon county. Ho was elected sher iff of Dakota cftunty in 1899, and served for two terms. Ho was ap pointed deputy United btatcs mar shal in 1903, and served in that ca pocity for twelve years, He was considered one of the best deputies in tho state, and was sent on many important missions by his superiors. During his long residence in Dako ta county ho had been one of its most influential and prosperous citi zens, honest us the day is long, uud nlwuyB working for the best Interests of the community. Ho was united in marriage to Ettu M. Lindsay on November 25, 1891. She, with two boils, Eurl L., and Frank M survive him, Three broth ers and threo sisters ulso survive him, one brother living at Lincoln, Neb,, und the others in Pennsylvania. Mr. Sides was u member of Oiiiadl Lodge No. 0, A. F. & A. M., und Du kotu Chuptor No. (15, Order of Eust em Star, of Dakota City; Huggal Chapter Koyal Arcli Musona of Wuko field; Damascus Commohdery of Nor folk, un'd Tangier Temple, Mystic Shrine of Omaha, and also a member of the M. B. A. atjd M. W. A. lodges of this place. Funeral' services will bo held Fri day forenoon at 11:30, from Westcott's chanel in Sioux City. Itov. D. W. McGregor, of University Place, a for- inor M. E. niisfnr linm will nnnriimt tho services. Tho Masonic fraternity win conuuet mo services at tho grave J in Gracoland Park cometery. Tho loss of a true and worthy citi zen like John F. Sides comes as n shock to tho community whoro ho had been a prominent factor for bo many years. His pleasant smllo and cheerful greeting will bo missed. To the boroaved family tho heartfelt sympathy of tho community is ox tended In their great loss of a loving4 husband and futhe, noticj:. Members of tho Masonic ordor at1' tending tho funeral of Brother John F. Sides, will meet at tho lodgojhall In Sioux City, over tho Willlgol'fur store, at 11 o'clock Friday fordhoon. DAKOTA CUT SCHOOL NOTES J. Irwin Long, Superintendent (Written by Georgp Lahra) Mrs, E. K. Larsen has resigned her position as principal, and has under gone an operation for tumors, and the last heard was rostlng easy. Mrs. Larsen lias taught tho high scliodl for many yours, and tho school is very sorry to hoar of her resignation. A bouquet of flowers was sent to her hy tho school as u remembrance. Tho baskotbull team went to Juck son, yvhero they played tho Brushy Bend team. A very nice gumo was enjoyed, and tho game was good prac tice for tho Dakota City team, Tim score, of courso, was In favor of Da kota City, 110 to 0. Mrs. Heikeks has substituted for Mrs. Larsen tho past week. As yet no teacher has hvon obtained. A new goal has been Installed In tho "gym." Miss Blonuann's programme ' is progressing vory nlcoly. Remember tho date Wednesday, Decernber -22, at 8 o'clock, bi tho high Bchool audi torium. . , ti al vj m T 3 W n ' , ' ' , I l. "M f " f. u i .4 V'