Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 09, 1920, Image 7

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r X.
a young man who practiced medicino
in n rural district bccarao famous and
was called in consultation in many
towns and cittca because of hio suc
cess in the treatment of disease This
was Dr. Pierce who afterward moved
to Buffalo, N. Y. Ho made up hia
mind to place aomo of his medicines
before the public, and he put up
what ho called his "Favorite Pro
scription," and placed it with tho
druggists in every state in tho Union.
For fifty years Dr. Pieroo's Favorito
Prescription liaa Bold more largely
throughout the United States than
any other medicine of like character.
It's tho testimony of thousands of
women that it has benefited or en
tirely eradicated such distressing ail
, raonts as women aro prono to. It ia
now Fold by druggists In tablet form
ns well a3 liquid.
ArnonA, Neiir. "My mother was
always a great believer In Dr. Plerco's
medicines and when I was a girl sho gavo
mo 'Favorite Prescription' when I was
In a run-down, nervou3 condition and It
soon built mo up in hoalth and strength,
'lavorlto Prescription' Is a splendid
tonic for girls or women who suffer."
Mns. Walteh Gujuid. COS Tenth Street
Healing the Sick With
Bulgarian Blood Tea
Hundreds of thousands of sufferers
froi 1 stonmeh, bowels, blood and rheu
iiiut. ailments have been benefited
nnd inude healthy and happy ouco
more from just one trial package of
this remarkable pure herb preparation.
, For constipation, sick headache, lost
appetite, sleeplessness, biliousness,
liver, blood nnd kidney troubles,
no remedy can compare with Bulgar
ian Blood Tea. Every family should
have n package always on hand to
protect the fnlnlly health. To assist
! Nature to kill a cold take It steaming
, hot, add n little lemon Juice. Guard
' against influenza, grippe and pneu
monia. Ask your druggist or grocer
today. '
TION opcratinc In tho Southwest and MEX
ICO, where fortunes ore being mnde and op
portunities ubound, that offers ou an op
portunity In tne purchasing of Us units of
Interest, a high-clans security, on the pay
ment plnn. Conducting Ileal Estate, Colo
nization nnd Construction business. Endorsed
by leading burlness men and bankers; ref
erences furnished on request. JD.OO monthly
for 20 months buyB 100 units of Intel cut.
Act promptly: mall your subscription TO
DAY Tilt- International ln fitment ami
Construction Association, Tucson, Arizona
S -."SRI SAt?KI7I?"S
t&s&vsttii . .izr tv Vi . -
l(;S5rSPTTM I11I S.rVl-OAIVl
T); rfJsJl nifnA rtannrarT.Rtniitlf s ltEa 11 lb
?. -J&l Restore Color and
FPi!?sr &ll Beauty to Grar and Fade a Hair
KVJr yf)niwnTCbtm.Wlis.rstflioeue,W.Y
HINDERftORNS removes Cm, Col
(ousts, etc., stop i all prtn, ensures comfort to ttio
feet, makes walking ranr. Ho. by rnall or at Druir
Cistj. Illjcot Chemical Works, I'ntcbogue, N. Y,
from narrow edge to table cloth, bed spread, baby
things and women's lingerie, unlqno patterns.
IMnpaldMc. I!. J.LA VALr.E,Montreal,Vls.
Mrs. licks Relieved
By Four Eatonks
"I have taken four Eatonlc tablets
and they relieved me of sour stomach.
I recommend It to everybody," "says
Mrs. Q. P. Hicks.
If stomach is not digesting your
food; if you have sourness, bloating,
food repeating, indigestion or acid
stomach, Eatonlc will remove the
cause by taking up and carrying out
the acidity nnd gases, bringing quick
relief and healthy digestion. Why suf
fer stomach trouble? Why not keep
your digestion normal and enjoy gopd
health? An Eatonlc taken after each
meal will prevent discomfort and pain.
Make the test today and see how
Quickly this wonderful remedy acts.
It comes In handy tablet form. Carry
It with you. A big box costs only a
trifle with your druggist's guarantee.
HLlU3itJLJ,vSXii s!flLaSLfy 'wLellijiSff
"Underground" Railroad of Sovi
ets Causes Worry for Author
ities in Holland.
Soviet Agents Try to Bring Into Hoi-
land Bolshevik "Missionaries"
Who Are to Make Attempts
to Reach America.
Rotterdam. Holland has established
a great cordon along tho German fron
tier to prevent the Influx of large num
bers of Russian Bolshevik agents from
Germany. Heavy guards uro main
tained so that persons wishing to cross
tho boundary In either direction 'must
pass through frontier posts a,nd over
recognized highways. Those Who at
tempt surreptitiously to cross run tho
risk of being shot.
Soviets Still Busy.
These precautions have failed, how
ever, to check the movement of Sovi
et agents. Men whom tho police would
like to interview have been seen In
this city nnd Amsterdam, hut when
the police set their dragnet for their
quarry the men wanted have utterly
vnnlshed. Later there usually comes
Information that the suspects have
been found In Germany and aro on
their way to the Russian frontier. The
system followed resembles the "un
derground railroad" by which fugi
tive i;lnvos moved through northern
stnte3 to Canada In the days before
the Civil war.
Police surveillance Is" nttenipted In
Hamburg und some other Gorman cit
ies, but It usually comes to naught, as
there are elements In Germany which
arc friendly to the Soviet Russian gov
ernment. It Is declared here that
Germany Is "almost ns good a haven
ns Russia for Bolshuvlk agents."
Radical agitators are frequently found
In the Ruhr mining region of Ger
many, near tho allied nreas of occupa
tion, where they seem to move about
without restraint.
Headed fop United States.
The "underground railroad" Is uti
lized by Soviet agents to bring Into
Holland Bolshevik "" "missionaries"
who are to make attempts to reach
America. There appearsto be a con-
Oldest Portrait
Found on Stamp
Discovered in Pennsylvania Uni
versity's Collection of Tablets
From Babylonia.
Picture of the Last King of Ur la on
a Clay Stamp and Is as Clearly
Defined ao the Day It
Was Made.
Philadelphia, Pa. What Is b.'Ieved
to be the oldest portrait of a human
being has been discovered In the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania's museum col
lection of clay tablets from Babylonia
according to nn announcement by Cu
rator Lagraln of the Babylonian sec
tion. .The portrait Is on a clay "post
ago stamp," which also served as a
ucal for a registered package, dated
nbout 2300 B. C.
It is a likeness of Ibl-Sln, the Inst
king of Dr, known to Bible students
ns Ur of the Chaldee.
The package or sack bearing the
seal, Doctor Lagraln said, appears to
have been sent by the High priest of
the Temple of Ur, In which Abrahnm
Inter worshiped, to a bnnker named
Shulpne, and probab'ly contnlned gold.
Shows Personal Appearance.
"It Is of unusual importance to
archeologlsts," he added, "because It
probably gives a clew to the personal
appearance of the Stiinerlaiis.
"The portrait is on a chry stamp. It
Is ns clenr and distinct nnd the fea
1,800 Bodies of Yankee Heroes
Are in French Ports.
Nine Thousand Bodies Already Have
Been Brought Back All Removed
From Germany.
Pnrls.Nearly 0,000 bodies of Amer
ican soldiers who died or were killed
In France during the war have been
shipped to the United Stntes and
turned over to their nearest relatives,
I and 1,800 more await .shipment at
French ports, It Is announced by tho
United States grave registration serv
ice. The work of remoWng the bod
ies of fallen Amorlcans Is ixpecteU to
bo completed by next suiniiT.
NeiVly 00 per cent of the" oodlps of
American oillcera nnd enlisted men
burled III French soil wl'l bo returned
to the United States, nt rdlng to re
vejit estimator. At fn qui tit Intervals
Famous German Castle Ruined by Fire
Medieval glamor clings more closely
iJltz. tliaii to most European relics or. tne leiiiiui nays, nun tne reports Just
published that it has been destroyed by lire will bo of interest to thousands.
Situated near the little town of Mosclkorn on the Mosel river, the Burg Eltz
towered over miles of surrounding virgin forests. It dntes back to the thir
teenth century, nnd was said to be one of the best preserved castles In thirqpe.
stnnt current of these men crossing
and recrosslng the frontier. Every
means of getting them Into Holland
Is used. During recent months many
Poles have gone to America, and some
of them have been deserters from Gen
eral Pllsudskl's armies.
It Is said regularly organized bu
reaus ,were established to help these
moil evade military duty and go for
ward Into Holland, and that among
them were many Ijolshevlk agents.
They had been engaged In propaganda
work behind- the Polish lines during
the recent Soviet drive on Warsaw,
and when the drive was crushed they
fled westwnrd and Joined their com
rades In this country.
Reports have been received hero
tures as well defined as the day It was
made. The astonishing thing Is tthnt
It fehows the god-king as smooth
shaven. It Is significant that the pic
ture shows a lock of hair projecting In
the forehead from benenth tho tur
bau hut nnd another from behind. ,
Ibl-Sln Was Different.
"Before the days of Ibl-Sln we never
heard of a king Giving ny ono a
s-eal containing his portrait, but In
this instance the Keal not only dis
tinctly says tho king-god gnve the
seal to the high priest of tho Templo
of Ur, but shows a picture of the
"Possibly the fact that Ibl-Sln was
the last of his dynasty and may havo
seen the end coming, was responsible
for this remarkable glfr.'
Travels of a Wallet.
Morgiintown, W. Va. Twelve yeais
jigo L. K. Krlcud, local photographer,
Biuni'ii in inu ijiiiiiv wnii u miia'i un-
tabling 100 In ensh and a number of
chocks. The same old wallet, with
checks and papers Intact, but mlnun
the $100 Is ngaln In his bunds, hav
ing been picked up by a man who wn
honest. It Is believed that the Under
of twelve yr-ars ago had skillfully ex
tracted the currency and thrown the
purse away.
Striking at Human Liberty.
Fort Wayne, Iml. Olrl high school
students here are prohibited from us
ing rouge and wearing skirts inore
than ten Inches from the floor, wear-"
lug square necked dresses and puffs
over the ears. Tlje girls object.
parents and wives of dead soldiers
come to Franco to remove the re
mains of their relntlves, but upon see
ing the cemeteries here ami learning
of the extreme care taken of them
have decided upon France as the Until
rostfng place for tho rallen.
The exhumation of bodies within
the war ?ono began on September 15,
and since then work hns been com
pleted In 17 cemeteries. Operations
at Bony, the first of the big American
cemeteries, hns begun, and Gfi per cent
of the men hurled there will he scut
to thu United Stntes.
Nearly 2,000 men will .work all win
ter In older to complete tho removals
by next summer. The task of ex
huming the bodies of soldiers hurled
In Grout Britain bits been finished, 80
per cent of them being shipped to tho
Unlto.1 Stntes.
Ileifioval of bodies from occupied
urcai In Germany nnd Luxembourg
hns ust bee completed, and all of
to the ancient German castle, Burg ,
that ninny Bolshevik sympathizers
who were last year deported as unde
sirables from Ainericn nre to bo re
turned to that country. Polish olll
elals assert a special bureau has been
created hero to take care of this clnsa
of "enilgrnnts," and carry out care
fully laid plans for getting the nglta
tors hack Into the United States. .
Boy "Perjured Himself Like a" Gentle.
man" to Confessing Murder of
His Stepfather.
Frankfort, Ky. A parole will be
given Willie Knuckles of Frankfort,
Ky who, when sixteen years old,
"perjured himself like a gentleman,'
In the opinion of a Jury, in confessing
to the' murder and exonerating hit
mother of complicity In the death ol
his stepfather.
young Knuckles confessed slnyliif
his stepfnther, Graven Crews, and do.
cl tired his mother had nothing to dc
with It. Notwithstanding his testi
mony, Mrs. Crews received a llfo sen
fence, but wns pardoned a few yenrg
later. Willie, himself, Is now to be
released from jail.
Girls Good Machinists,
i Says Bureau Director
Washington. Training In ma
chine shops where light pnrts
.ii irw1.t la nfli.nnnfnrl fi. f,llltl Si
in i- itiuwi; in iniiv.invu '. h,,'J
liv Mnrv Aiulm-sinn. illrnrtnr of
women's bureau of tho United j
States Department of Lnbor. "Ah
a result of tho war," Bays the re
port, "women have gained a new
position In Industry not to hu re
linquished. The fact that wom
en render as good service in ma
chine shops as In clothing fac
tories makes It a public respon
sibility to offer girls training In li
these new occupations." K
Aged Indian Never In Bed.
Minneapolis, Minn. John Smith, an
aged Chippewa Indian, arrived in Min
neapolis recently with his adopted
son, Tom Smith, to attend the stato
fair. John, who Is l.'J.'l years old, has
become blind since his last visit to
Minneapolis u year ago. Ills health
Is still good, however, hn maintains.
Ho Is said to he the oldest living In
illnn. "1 don't see any -more, but 1
still like to travel." the old Indian
said. With lif in ho brought his blan
ket, upon which he sleeps, never hav
ing slept in a bed.
tlieni were sent to America. Work
ing forces will begin operations In
Belgium next month, and from ceme
lerles In that country T.O.'Jl bodies will
bo removed. The work of exhuming
bodies In Brest, Bordeaux and St.
I.nzare nreas. has been completed, and
now the efforts of the Americans will
ho concentrated on tho war zone." It
Is not probable that the first of tho
uniform headstones recently decided
upon hy( the war memorials council
will ho set In the four peimaiient com
ct cries until next autumn.
Fear Causes Blindness.
Wabash. Intl. Mrs, George M, Itlco
of Liberty Mills Is temporarily blind
cl as the result of stepping on u nail,
Tlio wound was not serious, hut fear
of blood, poisoning ciuiRcd tho blood
vessels In both MrH. Rice's eyes to
burst, nccordlng to physicians. She
has taken to a Fort Wayne hospital
for treatment In nn effort to rentom
her eyesight. i
There are more tUir. 1,000,1X4
houses In London.
R. r. B. N Mtx 44,
DjhI, Hlnnjiila
Close Scrutiny.
"How does nibbles regard the one
piece bathing suit?"
"When worn by a shapely member
of the fair sex ho regards It with tho
closest attention." Birmingham Age
lleruld. I'OIt OXi: DOI.I.AK we lll mail postpaid
ono can 12. 11 Malt Kxtract It's frrent,
try It n 11 Kxtract Co., .Johnstown, Pa
for VtMtl) Permanent Non-Skid Chains.
1100 delivered. Initantlr on nnd off.
We sales, lluwo Co., I'laulavllla, Oonn.
W. N. U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 50-192Q.
Kill That
Colds, Coughs
Neglected Colds nre Dangerous
Take no chancos. Kocp thia standard remedy handy for the first km.
BreakB up a cold in 24 hours Relieves
Grlppo In 3 days Excellent for Ileadacha
Qulnlno in this form docs not affect tho head Cascara is best Tonic
i-assdvo No Cplao In Hill's.
Score One for the Professor.
A well-known professor has tho rep
utation of Indulging In rather sharp
repartee In his classroom. One of Jils
pupils, a star at football but not at
rhetoric, had spent most of (he hour
In looking at his watch, yawning and
sighing. At the close of the lecture
the professor spoke:
".Mr. Smith, why have you looked at
your watch every few minutes during
the lust hour?"
Smith got out that ho had kept
looking at his watch to assure him
'elf that It was still running.
"I suppose," retorted the professor,
"that you have been sighing every few
minutes to assure yourself that you
nio still breathing."
Afraid of the Classics.
A furco comedy recently opened hi
New York with the tltlo "The Mer
chant of "Venus!" The critics praised
t and It was apparently destined for
i long run, but despite tho fact It was
u the smallest theater In town very
mall audiences came. Tho uiantigcr
discovered that people thought It was
a burlesque of a Shakespearean play.
Ho changed the name to "Because of
Helen!" and the theater was filled ev
ery night thereafter. Atlanta Consti
tution, Beware of accoptlng all the "cordial
Coffee Drinkers
are often annoyed by
headaches, nervousness
or other ills traceable to
coffee drinking.
When coffee disagrees, the
thing to do is to quit coffee
and drink
Ten days will tell whether
the change is beneficial.
Made by Postum Cereal-Cajnc,
Battle Creek.Mich.
Keeps the Medicine with Her for Safety
Mrs. Carl Llndor, R. B. D. No. 2, Box 44,
Passol, Minnesota, writes: "I want to thank
you for your kindness nnd tho good your
remedy did mo years ago. lnm perfectly
well and visiting in 8pokano,"Wa8h. Woro it
not for Pc-ru-niv I would not havo been able
to mnko this trip. I always tako your medi
cine witli mo for safety should 1 tako cold.
Praiso to Pe-ru-na."
As an emergency romedy for everyday Ills,
Po-ru-im has been in uso tifty years.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
In tho one indispensable remedy for contagious and Infectious
tltseaies Among homed nnd muled. Itn aueress n a preventive
nnd euro for IllhTUMl'mt, 1'INK KYE. I.MLUKNZA, COUOIIS
nnd COLDS for mors thnn twenty-si yearn Is tho highest t rib
Mo to Ita met It as a medicine.. It li endorsed by tho beat horse
men and live atock men In America, liny It of your drasKlsU
00 ccnta and 41 20 per bottle.
81'OHN MVDlCAIi CO., Gixdien. ImL. V. 8. A.
No Soap Better
For Your Skin
Than Cuticura
Soap 25c, Oiitntnt 25 aid 50c, Talcto 25c
(luilriintreil or Money Hack Carbon lteraover
Rets more power, mileage. I'reventor and
lubricant Kind, by Halto. Auto Dealers' Assn.
41, prepd. Curb-out Lab. Co, llaltlmore. MO.
roimvTtv niMovao I r iv.
Mkl Ul.lnMlM.THr BVa-KMI
nU.Ar, rT Iww . Pr. K W.
C.. Z97S K1KMIM1 A
Cold With
La Grippe
"I haven't comu In here to tell yon
how to run your paper," said the .vis
itor. "No?", replied tho editor of tho
Toadville Clarion. I
"But I must say that if I were run
ning this sheet I'd make a, better Job
of It than you arc doing."
"I haven't mo slightest doubt of It,"
said thu editor. "The price of tho Clar
ion Is $7,500 ciihIi, or half down and tho
rest secured by notes, forwhlchlagrea
to turn over to you type, press, sub
scription lists, all advertising contracts,
good will and tho olllco caL Wo can
close up tlu deal In 20 minutes, sir."
But the visitor had silently faded
away, Birmingham Age-Herald.
Cling to Ancient Custom.
Faithful. to the traditions of their t
tribe, ninny members of the Chippe
wa trljio of Wisconsin gather each
year about a large "spirit Btono" now
hi tho Stato Historical museum at
Madison nnd Invoku the favor of their
okl-tlmo gods, part of tho ceremony
consisting of placing a' pinch' of to
buccoj on the stone. This stone was
gathered several years ago by a scien
tist and after being shown nt Chicago
and St. Louis, finally found its way'to
tho State Historical museum at Mad
ison. Every year thero Is a gathering
of tho faithful about It and the hall
rings with tho ohl-tlmo ceremonies.
a Reason
, . uu -
" "