K HERALD, DAKOTA CJTY, NEP&A8KA, n '. i r M t ! ( i II iTUE Auc? irMi om r-DOCC MLnLI,lV-M 6L. V,lW.Jdr &- N PEACETIME - ii - - - m - v AH 'jF IfZ I .I11 HI hYl) V i'v-- Health Promotion Hcnltli is nt tho foundation of hutnnn happiness. Through its Iturnt Scrr Ice, Public Health Nursing Service nnd Health Center Service, the Amerlcnn ltcd Cross alms greatly to strengthen this foundation nnd to draw more closely than ever the neighborly ties that bind the American people together. Hero Is shown n ltcd Cross Public Henlth nursf attending a joung mother with a brand new bnby, hcclng that both receive scientific care. V 1H1 f 1 1' Ifcr ' (J UKMl 1 -JJHE-AMERICAN RED CROSS il&Z Ikl DPArG T ME '- v'SC III VV I IITII .41 w n " r ,r -- - j I v. eastern nuropc M (&wm jfwS&ts ls WB TB aB jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVvPV ''Ibbbbbt ' bbbbbbbbVFbM? MPSPW J7J 'v'?Xw'iarii Americans wlio contrlbuto to the ltcd Cross would feel ninplj iepnll for their generosity If they could bee what It means to lur.idrcdq ot thousands of war weary sufferers In tho Ualkans. Here Is n widowed Roumanian mother with her live, children Just nfter a visit to a lied Cross relief station. All are barefoot and tho boy at the left Is wearing clothes made of scraps from tho battlefields. They have Just received winter clothing, food and condensed milk for tho baby. Similar work Is being done for Russian refugees driven from hom. e- li y jar1 W JHE AMERICAN RED CROSS INI'EAU: imt Disease Prevention SmR ltaiML 17 fatr ..B bbIbbbbbsbb1bbbbB& Through Its Health Service tUo Anjurlcun lied Cross has begun u nation .wide concentrated effort In co-ooernttcn with established organizations to reduce greatly tho amount of preventable dlseaso and physical defects found ninontf the cuuntry'H 100,000,000 population. Education Is It most powerful tool. Special attention Is devoted to children, nnd this pieturo shows u typical Ited Cross welfare clinic where llttlo ones are treated and mothers Instructed In tho proper care of them. ,? MAKING WAR ON DISEASEJEMCE American Red Cross Announces Budget of $48,200,000 For Current Year. NEW DISASTER RELIEF PLAN, Continuance of Heavy Work Abroad Deemed Necessary to Protect United States $21,000,000 f Lest Than Laat Year. i S.S. 7 ill?'! jlTHEAMERiaN RED CROSS f" INf-CAUt I Mb ,11 A&AtkAAAlU M. U111III1 i f 1 A program of relief nnd aerrlee to ward which appropriations of $48, 200,000 have been mado has bean out lined for the American Ited Cross for the fiscal year, July 1, 1020, to July 1, 1021, according to official announce ment by national headquarters of the organization at Washington. The fig ures for 1020-21 are 521,0004000 below thoso of ltnO-20, In which $00,400,000 was spent. Important among the Items of the budget for tho prcacnt ear li tho aj proprlatlon of $31,500,000 for relief In foreign lands, which Include $ll,000r 000 In purchased BuppMcs onvrmnd and not distributed. Must Protect United 8tatct. This will enable the Aaerlcam Bed Cross to continue Its hamaadtarian ef fort to aid stricken peoples to re-establish themselves, to light the-disease epi demics which threaten many countries nnd to efface largely die remaining traces of tho blight Wft by tho World War. It Is regarded as,soclal as well as physical sanitation ion, a large scale that will have a direct bearing on. fu tures conditions lniAme.lfi. Central Europe, the nlef sufferer, from the conflict, today Is facing an other winter of ftanlne. pestilence and rain. Typhus decrensisd much during, the summer months were Inst winter It had Its greatest stronghold, but phy sicians who Investigated the situation at tho behest of tho League of Bed Cross Societies hav6 given tbelr un qualified opinion that this ctanluc win ter will see a recurrece on an un precedented scale. Mio Bed Crosa feels it must continue preventive raeas-, ures abroad to keep this and other! deadly maladies from the Cfrlte! States. Million for Works at Home. When the disease wua sweepInr'Cen-1 trnl Kuropo last wiiiatcp the American Bed Cross, with theruld of the govern ments of uflllcteil nndons, undertook the light agnlnst it. HcwpJtis were estab lished wherever possible nnd food and clothing were dlstrfbuUd to the un dernourished populations, who by rea-b son of their "undemonrlMiwent, were ' easy prey to tlio cpNamJcs. Where disorganization contrbiited lost year to the great Inroads anado bey the dis ease, by" virtue, of tfc'knowlledgc of the tllscnbo and tho presence of well ea-j tabllshcd hospltnl centers, the Ameri can Bed Cross this yuar will undertake tho work with a -new confidence. Including the total of $11,000;000 In ! suiiplles left frn the) Inst fiscal year, the $31,G00,CK)0 Is $21000.000 less than ' the expendkturoa for 1010-20. Appropriations for domestic actlvl-J ties total $10,700,000. Tho hiieest Hem of tlj 'home"' budget Is $7,800,000 for civilian relief work. This includes service aed as sIstarKo for families of Boldldrs, sall-j ors nnd marines, and work Incidental to disaster. Of the total appropria tion for civilian wllef, $000,000 Is held In reserve for ttw carrying out of j ctual disaster roUefi Reduced Overhead Expense. Tho B Qross IrrvarlaJSly Is the jant' thought tf, a. comrwuJty viBlted by ca-! lamlty. Wtt this in mind, it was de termined by tho Executive Committee in preparing tho budget of 101020 to have a fixed resetrve fund from wtilch to draw in these instance. , tor aselstanco to soldiers, sailors 1 anu martaea m tiosj)ltRls and in camps this year $1,000800 haa been set aside. ' Four mtlUen tvo hundred thousand dollars has been appropriated for im provement ott health and prerenrlon of disease throughout the United j States during the current twelve months. The Bed dross is co-operating fully with tbo TJnlted States Health j Service. In tWs work and tbroigh its Junior Bed Cross Is doing much to, spread among children the principles' of sanitation. An appropriation of $1, 000,000 has been made for developing the pence time program of the Bed Crosa by service to Its chqpters in all regions. The appropriation of $481200,000 Is exclusive of the local expenditures of tho 3,000 or more chapters. AdmtnUtnatlon expanses this year will be $1,S00,000. Last year they tvero $2,300000. ance. Three months arc allowed for creditors to present their claims tnd one year for the administrator i.j settle said estate, from the 30th tiny of October, 1020. This not,lc vll .ie prfhlIsbM In The DaUntn County Herald for four weeks cuccsMvel prior to the 31st day of Decembe, J 920. Witness niv hand, nnd seal of iid court, this 30th dny of Octobc , 1). 1020 , s. w. Mckinley, (Seal) County Jud'. First Pub. Nov. 18, 1D20--3v. ,v o t i v i: IN THE COUNTY COUItT OF J)AKO TA COUNTY, NEHUASKA bialo of Nebraska) J).d: ti bounty, ) To Augusta Kohde, Mis. Minre Knhler, Mrs. Agnes Doxtad, William G. Rohde, Edward J. Kohde, and to all persons interested In' the estate of John Kohde, deceased. On reading the petition of Edward J. Kohde, ptaying that the adminis tration of said estate be granted to William G. Rohde as administrator. It is hereby ordered that you, uml all persons interested in said matter, may, and do, appear at tic County Court to bo held in and for said County, on tho '1th day of Deccmbei, A. D., 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, nnd thnt pendency of said petition nnd thnt the hearing thereof be given to nil persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Dakota County Herald, a weekly newspaper printed in snid pounty, for three successive necks prior to snid dny of hearing. Witnes my hnnd, and seal of said Court, this 15th day of November, 1920. S. W. McKINLEY, (Seal) County Judge. Geo. W. Learner, Attorney for Petitioner. OKDKIt OP I!i:AKIN(i AM) xotk i: OF PnOHATK OF AVI LI,. In the County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. ' btate oi iNeurnskn, Lounty ot jJako taj ss. l'o William C. Wallwey, Emilie Blumc, Henry A. Wallwey, Fred G. Wallwey, Lena Schmidt, Louis F. AVallwey, George C. AVallwey, Henri etta Wallwey, and to all persons' in terested in the estate of AVilliam Wallwey, deceased" On reading the petition of William C Wallwey and George C. Wallwey p'aying'that the instrument filed 'n thu court on the 27th day of Novem ber, 1920, and purporting to be the last Will and testament of the said deceased, may be proved and allow ed, and recorded as, the last will and testament of William Wallwey de ceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the adminis- tffntion of said estate he granted to Williani C. AVallwey and Gorge C Wallwey, as executors. It in hereby ordered that you, and all persons in eiested in snid matter, may, nnd do, appear nt the County Court to he held in and for snid county, on the JUh dnv of December, A. D., 1920, nt . ') o'clock A. JM., to show cause, if i iy there be, why the prayer of the petitioners -liould not be granted, nd that notice of the pendency of s 'id petition and that the hearing thereof he given to all persons in terested in snid matter by publishing a c'ciy of this Order in The Dakota County Ilernld, u" weekly newspaper pr'ntcd in said county, for three sucisssjc- weeks prior to snid day of hearing. Vitness my hnnd, and seal of said ouit, this 27th dov of November, A. D. 1920. S. AV. McKINLE, (Seal) County Judge. fl ffii1,- ,f tn fV.iilit- inn nP 4 1. Tliti Jiauk of Ditkotii County k of Jackson, Chnrtor No. 051, in the btate of Ncbraksn at the close of business November 13, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $227530 (!l Overdrafts 1116 03 lionds, securities, judg- i))untM, claims, etc., in cluding; .all' government bonds . . '. '..'.'..." 9327 91 Ucnking house, furniture and fixtures 4357 2S Current expenses, taxes nnd interest paid J4767 14 Due from National and Sntc banks 473G4 35 Checks and items of o- chnne G9 44 Currency 3595 00 Gold coin 700 00 Silver, Nickels nnd cents.. 108G 25 MANILA CARNIVAL BIG ATTRACTION OF FAR EAST I This Is the season of the year when the Philippines become the playground for the entire orient. It Is cm nival seiiMHi In Munllit. In 1003 the first Philippine carnival was held on I Istorlc AVullace Field In .Manila In I'enrunry, when the climate of the Islnnda Is at Its best, and ench succeeding jear there has been n larg er and more elaborate celebration. The 1020. or Victory Carnival, will be the great os t event; oT Its sort ever held anywhere In tho.rnr Hast. There nrc commercial and govern ment exhibits In connection with the carnival, and on no other occasion Is It possible to gain at once such a com prehensive Idea of the production tu.d lti(Ulj NOTIONS But for tho work of American Bed Cros ugents In nil regions of Poland Jurlng the last twulve monthu, hundreds of thousands of people In that tragic country today would bo under tho sod, victims of hunger, disease nnd expo lure. Thu Job In Poland Is ono of tremendous proportions urfd eunnot bo ubundonod for muny mouths to conn. Here 's u typical scene: A Bed Cross Worker "at tho throttlu" of n soup kitchen where hundred of uuderuourlthad wouwu und children ure fed dully. -. .j First Pub. Nov. A, 1920 Aw Prohnlo Notice t'redlt urs In tho County Court of 3)ak(ij si County, Nfhrnskn. In iho matter of ' tho Eat nt.. ot Cithenne Smith, deceased. Notice is hert-by g,ve, thnt tin L ct editors or the said deceasi-d will meet tin lulnunistrr tor of inLl is Ule, hefoio me, Cnuc.ty Judge of Da kota County, Nebrosk n. at the County Court Room in said County, on the 31st day or December, 1920, mid on tno 31 jt day of January, 1921, nt ten o clock A. M. each Jiay, for Lw pur pose f prpju'nttnt their chihus V oxhminntirin, adiuaU ment -and allow- r Total $309913 01 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in....,S 20000 00 Surplus fund 4000 00 Undivided jirolits ; 10125 14 Individual de posits subject , to check 5 GGC22 82 Time certificates of deposit 199855 17 Cashier's checks outstanding .. 1127.35 2o7GUo 31 depositor's guaranty fund. 2182 53 Total $309913 01 -SATE OF NEUKASKA, County or Dakota ss. U, W. A. McNulty, cashier of tho uihitwp named bank, do horeby swear Ural tho ahovo statement is a correct tA lUue copy of tho report made to 111." .State Rureau of Ranking. W. A. McNULTY, Cashier. Attest: T. K. ilorrlngton, Director. Mifline1! It. Holer, Director. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me thlj 19th day of November, 1920. D. P, AVnters, Notnry Public. "Commission expires July 17, 1924. development of resources of the archi pelago as that which !s offered the visitor at tho carnival city. In tho evenings the carnival becomes the center of Philippine and oriental social activity. A huge open air audi torium serves for the elaborate nightly balls, and on Its mammoth lloor thou sands of couples swing together to the strains of music furtiished by the fa mous Constabulary and other military bands. Probably ut no other place In the world will one see an etpially Im pressive cosmopolitan spectncle. The Manila visitor who can plan his trip to n r"' . ' t ' . . . .. i ... well deem him- if toiuimte. JEnrC etopes In Ei'Oery Size, Color or 1 Quality yJLfTJtjUS. QFFICE aagtiti&as raEftararaagzcsaaEBg A High Grade Salesman Wanted Selling experience desirable but not necepsary. Good man can make $2400.00 per year obove all ex penses. All goods sold to stock raiser.,. Write (I. KMtrilY, Fremont, Nebraska. Box 113. Moorman M'fg. Co., Quincy, Ills. mfcjtMKUJsagaagnaK r Hadle 1 mm m m m m u m m M m m m mmmmmmMmmmmwYmmmmwM BLOCK WOOD, CORD WOOD. AND POLE u'OOD, EITHER DRY OR GREEX AT MY FARM THREE MILES EAST OF HOMER, NEBRASKA. .MUCH WAKXtill. What Do YOU Want to Know About the Far West? There Is no more dependable, unbiased, franlc and interest ing source of information than Sunset THEPACiriCtlONTHLY The West' Great National MagaMtna No chorse jut encIoM stamp for reply - a n Cfrder fromYour Newsdealer TODAY UtfiaiiMMi,MnMMHiaB.M.wnMaHBUMMI iour dealer Joet net handle SUNSET, ttnd 25c for a lample copy. Subscription prlctt $2.'0 per ytar; TWO ueart, $4 TflliEE year,.!?. SUNSET for over twenty years bu ben tlieroeognUcd oipooont of tho We. t. It ixli.tlnctly a mageilno for tlis horn the whole fmlly-n J it brine the Far Wet ml Uo Pacific Slope to your door? Addrxcs SUNSET MACAZINE Dopt. G04 4C0-lth St., San Francisco, Col. E. F. Rasmussen Auctioneer Poncn, Ncfc. Wrlto or phone mo early for dates, us I will sell nenrly ev ery day this scnson. I nm soil Injf for tho best farmers nnd stockmen In Northenht Nehras kn. I have some gwd. farms nnd ranches for sale. Yours for IIiisIiicsk. It - ffljk && '"jlH Everybody Reads the Herald 'A r y HJIHJ m m m m m m - M my ..( " ,Ui r lV --"'