Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 25, 1920, Image 8

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Report of tho Condition of the
The Itnnk of Dakota County
of Jnckson, Chnrtcr No. G51, In the
State of Nebroksa at the close of
business November 13, 1020.
Loans and discounts $227530 01
Overdrafts ..... 1115 03
Bonds, securities, judg
ments, claims, etc., in
cluding all government
Bonds 1)327 91
Hanking house, furniture
and fixtures 4357 28
Cash items 1767 11
Duo from National and
State banks 4730 1 35
Checks and items of ex
change .,. . .
Cold coin
.Silver, Nickels and cents
Total $309913 01
Capital stock puid in $ 20000 00
Surplus fund 4000 00
Undivided profits 1C125 14
Individual de
posits subject
to check $ 00022 82
Time certificates
of deposit .... 199855 17
Cashiers checks
outstanding .. 1127 35 26760j 31
Depositor's guaranty fund. 2182 53
Total $309913 01
County of Dakota ss. ,
I, W. A. McNulty, cashier of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement Is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau of Banking.
W. A. McNULTY, Cashier.
T. P. Harrington, Director.
Michael R. Bolcr, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo
this 19th day of November, 1920.
D. P. Waters, Notary Public.
Commission expires July 17, 1924.
Report of the Condition of
The Hubbard State Hank
of Hubbard, Nebr., Charter No. 743,
In the State of Nebraska at the close
of business November 13, 1920.
Loans and discounts $145771 0G
Overdrafts 11G 48
Banking house, furnituro
and fixtures 3139 15
Current expanses, taxes and
interest paid 5051 71
Due from Nation
al and State
banks $ 22G72 85
Checks and items
of exchange , . G 00
Currency 2318 00
Silver, nickels and
cents 773 74
Liberty loan bonds
held as cash re
serve 1900 00 27G70 59
Engineer Says
It Has No Equal
abound nnroin: taking .
! T)nt.rtf ftf iUn (nnrtltn nt l
The "First State llnnk I
of Nacora, Nebr., Chartor No. 1332.!
in the htatc of Nebraska nt the cloftp
o." business November 13, 1020.
Loans and discounts S 83775 38
Two phases of the Red Cross work
that are being pushed under the peace
Overdrafts 833 35 ! program of the organization are first
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures
Current expenses, taxes and
interest paid
One from Nation
al and State
banks- .. .i'lf.322 70
350U 00
1325 13
"I made a statement soon
bold coin
Tunlac set me right, two years ago, Sivor nCkols and
and as i am sun enjoying ', cents
us ensh re-
health I want to go on record again, in,erty loan bonds
tHB lime to let my inenus miuw
how thoroughly the medicine did its
work for me," said Cornelius O'Con
nor, 1312 Q street, Lincoln, Neb., n
few days ago.
Mr. O'Connor, who is now retired,
was a locomotive engineer for thirty
two years. He helped to construct
the Chicago, Burlington &. Quincy
and for h long time pulled passenger
trains number 1 and 2 over this road
between Omaha and Lincoln.
"Before I took Tanlac," said Mr.
O'Connor, "I had suffered with rheu
matism for six years. My legs were
so lame and painful that I had to
use two canes In order to get about
at all and the joints in my arms and
hands ached so bad I could hardly
stand it. I was In perfect misery
for days at a time and had lost my
strength until I couldn't get as far
as one block without stopping to rest.
tried everything I ever heard of
Total $181761 99
Capital stock paid in ....$ 10000 00
Surplus fund 7500 00
Undivided profits G508 55
Individual depos
its subject to
chock $ 50G22 91
Demand certifi
cates of Do
posit 33G2 50
Tlmo certificates
of deposit ... 1022G7 52 15G252 93
Depositor's guaranty fund. 1490 51
for rheumatism, but nothing helped
me a particle.
"One day an old railroad man and
friend of mine told me how Tanlac
had helped him and advised me to
give It a trial. Well, I have felt
thankful a thousand times that I
took his advice. Before I finished
the second bottle my pains had eased
up so I could get around better.
While on the third bottle my im
provement was especially noticeable.
My pains left me and I was walking
better and gaining strength every
day. I just kept taking Tanlac and
Improving right along and in tho
following Spring 1 went to the coun
try on a fishing trip. On starting
home I left my walking sticks at a
farm house and have never needed
them. since for I have had no signs
oi rheumatism to tills good day. I
nave gainco iweniy-iour pounds in
weight since taking this medicine
and feci fine in every way. I don't
believe there's an equal of Tanlac
and It's always a pleasure for me to
recommend it."
Tanlac is sold In Dakota City by
Nelswangcr Pharmacy, In South
Sioux City by McBoath's Pharmacy,
in Homer by Brassflold & Jensen,
In Hubbard by Duggan & Hcll'crnan.
390 '00
35 00
309 (J7
GOO 00 1GGG3 43
Total . '. $100097 59
Capital stock paid in $10000 00
htirpius rund l&oo 1)0
Undivided profits 1362
Individual deposits
subject to check.?28473 97
Demand certifi
cates of deposit 1H 17
Tlmo certificates
of deposit 588G9 G7
Notes and bills re-dlscount-
cd i .
Dc'pfbitor's guaranty fund.
873G1 81
5173 52
G99 31
Total $100097 59
State of Nebraska,
County of Dakota ss.
I, II. C. Obcrmoller, cashier of tho
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement Is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State Bureau of Banking.
II. C. Obcrmoller, Cashier.
Theo. Peters, Director.
William G. Bolide, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 18th day of November, 1920,
Zeola Obcrmoller, Notary Public.
Commission expires Fell. 3, 1920
lotal $181751 9!)
State of Nebraska,
County of Dakota -as.
I, D. G. Evans, cashier of tho
abovo named bank, do hereby swear
that the abovo statement is a cor
rect and truo copy of the Teport made
in me aiaio uureau or Hanking.
D. G. EVANS, Cashlor.
H. II. Adair, Director.
Elmer II. Blermann, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 17th day of November, 1920.
Helen II. Evons, Notary Public.
Commission expires Pob. 21, 1923.
Report of tho Condition of
The Bank of Dakota City
2JLD.ak0$a ,ty Nebr" Charter No.
994, in tho Stnto of Nebrnsko, at tho
close of business November 13. 1920.
Loans and discounts $210495 92
Overdrafts 152 40
B'nds, securities, judg.
ments, claims, etc., In
cluding all government
b0'ls 20700 00
Banking house, furnituro
and fixtures fco-17 00
Other real estate JfcCG f4
Current expenses, taxes and
Interest paid 11519 31
Duo from na
tional and
state banks . .$ 58005 04
Currency 2595 00
Gold coin 7fi fin
Silver, nickels and
cents 823 -JG G1493 60
Report of tho Condition of
The ( ool win State Hank
of Goodwin, Ncnrnskn, Charter No.
1533, in tho State of Nebraska at the
close of business November 13, 1920.
Loans and discounts $ 39882 11
Overdrafts 10447
Bonds, securities, judg
ments, claims, etc., In
cluding all government
bonds 555G 05
Banking house, furniture
and lixturbt v 5000 00
Current expenses, taxes and
Interest paid 4(541 14
Due from nation
al and state
banks $ 13925 01
Currency 1057 00
Silver, nickels
and cents ... G77 13 15G59 74
Report of the Condition of
The .Inckson State Hank
of Jackson, Nebr., Charter No. 1459,
in the State of Nebraska, at the close
of business November 13, 1920.
Loans and discounts ....,$105001 5G
Overdrafts 1711 44
Othor assets 143 50
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures 1500 00
Other real estate 300 00
Current expenses, taxes
and interest paid 3971 .'0
Cash items 3 50
Due from Nation
al and state
nanks $ 7093 43
Checks and items
of exchange . . 42 00
Currency 3181 00
Gold coin 280 00
Silver, nickels and
cents 757 81
Liberty loan
bonds held as
cash reserve . 2150 00 13501 27
aid and life saving two principals
with which every person should have
nt least tho fundamentals, for there Is
no telllngri at what time they will
prove of vital need.
In the central division, "In particu
lar, is this work being carried on ex
tensively and Intensively. More chap
ters have taken up this line of work
and the number of schools which have
adopted courses in first aid Is In
creasing with considerable rapidity.
During the last few itionths the Bu
reau of first aid has been Instru
mental In Introducing courses In the
normal schools In each of the states,
with the result that several hundred
teachers now are prepared to act as
instructors. In several Instances
enough Interest has been aroused in
the normal schools to have work con
tinued throughout the year.
Swimming Activities Grow.
Swimming activities hnve been ex
ceptionally well carried on, particu
larly nt Muskegon, Mich., where, un
der the auspices of the Chicago chap
ter, more ttian 400 boys were taught
swimming, life saving and elementary
first aid under expert Instructors.
Ludington, Mich., also employed n
permanent teacher for swimming and
life saving and reports excellent at
tendance in the classes. Many appli
cations have been received from chap
ters throughout the division for the
use of n swimming teacher, but, un
fortunately, up to the present time
there have not been enough teachers
to meet the demands.
Milwaukee Chapter Busy.
Milwaukee chapter has carried on
nn exceptionally active campaign,
both In first aid and life saving
work, and reports a large number of
graduates. This chapter also has
pushed the advanced work In the
instruction of first aid and has pu
pllr. at present awaiting their medals,
which have been Issued to them from
Many prlvato Institutions which
hnvo no connection whatever with the
Red Cross have been ordering first
aid supplies through the division
ofllce. These Institutions undoubtedly,
In a very short time, will be brought
under tho Jurisdiction of the Red
Cross chapters.
' iiL& pREATESTj
Total $ 70844 11
capital Btock paid in ....? ldlOO 00
Undivided profits 3018 58
individual depos
its subject to
qheck .....$ 24712 37
Time certificates
of deposit .. 33113 1G 57825 53
Total $186135 J7
Capital stock paid in $ 15000 00
surplus lunc! 2500 H'
Undivided profits 2923 00
Individual depos
its subject to
Check S 4G8GC 77
Demand certifi
cates of depos
its 300 00
Timo certificates
of deposit 117141 30
Cashier's checks
outstanding .. 39 00 1G4341 37
Depositos's guaranty fund. 1371 00
Matrimonial Ventures
The following marriage licenses
were issued by County Judge Me
lt inley during the past week:
Name and Address. Age.
Louis Means, Sioux City 39
Blanche Pendelbury, Sioux City ..39
Roy A. Wesman, Sioux City 21
Hattie Berkc, Sioux City :"
John E. Vick, Sioux City ....
Catherine Paulsen, Sioux City
Lester Brown, Sioux City 29
Laura Jacobs.cn, Sioux City 25
Harry Cooper, Sioux City r..28
Hazel Potter, Sioux City 19
Prank S. Thomas, Sioux City 42
Edith A. Clark, Sioux City 33
Edward II. Sherwood, So. Sioux ..37
Clara C. Muir, Sioux City -...25
rotl $314299 G7
Capital stock paid In ..,.$ 20000 00
Surplus fund 4000 on
Undivided profits 14772 00
Individual depos
its subject to
. check 51327G8 GG
Demand certifi
cates of depos
posit.s ,. 2834 29
Time certificates
of deposit .... 134(502 82
Certified checks l 05
Due to Notional
' and Rtute banks 599 1)2 272807 31
Depoiltor'n guaranty fund. 2720 i!f
Ttnl $ 70844 11
Stato of Nebraska,
County of Dakota ss.
I, Ray P. Qulnn, Cashier or the
abovo named bank, do hereby swear
that tho abovo statement is a cor
rect and truo copy of the report
mado to the Stato Banking Board.
RAY P. QUINN, Cashier.
J. C. Duggan, Director.
II. II. Adair. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 22nd day of November, 1920.
Elmer II. Blermann, Notary Public.
My commission expires Jan. 8, 1923.
Pirst Pub. Nov. 4, 1920 Iw
Probate Notleo to Creditors
In tho County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
In tho matter of the Estate of
Catherine Smith, deceased.
Notice is herebv iriven. thnfc t.lm
creditors of the said deceased will
meet the udmlnlstrator of said es
tate, before me, County Judge of Da
kota County, Nebraska, at the County
Court Room in said County, on the
31st day or December, 1920, and on
the 31at day of January, 1921, at ten
o clock A. M. each day, for tho pur
pose or presenting their clalma for
examination, adjustment and allow
ance. Three months are allowed for
creditors to present their claims mil
one year for tho adminlatrntnr to
settlo said estate, from tho 30th day
of October, 1920. This notice will
Total $180135 97
State of Nebraska,
County of Dakota tsa,
I, C. J. Goodfellow, cashier of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement is a cor
rect and true copy of tho report made
to tno btato Hanking Hoard.
Robert P. Maglrl, Director.
Hans Knudsen, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me
this 20th day of November, 1920.
RAY F. QUINN, Notary Public.
My commission expires Sept. 13, 1923.
The "Greatest Mother" concept which was vlsuall-r- " ''"- -r
poster used by the American Red Orn5 't . , u..m m. ...."
has had Its symbolism adapted to r.e 1,mi .-. woiUa of tho post-war era
and will Illuminate the main poster to be used In the I-'ourth Boll Call Novem
ber 11-25. This adaptation will bear the title "Still the Greatest Mother In
the World." Everyone is familiar wltn the original "The Greatest Mother in
the World," the effectiveness of which has been shown In part by the fact
that it has furnished n synonym for Red Cross that lias come to almost 11
household term. More than any other symbol, except the led cross Itself, the
public has made it the trademark of the American Bed Cross.
A High Grade Salesman Wanted
Selling experience desirable but not necessary.
Good man can make $2400.00 per year above all ex
penses. All goods sold to stock raisers.
Write (J. !:, DKUHY, Fremont, Nebraska. Box 113.
Moorman M'fg. Co., Quincy, Ills.
lllllllllllmillllllllllllll llllll IDIllllllllIllIlllii:
MIKK WA UN tilt.
Total , $31 1299 7
County of Dakota, ss.
I. II. II. Adair. President nf tin.
above named hank, do hereby swear 1 1'0 published in The Dakota County
that tho above statement is a cor- Herald for, four weeks succcsstvelv
Pirst Pub. Nov. 18, 1920 3w.
.V ) T I V V.
Stato of Nebraska)
Dakota County, ) S3'
To Augusta Rohde, Mrs. Minnie
Kahler, Mrs. Agnes Doxtad, William
G. Rohdo, Edward J. Rohde, and to
all persons Interested in the estate
of John Rohde, decoasod.
On reading the petition of Edward
J. Rohde, praying that tho adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
William u. Hohtlc as administrator.
It Is heroby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
County, on the 4th day of December,
A. D., 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M., to
show cause, if any thoro be, why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
bo given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the Dakota County
Herald, a weekly newspaper printed
in said County, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Wit nes my hand, and seal of said
Court, this lGtli day of November.
(Seal) County Judge.
Geo. W. Lemuel', Attorney for Petitioner,
rect and truo copy of tho report made lWor to the 31st day of Docembe
H, II. Adair, President, i 1"20. '
Elmer II. Blermann, Director.
Geo. W. Carter, Dlr&ctor.
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me
.this lUth day of November, li)20.
Geo. J. Boucher, Notary Public.
My commission expires Jan, 181921.
WANTLU How wmild you like to bo
.1 partner In my 11 11 1 and ronreseut
us in Dakotu County? Wo don't re-
i iiulru anything of you. nut the hon-
Witness my hand, and t.m.1 ,if miii-'sty w'c '" mother ifavo jo'i.and
court, this 30th day of October, A. 1). ',m olU cnr, ARt ,c.!Us " ,IKure'
15)20 I Drop mo a lino and I'll beat Brighain
S. W. McKINLPY luuiigs wives gossiping ohout our
(Seal) Countv JuiIim- I!u?,ne"- MOSE ALLEN.
j""""' mating
The Herald for News when it is News.'
er, Western Boiler Pine
Company, Monmouth, Illinois.
Telling the People -About
Our Business
Some business heads say:
"What's the use of advertising
what's tho use of telling the people
anything? They won't listen to what a
corporation has to say,"
Don't you beliovo it!
Some people have wrong information at times,
but it is usually because they have not been given
the foots.
We aro willing to place our case squarely up
to the people,, always. We believo they should
know what we aire doing and why we aro doing it.
It means
,for us.
less trouble and more happiness
jSycvw m 1 111 urti Wt VHuffl; tt off i .C -TU-'t -- ?' wO-V'S'r f?"'1
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