HERALD, bAKOTA CITY, NKlXAlKA. n rw ---"-- ntta WM. J. BRYAN SAYS FILIPINO WON THE HONORS m Official PrococMliiiKH of the Hoard of CoinniiHsioiir MirmimiiTTrrttigimjiiinr.(fitrtWiW (In lened, copyrighted article writ ten from tho Democratic convention, hall, at 8n Fixnclnco for th International, New Service, William J. Bryan paid the, following remarkable tribute to Joie IM MelencJo, the younr Klllplno who la In chares of the Philippine Independence Publicity campaign In the United SUtei :) By WILLIAM J. BRYAN. The greatest personal victory yet won In this Democratic convention was' scored by n young Filipino by tho name' o Jose P. Melenclo. lie has chorgo of tho Phlllpplno Publicity Uureau at' Washington. IIo Is only twenty-six yenrs old and' received his education in tho public' schools of the Philippines under American teachers, as ho proudly; boasted nnd at Georgetown, D. 0. Ho Is a remarkably promising youngj man. Speaking with grace, using tho best language and without a traco of em barrassment, ho presented tho claim of tho Filipinos to independence. Tho nudlcnco wnB nstonlshcd Tit the strength of his argument, tho skill with which ho marshaled his facts and1 tho high tono of hl speech. He captl-, voted everyone nnd committeemen audi visitors paid him tho compliment of1 rising and cheering when ho concluded bis plea. When ono of tho committee asked' him some questions ho returned to the platform and answered them with ns'p much logic and precision as if he had tnUen weeks to prepare his answer. Itl was a remarkable triumph. As ono who began twenty-two years' ago to light for the protnino of inde pendence I was proud of this Illustra tion of -what the Filipino Is capabla," SOME FACTS ABOUT THE PHILIPPINES Tho University of Santo Tomas Is 25 years older than Harvard. Tho Filipino pcoplo number 10,380, 040, of which 0,405,272 nro Christians and only 0 per contnon-Chrlstlans. They havo been Christians for 300 years and havo a culturo and refine 'ment that will compare very favorably wjth that of other nations. There are only 0,084 Japanese In the Philippines. Tberoiaro about 100,000 'Japanese In California alone, or 15 times as many as In the entire Philip pine archipelago. .English Is taught exclusively Jn the Philippine public schools. Two mil lion natives now speak English fluent ly, and thcro are 700,000 English speaking children In the public schools. It Is destined to bo tho national language. Seventy per cent of the inhabitants of the Philippines over ten years of age, according ton census Just com pleted, are literate. This Is a higher 'percentage ot literacy than that of any South "American country, higher than ,tiiat of Spain and higher than Uiat of any, of the new republics of Europe whose Independence Is being guaran teed by the Allies. , The Filipino pcoplo are 'unanimous In their desire for Independence. iWhenever they are called upon to de posit their ballots they have always .ratified this aspiration. At, every ses sion before adjournment their repre sentatives' in he Legislature relterato 'their. faith In tho principles of liberty .and the lndepondcnco of tho Filipino people. Tho Filipinos declare they havo no grudgo or grievance against tho Amer ican people. Their upprul la accom panied by n message of friendship and gratitude for nil that America has done for them. They point out that Uncle Sam gov Independence to Cuba, nnd they hope that they, too, will receive that boon without which, they declare, no civilized and patriotic people can enjoy tho niaxlmunr of happiness und self-respect. A speclnl delegation ot Filipinos, of ficially representing tho Filipino pco plo, attended tho ltepubllcan und Dem ocratic National conventions, socking an Indorsement ot the Filipino desire for Independence In the two platforms. Their urguments, briefly stated, were as follows : First. That tho American Declara tion of Independence) declares that governments derive their Just powers from the consent of the governed ; Secend. fl'lmt tho American Con gress, In the Jones law, solemnly prom ised the Filipinos Independence upon' the establishment ot a stable govern ,vmt, and that their claim that the Vald stable gevernuifnt Is now la ex- lBieilCU JU WIU jBiuiius una vi-i-ii uiiiwiui- iy confirmed by. America's own repre-' seutAtlves'thcfo: and 4 Thlr4.-Tlmt America tint before tho world in (ho recent .vor as t1 ( avowed champion of ''self doierm 'tloni" American soldiers TiuVlng ' " t'uld Iti was one of the Ullage. mtn igUljc ta.djisyjt.. ., ' Dakota City, Nebraska November G, 1920. Tho board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment with the following men ours picscnt: John Feller, chairman; O. W. Fisher and William H. Hockwell, commissioners; ami Geo. J. Houcher, deputy county clerk, when the following business was transacted: Claims on the funds and in the amounts ns follows were examined, allowed, and warrants ordered writ ten for the sntne: Oh (oininlsiloiicr Dlntrlet No. I John Ililemnu, grader, $110. Raymond Kcam, tractor, 5f6. On Coiiitnlssloiifr Dlstrli't No.: J. W. Peck, running tractor, $10. M. H. Kenelly, tractor, 9172.50. On CominlsHloiier District No. II- Dal! Midkiir, labor, $118.50. John F. Nicmanr labor, 5122.50. On Itoail District No. 17- John F. Nicman, labor, $100. On Itond Dragging I'mikI N. Geo. Hansen, labor, ."510.75. Claus Peters, dragging, S3G. TIios. Uartnett, dragging, $47. W. A. Leonard, dragging, $12. Henry Barge, dragging, $10.50. On Inheritance 1'iiud J. M. Kennel ly, grader, $231.88. J, D. Thackor, grnder, $107.25. On (rncnil I'uiul Mrs. Alice Miller, canvassing board, $4.50. Olive Learner, canvasing board, $4.50. C. H. Maxwell, insanity commis sion, $8.1G. Wcstcott Undertaking Co., ambu lance McKnight, $11.30. J. J. Elmers, canvassing 1010, S3.00. Julia C. Walers, road damages, Jones road, $177.00. tanners Exchange, rent and Blip-- plies, $09.55. J. P. KockWell, salary, ect., sitn.ao. Will 71. Itottkwall, advanced for re pairs, $24.80. Walter E. Miller, postage, tele phone, light, $89.10. Aileen Stlnson, salary, $104.10. J. S. Hncon, salary, filing and ex pense, $205.05. Miles T. Hcilly, hoarding poor, $77.70. Geo. Cain, salary, posting and elec tion, S143.87. V. 0. Lake, election board and re turn, $0.70. W. A. Morgan, election board, $1.20. W. F. Kerr, same, $4.20 A. L. Fletcher, enme, $4.20. John Jonkins, same, $4.20. Alma Gaston Sanford, same, $4.20. Ilentricu E. IJIcssing, same, $1.20. Martin Maloney, same, $4.20. E. J. Mctz, same, $4:20. L. II. Urcckow, shme, $1.20. Uoy G, Pago, sarno, $3.00. Chus. Lammert, same, $3.00. Frank U. Church, same, $3.00. E. E. Gordon, same, $3,00, Paul Nagel, same and return, $0.20. Floyd Church, election board, $3.90, Francis Cownie, same, $3,90, Mrs. F. A. Gordon, same, $3,90. Mrs. L. Valentino, same, $3.90. E. W. Davis, same, $3.90. C. 1). Smiley, same, $5.10. H, O. Dorn, snmu and return, $7.50, W. H. Mulllns, election board, $5.10 Ida M. Gribble, same, $5.10. Daisy Savidgc, same, $5.10. J. L. Phillips, 3hme, $5.10. W. J. Manning, same, $5,10. W W. Gnsser, same, $5.10. II. P. Fouts, same, $5.10. Elmer G, Conant, same, $5.10. Fred Schrlovor, same, $3.00. Cluis. II. Itoam, same, $3.00. II. D. Wood, same, $3,00. D. M. NeUwnnger, some, $3,00. E. II. Blcrjnann, satric $3,00, S. A. Stlnson, some, $3.90. Herman Biormann, same, $3.90. W. II. Berger, same, $3.00. U. K. Lavo, same, $3.90. Aileen Stlnson, same, $3,90. W. F. Winch, same and return, $7.20. Win. O'Dell, election board, $4.20. Carl Larsen, same, $4,20, Chan. Holsworth, same, $1.20. James Al lawny, jr., same, $4,20, Margaret A. Alurphy, same, $0.00. Corn I). Soronson, Same, $0.00. 'John D. Thacker, same, $0.00. J. W. Blockotor, same, $0,00. Geo. C. Blessing, same, $0.00. , II, Kinney, same and return, $9.20, Hans Knudsen, same, $0.00. Win. Hartnett, same, $0.00. C. J. Goodfollow, same, $0.00. Peter Carney, same, $0.00. J. M. Brannnn, same, $0.00. J. F. Sutherland, same, $0.00. John Ryan, same, $0.00. J. G. Ryan, samo, $0.00. T. H. Sullivan, same. $0.00. John TwohlK, no, $4.20. Matt McKIverjran, same, $4.20. Michael Loguc, same, $1,20. Chris R. Smith, aamu, $4.20. John Olson, .same and return, $8.20. J. C, Ihiggnn, marshal and rent, $10.00, Sofus RnMrmssen, election board, ?1.0. A. II. Andersen same, $1,20. John Rush, same, $4,20, W. Carpenter, snmo, $1.20, Chris Oliristenscn, same, $1.20, L. C, Tllton, mime, S4.05' I). A. Woods, name, S4.0D. Phi In McAfee, unmet, $1.05. A. I. Llnafolter, same, $4.05, M, J. Boacom, samo, $4.05. Sam Knox, same, $3.00, Philip Sorensen, sumo, $3.00, J. H. Hinkcn, snme, $3.00, Burt McClnii), same, $3,00. C. B. Barnes, sanio and return! $8.00. School l)lst. No. 29, rent, etc., $15. Carl Andersen, election board, $3.90. T. E. llellemnn, same, S3.90. John Jensen, same ttiftl return, $0.90. II. F, Coir,, election board, $3.90, Roy Armour, same, $3.90. H. Retire, saiuu,- $1.50. James Heeney, same, $4.50. Louis Knudsen, same, $4.50, Vrwk Simmons, same, $1,50, II J 1, Storey, (tame, $4.50. , Clyde Darmu, r.ent, $10.00. Joo M. tfdo;n, jiuirhal, $1.80. . .John Hrthntui. election board. S4.20. M. C. Thorn, saiif und return, $8.90. ' Fred W, Voss, same, S4.20. ' 1 Fred O. Wttllvey, am, $4,?0, t I J. A. IreJniid,came, $4.20. Did Not Expect To Ever Be Well! IIUUI.INOTON WOJI'AV OVHIMOV- no at Tin: uav tanlac'ih:. ,sTom: iii: iib-ai.tii. "I am a well and hlrrinv woniun once more after I had almost ,;ion up hope of over .being any belt in. said Mrs. M. V. Knbln'srin of 007 Oei trude Street, Burlington, Iowa. 1 "A yearugo lust March 1 had 11 so-. vere att.fck of Influenza and It lelt me dreadfully Weak. My stomach Wfl badly disordered and overj'tliinu I ate seemed to hurt tho. I sulioi-i ed from 'terrible cramping spells and gas would form till 1 could hardly, stand it. 'My heart would palpitate terribly, and at times I felt like I was smotheiing. I nl?o liud a bnd case of rheumatism that tr'-i 'ed me a long time. My legs ached and my knees were so xtifT I couldn't get up or down, niv feet swelled so at. times I couldn't wear my shoes. e "Tanlnc hiw nut. an end to those days, of suffering. The very, first bottle helped me and I continued tn tako it until now I am free from all my troubles. ''My digestion is perfect, every thing tastes good and gives me Strength and energy. My heart ac- twin 1.1 nrtntliii nntl tir lir,M T hl(t 11 free and easy. The swelling- and stiffness have, disappeared and I nev-' er feel a trace of the rheumatism any more. ianlac is sold in Dakota City by Nolswanger Pharmacy, in South Sioux City by McBeath's Phnrmacy, in Homer by Ilrossllold & Jensen, in Hubbard by Duggan & Hclfernan. Advertisement. Thco. Peters, same? $3.90. Chris Fey, same, $3.90. John Bondcrson, same, S3J0. Christ Hansen, same, 3.90. A. Ira Davis, same, .$8.90. Ed Morgan, same, 3-20. Glon DoFofcst, same, $4.20. J. W. DeForest, same, $4.20. Lewis, Biormann, snmo, $4.20. Mrs. Eva Wnddcll,, same, $4.20. L. II. Border, hamc, $3.00. T. J. Rounds, same, $3.00. E. F. Tcbbin, same, $3.00. Joe Ebel, same and return, $0.30. C. J. Melvin, election board, $3.00. Board adjourned to meet Novem ber 29, 1920. GEO, J. BOUCHER, Deputy County Clerk, o . U:0AL NOTICES First Puli. Nov. 4, 1920 4w Probate Notice to Creditors In tho County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. In tho matter of the Estate of Cathorine Sniith, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the crocMtnrs of the said deceased will meet, the administrator of said es tate, before me, County Judge of Da kota County, Nebraska, at the County Jourt Room In said County, on the 31st day of December. 1920. nnd on the 31st day ot January,. 1921, at ten I ociock a. ji. each day, for the pur pose of presenting their claim 'or examination, adjustment and allow once. Three months are allowed for creditors to present their claims rnd ono yenr for the administrator io settle said estate, from the 30th day of October, 1920. This notice will bo published Iri Tho Dnkotn f!nnntu Herald, for four weeks successivoly prior to thest day of December, ,, Witness my bond, and seal of said court, (tms autu day of 'October, A. 1). .". S. W. McKINLEY, , fo-'"') , County Judge. First Pub, Nov. 18, 1920 3w", ' lV (l fit II 11 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DAKO- TA GOUNTY, NEBRASKA. Stnto of Nebraska) Dakota County, ) S8' To Augusta Rohdo, Mrs. Minnie Kahler. Mrs. Agnes Doxtad, William G. Rohde, Edward J. Rohde, and to all persons interested 'in the estate of John Rohdo, deceased. On reading th'o petition of Edward J,. Rohde, praying that tho adminis tration of said estate be granted to William G. Rohde as administrator. It Is hereby ordered that you, and nil persons interested In said matter, may, and do, appear at tho County Court to bo held in and for said County, on tho 4th day of December, A. D.f 1920, at 10 o'clock A. M tn show cause, ff any there bo, why tho prayer oi me pcutjonur should not bo granted, and that Dc'ndencvof snld petition and that the hearing thereof no given to an persons interested in said matter liy publishing a copy of tins order In tho Dakota Cmmt.v Herald, n vokJy newspaper printed In sjild County, for three successive wuvKH prior v saui iiuy or neurng. Wltnus my hand, nnd seal of said Court, this 15th day of November, . ' 8. W. MoKINLEY, ,(.bott,)u- . . County Judge, lioo. . Leaner, Attorney for Petitioner, i Vlitn you want your l-'onl l'i'oHrly Itupnin'il with (jlmiii- lino .Kurd Parts, by Genuine Fonl Jlt'chunicH, tako It to tin' Port! Hospital. llfttlKltlOTOK CO. ( &AAAAAAA K&m Speaking For the Farm BfirXSy And Pointing a New Route to Better Business Methods V Ml, & - PS " o If there ever was a time when the farmers of Nebraska should organize it is NOW! With farm products tumbling every clay, the farmers of Nebraska and other states stand to lose billions of dol lars. It is up to you to do your part as a farmer and as a citizen to check this downward trend. Orga. nidation On the part of you and your neighbors will stabilize the business of farming. We believe the farmer has the same right to returns on the capital invested as has a bank or factory. We believe the farmer has the same right to a decent wage for his labor as the same service would bring in the factory. Thus Organization. Needs You The Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation and the Dakota County Farm Bureau need your support. The week be ginning NOVIHIIltilt 2SNII you will be asked to help with this great business. You will be given an oppor tunity for the first time to join hands with all the farmers of Nebraska and other states inTperfecting an organization sp strong that they will receive justice. Ypu are ipvited-to P-ttepd the meeting of the Farm Bu reau next Monday afternoon at Iubbardr Bring the whole family and hear what the Secretary of the Ne braska Federation has to say about the Farm Bureau. We will expect you and expect you to join. The Dakota County Farm ureau and the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation JOHX FBLUJK, County Captain ff -41 i A s 4c ' V ' wwHWWeUrfgawaitewyywi t AMjiV wTfttJiSa i ' U WMM flu ! fc. '