Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, November 18, 1920, Image 6

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Paper Clogged Furnace Flue Fills an
East Side Theater vvlth Smoke
Scores of Children Caught.
Now York. A paper-clogged furnaco
flue, which caused smoke to fill tho
Catherine theater, ft motion plcturo
houso in tho cast Bide Italian quarter,
raised a cry of "Fire" and in tho en
eulng panic six tots, botwoon the agon
ot 2 to 10 years, were trampled to
death. Twelve others woro seriously
Tho llttlo theater was crowded to
capacity. Children filled moat ot tho
800 seats, for the horo ot tho plcturo
was an Italian lad who roso from bum
bio surroundings liko theirs to riches
and fame. Tho youngstora wero ab
sorbed In tho progress ot tho screen
hero, Pletro, who was protocting his
father from thieves, when smoko be
gan to soop through tho cracks ot tho
thoater floor.
"My God, It's aflrol" Tills shout
camo from an elderly woman "who
gathered a llttlo onoundor her arm
and ran for the nearest oxlt. 'Imme
diately loud walls uroso, children be
ginning to cry. Thoy Jumped from
tholr scats, Jammed tho alBles nnd
fought for passage. Tho flights flick
ered out. '
Youthful crlos attracted many resi
dents of tho Italian neighborhood.
Camlllo Bruillo, who sells bananas
from a push cart on .tho Bowery, dar'
od Into tho thonfor and attempted to
shout down tho cries. Palling, ho
carrlod more than fifteen totu to safe
ty, then collapsed, ovorcomo by Bmoko.
' Somoono sounded a fire alarm.
Many woro ovorcomo by smoko, but
soon rovlved.
Frantic womon nnd men, learning of
tho disaster, crowded boforo tho llttlo
thoator, at this time guardod by po
lice, nnd sought nowu of their chil
dren. A pollco station nearby also was
crowded with those seoklng Informa
tion of loved ones. Tho hodlos ot the
vlcvlms soon woro Identified, but tho
oxcltomont attending tho panic kept
children from returning to tholr homes
and, many womon fought for admit
tance to tho thoator, believing their
missing children fltlll there.
Wlonborg and Schwartz, proprietors
of tho thoator, woro questioned by tho
district uttornsy. Thoy said thoy
purchased tho (heater lust week. Thoy
wero hold pending Investigation of
charges that one ot tho front exits
was locked,
Wlonborg and Schwartz, with A. To
land, tho Janitor, who made tho flro in
tho furnace, lator wero arrested on a
chargo ot 'misdemeanor resulting in
manslaughter by admitting children to
a theater unaccompanied by parents
or guardians."
Murdoro Wlfo; Mnlmo Babe.
Chicago, 111. Whllo two ot his chil
dren, dumb with terror, wntchod
through a window, Kazlnborskl Ruth
owBkl, a stock yards laborer, murdered
his wife, tubbed their youngoat child,
a girl 4 months old, and thou shot nnd
Btabbod himself to death. Tho wife
and children hud juat returned from
church whoro thoy had gono to pray
for Iholr falhor Hint ho might not bo
bo, cruol.to them. Tho tragedy fol
lowed throe duys of bL'.tqr quarreling,
and neighbors wero not surprised ut
tho outcome.
Mexican Labor Conditions.
Mexico City. Iubbr conditions
throughout Moxlco took n bot'er turn
according to various official state
ments. Ad Ices woro rocelved from
Vera Cruz assorting tho strike of
Btovedoros and dock workers there
had ended, and that tho men had re
turned to work.
Whisky Thieves Raid Car.
Nowurk, N. J. A band ot about
twonty-flvo whisky thieves broke open
two freight curs in rullroad yards horo
and stolo CBS cuhoh ot whisky and 44
barrels ot alcohol valued at C7,Gt0,
Tho loot was, carried oft in motor
trucks after a railroad policeman iiad
been kidnaped.
Pastors Move Families Into Churches.
Lob Angeles. High rents havo
caused two southern California pas
tors, tho Rev. M. O. Duwuubo of a lo
cal MothodlBt church and the Rev,
Varren Elaine of a Prosbyorlun
church at Vauuuls, a suburb, to move
their families Into tholr churches.
Bank at 8t. George, Utah, Rifled.
St. George, Utah. Approximately
$10,000 n money and ,bundB was ob
tained by robb'ors who 'broke Into safe
deposit boxoS. dt tho Bunk ot Sain
George horo. Tho door ot tho bank
hud boon prlod open and explosives
used to open ,tho Bnfo deposit vault,
No traco ot the' robbers has been
Airplane Factory Closes.
Paris. Tho Blerlot ulrplnno works
kayo, hijon . clOHod down .Indefinitely,
throwlnjj 2.CV0 persons out'of work-
I Cooking Up Something
a nan. m. w6 (gfSSmK
Wealthy Wife of Naval Officer Left
Her Winter Place In Brooklyn
September 10 Last.
Des Moines, la. Mrs. Viola Van
Itlppcr Svesson, wealthy Now York
society matron and heiress, who dis
appeared In Brooklyn, September 10,
has been locatod working as a domes
tic In a Des Moines home. Mrs. Sves
son left hor winter home In Brooklyn,
September 10, ostensibly to go to her
summer homo at Rockaway beach.
Slio did not reach her summer home,
ami a day later Chief Inspector W. J.
Lahuy, ot New York city, ordered a
general search of tho country for the
missing woman.
Two days ago Chlof of Dotoctivos
John Brophy rccolved word that MrB.
Svosuon was employed at tho homo
of B. Solgol, 1302 Tenth street, as a
domostlc. Investigation followed,
with tho result that tho woman em
ployed at tho Solgol homo has boon
positively identified by, Dotectlves
Ilolllbaugh and Trimble as tho miss
ing heiress of Brooklyn.
Mrs, Svesson, who Is tho wife of a
torpedo officer in churgo of tho tor
pedo division of tho North Atlantic
coast, and daughter ot a wealthy root
ing manufacturer of Now York, loft
hor husband and paronts aflor quar
rollng with them tho night boforo. She
took with hor much valuablo Jewelry,
which sho Bald she sold to obtain
enough money to loave Now York.
Among the goniH which sho sold
woro two lurge diamond rings, a dia
mond lavalllor and a largo diamond
brooch. Sho Bold theso articles, said
to ho valuod at several thousand dol
lars, fo&?200 to pawnbrokers In Now
York. '
Mrs. Svosson was prominent In
nnval society circles ot Rockaway
beach. I lor sudden dlBupcaruuca cre
ated a furpro. Her husband, who had
gono on Ilia ship for n week's cruise,
returned to aid in carrying on tho
Mrs. Chaplin Granted Divorce.
Los Angoloa, Cul. Mrs. Mlldrod
Harris Chaplin, wife ot Charllo Chap
lin, famous film comedian, was grant
ed a divorce by Suporlor Judge York.
Mr. Chaplin was not present, but At
torney Arthur Wright was in court to
protect his intorusta If nn attempt
was mudo to ntttack tho property
agroomont onterod Into bctwoen Mr
ant! Mrs. Chaplin. Tho court ap
proved tho settlomont which provides
that $50,000 should bo paid Mrs.
Chaplin Immediately, nnd $57,700 with
in one year. It Is understood tlm.t nil
told Mrs. Chaplin will receive approx
imately $200,000 from tho settlomont.
Find 8tolen Bond Agency.
St. Paul, Minn. Posing as purchas
ers of stolon bonds, United Stntos
secret service agonti unearthed what
thoy term Is n cloarlng houso for
stolon bonds nnd through which thoy
charge more than $100,000 worth of
stolen IkiikIb havo passn'l. Clvdo A
Smith and Mrs. Cln BearBo, both of
M'miriRim -i " In thn t-j'i-tv Jn.IV
hero. When Smith was arrested at
Rochostor, Minn, $16,000 worth ot
stoion uoiid . vtoru in their possession,
Hocret agents say.
France Opposed to Germany.
Paris. Tho French government is
unalterably opposed to tho admission
ot Germany to tho tongue ot nations
at this tlmo it was tntcd at, tho for-
oign oftlce. Somo "drastic action
would bo a consequence If tho league
voted to admit Gormnny, It was Inti
mated. Freezing In Texas.
DallnB, Tex. lowest tomperaturos
ot the season wero roportod from west
and north Texns. Abilene and Fort
Worth felt tho first frcozo of tho sea
son, tho thermometer in thoso soctlous
registered about 28 degrees.
Poles Predict European War.
Win saw Tho declaration that war
botMtsm Germany and Poland would
bo Inovltablo It the plebiscites to ho
held In uppor Slloslu gives that ronton
to Gormnny is mudo in tho Gazette
Porranua, In discussing tho plebiscite
Tho nowspapor Is the organ of thr
national domocialH, whosn leader is
John Dombskl, under uccretury for
foreign atratrs. Tho Gazette Porran
predicts that another world wnr would
roault with Franco and Belgium Join
Jng Poland and Great Britain Bldlug
with Gormuny.
Corruption of Employes and Officials
, and Graft In Purchases Alleged
by Inquisitors.
Washington, D. C. Corruption of
employes and officials of tho shipping
board emorgoncy fleet corporation,
graft in purchasing supplies for and
in repairing government-owned mij'r
chant ships, and tho uho of political or
other influence it obtuinlng contracts
for Bhlp construction and tho alloca
tion of captured vessels to operating
compunics aro among a muzo of
charges mudo in a report submitted
to tho houso commlttoo on shipping
board operations by A. M. Fisher Tind
J. P. Richardson! former employes of
tho board.
Chairman Bonuon, of tho shipping
board, rofuscd to discuss tho report,
declaring that any statement he might
havo to make would bo made to the
houso committee, which is now con
ducting its investigation of tho board's
Tho report was mndo public by the
commlttoo ot which Representative
Walsh, republican, of Massachusetts,
Is chairman. It covers more than 100
printed pagos and deals exhaustively
with many phases ot shipping board
operations as observed by the commit
teo'B Investigation over a period of
moro than a year.
Mr, Fisher, who formerly wan con
nected with tho fedornl trado commis
sion, mndo a survey, for tho shipping
board as to record keeping systems in
tho office ot tho lumber administra
tion. Mr. Richardson, for twenty years
a nowspapor man, was employpd for
Bovoral yearB in tho board's depart
ment of investigation.
In presenting tho report, Mr. Fisher
explained that it was designed to denl
only with problems which could bo
solyed wholly by tho shipping board
itsolf, nnd "loft untouched" fourteen
goneral subjocts in connection with
tho board's operations. Among theso
woro enumerated organization of tho
bonrd, technical orrors In tho construc
tion program, Gorman-American
Idoals, assumption of tho diplomatic
functions by board officials, enforce
ment of tho now merchant marlno act
and ovnsions of tho, selective draft act.
Taking up In detail bovoii general
phases ot tho board's activities, the
report charged gross waste of govern
mont funds, improperly drawn con
tracts which cost tho government
largo sums' nnd failure of tho various
divisions of tho board to co-oporate ef
ficiently, and the almost complete
fatlura of somo of tho divisions to
function properly.
Padding of payrolls by firms repair
ing shipping board vosdols, ownership
by companies operating government
vosscls of stock In companies furnish
ing supplies to thoso craft at iri u
ranging anywhere from 40 to 50 per
cont abovo wholesnlo costs, wholesale
theft of supplies and equipment from
ships nnd tho loss ot millions ot dol
lars through Improperly secured loans
m.idii to contractors building govern
mont vessels, nlso woro charged.
Duchess of Marlborough Divorced.
London. Tho dueheBS of .Marl
borough, formoly Consuolo Vundorbllt,
daughter of W. K. Vandorhllt, was
uwardrd a deeroo ot dlvorco from tho
duko of Marlborough. Allocations of
dosortlon and misconduct woro mndo
by tho duchess. Formal denial of tho
charges was mndo by tho duko's
counsol, but no ovldonco was taken.
Tho duchess also was awarded tho
costs of tho action.
Quake In Oregon.
Portland, Oro, Portland was shak
en by what Ib believed to havo been a
slight earthquake Tho tremor con
Inucd for about 10 seconds. It was
sufficiently violent to niako pictures
swing on tho walls ot houBos, but did
no damago.
Material Reduction In Clothing.
Chicago. Men's clothing for inime
dtato delivery was offorod at prices
10 to 50 per cont. below presont whole
sale prices. Ooods for spring and
summer dollveiy were shown at
nrlees 10 to 33 1-3 por cent, undor
those ot a year ago. Men's shirts nnd
olmllar articles wore shown at groatly
reduced prlcds. The occasion was the
opening of the 13th semi-annual buy
ing rati vontlnn of tho United Na'lonal
Clothlora in Chicago. Tho convention
Is being nttemlod by dealers from 17
middle west and western states.
Iowa's Production of 441,660,000 Bush
els Largest of Any State Illi
nois Ranks Second.
Washington, D. C. American farm
ers broko production records of fivo
crops this year. Preliminary esti
mates unnouncod by tho department
of agriculture showed the corn, tobac
co, rice, sweet potatoes and pear crops
surpassed in size thoso of any pre
vious year In tho country's history.
In addition "ory largo crops wero
grown, In somo Instances closely ap
proaching records of oats, barley, rye,
potatoes, apples and hay. The buck
wheat production record, however, has
stood since 18CC, with this year's crop
moro than 8,000,000 under It.
Final crop production figures will
bo announced next month. Corn, king
of all crops and of which tho United
States grows moro than 70 per cent
of tho world's output, reported the
enormous total of 3,199,120,000 bush
els. That is 75,000,000 bushels more
than over before grown In any year.
This is tho third corn crop to exceed
3,000,000,000 bushels, the previous
record hnving been made in 1912, while
tho crop of 1917 was tho second larg
In point of value, this year's corn
crop will not equal that of last year
which, based on tho December 1st
price of $1.33 a, bushel, was worth
$3,934,231,000. Tho crop of 1912 was
valuod at $1,520,454,000 on tho De
comber 1 price of 48.7 cents a bushel
and tho 1917 crop at $3,920,228,000
with tho December price almost $1.30
a bushel.
Tho value of this year's crop based
on tho November 1 farm price, which
was 87.3 cents a bushel, Is estimated
at $2,792,837,000.
Iowa's corn crop is tho largest of
any stato at 441,060,000 bushels. I1U
nols ranks second with 302.C34.000
bushels and Nebraska third at 250,99b,
000 bushels.
The tobacco crop this year, placed
at l,47G,44-f,000 pounds by the pre
liminary estimate, is 87,000,000 pounds
more than grown last year when nl'
previous records woro broken. Vn
glnla, North Carolina and South Caro
lina exceeded their last year's pro
duction whllo Kentucky's crop this
year is 30,000,000 pounds les3 than a
year ago.
Production of rice this year exceeds
by 12,000,000 bushels tho provlouh
largest crop, In 1917. The output this
year Is placed at 52,298,000 bushels,
almost half of which was grown In
Tho Bwect potato harvest will show
105,070,000 bushols, which Is 2,000,000
bushols moro than grown last year
when tho crop exceeded all previous
year's production. Alabama's output
Is larger than nny other stato.
-Tho crop of pears this year Is
placed at 15,558,000 bushels. Tho pre
vious largest crop was that of 1917
when 13,2.81,000 bushels woro pro
duced. California produced more than
3,000,000 bushels, whllo New York's
production is almost 2,250,000 bushels
Allies Fear Reds.
Paris. Tho allies, as- well as the
Fronch, are said to bo concerned ovor
development in tho Caucasus. Re
ports to tho foreign office confirm tht
signing of an armistice by tho Anno
nlnis ind Turks and tho fear la ex
pressed that tho possihlo imminent
. action of the bolshovlkl In that re
glon with tho Turkish nationalist fol
lowers of Muatnpha Kernel Pasha
might have gravo consequences result
ing In an eventual clash of tho bol
Bhovlkl forces with tho allied troops
In Turkey.
Irish Demonstration at Capitol.
Washington. Hundreds of Irish
sympathizers mnrched for an hour last
night in single tllo around tho White j
Houso as a protest against tho recent
death of Torenco MacSwlnoy. The
demonstration was organized at a j
meeting of tho local branch of the
Friends of Irish Freedom and It was
announced It would bo ropeatod each
night for 73 days, ono each for which
MacSwlnoy fastod boforo his death. '
Cut Food Prices In New York.
Now York. An nverago reduction
of 10 per cent in food prices vn3 an
nounced by soveral largo hotels after
conferences with federal food investi
gators. Tho number of itoins on the
menus In which decreasos have been
mndo varies from slxteon in one large
hn'el to 172 In nnothor.
Socialists Lose In Italy.
Palermo, Italy. Tho socialists woro
completely defeated in tho municlp.d
Big Fire at Denver.
Denver, Colo. Flro of undetermined
origin dostroyod tho machine shop,
tool houso, stationery supply building
and threo locomotives of tho Denver
and Salt Lako railroad, at Utah Junc
tion, near hero. W. 11. Freeman, re
ceiver for tho road, estimated tho loss
at $1,000,000.
Brazil Merchants Protest.
Rio Janolro. Eight Important firms
ot .this city havo protested to tho for
eign minister against tho recent sols
uro at Flume by Cap4. Gabrlolo D'An
mtuzlo, ot the steamer Congo, which
carried a cargo consigned to Brazil.
Wilson Preparing Final Message.
Washington. Prosidont Wilson has
begun work on his annual inoBs&ga to
cotiRroMi which will bo transmitted
ol'hci on the opening day of tho next
session on December 6, or on the day
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
An unknown bnndlt knocked F. S.
Tucker, Rock Island cashier nt Fnlr
bury, unconscious ns he stepped from
his oilier and robbed him of $525
which was to have been deposited In a
local bank.
The Nebrnskn college of agriculture
18 setting n new record with a 7-ycur-old
Holstein cow. In 283 dnys she
produced 21,881.8 pounds of milk and
1,101 pounds of butter.
Henry Wnrnke, from near Fnlrhury,
report the record corn yield for Jef
ferson county, 100 bushels an acre.
Another Held on his farm yielded seventy-five
Frank Kennedy, secretnry of the
stnte labor department, says there Is
n shortage of 5,000 corn buskers in
Nebraska. Farmers nre paying (J and
8 cents n bushel.
Stanford 'Grill, 17-yenr-old captain
and star end of the Decatur high school
footbnll team, Is dead from injuries re
ceived In u football game nt Pender
September 29.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. II. Chnmhers nnd
Mrs. Chun Spelce, of Columbus, haye
gone to Vancouver, It. C, whence they
will sail for the Orient for a three
months' tour. ,
Representatives of n number, of com
mercial clubs of the stnte held n con
ference In Lincoln nnd drew up n con
stitution for the stnte Chamber of
Over 100 applications for trained
ntfrses' certificates have been filed pre
liminary to the state examinations
soon to be held In Lincoln nnd In
A fund of ovor $1,200 has been
rnlsed by Omnlin firemen to assist the
family of Fred Bluzek, who was killed
while fighting a fire nt that place re
cently. Those in attendance declare the
'meetings of tho state teachers nt
Omaha Inst week were the best yet
held. The registration was nearly
Henry Hansen, near Benson, the
father of twelve children, nnd who
came to this country from Germany
In 1878, has been admitted to citizen
ship. Iola Vincent, Omnhn, and Irene Huf
llngton, Lincoln, wore tho only two
girls In a class of twelve applicants
for ndmission to tho stnte bnr.
Tho Fidelity National bank of Au
rora hns changed to a state bank and
has opened under the name of the
Fidelity State Bank.
W. II. Osborne, jr., secretnry of the
state board of equalization, has been
appointed state tax commissioner by
Governor McKelvic.
Lincoln "was chosen ns tho meeting
place of the next conference of mid
west farm bureaus which will he held
early next January.
C. D. Wllllninsdn, formerly of Wash
ington, KmiH., has been called to the
pastorate of tho Presbyterian church
nt Hebron. v
The tenth annual convention of the
Nebraska State Irrigation association
will he held in Gerlng on January 18,
10 and 20.
Unlversll of Nebraska students in
terested in journalism nre planning
the formation of u university press
It is miderstoed that work on the
new stne house at Lincoln will not
be begun until (ioino time next sum
mer. Fremont Rotarinns havo stocked
Lyman lake, near that place, with
110,000 minnows from the state fishery.
John Carpenter, farmer nnd proprie
tor of n store at Willis, lost his life
In n fire that destroyed the store.
Heavy rains have delayed corn
husking In Saline county, two inches
hnving fallen In some sections.
Business women of Kearney have
organized nnd nre preparing to estab
lish u Y. W..C. A. in Kearney.
Everett J. Lake, republican governor-elect
of Connecticut was a former
resident of Stromsburg.
A .special election may bo called to
decide whether Sunday movies will be
permitted ut Hastings
Allen V. Grammer, sentenced to be
executed last week, has been granted
his lUth reprieve.
District Court at Geneva had fifty
three eases on the docket.
Mildred Kennedy, Loup City high
school student, fell downstairs at the
school nnd ran n pencil Into her arm
several Inches. An operation was
necessary to remove It.
The United Electric Co. of Lexing
ton has contracted with the village
board of Smlthfield to run a transmis
sion 1 1 no ncross country and furnish
light nnd power for that place.
The University of Neliraska football
eleven may tackle Princeton next fall.
This announcement Is made by Ath
letic Director F. II. Luehring follow
ing the return of the Cornhuskers
from their eastern tour.
The Nebraska Irrigation association
will hold Its anniml meeting nt Gerlng
Jnnunry 10 to IS.
The twenty-first annual convention
of the Nebrasku State Bur association
will he held nt Lincoln December 27
and 23.
The Omnha,,Poultr.v association will
hold Its seventh nuiiual exhibition and
poultry show November 22 to 27, In
clusive, at the Audltifrluin. Tills show
Ik the first free educational ono to he
hold In (he countrj and ranks third
In the United States, tho Madison
Square Garden, oue in New York uud
Chicago's exhibition preceding It.
in n general order isMit-1 to til. i mil
posts the state department of tl.e G
A. II. announces that nil election" l
officers must he held nt the Deeenibe
meeting nnd that nt that time also the
delegates to the state encampment nt
Hastings in May must nlso he elected
nnd certified to headquarters. Each
post Is entitled to one delegate and
alternate, and to nn additional dele
gate for each twenty-five members.
The constitution of Nebraska ns
amended by voto of the people from
time to time since 1875, Including
amendments proposed by the recent
constitutional convention, has been
printed In pnmphlot form. It Is a re
production of the compilation ns mndo
by the convention nnd filed, with tho
secretary of state.
Charles Slinw, senior vice comman
der of the Lincoln Post of Veterans
of Foreign Wars, has been notified
thnt he hns been awarded a medal nnd
$1,000' for his part in sinking the Ger
man submarine which had destroyed
tho American ship Covington, llr.
Shaw wus a gunner In the nuvy.
Bishop Homer C. Stuntz, head of the
Methodist church in Nebraska, was the
guest of honor at a bunquet of Meth
odist of the North Plutte valley at
Scottsbluff, when 250 churchmen nnd
women of thnt rlncc, Goring, Mitchell,
Minntare, Bayard and other towns of
that section gathered to pay their re
spects. University of Nebraska, up to 1020,
had a registration of 5,958 pupils, in
cluding summer and extension school
enrollment, nnd wns ninth In enroll
ment of the publicly supported schools
of tho country, according to stntlstlcs
published In n recent issue of tho
Literary Digest.
Due to a change In the dnte of tho
Clay county poultry show the show
ot the co-operative association of Fill
more county hns been sot for Decem
ber 1 to :i. Entries will need to bo
closed nt 10:30 p. in., November 80.
Henry Restiiu of Iluvelock, a stu
dent of Midland college, nt Fremont,
met death In .the Y. M. C. A. pool nt
that plnco. lie wns a guest nt the Y
and hnd been watching some friends
pluy baskctbnll.
.T. P. Lawrence, for the past three
years connected with the university
college of ugrlculture, nt 'Lincoln, has
gone to AUInnce as acting manager of
the Nebraska Potato Growers' Co-oper-utive
Princeton has challenged the Uni
versity of Nebraska to a debate, to bo
held In Lincoln during the Christmas
holidays, i Prof. Fogg lias wired that
ho believed the contest could be ar
ranged. The Fremont Commercial club has
decided to build a skating rink for tha
benefit of the school children who have
had to travel a number of miles in
past winters to find a suitable place to
The Hebron Woman's club will rnlso
funds to finance the Salvation Army
nt that place, and will also erect a
soldiers' monument In the cemetery.
Home talent will stage a minstrel
"Stnndlsh of Standish," n play with
New England sotting of three hun
dred years ago, was given by the hook
review department of the Woman's
club of Geneva to a large crowd.
Two sisters were brides In a double
wedding at Columbus, when Herman
L. Mueller and Miss Anna Nelson,
Manvllle G. Reeves and Miss Gladys
Nelson Wero milted In marriage.
Night classes are being held' at the
Hnvelock high school, at which stu
dies being taken nre: Cooking, sew
ing, gas enlgnes, sheet metal working,
drawing nnd electrical work.
John McConnell of Beatrice, post
master at that place for n number of
years, Is dead, at the ago of S5. He
was the father of' thirteen children, "
eight of whom survive him.
Omaha is the victim of too many
tng days, according to Mayor Smith,
who hns suggested that charitable and
welfare organizations ought to ha
financed by annual budgets.
Proposed Incorporation of the Ne
braska State Bar association will bo
considered at the twenty-first annual
convention of that organization, nt
Lincoln, December 27-2S.
Professor James II. Frandsen, ono
of tho best known dairy experts in tho
state and a member of the stuff of the
university dairy department, lias re
signed his position.
Tho city council of Central City has
brought suit against the Central
Power company of Grand Island to en
join them from shutting oft' electric
power In the city.
Fred Gain's store, Winter's tailor
'in)). Holenbeck barber shop and tho
library of Ansley, were totally deploy
ed by fire, the origin of which Is un
known. McCoolt Knights of Columbus will
build a three-story council hall next
spring. They have purchased a Mil
liable lot and lire now nrrAnglng plans.
The department of conservation and
soil survey has sent five motion pic
ture reels, showing the Nebrnskn stato
ralr to Tulsa, Oklu., where they will be
shown before an agricultural confer
ence. '
Theiu Is nn urgent demand for
telegraph operators for the Washington-Alaska
telegraph and cable svmoiii,
dipt. A. E. Whltworth of the signal
corps, U. S. A., Oumhn recruiting
otllce, announces.
Following is a list of tho school
which have made application for nd
mission to the state high school de
bating leaguo: Battle Creek, Bloom
field. Burwell, College View, Cowles,
Danii College Academy, Dlllor, Emer
son, Hastings, Lawrence, Onl, Ran
dolph, Red Cloud, Republican Clt, St.
Paul, Wakefield, Wesleya'n Academy,
and Wlsner, and a number of orhcra
nre tanking nrra'nguments to become
Penn Slate defeated Ihe University
of Nebrnskn football tonin, 20 to 0. Ly
n combination of forward passes and
long runs.
- i
.&. .