Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 21, 1920, Image 3

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When Rim-Down
- x
Council Bluffs, Iowa "Soma
years ago I was restored to health
by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription. I went all down in health
duo to my having woman's weak
ness. I was nervous, suffered con
tinually with backaches, pains in my
side and bearing pains, and could
not eat nor sleep. When 'Favorita
Prescription' was recommended to
mo I began to take it, and it proved
to be all that it is recommended to
be for it completely cured me of all
my woman's troublo and built mo
up in health and strength. It is
the most wonderful medicine for
women I have known." Mrs. E.
SHANK3, 1219 Fifth Avenue.
Good looks in woman do not
depend upon age, but upon health.
You never see a good-looking
woman who is weak, run-down.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion is the best women's tonio
there is. It is 50 years old, and
its age testifies to its goodness.
Bad Stomach
Sends Her to Bed
for 10 Months
Eatonio Gots Her Up 1
"Over n year ago," snys Mrs. Dora
Williams, "I took to bed nail for 1(
months did not think I would live
Eatonlc helped mo so much I am now
up and able to work. I recommend II
highly for stomach trouble."
Eatonlc helps people to get well bj
taking up and carrying out the excess
acidity and gases that put the stomach
out of order. If you have Indigestion,
sourness, heartburn, belching, food re
peatlng, or other stomach distress,
tnke an Eatonlc after each meal. Hip
box costs only a trifle with your drug
gist's guarantee.
fr-rkla Oinrmnt- our dmrei.t or b.
iBti.i"ir, rr. nm ., tr. . n. ur . ,
Co. 2973 IVIchisAn Avenue, Chicago
Dad a Graduate, Too.
"So the boy Is home from college."
"Yes. Surprises me, too."
"That so?"
"Yes. Marvelous how much morn
they're teaching boys at that college
now than they taught when I went
there. I don't begin to know as much
us ho thinks ho knows." Detroit Free
Important to iv.otr.ors
Examine carefully every bottle of
CAST0H1A, thnt famous old remedy
Cor infants and children, una see thut it
Bears the
Signature of!
In CTso for Over :.() Yours.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Gladys So your husband took you
to a, ball game?
Mne Yes (sighing) I wish I could
make him talk to the cook the way
ho talked to the umpire! Judge.
Cutlcura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff nnd Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soup and hot water. Make
them your every-dny toilet preparations
and have a clear skin and soft, white
hands. Adv.
A man feels like kicking himself
when a homely woman attempts to
flirt with him.
Stop That Backache !
Those agonizing twinges, that dull,
throbbing backache, may be warning of
serious kidney weakness Rerious if neg
lected, for it might easily lead to
gravel, dropsy or fatal linght's disease.
If you are suffering with a bad back,
look for other proof of kidney trouble.
If there are dizzy spells, headaches,
tired feeling and disordered kidney
action, get after the caue. Use Doan's
Kidney Pills, the remedy that has
helped thousands. Satisfied users rec
ommend Doan's. Ask your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
SlV?l-.- says "I have had
'ache und the mus
cles seemed a s
though they were
contracted. The
patn was most so
vere when I tried
to stoop over and
I have, also been
bothered with a
dull, nactrlnu- ache
across U small of my back. Doan's
Kidney I lis havo never failed to
givo io- relief."
Go Posn's t Any Store, 60c Box
Children's Coughs
rosy be ' ked snd more serious conditions
of the ti ost often will be avoided by
prompt' divine the child doe of ssfe
Condtntatlan tv Jam IX Connolly
The trrrnt Dcun
of St. l'atrlck'n,
YTho rankit anionic
the illicitly satir
ists of all litem
nnd all land, nan
born In Hoey's
Court, Dublin,
November UO,
1007. lie died Oc
tober 10, 1745.
Thl moat bril
liant wit, uenlua,
lintrr of rascality,
master of Irony
nnd Invective, aud
true Irish I'atrlnt,
Yran born to pov
erty nnd depend
ence) he atnrtrd
life embittered nnd he ended "dying
of rase like n poisoned rat In n hole."
to tuse hla ovrn expression. Ilia life
nu n failure, tbouith he played n
mlnhty part. "Good God, vrhut a
renlua I had vthen I wrote thnt bookl".
be aald rfhen he later reread the "Tale
of n Tub," nnd the Tforld baa agreed
Trlth him. Yet failure ever tracked
him. lie never received the prefer
ment In the church vrhleh his ublllty
would have brnuKht another) by hla
political pamphlets be laaVely formed
the public opinion of hla time, yet that
Vfaa the end of It for him) he had the
strongest nttnehmenta for tvto miuien,
"Stelln," to whom the famous Journal
waa written, nnd "Vanessa,' but little
happiness came to blin. "To think of
him," anld Thnckeray, "la like thinking
of the ruins of n icreat empire."
"Gulllver'a Travels" (1720), though
a satire on courta nnd statesmen, linn
survived Its temporary nnd local pur
pose, and, cnpcclnlly In the first two
parts, la considered to be one of the
Kreat posacsslons of literature.
I WAS of a Nottinghamshire fam
ily and educated at Cambridge.
Likewise was I educated In medi
cine, and preferring u ship's surgeon
cy to any preferment ashore, It came
about that after several deep-sea voy
ages I found myself surgeon of thnt
ship, the Antelope, which wns wrecked
in a violent storm on a coast north
west of Van Dlemen's Lund.
Of all the ship's company I alone
escaped to the land, where, In utter
exhaustion, I lay down and fell nsleep.
I awakened to find myself bound hand
and foot, and surrounded by swarms
of the tiniest human creatures. They
brought me food and drink and con-
veyed me to their capital, where the
king, of a majesty a full lialf-lnch
taller than any of his subjects, came
I .with his court to view me.
I In time I learned thnt I was In the
kingdom of the Lilliputians. By them
1 I wns kept a long time In captivity.
I Being ultimately satisfied of the harm-
lessness of my Intent, I also adding
my word of honor to do them no In
jury, they released me, nnd set aside
six professors of educntlon to teach
me their language. For my bodily
sustenance they allowed me a quan
tity of meat and drink suillclent for
1724 of their own people; for so, be
ing exact in their mnthemntlcs, they
estimated the proportions of my bulk
to theirs. Three hundred cooks nnd
one hundred nnd twenty wnlters were
nnmod to dress my meals, two hundred
senmstresses were apportioned to
mako my linen, nnd three hundred
tailors for my outer clothing.
With my wants thus attended to,
I was desirous to be of service to
them. My first service wns not tb
damage their people or their property
as I wnlked abroad, a most likely dan
ger when the men were of such size
that I could accrete two or three of
them In one of my coat pockets. In
walking the streets, were I to step
heavily, there was danger of my slink
ing down large buildings; or, by not
having an eye below me, I could eas
ily trend to death half a dozen of
their cattle.
One day the king, who wns most
friendly to me, came to mo In great
trouble. The emperor of the neigh
boring kingdom of Blefuscu bad
threatened to lny waste the kingdom
of LIHIputla. Tho Blefuscunn navy,
consisting of fifty great ships of wir,
was even then nbout to set sail ; but
I. by wading and swimming, reached
their chief hnrbor where they were
yet at anchor. With my pocket knife
I cut the cables of their fifty ships of
war, and then, tying each ship to a'
piece of twine, I drew them after me
to dry land, nnd so compelled the
capitulation of Rlefuscu.
While this deed redounded to my
glory. It also raised me up powerful
enemies, one being the high admiral of
the Lilliputian navy. Had I wished.
I could have crushed them and their
entire kingdom under my boots, but
there wns my pledged word not to
harm them. So when by secret In
trigue they had me tried nnd con
demned to tho log of my eyes, there
Was nothing loft mo hut escape. I
went to Blefuscu, where I wns given a
great reception nnd where they would
havo me stay; but I wns weary -of
kings and princes, and told them thnt
I desired nothing except that they
would provision for mo a hont, which
I had found drifting on the shore, nnd
allow mo to go my way.
They stored the boat with tho car
casses of one hundred oxen, three
hundred sheep, with cows, hulls, nnd
ns much ready-dresRfd meat us four
hundred cooks could provide. Being
W. N. I) SIOUX CITY, NO. 43-1920.
thus protected against famine, I g.
sail on tho third day nnd was plckei
up by an English merchant cnptnln,
who deemed me crnzy when I told dm
my story. Not until I hnd taker sev
ernl head of cattle from my pockets
would he bcllcvo me. To my great
grief, one of the ship's rats carried
off one of my sheep on the wny home.
On renchlng shore I learned that m
uncle John hnd tiled nnd left mo his
estate near tipping, nnd tho same be
ing suillclent to keep my family from
wtuit nnd the lust to wander being
still quick within me, I set oft to sen
once more, this time In the Adventure,
bound for Surnt.
On this voynge, after a great temp
est, we put Into a strange bay for wa
ter. Rambling on the shore, I boenme
separated from my companions and
fell Into the hnnds of some natives
of Brohdlngnng, colossal men, of
whom hardly ono was under sixty
English feet In height.
I wns here put on exhibition, nnd
my fnmo renchlng the ears of the king
nnd queen, they commnnded my pres
ence nt court; and thither I was
brought, In the chnrge of the daugh
ter of one of my captors, n little girl
named Glumdnlclltch, nine years of
age and smnll for her years, being not
above thirty feet In height.
In the train or their majesties I trnv
eled nil over the kingdom, which wns
six thousand miles In length by three
to five thousand In breadth. The cap
ital city was fifty-four miles In length
by forty-five In breadth, n wonderful
city where the king's pnlace was
seven miles around nnd the chief room
therein two hundred nnd forty feet
high, and brond nnd long In propor-'
tlon. The king's stnble was also n
goodly building, housing five hundred
horses, noble creajures of n height of
from fifty-four to sixty feet.
Of tho Lilliputians, I used to say
that they were people without a blem
ish In their persons, nnd the Brob
dlngnng'lans coarse beyond descrip
tion; but later reflection Induces me
to think that the Lilliputians had
blemishes proportlonnte to their size,
the same being too tiny for me to es
timate; and thnt possibly the Brob
dingnnglans appeared more vulgar
than they truly were, their colossal
proportions magnifying every defect.
In some mntters these large peoplo
were at least larger-minded. Thus, In
the matter of whether It was proper
to break an egg on the little or big
end which had almost split the Lilli
putian kingdom In twain as to that
matter the Brobdlngnnglnns would
hnve lost little sleep. I judge this
from a comment by the Brobdlngnn
glnn king on a political matter which
I spoke of In connection with my own
country Englnnd. "It Is tyrnnny,"
ho said, "for a government to requlro
those who held differing opinions to
chnnge or not to chnngo them."
Ills majesty was much Interested
to hear of England; whereat I relat
ed at length her history, which aston
ished him. Ho protested that It
seemed no more thnn u sequence of
conspiracies, murders, revolutions,
bnnlshmcnts, the worst effects thnt
avarice, faction, hypocrisy, hntretl,
lust, malice and nmbltlon could pro
duce. "What a pernicious race of
odious vermin to be allowed to crawl
upon the earth !" ho said ; which In
jurious Judgment of my noble nnd be
loved country pnlned mo exceedingly.
Now while I hnd become n favorite
of n great nation, It wns upon such a
footing ns III became tho dignity of
human kind. I wished to bo onco
more with peoplo of my own mind;
nlso I longed for n whiff .of thnt sea
which looked toward my own land. In
response to my entreaties, I was taken
to the sen coast, - My little nurse
Glumdnlclltch being 111, I wns put In
charge of a page; who left me alone
on the shore while he sought for birds'
eggs. While thus nlone, the traveling
cnblnet In which I lay was seized by u
great bird who took It far out to sea
and then let It drop, nlmost nt tho ex
act moment that an English ship hap
pened by to pick mo up. Thus was
I slngulnrly rescued nnd brought onco
more snfo to Englnnd.
I made other voyages nnd hnd div
ers adventures, n most singular ono
being that of my rescue from n desert
continent by tho people of nn Island
which flew In the air, tho same being
mndo to rise and fnll by menus of nn
Immense londstone. The people of the
flying Islnnd held themselves ns n su
perior race, for no grenter reason that
I could see than that they had ono
eye turned lnwnrd and one turned up
ward. A later voyage took mo to the coun
try of the Yahoos and the Ilouy
hnhnms. The Yahoos, being servile
attendants to the Houyhnhnms, were
of disgusting hnblts, and so much
resembled humnii beings thnt tho
wiso and virtuous Houyhnhnms
took me nlso for n Yahoo even to the
end of my stny with them, a Judg
ment which grieved mo much.
Tho Houyhnhnms, who had tho
forms of horses, hnd tho most sensible
laws of any creature that I ever lived
with. Their abhorrence of mnny of
our human habits was ho deep that
I came In time to havo n contempt for
my own species nnd wished that I,
too, were n Houyhnjinm and be nl
lowed to remain with them; but they
bnnlshed mo from their kingdom ih
ono who might set up for n leader of
the Yahoos and so Rometlmo glvo
them trouble. They allowed me to
build and provision a boat; and o I
pnddled off nnd In tlmo renched Eng
lnnd, where my wife and children
were very glad to see me.
CopyrlRht, 1919, by Pout Puhllnhlm; Co.
(Tho noston Post.) All rlKhts roserv-d.
(Published by special arrnntjernent with
the McClure Newspaper Syndicate All
rights reserved.)
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Asplrlu" Is genu
Ino Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physicians for over
twenty years. Accept only an unbroken
"Bayer package" which contains proper
directions to relievo Headache, Tooth
ache, Earache, Neuralgia, ltheumatlsm.
Colds and Pain. Hnndy tin boxes of 12
tablets coat few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin
Is trade mnrk Bayer Manufacture Mon
oncetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv.
Truthful Tim.
A country squire, riding In an un
frequented part of Kirkcudbright
shire, camo to tho edge of n mornss.
Observing a peasant lnd In the
vicinity, he hulled him and Inquired
whether tho bog was hard nt the bot
tom. "Ou aye, quite hard," responded
tho youth.
Tho squire passed on, but his hors
began to sink with alarming rapidi
ty. "You rascall" he shouted to his
mlslnformnnt. "Did you not say that
It wns hnrd at the bottom?"
"So it Is," rejoined the rogue, "but
ye're not hnlf wny to It yet."
"Got any property about hero?"
nsked tho tax collector nt tho farm
house door.
"Yes, I got a small lot," replied the
buxom woman, with tho gingham
apron, who answered the knock.
"Where Is It?" .
"About two miles down the road
from here."
"Is It Improved?"
"Well, 1 got n husband burled there,
but I can't say It Improves It any."
Stop the I'nln.
Tho hurt of a burn or a cut a. ops when
Colo's Carbollsnlvo Is applied. It heals
quickly without scars. 25c nnd 60c by
all ciruKRlstH. For free sampln wrlto The
J. W. Colo Co., Rock ford, Ul.-Adv.
The olive branch Is the emblem of
peace aud the orange blossom Is the
emblem of war.
Kill That Cold With
FOR t&fr AND
Colds, Cough. TOjviV La Grippo
Neglected Colds tiro Dangerous
Taka no chancaa. Keep this standard remedy bandy for tha flrst anaaxa.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours RelUvas
Qrlppa in 3 days Excellent forHaadacha
Quinine in this form does not affect the hoad Caacarj la bast Tonic
Laxative No Oplato in Hlll'n.
Y w -a ' .. A
? Kheumatism tomes
i? Tf n r
$ rrom liny rain vaerma x
This is why S.S.S., tho greatest
known blood purifier is so success
ful in tho treatment of Rheuma
tism. It is n powerful clennsor of
tho blood, nna will rcmovo the di
enso germs that causo your Rheu
matism, nffordiner relief thnt is
S.S.S. is sold by all druggists.
Free literature nnd medical advice
can bo had by writing to Chief.
Mcdicnl Adviser. 1G4 Swift Labora
tory, Atlanta, Ga.
First of all, get it firmly fixed in
your mind that nil tho liniments
in tho world havo no effect what
ever on Rheumatism.
A very common form of Rheu
matism ia caused by millions of
tiny discaso germs which infest tho
blond. Tho ono nnd only sensiblo
treatment, therefore, i3 ono which
cleanses th.6 blood of these germs,
and routs them entirely out of tho
Organization, Responsibility, Integrity In Other Words tho Reputation oi
Cattle Live Stock Commission, Sioux City Stock Yards Cattle
Sheep A Reliable Firm to Ship to Sheep
Accurate market reports Blmlljr furiilBhed free. Write us. Also ClilcnRO, III., Sioux Fulls, B. D.
Bad Form.
"What's this?" asked tho party
"A little propaganda to Influence the
woman's vote," said tho practical poll
tlclan. "Eh?"
"Wo are quietly passing tho word
around that It will be considered a so
cial solecism to bolt tho ticket."
"I hnve a sore hip."
"The one you curry tho flask on, 1
Looked for a Channe.
She I told you yesterday that I
would not marry you.
lie I know. That's why 1 ask you
iigalu today. You would not ho so
lacking In originality, 1 hope, as to
repeat todry what you said yesterday?
Many a mini with nn Itch for otllco
can't scratch up the necessary cam
paign funds. Boston Transcript.
A mun Is seldom '.resented with a
better cigar than 'n buys himself.
agw w r Ja?vwTi
'.J mmm
miiminnuiiniinninnmmirr Mini ti mm 11 n i iutttti m nn i i
iiiiinuiiHinmiHnmHniniiiii iiuiiniiumniii iimiiimi inimnimi miiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11 mimiiiiiiiiiiii
The Housewifes Burden
When a woman is almost distracted from overwork, her homo
is in disorder, crying children, and on top of all is suffering from
backache, bearing down pains, or some other form of feminine ills,
then she should remember that hundreds of women in just her con
dition have been restored to health and regained their youthful '
strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
not rest until she has given it a fair trial.
Proof that it Restored the Health of These Two Women
Cairo, 111. '' Some time ago I got so
bad with foinalo troublo that I thought
I would havo to bo operated on. I had
a bad displacement- My right Hido
would pain mo and I vra8 bo norvoiia I
could not hold a glass of water. Many
times I would have to stop my work
nnd sit down or I would fall on tho
floor in a faint. I consulted several
doctors and every ono told mo tho Bamo
but I kept fighting to koop from having
the ojiorntion. 1 had read ho many
times of Lydia E. Pinklmm'a VegoUiblo
ComjKiund and it helped my HlHter so
I began taking it. I havo novor folt
bettor than I havo nince then and
I keep house and am able to do all my
work. Tho Vegotablo Compound m
certainly ono grand medicine." M m. J.
It. Matthkwb, 8811 Sycamore Street.
Cairo, 111.
Chattanooga, Tenn. "I used Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound.
Iwforo my baby camo whon I could no
longer keep up. It strengthened my
batik and relieved mo of the ill effect
which so often develops at such times.
That was my ilrBt experience with tho
Vegotablo Compound. Years after
wards I took it during tho Change of
Lifo and got along so well I scarcely
ever had to lie down during tho day
and seldom had dizzy, fainting spolla.
I am now well and strong, can do all
my hoiiBOWork with perfect onso and it
to a comfort to mo to bo ablo to say to
other suffering women ' take Lydia E.
Pinkham's medicine and bo strong.'
I will lw glad to have you uao tny namo
if it will lw tho moans of helping any
one." Mrs. II. A. Fauiuurn. 000
Orchard Knob Ave.,Cbattanooga, Toun.
AiJing, Overworked Housewives Should Rely Upon
sT"zyy,lJWiJlJvJft'J-rJIVJTU.i : 1IUH IMJ'lMI JUL 11
-"TyVi n i MJW