Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, October 14, 1920, Image 5

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    Dakota County Herald: Dakota City, Nobrasku
if 111111111 i 9Ky "tb I .
ft fe n B' Af - --
tSJML .,? "IssCi v n-rf"Tr-n. "r- v RpmSA ,&s3
The newspaper holds much Interest for Senator Harding these days. In
the few moments of leisure that are left to him, the Senator, a newspaper
editor and publisher himself, reads his newspapers carefully.
College Hits Champion Con
The Nebraska college of agriculture
i:. setting ii new record with a seven
v ear-old Holstein cow. In 283 days
the has produced 24,881. J pounds nl
milk and 1,101 pounds of butter,
''th 82 days remaining in her jear
'he is still giving more than 70
pounds of milk daily. This cow will
dv far exceed any state record and
'.he probably will be exceeded by not
more than half a dozen cows in the
Holstein breed. The college pro
duced the world's champion three-vcar-old
Holstein cow, with 18,573.4
pounds of milk and 775.55 pounds of
Mitter in a year. At six years of
i :Te this cow produced 19,101.7 pounds
of milk and 831 pounds of butter in
a year. Six of her male calves sold
lor $2,900.
A good barn, 22x36 ft. with 12 ft.
posts, shingle roof. Inquire of U.K.
Greer at lumber yard, Dnkotn City.
i):t kola Cilj, Xcliraska
"Cold fa tlie Head"
Is an acute attack of Nnsal Catarrh. Per
sons who mo subject to frequent "colaa
In the head" will find that the use of
build up tho System, cleanse the Bipod
and render them loss liable to colds.
ItepeateJ attacks of Acuto Catairh may
lead to Chronic Catarrh
en Internally and acts throiiRh the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of the System.
All Druuri?lst3 75c. Testimonials free.
?100.oo for anv case of catarrh that
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
UILLWOI'.K and central bunding material at
bu oompleu lift or w hat jou Df ed aod bave our estlmav,
hw uluri mall W snip quick and pay h IrullhC.
l.-,20 1MVI) STKKlvT OMAHA, NK1J.
i ,oa. Don't rra consider hiiTlni nmu touutsej
AVIumi j o wiini your Ford
I'roiM'i'ly Ut'imircd with (Jouu
inc. Ford l'iirts, by (jciniiint
Ford 3!cc!iiiiiit'.s, in lie if to
1lit Ford Hospital.
II 031 Hit JIOTOIt CO.
1ll ou w bal anil Imw in H mi r OrA 'i-y'S
urMBciabie and i t irimi u A -scfJi l
un Imil'ii 1 II llua .i.tiid I 1U
lUWl'iauLiu t(avvii'l'i ' "U
I tHiw loc- mr one rnckaire irji";
l rath ut Giant l'annjr uml Pll1.l,(
11(1.1 tH (.! tin. I UUI , .(I .llllk- mm
27! K Cltitln.d e Cj Hon, Uluo.
I) II. S. .1. I) A I Ii
Itcidcnl Dcnli.sl
11 1 0AK fil
II 0 M K R. N li IJ K.
OMAHA'S fan , ??, .. visit
Extiilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville
UlitAlaiii Filled i'.hrrllrCW.r.( Clc. Qsrcisat
tdulpiit. Cill'liot !cr.ic tin.Mfit
Cvarybody Coo: Ask Anybody
tutu ittE U'Wtsi Aiii u:wt:,i urn cf cHictc
Patrick Joijcs of HuMinrd was liore
on husinos Monday.
John Uoacom wiw down from Jack
son Saturday and mack the Herald a
pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Iiasmussen ha'c
moved from Sinter Mo., to Morning
side, Sioux City.
Mrs. Gross of Inilc, I'licience, Iowa,
is here on a visit in the home cf her
sister, Mrs. R. V. Bardwell.
A new double corncril) is huing
ImilL by the Kavmors Grain it Supply
Co., at their location near the depot.
Fred Nelsen and Chas. Varvais, of
Hubbard precinct, were amoiiff the
business callers in town tho past
GraiU Holbrook nnd family have
moved into the Mrs. Eva Orr house
recently vacated by Knunett llileman
and family.
There will be a special meeting of
the MuMnic lodge this (Thursday)
evening, for work in the Entered Ap
prentice degree.
Miss Emma Kroger and Miss Mil
dred Rogers, teachers in the Dakota
City Fchnols, hent the week-end at
their homes in Lyons.
John Hileinan, in charge of one of
the county load grading outfits, has
been worHng on the South Sioux
City streets for the past two weeks.
An insane man giving tho name of
Wikox, vni apprehended at Hubbard
1 t.-t week ind delivered to the Iowa
. ulliMiitio-i, from whom ho had es
eaped. -!'. anil Mrs. Win. Taekaborry of
Siouv City, visited their daughter,
Mi- Will If. Orr, nnd family here on
iiieMlay, being en route home from a
motor trip to Kansas, where they had
been for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred l'arker of South
Sioux City, returned last Thursday
from a six weeks' visit at Alliance,
Jel., with relatives. They made the
trip by auto, nnd report tho crops
f.ne all along the route.
Ernest Harrigfeld, of Emerson, age
'i 1 yenri, died in a Sioux City hospi
tal Tuesday from injuries received
Sunday when attacked uy an infuri
ated cow. The body was "taken to his
home at Emerson for burial.
Miss Loraine Houcher of South
Sioux City, carried oir seven first
premiums on eight pictures entered
at the Interstate fair, and first on
her collection in the juvenile depart
ment. The pictures were done in
water colors, oils and pastel.
Will II. Orr and Airre.d Seymour
drove to Vermillion, S. )., Tuesday
night to see their cousin, Frank Orr,
who is suffering iorm a case of an
thrux. They found him getting
along nicely, having about recovered
fioin the effects of the disease. He
is now able to be up and j.rcund.
County Judge S. W. McKinlcy offi
ciated at the following weddings the
past week: Wm. II. Anderson and
Zulu Porter, both of Sioux City, on
the 5th; Gerald A. Dolap nnd Verna
B. Lukecart. both of Sioux Cit.v. nn
! the 8th; John F. Running and Ruth
fllatuscheski, both of Moville, iowa.
on the 11th.
I A large gathering from all parts of
! the county attended the annual Sun
day School convention held in tho
j Friends church in Pigeon Creek pre
Icinct Saturday and Sunday. F. P.
Culburlbon wns chosen president of
I the association; Rert Ronton, vice
, president, and Miss Gladys Armbright
Walter Sandquist of Walthill, re
publican candidate for re-election as
representative for this district, tar
ried in Dakota City a short time last
Thursday, and met a number of old
friends while here. Mr. Sandquist
was a credit to the district in the
last session of legislature, and is en
titled to a re-election.
Mr. Orin Wakefield, osn of Mr.,.
Mary Hoskins Wakefield, or Los An
geles, formerly of Sioux City, will lie
married at 2 o'clock on October lGth
to Miss Sarah Ilerrick, of Wator
bury, Neb. The ceremony vjl lie
performed at Long Reach, Cal., at
tho homo of tho bride's grnndinother,
Mrc. George Ilerrick. Tho bride, a
former Mornlngside college btudont,
and student at University of Nebras
ka, is tho daughter of Mr. and Mis.
G. A. Ilerrick of Wnterbury. The
groom, u former Sioux City man, i
nianagor of tho bookbinding depart
ment of the Los Angeles Times. The
couplo will reiido in Loa Angela.
Attorney Geo. A. Rlivcn of Sioux
City, transacted business here on
, Wednesday.
I Mrs. Leo llnllisoy nnd Imby daur.h-
icv of South Sioux were Sundfly visitor-
in the S. A. Stinjon home.
V il. Rerger wound up his thresh
it . ,': . n Ticsdny, when he
cleaned up Aladious Lonnier"; wheat
ci op.
With 01)1.000 federal office holders
Ill llli; Uillir Jktiii;o, 1 i. ..j
der that it costs billions to inn the
Geo. Wllkins, deputy revenue col
lector, is hero from Emerson this
;., .1... TT..14...1 Ct., ia it ...iv lltrm.
week, trnncsrioing he coed records
tn the clerk's office.
...... .?... ...'.
or Nebraska Tor l'Jia, has transmitted
round A lady s dark blue coal, on nml finished a report anil order to
road between Dakota City and Soutn ti,js Hoard and the anme is ordered
Sioux City. Owner can have same recorded and is recorded in the min-
' ' pnyiiiR for this notice. I ut,.s of this proceeding on this day,
Mrs. Anna Davis, grnn-.l matron of to-wit:
the Eastern Star in Nebraska, will' lo the Honr-rable Roard of County
be here Friday, October 2!)th. to hold Commissioners or Dakota Lounty.Ne
a i-chool of instruction in the local hmska: We, the re-districting com
chapter. i iittoo oT Dakota County, Nebraska,
i are herewith transmitting, on this
Lost A brown suit case, between : txo nQih dav or April, 11)20, to you a
the Elmer Rerger nnd t red Kipper ,nnp ami f;ni rc,)ort attached hereto
places on Meridian road; contains) t0 .)c ieCortlecl in the minutes of tiur
ciotuing and telephone L.o. reports,
F. II. Forest.
Preaching services will be held in
the Lutheran church here next Sun
day, the 17th, in the morning nt 11,
nnd in the evening at ":;).' o'clock, by
Rev. E. Lee Flocic, of" Lincoln, Neb.
The Sioux City Tribune is author
ity for the statement that it costs
$10,000 a month to (try) to keep
peace in Sioux City. Better i
ize a League of Nations, and gie it
a try-out at home.
Wallace Cadwallader, of inside,
Nob., and the Misses Nora and Lillie
Sunday visitors here in the home of ,
Mr1VanWall!Uk'rS Sl8t0r' " K
Waddell - I
rtirs. wnecier uougniry weni in
Omaha Sunday and entered n hospital j
there for an operation, which was
performe.' on Monday. Mr. Cough
try went o Oinnhii AVednesdr-y to be'
with her for a few d".ys. j
When Tony Ferrantino and his
son, Vincent Ferrantino, opened up a
distillery at their nlace on Walker's
Island, a Tew miles west oT South
Sioux City, on the farm known as the
John Winebrenner place, they reckon-!
ed without their host, and brought
the wrath of Sheriff Geo. Cain upon
their heads. They are now facing a
trial before the U. S. courts. Their
place was raided last Friday by the
sheriff and his deputies, who found
two "stills" in operation, and several
barrels of home-made wine ready for
.I!-. ..;. ... .. 11 .. n- 1
distribution. Eleven barrels ofVmash
were also found, ready to be put
through the distilling process. The
wine barrels, stills, and a couple of
gallons of liquor that came from the
stills while the officers were making
the raid, were loaded into a truck.
and with the prisoners, were brought
to Dakota Citv. Tony Ferrantino
was charged with the illegal pos.yq:-
siort of lfquoi nnd gave bonds' for
his appearance befj.e County Judge
MeKinley on the 25th. Vincent For-
rantiun pleaded guilty to lnanufac-
luring liquor and was given the limit,
a fine of $100 and costs. Roth men
were then taken over by a fodernl of-
licer who appeared on the scene, and
were taken before U. S. Commissioner
Waldo Whitcomb of Winnebago, and
placed under bonds of $750 to appear
for trial in tho fodernl court at Oma
ha. The elder Feirantion gave bonds
for his appearance, but the son' had
boon unable to obtain bonds nt the
time of going to press.
J. Irwin Long, Superintendent
Miss Pctrashek, teacher of the 3th
and Gth grade work, who lias lieon
out of school for the past weok with
a sprained ankle, has resumed her
work again. Aliss Marie Riermann
substituted for her.
Mr. S. X. Cross, superintendent of
the Wayne Normal, paid our school
a visit this week.
Miss Emma Kroger, Miss Mildred
G. Rogers and J. Irwin Long attend
ed, last Saturday, the Northeast Ne
braska Teachers' association meeting
held at Emerson. The speakers be
sides the superintendent and teachers
ol the section, were Dean Russell
from the university of Iowa and A.
A. Reid of the university of Nebrns
ka. The meeting was very instruct
ive and is an inspiration for bottoi
Henry Krumwiede left Friday no m
for Lincoln, where he was the guest
or Prof. Simpson. While in Lincoln
Henry witnessed a football game be
tween the University of Nebraska
and thp University or Colorado.
The football squad of the high
school are to moot the Hubbard
eleven this coming Wedncsdny at
3:30 o'clock on the Dakota City field.
Now, Citizens, Parents and Friends,
come out nnd help tho boys, they
need your help for encouragement n.i
well as your financial aid.
Tin. 1.1..D i ii i
The boys have y.on all games piny-
i l.tc o..nc.n.. dt .i t. '
nn,1 i,l.Knn Ncwc,,at,e- ,,0c'1
rririu i. not.. 1 1. ..i i i ... . ..in i 7i
EmcUm girls! "'
In the evening there will be
basket social
Benefits for the foot-
ball team.
Come, girls and bring a bo.
sure the boys will bu hungry
tho football gume.
I u:,
rou saw:
'A serviceable Farm True!.. Cuunc
ity 1,4 Tofig. Buyer bets tho price,
Dakota City, Neb.l
Tiw. i..rQ ,, i kt . .i ii 1 1 "' Nebraska was a losing gnme in
l'riir(iP.r.nfM i,,Br ' gathered on the feeding of more
r!i?..rU'?.rM. .',mI.,nt otn City. w,,ltorH (f ,!)18.,y am, lon).20i vVhllu
vuiuu nui nun buu nie game oi me
Official Proceedings of the
Hoard of Commissioners
Dakota City, Nebraska
October B, 1920
Tito board of county commissioners
met in regular session with the
following men lu-r piescnt .lohn
Keller, chairman; 0. V. Fisher and
William 11. Rockwell, commissioners;
George V. Learner, county attorney,
ami Geo. J. Boucher, deputy em.ity
At which time the following busi
ness was transacted, to-wit
The committee for re-distiicting Ml
...... .... .,
scnooi uisiricia wiiiunine county nn
provided by Chapter 2-1.1 of the Laws
proceedings as is required hv law."
Re-districting Committee.
The following claims were allowed
un the v.iiious fumU ii wniants
i'i-dfictl wi.ilen fo i si.nie:
On llond Di.igitini; l'liuil
August Reher, labor, $11.2i).
Philip Sorcnsen, labor, S110.
M. Woerner, labor, 80.75.
On CoinniNvloncr District No. 2
Philip Sorensen, labor, $1192.75.
() ( ,l,,llll,ssi;il-,1. nUlric't No. :i
C. O. Fitch, labor, 01
H. H. Stolze, labor.
1)lU j,idkr ,.,
IlllHTllllllf.. I'llll
Kennelly, 1
T 10.50.
labor, $180.
J. M. Kennelly, labor, $193.:t3.
C. M. Londergan, labor, $-15.
James Ryan, lnbor, $73.
Bryan Knudsen, lnbor, $07.15.
John P. Carpenter, labor, $31.
Louis Pedersen, labor, $90.05.
Victor Harris, labor, $71.25.
Joe M. Leedom, lnbor, $112.50.
On Comity General Fund
' Florence Nixon, damages Tor road,
claim, $100; allowed $75.
Will Critz, lease of road, 1920-1921,
i Geo. Larson, lease of road, $25.
Louie Larson, lease of road, $25.
fil. 1J. Jones, surveying, ijoii.
W. E. Voss, 1st quarter, $'.189.82.
W. E. Voss, 2nd quarter, $380.77.
Carrie C. Hansen, work in superin-
tendent s oliice, $1M.0:J
AT I It !. r
Milburn-Scott Co., supplies, $19.3-1.
liilburn-bcott Co., supplies, $10.57.
Mrtburn-Scott Co., supplies, $10.90.
Allan Willinms, trip to Norfolk,
Stephen Hansen, 8 coyote scalps,
l;red Sehriever, supplies, $5.75.
Kottlcr ii Probst, supplies, $15.
A. I. Davis, assessor, $300.05.
John, II. Ream, vital statistics,
Tubniary, $2.08.
''ln H. Ream, punting and sup
plies, $99.10.
Sioux City Stationery Co., bid. nice,
0. F. Rroyhill, May account ren-
cioreu, .viu.u:j.
S. A. Stinson, supplies, $-15.38.
Geo. C. Blessing, redisricting
bonrd, $58.03.
Geo. C. Blessing, redisricting
bonrd, $99.
S. A. Stinson, supplies, $37.71.
Louis Rockwell, 330 posts, $70.72.
On Itridge Fund
Hans Ronnicksen, labor, 1919, $1-13.-23.
linns Bonnicksen, labor, 1920,511.81
M. T. Beacom, labor, $78.18.
Daniel Hnrtnetl, lnbor, $100.58.
Peter Andersen, labor, 1919, $HMG.
E. Fletcher, labor, $1.11.
James Green, labor, $11.89.
J. M. Kennelly, labor, 1919, $5.00.
D. C. Hefrornnn, supplies, $11.11.
Mat Simmons, lnbor, $1.11.
Ilennnn Simmons, lnbor, $1.11.
Wm. P. Kuhl, lnbor, $31.71.
Wm. P. Kuhl, labor, $123.37.
Louis Deroin, labor, $3.10.
Louis Bartels, labor, $10.38.
E. &. B. Lbr. Co., posts and plunk,
E. it B. Lbr. Co., posts nnd nails,
12. it B. Lbr. Co., posts and supplies,
George Johnson, labor, $0.32.
12. it B. Lbr. Co., account rendered,
1 ' Slate lllglmiij I'unil
F. M. Beardshear, patrolman. SI 20.
W. L.'Broyhill, commissioner, 5120.
F. M. Behrdshenr, expense, $1.90.
Fred Norris, labor, $2.00.
Frank Brovhill, supplies, $30.80.
Capital Oil Co., supplies, $59.99.
Standard Oil Co., supplies, '$31.90.
W. H. Rerger. livery, $17.50.
Homer Lumber
Roard ndjourned
Ui., supplies,
to meet October
Jl, 1920.
Deputy County Clerk.
Cal Me Orders l.osl .llonoj
Cost-production figures gathered
'v " siaio college oi agriculture
nn(1 ,,. ..., j., cienfrrtll1on. of
"ml l,lu uniieii amies uepariineni oi
agriculture show that cattle feeding
n few feeders miido money it was the
")L '" nmy oi tiiein to (iso rattier
,,L'nvil'' w,"u 'f ll-"' 'PPlnB $
or more a head, while the entire
" 0,000 head on the average lost mon
ey. It cost from 20 to 35 cents a
pound to add weight to steers during
the winter of 1918-19 nnd from 15
to 35 cents a pound the following
winter. Unless the cattle were pur
chased very low they naturally lost
their owners money nt such cost of
gnlng. Figures on cattle feeding
aro being guthered over a period of
five years In Nebraska and other
cornbolt stntes.
Specials for Saturday, Oct. 16
0 pkgs. Linowhtte Washing Tablets, for 2"ic
Formerly sold at KM per pnekngo
One can of Kraut, Corn, Pons or Tomatoes,.,.. 15c per ran
S Cans ror SI. 00
2 packages ol Wheat of Corn for 3"ie
One pound or Lima Beans, New, ror "c
One pound ofCtrele Blond Coffee, for 10c
One can ,ylb. Red Salmon, for , 2ilc
One pound can Stinson's l'rido Raking Powder 20c
Three pounds of Sweet Spud., for -Vc
5c per yard reduction on all piece goods
Fresh Fruit uml Vegetables of all Kinds
for Saturday's Trade
Dakota City,
Flynn Commission Company
Olfice Phones
Auto. 9239 Roll. 3G1
F. Hughes
& Co.
Lumber, Building Ma
terial. Hardware, Coal
We have now been in Dakota City in tho
Lumber, Hardware and Coal business, a little
over three years. Our aim has been to pleaso our
customers, to treat every one right and alike; and
to give satisfaction as nearly as possible in all sales.
We still carry the best Lumber, Building Material,
Hardware, Paints, Creases, Oils, and nearly every
thing in our line. Wo thank each, and all Patrons
for their past patronage, and will givo you tho samo
courteous service in tho future.
II. It. GltiOEK, Manager.
Abstracts of Title I
m A $10,000 Surety Bond Guai'anteea tho Accuracy f
Iff every Abstract I mako
,f. ,!. EIMIJKS, bonded Abstractor.
Successor to tho Dakota County Abstract Company
Residence Phono
Auto 88282
Room 301 Exchange Bldg.
Stock Yards
Writo US Wire US Phone js
If you want mark it Information.
Ship Us For tho High price and
good fill.
2 i.
Dakota City, Nob.