Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, September 30, 1920, Image 2

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8v:IU Ventjeance Follows Attacks o
BlueoatB Civilian Homes En
tered and Two Assassinated.
Belfast. Fiorco fighting uroko out
In north Belfast, the scene of clashes
and assassinations u few hours earlier.
First reports from tho hospitals were
that fivo gunshot cases and many oth
er injuries wore being treated.
The Kails district of Belfast was
soothing with excitement as n result
of tho murder of a policeman, the
wounding of two others, and tho swift
vongennco enacted. In tho killing of
of three civilians who wore shot down
In rapid succession by bands of mon
who vlBltcd their homes. The affair
bad Its beginning as Constables Leon
ard if.d Carroll wuro patrollng tho
Falls road. When passing ,a public
houso they hoard footstops behind
them. Swinging around, they woro con declined to tako steps toward torml
fronted by two mon armed with rovol-. uution of cortaln commorcial treaties
vers who ordered hands up. j as directed by congress in tho nior-
Simultaneously fire was oponod j chant marine act, holding that "such
upon tho officers and Leonard foil a courso would bo wholly Irreconclla
dead with a bullot in his breast. Four i,i0 with tho historical rospoct which
shots, woro directed at his companion tho United States has shown for Its
Three of thorn missed, thp fourth lodg ( International engagements."
Ing In tho thigh. Apparently think Formal announcomont 'of tho prcsl
lng both mon dead, tho assassins left dent's decision was mado at tho stato
Atibout thu satno time Constable , dopartmont. Tho merchant marine
Farroll and Kearln were fired upon act as approved by tho presldont on
a'bout a mllo from tho scono of the the closing day of the last session of
other attack. Tho assailants sprang congress directed tho oxocutlvo with-
upon tno policemen unoxpocicuiy
Farrcll was shot in tho arm, Koarh
was knocked down nnd several shot
woro fired at lilfn whllo ho was on
tho ground. Somo of tho bulloU
passed through' his capo without can government to Imposo discrlmlna
touching his body, and ho was nol i tory chargos on shipping in foreign
wounded. Farrcll was taken to a hos bottoms. ,
pltal, j Tlie presldont, In declining to com-
Tho reprisals came swiftly. Shortly ply with tho directions of tho act,
nftor a. m. three civilians, Edward thc stato department's announcomont
Trodzen, John McFnddon and John said, alBo hold that congress oxcoed
Galnor. who lived neat tho scene oi ed its authority in giving such dlroc-
tho attacWs, woro slnln tn thoir homos
Fo.lr mon took part in tho shootlm
of Trodzen, who was a barber. After
knocking at tho door thoy fired n shot
through tho barber shop window
Troilzon's son opdnod tho door and the
men, wearing masks, rushed upstairs
Thoy draggod Trodzen to tho yard
nnd fired soveral shots at him, plerc
9 Ing his skull. Othor occupants of till'
,nouso woro noi moiesiuu
Tho pcono of tho second shooting wua HU'U " uvu "U1"- wou"1 """".
was 100 yards from tho Springfield nothing less than a broach or vlo--.i
i i,u . Mw.i.in mwmmi iiir hitlon of said troatlcs which cover
door whon thVeo men knocked. Sev
oral shots woro discharged at hlpt "'1
ho foil dead.
Galnor's mollior answored tho tap
ping on thp door. Tho mon rushed tc
a room nt tho top of tho houso, whore
thuy found thoir4 victim partly dressed
Thoy fired threo shots Into his body,
killing him.
Fow.pollco woro seen on he streots
but armored cars woro patrollng the
Falls section and n largo body of mill
tory wns on duty.,
Tho military authorities have docld
od to rostoro tho curfew law.
Must Market Commodities.
, Washington, D. 0. Tno government
cannot bo a party to any undortakliiR
for artificially maintaining "war
prices" by onubllngf owners Jo with
hold their commodities from tho mar
'kots, Secretary Houston said In a
' utatomont orf tho commercial credit
situation. On the otlQf hand, hp, sec
rotary doclaros Id favor of the ordorly
marketing of all commodities and os
timatoiT that tho tommorclal loans oi
nil bankH during tho past year In
creased by about $3,000,000,000 to meet
tho demands of Industry and agrlcul
Ellhi Root Returns.
New York.- -Ellhu Uoot, who left the
Unltod StnUs about threo months age
to aid In Oio establish ment of a pur
manont c-surt of Justice at Tho Hague
couforune, roturned, accompanied by
Mrs. HovL "The nature of my mission
abroad ' Mr. Uoot said, "prohibited
mo fnvn innklng nny speoches or gi
Ing ary interviews In Europe, and t i
rule itlll applies." Mr. Hoot would not
soy If ho would ftako any active part In
th' presidential campaign.
Bandits Slain by Posse.
Ileglna, Saskv Two of tho four ban
'dits who hold up and robbed employes
of tho Red Door Lumber company at
Ilnrrows Junction Soptombor 18, wero
sho't to death In a hay stack near
Prlndo Albert during a battle with a
posso. Thu othor two wero captured
' i Explosion Wrecks Power House.
Scotts Bluff, Nob. Sovuml towns In
tho North Plattn valley. - Including
Scotts Bluff, Mlnnturo, Melbeta and
Goring, aro " without electric light or
powor ns a result of an nxplosloh In
Uio powor houso of tho Intermountaliv
Light and Powor company bore. Onu
man was killed In tho oxploslon.
Author Franco to Wed.
ParU. Anatolo ' aftco. .tho author,
Is tci bo married aiun'to Mllo. Emma
la Provotto. uceordlng to an announce
wont Ir. IOeuvA).
.!ir $m,
wwu law TT
1 llv. k&krvVuass 2IL
President Questions Right of Congress
to Impose Terms Which Practi
cally Nullify Treaties.
Washington ProBldont Wilson haB
in ninety uays to give noiico to ior
olgn nntlons of tho intentions of tho
United States to terminate any sec
tions of existing commorcial treaties
which restrict tho right of tho Amcrl-
tlons. Secretary Colby is quoted as
supporting tho president on this point,
citing as a precedent the action of
President Hayos n 1878 In refusing
tho do inuti(l of congross that a troaty
with China bo abrogated. Tho powor
of modifying troatios, President Hayes
said, Is not lodged by tho constitution
In congress. ,
Termination of tho tjilrty-two trea
ties affected by tho act, tho president
- f .1 A 1 1. 1 .1 tt f.1 .. t.
every point of contract and mutual
dopondoncy which constitute tho moti
on! relations botweon frlondly stntcs."
Tho announcement said that "to
havo vetoed the act would havo sacri
ficed tho groat uumbar of sound nnd
enlightened provisions which it un
doubtedly contains."
Premier Picked by Mlllerand.
Pnrls. Georgos Loy,gues, minister
of ninrlno In tho 3lomonccau cabinet,
has accepted a call to tho first pre
miership under Prosldont Mlllornnd's
administration. He will llkowlso act
nn foreign minister. It Is undorstood
tho other ministers of tho Mlllerand
cabinet will retain thoir posts.
Slash Lumber Prices.
Toledo, O. Lumjior prlcos foil horo
whon a cooporatlvo ready-cut houso
company announced a 20 por cent re
duction tn rotulMumbor prlcos. Com
pany officials .admitted that Henry
Ford's action on thn prlcos of auto
mobiles Instigated, tho docroaso In
lumber prlcos.
Iowa Miners Work Full Capacity.
Dda Moines, la. Iowa coal minors
are now working at full capacity, and
tho danger of an outlaw strlko Is at
an end, according to Georgo Henps,
Jr., secretary of tho Iowa coal opera
tors' association, and John L.- Lowls,
International prqsldont of tho United
Mlnp Workers.
Newspaper Man Regains 3lght.
Omaha, Neb Henry Alton Brain
erd, of Lincoln, votornn NebraskaN
newspaper man, practically blind for
two years, has regained his sight by
a surgical operation here. In 1911 the
Nebraska Press association honored
him by naming him prosldont of tho
Wool Prices Drop.
Cloveland, O. A price reduction of
Hi to 30 por cent In wools wns aij
nounced by officials of the Cloveland
Worsted. MIIIb company. Goorgo II.
Hodgson, vico prosldont ot thp- com
pany, In announcing tho reduction said
tho lower cost of raw material was tho
Steady "ilct Cuts Predicted.
Chicago. A slow but steady do.
croiiBo In retail prices and a 10 to
20 per cent slush In tho consuniflr's
price o.i men's clothing, with n grad
ual general return to normal prices
was predicted by a loading depart
ment storo and clothing uiauufncluror.
tnimedluto reductions in retail prices
m mon's clothing, following the cuts
n raw materials announaed this week,
ira not to bs oxpoctud. the manufac
turers said, because .tho materials In
ho present fall and winter sulta, were
jurcliasud last spring.
Dewltt and Orr Who Were Permittee
tO Retain Their Places, -
Tender Resignations.
Albany, N. Y. Tho assembly of thi
Now York stato legislature by, a vote
of 90 to 15 in each case expelled threi
of tho fivo socialist members Louit
Waldman and August Claessons, oi
New York, and Charles Solomon, o'
Kings county and voted, 87 to 48. ti
permit Samuol A. Dewltt and Samuo
Orr, socialist membors from tho Bronx
to retain their seats
Tho two lasi
named, however, after a vote to rein
stato Waldman had been lost, 81 to 62
took tho floor in turn and verbally ten
derud thoir resignations.
Tho proceedings wcro not unlik(
thoso thdt occupied virtually all oi
March 31 and Into tho early mornlnt
of April 1, at tho last session, whoi
all fivo' woro barred from their seats
oxcopt thnt tho dramatic situation
and excitement that attended tho firs
oustor wero lacking.
Tho resolution calling for tho ox
pulsion of tho fivo spclallsts waB in
troduced by Col. It. H. Gillett, ropub
llcan, Columbia county, and tho Ju
dietary commttteo, to which It was n
forrod, reported tho resolution bad
;o mo nouse ior consiueruuon wuuu
recommendations. A move on tho par
of soveral assemblymen resulted ir
Assomblyman Cuvillicr, democrat, o'
Now York, presenting threo amend ,
monts which provided for tho unseat
ing of Waldman, Claessons and Solo
mon. Lator, Assombly,man Wells, ro
publican, of Kings, offered two addi
tlonal amendment to provjdo for the
unseating of Orr and Dewitt.
Tho debate was inaugurated by As
Bomblyman Cuvllllor. Col. Gillett with
drew his original resolution so thai
tho aBSombly might vote finally on
tho fivo amendments separately. ;
Police Wreck Irish Town.
Dublin. Auxiliary polico forcei
wrocked tho' town of Balbrlggan. ncai
horo, in retaliation for the,sliootlng
of two polico officers thore during the
ovonlng. Two civilians woro shot doac
and soveral persons wounded. Mnnj
houseB woro sot on flro and tho largest
hoslory factory ln Ireland, belonging
to nn English firm, was dostroy.ed
This manufacturing town was ln ter-
ror and streams of rsfugoes of al'
sorts of vehicles wcro abandoning tin
place for neighboring villages.
Says MacSwIney Is Shamming
London Highly sensation
chargos, amounting practically to tin
bald statement that Lord Mayor Mac
Swlnoy, of Cork, is shamming In hii
huncor strlko ln Brixton jail, wen
mado by tho Evonlng News, whicl
claims to havo Its Information
a trustworthy source"
Washington Strike Threatened.
Soattlo, Wash. -Orders calling upoi
nearly 3,000 coal minors in tho stnU ,
of Washington to strlko have boor
sont out and notice of tho strike hat j
beon served on oporators, according tc j
announcomont by Hon l-orryinoiid. act
. . .- i.i
lug president of district No. 10. United
Mine Workers.
nic Dri rut. hU PorH I sprung at Ulantyre. eight miles south-
.troSNK-iMbiSLnt J;rvf ?rT' Stta rt:
,o-war prices on all products of the ' J Westminster Oazotto Hon, Ham
....... ,',. ffnv.v ....,, '-tton, Scotland.
T'llll iUWlUI l.UiJIfilIJ f Vuvhiu nitiwu
diatoly, was announced by Honrj
Ford. Tho prlco reductions range
froiunpproxlmately 11 por cent on mo
tor trucks to 31 per cbnt on small au
Donb Exploded In Madrid.
Madrid A dynamlto bomb explod
ed m front of tho Friends club ln Tal
avtra, a suburb of this city, doing n
little damage, but Inflicting no ens
ualtlf s, Tho jollco havo found a num
ber of dynamlto cartridges and a'.ao n
detonator. One arrest, has been made.
Hazed Student Paralyzed.
Emporln, Kan. Andy McCoy, of
Wichita, Kan., a freshman in the Col-
lego of Emporia, hero, is paralyzet be -
low tho waist as a rosult, It was aald,
of hazing by upper clusamon. He wn.
struck with a laddie.
All Italy Celebrates.
Homo. All Italy Joined In tho eolo-
bratlon ot tho fiftieth anniversary of
tho proclamation ot Homo tis tho cap
itnV of Unltod Italy. Tho exercises
for tho most part took tho form of
J gala procossion
Secretary Declares Government's Re
latlons with Island Should Not
Be Misrepresented.
Washington, I). C. Announcement
(nut tho "bonovolent purpose" of this
country's occupation of tho Island of
Hiiltl was "nearlng attainment," Sec
retary Colby declared In h statement
that the United States "hopes" to
withdraw and leave tho island's ad
ministration to tho "unaided efforlii of
M,o Haltlen pooplU when that purpose '
is been fully achieved." Tho rola
'ions of the United States with Haiti,
he secretary added, should not be
misrepresented even under the temp
ations that a political campaign pre
cnts to Irresponsible utterance and
onsolous unveraclty,"
While not replying directly to re
cent charge by Senator Harding that I
thn iiilmlnlntrntlnn wnn rntiilnntlnii .
the administration was conducting
'unconstitutional warfare" against
Haiti and San Domingo, Secretary
Colby defended American occupation
of those countries as being guided by
'no thought except to help" their
Senator Harding's attack on tho ad
ministration's redord in Haiti was
tnnrln In pnnnnptlnn wlMi n nrlMnlHlll nf
- qntnmnnla In rnimr, In thn Ih.
land by Franklin D. Roosevelt, demo
cratic vico presidential nominee.
Earlier In the day It was learned
that tho state department had in
formed O. Baran, Haiten minister of
foreign affairs, that d& salaries of
tho president nnd other high officials
of tho Haitlcn government which
have- been withheld since last Juno
would bo so withheld until tl'o native
government ceased to interposo obsta
cles to tho carrying .out of certain pro
visions of tho treaty entered into at
ho UmQ of tn(g co,mtrys occupation
of the island. Tho American govern
ment informed tho Haitlcn minister
of foreign affairs that it could expect
no relief from this action until tho
llnitien government adopted a less
antagonistic. attitude toward tho Amer
can authorities.
Protost against American interven
Ion in San Domingo was mado in a
simultaneous statement by Julio M.
Cestero, representing the Dominican
junta in tho United States. Referring
o the recont declaration by Senator
Harding and Secretary of tho Navy
Daniols, Cestero declared the citizens
of tho domlnlcan republic "have never
,0URht tll0 presont American interven-
U(m nml hayo nQver cease(1 to ask
,rnatnrnttnn n, tho,r frPp,inm nn(l
80Vere, lt .,
.,,, ,u
Spectacular Breaks In Wheat,
Chtcago. Wheat becamo tho main
target in an attack on high prices. An
exciting smash in tho market resulted
and final quotations wero 10 to 12
cents a bushel lower" than twenty-four
hours before. General selling of wheat
was provoked by the striking contrast
between tho recent upward tendency
of that cereal and tho downward
courso of other grain and of merchan-
diso values. The relative strongth of
wheat has been ascribed chiefly to I
urgent buying for export to Europe, I
but for tho first timo of late impor-
tant soiling on foreign account was j
noted here. .
Try to Wreck Newspaper.
Cass Lake, Minn. An attempt to
wreck tho Cass Lake Times building
was frustrated when a defective cap
on threo half-pound sticks of dyna-
mite placed against the main entrance
failed to discharge. The dynamlto was
discovered with tho fuse burned down
to the cap. Tho Times is a weekly
newspaper and Its owner can ascrlbo
no reason for the dynamiting attempt.
Coffee Consumption Slumps.
Washington, D. C Per capita esti
mates of tho amount of coffee con-
sinned last year in tho United States
announced by tho department oi com
merce, showed a docllno In compari
son with 1918, tho 1919 amount being
8.99 pounds, tho lowest of any year
except 8.(59 in 1900, compared with
10.20 pounds the provious year.
England Fears Soclet Outbreak.
London Extraordinary rumors aro
i " - ;" ;" . ". 7 . .....
4i itninntinii iiivfiiii'iiiiui i.:iiitii kmuii
i() lllo OIlCCl mill mo luiiuuia ui uiu
Scottish communist movement have
nlanned a sensational coup to be
Corn Below $1.
Kansas City. For tho first time
sinco the summer of 1917, corn fell
bolow $1 per bushol. Contracts for
Decombmor delivery dropped to 9976
cents soon after tho market opened,
Lake Strike Ended.
Sault Ste. Mario, Ont As n result
of acceptance by seamen of a flO j
month Increase, all boats which have
boon tied up hero for tho last few
flays are moving again.
Pollsh-Lltuanlan Dispute Settled.
Paris. Dramatically clasping hands
boforo councillors of tho Leaguo ot
' Nations, Ignaco Pndorowskl and A.
Valdemar accepted tho league's find
ings In tho Polish-Lithuanian dispute,
in which war was threatened. As tho
secretary comploted reading tho
league's proposals, Valdemar aroso
from his seat to accept them for
Llthunnln. In a brief speech ho com
plimented representatives .of the
countries irosont and paid a tribute
to the leaguo as tanking a proper
start ln Its first attempt
State Occurrences of Importance
Boiled to a Few Lines for
Quick Perusal.
A chapter of Junior Masons boys
of 1C to ill has been organized at
TtlTlltlfiu nf !.. T...1...., hII Cl...1 .. .
Kearney 'raised IS OfK l,,' , n-
tntoos this year, milled ut $22,500.
A so-called divine healer tin old
lady Is creating considerable excite
ment nt Froihont by her alleged mirac
ulous cures.
Six of the boys from the Lincoln lire
department recently made nn auto
rI fro" t,mt I''tu to
IortJ' - SOVCn mlllUteS. I
Beatrice in
, CJottllb Strlfflcr, 78 years old, cus
todian of Odd Fellow properties In
Omaha for 39 years, died last week at
his home In that city.
Thieves entered the LInstroni store
at Grosham by removing the grato on
the sidewalk and took about $2,000
worth of silks and coats.
At n public farm sale, conducted on
the C. A. Berg firrni near Blue Springs,
horses brought troni $100 to $200, and
cows Sold for ns high ns $100.
Frank Davis of Sterling has been
employed as malinger of the New
Farmers' Union mercantile store nt
Fllley, which opened for business n
few days ago.
Buehler Metcalfe of Omnha has been
appointed assistant to Attorney General
Palmer, with headquarters at Wash
ington. He was captain of the old
Sixth Nebraska regiment.
M. P. Leiler. former nsistnnt to the
superintendent of the city schools and
head of the department of measure
monts nlnl research, lias been 'elected
superintendent of tho Lincoln schols.
Mr. and Mrs. AVIllinni Stanley of
Nebraska City were seriously Injured
In an automobile accident near Hod
.Oak, In., when tho car In which they
were returning home went over a
twenty-foot embankment.
A comparison of statements issued
by Lincoln national banksat the close
of business on September' 8 and June
30 shows n decrease of total deposits
of .?50 1,205 and a decrease of $120,470
In total loans. The decrease in total
reserves amounts to $2:i!),035.
Sally Sylvester, 10S years old, and
the oldest person in Oniahn, Is dead.
In her girlhood she was the slave of
James Peary, Virginia plantation own
er. In ISfiS she was sold to another
master, from whom she ran away nt
St. Joseph, Mo., In 1S00.
Farmers around Fnlrbury report
grasshoppers are rapidly eating the
new wheat, which Is Just coming up, in
that section. The hoppers will take
from one to three rods around the
edges of n field In u week, leaving It
Exhibits In all departments of the
York county fair and fall festival, Just
closed, were far superior to those of
any former year. Naver before In the
history of York county hns there been
such n display of agricultural prod
ucts, one-hnlf of the townships In the
county having niude entries.
The Oniaha Chnmbcr of Commerce
emphatically denies recent widely pub
lished reports thnt lt has subscribed a
iiu.,,0 SU111 .. cnsh ln nnaneln,, h,,. ..-.
flllrs of tll0 t-0Iora commercial club
)lf that cItyi ,iC(.arK t, fmU wus
raiS0(i ny business men of that place
' wlm aro interested in the project.
The state has been given Its-choice
between two five-acre tracts of land on
Verdigris creek, a mile and n half
northeast of Uoyal, to be donated as
the site of a fish nursery for which
the last legislature conditionally ap
propriated $2,r00. Money to purchase
one of the tracts has been raised by
subscriptions among the citizens of
Royal and vlcinltj and Is on deposit
wiui one ot tlie nanus there
At a mass meeting of fanners and
business men at Cliappell, held for the
purpose of discussing the car shortage
situation, u committee was appointed
o confer with Union Pac.ic otlieials
In nn endeavor to secure Immediate
relief. Elevators of Clmppell contain
7f,000 bushels of wheat, and there lire
from 2.ri to !"0 trucks and wagons
standing at tlie elevators from day to
Many farmers have their granaries full
of wheat, and thousands of bushels are
tilled on the ground. The .situation Is
indeed serious.
Politicians touring the stntc assert
that women In all communities lire
taking tremendous Interest in the cam
paign. Those In close touch with the polit
ical .situation in the state declare that
If the women of Nebraska, vpte this
fall In the same proportion that the
. women of Maine voted on September
1". the total vote of the state will be
swelled by 100.2S1. This means In a
licensure that the newly enfranchised
voteis will hold tho balance of power
In Nebraska and can throw tho state
to either party If they so desire.
Estimates of the corn yield from
various southeastern counties, barring
early frost, range from 2."i to 7fi bush
els per acre.
Herman Upton was Instantly killed
by u Union Pacific passenger train at
Elm Creek, when crowds attending a
barbecue forced him onto the tracks.
Two brick buildings nro completed
mid a third one has been started In
Niishvnle, a new town site ten miles
north of Oinnhn. Several houses have
already been built. The new town Is on
the Northwestern railway and Wash
ington highway.
j Mate Onmo Warden George Koster
has received word from deputies out
j in the state of. a great number of fines
for violations o the game laws.
A special election to voto bonds for
the erection of a $100,000 meuiorinl
hall In Nebraska City will be held
j October 12.
Two hundred and fifty tons of cured
meat, valued nt over $200,000, was de
stroyed when fire gutted the smoke
house, of the Swift Packing company
nt Omaha.
It cost two Goring men .?."0 antl
trimmings each to loan their gunie li
censes to friends who wished to use
them on u fishing trip. The permits
are non-transferable.
Early Whltaker, 10-year-old son of
Albert Whltaker of Fremont, had his
leg broken In nn nutomoblle siiiasli-up,
when the delivery truck he wus driv
ing turned turtle.
William T. Dudgeon of Norfolk,
father of Mayor Dudgeon of that city,
suffered n paralytic stroke from which
doctors say there Is little hope of re
covery. Paul Jensen of Omaha nnd liny Mc
Flllen of Beatrice, traveling men, were
killed when a Bulck roadster, driven
by. Jensen, plunged oft a small concrete
bridge nenr Beatrice.
Vocational training classes to coun
teract the present lack of apprentices
In Industry by giving practical Instruc
tion free to those desirous of learning
trades are to be started In Omuhu
"Oniclals of the Federal Loan Imnlc
nt Omuhu declare that nttacks on the
system by the Farm Mortgage Bro
kers' asociatlon were responsible for
a loss of 2.-,000,000 In loans at a low
rate of Interest to farmers of the west.
Tho farmers of Saunders county are
drilling wheat, and it is estimated that
the ncreage will be nearly as great as
lt was last year. ri;here will be ap
proximately 2,000 acres of the new
Knnred wheat sown In the county tills
Ed Deal, 30 years old, telephone em
ploye of Aurora, Is tho father of nine
children. Three sets of twins go to
make up this remarkable family. Mr.
and Mrs. Deal were married eight
years ugo.
Tho state board of control bus con
tracted for sugar delivered at state
institutions for $15..r0 n hundred.
Three months ngo the board felt It
obtained a bargain when it wns able
to buy sugar on board the cars at
Grand Island for $18.74.
Ninety elnborate Hunts, tho Fuller
ton and Genoa bands, nnd a delegation
of 205 cars from Genoa, composed tho
tercentenary pageant commemorating
tho landing of the Pilgrims in 1020,
that was part of the Nance county
fair at Fullerton.
Colonel J. II. Presson, state com
mander of the Nebraska G. A. It., was
taken ill on tho special train carrying
200 Nebraskaiis to the national en
campment In Indianapolis, and for a
lime serious results woro feared, but
he is rapidly recovering.
Contracts awnrded by tho Board of
Control for supplies for various stato
Institutions for the lust quarter of tho
present year disclose the fact that
prices on Hour, meat,' groceries and
foodstuffs are noticeably lower than at
any previous period for some time.
Sugar nnd coffee are among the urtl
, cles upon which n marked reduction Is
According1 to figures by jthe bureau
of publicity of the Federal Chamber o
Commerce, Nebraska ranks second In
crop conditions in tlie United Stntes.
With 100 per cent representing a ten-
year average, the following is the con
dition of the lending stntes: Okla
homa, 145 per cent; Nebruskn, 130.2
per cent; Kansas, 130 per cent; Wyo
ming, 117.0 per cent; Kentucky, 115.5
per cent; Missouri, 115.4 per cent.
Tlie grand master of Masons for tlie
state of Nebraska, Joseph B. Frmlen
burg of Omaha, assisted by tlie grand
Junior warden, Charles A. Cliappell of
Mlnden, acting as grand marshal, ami
members of Ognllala lodge No. 150,
A. F. & A. M laid the cornerstone of
the Welpton Memorial elrtirch ut Ognl
lala lust week. The ceremony was
held In the presence of n large crowd,
assembled from over the entire county.
Four years of litigation between the
state of Nebraska nml the Hock
Island railroad over the amount of
corporation tnx to be paid iiiiiiiially,
has resulted In a decision by Judge
Clements of the district court of Lan
caster county holding that In tender
ing $550 a year to the secretary of
state the Hock Island hud discharged
Its full obligations, and that the stato
Is not entitled to collect $2,500 a year.
Dedication ceremonies for the new
Fenger hospital at Oinalia, the first
Danish memorial hospital In the United
States, were held last Wednesday. The
building complete, cost $518,000.
Inability to dispose of by-products,
lack of capital and tho tight money
market are given nsMhe reason fr
closing down the Loup Valley Packing
plant at Grand Island. The stockhold
ers have decided to dispose of tho
liquid assets and await a more settled
condition of tlie money and meat mar
kets before taking steps to resume
The population of Saunders county
Is 20.5S0, n decrease of 500, or 2.S per
cent during the past ten years, accord
ing to census bureau figures.
The new parochial school building
of the Lutheran church at Wet Point
was dedicated last Sunday. The build
ing cost about $15,000.
People for miles around On!; heard
the terrific roar accompanying the
bursting of n water tank for the North-
j Wt-fatwn railroad at that place. The
wntertower was built 11 years ugo and
was the only place for trains to get
water between Superior und Geitevn.