.4 1 tt tJloUR-al CERTIFICATES lDirOSITJ AMONG the holders of our Certificates of Deposit are numbered both large and small investors, the experienced and the unexperienced. Their unquestioned safety, liberal in terest return and short maturity periods make them equally attractive to every one. No matter how little you have to in vest, or how much, these Certificates meet all reasonable requirements. Bank of Dakota City Dakota City, Nebraska CAN'T PUNCTURE NOR BLOW OUT DAYTON AIRLESS TIRES in the past u years have been used by thousands of owners of light pa cn- gcr and ucincry cars in all parts of the civilized world, and have conclu sively demon strated: 1st Ttiey onn't punc ture uor blow nut. 2ud They r 1 il e smoothly uiul com fortubly. 3nl TLey give tuueli longer wear tlinu the nveniut? iueu luatle. They lmve been m. tlorsed by thousanti of satisfied users, in clutlltiK the late GeorRP WestliiRlions mill IMunnl Grey, formerly Chief llncl neer of the Fori Motor Company. Tiers of live, elastic rubber built abt one Inch apart Inside the i-imlui; and -tanlzed or welded to It take the pine ( 111 11I11LT lUUt?, N'otliliiL' can hannen but ivpnr. We have Mimilanllzrd on 30 x S 510 x .. and the tirlce Is rlcht. and We sell direct to the user from one tire up where we have no denier. Write for flee booklet and price Hit. We wnnt nn exclusive dealer In every county tiro experience not necessary. IZx cellent chance to build up In a protected territory n very profitable business either by Itself or as a side line. THE DAYTON AIRLESS TIRE CO. Department N DAYTON, OHIO "Cold In the Head" Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Pr .ions who are subject to frequent "cold In tho head" will find that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up tho System, cleanse tho Blood and render them less llablo to colds. Repeated attacks of Acuto Catarrh may lend to Chronic Cntnrrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tolt en Internally and acts through tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. All DruRBists 75c. Testimonials free. J100.00 for nny case of catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not cure F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. LCMBER M1LLWORK and iutrl butldlnf mtr1l si 25 OR MORE SAVING to too- DontTneonldrbujlM nttl7onbsTMa M eomplaU Hit or wht you nwd ud bar our flitlmata kv nlurn nil, W hl quia andpay lha fralaht. Fathers LUMBER CO. t.'20 BOYD STREET OMAHA, NEB. W I io li you want your Ford Properly Itunuired wit It Genu ine Kord Paris, by Genuine Ford Mechanics, take it to the Fonl Hospital. 11031 Bit 310T0K CO. KmmnM&M&mM 1 jilt i oil -what ind how to plant In "vour wBvtable iuiil iu tr KandtrnunJ r when taplanllt. Mt-scoi tuie fcnj lUrt'eaJiliic, Iraih o Glani aiiy anJ KlHI m 11 nillih taa.la an.1al I ti A lin, Llf lhE HOlMfS ItlMlRUAK Sf CO CO . 221 9 timuio !., ccnun. u..u lJr.-.u,fn-J..r..,-M- 3P l. i I) It. S. .1. DA 11 Iteilent Dentist iMiO.M-: tii 11 0 M K R, N K IJ U. . j'f r voli H A'.i- .'..iiJUT 1110 I Li., i, JLul "OMAHA'S r-L'tl jjhgy , i&tt CENTRE." 11 E XKfc,;' VISIT ITI Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudovillo tiiiiifjjiFiiiidithrfi!irCi'ii,rui.rrCi5n,Ccrtii Eoulptii, brtlllao t teiole Emrnintnl LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody Goo; Ah Anybody iwm m 'C6tu no best so win of chickh TIK JlKltALl) FOlt NEW8 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 123, 102" The Herald, S1.50 per year Webb Howard is here from South Dakota visiting relatives. Miss Anna Evans visited friends in West Point, Neb., over Sunday. Miss Flo Umberhocker of Chambers burtf, Pa., is visiting in the R. E. Evans nome. Miss Eniinn Schmidt of Sioux City, was a week-end visitor here with Miss Mildred Ream. E. J. Pender of Walthi'.l, is the new clerk in the S. A. Stinson store. Ho began work Monday. Wm. Schriever returned Wednesday to Iowa City, In., where he is attend ing the state university. Sam Bouton, wife and son Lloyd, of Norfolk, Neb., visited relatives in Dakota county the past week. Geo. Cain and family have moved into the Fred Wood house recently vacated by the Schriever family. The M. E. Ludies Aid society .vill meet with Mrs. Chas. Fuestoti Friday afternoon of this vee7. Roll ('all Work. Mrs. Fred Foley was a visitor in Wayne last week with Mr. Foley, who is located there buying grain for an Omaha firm. Mrs. Helen Morton and little grand daughter of Omahn, spent last week in the W. P. Wnrner home, returning home Friday. John Hilcmnn returned last week from a trip to Waupeton,, N. D., where he visited his brother, Lys Hileman and family. Mrs. Herman Lahrs accompanied her hushan on his run a;, bn'kciiinn on the Burling..-., to Fremont Mon day, tetui m.h' Tuesday. Miss Mildred Rogers and Miss Em ma Kroger, teachers in the Dakota City schools, spent Saturday and Sun day at their homes in Lyons, Neb. Misses Maxine Rarick, of Moville, Iowa, and Lorna Bolton, of Sioux City were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Forrest several days last weeK. Mrs. Almira Berry of Ponca, age 85 years, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornell in South Sioux City last Friday. The remains were taken to Ponca for burial. Dr. C. H. Maxwell, is confined to his home with iniuries received when the sterinp gear of his car broke and ran him into the ditch while coming home from the city one evening last week. Miss Elfie Engelen was down from Kadoka, S. D., last week, visiting her sister, Mrs. Jennie Ross, in Sioux City, and with old friends here. She is now serving as treasurer of Ju.'kson county, S. D. Richard Twamley and son ol Allen, were Thursday night visitors here in the Mrs, Shortlev home. Mr. Twam. ley formerly resided in this county, uul met many of his old time friends and acquaintances while here. Herbert O. Snell and Inez Maxwell, iinin oi sioux uity, wcro married by Rev. S. A. Draise at the M. E. par sonage on the 20th; and Dr. Fred J. Boiler and Jennie M. Chapman, also of Sioux City, were married at the .laisonage on the 21st. County Superintendent V. 1'. Voss attended a meeting of county suj'oi intendents at Emerson last Wednes day, 1 which six northeastern Ne braska counties were represented. A program for their annual association meeting, to bo held October iith, was arranged. Will II. Orr and Alfred Soymour drove to Vermillion, S. )., Tuesday night to see their cousin, Franklin Orr, who is suffering from a bad ease of anthrax. They took u nurse with them from Sioux City to care for the alllicted man. He contracted tho disease while working in his render ng plant neur Vermillion. It is hoped that by the use of serum the disease may be controlled and his life saved. .County Judge S. W. McKInley offi ciated at the following weddings tho past week: James M. Madden and ......... v,. uaiimer, uoin oi Leftlars, iuwii, unu iyrn anyuer and Harriott Davis, both of Winnebairo. Neb., on the 15th; Herman A. Tool and Maggie M. Corey, and Arnold J. Smikahl and Anna Bonner, all of Sioux City, on the lGth; Gordon P. Mason of Sioux City and Amelia K. Johnson of Aber deen, S. D., on tho 18th; Ray Twin and Florence Logan, both of Winne bago, Neb., on tho 20th. IJftliota County BamMi Extracted honey for sale, at S. A. Mason's, Dakota City, Neb. Mrs. Mlkescll went to Carroll, la , last week to visit hor daughter. Mrs. rYnnk Art;:. Mi-a n TI SInfrnril if Slnilv TitV. . KIIUI w a .a w,... v. - -.- v. v.i. - -rf cpcnt Friday at tho home of Rev. and Mrs. r R. I, owe. There will be a regular meeting of Omadl Lodge No. 6, A. P. & A. M., o.i Saturday evening of this week. John N. Ream and family of Sholes, Neb., and Clyde Ream, of Wcstfield, Iowa, were Sunday visitors here with relatives. Pat Kellcher was down from Chad ion several days last week visiting his wife and baby at the Mrs. Belle Barnett home. Mrs. Helen Chesshir and children came down from Plalnview Monday for a visit with Mrs. Chep.3hir's moth er, Mrs. Belle Barnett, and other .relatives. Chas. Swanson, living n the Will Bridenbaugh farm, was charivaried last Tuesday, when he ack lowledged he had been married since Old Set tlers' day. Haiold Antrim returned last week from a visit with his parents at Wil low Lake, S. D. Ho is working at the Gallagher store in South Moux City and going to school. Louis Lcgp, an eld resident of Ilub IniiM, died in a Sioux City hospital Sunday following an operation for appendicitis. Ho was 55 years of age. Funeral services were held on Tuesday. The marriage of Chester A. Antrim to Miss Arlcne D. Fisher, and, II -old F. Ansnes to Miss Daisy N. Tha- , took place at South Sioux Tuesday at the brides' homes. The be w V Ci. of their many friends here is ex tended the happy couples. Mrs.- Irvin Catlin, sister of Mrs. S. A. Draise, arrived on Monday to make a several days' visit at the M. Iv par sonage. She and her son came eleven hundred miles from Winnet, moiuana, wnere tney reside, in a Biuck. They were glad to get to the end of the trip. They were traveling four days. Mr. and Mrs. Will Powell and Wal ter Snyder started Sunday tor Whit ing, Iowa, to spend the day with rel ative.", and when near Serjeant Blull their car skidded in some soft diit where the road had just been graded and upset. Luckily no one was in jured. The car (a Ford) was righted up and made the trip home. The Sioux City trade excursionists numbering about fifty, tarried in town a short time last Friday evening on the wind-up of a two days' trip through northeast Nebraska, by auto. They met the business men of town and gave them the glnd hand, and also gave the school children a royal treat from the "candy wagon." r. I. Culbertson, accompanied by his wife and little daughter, C. R. Young and Rev. C. R. Lowe drove to the home of Rev. McClellan, of Elk Valley Friends' church last Thursday after supper to arrange the program of the County Sunday School- conven tion to be held at the Elk Vallev church October 9th and 10th. The program will be published in due time. Following is a list of the jurors se lected for the regular term of dis trict court, which convenes in Dako ta City on Monday, October -1th: Mads Nelson, Fred Erickson, George Fisher, Fred Schult, E. L. Hileman, rrefl Wegner, William Gilfore, Ed ward Allen, R. II. Baker,. Robert Ger ling, Ernest Johnson, Nels Krogh, J. P. McCorillick. Leonard l.nncrmnnl. Frank Bowie. A. M. Armbrirrht. W. A . - .....,,. ......., Leonard, Wm. Spier, C. O. Fitch, Chris Jensen, Jack Garvin, II. E. Brown, C. A. Conant, C. L. Church. MRS. A. It. RICH DIES IN OMAHA HOSPITAL Mrs. A. B. Rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Niebuhr, of this place, passed away Friday night, September 17, 1920, at an Omaha hospital, where she had been for several months receiving treatment for the after effects of the flu. Deceased was born in Dakota City September 10, 1889, and resided here until her marriage to Prof. A. B. Rich. Their home for the pas: year has been at Bloomfield, Nen., where he is superintendent of the schools She was a graduate of the Diikota City high school in the class of 'no, and taught school for so..rnl lerins in this and Thurston cuiiiUn'1. She was a member of Dakott Ch.ipter No. 05, Order of the Eastern Hl.ir.of this place. She leaves to mourn her dfiurtuie. her husband and two small .'luldren, also her parents, two .sisters and two brothers. The remains were taken t.. Wisner, Neb., the former home of Mr. Rich, where on Monday funeral services were held, and the body was then shipped to Sioux City Tuesday and buried in Graceland Park cemetery The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved ones in the loss of a daughter, wife and mother, taken from them while yet in the prime of life, and at a time when her companionship was most needed and appreciated. FOR SALE A good barn, 22x30 ft. with 12 ft. posts, shingle roof. Inquiro of II. R. Greer at. lumber yard, Dakota City. ion sale Two car loadr. of stocker.s and feed. ers, on tho Patrick Joncw farm near Ifuhbard, N,e). Patrick .Linos. tiftltfltA llitv. Mftbffto'rffi -. -. .frfos?g This Iowa Man Has Gained 30 Pounds LOST STRENGTH AND ENEIUJY " IIAYEMtETUUNEl) SINCE HE HEUVN TAKING TVN1.VC. "Since 1 began taking Tanlac 1 have not only gained thirty pounds in weight but am enjoying better gen eral health than 1 have in years, and I just can't find words to express my gratitude for what it has done for me," said Charles J. Paukert. 801 Oakland Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, weighinaster for the Quaker Oats Co. "I had always been a strong, healthy man up to about three yeais ago, but at that time I began losing weight and strength until finally 1 had no energy left and was in a bad ly run-down condition. Although I tried many different kinds of medi cines, until I started taking Tanlac I had never found anything that did me nny good. My stomach was in bad condition. 1 had no appetite and every time I did manage to eat n little something I would fill up with gas until I would bo in perfect misery for hours afterwards, and I suirered with heart-burn so bad just about all the time that it nearly drove me distracted. "Finally on the advice of a friend who htfd taken Tanlac with line re ijults, I began taking it. Well, in a short while I had a splendid appe tite and could eat just anything 1 wanted without having a sign of gas, and I have not had the heart-burn since taking the first few doses of Tanlac. I continued taking it and continued to improvi until now 1 feel like a difl'erents person. 1 have regained my lost weight and strength and feel hist, simnlv lino nil tin. i;w 1 nra only too glad to have this state ment published, hoping it may be of benefit to someone else who may be .suffering as 1 was." Tanlac is sold in Dakota City by Neiswanger Pharmacy, in South Sioux City by McBeath's Pharmacy, in Homer by Brassfield & Jensen, in Hubbard by Duggan & Hcll'ernan. Advertisement. r'Ksrui: cost or mtowiNt; corn Dakota Count) TuruMies figures on Cost of (ironing Corn. Figures furnished the State Col lege of Agriculture by farmers of Dakota County show that the labor of growing corn up to July 20th cost an average of more than $10 an acre. The agricultural agent of the county assisted in keeping accurate record's on forty-eight fields. There ivifs con siderable variation in the cost on the different farms, running fiom Sb.72 to $18 an acre. Where ti actors were used the cost was increased anout 0!) cents nn acre. This cost Lobules only man and horse labor. The cost of seed, harvesting, marketing, inter est on investment and other expense must be added before complete f,e ures will be available on the cost of growing corn this year. It is prob able that the total cast will be near $10 an acre, as land in Dakota coun ty is held at a high figure. o . MATRIMONIAL VENTURES. The following marriage licenses were issued by County Judgo Mc Kinley during tho past week: Namo and Address. Age, James M. Madden, LeMars, la 23 Margaret C. Balmier, LeMars, la. ..18 Cyril Snyder, Winnebago, Neb iil Harriet Davis, Winnebago, Neb... 18 Michael W. Green, Hubbard ...Legal Charlotte M.Kelly, Homer Legal Walter Baur, Arnold's Park, la.... 38 Electa Willard, Spencer, la 25 Everett H. Armstrong, Sioux City. .2-1 Alary E. Norton, Sioux City 22 Herman A. Tool, Sioux Citv 38 Maggie M. Corey, Sioux City 35 Arnold J. Smikahl, Sioux City 21 Anna Bonner, Sioux City 21 Gordon P. Mason, Sioux City 27 Amelia K. Johnson, Aberdeen, ,-i. D..20 Orin R. Stride, Donver, Col 21 Hazell Driskell, Denver, Col 21 Herbert O.' Snell, Sioux City 33 Inez Maxwell, Sioux City 32 Ray Twin, VVinnebago, Neb 2rt Florence Logan, Winnebago, Neb.. .IS Chester A. Antrim. So. Sioux City.. 22 Arlene 1). Fisher, Sit. Sioux City . .22 Harold F. Ansnes, So. Sioux City.. 21 Oaisy N. Thaeker, So. Sioux City... 21 Fred J. Boiler, Sioux City Legal Jennie M. Chapman, Sioux City. Legal l.aiiiiilerlutr Mullet In lor .oiiicii "Home Laundering" is the niuue f a new United States Department of Agriculture bulletin which will be of interest to many women. It deals with the laundry room, equipment, method of laundering, special clean ing and pressing, general laundry supplies, ironing, drying, bluing, washing different kinds of material, etc. Washing and iioning .ire among the hardest jobs the housewife has to perform, and this bulletin makes many valuable suggestions its to how this work can be lessoned by using 1'ood supplies, proper equipment ;ind following tho best methods. In the building of a new home or the re modeling of an od one the housewife should plan hor laundry room as carefully as she plans her kitchen. With tho increased use of electricity and gasoline many women now have power washing machines and electric irons. These go a long ways toward removing the drudgery of wash day. The use of tiio best known methods also helps to do the job efficiently. Write the Coll ego of Agriculture at Lincoln for farmers' bulletin 1099, ''Homo Laundering." 'r Herald, 51,50 per year Stinson's Specials for Saturday, Sep.25 TO It THIS 2 15c Bottles Catsup 2.V One 25c Can of Sain on -0c 3 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans ..'t.'e 1 can of Corn, Tomatoes or Peas. ,l.e 30c Bleached Muslin, ier yard ...'.'."ir I bars White Flake Soap '2m- . 1 lb. Chase & 5'anborn Circle Blend Collee Good Dress Gingham ... Good TO HE FORTUNATE IS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LESSER THINGS IN LIFE AND MAKE CAPITAL OF THEM. A SUIT OR OVERCOAT TAILORED BY US REPRESENTS AN ASSET WHICH WILL ALWAYS STAND AT PAR. S. A. STINSON. I'Yosh Fruit, and Vegetables of all Kinds for Saturday's Trade Stinson's Dakota City, m. m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Public (. A. Ilcriiol; and Sous will olid at Public Sale ul (lie llomck Fnnn near Walerbury, Neb., a nice lot of lligb ( ratio Shorthorn Cows and Heifers; also some' good young Horses and oilier properly. The Hales (ioodell Co. will also at Ibis lime sell a few good Chester Willie male lMg'i The Sale will be held on October I llli. Sale. Hills will be soul out before Hie SaU ;. A. in: It KICK, m Westcott's Undertaking; Parlors AUTO AMBULANCE SIOUX CITY, IOWA Old Phone, 42G Now Phono, 20G7 Flyir i Commission Company Oll'ice Ph ...i Auto. J)23'J Boll. 3(11 WM. (BILL) J. 1'LYNN ORI)i:U BUYING (UVBN See Ds For saaa IBM DAY ONLY , Lie . ...I0r Bacon, per pound lOr Nebraska Q a U m m m m m m u m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Sale! WAT K It 11 U It Y, NHH. miim i I- '. Residence Phdho Auto 88282 LIVB STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Room 30 L Exchange Bldg, SIOUX CITY, IOWA Stock Yards IKX.'S. CATTIH. SHKIW. Writo US Who US Phono ijm If you want market information. Ship Us For tho High prico and imnrl (HI. SPIX'i.AL ATTENTION Job Printing