DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. hJ3numfri'v-m,iLk J- 1"l -, , M. IfllLLEflD wrigley: -M- VERSAILLES PACT MUST BE EN. FORCED, 3AY8 PREMIER. 1 1 w Make X Inthta Column YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Mako XJ InfMa Cvimmm I No. 31. YES To amend Section 3, Article XL Prohibits consolidation of competing public utility corporations without per mianon of Railway Commission. NO YES No. 32. To amend Section 5, Article XI. Regulates stocks and tq dividends of public utility corporations. Article XIa. YES No. 33. To add Section 5 to Article XIa. Permits metropolitan vtq cities to adopt present charter as home rule charter. Article Xlb. YES N0 84' To amend Sections 1, 5 and 6, Article Xlb. Corporation sections. Insures co-operative features in certain asso ciations and permits limitation of shares and voting.1 jJO Regulates foreign corporations. Stocks and bonds to issue only for actual value. , L W-E a-Spa--,ll ! " ' ' -I f I WW "W 1 Article XIV. YES No. 35. To add Sections 4, 5 and 6 to Article XIV. Defines priority vjq rights in water. YES No 36. To add Section 7 to Article XIV. Protects public.rightsin xtq use of water power. No. 37. To add Section 8 to Article XIV. minimum wage and conditions and children. No. 38. To add Section 9 to Article XIV. Permits creation of Industrial Commission to administer laws relative to labor disputes and profiteering. Article XV. No. 39. To amend Section 1, Article XV. Provides that amend ments to the Constitution submitted by the legislature shall be adopted by a majority voting on the question if the affirmative vote be equal to 35 per cent of the total vote cast. Article XVI. No. 40. To add a new section to Article XVI. Fixes salaries of state officers including Judges of the Supreme and District Courts, effective until changed by the legia lature. No. 41. To amend Article XVI by substituting new Sections 1 and 2 for Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23K 24 and 27. -Eliminates obsolete provisions and provides a continuing schedule. All the News in the Dakota City Herald SUBSCRIBE Permits regulation as to of employment of women POINTS TO DUTY OF ALLIES French Statesman In Conference with Italian Prime Minister Counsels Moderation by Poland In the Interest of Early Peace. Alx Les Bains. "Wo must end tho war," said Premier Mlllornnd to tho Associated Press correspondent at tho conclusion of tho aftornoon confer ence with tho Italian rcmlor, Slgnor Glolottl. "Tho war must be ended. This Is why wo havo given Poland tho counsel of moderation which sho seems disposed to follow. "Our Interviews have been most cordial and confident. Naturally, wo havo agreed that an accord botweon Italy, Great Britain and Franco Is lndispensiblo, not only in tho Interest of tho three allied powers, but for tho maintenance of tho world peace. "Tho peace of Versailles must bo on forced as well as that of St. Germain uiul the others, because they consti tute an entity and ono of thorn cannot fall without the othors being shaken. "Wo also discussed tho question of Russian soviet. Evidently each coun try consults its International policy before adopting a prociso attitude. You know what tho French poilcy Is. Tho policies of our nllios do not ap pear to be different In principle. "Our position is unique. It is our duty to muko all offorts to persuadu our Italian and Jugo-Slovakia friends that It is to their interest and also tho Interest of both countries and also tho world's that this problem too long deferred be settled at tho soonest mo ment possible In moderation." M. Millorand said he had reltorated to Signer Glolottl that Franco did not wish in any way to Interfere In tho Adriatic question, but that he hoped that Italy and Jugo-Slovakia would reach an understanding. Labor In Italy for Compromise. Milan. A plenary meeting of the workmen's organizations wns hold to consider the Industrial upheaval which has come through tho strike of motal workers In Italy. The socialist dopu ty, Daragonn, presented a resolution In tho name of tho genoral conferonco of labor favoring a compromise. This was adopted by a majority of 200,000 votes. Tho total representation pres ent was 1,094,000. Air Mall Plane Reaches Frisco. San Francisco. The west was movod twenty-four hours nearer the east when tho first transcontinental mail plane landod sixteen hours late. When tho servlco settles down to schedule tho planes will dellvor mall on the two coasts two days soonor than trains do now. VIoIng with the pony express and tho first fast mall trains as a maker of national history, tho plane swept over San Francisco bay a few minutes after 2 o'clock and at 2:25 came to a rest on tho Marina field overlooking tho Golden Gate, Tho itiall it boro was transferred to a waiting motor truck and rushed to the general postoffice. While winging Its way hero from Mineola field tho piano passed two eastbound transcon tinental mail planes which cleared from hore, tho first to leave San Fron cIsco In this service. It brought seven sacks of mall, four destined for San Francisco, ono for Washington, ono for Oregon and ono for California points. Mexico Second In Production of Oil. Washington, D. C Moxlco promison to become tho oil reservoir of tho Western hemisphere, thn dopartmont of commerce declared In a rovlow of tho petroleum Industry In that coun try. Exhaustion of 10 per cent of the producing fields of the United States, the department's rovlow stated, has caused Mexico to tnko second placo In oil production, although only about 12 per cent of tho Mexican wells is being produced Oil export from Mexico during the ' first six months of M20 totaled fi0.000.000 barrels, an IncrouBO of 72 per cent over 1910 The review states that of tho 231,250 square miles of Mexican territory be lloved to contain oil deposits not moro than H00 square miles are being ex ploited. Curtailment of production la nserlbed to lnck of transportation and storage activities and to the unset tled political conditions. Of the 1350. 000 000 estimated to bn Invested in tho Moxlcin oil Industry, about 70 per oont Is Hrltlsh and Dutch capital and 3 per cent Mexican and other Interests Tho United States received 71 per cent of tho oil exported during tho first six months of 1920. Dllly Sunday Comlna to Sioux City. Sioux City. Hey William A. ("1111 ly") Sunday, tho evangelist, will con duct n series of evangelistic meetings Homo tlmo during tho fall of 1921 In Sioux City. This Is tho definite as suranco glvon tho commltteo of min isters nnd laymen which mot him at Omaha. Tho exact dote of his com ing has not boon set, but It will bo during ono of two open datos, elthor next Bptemb8r or Kovombor. e a package Detore trie war Sa package during the war and 5jC a Package The Flavor So Does the 1H LITTLE ADVICE FOR GROCER Would-Be Wag Had Picked Out the wrong woman on vrnuin iu i fcxercise his wii. There was an expression of melan choly tinged with resentment on Mrs. Brown's face as she entered tho gro cer's shop. "I want," she began Impressively, "to talk to you about them eggs I hail last week. They weren't anything like as fresh ns they might have been." "That's strange," replied tho grocer, who fancied himself something of n wag. "We always have nn almanac hanging up In tho fowl run to keep tho hens up to date." "Oh!" came tho retort with crushing emphasis. "Then nil I linvo to say Is thnt somebody with brains about as nddled as them eggs has been mislead In' tho hens with last yenr's calendar. Just you hang up a 1020 card, my good fellow, and mayho them chickens 'II start working overtime lo cittch 'up to It I" EATONIC Users Do This Get the Greatest Benefits. Chicago, 111. -Thousands of reports from people all over the U. S. who havo tested eatonlc, show tho greutest benefits are obtained by using It for a few weeks, taking one or two tublets after each meal. Eatonlc users know that It stops Belching, IJU.utlng, Heartburn, and Stomach Miseries quickly, but the really lasting benefits nre obtained by using entonlc long enough to take the harmful excess acids and gases eh .ire ly out of tho system. This .oqulrcs n little time, for eatonlc takes up tho excess acidity and poisons and carries them out of the body and of course, when It Is all removed, the sufferer gets well, feels line full of life and pep. If you have been taking an eatonlc now and then, be sure and take It regu larly for n time and obtain all of these wonderful lienellts. Please speak to your druggist about this, ho (hut he can tell others that need this help. Adv. Marital Spite. "I'd like to see my wife go to the (mils to vote.' "Are you ho much opposed to suf frage V" "II Isn't that, but I'd like to enjoy hearing her cnllei' down good and hard for not knowing how to fold her ballot." The Cutlcurw Toilet Trio. Having cleared your hkln keep It clear by making Cutlcuru your every-daj toilet preparattons. The soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe nnd heal, the Talcum to powder and per fume. No toilet table Is complete without them. 2.1c everywhere. Adv. Unvarying Disapproval, "You say you have always object ed to the use of money In politics?" "Always," nif-wered Senator Sor ghum: "(''peelully when n fellow has more of It to i se than I have." Jssm AKKm KMffl(Klilli:lld ' II 'ssW I SnlllJPiffia icEwinggumF NOW mm Lasts Price! Not to Be Outdone. Frances, .lanet and Eleanor were dln cusslng tho respective merits of tho babies In their households, and Frances had led off with : "My bnby brother Is only four months old and he has two teeth .al ready." "My Utile sister," announced Janet, "Is only live months old and Mie has three." "Thnt'K nothing," nld Elennor. ".My little brother hasn't any teeth yet, but when he does have some they are go lug (o be gold ones!" Every man ban his worthless dnys, but If he does not light them every day will become his worthless clay. Watch Your Kidneys! That "bad buck" is probably due to weak kidneys. It shows in a dull, throbbing backache, or sharp twinges when stooping. You havo headaches, too. dizzy spells, a tired nervous feeling and irregular kidney action. Don't neg lect It there is danger of dropsy, gravel or BriRlit'o disease! Use Doan'a Kid ney Pills, Thousands have saved themselves moro serious ailments by the timely use o! Doan's. Ask your neighbor! A South Dakota Case Mrs. Alva rooi, W a e n o r, S. D Bnyu: "After doing a day's washing my b a c k was bo soro nnd liuno I could hardly HtralBhton up, I didn't havo (strength or amid Hon minui-li to do nnythlng My foot - i i .. ,. r couldn't got my'. shoes on. I tried it rn.f- if i.lA.. 1)111. lUill! a imiiu i inn .- - nnd Fovernl hexes did mo a world or good." Git Dom'e st Any Store, COt Doc DOAN'S'VV FOSTER MILDURN CO.. DUFFALO, N. Y. TOO LATE Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking GOLD MEDAL """ Ihe world's standard rsmady for kidney, liver, bladdir and uric add troubled th National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Guaranteed. Thra sins, all druffgtsU. L-m1( It tae nam CU Mnll cat urnr Wa aad aecapt no tmlutlou PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM IUmoTiluidrua-Slnitll.lrKalttnc KfUtoraB Uolor anil Baautylo Gray and Faded 1 11 HlicmCh'm. Wkl. I'.tcbnril-.N.V g HINDERCORNS k-d.otm am, ou- Ioum-. &, Hop all l'.la, rnturu rumfrt to ihe (, tuLr- wnl.lnif ": ta- lT tnali or at I'rutf KUta. UUcox Comical Wom, l'aabvao,U.Y. ' I hTvisKvwS RNSr JLEM0fr ffKwJr" tMy&r