Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 26, 1920, Image 4

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    DikoW ( ''Hly HeruM: Dakota v uy, Xobraska
JOHN H. ItKAM, nihil- .or.
ubicription Price, $1.50 1' , Year
Telephone .os lit ami 13.
Mnw Mame Hecnan of Sioux City,
whs a week-end guest in the T. H.
Sullivan home.
Hoy Powers and family departed
for Brighton, Cal., Tuesday, being
, ailed there l)y the Illness of Mrs.
1'ower's sister.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Johnson, of
Royal, Neb., were present nl tho
marriage of their son, Joseph John
mi, Wednesday morning.
Tliolma Zulauf has returned from
Decatur, Neb., after spending several
weeks in visiting friends and rela
lives. A baby girl was born to the proud
parents,' Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Nekeii,
at St. Joseph's hoHpital, last week.
The Jackson ball team was defeated
Sunday by Homer, on the liomcr dia
mond. Jackson will play Homer on
Friday, August 27th, at Jackson.
Rev. Mike Quinn of Omaha, was t
week-end guest in the home of Mike
S. M. Fullcn, C. II. Goorifollow and
Mrs. F. J. Hudke were in Dakota City
during the week.
A quiet wedding took place in St.
I'atrick's church Wednesday at 9
'clock, when Joseph L. Johnson and
Harriet Patricia Kennedy were unit-
d in the holy bonds of matrimony.
Ihk'y were attended by Miss Margaret
Kennel ly, cousin of thp bride, aid
Victor McGonijrlo. The w-ddmg
breakfMt was served of. tho home of
the bride's jtrandparents. 'Ihe young
couple departed for a f-hort wcddiiiK
C. J. O'Connor was a Sioux City
visitor Wednesday at lhrj St. Joseph
hospital, where his niece, Miisl.elen
O'Connor, is a patient,
i T. J. O'Connor visited his uu,'i
tcr, Miss Helen, at St. Josephs hos
pital, Sioux City, Wednesday.
Miss Helen Kens went to Fremont
Wednesday to visit hor aunt, Mrs.
Will Jastiam.
Mrs. Harry Cook, neo Evelyn
Hirscli, of Mitchell, S. I)., is a Kuost
of her mint, Mrs. K. J. Smith.
Arthur Harris was u Si-uy Citv
business visitor Saturday.
Mrs. T. 13. Curtis visited at the
James Harris home from Wednosda
till Saturday.
Newt Crippen, Mrs. Alfred Harris
and Nelson Smith went to Cherokee,
Iowa. Wednesday of last wpo'iC to iil-
;,lend the funeral of Mr. (Yi;,"ii
sister, Mrs. Chase. They returned
i Saturday.
S. A. Brown went to llosKina bun-
day to visit his daughter, Mrs. I' rank
Mrs. Ern Harris is ri-fovcnng
nicely from her operation .it tiio St.
Joseph hospital.
Tom Allawny and family visited
relatives here Sunday.
Hern, lo Ross Johnson ii'id wile on
A lit nst 22, a 10 pound girl Mis
D.m I'urd is caring foi .?. Jonn
Mn. Mr-. Will Learner and Mis. Geore
Ilickox were passengers to Minim1 1,
S. D, Saturday to visit at the I'd
Ikiss home. j
Mr. II. A. Monroe anu iiiuimt rs
of So. Smux visited at the J). ?,tKin
ley and llachael Kinnear homes Sun
day. Minn Mariraret Stidworthv am a
tinaMiaM in fnta!,.. T-t.f1air In 1 -lt
Robert King of So. Sioux f -ty is
ited friends here Monday.
Little Dorothy Wilkins, dnuxhtarof
Hd Vilkins, is on the sick lf.,t.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smitn were
Winnebaifo visitors Sunday to see
Martha Smith, who is ill at tho CnrJ.
Burcuin home.
Miss Margaret Smitli of So. Sioux.
vHted Joe Smith and other ielatlvc
Leo Wagner went over to Wisner
Sunday to tako possession of the drug
store lie recently purchased.
Carl llurcum and daughters of
Winnebago, visited relatives here on
Miss Helen Holster spent Monday
evening at tho Peter Sorensen home.
Carl Sorensen and family arc guests
at the Alfred Jorgonsen home. The
Sorensen family just returned from a
visit with relatives in Denmark
Mrs. Maudo House and daughter
Lucille, of Lincoln, arrived Sunday
evening for a short visit in the Chas.
Whaley home.
Alfred Bristol of So. Sioux (.itv.
visited at the 13. C. Hri tol 'mine .n
A few friends of Mr- L. J. Good
si II leminded her of her nirthri.iv
Mm nil a) by -pending the n'ternmn
with her.
Paul Htrkofei, ton of Dr. u vi Mi
Birkofer of Gothenburg, Mo. n
ceivcd tlif appointment frm.i ih.i
district for entrance to tue i.u..
academy at Annapolis. He i"k iln
examinations at Washington I,, t
week, and will enter the ac idenn
immediately. He in a grand o 1 i I
our townsman, S. A. Drown.
1 1 n 1 1 1 ; a u I
Fred Uartels and family visited in
Emerson with f-iends last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Uh"ing visited
their daughter in Emerson last week.
Mrs. Pete Shearer visited relative-,
here last week.
Misses Vita Sheahan, Margaret L .
fing ind Anna Shute of Brunswick,
visited a day the past week m tin
Welsh home at Emerson.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Smith on Sunday August 22, a bounc
ing big boy. All concerned are do
ing fine.
Etnil Andersen was a county seat
visitor last week.
Louise Westcott of So. Sioux City
visited the past week in the I). (1
Evans home.
Mrs. Thompson and daughter M.u
vel, are spending a couple of week
in the Jim Smitli home.
Mrs. Young, Alice Helfernan, Mrs
M. Rasinussen and children, Mrs. I'f
fing, Mrs. Ellen Duggan and Mr- K
Christensen were city passenger- on
Airs. Jensen and family of Willi-.
visited friends here Monday ovenmi.
Anna Heck and little sister .lie
vi'iling relatives bote.
Glen Hairis has bought some lot--
y.-rr---.c- i rA.'vVw5iliT XV
C iw
ow ihe w
out or
nrs, . 1 '
r k k 'i
"? 'ri n rTj VT" " "" """ '" " ,a; f.-Lr". ., "rfr
T 'V - .teElUU. 1 r U kz- w -1-,. - --r
?.,3&iBs;!?a3Srt'. axial rs- sn..
hole family can gp
ummer evenin
Select your fi'is
cotUina tit tJio r
they luno to ti-
lrisuiulyorl.il' 1
try, wheicvcr t1
is upt to be hi...
U. S. Nobby.
For ordinary c
roads The li. .. v .
or Ujco,
For front who. -The
U. S. P.nln.
For beat rtmil .
nvpry wiorf -- V
Hoyul Coidj.
KWM.CDRD-nOBUY-aWNU.0 j-o.-.
THE women should cer-
tainly be thankful for the
automobile. It has given
them a chance to see a lot
more of their husbands.
But it has done a great
deal more than that.
It has brought people closer
together, given them new
interests, swept away old
What affects one man now
generally affects a good many
of his neighbors in the same
way. And they have a better
chance to get together and
t'tlk things over.
It's had its effect on the
tire business.
When automobiles were
new people were willing to
buy any kind of a tire. Now
they're beginning to insist
on knowing what they are
And the more they insist,
the better it will be for us.
We want our customers
to know what they are
That's why we represent
U. S. Tires so there will be
no doubt about it.
Whatever the size of your
car, you know that the U. S.
Tire you put on it is the best
kind of tire its makers know
how to make.
U. S. Tires are guaranteed
for life, without any limi
tation of mileage.
That ought to mean some
thing to the man who haa
thought about j.ires.
nBted States Tires
.MOXitOI'MYIIilll'lt.LAKK 1, 151!. CO., SO. SIOC.X CITY, NIMl.
1 5$fitftt&-&fc3
Money-Saving Specials
Men's, striped overalls, size 32-3-1 only, per pair..!? l.f'O
Men's khaki color work shirts $!.
Coud Luck Jar Rings, por doz ir
Matches -Safe Homo 5 boxos for 2!lc
Jcllo-all flavors, por pkgo 1"'
Oatmeal largo pkgos por package :'uc
Minnesota Flour -guaranteedper sack 3.?)
i. rv sioi v cirv imiiciis rent imtti:u. hjcs wd
PIMM Ci: !' V I.I. UIM)S.
Wo Will Uvo llac a Tiill 1inc of I'rcsh I-Yiiit-and
Telephone Lo. :jl
in tin' ninth p. ut 1 t u ..ml mH
build a lout moir IhjIi-i"
Mr. anil Mrs. Youiif!; anil family of
So. Soo visited thi' past vvucK .n tin-
EnnI YounB hoinc here.
The Wilcox family moved into the
John Green house, anil Cail llasmu
sen moved into the Grilihle house,
last weelt. i
Frank Lussier and fnniily Sunday !
ed in tho Knox home. '
Little Margaret Timlin spent the
jiast week visiting in the L Dineer
liomo in Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. Kasmussen isited '
relatives in Sergeant Hlull, la.. Sun-1
day. J
Miss Larson sent over Sunday in i
Sioux City.
Will Kuhl of Woonsocket, S. O.. '
visited relatives here last week. I
Mrs. C. Andersen and Mrs. J. Jcn-
sen had their tonsils removed at a I
Siouv City hospital the post week. I
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanson ictuinedl
to their home last week after spend-,
ing a week in the home of their
daughter, Mrs. A. Johnson.
mr. ami Mrs. J. u smitn eitertaio
od several friends the past week.
Mrs. Larson visited last Friday in
the Doit Dyer homo.
Mrs. Marrv Entrelon and son. of
Kadoka, SI I) arrived Wednesday
for a visit at tho hric Beermann
A number from Salem attended the
Rebecca weinio roast at tho Mrs.
Fred Herman home last week.
Thi Austin fnmilv fivini Pnncn
Jolin Bobior and family, A. 0. Sides
and lainuy, . i. Ueermann ami lain
ily, and Verna and Harry Ebol pic
nicked at Stone Park Sunday.
Mr. Miller of Kisinir City, Nob.,
visited hnvi in tlin lininn nf liiu dmicrli.
tor, Mrs. Wheeler Coughtry, from last
weunesuay until iuesclay ol this
week. He was onrouto homo from a
visit at Freeport, 111.
Cliff Carlson of Elgin, Neb., driv
ing a Curtis biplane, stopped oil" hero
last Wednesday at tho F. W. Beer
inann farm for gas, and owing to
bad weather remained until Satui
day, Ho had been to Ft. Dodge, la.,
where he took a six weeks course in
aviation, and purchased a machine
and was driving it home. On 1-n
day ho took Fred Beennann and Wn .
Ralph up for short flights.
Mrs. Loroy Henzo of Willow City,
X. I)., visited tho past three weeks
with her inothei. Mrs. Bertha Boost.
A family picnic was held at til.'
Fulton homo Sunday, thoso partici
pating were Chas. Blessing and fam
ily, llorman Ebol and family, Grand
mn nndJoo J"'irno.t aialN'm Bainott
and Tom Kauri nin anil their families
of Sioux City.
Mrs. Hubert Atwood and two chil
dren of Norfolk, are visiting at the
A. 0. Sides home. "
Mrs. Helen Cnrnnbnn i-,t.i...,...i ,.
hor homo at Kansas City Wednesday,
after a months visit in Hie home ol
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Sides
The picnic at the Will Hbol grovj
Sunday was a very onjovablo all'air.
A picnic dinner, with all kinds of it
froahinouts, anil a fino musical pro
grnm, were features of tho day.
AUreoda, Mildred and Howard
iSouronborgor of Wakefield, aro isL
ors nt tho Mm. Bertha Boost homo.
A Cue baby boy was born to Air.
anil .Mrs. Horace Culbortson at Ma
torn. ty hospital on Tuesday.
Sno Orvilh- Lt-gg before v. j buy
vour Hanpsiiire pigs.
How's This ?
fi,Yt 5nenr,1.00,c2 tor any .case of catarrh
mat cannot bo cured bv iiai i m
en Internally and acts through the Blood
on tho Mucous Surraccs of the System.
Sod by drupclsts ror over forty years.
;rl75c. Testimonials free.
1 t. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Uepoit of the Condition of
The Kiisi Stale lEanK
of Nacora, Nebr., Charter No. VM'2,
in the State of Nebraska at tho close
of business August 1G. 1920.
Loans aim discounts j SS703 Sb
Overdraft! C&J 'iS
Bonds, securitWa, judg
ments, claims, etc., in
cluding all government
bonds -AM no
Banking house, furniture
and fixtures lioOO 00
Current expenses, taxes and
interesw paid 183 ".(.'
One fron Nation
al and State
banks S13177 ..r. '
Currency 1417 00
Gold coin 150 00
Silver, nickels and
cents G35 55 155G0 00
1'otal 75100213 'JO
Capital stock paid in $10000 00
Surplus fund 1500 00
Undivided profits 281 G5
Individual deposits
subject to check.? 10725 i)S
Demand certifi
cates of deposit 18 1
Time certificates
of deposit 55050 89 "J'jb95 01
Depositor', guaranty fund.$ 7G4 27
Total $hi'J2i:i ..I'.
State of Nebraska,
County of Dakota ss.
I, II. C. Obermoller, cashier of tho
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
tho State Bureau of Banking.
H. C. Obermoller, Cashier.
Wm. Biedo, Director.
William G. Rohrie, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 21th day of August, 1920.
Zeola Obermoller, Notary Public.
Commission expires Feb. I), 1920.
Report of the Condition of
The lliilthard State Hani;
of Hubbard, Nebr., Charter No. 743,
in xne state ot xvieuraska at the close
of business August 10, 1920.
Loans and discounts $148171 10
Ovorriratts 4115 77
Banking house, furnituie
and fixtures :iKI9 15
Current expenses, taxes mid
interest paid 2792 42
Duo from Nation
al and State
"anks 378'J5 42
Checks and items
of exchange . . U 40
Currency J(J2 oo
Silver, nickels and
conts 70S 00
Liberty loan bonds
hold as cash ro-
hrve 1900 00 41474 S2
Tot''l S19G013 Z'i
Capital stock paid in .... 10000 00
Surplus fund 7500 00
Undivided profits 4379 89
Individual depos
its subject to
check $ GG338 21
Demand certifi
cates of De-
m I'osit 3852 5u
Time certificates
of deposit .... 102313 71 172501 45
Depositors guaranty fund. 102S 9b
'I'otal $101)013 31
State of Nebraska,
County of Dakota ss.
I. D. G. Evans, cashier of the
above named bank, do hereby swear
that the abovo statement is a cor
rect and true copy of the report made
to the State Bureau of Bankintr.
1). G. EVANS. Cashier.
II. II. Adairv Director.
Elmer H. Biermann, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before iih
thi.s 20th day of August, 1920.
Helen II. Evans, Notary Public.
Commission expires Feb, 21, 1923.