DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. f HE AHTIS PLAN 10 C M- MOVE TO TIE UP SUFF RATIFI CATION IN TENNESSEE. THEIR CASE GOES TO COURTS Gov. Roberts Declares Action Taken by Leolalature Will Be Certified to Federal Official!. Nashville. Tonn From tlio anurl ot legal and legislative technicalities that havo uninuahod Toiihohboo'h rat irieatlon of tho suffrage utnendmont oame tho prediction of tho Tennessee Constitutional leaguo that tho Injunc tion against certification of tho rati flcaUon would prevent enfranchise ment of American woinon for at loast a year and a half. Tho coriBtltutional league, which has boen fighting ratification on thu ground that tho atato constitution pro hibltod tho preaont loglBlsturo from acting on tho amondmont, inado its prediction In a message to the govern or of Vermont, Connecticut, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Delaware and South Carolina. Tho meBaago de clared that TonucaBCO had not ratified uffracc and sorvod notlco that any state official who attempted certifi cation would bo attackod for contompl of court undor tho Injunction which, tho Ioaguo announced, would, If necea sary, bo carried to tho highest court. Suffrage advocates characterized tho situation as aatlBfactory and re lUratod tholr contention that the ac tion of the house in calling up the Walkor rcconBldoration motion, In do fitting It and in ordering tho aenato Joist roflolutlon ratification transmit ted to tho senate for engrossing, to btt unajwallnblo despite the lack of a quorum. The thirty or more anti-suffrago m tabors of tho houao who went to Dacator, Ala., to provont the (inoniiii, till wore in Alabama, and according to roporta wore dotormlnod to remain ttro daring Uio noxt fow days. Being oiUido Uio state thoy cannot be com pollod to attend sessions of tho houao. No data hat been flxod for the ho.ir lngii on tho tomporary writ of Injunc tion Iflsuod roatralnlng tho govornor and other atato offlccra from certifying ratification to tho Hocrotary of state ut Washington. Tho writ ia roturnablo any time within flvo dayH upon agree ment of tho parties to tho action. Gov. Roberta doclarod ho had been lRformod by State Attorney General Thompson that tho action of tho two housoa of tho Toglalaturo constituted a ratification of thu ainondmunt and conuoquontly he would countenance no at Intended to nullify tho ratification and tho will of tho majority by tho minority, "either by flight and aban donment of official duty upon thu part of tho momboru or otburwlso." "I will exercise and bring to bear all the legal and logtttmato powora of tho otfioe of govornor to consummate in an ordorly nnd logal manner tho cer tification of tho action of tho loglBln tnro to the proper federal officials," a doclarod. Great Blnst In Mine. Wllburton, Okla, Two minors woro kill od aud at loaat eight more were en tombed In tho Dognnn.MeConnoll mine Mo. 19 at Dognah, threo miles west of hero, who n a gas oxploalou occurred. Tho bodlea of Jim Lonore and his sou, 18, woro takou from the mine. Tho explosion won believed to havo oo onred when fans In tho mine shaft ceased to work. Volunteer roae.uors Immediately began work, but llttlo hopo la held for tho eight men known to bo ontombod. Mayor of Cork Very Low. London. Tho lord mayor of Cork la roportud to bo very low owing to hla hunger iitrrko. lie was, however, able to read communications from tho home aecrntary saying ho would not be roloased. Ills reply was that ho would not give in. and was prepared to dlo cheerfully. It ia understood that tho lord mayor baa been strongly advised by the Catholic clergy to do Ut striking. French Crop Light. Parla. French harvests, which are now being gathered, are proving de ceptive, saya tho Petit Parlaion. There aro plenty of nhuavea, the paper says, but the yield of grain will be light. The total Is estimated at 7.:tlfi,000 tona of ceroata. Cannot Rescue Yanks In Moscow. Helslngfora. Nothing can lie done to rescue Americans stranded In Mns cow, In the opinion of American ail tfcorlUca hero, who aaaert any attempl to help them would probably Increase tholr difflcutlos. Train Hits Bus; Eight Killed. Qatndou, N. J. -A Pennsylvania railroad oloctric train struck an auto bas containing fifteen persons here, killing eight of tho occupants and In Juring four others. The bus was car yylnff pasBungors to Fulrvlow, a su bsru. It had halted while a steam train passed south. The driver, it Is sold, oviduutly mistook tho waving ol a flag by the crossing watchman as a klgnai to proceed and started across Uio tracks Just as an electric ti.Un came rushing north, PREVENT SUF RAGE U0Ht4HUSKER ITEMS tlcw of All Kinds Gallierpd From Various Points Throughout Nebraska, OF INTEREST TO ALL READERS Work on Hip extension of Hie Union Piicirjo line, west from Hnlg, partly through Goshen Hole, Vyo which siurted curly In August, will open u woiulcrful sugar beet mid wheat terri tory iinil will undoubtedly hasten the completion of the government Irriga tion project Hint will put iibotit M0,(K)0 litres under irrigation mid Insures the speedy erection of ii sugar factory on the south side of the North Platte river In the Goshen Hole country. Railroads of Nebraska, It Is said at Lincoln, are plnnnlng to enjoin the State Hallway Commission fiom en forelng the '-'-cent passenger fare law whl h will nutoniatlcally become In force in this state Sept. 1 when the railroad administration Il-ccnt rate ex-1 plies. Tin corn crop In Nebraska Is re ported to be in excellent condition, mid with the recent rains, there Is no reason, agriculture experts say. why the state .should not produce one of the largest mid best crops of corn this j ear In the history of Nebraska The stale railway commission at Lincoln denied the application of Omaha street carmen for an Increase In wages 'I he board held that the liieveiit wage was ctml to that paid In other Industries It also denied the men M right to strike. Petitions are being circulated In Dmlgo county asking I be board of su pervisors to call a special election to vole bonds for the purpose of hard-siir-lacing all niiiln loads In the county. II Is planned to prorate the Issue atuong the several townships. It will be necessary to amend the .Nebraska constitution to conform with the federal sulTinge amendment, which received dual ratlllcatlon by the Ten nessee legislature last week, Attorney General Davis announced. .Managers of the Nebraska slate fair lire endeavoring to hold railroads to I he promise of reduced rales to the I. ilr, based on the rates effective In April. 11)20. under an arrangement m.iile In .lime. Favorable weather dining the past m weeks lias Increased the potato nop In Nebraska 1,000,000 bushels over .Inly estimates, according to crop experts. Indications now point to a leld of Sl.fiOO.OOO bushels. Mrs. r.lla Pile, who resigned her po sition us superintendent of the state re formatory for girls at York, gave us her reasons for leaving that the Insti tution was unsanitary and facilities for lis operarioii were luadeipicte. Socialists of Nebraska have notllled Scci clary of State Amshcrry that the party will ask for a place on the state presidential ballot, presenting Its can didate by petition. Stock in the new llfty-barrel llour lug mill to be creeled at tiering has piiu H ally been subscribed by wheat growers living on the south side of the North Pintle valley. Heiing Irrigation district refunding bonds- for S'JOO.OOO and Nebraska City Intersection paving bonds for .flfi.OOO have beiu registered by the state aud itor at Lincoln. Dr. Coiidra, state geologist, who In spected the oil well being dillletl near Itlveiiou, stated that prospect for oil In the district were the best In the slate. Preliminary cMimlnullons for en trance to Wci.t Point will bo given en listed men of the army In Omaha De cember I to 15. Oil men who are Untuning llio sec ond well being drilled at Mussel t report they me coiilldent of success. The well Is now down about 800 feel. Sidney voters will p.iss on a $10(1,000 bond proposition Sept. II, to be used for expanding the electric light plant mid water sj stein. The laying of the cornerstone of tho new Mruwii county hospital at Ainu worth September II will be conducted b.v the local Masonic lodge. The sugar beet crop In Nebraska Is expected to run SIS.000 tons, as com pared to 000,000 tons last year. Thursday, September II, has been set "'"" """" " "" "!" ''an .W.I. I.. .... I... IV I. ... .. I..f.. i in i.iiii-iiiu. Contract has been let for tho con struction of a complete sewer system ut Osbkosb. There are IS8 national banks oper ating In Nebraska, with a total of :io:i,ooo deposll accounts, ono for about evorj four men, Women and children In the population. Kanrcil wheat Is proving popular In Cage county. Lust veur one carload was distributed for seed ; Hits year al ready eight carloads have been sold to tanners In the district. Intension of Sunday schools Into rural districts will be discussed at the ..invention of Nebraska. Iowa and i Sti0 t)J iaJorlty of 10 for the pur South Dakota Sundiij school mixtion- ,)0M, of purchasing the Central City aiies at Fremont September 1-8. plb plum. Because the ordinance under which lie was working has not been enforced, it) Manager Rayburu of Chadron re signed liU position. Whiter wheal In Valley county Is the poorest It bus been In yenrs, but It Is believed that macaroni wheat In uiiich belter. Itchitlvck of Mru. Otto ICocbn of Norfolk, who died Aug. H, following an Injury In I Inklings en used by a pole projecting from a truck belonging to the iltj, have brought suit aguliiat tho , city of Hustings for ?182,0'J) because 0f het dcaUi ' Otis livers, diiif Nobiii-ko " i v iiL-i'iil, aiiiKiuii'cd at Lincoln Hoit air planes to clifoice the leglslmhe .n't prohibiting Importation of llipiur bv air will be asked of the slate law oiilnr.i- ment department If the federal govern, ineiil falls to act. Details of fi-c.picnt trips between the International binder mill northern counties of this state are known, It Is said. t Much Interest Is being felt nil over Kock, ISrovvii, Kcyn Paha mid Holt counties as the result of the oil boom. Leases are being secured in Unit county, running up into thousands of acres. Already much of Ke.va Palm county Is miller base as well as prac tically all of Hock county nnd nmc of Mrovvn county. , Word has reached Adjutant General Bros at Lincoln that the Increa-e In railroad passenger rates .September t will not prevent the members nl thu Grand Army and allied organizations from enjoying the promised I cent per mile rate to Indianapolis and return for the national reunion. i Two unidentllied men were killed ' In a bo car loaded with lumber at Table Hock. The men were riding in i one end of the car when It was switched, striking another car, cans- ' lug the lumber to slide forward, crushing them to death. W. F. .Malm of Looinls shipped a I load of Wblteface corn-fed steers to South Omaha the other day and re- , eel veil $17.00 a hundred, the highest ' price paid at the market for that kind ' of cattle since October, lillil. I Mecaii.se of the unfavorable condl- j Huns in the material market ami in creasing cost of supplies, work on $1,-'-'00,000 of improved roads In Dodge county has been abandoned for this year. That money Is tight In Hamilton count j was clearly demonstrated tho other day when but one bid was of. fcred for a quarter section of the best land In the county at a referee's sale at Aurora, it sold for $100 an acre. Three hundred dollars and costs was the line assessed against a farmer who resides twenty-two miles northwest of Alnsworth for manufacturing and sell ing beer. Authorities seized over llfty i gallons of the brew. ' Five lives were lost nnd $1,S!2,10(5 worth of property destroyed by 770 11 res In Nebraska from December HI ' to July 1, according to a bulletin is- sued by the statu division of (Ire pro- , lection at Lincoln. ! Judgu Stewart at Lincoln Issued an order enjoining the state university from further operating a serum plant,! but permits the institution to sell thu' serum on baud. The new SfiO.UOO nlfii-iiuilze mill at Plattsnioutb began operation the past week aud It Is reported that four oth er mills of the same kind are to be built In towns near Plattsnioutb. A levy of two and u half mills has been made by the Fillmore county board of supervisors to pay the coun ty's share In paving nroiind the court house square at Geneva. Members of the League of Woman Voters at Plattsinouth tire studying thu proposed amendments to the constitu tion, which will be voted upon Sep tember Ul. The big stock yards at South Omaha aro Included among the prlmipal mar keting centers of the country put on sale by tho "big five" packing concerns. Horn! Improvement associations have been organized In every township In Dodge county. They urv pledged to keeping in repair country rouds. .Miss Grace A. Ilanly of New York City, has been engaged by the Platte county chapter of the lied Cross to servo as county nurse. Work has been finished on the new sales pavilion built by the Saunders County Livestock Breeders association at Wahoo Flllinoie county Hed Cross ami Fair mont chapters have united in securing the services of u county Hed Cross nurse. Mi mien's new light and water plant, now under construction, Is expected to be In operation about October 1st. A highway from Alliance t Kimball via Melbela has been proposed bj the Commercial club of Mclbetn. Plans are virtually completed for the big Sugar Meet festival anil barbecue to be held at SeottsblulT September U to 11. Women of Nebraska City have or ganized a ('uipter of the League of Wii.nen voters. l-'aii Klser was sentenced m a twenty-year term In the state penitentiary for kidnaping a l.'l-yeai-old Aurora girl. Efforts ate being made to organize a national guard company at Columbus. City mall delivery will bo established at Sidney on September 1. "Hed" Neal, given leave of absence from the penitentiary at Lincoln that bo might harvest bis SS.000 wheat crop In Nemaha county, returned to the institution of his own nc.ord More than (50 per cent of the winter wheat west of the .Missouri river Is threshed, according to rallvvnv ouiciitls. Estimates place the average yield at twenty to twenty -two bushel an acre. Central City voters at a special 0e Hon favored a ftJO.OOO b. ml nrono. Central City folks are looking for ward to u grand time September 15 and HI when the fnll festival and bar becue will be held la the city. The Hood Samaritan hospital at Kearney, a Catholic Institution, Is to be enlarged by the addition of a new $200,000 building. Nebraska stands llfth among a! states of the union In per capita as sessment. The llguie reaches nmii' than J2,Usi Iowa Is at the top of ttio list with over $:i,(HH). Wyoming bus a tlgure of lftftS, and Soir'i Dakota, i S1S.0S0 Will She Hand i . .. in i JL: , " 1L J SOVIET PEACE TERMS ARE SUBMITTED TO THE POLES Force to Be Supplemented Later by a Civic Militia Made Up of Workers. London. The torms submitted by M. DaniBhevsky, head of the bolshevik ilologates at Minsk at the session of the HuBs-Pollsh peace coference, are given in a dispatch from M. Tchltchcr in, bolRhevlk foreign minister, which was Issued by the Russian delegation in London. Artiolo 1 announces that Russia and Ukraine recognize In full the independ ence and liberty of the Polish repub lic and solemnly confirm the full right of tlie Polish people to establish its own form of government. In article 2 Russia and Ukraine re nounce any form of contribution. Article 3 gives the frontier of Poland In accordance with the note of Earl Curzon (British foreign secretary) with more territory oast ot liialystok and Chelm. Artlclo 4 stipulates that the Polish army be reduced to GO.OOO men to be supplemented by civic militia, made up of workers, organized to preserve order and the population's security. Articles 5, G, 7 and 8 deal with de mobilization of the military and indus tries and the prohibition on Importa tions of war materials. Article 9 saya hostilities will cease seventy-two hours after the signature of these terms, the armios remaining on tho lino occupied, but not east of Ihe line Indicated in Earl Curzon's note of July 11. The Polish army will retire fifty versts (33 1-3 miles) west of tho Russian and Ukranian army, and the intermediate zone will be de rlared neutral with Polish administra tion under control of mixed commis sions and special commissions Article 10 says that simultaneously with the demobilization of tho Polish army and tho turning over of arms, Russian and Ukranian troops will re tiro so that at the termination of Pol ish demobilization only 200,000 men will remain near the neutral zono. Article 11 deals with Polish resti tution to regions formerly occupied, of railway and agricultural material taken away by the Polish army, and the reconstruction of bridges by tho Poles. Article 12 decalres Poland must es tablish by law distribution of land rants, In tho first place to families of Polish citizens killed, wounded or dis lbled in the war. Under artlclo 13 Poland would glvo Russia tho right of free transit for men and goods through her territory with the Volkovishk-Dlalystok-Grapovo railway remaining in full possession mil control of tho Russian ropubllc. Artlclo 14 says Poland must grant :ompleto political and military am aesty. Artlclo 15 provides that Poland must publish the treaty and protocols linmc Jlately the treaty Is signed. 70 Killed When Mountain Top Falls. Manila.- Collapse of a mountain top an this Island in a recent storm, buried an entire Igoroto village un der hundreds of feet of earth, blotting out the lives of 70 natives, according to official advices received here The village was located in the mountain provlnco within 200 miles of the city of Manila. The top slid down upon tho villago at midnight. No bodies Have been recovered. Hen. Wrangel Starts Drive. Paris. General Wrangel has begun in anti-bolshevlst offonslv in tho Crimea on a largo scale, according to aneonfinned dispatches received by dio French war offico Explosion Kills Two. Syracuse. N. Y. Two persons; pos ilbly more, were killed and eight seriously injured in an explosion which demolished a gasolino service nation here. $23,000,000 Rum Conspiracy. Cleveland. Ohio. Dozens of per ions among municipal and federal of- 'icials will be arrested shortly In con section with what John II. Person, j ipecial internnl revenue inspector I rom Baltimore, termed "a gigantic .25.000.000 rum conspiracy, operating i n Kentucky, Ohio and on to tho At antic coast." Since January 1C, up iroxlmutely $25,000,000 worth of Honor j ins boen removed from government londcd warehouses In Kentucky and Pennsylvania by theft or- fake per-mitd D Him His Hat? POLES CHECK THE GREAT DRIVE OF THE RED ARMY Fate of Warsaw Will Depend on Ability of Defending Forces to Keep Up Their Tactics. Paris. Warsaw is holding out well, according to the latest news. The Poles, who were beginning to repeat their old despairing cry of 1831, "God is too high and France too far," forti fied by the council of French expert soldiers, have plucked up spirits with Immediate effect. While it is too soon to forecast the favorable issue of the great battle raging near Warsaw, the Poles appear to retain the initiative they took Sat urday and continue to hold the bol shoviki in check. In the southeast, on the western Bug, thoy have scored notable successes. Nevertheless the situation with Warsaw threatened from three sides undoubtedly remains sorious and everything depondB on the ability of the Poles to keep up their tactics. It is considered significant in mili tary circles that tho Moscow wireless has been unusually silent. Efforts of the Poles to push back the bolshevik have resulted in the capture of important stragetic posi tions. Three days ago the Poles faced an extremely critical situation with the red center virtually reaching the outer forts of the capital. On the right the soviet had captured the Pul-tusk-Serock bridgehead, driving tho Poles from the fork of the Narow and the Bug. Sunday, however, the Poles launched a counter offensive from Novo Georgievaak, clearing the north bank of tho Narow, and they have recaptured the Serock bridgehead. Operations are proceeding agaiustuhe Pultusk forts. The bolshevik abandoned consider able booty. Charges Negro Won Wife's Love. Raleigh, N. C Henry K. Varner, former president of tho National Edi torial association, ex-commisslcner of labor and printing and now chairman of tho state prison board, has brought suit for ?100,000 against Baxter Mc Ilary, of Lexington, grand master of North Carolina negro Masons and per haps tho best known negro In tho state, for alleged alionation of Mrs. Varnor's affections. Ho has also sued his wife for absolute divorce. Tennessee House Falls to Ratify. Nashville, , Tenn Tho Louse ad journed without acting on tho suff rage amendment. The vote was 52 to 45. The motion was made by Speaker Walker and anti-ratification-ists. Tho move was interpreted as a point for tho antl-suffragists. How ever, several voted In favor of ad journment who are considered friendly to suffrage, and re-raHflcationlsts snid tho vote was without groat sig nificance. Iowa Couple Drowned. Cedar Rapids, la. Prof, and Mrs. Hobart Frary were drowned at tho Dells, Kilbourn, Wis., according to a telegram received hero by friends. Prof. Frary was formerly a momber of tho faculty of tho state university and his wife was a student there. Both woro 33 years old. An infant daughter survives. Lord Mayor of Cork Deported. Cork, Ireland. Terrence Mac Sweeney, lord mayor of Cork, was do ported to England aboard a destroyer, after having been found guilty of sedition by court martial. Mac Sweeney still refused to eat. Police Safe Robbed. Los Annolos. Cal. Tho safo in Po lice Judge R. L. Chesebro's court room, In central police station, was robbed of approximately $25,000, it was discovered when caun opened. "Red" Bands Disturb Rumania. Constantinople. Rumania has not boen invaded by organized bolshevik forces, but roving bands are overrun ning hor northeastern frontiers, caus ing uneasiness, say observers who havo Just returned here. Rumania, they add, is holding her army ready to reals.' an invasion. Peace with Bulgaria. Paris. The treaty of peace between the allies and Bulgaria, signed last Novembor, was officially nriaiulcatuii i i GREAT DATTLE IS BEING I FOUGHT ON RIVER BUG Key Defen8ts of Warsaw Are Now Better Protected Attacks on Outer Forts Repulsed. Warsaw. Uninterrupted flghtincc U going on In the valley of the Bug from Its Bource to its confluence with the Narew river. Tho groat battlo which has Just begun along the river has been marked by appreciable ad vantages for the PoleH. Thoy havo Inflicted heavy losses on tho enemy and retaken Important positions. In Gallcia the Poles, without pres sure from the bolshevik!, have with drawn to the Bug. Forces defending Warsaw are now grouped as follows: Tfto left wing, resting on tho forts of Modlin (Novo Georgivak), holds the line of the lower Narew and Bug; the center, protected behind by the outer forts of Warsaw, occupies positions from eighteen to thirty miles from tho capital; the right win g commands the valley of thtr upper Bug. Both on tho right and left wing it is the Poles who have taken the initiative Bolshevik forces which had crossed the Bug between Hrubleszow and Wlodawa have been thrown hack. On the left wing the Poles, starting froir Modlin, made a successful attack toward Mlawa. Thanks to' this op oration, tho positions the Poles oc cupy in the work of the Narew and Bug, which constitute the key de fonsos of Warsaw, are better protect ed from a flank attack. In the centor, on the lower Bug, all attacks delivered by the enemy to enable him to approach tho Warsaw' forts wore repelled with heavy losses. Red oavalry continues to operate along tho old Polish Prussian frontier without opposition from tho Poles. This operation is not connected with tho battle along the Bug and cannot in any way influence the issue there, even should the bolsheviki throw in stronger forces. It is considered that the Polish troops occupying Thorn and Graudenz and distributed along the Vistula are ample to protect the Danzig communications from any danger. U. S. Ships on Teuton Routes. Washington. Operation of Ameri can ships on former German trade routes to all parts of tho world has the sanction and support of the ship-. ping board. Chairman Benson declared in announcing .o-operative working agreements reached between tho American Ship and Commerce corpo ration of New York and the Hamburg American line of Germany. He de clared that "the shipping board would look forward to seeing ono of its constructive plans carried out." Robbers Dig Into Vault. Marshalltown, In. Digging through an 18-lnch vault of the Peoplo'.s Sav ing bank at Laurel, this county, rob bers escaped with ?750 in silver, all tho money that had been placed in the vault outside tho safe at the close of banking hours. An effort was made to force tho safo and although It was damaged it is the belief tho men did not have enough timo to com plete Uio more difficult job. The robbers left no clue behind and no one saw thorn. Wireless Flashed Around World. Washington, D. C Tho first "wire less message to be heard round tho world," was received by Secretary Daniels from tho Lafayette radio sta tion, at Bordeaux, France. The mes sage was the first sont from the I-a-fayetto station, largest in the world, just completed by the United States navy ainl Is undergrlng official test before being turned over to France. Mother and Children Drown. Seattle, Wash - Mrs. Manic Gilson, 31 years old, and two of her children, Bertram, 9 years, and Jack, 7, woro drowned In Lake Washington. Tho mother attempted to save both lads as they were being swept bayond their depth by waves A third son. Roboit, was rescued by his father, Oscar A Gllson, nftor the boy was almost over come whilo trying to save his brothers. Denver Carmen to Jail. Donvor. Seven members of thr exocutivo committee of local division 710, Amalgamated Association ot Street and Electric Hallway Workers, which wont on strike August 1. wire sontenced to ninety days In the conn ty jail for contempt by Judge Greeley W. Whitford in district court. They began their sentences at once. Bnnd.ts Get $100,000. Chicago.- Muil said by postal in spectors hore to amount tj jlOi.ouo was taken from the Illinois Central station platform at 111th street by two auto bandits Pollco and postal authorities joined in ptiriuit of thu men. The mall was supposed to have been directed to largo concern.s near hy. U. S. Will Sell Ships. Washington.- Preparations foi tho salo of government owned slnel mei- chant ships will begin at once. Ch.nr, man Benson, ot the shipping boani. stated. Plans for an oxtensivo ad vertising campaign to place the ves sels on the market are under way, h said, and actual disposal of them will start as soon as the necessary de tails havo been completed It was also stated that an active campaign to soil the wooden ships would bi launched. Definite plans, however, still aro under consideration rS l V I