Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, August 05, 1920, Image 8

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RepyblJcan Nominee, at Notification Cer
emonies, Discusses Problems
Confronting Nation.
Advocates Party Responsibility as Dis
tinguished from Dictatorial and Au
tooratlc Personal Rule In Referring
to League of Nations, Says We De
Not Mean to Shun a Single Responsi
bility of This Republic to World Civ
ilisation Favors Protective Tariff,
Merchant Marine, a Small Army,
Woman Suffrage and National Bud
get. Marlon, Ohio (Special). -r-Warren
G. Hardin wns officially notified hert
of his nomination as tho Republican
candidate for tho presidency. Hl
speech of acceptance Is, In part, ai
"Chairman Lodge, Members ot No
tlflcatlon Committee, MemborB of Na
tlonal Committee, Ladles and Gentle
mon: The mfcasace which you havi
formally convoyed brines to me a re
alGadon ot the responsibility which li
uot-todBrj.sUmat.ed. 1J. Is a supremt
task' to interpret the covenant of i
great political party, the activities o'
which ar so woven Into tho history o:
this republic and a very sacred an
solemn andertaklug to utter the fait!
and aspirations ot the many mllllom
who adhere to that party.
"Tho pjirtylAfyprm has charted thi
way, yet, "somehow, wj,have come t
expect thVrfrfer)jrotatlbn which volcei
the fajtli ot 'noniijioes who must as
sums spoolffc jaufts.
"Let fne be Understood clearly f ron
the very ejnuTuK. I believe in partj
spVnprsjfp of government. 1 bellevi
in party gqv.onlnieut as dlstlngulBhei
from jpe'ridnarovernmentj individual
dictatorial, ,tocrgtlc or what not
No'juan i ,bigunough to mu thli
great"anubllc. Thoro novor has boei
one. Such domination. .was novor In
tehdad. Tranquility, stability, .depend
abilityall nro assuro'd In party spon
sprphljj, and wo hleari to ronow ttn
8sufahce which w.ere rendered in thi
cataclystaa.1 war.
"Our tfrat cqmmltal Is the rostora
tlon of representative popular govorn
ment under tlfe cbuetUutlon, througl
tho agency ot tbVJRepublican party
Our vision luofuaes more than a chle,
executive. We bollove In a cablno
of highest capacity, equal to tho re
sponslbllltleH which our system con
templates, in whose council tho vlci
president, second official of tho rei
public, shall be asked to participate
Tho samo vision Includes a cordial tin
derstanding and co-ordinated actlvltlci
with a house ot congress, fresh Iron
the peoplo, voicing tho convictloni
which members bring from direct con
tact with the electorate, and cordla
co-ordination along with tho restore!
fUBCtlonn ot tho senate, fit to bo tht
greatest deliberative body of thi
jlt is not difficult, Chairman Lodge
to 'make ourselves clear on tho ques
tlon of International relationship. Wi
Republicans ot tho senate, conscloui
of our solemn oaths and mindful o
our constitutional obllgaUpns, wboi
wosaw the structuro'of a world super
government taking visionary form
Joined ta becoming warning ot ouf
devotion to this republic. It tho torcll
ot constitutionalism had not beet
dimmed, tho delayed peace ot thi
world and, the tragedy ot disappoint
ui'ent and Kuropo'B mlsundorstandin.1
of America easily might havo boot
avoided. The Republicans ot tho sen
ate halted tho barter ot independent
American eminence and Influence
which it was proposed to exchange
for an obscure and unequal place li
the .merged government of the world
Our party meanB to hold tho heritage
ot American nationality unimpaired
and unsurrendered.
"Tho world wilt not misconstrue
Wo do not mean to hold aloof. '
,d)o not .mean to shun a sjnglo resu.qusl
billty of this republic to world clvlllza
tlon. Thoro is uo hato in tho Auierl
can heart. Wo have no envy, no bus
plclou, no aversion for any poople in
tho world. Wo hold to our rights and
mean to defend, aye, wo mean to bus
tain tho rights ot this nation and out
citizens allko overywhero under tht
shining sun. Yet there is the concord
ot amity and sympathy and tratornltj
In every resolution. There is a gen
ulae aspiration in every American
brut for a tranquil friendship with
"aVPtbe world. One may readily sense
.Ah0hMflclcnce ot vour America. I ara
suro I understand the purposo of the
dominant group ot the senate. W
were 'not Basking to defeat a world
aspiration. We were resolved to tmfo
guard Ajneric. Wo wero resolved
then, veiPaa we aro today, and will
be tomorrow, to preserve this freo and
independent republic.
"lu the call of the conscience of
America Is peace, peace that closes the
gaping wound of world war, and si
lences the impassioned voices ot lutes--national
envy and distrust. Heeding
this call and knowing as I do the dis
position ot the congress, I promise you
formal and atfectlvt peace aojjulckl
!... H.....1.II - ............... .m.. lit
i8 H IieyUUIICaM VUUgigsa l,u iann
! ieclaration for a Republican executive
i l?n It Is better to be tbe free and
llaintprcRted agent of International j
lustlee and advanclnc. civilization,
with tho covenant of consclonce, than (
bo Bhacklod by a wrltt.cn compact
ivhlch surrenders our freedom of ac
tion and gives to a mlltary alliance tho
right to proclaim America's duty to
tho world. No surrender of rights to
i world council or Its military alii- ,
ance, no assumed mandatory, however
sppeallng, ever shall summon tho sons
if this republic to war. Their suprome
sacrifice shall only bo asked for Amer
ica and its call of honor. Thoro is a
sanctity in that right wo will not dele
gate. "Disposed as we are the way Is
rery simple. Let the failure attend
ing assumption, obstinacy, imprac
ticability und delay be recognized, and
let us find the big, practical, unselfish
way to do our part, neither covetous
because of ambition nor hesitant
through fear, but ready to servo our
solves, humanity and God. With n
senate advising as tho constitution
contomplatcB,, I would hopefully ap
proach tho nations of Europo and of
tho earth, proposing that understand
ing which makes us a willing partici
pant In tho conBecratlon of nations to
a new relationship, to commit tho
moral forces of tho world, America
Included, to peace and international
Justice, still leaving America free, in
dependent nnd self reliant, but offer
ing friendship to all tho world.
"It Is folly to closo our eyes to
outstanding facts. Humnnlty Is rest
ive. Much ot tho world is in revolt!
tions. Tho agents of discord and do
structlon havo wrought their tragedy
in pathotlc Russia, have lighted theli
torches among other peoples and hope
to see America a part of the great
red conflagration. Ours Is tho temple
of liberty under tho law. and It Is ours
to call tho sons of opportunity to Its
defense. America must not only save
herself, but ours must be tbe appeal
ing voice to sober the world. It must
bo understood that toll alone makci
for accomplishment and advancement
and righteous possession is tho rowan!
of toll and Its incentive. There Is n
progress oxcopt In tho stimulus o
"The chief troubolo today is that the
world war wrought tho destruction o
healthful competition, left our otoro
houses empty, nnd there in a minimum
production when our need Is maxl
mum. Maximums, not mlnimums, it
Itho call of America. it Isn't a new
'story, because war nover falls Ic
lleavo doploted storehouses and alwayi
impairs tho efficiency ot production
War also establishes Its higher stan
dards for wages and they abide. 1
wish the hlghor wage to nbldo, on on
explicit condition that tho wago
.earner will, glvo full roturn for the
.wage received.
"I want, somehow, to appeal to the
'sons and daughters of tho republic,
to cvyery, producor, to foln hands and
(brain in production, more production,
honest production, patriotic production
becauM patriotic production is no less
Ju defense of our best civilization than
.that of armed forces. Profiteering ii
a crime ot commission, undor-produc-,tlon
is n crimo ot ommlsslon. We
must work our most and boat clso the
Jdestructlvo reaction will come. The
menacing tondency ot tho present day
Jb not chargeable wholly to tho unset
tled and fevered conditions caused by
the war. Tho manifest weakness in
popular government lies In tho temp
tation to groupod citizenship for po
litical advantage.
"It would bo tho blindness ot folly
to Ignore the activities in our own
country which aro aimed to destroy
our economic system, and to commit
us to the colossar tragedy which has
destroyed all freedom and mado Rust
sla lmpotont. This movement is not
to be halted In throttled liberties.
Wo must not abridge tho freedom ot
speocb, tho froedom of press, or tho
freedom ot assembly, because there is
uo promlso in repression. Those lib
erties aro us sacrod as tho freedom
of religious bollef, as luviolablo as tho
rights of life und the pursuit ot happi
ness. Wo do hold to tho right to
crush sedltlou, to stifle u menacing
contempt for law, to stamp out a
peril to the safety of tho republic or
Its people, when emorgency calls, bo
causo security nnd tho majosty ot tho
law aro tho first essentials ot liberty,'
Io who threatens tho destruction of
tho goverumont by force or flaunts his
contempt for lawful uuthorlty, ceases
to be a loyal citizen and forfeits hid
rights to tho freedom ot tho republic)
No party Is Indifferent to tho -welfare!
it tho wago oarnor. To us his good
fortune is of doepost concern and wd
teek to make that good fortuuo pur
.bVbhbhbbbbbbVj- b.
V- '- f ( aBBBBaBBk
&ktU Cfiuni KsvfU'f attain
raanent. Wo do not oppose but ap
prove collective bargaining because
that is an outstanding right, but we
are unalterably Insistent that Its cxcv
clso must not destroy tho equally Bac
red right of the individual In bis
necessary pursuit of livelihood. Any
American has tho right to quit his
employment, so has every American
tho right to seek employment. The
cr0UD must not endnncer the indlvldu
and wo must dSCOurage groups
preying upon one another r.nd none1
shall be allowed to forget that the
government's obligations aro alike ta
all the people.
"Wo are so confident that much of
tho presents day insufficiency and In
deficiency of transportation are due
to tbe withering hand of government
ownership that we want to expedite
the reparation and make sure tho
mistake Is not repeated. A state ot
Inadequate transportation facilities'
mainly chargcablo to tho failure oi
governmental experiment is losing
millions to agriculture, it Is hindering
industry. It Is monaclng the American
people with a fuel shortago little less
than a peril. It emphaslzos the present-day
problom nnd suggests that
spirit ot oncouragoment and assistance
whlsh commits all America to relieve
such an emergency.
' "Gross expansion of currency and
credit havo depreciated tho dollar Jue!
'as expansion and inflation havo ill
credited tho coins of tho world. V
inflated in haste, wo must deflate In
deliberation. Wo debased tho dollar
In reckless finance, wo must restore
In honesty. In all sincerity, wo prom
Iso tho prevention of unreasonable
profits, we challenge profiteering with
nil the moral force and the legal
powers of government and people but
It Is fair, ayo, It Is timely to give
reminder that law Is not the wile
corrective of our economic ills Lei
us call to all tho people for thrift
nnd economy, for denial and sacrifice
tt need bo for a natlonwldo drive
against extravagance and luxury tc
U recommittal to simplicity of living,
to that prudent und normal rlau ol
life which Is tho health of the mpubllo
New conditions, which attend arnuzlnj
growth and extraordinary Industrial
development call for a now and for
Ward looking program. The Amerlcat
farmer had a hundred and twontj
millions to feed In tbe home market
Und heard tho cry of tho world foi
food and answered It, though hn face
tin appalling task amid handicap!
liover encountered before. Conltmi
plating the defenselossness ot the In
dividual farmer to meet tho organize
buyers of his products and the dls
tributors ot the things tho farmei
buys, I hold that farmers should no'
only bo permitted but encouraged K
Join In co operative association U
reap the Just measure ot reward
merited by their arduous toll. Oui
plutform is an earnest pledge of re
hewed concorn for this most essen
tlnl and elemental Industry and It
both appreciation and interest w
pledge effectivo expression In Uw and
practice. We will hall that co-opera
tlon whlcu again will mak protltabU
hnd desirable the ownership and op
oration of comparatively small farmt
Intensively cultivated, and which wll
facilitate tho caring of the producti
pt farm and orchard without the la
znontablo waste under presont comll
"America would look with anxletj
pn the discouragement ot farming
uctlvlty either through the govern
ment's neglect or its paralysis by so
blallstfc practices. A Republican ad
ministration will b'o committed to ro
how regard for ngrloulture, and seok
tho participation ot farmers in cur
ing the Ills Justly complained of, and
dim to place tho American farm where
It ought to be, highly ranked In Ameri
can activities and fully sharing the
highest good fortunes of American
"llecomlngly associated with thii
bubjoct tin- the policies ot Irrigation
und reclamation, so essential to agri
cultural expansion, and tho continued
development of the groat and wonder
ful west. It is our purposo to con
tinue and enlarge federal alii, not in
eoctlonal partiality, but for the good
ot all America. I believe tho budget
3ystom will effect n uocossary, help
Jul reformation und reveal buslncsf
methods to government business.
J "1 believe tho federal departments
should be made moro business like
hnd send back to productive effort
thousands of fedoral employees, who
aro olther duplicating work or not
tssentlat at all.
"1 believe In the protective tariff
policy nnd know wu will be culling
for its saving Americanism again.
"I beliuvu In a great morcbnnt
marine 1 would have this republic
leading the maritime nations ot the
"1 bcllovo in a navy ample 10 protect
It and be ublu to assure us dopondablo
"I bollove in a small army, but the
host in the world, with u mindfulness
tor preparedness which will avoid the
unutterablo cost of our pievlous neg
lect. I bellove in our eminence In
trado abroad, which tho government
should aid lu expanding, both In re
vealing markets and speeding cargoes.
"I believe In establishing staudarda
for immigration which aro concerned
with the future cltizoushlp ot tho ta
public, not with mere man power in
"I bcllovo that every man who dons
:lie garb ot Amurlcau citizenship and
tvalks In the light ot American op
portunity, must becomo American In
: aoart and soul 1 believe In holding
, 'ast to every forward Btep lu unsback-
ling child labor and elevating condi
tions ot woinaua' employment.
"I belluve tho fedetal government
Qlty, fobvMta
"I pledge fidelity to our ooun
vry and to God, and accept the
nomination of tho Republican
party for tho presidency of the
United States."
"The human element comes
first, and I want the employers
of Industry to understand the
aspirations, the convictions, the
yeuinlngs of millions of Amer
ican wage earners."
"The ..constitution contem
plates no class and recognizes
no group. It broadly includes
all the people, with specific rec
ognition for none."
"We approve collective bar
Raining." "Gross expansion of currency
and credits has depreciated the
dollar. We will attompt intelli
gent and courageous deflation."
"When competition natural,
fair, Impelling competition Is
suppressed, whether by law,
compact or conspiracy wo halt
tho march of progress, silence
tho voice of aspiration and par
alyzo tho will for achievement."
"1 promise yqu formal and ef
fective penco so quickly as a
Republican congress can pass its
declaration for a Republican ex
ecutive to sign."
"I can hear the call of con
science, an Inslsent voice for
largely reduced armaments
throughout the world."
"Our vision includes more
than a chief executive. We be
lieve In a cabinet of highest ca
pacity, equal to the responsi
bilities which our system con
templates, In whose councils the
vlo president, second official of
tho ropublfc, shall be asked to
should stamp out lynching and remova
that stain from the fair name ol
America. I believe the federal govern
ment should give its effective aid in
solving Uie problem of ample and be
coming housing of its citizens. I bo
llove this government should make ita
Liberty and Victory bonds worth all
that Its patriotic citizens paid In pur
chasing them. I believe the toxbur.
dens imposed for the war emergency
must bo revised to the needs of peace
and In tho interest of euuity in dis
tribution of the burden. I believo the
negro citizens ot America should be
'guaranteed the enjoyment of all theh
rights, that they have earned the full
measurn ot citizenship bestowed, thai
their sacrifices in blood on tho battle
'fields ot the republic have entitled
them, to all of freedom and oppor
itunlty, all ot sympathy und .aid thai
the American spirit of fairness and
jjuBtlco demands,
i "I believe there Is an easy and open
path to righteous relationship with
jMexIco. It has seemed to me that
our undeveloped, uncertain and infirm
-policy lias made us a culpable partv
to the governmental misfortunes In
that land. Our relations ought to be
'both friendly and sympathetic. We
.would like to acclaim a stable govern
ment there and offer a neighborly
band In pointing tho way to grealei
' "I believe In law enforcement. II
elected I mean to be a constitutional
president and It Is impossible to Ig
nore tho constitution, unthinkable to
evade the law when our every com
mittal Is to orderly government. The
'four million defenders on land and
sea were worthy of the best traditions
of a peoplo never war-like in peace
hnd never pacifist In war. They com
manded our pride, they have our
gratitude, which must have genuine
expression. It Is not only a duty, It
Is a privilege to see that tho sacri
fices they mado shall bo requltted apd
that those still suffering from cas
ualties and disabilities shall be abun
dantly aided and restored to the high
est capabilities ot citizenship and its
"The womanhood of America, al
ways its glory, its inspiration and th
potent uplifting force In its social nnd
spiritual development is about to be
enfranchised. Insofar as congress can
go the fact Is ulready accomplished.
Ily party edict, by my personal con
viction, I am committed to this meas
ure of Justice. It Is my earnest hopo,
'my slncero deslro, that the ono needed
state vote bo quickly recorded in the
affirmation of tho right of equal suf
frago and that the vote of overy cltl
ten shall bo cast and counted in tho
approaching election. And to the
great numbor of; noblo womr-n who
havo opposed In conviction this tre
mendous change in tho ancient re
lationship ot tho sexes as applied by
government, I venture to plead that
thoy will accopt tho full responsibility
ot onlarged citizenship and glvo to
the best in the republic their suffrage
and support.
"Ours Is not only a fortunate peo
ple but a very common senslcal poo
plo with vision high but their feet on
the earth, with belief in themselves
ind faith In God. Whether enemies
.hroaten from without or menaces
irlso from within thoro is Botue in
lutinablo voice which says, 'Havo con
idenco in the republic. America will
jo on.'"
It All Depends.
"Smith must have bought a car,"
remarked Jones. "What makes you
jhlnlcthatl" asked Brown. "Vie used
o talk about tho blank-blank auto
mobiles." replied Jones, "but now he
& talking about blank-blank Jaywalk
sre' Cincinnati Enquirer.
iSiSjSSSlSSSiShsx. 1; :w. SsisiaS
l-tr Pub liiii I', ,,.f.0--lw
In the Matter of the 'istntc of
James Thornton, Deceased.
The State of Nobrnska, to till per
sons intcie&tcd in s.iii. 03taic ci edit
ors and heirs take notice, that Wil
llnm .1. Franklin has filed hin peti-
i1on alleging that James Thornton
died intestate In Dakota County. Xe-
braska. on or about the 121st day ol
July, 18S7, being a resident nnd in
habitant of Dakota County, Nebraska,
and owner of the Southeast quarter
of the southwest quarter (ShVi of
SW), Section two (2), iownsmp
twenty-nine (20), Range seven (7),
East of the Sixth Principal .Meridian,
Dakota County, Nebraska, leavln; ns
Ins solo a:
was ; administered in the Count Court
of Dakota County, Nobnwkti, except,
it. ..a. .!........ ,t. ,...!.,:.. 1,.!., I.!..
uuu. nu uuui-u uaim,,,, ..u.....,
was entered by the court therein, imd
praying that said estate bo opened
up and ior a decree bnrung clniii'ji,
that the said decaesetl (tied intestate
ami uiai wic neira ,ii law oi me bam
decedent as herein bet foith hhnll bo
decreed to be thc solo and only heirs
'V, , a, ', , ,u v ,r TV southwest qunrter of the northwest
L. J. Ihornton, Kale Inum- . ... - . , .,, fl,m,..., ,....
Renze, Henry Thornton, ami Ag-Inim, cast to the southeast corner of
Thornton, and farther nilo.ng the B0Uthenst quarter Gf tho north-
said estate of James Ihornton ...,, .......... r :.t t! i.
..,.,,.' " , . l,LMlM)y the northeast qunrter of the south
inhoiilcd the a -ovc di'senijod ica ..., r m t.-.. m t...
at. 1c in lee b milc. Jleating on
V" ,)Ct."!?n,".,lf ,,8J,n. S?1, 'T Virtue; also to remove the clouds oc
Uwbci luthllJn- 1. o.-bek A. ai.t ca8one(1 i,v the claims of the dc
iii Inti COvinty Court Room at DaKi.ta r,,.,,!.,,,.. V w it: f..
.ity, Dakota V.O.MIV. VebrnsKn.
Dated this 28th day of July 1920.
S. W. IMcklNLEY,
(Sefl1) County .lncicr
1st Pub. .'uly 29, lOSO
C. A. Mannintr. Plaintiff, vs. Pat
rick Moan. Jlarv Moan. Jennie Moan,
Frank Moan. James Moan. R. E. Ev-
ans, Administrator of the Estate of
John M. Moan, Deceased, E. F.
Armit.ige, Ruth Joncb, Ali'rcc,
Jones, Eva Jones, Mamie
Jones, Albert Jones, Elvira Jones i"kl-
win Jones, Carl Jones, Ruby Jones,
Alice I. Jones, Byron L. Jones, Irene
Jones, Ella Wclty, Thomas I. Vclty,
Carrie Gantt, William E. Gantt, and
Harriett E. Jones, and the heirs dei
sees, legatees, personal iepu,.wiit'u
tives, and all persons interested in
the estate of Harriett E. Jones, and
lots fourteen (M), and fifteen (15),
in block seven (7), First Addition to
the City ol South Sioux City, Dakota
uounii- Nel)r.i.,i r., and all oersoi s
claiming nny interest of anv kind in Jon """spetn, uarrie nuuspetn, lot
said real estate or any par", thereof, twelve (12), and the south half (S)
defendants. lot thirteen (13), block eleven (11), 1
You and "each of ou are hereby no- original plat, South Sioux City, Nt-
tilled that on the 17th dav of July, hrnskn, and all persons claiming any
1920, plaintiff filed his duly verified interest ot any kind in said red es
petition against yoi in the District Uxc or ani' Part thereof, defendants.
Court of Dakota County, Nebraska, ou snu cadi ol you are hereby no
the object rnd prayer ol which is to lfiA thilt on the 23rd day of July,
quiet his title to lots fourteen and A- 1!)2. plaintiff filed nib duly
fifteen, in block 7, First Addition to
the City of South Sioux City, Dako-
ta County, Nebraska, and to remove
the clouds occasioned by the claims
of the defendants Patrick Moan,
Mary Aloan, Jennie Moan, James
Moan, and Frank Moan, and li. h
Evans, dminislrato: of the Estate
of John M. Moan, decensed, in and to
said lot 11, by virtue of a oheriff's
sale to John M. Moan; to remove the
clouds occasioned bv the clan, s of E.
F. Armitagc on lot 14; also lo remove
the clouds occasioned by the claims
of the defendants Ruth Jones, Alfred
Jones, Eva Jones, ?.I,.mie Jones, Albert
Jones, Elvira Jones, Ldwin Jones, C'.irl
Jones, llaby Jones, Alice 1. Jones,
Byron L. Jones, Lene Junes,
Ella Welty, Thomas, J. Welty, couus occasional uy tho claims ot
Carrie Gantt, William E. Gantt, and the defendant!, William II. Goss, in
Harriett E. Jones, nnd the heirs, 'dev- ,aml lo Io twelve, nnd the south
isees, legatees, personal reprcsenta-' llalf of sail1 Iot thirteen, and to re
tives, and all persons interested in movu the clouds occasioned !y the
tho estate of Harriett E. Jones, in clai,ns of each and every one of the
and to said lot 15 under and hy vir-1 defendants. Plaintiff also prays for
tuo of the former ownership of Har-I general equitable relief,
rlett E. Jonos thnrein. .inn" in rnmnnil You arc required to answer said e-
the clouds occasioned by the claims'
of each and all of the defendants
Plaintiff also prays for general
equitable relief.
You aro required to answer said
petition on or before the Gth day of
September, 1920.
Dated this 28th day of July, 1920.
C. A. MANNING, Plaintiff.
lst Pub. July 29, 11)20 4w
m:isai, nothm:.
t ' :, i J- V, i '
James W. Virtue and his heirs, ilevi-
sees, legatees personal n-presenta-1
ives ami all persons interested in
the estate of JamcV. Virtue. Emmn'
E. Mattison, I-ay Matron, and his
heirs, devisees legatees, personal'
representatives an-, all persona H-
terested in the estate of toy Mat ti-'
son, Onn A. Rarber, and Kate li.
Barber, and the Mmthcm quarter of
tho southwest quarter (SE'4 of
1 lit! lllll LllHil. L IJll.ll tI I 1 t fll ." t 1.
of NEI4), ami the m
tho northeast quarte
. - . -, ,. j
east quarter (N
Section ten (10)
the northwest quarter (N'.VM, Sec-
tion eleven (11), dejcrlbcd as To -
lows: Commencintr ,,r. th nJtl .
lows: Commencing at tho north
. mum 4i .. !...!. ... v
J and mat nar "'of C?nnV' Nebraska, and to remove tho
h. iorth" Ino th e of 7l mndr d o,fBl1?C?U,lId0' """ d ''fsaid -and
fifty feet (650), thence iunn tic w-it Mn" . ?wn?lbh"? , of 1ba'd
southwesterly to the northwest "or? W Ilai McQuaide, ,n said real es-
ner.of the iuthwest ,aarter of L AV ?Z
(SW4 of NWh). of said Action,
thence running east to the southeast
I? fAh" !?Uth0t.. ?"'
thf nnii h von at (nnwfnaa ooi
if the NW4), of said bee
tlon, then north to tho place of
beginning, all in Township twenty
nine (29), Range Seven i7), East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Ha
kota County, Nebraska, and all per
sons' cluiniintr any Interest of nnv
iiiiinir any intercut of inu
me?eof, Sflndantf r n"y PMt, IaRMRS TumMr'O
Vou and each of you are hereby no- 2520 BOYD STREET OMAHA, NEB,
jfcjfcir ,,', V-Mni --WL-lAa'iiAteJt.ySZ
tlfled that on tho 23rd day of July,
1920, the plaintiff nled his duly veil
lied petition nnjnlnst. you in tho Dis
trict Couit ol Dakota County, fid
braska, tho object and pm,ur of
which is to quiet his title to tho
following described real citato, to
wit Southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter (SEi of bW1).
Section 2, and the south hnlf of the
southeast quarter of the northeast
quarter nnd the north hali of the
northeast qunrter ol the fouthcutt
quarter of Section 10, and that part
of tho northwest quarter of Section
11, described as follows: Commenc
ing at tho northeast corner of said
northwest quarter, thence running
west on tho north line thereof OGtl
feet, thence running southwesterly
to tiie northwest corner -of tue south
west quarter of the northwec quar
ter of said section, thence tunning
S(Uth to th southwest corner of the
110lth t0 tho p,yce of beginning, all
! t,0i,; o !) n Vncf Ar i,
''. """"-"I" '"I """ft.- " "i t.i.
cth principal Meridinn, in Dakota
p,,,,,,,, v!,,nDi,n , ,,, ,,.,
clouds ,occnaJonoii bv tho claims of
thc defendants James W. Virtue nnd
his heirs, devisees, legatees, personal
rn,M.nc.mf.itinc n,i .,11 ,,n,.a in
terestwHn tho'crtlite of Jnmos W.
VirUlCi ,,, nnd to snid th half ol-
vj,.f r n tnv ,irn,i trl .!,. w
Afi.iHi.on. .iml h ltn!r ,W,W
utters, per?oflnl r--tW-
n -v t - . c ta-
-. v , - . .,i,.Ulc0n, Orin A. Bar-
lior, and Kate B. Barber, in and to
said leal estate, in said northwest
quarter of said section 1, by virtue
of an unrecorded deed from John
Ilartnett, Sr., to Faye Mattison
part of said northwest quarter and
to remove the clouds occasioned by
the claims of each and all of the
defendants in and to all and every
part of said real estate.
Plaintiff also prays for general
equitable relief.
You niv required to answer said
petition on or before the Gth day of
septemoer, ii)Z0,
Dated this 2Sth day of Julv. 1920.
Lst Pub. July 29, 1920 4w .
Fred S. "Welsh, Plaintiff, vs. Men el
Curtis, Jennie llornick, William H.
Goss, Wilks James, Cora A. James,
1 jjuhuuh ugmn&i, you in me
DistrictCourt of Dakota County, Ne-
ai"i, uwuujeciniiu prByurui wiucn
is to quiet Ins title to Lot Lwolve.
South half of lot thirteen, jIock
eleven, Original Plat of South hioux
City, Dakota County, Nebraska, and
to remove the cluiuU occasioned by
J claims ol tlie Ielenilant Alerret
Curtis, in and to the south half of
said lotrtwelve; to remove tne clouds
occasioned by the claims of the de-
lendant Jennie llornick, 11 and to
t whole of lot twelve; to remove
e clouds occasioned by tbe claims
of the defendants Wilks James, CVra
A- Jnies, John Hudspeth, and Carrie
Hudspeth in and to the north half of
the said lot twelve; to remove the
ition on or before the Gth day of
September, 1920.
Dated this 28th day of July, 1920.
FRED S. WELSH, Plaintiff.
lst Pub. July 29, 1920 lv
Frank Davey, Plaintiff, vs. V'illiam
McQuaide, and lii'j heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives
and all persons interested in the es
tate of William McQuaide, and the
northeast quarter (NEJ4), of Section
"-wenty (20), Townsh p twenty-oigiit
(28) North of R 7),.-nst
of thu Sxth p . Mer,ty, , ,
Dakota County, Nohruska, and all
,,ersons cMm nny interestof any
kim, ,n Bn, ,, t ,.t
theitor , Uefendantg
You d , f hereby iw-
tlfled that on the y20th day of July,
,(10m ii, ,,iihit (,i, i iii,,iv mil.
S'J ?. ' t'L f'l "1 ill Os
'p 1?" 'V.nJ? vSS t
Kkn??. o ol iectnd Sel of
which is to aulct his title to the
u "".' "'"'
1 , ?ofelm,,nnts, W'11'"'" MfclJ
aJ his heirs, devices 1-gateei
es per-
fconal representatives, and
all per-
sons interested in the estate of Wil
ne ition on or I oTo,,
Sei.tom ber 190
DaVed'udsh d
day of July. 192(W
FRANK DAVEY, l'lnintl.l.71
UUXWOKK and iuml bulUlni mtrll t
w H..a nnrt hunct rmnt-fn rT nr inti ll.
irtli one-naif of Township. 28, Range 7, East of the
r of the south- ,, n,..' :.,. . u n?.,Ai ' . linUntn
v----Vir?Mr v-i -