Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 29, 1920, Image 7

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i'W li. vv m m
r i nf,r
Stop That Backache!
Those agonizing Winces acrow the
email of the- back, that dull, throbbing
acne, may bi jour warning of serious
kidney weakness eerious, u neglected,
for it might easily lead to gravel, atone
in tho kidney, bladder inflammation,
dropsy or fatal Bright's disease So if
you are Buffering with a bad back, have
dizzy spells, headaches, nervous, de
spondent attacks or disordered kidney
action, get after the cause. Use Doan'$
Ktencv PtlU, the remedy that has
been tried out for you by thousands.
A South Dakota Case
I. T. Woodrlng,
Spcarflsh, S. D., says:
"I think ovorwork
weakened my kidneys.
I had attacks of back-
(jl went to shovel coal
a snarp pain caugni
mo across my back
and I could hardly.
straighten. I also had
dizzy spells. I have
always used Dean's'
Kidney Pills for thoso
attacks and they have
quickly relieved mo."
Get Doaa't at Any Store, 60c Bos
Thousands of Happy
Housewives in
Western Canada
are helping their husbands to prosper
aro glad they encouraged them to ko
Where they could make a home of their
own save paying rent and reduce the
cost of living where they could reach
prosperity and Independence by buying
on camy terras
Fertile Land at $15 to
$30 an Acre
"land similar to that which through
many years has yielded from So to 45
buahela of wheat tp the acre. Hundreds
of farmers in Western Canada have
raised crops In a slnglo season worth
more than tho whole cost of their land.
With Bueh, crops come prosperity, lnde-
?ondence, good homes, and all the cont
orts and conveniences which make for
happy living.
Farm Gardens
Poultry Dairying
are sources of incomo sec5nd onlr to
grain growing and stock raising. Good
climate, good neighbors, churches,
schools, rural telephone, etc., felvo you
the opportunities of a now land with
the conveniences of old settled districts.
For llltutrated literature, maps, descrip
tion of farm opportunities In Manitoba.
Saskatchewan, and Alberta, reduced
railway rates, etc., write Department
of ImmlBmtlon. Ottawa. Can. or
C. A. COOK, Drawer 187. Water.
town. South Dak.! R. A. GARRETT,
311 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Mina,
(iBlll nnj1lBnOnvrnmnAgynts
Hits the Stomach Hardest
Chicago, El. Hot weather upsets
the strongest stomach and causes seri
ous trouble for the weak ones, so word
Jhs now going out to thousands of
eatonlc users that' they should, dur
ing this hot weather, be on tho safe
side and take one eatonlc tablet
about half an hour before meals, as
well as after eating. Do this and
keep the excess acids and poisonous
gases from forming in stomach and
bowels. Eatonlc acts quickly; It will
help the appetite and take away the
hot-weather, feverish, thirsty feeling
from mouth and stomach, because it
takes up the excess ncids, poisons and
gases and carries them out of the
body and, of course, when the cause
of the trouble Id removed, there can
be no bad feeling. Eatonlc is like
a bit of candy, and Is recommended to
all as a safe, Bure remedy these hot
days for stomach and bodilystroubles,
caused from overeating and drinking
cold things, .dv.
The Aattaesdc fowatr U Shake tale Tow Meet
And sprinkle in the Foot-
Bath. It takes the sting
oup or corns, .Bunions,
Blisters and Callouses
ana gives rest and com'
fort to hot, tired, smart
lng, swollen feet.
More than 1.C00.000;
pounas of rowder for
me .reei were usca oy
our Army and wavy
during tnewar.
Alien's iuoi-
-r . . -a .
Ease. the pow
der tor the feet.
takeiviho friction from the shoe, fresh
ens the foet ana makes waiting a ae
Ueht. Nothing relieves tho pain of tight or
new shoes so quickly or thoroughly.
Try It to-day. Sold everywhere.
Skin Troubles
With Cuticura
Soap 25c, Outaeat 25 and 50c, Tslcaa 25c
Traveler Will Find a Warm
Welcome at the
Hotel West
Semitic Pricet Strtlce Our Watchword
of All Sizes
- Customers for all prices.
CONSULT US before buying or selling.
veoknt. chop, Luta
all immii U.d.. m
I tnttal. can't tplQ or
I t nnu.t wrftl . ul
I or Injure Boythht.
Igaaranteed effectim
BAllQUi bOUSUm, WO Do Xalb Are., Brooklyn, H. X.
We can locato you Id any Hue anywhere A
postcard reta our Bulletin. InterataU llusl.
aeaa feahnf. Sioux City, Iowa.
W. H, U., SIOUX CITY, NO. 31-192H '
Butterfly Docs Immense Damage
to Alfalfa Fields of Different
Western States.
Chickens, Turkeys and Many Birds De.
troy Worms During Feeding
Stage Bollworm Devours Both
Worms and Pupa.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
"What n beautiful crcnturol" ex
claimed a farm visitor, indicating n
gorgeous yellow butterfly which had
Alighted upon a nearby shrub and now
raised and lowered his black.edged
wings in slow, graceful palpitations.
The insect nppeared to be the very
spirit of the hot summer day ; his col
ors wcro tho colors and sbades of bril
liant sunshine nnd tho deepest, black
est shadow, sot In a delightful con
trast; and Its will was the will of the
breeze that stirred the broad alfalfa
meadows beyond tho gnrdon, where
host nnd guest had retired to enjoy
tho shade.
Appreciation Dampened'.
"Beautiful yes," responded the
rancher, "but my appreciation is some
what dampened by tho knowledge that
the pretty creature costs tho alfalfa
growers of Arlzpna and California
nbout $1,000,000 a year. What this
butterfly costs in other states Kqn
sas, Oklahoma, Texas and others
Tm unable to say, but it must be un
Immense sum. Rather a high price to
pay fr beauty, Isn't it? Wo could
endow a good many art galleries with
thai sum; wo could beautify our
schools and hang Itembrandts in
every classroom, If there were enough
of them to go around. Wo could bring
thousands of the city, children out
Into the fresh air nnd sunshine, if wo
had the price of that yellow fellow
and his mate."
"How does ho accomplish all this?"
asked the Interested listener; "It's a
harsh indictment to lay against a crea
ture so apparently lacking In malice.
JPell mo about him; where does he
come from; how does he live, and
what are his peculiarities?"
The rancher rose, stepped through
tho hedge, nnd enmo back with a hand
ful of alfalfa, freshly pulled from the
nearby field.
. "You can find out all you wish to
know from Farmers' Bulletin 1094,
Just published by tho United States
department of agriculture, but I think
wo have his life history and a cata
logue of his crimes in tills bunch of
"Here's the egg," he continued, in
dicating a tiny, brownish, elongated
object upon tho upper side of nn al
falfa leaf, "That's the first stnge,
and is interesting only because the
female butterfly lays from 200 to 500
of them in her lifetime. It has been
estimated that If all the eggs of a
single fema'lo butterfly hatched and
there were no losses In the progeny,
or in their eggs or young this first
butterfly would be grandmother to
8,000,000,000 Insects before the end of
the summer.
"Fortunately for us an insect para
site destroys a good many of the eggs.
Alfalfa Caterpillar Female in Adult
or Butterfly Stage.
Here's a ruined egg it's black, you
see, instead of brown; tho parasite
has been there.
Million-Dollar Damage.
"Next Is tho lnrvn,,or worm stage;
and It Is this form that tho alfalfa
caterpillar docs tho million-dollar
damage, A number of these worms
will strip most of tho leaves from a
crop In a very short time. Hero Is a
small worm evidently Just hatched,
and here on this-bud Is a larger one,
Note tho green color of Its body nnd
tho white stripe down each side, ne
Is nearly nn Inch long and has made
his growth by gorging upon the tender
leaves and terminal buds of my al
falfa. Wherever there Is nn unusual
ly large number of these worms, they
will eat the stems, too, but their fa
vorite food Is tho tender portion of
the plant.
"While In this fctoge, tho larva Is vic
tim of mviy conditions and is preyed
upon by many creatures. A fly lays
Its eggs upon tho worm. These hntch
Into grubs which penetrate and kill
their host. Chickens, turkeys and
mnny birds destroy tho worm during
the feeding stnge.
"Molsturo nnd a hot, heavy atmos
phere will induce the spread of n dis
ease among the worms. See. hero nro
worms Just afflicted with the dlsenw;
note tho lighter color of their skins
nnd their sluggish movements. In a
few hours they'll dlo and decompose
Into a black decaying mass. You can
understand why alfulfa hay loses Ha
feeding vain If It Is heavily Impreg
aaseESsaaaBA RHrJuBiaV'
nated with theso corpses th ani
mals don't llko the flavor.
"But tho conditions that foster this
disease nro valuable In controlling the
pest. Upon irrigated farms, water may
bo turned Into tho field to provide
moisture which, with tho heaf, will
start tho plague and kill tho worms.
"From this stage the worm enters
the pupa period. Ho spins no cocoon,
as many caterpillars do, but hangs
himself, head up, among tho stems and
swings" in a little loop of silk, llko a
steeple-Jack sco this, chap 1
"You'vo heard of tho bollworm so
Injurious to corn and cotton? He
comes to our aid In tho fight against
tho alfalfa caterpillar, and, by ono of
thoso queer natural compensations,
does us a favor by devouring both
worms and pupa. Odd, isn't It?
Lay Eggs All Summer.
"Unless tho worm Is destroyed, tho
butterfly you have admired emerges
from the pupa in a fow dnys and be
gins to Iny eggs to establish a new
cycle. This goes on nil sum:rtr.
"Control Is accomplished by cutting
alfalfa closo and clqnn. Wo clear out
our fenco corners and ditches, and co
operate with our neighbors In clearing
their land. This leaves no shelter for
tho caterpillar to live In from one al
falfa crop to tho next, and tho few
which do survlvo find food mighty
senrce, and many perish of starvation.
"Disking with n harrow over tho
meadows after a crop has been moved
destroys mnny of tho Insects in tho egg,
worm or pupa stage. Besides killing
A Parasite of the -Alfalfa Caterpillar.
the Insects which aro preparing to
ravage the next crop, tho disking
process, as every ono knows, is n
mighty good thing for the alfalfa.
"Wo also use a brush drag well
weighted n.id mn it over .the nlfnlfa
meadows after tho disking Is done. Tho
drag gets Into tho hollows and crevices
where tho harrow has not touched and
crushes the Insect In whatever stage it
flndi him. Kven If tho first cut has
been mined by the pest, these methods
of irrigation nnd cultivation will Insure
the reduction of the caterpillar in time
to save the next cutting from his at
tacks. "These methods aro recommended by
tho department of agriculture, and wo
hope to prevent most of the1 anneal loss
caused, by the activities of yonder but
Crop Should Be Cut When Seed Is In
Dough Chaff Makes Good Bed
ding for Stock.
The clover'should be cut when tno
seed Is 1n tho dough, and when well
cured rhked up early In the morning
and put under cover. It! Is the prac
tice with some growers to let the
clover after It is cut remain in the
swnth for several weeks; there Is n
loss of seed If the weather should be
wet The bettor method Is after the
clover Is well cured to haul to barn or
barrack and have the 6eed hulled out
when .the wenther Is cold and dry.
The clover chaff makes excellent bed
ding for stock. It is a good practice
to top-dress the grain with the chaff.
As Result of Many Wheat Growers
Planting Too Early Last pall
Outbreak Is Likely.
A shortage of farm labor and un
favorable weather conditions at plant
ing time combined to Influence many
wheat growers In plnntlng their grain
too early last fall. This has resulted
in a heavy infestation of Hessian fly
In about all of tho early planted wheat
of Inst fall.
Unless winter wheat growers can
bo Induced to unite In a concerted
movement to observe the approved
methods of combating tho nesslnn fly
during tho summer and' fall of 1020,
It seems that n disastrous general out
break of tho pest very probnhly will
occur In 1D21.
Attractive Place Where AllQpaee Is
Devoted to Cultivated Crops Dur
ing Entire Season.
It Is simply wonderful what a com
mon form garden of rich soil will trow
In one season If nil of the soil if kept
busy all the time. Where all tho space
Is run to cultivated crops through tho
growing season tho gnrden Is an at
tractive place, and no part of It be
comes hard and hnked In dry wenth
er, as where patches are neglected af
ter tho first short crops have beon
Large Amounts Required by Cabbage,
Collards, Lettuce, Etc, Grown
for Foliage.
Vegetables that are grown for their
foliage, as cabbogo, collards, lettuce,
spinach, etc., need large amounts of
nitrogen. Vegetables that produce
large quantities of seed, but little foli
age, need mostly phosphorus. An
ample Is the tomato.
Will Be Attained When Every Cltlxen
Realizes tho Importance of His
Part of the Work.
A city sanitary, convenient, substan
tial; where the houses of tho rich
and poor nro alike comfortable; where
tho streets are clean and the skyline
is clear as the country air; where tho
architectural excellence of Its build
ings adds beauty and dignity to Its
streets ; where parks and playgrounds
nro within the reach of every child J
whore living Is pleasant, toll honorable
nnd rccrentlon plentiful; where cap
ital Is respected but not worshiped;
where commerco In goods Is great, but
not grenter than tho Interchange of
Ideas; where Industry thrives nnd
brings prosperity alike to tho employ
er and employed where education and
art have a place in overy home; where
worth nnd not wealth gives standing
to uncn ; where the power ,of character
lends men1 to leadership, where In
terest in public affairs is a test of citi
zenship and devotion to the public
weal Is n badge of honor; whore gov
ernment is always honest nnd efllclent,
nnd the principles Of democracy find
their fullest nnd truest expression;
where the people of all the flarth can
come nnd bo blended into ono commu
nity life, nnd where each generation
will vie with the past to transmit to
the next a city greater, better and
more beautiful than the last. Tho Na
tion's Business.
Man Who Today Builds an Unattrac
tive or Commonplace House Is
Behind the Times.
Thcro Is no excuse in these days for
building an ugly or commonplace
house. A generntl6n ago not many
capable architects were available, es
pecially In the western country. Even
when they were, the prevailing taste
ran to frills of turrets and jig-saw
work. Tho beauty of simplicity was
not known, nnd the architect who
stood out for it often found his cllenl
All that has changed. A comparison
of .the bulk of tho Houses built In the
eighties and nineties with thoso of
more recent years will reveal how far
the country has come. The number of
competent architects has Increased,
and ot even greater importance, the
stock of sound architectural ideas hns
become widely diffused. '
Books and magazine nrtlclcs on the
subject have multiplied amazingly.
Tho prospective builder ought, of
course, to avail himself of the services
of a good architect. But oven If he
falls to do this he can find in the pub
lic library excellent designs to meet
his needs.
Ctty Planning Public's Business.
Beat city planning Is' neither a pri
vate enterprise nor a move for "tho
city beautiful." It is primarily a busi
ness enterprise and its benefits ac
crue to the public at large. A planning
commission, with tho aid both of plan
ning experts and tho city government,
'cannot hope to succeed In Its work
without the aid of tho public.
The fact that planning must be
mado popular was emphasized ut nn
I important session of the renltpfs con-
ventlon. Whatever method Is adopted,
a planning commission, after first care
fully preparing its plans must "sell"
Its -"ideas and alms to tho pqople.
Through constant publicity the pub
lic must bo educated to see tie -needs
nnd the benefits of a "businesslike or
dering of the city's development, nnd
must be made to share tho labor In
volved nnd to contribute to the cost.
Stagger Imagination.
Suggestions of distances more nnd
moro Inconceivable aro a feature of
recent astronomical investigation. In
studying the pnrnllux of n sixth mag
nitude star, Dr. Robert Trumplcr ban
found n tenth magnitude stnr moro
than eight minutes of arc from It that
lins tho same largo proper motion and
the( same parallax, and ho concludes
that the two stors must undoubtedly
be connected. They aro separated hy
not less than 13,200 times the distance
of tho earth from tho sun. Revolving
In n circular orbit around a common
couter, they muht require hundreds of
thousands of jeui.s to completo n sin
glo revolution, nnd yot they are o re
mote from the multitude of other star
systems that there is no Inlerftreuio
with their companionship.
"Ball" Llghtnlrig.
Occasionally renderf report linv
log seen or heurd ot a thunderbolt
falling In borne place, or nn account
appears of the )nmngo done by 'i
thunderbolt. Veiy often this can be
accounted for by curla!n forms of
llKltning, imrtlciiliirly tliut known ns
"ball' lightning, The "hall" la probn
hly nn Isolated splieio of ozone gnu
containing a considerable amount of
cntrgy stored In it hy the action of
electricity during a thunder storm,
which falb earthwards ah a luminous
ball after a rarere llasli of lightning,
and explodes with cxtieinc vloleiwi
nn Hearing the earth. The energy thu
llbeiated Is capable of cnuKlug all tli
damage attributed (o "tbunderuoVte,"
Perfect Health is
If the Blood is Kept Pur
Almost juvcry Human Aliment
Is Directly Traceable to Im
purities in the Blood.
You should pay particular heed
to any indication that your blood
supply is becoming sluggish, or
that there is a lessening in its
strong and vital force.
By keeplns; your blood purified,
-i m ,,- .w j.-.....,
jruui c j an-iu iuuiu vnauy warns un me-10 Aieaicai director, Swift ap
disoase that is ever present, wait- ciflc Co;, 112 Swift Laboratory. At
ing to attack wherever there is nn lnnta, Ga.
Her Candid Friend.
Miss Tnbso (in Switzerland) -That
handsome guide kissed mo n moment
ago. Do you thlhk I ought tp deduct
something from hhi fco?
Miss Keen I think you ought to
add to It, my dear. Boston Transcript.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine;
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin?? (a genu
ino Asnlrln nroved snfo bv millions
and nresorlbed bv nhvslrlnnq for over
twenty yenrs. Accept only nn unbroken
"junyer pacicago" which contains proper
directions to relievo Ilendachc, Tooth
ache. Bnrache. Nournlcln. Ithenmntlsm.
Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12
taoiets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin
Is trado mark Bayer Manufacture' Mon
oaceticacldestcr of Sallcyllcacld. Adv.
Acrobatto Spider.
Mv oldest bov saw a snider maklnc
n web from tho celling. Ho exclaim
ed: "Come quick nnd sco the spider.
Ho hns n string tied to his leg, kicking
hisself down." Bxchnnge.
Important tt Mother
Eramlno carefully every bottle of
OASTORIA, that famous old remedy
tor Infants and children, and see that It
Bears tho md7 .,. "
BIgnature CJyTM
In Use for Over 80 Years.
Ohiiaren Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Threatening Prospect.
"How nbout tho watch on the
"Well, if tho Huns don't behave
themselves any better thon it looks
bow, It is going to bo nn alarm clock."
To Have a Clear Sweet Skin.
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
w itching, If any, with Cuticura Oint
ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap
fcnd hot water. Rinse, dry gently and
uust on a little Cuticura Talcum to
leavea fascinating fragrance on akin,
Everywhere 2Cc each. Adv.
Small Boy's Comment Appeared to
Sum Up the Situation In a
Thorough Manner.
Judging from their appearance, the
two gentlemen who wcro visiting Lon
don from tho north of England hadn't
been troubled overmuch by food regu
lations or shortnges. More, their bulk
suggested profiteering in every dlrec-.
tlon. '
And their wives wcro not much
smaller. Plump didn't renlly describe
thorn; they were worse thnn that.
.Going along tho Strand, tho tire of
the tnxlcab which had the Job of car
rying them suddenly burst with a ter
rific bang. Of course, tho usual crowd
collected llko magic, and prepared to
watch tho free Bhow.
At tho request of tho driver of the
taxi, his four fares descended one by
one. As they appeared, tho eyes of
a small newsboy begnn to goggW, nnd
when tho fpur of them stood in a
row on the curbstone, he eyed them
solemnly, and then exclaimed:
"And no bloomln wonder, either I"
London Answers.
Somnolent Affair.
"That old band wagon you organ
zed for yourself turned out to bo a
heartless constituent.
"I wouldn't say It wns a band wng
on ut nil," replied Senator Sorghum.
"It was moro llko a sleeping car."
A good llfo is nothing more than
a lot of days lived well.
Good Judgment
leads thousands of
housewives to serve
in. place of foods that require
hours of drudgery in a hot
kitchen. Needs No Sugsor
Conies ready to eat from the
"Theresa Reason" for GrapeNuts
openlnir. A few bottles of S. a.
the great vegetable blood medlciMv
will Tovitalizo your blood and gff
you new strength and a nwuttat
vigorous vitality. Everyono neM
it just now to keep the system im
perfect condition. Go to your drac
store and got a bottlo to-day, ami
if you need any medical advice, vm
can obtain it without cost bv writ-
y uuuiui i wiuiuui. goal ay wi
Traveled Far foi 4 Wedding.
Before tho wnr, n couple, both 'a
ing from Auckland, New Zca!ss,
came to n little village church (ft
Cumberland to be mnnicd. It
tho church where tho brldu'a parealt
had been married Just-25 years bfs(
The couple had come 1.1,000 miles t
bo mnrrlcd In that church, and (Mr
sot off on their honeymoon back tm
Auckland.--London Tit-Bits.
Speeding the Parting Quect.
"Some of the boarders sat up UMaf
till 'way after midnight.'
"I henrd 'cm," answered Famst
Comtosscl. "Mostly politics, wassft
it?" X ,
"Yes. But other things was mm
tioned. Several said thajt if the cm
qui toes kep' tills bad they were ( .
to leave."
"Well, mebbo mosquitoes la
good nftor nit I"
Hot wafer
Films and Photo
Prices on applloeUor
80S Pierc St, Sioux City, Iowa
Colored American Put Algerian to
Supreme Test and Then Deliv
ered Stern Verdict
Tho total lacft,of comprehension b-'
tween tho American negro aa ata '
Algerian brother will go down la his
tory as ono of the outstanding faataeM
of the war.
Thcro was, for Instance, tho case aC
the dusky stevedore at Brest and
of the colored French troops on datjr
there. Long and lnborlouslyJtlte ,Yaak
tried to establish sonie means eC Hav
gulstic communication, but there waa
no response.
Then a brilliant thoughts struck ;'(
boy. from jGeorglo. He produce "a
pair of ivory cubes and rolled
enticingly undei' the Algerian's
Intelligence still registered zero. f ( ,
"Man tnld Sam. In disgust. "xW
nln't no cullud pusson. You' ain't, eve
no human. You Is Just a corpse.-
Tho Amerlcnn Legion Weekly.
Jud Tunklns snys ono beauty about
votes for women is that the system
brings politics Into tho homo and gives
tho folks something to talk about
sides their relations.
Probably Did TJwt
"Naw, I never vote. I never bother
with public affairs." "Did -yoii cea
scut to he counted when tho cense
wns taken?"
Wo'd all be topnotchcrs If we'd all
be willing to put up with the drudgery
of practice,
1 ' -1
- i
' ftl
sit i
r,- fJ