Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, July 08, 1920, Image 7

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Cannot Praise this
. j Remedy too Highly
Judging from her letter, tho mis
ery and wretchedness endured by
Mrs. Charlio Taylor, R. P. D. No. 1.
Box 144, Dillon, S. C, must have
been terrible. No one, after rcad-
inir her letter, can enntinun tn
doubt tho great healing power
of PE-RU-NA for troubles duo
to catarrh or catarrhal conditions
in any part of tho body. Her
letter is an inspiration to every
sick and suffering; man or woman
anywhere. Here it is: "I suffered
two years with catarrh of tho head,
stomach and bowels. Tried two of
tho best doctors, who gavo mo up.
I then took PE-RU-NA and can
truthfully say I am well. When I
began to uso PE-RU-NA, I weighed
ono hundred pounds. My weight
now is ono hundred and fifty. I
cannot -praiso PE-RU-NA too
highly, for it was a. Godsend to me.
I got relief from tho first half
bottlo and twelve bottles cured me.
I advise all sufferers to tako
i As an emergency remedy in tho
home, there is nothing quito tho
equal of this reliable, time-tried
medicine, PE-RU-NA. Thousands
place their solo dependence on it
for coughs, colds, stomach and
bowel trouble, constipation, rheu
matism, pains in tho back, sido and
loin3 and to prevent tho grip and
Spanish Flu. To keep the blood
pure and maintain bodily strength
and robustness, tako PE-RU-NA.
You can buy PE-RU-NA any
where in cither tablet or liquid
Death only a matter of short time.
Don't wait until pains and aches
become incurable diseases. Avoid
painful consequences by taking
Matwll EwAJm
Th world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric add troublestb
National Remedy of Holland alnce 1696.
Guaranteed. Three sixes, all druggists.
Look (or tit nut Cold Modal on ovary bas
and aceapt bo imltatloa
Seteml Choice Tracts IjuicI In famous lied
Diver Valley, near Oranil Forks, priced right
by owner. Iiuy direct, save commission.
Write Qetti rinno House, Grand Forks. N I).
Ma Was a Widow.
"Would your mother get mnd If I
Btole n kiss?" "From her or from me?"
nsked the girl.
Children's handkerchiefs often look
hopeless when they come to the laun
dry. Wash with good soap, rinse In
water blued with Red Cross Ball Blue,
To Mend Broken China.
A cheap and easily prepared ce
ment for broken china Is lime mixed
with tho white of an egg. Only take
sufficient white of an egg to mend
one article at a time, and mix thor
oughly with a small quantity of lime.
Apply the mixture to the place whero
the article Is broken, and In a short
tlino the cement will set and become
quite hard.
Tired and Worn?
Does summer find you tired, weak
all worn out? Do you have constant
backache: feel lame and stiff, and
without life or ambition? There's a
reason why you feel so badly. Likely
your kidneys have weakened and are
causing you to feel so miserable. Qet
back your health and keep it! Help
the weakened kidneys with Doan's
Kidney Pills. Doan's have helped
thousands and should help you. Ask
your neighborl
A South Dakota Case
J. B. Stark, farm-.
er, it. l: u. jno. , YVt
Salem, S. D.t saya:.tfcV
"i was in duu cuii-1.
dltlon with my back
and other kidney
trouble. My back
ached cohntantly
and a r t o r I had
been sitting down
awhile, I could'
hardly cet un.
AVhen I bent ovorl
I had Hhanj witches
of pain in my back that were awful.
My kidneys didn't act rlcht. I used
several boves of Doan's Kidney Pills
and was cured."
Cet Doan'i at Any Store, 60c a Box
Peril of Growing Pains.
Little John had put In a very hard
day of playing I'lid that night he snkl,
"Mother, oh, how my kneo aches!"
"That is Just a growing pain and
will he all right In the morning," re
plied his mo! her.
At that John exclaimed: "But the
pain is in just ne knee, and is one of
my legs going to he longer than the
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
W. N. J., SIOUX QITY, NO. 28-1920
KWr !2
(MranHnr rafonPxftD
mm vf Wm
THE sliop windows nnd tho streets
are furnishing a panorama of en
ticing things for midsummer wear,
with drosses of sheer cotton fabrics
the outstanding item in the display.
Women have returned to fine and prac
tical fabrics and are using the simpler
methods for decorating them, as tucks,
frills, ribbon borders and narrow lin
gerie lace. For the street, voile is in
the lend, either plain or figured, cm
brolderetl or printed. Chiffon taffeta
Is Its closest rival and is often made
up with georgette crepe. Georgette
also redeems satin and makes It mld
sumnierlsh by supplying satin frocks
with sleeves, tunic or other dotnlls In
their composition that make them look
For dressier frocks organdy nnd
voile are both used and St. Gnll
Swisses with embroidered dots are re
nppenrlng at prices that aro somewhat
lower than they were earlier In tho
senson. Wide tucks nns in great favor
in vollo nnd on organdy dresses, while
frills seem the natural order of things
for both swlss and organdy. The lnt
ter mnterial is much used for collars,
cuffs, bnnds, sashes, fichus and frills
on dresses of other materials.
In the picture above there is a
dress of white organdy at the left nnd
SUMMER vncations bring visits and
return courtesies to tho members
of nearly every family, with their re
sponsibilities resting on "the lady of
tho house." In these servnntless dnys
the problem of entertaining without
being overburdened Is going to test
the abilities of many n hostess whose
strength hardly matches her hospital
ity and her nmbltion to make guests
have a good time. There aro hardly
any rules thnt enn be Inld down which
will insure so desirable a result, but
one tiling Is certain: the thought
that a hostess is overtaxed and wor
ried will spoil the visit of any Intelli
gent guest. Therefore In tho circum
stances It Is best to plnn things thnt
will keep one's visitors In the open nnd
allow them to amuse themselves as
much as possible.
Week-end house parties arc about
the plefthimtest events that our sum
mers record on memories Uint like to
dwell upon them. They are recom
mended to tho mother who wants to
entertain for her young people. One
can fill two or three dnys with hnppy
times for youths and mnidens, espe
cially If there s n river, lake or tho sea
within easy reaching distance. Water
sports, fishing, bench parties, picnics
nn hikes tnke care of tho dnys.
Camp fires, story telling, dnnclng and
Stripes Supersede Plaids
Just nt present there Is n decided
leaning to striped fabrics as against
plaids ; but fashion changes aro so fre
quent thnt no one enn sny from dny to
dny what the major demand will be.
Striped skirts nre now active rivals of
tho big gny plnlds that have held tho
center of tho stage for so long, and
both hair-line nnd the wider and more
conspicuous stripes nro fentured. Knlfo
plaiting Is also being accorded a great
deal of favor, as against the uccordlon
plaiting, because only an expert enn
-eplalt tho accordion rlnlted models
once they are out of shnpe, and the
process Is an expensive one.
ono of China blue voile at the right
The organdy dress, worn by Irene Cas
tle will help to uphold that talented
lady's enviable taste In tho selection
of clothes. Frills of lnce make tho
medallions and other trimming In tho
skirt nnd rows of tho same Inco form
the deep cuff. The long sleeves nnd
collar high nt the back aro Into Inno
vations In summer styles. A wide tuck
headed by a frill of laco calls atten
tion to the distended hip line and even
the crushed girdle is of organdy with
a little frill of laco running along tho
center of It. The slender typo will
do well to study this dress
The pretty dress of plain vollo at
the light has a skirt covered by tiers
of nnrrow, scant flounces nnd a plain
short sleeved bodice, ending In two
ruffles nt tho natural waist line. What
makes this simple affair so chic Is the
ribbon thnt borders all edges. It Js
cleverly managed, showing the borders
of tho flounces finished with loops and
ends, on nlternntlng flounces, at both
sides, small bows on the rleevcs nnd
in tho bnck nt tho end of tho shirring
about tho waist line. It suits its
youthful wenrer and Is calculated to
make her toy sailor boy leave Ills
happy nursery nnd break his wooden
heart when she disenrds him.
tableaux aro recommended for eve
nings. Both the girls and boys aro
Just as happy when they aro required
to mako themselves useful about the
house In the morning ns when they
have no tasks. Tho hostess, enter
taining a house party of young folks,
should provldo them with n substan
tial breakfast nnd If she lins no help,
let them assist with straightening Up
the house. A picnic lunch for tho
middle of the day Is tho best way of
disposing of lunch, and a hearty din
ner, rather early In tho evening,
mnkes way for three or four hours
for pastime afterward.
A wide porch nnd n grnphophono aro
tho bast of aids to cnlertnlnlng.
Youthful guests will slnnd a good bit
of letting nlone, for like children they
nre easily amused for a short time.
Costumo dances nnd parties proido a
lot of fun nnd of theso the Jnpaneso
nnd Indlnn parties requlro little in tho
way of preparation. Expeditions Jnto
tho woods for flowers entice town nnd
city-bred guests nnd everyone enjoys
bontlng, singing nnd dnnclng.
Jf MM PfZfym
Take Caro of Your Shoes.
By the exerclso of a little care, says
the Thrift Magazine, the life of leath
er shoes may bo considerably pro
longed. It Is a well-known fact that
If a wet shoo Is placed too closo to a
fire, tho Interior of tho solo Is some
times utterly ruined before tho sur
fnco of tho lenther shows nppreclnblo
signs of injury. Wet shoes should bo
dried slowly nnd shoo trees Inserted
to prevent their losing shapo and be
coming uncomfortable. It Is economy
to keep nt lenst two pairs of shoes,
wearing them in rotation. Somo shoe
manufacturers claim that two pairs
of shoes worn alternately will outwear
three pairs of shoes worn consecutive
Don't streak or ruin your material in a
poor dyo. Insist ou "Diamond Dyes."
patj directions In package
Lift Right Off Without Pain
Doesn't hurt n bit I Drop a little
"Freezono" on an aching corn, Instantly
that -corn stops hurting, then shortly
you. lift it right off with fingers. Truly l
Your druggist sells n tiny bottlo of
"Ficczone" for a few cents, sufficient to
removo every hard corn, soft corn, or
corn between the toes, and tho calluses,
without soreness or irritation.
His Business in Post Office.
Tho commercial traveler met Sandy,
the canny one, emerging from tho post
"Ah, Snndyl" cried the commercial,
"It Is good to see as prosperous a
farmer ns yourself not forgetful of
his country I You have been in tho
post ofllce to purclinso wnr bonds?"
"Nay," said Sandy easily.
"Oh 1 Then perhaps you have put a
little money In, tho snvlngs banks, that
!t may help the country?"
"Well," said tho traveler as a Inst
resort, "I suppose that you have
Dought a postal order to send to some
joor acquaintance?"
"Nay; I've been In to fill my foun
ain pen." London Ideas.
E hope there Is no
Y" "r
calling in a Physician, or with remedies that
Most Mothers know that Baby requires remedies especially prepared for
babies, yet there are some who think that what is good enough for them is good
enough for Baby, and it is to these Mothers we appeal to give nothing to their
babies that is not specially prepared for babies or recommended by their Physician.
False claims may kill, but false claims can never restore your child.
For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been aiding in the reduction
of the deaths among infants as Mothers have become more and more acquainted
with it. Always keep it in the house.
fcNct Contents 15Tluid Pf aoli
i 1 1 1 1 B ll til fc J
t jjl .M.OOHOL-3 FIM u"J- J
Slmllfttlrtftaelbod &&
trr ji-, ins i hi 1 1 ml
r TLMifiATi!($cf1fa
rncreuj i-i--..--
Iv nclmcrOplam,MorphLncnofj
fIBWryn - "l-.
Foe Simile Siwt2Lr
Exact Copy of Wrapptr.
As It Seems to Be.
"What does the critic bay about tho
"Ho says It's a (,'ood, clean, whole
some llttlo play and ought to he sup
ported." "Oil, dear, Jet's go somewheto
,s Morning
oVbur Eves
mn - Claar HealthV
f vyitil
i Tar f fet Car eek MwiM Co.CMaa4a.UiA
Temporary Truce.
Grace I hear that Charles and Ilel
en ltuve made up their quarrel.
Gussle Only temporarily. They nre
going to be married soon. Edinburgh
First renl Improvement In tiro chnln
in 17 years. No Jack, no tools needed.
Go on nnd off as easy as a glove. 'They
do tho business where otliers don't A
Bear In your tool box sent free. Write
Bear Manufacturing Co., Rock Island,
111. Adv.
Surely a Mean Employer.
"Enery," observed Bill Awklns, "I
'enr ns yer got a Job."
"Yes," answered the sad 'Enery, "I
'nve got a Job."
"Yer don't appear very 'appy pbout
it, do yer?" asked Bill. "Ain't yer
foremnn n decent cove, then?"
"Oh! 'E's n menn, low-minded fel
ler 1" cried tho outraged 'Enery. "'E's
a dirty dorg, 'e Is. Got 'Un-llko no
tions as ow gents like mo should be
treated. F'r instance, would yer be
lieve It, 'o actually took tho legs off
tho wheelbarrers so as a cove can't sit
down an' rest? Oh, Vs a menu dorg i"
London Ideas.
They wilt lust twlco as lone It you Hhnk
Into Your hlmrs ALLAN'S KOOTnlSASBi, the
Antiseptic, Healing powder for the feet. It
takes away the stint: o( Coma, Ilunlona.
Callouses, aore. aching, swollen, tender feet.
Allen's PootxUaae atopa the friction which
causes the wear on ilioei and stockings,
rnvca expenao and makes walking a delight.
Shake It Into your shoes. Sprinkle It In the
foot-hath. Sold everywhere. Adv.
The Eternal Query.
Two fellow members of n club wero
having an indlgnntlnn meeting nnd
were comparing notes.
Both had domestic strife.
"Aren't women tho limit?" growled
tho first. "Wo husbands don't know
anything nt nil, and our wives know
everything 1"
"Well," grumbled his companion In
misery, "thcro's ono thing my wlfo ad
mits sho doesn't know."
"What on earth Is that?"
"Why sho mnrrled me I"
Equality causes no wnr. Solon.
False Claims.
Mother who thinks she can
am '
Mothers Must Use Care.
Why do we so often call your attention to imitations of Fletcher!
Castoria? Because it is a baby's medicine and imitations are always
dangerous, particularly imitations of a remedy for infants.
Tour druggist may not keep an imitation but they are to be found
on drug-store shelves. Reliable druggists think only of the welfare
of their customers. The other kind only of the greater profit to be
made on imitations.
Tour own judgment tells you that Fletcher's Castoria having foe
over thirty years at great expense held up its reputation, must jeal
ously guard it. Then, it follows that this company must use the very
best of material. Must employ experts in the selection of the herba,
Must retain skilled chemists in its manufacture.
Your same good judgment must tell you that these Irresponsible
imitators are trading on your credulity and the reputation built f
by Mr. Fletcher, during all these years, for his Castoria.
Bears the
"Collego profeasorH," said President
K. C. M. Kills of liowdoln, "can be
very malicious at times. Two profes
Hora were talking tho other day over
their luncheon,
'"I Hoe that Erudite of Ynlcvard
lias written a novel,' said tho first pro
fessor. 'Is it any good?'
"'It ought to be,' said tho second
professor. 'It cost him '$S0 to got It
published.' "
Our Idea of a truo heroine Is a mar
ried woman who doesn't say that sho
wishes sho had remained vlngle.
May Pass the Critical Period Safety
and Comfortably fcy Takof
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Summit, N. J.-"I have taken Lydi
E. Pinkham's Vccetablo Compound dur
ing unanga ox lAim
and I think it b a
good remedy in mica
a condition. I could
not digest my food
nnd had much puis
and burning in my
stomach after
meals. I could sot
sleep, had backache,
and worst of all
were tho hot flashes.
I saw in tho paper
about Vegetable
Compound so I tried it Now I Feel all
right and can work better. You hare
my permission to publish this letter."
ViCTOniA Koitl, 21 Oak Ridge Ave.,
Summit, N. J.
If you havo warning symptoms such
ns a senso of suffocation, hot flashes,
headaches, backache, dread of im
pending evil, timidity, sounds in tho
ears, palpitation of tho heart, sparks,
beforo tho eyes, irregularities, con
stipation, variable appetite, weakness,
inquiotuuc, nnd dizziness, get a bottla
of Lydia E. Pinklmm'a Vegetable Com
pound nnd begin takintr tho medicine at
once. Wo know it will help you aa it
did Mrs. Koppl.
Comfort Your Skin
With CuticuraSoap
and Fragrant Talcum
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talc 2Sc
rnniri poemvr.LV ni
LUL Mr LV svkU iVliiBiT..
r RiMovtn a, nr,
r M
I nCUIVI-ClJ C1, 6P rmWak, Dr.C,
vo.., amies
unless you protect your bank account? Ab
solute safety nt trifling cost, Dlmn (poatajra,
etc) brines lUtnlls Box 4(1, tllacksbunr, Vm.
treat her sick baby without
she uses for herself.
Cry Fo
Signature of
Kill AH Flies!
ril anywhere, DAIS WVY KILLER attracts aaa
kills all flies. Nrst. clean, orr amental. conrenlrat aa4
enwp uj".."1"
, ion iiM..iuww..
sill not sollorlalOT
anything. auaraaUed.
rut kii.LER
st voar dcaUr or
I by EXPItl 88, rrepsM. tl J.
HAItOU) 8011EIUJ. 1W I) Klb At.. HruoklTn, H.Z,
iiaaioraa uoiar aa
iBaauty to Cray and Fadad I tab
I Uo. mulli ut dranrlita.
illlseoiCliem. Was. l'atcEorue.KTj
T S. H?1 M. .SL mmdkm
HINDERCORN1 tUmora Own.. CM.'
looses, cut. stoiia all rain, auaaraa comfort to laa
tras. makes walking; assy, llo. br mall or at Draax
I ITfiUBU.1 WU.& IUIIiwna M V -
j Kill. ilUWIXt
. . M.IM. 9WW
VttAs. rata&ocM, . 1