Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 24, 1920, Image 2

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Oh, See Who's Here
Trouble 'Follows Report That Flao
Had Deen Burned by Band
of Black.
Chicago. Roltlng which is bcllovod
to have started over attempts by
BegrocB and sailors to avongo au al
leged Insult to tho American flag by
members of a oocioty advocating the
roturn of nogroos to Africa, resulted
In the doath of two white men, ono a
tailor, tho wounding, probably fatally,
of a negro pollcoman, and Injuries to
sevornl other persons.
Investigations conducted by the po
lice brought forth evidonco which they
said pointed to an organized attempt
on tho part of tho negro organization
known as tho "back to Abbysslnla
movement" to preclpltato troublo.
whllo other reports woro that tho
trouble wns started by a group or
sailors who Jeered aild hooted nt a
parndo of negroes.
It waii : aid that as tho parudo dis
banded, several of tho nogroos gath
ered nhout tho flag, sot flro to It and
then oponed flro on It with rovolvors.
Buvoral sailors and negroes aro said
to have rushed from noiirby pool halls
and romonstratod with tho Abyssln
ians. Joseph P. Owons, a negro pollcoman,
attempted to arrest ono of thoni nnd
was shot through tho back. Whether
Owons fired first Is not known, but
A volloy of shot followed his attempt
to arrest tho negro, It. I Hobo, a
oallor of J company, Flftconth rogl
mont, who got Into tho troublo, was
shot through tho hoart and Joseph
Hoyt, a cigar doalor, who rushed from
bis store whon ho hoard tho Bhots,
was Bhot through tho head, both dy
ing Instantly. Owens' condition Is
This version of tho affair Is tho one
gonorully accepted by tho police, but
negro witnesses say Hint tho Insult
to tho flag waH caused by a group of
sailors jeering tho pa.adors nnd that
tho flag burning wns monnt ns a do
flnnco to tho sailors personally and not
as nn Insult to tho country.
Hardly had tho first shot been fired
when many of tho parading negroes
rushod to a nearby nutomobllo and
grnbbod rifles which wero cached
thcro, according to tho police Within
a few momonts moro than a thousand
nogroos had gathered. Police lines
woro formed and nftor an hour or
two tho dlntrlct, which was the scono
of rioting a yoar ago whon moro than
Ul -"I
- " rtJr JfiQlYrltirv W Y. VV - ,' y IT'WiXr' V
Lnn i - " "
Resolution Adopted Favors Nomina-
tlon of Former Railway
San Francisco. Hoadquarters for
several aspirants to the democratic
nomination for president at tho na
tional convention which begins June
28 wero opened hero. Those for whom
offices wero opened woro Sonator
Owen, of Oklahoma, and Attorney
Gonoral A. Mitchell Palmer. Head
quarters of Gov. James S. Cox, of
Ohio, will also bo opened.
Folks who associate national com
mittees with torrid temporaturos, light
weight suits and lattice work under
wear had better disillusionize them
New3 of All Kinds Gathered From
Varioua Points Throughout
United Stntes District Attorney Al
len at Lincoln filed n complnlnt with
Commissioner Whitmorc, charging
Hurry ICelly nnd Walter Inghnni, tho
Howe bank robbers, with assaulting
nnd robbing two employes of n
Wichita, Kim., postofllco substation.
'Ph.. mnii .it... In fl... X?,.!..... 1... nHli
inv iMi-ii uiu in uii; Aii-uiunuu yuiuiji-
tlury hospltnl convnlesclng from
selves If they attend the convention, wounds received nt the time of their
' oniuinllnrr Ids TTnltn1 KttOB W(lftth- CtttltUrC.
"Ambassador" May Not Be Permitted
to Leave Pending Disposition
of Deportation Case.
Not a Shot Fired During Attack, the
Assailants Using Bricks, Clubs,
and Streams of Water.
Washington, D. C Ludwlg C. A.
K. Martens, who for moro than fifteen
months has heou in tho United States
as self-styled Russian ambassador, has
boon recalled by tho Bovlet author!'
ties, It was learned In official circles.
Marten's confidential secretary,
Sanford Nuortova, loft tho United
States sovoral weeks ago by way of
Canada and now Is believed to bo at
tending tho conforoncos bolng held In
England by Gregory Krasiln, bolsho
vlk minister of commerce, It was said
by department of JuBtlco officials.
Marten's recall, It waB stated by
thoso ncqualntod with tho facts in
the case, was at his solicitation.
Nolthor tho "ambassador" nor thoso
who have been associated with him
were prepared to say whother tho
soviet authorities would send another
representative to tho United States
and make another attompt to obtain
somlrocognltlon through that means.
MurtenB on his nrrlval in the United
States In March, 1919, Bent creden
tials to tho stato department but no
attention was given thorn by tho de
At prosont Marions Is Involved in
doportatlon proceedings conducted by
department of labor officials. Tho
hearings woro adjourned until July
8, when thoy aro oxpoctod to bo con
cluded and tho doclslon roforroil to
Assistant Socrotnry of Labor Post
nnd finally to President Wilson for
approvnl. Officials declined to say
whothor Martons would bo pormittod
to Ioavo tho country ponding final
disposition of tho deportation action.
Tho novlot agent provloiiB to tho
present proceedings waB a central
thirty whltna and nogroos were killed, figure in an Investigation by a scnato
was qulot. committed which Inquired Into bolsho-
Tho troublo occurred at Thirty-fifth ( vlk activities In tho Unltod Statos.
Btroot and Indiana avenuo near tho
scene of last year's raco riots, in
which moro than thirty whltos nnd
blacks worq killed and hundreds In
Pollco declnred that thoy probably
never would know tho oxact number
wounded. Sovoral woro carrlod off by
friends, It wns bollovod for tho parad
ing nogroos disappeared rapidly aftor
the frlst shots.
Two Farmers Clash.
Albuquorquo, N. M. James Wolff,
a farmer, was arrested for shooting
ami killing Omar Krwln, nlBO n farm
er, near Barton, n small mountain set
tlement thirty mllon from hero. Ac
cording to deputy shorlffs who ar
rested Wolff, ho and Krwln had trou
blo over tho lattor's wife, who Is sep
arated from her husband. Wolff
claims ho shot In self deteuso, accord
ing to tho sheriffs.
More Japanese Troops to Russia.
Honolulu, T. II. Tho Japanoso war
office bus announced that It will send
additional troops to Nlkolulovsk, ac
cording to a Toklo cablegram to tho
Nippu JIJ1, Japanese language news
paper horo. A numbor of Japanese
soldiers nnd civilians wuro killed nt
Nlkolalovuk by bolshuvlkl last winter.
Tho senate committeo In Its report
held that Martens wns a Gorman sub
ject and that his activities woro such
as to make him Biiltablo for investi
gation and nctlon by tho department
of justice.
Arrest Due In Elwell Case.
Now York. Tho First logal deten
tion In tho mystorlous caso of tho mur
der of Joseph 11. Elwoll, wealthy sportu
man nnd whist export, who was shot
to death In his homo horo, was fore
cast' by tho district attorney's an
nouncement of intontlon to havo Mrs.
Marie Larson, liouBokeoper and Ed
ward Rhodes, chauffeur of tho dead
man, hold by tho court as material
wltnossos. "Both of thoso pooplo
know a groat deal qbout this caso,"
said Mr. Joyco, "and before tho mys
tery Is cleared 1 urn suro thoy will tell
everything thoy know."
Duluth, Minn. Three negroes were
lynched horo by a mob estimated at
5,000 persona, which overpowered the
nollce. took nossession of police head
quarters and solzed six negroes who
woro held In clnnectlon with an at
tack on a young white girl.
Not a shot was fired In the attack
on tho pollco station, tho mombors ol
tho mob using bricks nnd othor mis
silos, and In the final stages of the
fight streams of water from flro hose
taken from tho police themselves.
A mock trial was held by tho mob
in tho Btation and threo of tho negroes
woro found guilty and tho throe othors
also hold in connection with the as
sault woro acquitted and turned back
to tho police.
Shortly nftor midnight tho mob still
surrounded tho police station, but
thero was no indication of further
troublo. Tho police bollovod tho mob
would dlsporso In a few hours without
further dlsordor.
Eight pollcomen and a newspaper
reported suffered minor Injuries hi
tho attack on tho pollco station. They
wero hit by bricks or othor missiles or
woro Bwopt off their foot and severely
bumped in tho water fight.
It was reported that throe or four
trucks and automobiles loaded with
mombors of tho mob had started
inurnni Mm town of Virginia, whero It
wns said four othor nogroes had been
arrested in connection with the same
Tho negroes wero roustabouts with
a CircUB lliai apperuuu iiuiu .. "-
allogod attack on tho 17-year-old white
girl took placo on tho circus grounds.
Tho circus had moved on to Virginia
and it wns said eight negroes woro
taken Into custody thero. but only
four hold.
Ono report was that tho Virginia
authorities and John Murphy, Duluth's
chief of pollco, had started back to
Duluth with thoso four suspects be
foro tho mob troublo broko hero, but
It is understood tho party has been
dlvortod to nnothor city.
Tho nogroes hangod woro Isaac Mc
able, Elinor Jackson and Nato Green,
all about 22. years old. All profossed
tholr Innocence
First indications tho downtown die
trlct received of troublo brewing
camo whon trucks loaded with mon
dashed up and down tho principal
streots, tho men calling "for volun
teers to avongo tho wrong done the
whlto girl."
Thero was a rep.dy rosponso and 1'
was estimated tho mob numbered
0,000. Then tho storming of tho Jul1
according to the United States woath
' .. I... .. All .I1AI Aff.nr. nVtrnflfl
Include fairly heavy and outor cloth
ing; and a light overcoat.
Declare for MoAdoo.
Salt Lake City, Utah. By resolution
tho Utah stato domocratlc convention
went on record favoring William G
McAdoo, formerly socroUry of thr
troasury, as tho domocratlc nominee
at the San Francisco convention June
28. Eight unlnstructod delegates and
oight alternates were chosen.
Resolutions upholding the Wilson
administration and urging adoption of
tho leaguo of nations without rcsorva
tlons wore unanimously adopted.
Abductor of Babe Heard From.
Philadelphia. Relief that thoy have
hoard from tho abductor of little
Dlakely Coughlln, 13-months-old boy
kidnaped from his homo in Norris
town, June 2, was expressed by the
parents whon a letter postmarked At
lantlc City, N. J., was recolvod by
thom. Tho writer demanded $G,001
ransom. Tho Coughllns say they will
deal with the sender privately.
Alleging the Skinner Pncklng com
pnny of Oniaba Is merely n gigantic
holding corporation attempting to con
trol three independent companies, the
stnto has naked the supreme court to
oust the compnny from Nebraska nnd
appoint trustees to take charge of the
property nnd assets ittitl distribute
them nmong the persons who have
furnished the funds.
Several lnnd owners near Irwin,
Cherry county, have asked the stnto
railway commission to compel the
Northwestern railroad to put In reg
ular bridges near their lnnd to prevent
backwater from inundating their
forms. Culverts aro now In use.
Frank A. Harrison, manager of Sen
ator Johnson's Nebraska campaign, Is
sued u statement at Lincoln, In which
ho bitterly scored delegates from this
stnto for not standing by tho senator
nt tho Clilfn'.'o convention. "Downright
treachery." he calls It.
Quid: work by members of tho Ches
ter Community club saved the farm
home of John Kuhlmnnn when n lire
started In hi.'f garage. Mr. Kuhlmnnn
Is n member of the club nnd his farm
Is considered on of the show places of
Tliaycr county.
Governor McKclvIo Issued a state
ment nt Lincoln In which he declared
himself well pleased with tho nomina
tion of Senator Harding and Gov.
Kills Five and Fires Home.
Slstorvllle, W. Va Fred S. Sick
man, with his wife and four children
woro found dead In their home neai
hero by neighbors who saw the house
In flamos. Pollco bollovo Slckman, Coolldgc for president and vlce-presl
who wns suffering from ill health, be I dent by tho republican convention at
came auddonly drnnged, and after cut
ting the throats of his wife and child
ren, set flrse to tho house and tneu
killed himself.
Reports have reached the state farm
nt Lincoln that tho web worm Is doing
considerable damage to alfalfa Holds
In the Arkansas valley of Colorado. No
Thirteen Chinamen Ordered Deported signs of tho pest have nppeared In Ne-
Tampa, Fla. Thirteen Chlnanu i brnsku so fnr.
taken from tho schooner Reemplazc Farmers of Dodge county nre seek
off Tarpon Springs sovoral weeks ago lug farm labor and offer to litre men
havo been ordered doported. Foui t the rate of $70 and ?80 per month,
othors aro bolng hold as witnesses ourd and room included. Only men
against the captain and crew, chnrgoc' , who will work by the month are
with smuggling seventeen Chlnamer wanted.
.i nnnnn ,n, nf Hn.inr into the Ord Is becoming n regular bee hlvo
Unltod States.
Plague In Florida.
Ponsacola, Fla. Following tho
nouueemont by state laboratory
ports that tho death of George Gar
dlna here was undoubtedly duo to bu
bonlc plague, stops woro Inaugurated
by tho city authorities for an imme
diate clean up campaign In an effort
to proveut a spread of tho dlscaso.
Go Barefoot Plan to Save Shoes.
East Orango, N. J. "A barefoot
ohlldron" movement waa started horo
by Charles R. Steele, a Now York In
Huranco broker, who hopes to holp
bring down tho prlco of shoes. Dr.
Edwin C. Hrooino, superintendent of
ohools, said ho favored tho plan.
Poles Claim Victory.
Pnrls. Tho ropulso of Important
groups of bolshovlstB on tho river Tot
oroff, which flows Into tho Dnlopor
north of Kiev, Is roportod In an offi
cial Polish communique rocoived horo.
Go no nil Rydzigly Is In command of tho
PoIch. Further north In tho Robrulsk
sector, tho communique ndds, tho 15th
and 2Uth bolshevlst Infantry brigades
woro completely destroyed. Aftor
hand to hand fighting along tho Horo
slna river all tho bolshevlst attacks
woro ropulsed.
British and Turks Clash.
Constantinople. Sovoral nuw en
counters betweon Turkish nationalists
and Iirltlsh forcos in tho district near
iBinld aro reported. Moasures havo
boon taken to remove Christians and
foreigners under tho protection of tho
British squadron.
Another Riot In Londonderry.
Londonderry. Fivo persons woro
killed, ton otbera Borlously wounded,
Bovofal of thorn probably fatully, and
about ono hundred othors woro loss
Borlously Injured during a period of
desporato rioting l thU city. Tho
fighting was accompunled by Hovoral
attempts at Incendiarism, ono of which
resulted In Uo burning of u largo
store. The rioting was a continua
tion of previous disorders when na
tionalists and unionist engaged in
clashes for several hours and tho mil
itary had to be called out.
Hoover to Back G. O. P.
Washington. Horheit Hoover throw
his support solidly behind Sonator
Wurren G. Harding mid called on nil
shades of tho ropubllcau party to sup
port tho presidential nominee. Hoo
vor uunounced his support of tho ro
publlcau ticket after breakfasting
with Harding nt tho hitter's Invitation.
The announconiout duflnitely cleared
the doubt surrounding Hoover's atti
tude as tho result of tho Chicago convention.
Louisiana House Rejects Suffrage.
Baton Rougo, La. All possibility o
action by tho lxmlslana legislature t
enfranchise tho womon of tho natlo
before tho November oloctlons wn
removed, tho house voting down, 0'.
to -M, the fedoral ratification r(sol
tlon nnd thon adopting In quick order
CO to 39, a resolution flntly opposln;
fedoral suffrage. Tho foderal ratlfi
cation failed In tho Bunato last wook
Tho state suffrage moasuro has bco
passod by the house.
of llshermen who nro Infesting Swan
1 Lake and other well known resorts In
' the district, nnd the tourist park, now
available, Is being extensively used.
The Buffalo county farm bureau has
' adopted a wage scale for farm laborers
ranging from HO to ."0 cents per hour.
Virtually nil farmers In the county nro
members of the bureau.
' Plans for the new ?5,00O,000 cnpitol
building nt Lincoln aro beginning to
, reach the oillco of the governor nnd
,. .,. have been placed in the custody of the
Dynamite Kills Two. ' secretary of state.
Miami. FIa.-Two men wore blowr , sieW(in the Y Mc,s
to atoms and a hlrd badly nJimjt. HtInn nssoclntloil ,)oys. cmn on
whon olgh pounds of dynamite ex plntto r, nenr CollimblWf
ploded on board tholr boat at Middle 1Q wUh a j cnrolt.
river. Tho dead are Ed Shackloford t
of Fort Laudordalo and B. B. Roberts ( Co;itrnctors imve beRUn Work on
ot Colamatcheo, Fin. Tho party hac McCooks nuw hotel( Tho Keystone,
been dynamiting fish. u ,s to ,,0 on(J o tho ,mcst ll0tels i
r,. Nebraska.
Japs Oppose Big Navy. A spedul eiection will be held nt
Toklo. Tho greater navy polio . stn,,e(on In the nonr fUtre to vote
adopted by Japan is confronted with ( ,,omls for for tll0 construction of an
an opposition that Is growing and thai 4 0uctrc lighting plant,
may make tho big navy plan unpopn j vacclnntlon Is being used on hogs In
lar. Japanese buslnoss mon aro vlg i doiIl'o countv to nrevent tho spreading
orously opposing tho Income tn
which was adopted in order to pay tlit
big navy bill.
Mrs. Catt Reelected.
Geneva. Mrs. Carrio Chapman Cit
vas unanimously reolocted president
if tho International Woman Suffrage
Ulanco. She has agreed to accept
he offico, It was announced, despite
tor declaration In a speech that she
elt compelled to retire.
Caruso's Chauffeur Arrested.
East Hampton, N. Y. Goorgo Fit.
gornld, chauffeur for Enrico Carusc
opera slngor, whoso country horn
horo recontly was robbed of Jewe'
valued at JG00.0UU. was arrested on .
charge of violating tho Sullivan law b:
having a revolver In his possoasloi
without a permit. Fitzgerald, wltl
other employes of tho household, hn
boon detained by tho Caruso ontnti
slnco tho Jewel thott by order of tin
district attorney.
Gompers Again Heads A. F. of L.
Montreal. Samuel Gompers. vet
inn of organized labor, was re-elected
iresldent of tho American Federation
f Labor at Its annual convention horo
la one ran against Gompers and his
lnotlon was unanimous oxcopt for
no vote.
of cholera which has appeared among
a number of herds.
Federnl census figures show tho
population of Lincoln county to be 2:i,
lUO, nn Increase of T,TM or -lOIl per
cent since 1010.
Wheat will bo ready to harvest In
south-eastern Nebraska In about three
weeks and all Indications point to nn
excellent crop.
Adnm Shell Inger Post No. 8 of tho
American Legion of Nebraska City Is
planning to build a $UO,000 home nt
that place.
Moro than 1,200 pupils have en
rolled for the summer term at tho
Kinte Normal school at Kearney.
A movement Is 911 foot to build a
Farmers Union elevator at Stopleton.
Clarence Joseph Mncken, 20-year-old
1 son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene Mncken of
1 Alliance, was Instantly killed when n
colt kicked him In tho back of the
head. The accident occurred on a farm
near Alliance.
A new hlghwny association hob oeeii
Three Drown In Oklahoma.
Oklahoma City. Okla. T. W Wood
in. real estate dealer, his brother-in
iw, J. L. Green and Green's five
ear-old daughter. Bernlce, all of this ' nrjcuniml by representatives of towns
Ity, woro drowned while swimming In in southeastern Nebraska to be known
lako uoar Norman.
Geo. W. Perkins Diet Suddenly.
Stamford, Conn. Georgo W. Per
kins, retired flnnnclor, who for many
yoars wns connocted with J. Plerpont
Morgan, dlod in tho Stamford Hall
Sanatorium. Perkins wcu,t to tho
sanatorium about a week ago, fol
lowing what Is Bald to havo boon a
nervous breakdown. His Illness Is
said to havo grown out of Influunza
and pneumonia contracted in France
whllo serving with the Y. M. Q. A.
there during tho war. Porklns was a
oloso friend of Theodore Roosovolt
and othor national figures.
Kansas City Beef Prices Rise.
KniiBas City, Mo. An Increaso of 1'
cents a pound for No. I loins and N"
1 ribs on the Kansas City market wn
accompanied by the highest prices fo
grass fed ontttlo quoted since last D
combor. Choice llvo animals brougl
$17 a bundled, which shows nn v
creaBO of $4 In a week. Shortage
this class of cnttlo Is given as tli
cause for tho Increaso Tho wholesal
prlco of potatoes dropped nearly twi
dollurs a hundred pounds hero and
dealers ir Mnted additional declines
Plague Kills 22.
Mexico City. Thero hnvo boon 32
i3os of bubonic plnguo with 22 fatal
fos since tho first outbreak ot the
unease at Vera Cruz on April 14,
Hard Luck, Surel
Now York.--Talk of hard luck'
Vlthin a week Enrico Caruso'B wife
iad $400,000 In Jewelry stolon from
tor, and tho tenor narrowly escaped
loath In a bomb explosion In Uiu
ipera at Havana, Cuba. Now to cap
ho climax, it was discovered that
nruso'a wlno cellar was robbed.
ns tho Pawuco Clty-Wymore-Falrbury
cut-off. Tho new highway will do
routed from Pawnee City to Falrbury
via Armour, Liberty, Wymoro nnd nil
lor. Steps have been taken to put the
road In tho best of condition.
Tho Community club nt Wahoo hns
succeeded In reorganizing the town
Land Commissioner Swnnson la vis
iting a number of countlos, including
Pierce, Holt, Brown, Cherry, Sheri
dan, Scotlsbluff, Box Rutte, Grant,
Hooker nnd Thomas, for the purpose
of reappraising school lands.
Between .100 nnd -100 farmers and
Nebraska delegates to the republi
can convention nt Chicago voted ac
cording to their conscience and In
structions, said Delegnte W. G. Urc on
on his return to Omaha. The delega
tion stood 12 to 1 for Johnson nt tho
start, but gradually became a unit for
Wood, the deslro being to vote the del
egation soldlly on at least ono bulloL
Harding's votes on the tenth ballot
came from Dletz, Beebe, Bergman nnd
Richards, lie said.
Charles W. Wentz, former manager
of the American State bank of Aurora,
who waived preliminary examination
before Judge Jcffers, wns released on
$10,000 bonds furnished by relatives,
lie will be tried nt the next term of
court on charges of embezzlement and
grand larceny.
Two hundred pioneer workers In the
cause of suffrage In Nebraska wit
nessed the formal birth of the new or
ganization, the league of women vot
ers, und the death of the old organiza
tion, tho Nebraska Suffrage associa
tion,, at the recent convention in
Crop reports show winter whent
throughout tho stnto progressing nice
ly toward harvest, without blight or
pest, and with nn estimated yield ot
close to 100 per cent predicted. Corn
Is reported doing nicely, nnd tho first
cutting of alfalfa Is heavy.
A suit Instituted by members of tbe
Nebraskn City lodge of the Woodmen
of tho World to prevent the bead lodgo
of the order from putting into effect
nn increase in Insurance rates, hns
been transferred to Fremont and will
be argued before the court on June 28.
The Nyo-Schnelder-Fowlor Elevator
Co., nt Fremont, has arranged for tho
opening of branches In Liverpool, Am
sterdam and Brussels. This will mark
the entry Into the foreign Held of the
Nebraska Grain Co., one of the largest
In this nation.
Several hundred dollars' worth of
telephone supplies wero destroyed
when tho Blessings hog barn nt Ord
burned to the ground the other night.
Besides the supplies which were stored
In tho building, n team of mules, two
horses and an automobile were lost.
Otto Smith, who Is alleged to have
stolen 21 bend of cattle from tho Ditch
enmp ranch, Holt county, nnd to have
sold them to n Fremont hanker, has
been taken from Arkansas back to
O'Neill for trial.
During the past ten days the government-state
farm employment bureau at
Lincoln hns been swnmped ns never be
fore with request for farm labor. Most
of the calls are from farmers of this
Besides a largo amount of lino build
ing brick, tho big brick yard nt Table
Rock Is turning out 00,000 tile per
week. Prospects are good for nn ex
cellent business this season.
There nre over 22,000 persons burled
at Omnha's largest cemetery, Forest
Lawn, which Is more tbnn there nro
living In any Nebraska City outside of
Oinnhn nnd Lincoln.
Assessors have been asked by tho
stato department of iliiuuce, revenue
nnd taxation to see that all state
school lands aro taxed to the extent
of the contract holders' Interest.
At a mass mooting of Custer county
citizens nt Arnold plans were laid to
obtain enough lenses on the oil rights
In the district to Insure the putting
down of a test well.
At a special eiection held nt De
catur a $10,000 electric light bond
proposition was defeated by 77 votes.
The money was to bo used for enlarg
ing the city's plnnt.
Work on the federnl and state aid
road extending thru Buffalo county,
east and west, Is progressing nicely.
The outfit moves nt a rate of about
one mile a day.
Rev. Dr. E. E. Tlosmnn of the
Methodist church lit Ord preached nn
automobile service last Sunday and In
connection mndo a cbe,ck of all cars at
the church. 1
W. A. Coo, movie thentre proprietor
nt Fi'end, reached for a rille at his
home to kill n cat, and the wenpon was
accidentally discharged, killing him al
most Instantly.
The Saunders county pure bred live
stock breeders association has n mem
bership of over seventy nnd Is securing
new members dally.
The Farmers State bank of Wood
River has been granted a charter by
the stato banking bureau with a cap
ital stock of $."0,000.
A big Chicago llrm Is making a sur
vey of Otoo county with n view of es
tablishing a cement factory at Nebras
ka City.
Six spans of the long wooden hrldgo
ncross the Platte south of Sbelton
have been washed out tlie past nionuu
Douglas county post of the American
Legion has organized a brass band.
It Is reported that material Is ar
riving dally to bo used In sinking an
oil well east of Wymore.
Tho Nebraska division of the Evan
gelical synod of North America Is
plunnlng to build a hospital at Lincoln,
which Is expected to be one of the
best In the stato.
While there was some disappoint
ment expressed nmong republicans nt
Lincoln and Omaha because a west
ern man was not chosen vice-president
by the Chicago convention, they are
not inclined to be other thnii loyal to
Harding und Coolldge, it seems.
Reports from over the state Indicate
that the warm weather Is working
wonders with tho corn crop and farm
ers are In high spirits.
B. P. Hutchlns, real estate man of
Omnha, was instantly killed nenr Fre
mont, when nn nutomobllo he was
driving overturned. His compnnlon,
a young womnn, was slightly hurt.
Annexation of nine old school. dis
tricts bordering the union center con-
J. "Ham" Lewis a Condldate. .
Dallas, Tox. J, ILunilton Lowiv
-trnijir Qnnntnr frnm lllitinlts wnii nut
ir Uio democratic nomination for tho Lancaster counties were represented. ( uq against
ico presidency, ho announced here.
members and their families uttended
the stutc poultry Held day picnic nt solldnted school district of Once coun-
tlio university fnrrj at Lincoln. Doug- ty wus defeated at a special election
las, Saunders, Dodge, Sewnrd and ,y a vote of 78 for tho nroposul to