n Iglu LEGAL NOTICES First ihub. Juno 3, 1020- .w. IN DISTRICT COURT OP D KOTA COUNTY, NEBRASKA. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. To Etl.S. Shorter, and tho unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other par ties interested in the estate of Eli. S. Shorter; Herman Kountze, and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all oth er persons interested in the estate of Herman Kountze; Alexander Mac ready, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Alexander Macready; A. C. Macrcady, and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, and personal rep resentatives, and nil other persons Interested in the estate of A. C. Mac icndy; Maggie Macready, and her un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per Konal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Maggie Macready; David Crow, and his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all oth er persons interested in the estate of David Crow; If. B. Bryant, his un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per gonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of If. B. Bryant; II. C. Tiffey, and hit unknown heirs, devisees, Icfkccs, per sonal representatives, nncfall other persons intcrcscd in the estate of II. C. Tlirey; Geo. B. Grafr, and his un known heirs, devisees, legatees, pet' tonal representatives, and All other persons interested in the cstuto of Gcd. B. GrafT; J. D. M. Crockwell, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees per gonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Ji D.M. Crockwell; D. A. Crockwell, hfo 'unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all oth er persons interested in the estate of D. A. Crockwell; Wm. F. Lock wood, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and air other 'persons interested In the estate of Wm. F. Lockwood, James W. Virtue, and his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep tesentatives, and all other personr interested in the estate of James W. Virtue; M. A. Virtue, and her un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and nil other persons interested in the estate of AI...A. Virtue, and lots one (1)', two (2), three (3), four (4), Ave (5), six (0)J ten (10), oloven (11), and twelve (12), in block oighty-nlno (89), in the village of Dakota City, DnKotn County, Nebraska, and ail persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any pare thereof, Defendants. Each and nil of the nbovo named defendants will take notice that in pursuance to an order of Guy T. Graves, Judge of tho District Court intulo at Chambers at Fender. Thurs ton County, Nebraska, on tho 29th da',y of May, A. D. 1920, in tho above entitled cause, tho nbovo named de fendants, and each and all of them, are hereby notified thnt on the 27th day of May, A. D. 1920, tho plaintiff, Clyde B. Crew, filed his netltion in the District Court of Dnkotu Coun ty, Nebraska, against them, and each of them, tho object 'and grayer1 of which are, to quiet title in tho plain tiff against tho defendants and any nnd all persons claiming lUder thorn, iuid to remove tho clouds to tho ti llbi occasioned by Hid dnimsof biitd UdfenduiiU, in and to the following described property Mtuotod in Dakotu City, Dakota County, Nebraska, to wit:' Lots one (1), two (ii), hrco (II), foufr (4), f.vo (B), six (tj), ten '(10), cloven (11), and welvo (1?), Jnnloek elfchty-nlno (S3), In ho uold vlllngo nfyDakota Oily, Dakota County, Ne braska. The Plaintiff alleges that he and his grantor, Inn o Keen in open, notdrloiw,t continuous, exclutjve, ntul adverse possession ol sld premise for moro than twenty years last past. ;That the defendants, Ell. S. Shorter nrd the unknown heirs, devisees, leg atees, nnd .personal representatives, an i all qther persons Interested In he estate of Ell. S. Shorter, claim some right', title or interest, In said vtwo'.,n.Mid b,ock eighty-nlne (W), and that said claims are void and not enforclble at either law, or Mtequlty, and are subsequent to, and junior, nnd inferor, td the tltlo of the plaintiff therein; that tho de fendant Herman Kountze, his un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal ropresenatves, and all persons interested In his cstato claim some right, tltlo, und interest In and to lot four (4), in said block eighty n he (89), in said village of Dakota City, Dakota County, Nebraska: that said claims are subsequent to, Junior, nndinforior.to the right nnd tltlo of plaintiff therein, and ho nrays thai tltln bo quieted in him nuainat such claims, und that tho clouds oecn Hlonod by them be removed; the plaintiff Anther alleges that the do fendant Dnvld'Crowr his" Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, porsonal rep resentatlvcs, and all other persons Interested In the cstato of David Crow claim some right, tltlo or In terest itn nnd to lot three (3), in said block eighty-nlno (80), 2n said village of 'Dakota CltV. Dnfintit rn. ty; Ncbrnsk-R Under nnd by virtue of n .deed by E. R, Kirk and Mnrv P. Kirk; Unted January 10. lb'Gl, tmd re corded l;DeedMoofc E of the Deed Records Of' DafeeWCounty, Nobiuslcn, '.?? 18,!' nd"ttlKlnr that tho sntd E. K, Kirk Is the' same person as Edwin K. Kirk wheae nanie nppears In thetchalirbf titled grahtee and grants wf-sfld property" at 'other placed and jlso nlleilnV that said clulrajarefrpttfeWquetrttfco, Junior, und fifrIo)V,to plaintiff's title in und to said property, aridprayu that his tl tie be quieted therein,- and the clouds occasioned by satd defendants claims be 'retWed: thatHhe'tlefond- ant Maggie" Macready, Alexander C. macreaay, anu Au, Macreaayi nnd their respective unknown heirs.' devls- ecs, legatees, persHalTppresentatlves, wm au ou.er-pfHMWMnterested In their respective estates, claim some right, tltl'ali'd' Interest In nnd to soli lot three (3), and that whatever Interest they orelther'' of them may wwawjam --7 liaVein and" to" sai3 property, trie same Is subject to, junior, ?nd Inter ior, to plaintiff's title, and plaintiff prajs thnt the cloud occasioned there by be removed, nnd his tltlo quieted therein; thht tho defendant H. Ji, Brynnt, nnd tho unknown heirs, dev isees, legatees, personal representa tives, nnd ail other persons intcieat ed In the estate of H. U. Bryant, claim some right, title, and interest in and lo lot five (5), in said block eighty-nine (89). of said village of Dakota City, Dakota County, Nebtns ka, but the plaintiff alleges, that whatever his claim may be, that it is subject to, junior, and inferior, to the plaintiff's title, and that The said II. B. Bryant, and Henry B. Brynnt, whose name appears as grantee and grantor of the said lot are .me nnd the same person, and prays that be determined nnd his title in and to said lot mny be quieted against the claims of said defendants and the cloud occasioned thereby nay bo re moved; that the defendant H. C. Tiffey, his unknown heirs, dcviseos, legatees, personal reprcscntatievs, and all other persons interested in tho estate of II. C. Tiffey claim iome, right, title and interest in und to lot ten (10), in said block eighty-nine (89), In said, village of Dakotu City,' Dakota County, Nebraska, und plain tiff nllegcs that whatever tboir claims may be they arc subfoct lo. junior, and inferior, to plaintiff's ti ne, nnt! pruys thnt the plnintiit'y ti tle mny be quieted therein und the cloud occasioned by tho claims of said defendants may be removed: that the defendants Geo. B. OrnlF. J. D. M. Crockwell, and D. i. Crock- well, and their respective unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives, and all other persons in , tcrcstcd In their respective estates' claim some right, title, nnd interest i in nnd to said lot ten (10), n said block eighty-nine (89), in said vll lago of Dakota City, Nebraska, but plnlntif nlleges thnt whatever their claims mav be thuv nr Ri-.liWt t junior, anu inicrior, to tho rights and title of the plaintiff therein, and! . . - . . ,-- , prays tmu Ills said title may oe quieted against said claims und the cloUd occasioned thereby be removed; that the defendants Wm. F. Lock wood, his unknown heirs, devisees. legatees, and pergonal representa tives, and all other jiersons interest ed in the estate of Wm. F. Lockwood claim some Interest, and title, in and to lot eleven (II). m said hlork eighty-nine (89). in snid vllinnr. r Dakotu City, Dnkota County, Nobr.u-. p "Ji" piainuii alleges whatever.0"6 year, anu uniu ineir successors their claims may be they are sub ject to, junior, and Inferior, to plain tiff s title, and nravs thnt hU title may bo quieted 'therein and that tho holders, or at any special meeting cloud occasioned by such claims mny J duly cnlled nnd holden for that pur bo removed. Plaintiff further al- P08e uPn SUch notice as the by-laws leges In connaction therewllh that ,nny prescribe, by a mnjority vote of legnl proceedings upon which n deed a entire stock of the corporation, ot Benjnmln F. Chambers, Sheriff, to MONROE-WILBUR-LAKE LUMBER to. P. Van Doo.er, dated August 1JJ, COMPANY. uio, iBcurucu jn jiook j, in Weed Records of Dakotn County, Nebrasku, on tho pnges 92-3-4-, wore regulur and compieto in every way, and that said deed conveved n onnti nnd Ki,iTi. dent tltlo thereby to tho said irraii- tee, S. P. Van Doozcr, and that his, LEGAL NOTICE, and Samuel P. Van Doozcr, whose Charles A. Blecker, Plaintif', s. name appenrs as grantor, and gran-"Ann E. Coffin, Adella Willlnms, Da teo in nnd to snld lota eleven (11), vid W. Willlnms, Arriu Cotton, ind . V!!yV12Mn s.nid block cKhty- Joseph H. Cotton, Helia ut 1 uw of nine (89), In said village, were one William B. Collin, Deceased; the and tho same person; and plaintiff North Half of the Souttie-ist Quarter further alleges that James V. Virtue, (Nj SE4), and who Northeast Quar who on December 10, 1859, sold.'ler of the Southwest Quarter (NE& transferred and convoyed lot twelve SW), Section Thirty live (L'5). (12), In sad block oighty-nlno 89),' Township Twcnty-clghV (28), Range , !"Jl? v,UnRe K Dnkotu City ,no:K't (8). -last of the Sixth Piinci of plaintiffs grantors, was it the'pui Merldiuo, In Dakota Oi.nty. Ne tlmo of said conveyance n single hndl brnska, nnd all persons claiming any unmarried man and M. A. Virtue, interest of any kind in said real esT- o., j. luirieu Huuscquent uicrrco, acquired no title or interust In oiid to said lot. Plaintiff further alleges that notwithstanding Plaintiff's own crship of snld premises and open, continuous, notorious, exclusive, nnd ndverso possession, of snld premises, by him and his grunt6rs for more than twenty years Inst past, the said various defendants, their heirs, dev isees, legatees, and personal repre sentatives, and all othfjr poisons claiming an Interest in their respect ive estutcs, claim some right, title, und Interest In and to said property, or portion thereof, and alleges that the respective claims of said defend ants are junior to, subsequent, and Inferior, to the plalntllW title, In and to Bald property, and that tho var ious defendants have no right und ti tle and Interest therein, and each and evory part thereof, and that they failed to, and refused to pay taxes thereon, and caro for said property In any way and abandoned all inter ests therein, and that they are now barred, both by law, and equity, agolnst claiming and holding any in terest in and to said property, and mm, meir saiu claims greatly dopre ciutos tho saleable value of Plain tiff's said nronertv. nnd )m tlmn,... prays that all claims, Whatever they infill lw nf nnl. ......I tt m . ' may be, of oach and nil of sntd de-l pari thereof, may be forever rustruneu una removed, and1 Mini mo iiiio, in ana to said pro.iortv. and every part thereof, bo conf.rmod , n ,, Vnt nnd quieted In him, and all clouds ha. 7 ln, i?,V removed therefrom, nnd he prays for J,rict,r srou nil such further relief ns justice nnd P,0""1 of D i'iiUl..n .....I cquuy mny require, und fncta nnd r... ciicumsinnccs of the case wan ant. nnd for costs. You nnd each of you nro required to answer this said petition on or be fore tho 12th day of July, A. D. 1920. n u, CA,Vi?,E "' CKKUO. PI ilivtlf,. By Wm. P. Warner, Plaintiff's 'Al torney. First Pub. June J, HUM .J.y. NOTICE Ol' INCORPORATION Of Hie MonroMt lllHirI,nlit Lumber Coiiipau), TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby tr.un iliac Mo.irr.o Wllbur-Lako Lumber Company Hied Its articles of incornorntlon for rec ord In tho office of the County Clerk of Dnkotu County on the, 30th day t April, 1920, and that on the 12th day of May, 1020, said articles of Incor poration were filed In the ofllea of the Secretary of State of the StuteStatV Treasurer,1 Lincoln, bkt,n (fount? HivMi of Nebraska, nnd certificate ..f incnr-J poration uuiy lssueu: :iuiu niuoies of incorporation provide: 1. That the nnmo of the corpora? tion shall be Monroe-Wilbur-Lako Company, nnd its principal plnce of business shall be at South Sioux City, Nebraska. 2. The general nature of the busi ness to be transacted by the corpora tion shall be tho buying, selling, handling, and dealing in lumber and other building materials of every kind and description; hardware, fur niture, coal, fuel, feed and all and every article or articles, kind or kinds of merchandise of every kind and dcsciiptlon; the buying, selling, mortgaging, encumbering and con veying real estate; the making, buy ing, selling nnd hypothecnting notes, bonds, stocks and other securities nnd evidences of indebtedness; und the doing of ench nnd every and all things necessary, advisable or usual nnd customary in connection with ihe carrying on of nny of said lines of business. II shall also have power to appoint nil necessary agents nnd to comply with the Invfi ci nny for eign stnto or country, relating to for eign corporations, nnd do nil things in connection therewith, necessary to copiply with nny of such laws. 3. The capltnl stock of the corpo rntion shall bo 3100.000.00,- divided into 1000 shares' of the 'par value ot 5100.00 each, of which all shall be paid up at the time of commence ment of business. I. Tho time of the commencement of this corporation shn be the 30th dny of April, 1920, the ante of the filing of its nrtlcles of Incorporation In tho office of the County Clerk of Dnkota County, Nebraska, nnd its termlnntton 3hnll ba on the J'uth dty of April, 1940, unless tooncr termin ated ns provided by law, nn:l the by lnws of this corporation, but said corporation may be renewed or ex tended from time to time according to law. 5. The highest amount, of indebt edness to which this corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not ebeceed two-thirds of its capital stock. 6. The affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a board of five directors, who shall elect from their number, a Chairman of ihs Bpard of Directors, President, Vice-President, Secretary and treasurer, -and the of fices of secretary and treasurer may be held by the same person. Ail officers and director of this curnora twn 8hn1' hM office for tho term of are elected and have qualified 7. These articles may be uniended ut any annual meerlng of tho stock by B. K. Edwards, President. H. A. Monroe, Secretary. Carter it Carter, Attorneys, Sioux City, Iowa. 1,,irst Puu- June 3 - lw. rate or any part t hcieof, Defendant You and each of vou are hcronv ni. 1 1 fled that on 'the 29tli dnv of May, a: jj. izo,piBlntiff filed hU duly vcriueu peuuon againsx you in tne District Cour.t oCDftkota County, Ne- urasica, tne object and prayer of wnicn is to quiet the .title to the North Hat of the Southeast Ouarter (NJ4 SEW), nnd tho NfcrthtVt On.-ir. ter of the Southwest Quarter , (NE14 SWJ4), Section Thirty-five (35), glkhi(9), East 6ttKeSlVth4Prlncipnl MMldlkn, ln Dak"ota'Coiin,rj., nS ka, and to remove" tm cloudfi been aloned by the claims of" the detenti rnts Ann E. Coffin, Adplja Williams, DavRl W. Williams Arrli Cntt ', TJa ffPh II. C'ottorf, 'aheir ut ltiw of niiiium jj. couin, ueceuseil, In luid to said Northeast Quarter of the boulhwest Quarter (N:4 Sw?4 ,)f said Section Thirty-live t35j, 'iWn- (8), East of the Si ah Principal Me rldlah, In Dakota Cnmitv. niui.. und to remov6 the clouds occasioned uy wio ciauns or each und every one of the defendants. Plulnttff also iiruya mr general equitable relief, i- You are required to answer thls'pe o tlt'von on or before the 12th day of f .lulu lOOrt Dated" thia 1st dny of June 19"o First pub. Juno 3, 1920 lw. NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION. ers of the School Dl South Si6ux City, in the viuunvy u wnivukiif in iiiu aunc n .F 1.... 1.. l.n Ot... i Nobrnskn. I Notice is hereby given thnt in ac cordance with u resolution of the Board of Educntion of said Sclipcl District, passed on the 27th day f Mny, 1920, an election will be held nt the Normal School Building, also called the High School Building, In said District, from the hour nf 9:00 o'clock A. M to the hour of G:i0 o'clock P. M. on the 28tlv lay nf June, 1920, for the purpose of vi.ting on the following propositions, to wit: "Shall the B6ard of Educatton of tho School District of South Siou City, in tho County of Dakoti, in tho Stnto of Nebrnskn by nnd through us uuiy authorizeu oiticors, issue tho Bonds of said School District, in the sum or twonty-livo thousand, eight hundred dollars ($25,800.00) bearing six per cent Interest, payable semi annually on tho 2nd day of January nnd JUiy of each year, principal' find interest payable at Jherofflce-of the tntV TV-A .!..... T -.,L I vr.l....... 4.1CUIU3&U, SakaU 0(y, Nfrin'Mta nnd the principal of snld bonds ma. tnrlntr'lti iwnntv vnnra front said rlntn tVinrAnf nnil nnvnhln nt. nnv time after five vears from date' thereof. Said Bonds to uc dated July 2nd, 1920, nnd to bt in denomi nations np follows: Twenty-five one thousand dollar bonds, and one eight hundred dollar bond. The proceeds of said bonds to be used for the making of repairs, al- ing the capacity of the three School buildings of said, district, said build- Infra liptnrr pnmmftnlO lri-nn n trin Normal or High School Building, the South School Building, and the North School Building; ' And shall the said Board of Edu cation cause to be levied annually n tux, BUlticient lor the payment of the nrincinal and interest on sulci Iimids. us It becomes due'. Shall the Board of Lducatlon of Cltv. In 'tlhn Cniihftf nf llntAttn. in tin. State of Nebraska, by aiyJ through iih uuiy auinonzca oiticers, issuo ine bonds of snld School District in the sum of four thousand and tv.o hund red dollnr-R l'S4.2nft.nn. tu.n.Ii.T lv per cent interest, payable semi-annually op the 2nd day or January ami July of euch year, principal nnd In terest payable at the office of the State Treasurer, Lincoln, Nebraska, mo principal or said bO.itfs maturing twenty years fiom l.Uc thereof, and Davubic at nnv timn rftnr llvn mura from date thereof. Said bonds to be Jatod July 2nd, 1920. nnd to be ill dononmintinna no lolloWS. to-wlt! filil)1 nnn tlinno .i,1 dollnr bpnds, and one two hundred dollar bond, Tho proceeds of said bonds to be used for" tho purpose of purchasing additional School rrrnnnrlq mlininiitir or adjacent to tho site of the pres ent High School or Normal School muiuing. And shall the Board of Lducatlon cause to be levied annuallj a tax suf ficient for the payment of tho prin cipal and interest on said bonds, as It becomes due? By order of the Board of J ducntion )f said School District. Dated this 27th day of May, 1920. A. B. COWNIE, President of Board of Education. j. s. bacon; Secretary of Board of Education. First Pub. May 20, 1920 bw. (SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In thr nictrlnt Cnitrf nf T.nlnfn County, Nebraska. liiin ii. naistead, riaintiff, vs. John F. Burkhend. VreA .T IVPlinr.. dcr, William Chadwick Hutchins. William Hnrtola Willing v R.. Margaret L. Moore, and Charles Lils wbrtli,' Josephine Holsworth Spier, Lottie Holsworth Pilgrim, Clara hols worth, Thomas Holsworth. Lizzu Holsworth, TilUe Holsworth, and Ben Holsworth, heirs at law of Wm. Hols worth. deceased, nnil rlin KniiH,umu Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, mo ooumoasi quarter of the -Northwest Ollnrtn tho Mnhtlinncf n.,. of the Southwest Quarto, and tho Dakota County, Nebraska, arid to all persons claiming anv intprpsr 5. nn to said real estate. .i10, ,Jhn F' Burkhend, Willium Chadwick Hutchins. Willlnm w Beam. Martrnret T, Afnnrn n i,i unknown heirs, and to all persons V.1UIIIUUK uny iiiio or interests in or to, the above described real estate. YOU nnd pnch nf Trr.n ...III 1. tice that on the 14th day of May, 1920, the" above named Etta H. Hal stead, filed her petition in the Dis trict court or Dakota County, Ne braska, against nil of tho above named defendnnta. int.frnianriai ..n. you, the object and prayer of which ure tO foreclose four iortnln mr.ft. gnges, given by the said defendant, uunn r. uurxnena, to one E. E. tlnl stead, and by him duly sold and as signed to the plaintiff, for the amounts, and on the dates, and iue, as fdllows, to-wlt: One for $4100,00, dated March 13th, 1913, nnd. due April 1st', lf19, with iii orest nt five nnd a hnlf per cent.. uniu aue, anu.iy per cent after due, One f6r $1Q9.0Q, dated .March 13th', 1913. and due. In 12 instnllmnnto nt ?30.7C, each, every six months, be- Kinuin vjci. isi, lyia, anu one pay able on the first day of April and October, thereafter, the last falling due April 1st, 1919, with- interest inereon ai iu per cent per annum. One for $233.75, dated Nov. 16th, 1914, and duo Dec. 1st.. 1915. with in- terest at 10 per cent per nnnuir., from Dec. 1st, 1914, and Une for $233.75, dated Nov. loth, 1914, nnd due Dec. 1st, 1915, with interest nt 10 ner cent from l"w. 1st, 1914. And seeking also to recover vaxes to the nmount of $462.90, which blie claims to hnvo naid Under Did n re visions of snld mortgages, to protect nor security. Plnlptlft' prays that said mortgages bo foreclosed and said yioperty be sold, and out of tho prbceeds" tho be paid the full nmount of her said mortgages, interest and taxes paid, in tho total sum of SS001.87, with Interest nt 10 per cent from Febr, L'lUI, 1U..U. And plaintiff further prnys that title in nnd to said rent cstnte, no quieted us ngninst the claims and demands of each of said defendants, and thnt their liens be held to bo first and paramount, to the rights, claims or demands, of each tu.d nil of Bnid defendants, and for costs, nnd all other and further judgments, and orders ns justice nnd equity re quire, to fully protect her Interest., liens nnd title In nnd to snld real esnte. . you, and oach of you are required to answer said petition on or i.ofore the 28th day of June, 1920. Dated May 15th, 1920. ETTA II. HALSTEAD, Plaintiff. By Wm. P. Warner. Her Attorney. First Pub. Juno 10, 1920 3w. NOTILT, OF UKAIUlNt.. In the CoUjUy Court.' bf Dnkota County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of worurwesf urtor of tho Southeast Quarter,rof Section 23, Township '17, Knhtre 9. East nf thn nth i m :J iflrjlj''fi'ilt.ii'T'a'Tiro Bridget Rooney, deceased. The State of Nebraska, To-all per sons interested in said estate, credit ors and heirs take notice, that Thpmns Benedict Rooney has filed his petition alleging that Bridget Rooney died intestate in Dakota County, Nebraska, on or nbout the 11th dny of Jnnuary, 1910, being a resident nnd inhabitant of Dakotn County, Nebraska mil the owner of tho following described real estate, to-wit: the southeast iiunrter of the southeast quarter, section nine, the south half of the southwest quar ter, section ten, the southenst quar ter of the southeast qunitor of sec tion ten; nn undivided onc-thhd in terest In the enst hnlf of the south east qunrter, nnd the southenst qunr ter of the southeast quarter, section twenty-seven, all of the above de scribed real estate being in township twenty-eight, range eight, east -of the Gth P. M., Dakota County, Nebraska; also all ot lots four, live and six in block seven, Hubbard, Dakota Coun ty, Nebraska, leaving us her sole nnd only heirs at law, Ellen Duggan, u sister; Mary Uiting, a sister; John William Rooney, a nephew, and Thom as Benedict Rooney, a nephew, nnd further alleging that said estate of Bridget Rooney was duly and regu larly administered in the County Court of Dakotn County, Nebrnska, except that no decree deterniining heirship wns entered by the Court therein, and praying that said estate bo opened up, for a decree barring claims, that said deceased died in testate; that the heirs at law of said decedent ns herein set forth shall be decreed to be the sole nnd onlv heirs of the deceased, and to have thereby iiuieriieu me aoove 'lescrioed real cstnte In lee simple. Hcnring on snid petition has been set for July 19th, 1920, nt one o'clock P. M. in the County Court Room, Dakota C.i, Dakota County, Nebraska. Dated nt Dakota City, Nebraska, this 2nd day of June, 1920. s. w. Mckinley, (Seal) County Judge. First Pub.. June 10, 1920 3w. NOTICE OF HEARING. Estate of Jeanne Marie MaJ.jpne Grezaud, Deceased, in the County Court of Dakota County. Nebraska. 'Ihe State of Nebraska, 'lo all per sons interested in said estate, credit ors and heirs take notice, that Harry Goodfeliow has filed his peti tion alleging thnt Jeanne Marie Mad eline Grezaud died intestate in Franco on or about January first, 1909, being a resident ari"d inhabitant of France and the owner of an undivided in terest in the following described real estute, to-wit: North Half of North west Quarter, Section Twenty-live, and Northeast Quarter ot Noitheust Quarter Section Twenty-six, the Southeast Quorter ot the Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-three, the Southeast 'Quarter of the Southwe&l Quarter Section Twenty-four, and the Northwest Quarter ot tho North eust Quarter Section Twenty-five, all in Township Twenty-nine, Range Sev en, East ol the Gth P. M. in Dakota County, Nebraska, leaving as her sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: her mother, Jeanne Marie Louise Claudine Mar guerite Greznud, and praying for a decree barring claims; that said de cedent died intestate; that no appli cation for administration has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been administered ' in the State of Nebraska, and that the heirs at law of said decedent as herein set forth shall be decreed to be the sole and only heir of the deceased, and to have thereby inherited an undivided interest in fee simple in the above described real estate, which has been set for hearing on the 19th day of July, A. D. 1920, at ten o'clock A. M. in the County Court room, in thp Court House, Dakota City, Dakota County, Nebraska. Dated at Dakotn City, Neluaska, this 2nd dny of June, A. D. 1920. S. W. McKINLEY, (Senl.) County Judge. First Pub. June 10, 1920 3w. NOTICE OF HEARING. In the County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska. In the Matter of thn Tut.nt.n nf John Hartnett, decensed. 'Ihe btate of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, credit ors and heirs take notice, that William J. Franklin, has filed his petition, alleging that John Hartnett died intestate in Dakota County, Ne braska, ons or about the Gth day of October, 1S93, being a resident and inhabitant of Dakotu County, Nebrns ka, nnd by reason of the invalidity of a certuin deed, was still tho owner and holder of the legal title to the following described real estate, to- wit: "That nart of the northwest quarter of section eleven (11), de scribed as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said north west quarter, thence running west on tho north line thereof 650 feet, thenco running southwesterly to the north west corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said sec tion, thence running south to the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of tho northwest quarter of said section, thence running oast to me southeast corner of Jie south east quarter of the northwest quar ter of said rection, thence north to .the placo of beginning, all in Town ship twenty-nine (29), Range Seven vw, eubt oi me oin r. m. in Dakota County, Nebraska," leaving his sole and onlv Iwuru nt i..... nr.... i . McGee, a daughter; Daniel Hartnett, u sun; james uurtnett, n son; John Hartnett, a son; Thomas Hartnett, a Mn, and William Hartnett, a son: und further alleging that said estate was partially probated in tho County Court of Dakota County, Nebraska, but that no ordor barring creditors, or decree determining heirship was entered by tho court In said estate, and praying that said cstato bo open ed up, for a decree barring clalnu. that said deceased died Intestate, that the heirs at law of said deceased as herein set forth shall bo decreed to be the sole and only holrs of tho deceased. , Hearing on said petition has beer, set-'for July 19 1920, nt 2 o'clock P. M. In the County Court Room, Dakotn City, Dakota County, Nebraska. Dated at Dultota City, Nibra.kii, this 2nd day of June, 1920. S. W. McKINLEY, (Seal) . . County Jud,e. First Pub. June 10, 1920 3 j NOTICE OP HKARIM.. In tho County .Court of Dpkota County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate ot Catherine Smith, deceased. The State of "Nebiaska, To all per sons interested in said estate, credit ors and heirs take notice, thnt Thomas Benedict Rooney has fled his petition alleging that Cctnerin Smith dUd intestate in Dnkom Conn ty, Nebraska, on or about the 2Jth day of July ,1907, being u lesident and Inhabitant of Dakota County, Ne braska, and the iwnor of tho follow ing described real estate, to-wit: un undivided ono-th.rd interest in the west hnlf of the southwest qunr ter, nnd tho southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, section twenty seven, township twenty-eight, range seven, also all of tho southeast quar ter of the southeast quarter, the north hnlf of tho southeast qunrter, section nine, nnd tho south hulf of the southwest qunrter, section ten, township twenty-eight, range soen, and lots four, five and six n block seven," in the village of Hubbard, all of tho above described renl cjlato being in Dnkota County, No') -aska, leaving as her sole and only heir nt law, her mother, Bridget Rooney, nnd further nlleging thnt said estnte of Catherine Smith watt duly and regularly administered in tho County Court of Dnkota County, Nebraska, except thnt no dpcree dpt-rnin' heirsh-i. v 1 , . , v. v. it - . .. j- ..ju.g that aid estate bo opened up, and for a decree hai ring clnims; that said deceased died intestate; that the heir at law of the said decedent as herein set forth shall be decreed to be the sole and only heir of the deceased, and to have thereby inherited tho above de scribed real estate in fee simple. Hearing on said petition has neon set for July 19th 1920, at eleven o'clock A. 'M. in the County Court Room, Dakota City, Dakota County, Nebraska. Dated at Dakota City, Nebraska, this 2nd day of June, 1920. S. W. McKINLEY, (Seal) t County Judge. First Pub. June 10, 1920 3w. NOTICE OF HEARING. Estate of John Kloster, Deceased, in tho County Court of Dakota Coun ty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, credit 01s and heirs take notice, that D. R. Burns has filed his petition alleging that John Kloster died intestate in Dakota County, Nebraska, on or about May 12th, 1905, being a resi dent and inhabitant of Dakotn Coun ty, Nebraska, and tho owner of the following described real estate, to wit: Lots 3 and 4, in Block 4, Cen tral South Sioux Clt, -m addition to South Sioux City, Dakota County, Nebraska, leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following nam ed persons, to-wit: His widow, Etta Kloster, his two daughters, Maud J. Kloster, now Maud J. Lucas, and Ma bel AI. Kloster, now Mabel M-. Smith; nnd Cecil C. Kloster, and praying for a decree barring claims; that said decedent died intestate; that no ap plication for administration hua been made and the estate of said decedent has not been ndministered in the Stute of Nebraskn, and that the heirs nt Inw of said decedent as herein set forth shall be decreed to be the own ers in fee simple of the above de scribed real estate, which has- been set for hearing on tho12th dny of July, A. D. 1920, nt 10 o'clock A. AI. Dated at Dakota City, Nebraska, this 9lh day of June, A. D. 1920. S. W. AIcKINLEY, (Seal) County Judge. When yon want your Ford Properly Itcpuirril with Genu ine Ford Parts, by Genuine Ford Mechanic, take ii to the Ford Hospital. HOMJOU MOTOR CO. Pure Bred Percheron Stallion WALLACE No. 15150!) Wullaco is a fine dappled grey stallion, live years old. Ho Is a horse of extra good quality. He hns been inspected by the State Sanitary Board of Lincoln, and will stand the full season at my barn at Hubbard, Nebraska. LOUIS JIOGG Phone iii). Hubbard, Nebrnsku THE HERALD FOR NEWS Ma wwl ' m .