Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, June 10, 1920, Image 7

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tv W
From a Woman Whose Serions UN
ness Was Overcome by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Garnett, Kas."I first took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vceetablo Comnound for a
complete nervous
breakdown follow
ing the birth of my
oldest child. I got
up too soon which
caused serious fe
malo trouble. I was
bo weak that I was
not ablo to bo on my
feet but very littlo
and could not do my
housework ut all. I
had a bad pain in my
loft side and ft
would pain terribly if I Btcppod off a
curb-stone. One day one of your book
lets was thrown in tho yard and I read
every word in it. Thero wero so many
who had been helped by your medicine
that I wanted to try it and my' husband
went to town and cot mo a bottle. It
seemed as though 1 felt relief after the
second dose, so I kept on until I had
taken fivo bottles and by that time I
was as well as I could wish. About a
year later I gavo birth to a ten pound
boy, and have had two more children
since and my health has been fine. If
I ever have trouble of any kind I am
poing to take your medicine for I give
it all the praise for my good health.
I always recommend your medicine
whenever I can. "Mrs. EVA E. SHAY,
Garnett, Kansas.
Prayed for Cure
Finds it After 10 Years
Food Would Sour and Boil
Teeth Like Chalk
Mr. Herbert M. Gessner 'writes from his
home in Berlin, N. II.:
I had stomach trouble over ten years;
kept getting worse. I tried everything for
relief but it came back worse than ever.
Last fall I got awfully Lad; could only eat
light loaf bread and tea. In January I got
so bad that what I would eat would sour
and boil; my teeth would be like chalk.
I suffered terribly. I prayed every day for
something to cure me. One day I read
about EATON1C and told my wife to get
me a box at the drug store as I was going
to work at 4 p. m. I took one-third of it
ud began to feel relief; when it was
three-fourths gone, I felt fine and when it
was used up I had no pains. Wife got me
another box but I have felt the pain but
twice. I used five tablets out of the new
box and I have no more stomach trouble.
Now I write to tell you how thankful I
am that I heard of EATONIC. I feel like
a new man; I eat what I like, drink plenty
of water, and it never hurts me at all.
For Sale, 320 Acres
In tho corn belt at western Minnesota. :&
acres under cultivation, 30 acnw of pas
ture, good Improvements on house, burn,
c.ittlo shed, hog house, chicken house
l'rlco 3125 nn acre on easy terms.
McKRILL LAND CO., Glenwood, Minn.
No Soap Better
For Your Skin
Than Cuticura
Sop 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
rr.ckU oltit!nntYgr drurf l.l or br
Risll. A. Kr.aboek. Dr. C. H. furry
Co. 27S Michigan Avnua.thicso.
Mount McKlnley Sinking
Mount McKlnley, the. Oregon moun
tain, Is sinking with the weight of
nges. Within the last several years,
when the peak shrugged Its rocky
shoulders in earthquakes, the loftiest
mountain In North America has sub
sided at least GOO feet from Its original
altitude of 20,400 feet. Such was the
assertion of Herschel C. Parker, geolo
gist and mining engineer, who first
scaled Mount McKlnley In 1012.
) Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottle ot
CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the -i(7 sfT7 '"
Signature CSfff&&i
In Use for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Flnger-Prlnts In Babylon.
A group of valuable historic tablets
from tho excavations of the city of
Babylon, hearing dates as far hack as
three and a half centuries before the
Christian era, was recently secured.
Several of tho pieces carry tho dis
tinct prints of the lingers which mold
ed them over 2,000 years ego.
When you walk In comfort: do stockings
A puckaife of Allen's Foot Ease, the anti
septic powiler to ihake Into the shoes ami
sprinkle In the foot-bath, gives you that
"old shoe" comfort and saves wear. Allen's
FootKait makes tight or new shoes feel
easy Ladles can wear sboea one size
smaller by shaking some Allen's Koot
Ease In each shoe In the morning. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Meant What She Said.
Mabel How can you be so Insin
cere? You told Mr. Ilorclelgh that
you wero sorry you were out when he
Mnrle Oh, no, my dear, I said I was
sorry he called when I was out. You
fcee, he's likely to call some time when
I am In. floston Transcript.
s , I . r a
Keep Your Eyes
Clean - Clear Healthy
Writ for rM Cya Car Book Murina Ca.Chluio.aU
W. N. U, SIOUX CITY, NO. 24-1920.
KW? - jam
Condensation hv Nathan HaiktU Dak
Victor Mario Hu
K0 was born at
Bcsancon, Franco,
on Feb. 25. 1S02,
so puny nnllnfant
that It was not
believed ho could
live. He was the
third son of a dis
tinguished soldier
under Napoleon.
He camo from
sturdy but not
noble stock, Ills
ancestors on his
father's sldo hav
ing been simple
Ho was well
educated In
Franco and In
Spain, whero hlo
father held high
rank under Na
poleon's brother.
Ho was a. preco
cious lad, writing long plays In verse
and prose while hardly more than a
child. Boforo his 21st year ho had won
several high prizes for his verse. But,
thrown on his own resources by tho
death of his mother, ho found It dllll
cult to Hvo by his pen. Ho moved Into
an attic, where he had his only expe
rience of actual poverty. His writ
ings, however, soon becamo popular
and ho was able to marry, at tho ago
of 21, Adele Foucher, his playmate of
childhood days. It was a happy mar
rlago for 10 years. Then Hugo be
camo Infatuated with nn actress to
whom ho was devoted 50 years.
From his youth until his death, on
May 22, 188 Hugo wrote rapidly
poem3, plays and 'novels. No other
man of his time had such an Inter
national reputation. Swlnburno hailed
him as "the greatest man born since
'he death of Shakespeare."
Ills most famous novel, "Les Mls
"rables." was published In 1862, but
ho had been working on It for 15 years.
Thirty years before had appeared his
Irst great prose romance, "Notro
Xirno," and tho third. "Tollers of tho
ilea," came out In 1865.
ABOUT the time of the French
revolution, Jean Vnljenn of La
Brie, u day-laborer, earned n
scanty living for his sister and her
beven children. One time, when the
family was starving, he stole a loaf
of bread, was caught and condemned
to the galleys for Ave years. Twice
he attempted to escape and failed. He
was a convict for 19 years. When ho
was discharged InOlSlS he was wicked,
silent, chaste, Ignorant nnd ferocious;
his affectionate nature had been
poisoned against society. But ho had
taught himself how to read, and he
had thought.
Itefusetl shelter or food at tavern
or private house, he came to Monslgn-
eur Myrlel,1 Bishop of D , In the
foothills of the Alps. He was treated
like a prince, but In the night he stole
some of tho bishop's silver plate, was
caught as he made off and was brought
hack to the good bishop, tfno, with n
smile, nssured tho gendarmes that the
articles were not stolen but given.
Adding two silver candlesticks, the
bishop said to him: "Take them and
become nn honest man. My brother,
you no longer belong to evil, but to
good. I have bought your soul of you.
I give It to God."
As he fled, he yielded to one last
temptation to do wrong; ho took from
a hurdy-gurdy boy a two-franc piece,
but nlrnost Immediately, filled with
remorse, he tried In vain to find the
hoy. Two years later a stranger,
dressed like a worklngman arrived at
the littlo city of M sur M .
Just as he arrived a fire broke out In
the Town" Hall nnd he rescued two
children belonging to tho captain of
the police. This saved him from hav
ing to show his passport. IIo made
an invention and soon became prosper
ous. He built great workshops, en
dowed n hospital, founded schools,
paid high wages nnd was made mayor.
Employed In his factory was Fnntlne,
a girl who had been deserted in Pnrls
by an unworthy lover. Sho had left
her baby, Cosotte, with a crafty and
hideous pnlr named Thenadler. When
It was learned that she had nn illegiti
mate child, she was discharged with
out the knowledge of M. Madeleine,
(ho benevolent manufacturer, and was
reduced to such poverty that she could
not pay the Thenadleiw, who took
Cosette's clothes for their own girls
and wrote I'antlno for more. The girl
sold her beautiful blonde hair; then
they Informed her that Cosette was
III, which was n He, nnd demanded 100
francs. To ohtnin this she sold her
front teeth to a traveling dentist;
then she went on the town, nnd when
n dissolute dandy, to annoy her, put
snow down her hack, she scratched his
face and was arrested by Jnvcrt,
Inspector of police, a brutal nnd over
offlclous tyrant, who had been attached
to the galleys when Jean Vnljean was
there nnd suspected the mayor of
M of being the former convict.
Tho mayor freed Fantlne. Sho sui
posed ho was the cause of her mis
fortunes and spnt In his face. He
took tho affront meekly nnd Investi
gated her complnint. She was 111 of
consumption nnd he provided for her
nnd promised to look out for her child.
About the same time the police ar
rested another man who three former
convicts swore was the missing Jean
Vnljean. Jcnn Vnljenn's conscience
would not nllow an Innocent person to
be punished In his place. Surmount
ing extraordinary difficulties, he went
to Arras, where tho trial took place,
nnd just as the Judge was condemning
the wrong man, he confessed he wns
the missing convict that had robbed
the bishop nnd the hurdy-gurdy boy.
Tho Judge let hlni go; but Jnvcrt
wns Implacable and apprehended him
at Fnntine's denth-bed. He was lodged
In Jail, but having enormous strength,
he broke out nnd returned to his house
to secure his great fortune. He had
time to hide his money in the haunted
forest of Montfermell, but wns enp
tured and sent to the galleys for life.
Nine mouths later at Toulon he
broke his chain nnd saved the life of
a sailor who was hanging head down
from the topmast of a ship, but he
himself either fell or jumped oft from
the spar and was reported drowned.
Tho bnttle? of Waterloo had taken
place and the Thenndlers, who had
been guilty of robbing the dead on the
fatal Held, kept a wretched Inn at
Montfermell. They treated Cozette,
now eight years old, with grent cruelty.
Chlrstmas, 1S23, was the climax of her
wretchedness; she was sent nfter dark
to fetch water from a spring In tho
dreadful forest. A poorly dressed
stranger, passing, carried her heavy
bucket. At the tavern he protected
her from her mistress' threatened
punishment, nnd tho next morning he
paid Thcnndler 1500 francs nnd took
Cozette to Paris, where ho occupied a
tumble-down habitation just outside
of tho city; the gloomiest plnce In all
the gloomy boulevnrd. By day ugly, at
twilight lugubrious, and u night sin
ister. He thought hl-itself secure
there, but his benevolence made him
conspicuous, and tho old enre-taker, be
ing full of envy nnd'uncharltableness,
grew suspicious of her lodger.
One day he saw .Invert. He took
Cosette nnd ngaln fled. But .Invert
was on his track. Only by unex
ampled adroitness and by his colossnl
strength did he escape by climbing
over a high wall. He found himself
In the garden of the convent of the
Petit Plcpus, where worked Pero
Fauchclevenr, whose life M. Madeleine
has saved when he was mayor of
M . The gardener, out of his grati
tude, got him appointed his assistant
by representing him to be his brother.
Cosette wns taken Into the convent
school. She grew up Into a charming
girl ; beauty suddenly camo to her.llke
the blossoms to a cherry tree In April,
and Jean Valjean, happy In loving her
ns his daughter, as his granddaughter,
as the only woman he had ever loved,
guarded her as n sacred treasure.
IIo had good reason to bo wary, for
tho Thenndlers had corno to Paris and
joined a band of robbers; nnd Jnvcrt
never forgot, no had several desper
ate encounters with them. On the one
side outlnws ; on tho other undevlatlng
law personified. Ho took part in tho
abortive revolution of 1830 nnd saved
Jnvert's life, at last winning the ad
miration of that Implacable and fatnll;
honorable man.
But there wns one danger from
which he could not protect Cosette:
the most beautiful thing In the world,
which nevertheless seemed to him his
worst enemy love.
Baron Mnrlus, the son of n mun
whom Thenadler had robbed at Water
loo and Incidentally saved from a
terrible death, had been turned out of
his house by his royalist grandfather
and was earning n poor livelihood by
literature. He saw her and they mot.
Their love went through more than tho
usual vicissitudes. During the Insur
rection Jean Vnljean carried the youth
through the mazes of the Paris sowers
and brought him desperately wounded
to his grandfather's house. Tho old
man relented nnd consented to tho
marriage. Jean Valjean gave Cosette
n dowry of about (500,000 francs. In
order to hnve n conscience perfectly
clenr he told his life story to Mnrlus,
who, not understanding the grandeur
of the spirit that had never done any
thing but good, allowed him to go away
with a broken heart. Thenndler, how
ever, camo to the baron to blackmnll
him nnd unconsciously revealed whnt
a noble life Jean Valjcnn had led.
Marlus, taking Cosette, hastened to
the old mnn's death-bed, and gave him
ono last tasto from tho cup of happi
ness, no died In their arms.
Victor Hugo calls "Los Miserahles"
"a drama In which the hero Is tho
Infinite, the second character Is Man."
It Is In reality a melodrama In which
nro mingled scenes of history, u host of
characters from the highest to tho
lowest, improbabilities which strain
one's credulity, n vast amount of rnro
nnd curious information on all sorts
of subjects, dissertations on philoso
phy, science, politics, and religion. Its
treatment of soclnl Injustice hnd a
powerful Influence on public opinion,
not only In France but In many
countries. It has been nn opoch-mnk-Ing
Copyright, 1919, by tho Tost Publishing Co.
(Tho Boston Post).
Soon a Lost Art.
Among the lost arts of tho world, ll
Is to bo feared that Indlnn hnsket mnk'
Ing must soon be Included. And It Is n
very grent pity, too. It Is n wonder
ful art, and ono that hns been crcnted
at vast pains and sacrifices.
The younger generation of Califor
nia and desert Indlnns are not learn
ing to make baskets. Like tho young
er generation of the white race, they
aro not fond of hard work. And who
ever buys nn Indlnn basket for a few
dollars hns seldom a realization of tho
work and tho patience that has been
expended upon It.
As a Favor.
Borelelgh I expect to stnrt for Eu
rope to-morrow. Can I do nnythlnn
for you?
Miss Blunt Yes, you can tnl:o par
tlcular enro not to miss the steamer.-'
Boston Transcript.
Fatal Pathway Through Cave
to Deep Pit.
Visitor on Slahtseelng Expedition
Within a Moment of a Miserable
End in Pool From Which
There Was No Escape.
Astride the boundary separating
two states of tho middle West, n Com
panion contributor writes, thero lies
one of those barren regions whero na
ture seems to have forgotten her un
completed task. On one side of the
line are sand hills; on the other, dry
mud cut by deep cracks nnd ravines.
A little more than a quarter of a
century ago, he continues, business
called me to a homesteader's claim on
nn oasis In the sand-hill tract, and
nfter a long drive from the distant
railway station I nrrlved Just at dusk
on Saturday evening, to stay until
the following Mondny.
Sunday morning I rose before the
family and went out to view the land
scape. After examining n number of
petrified tree stumps and logs, which
time and climatic Intluenco had chang
ed Into black-and-white onyx, I was
about to return when I chanced to spy
u peculiar opening In the earth some
distance nwny. Desiring to explore,
I soon found myself walking down tho
smooth, water-worn lloor of u canyon
that was so narrow that my elbows
grazed the sides.
I was soon a hundred feet or more
below the surface of the mesa, yet
the chasm showed no Indication of
widening. I walked on, casting my
eyes upward occasionally to where a
scrub Juniper hid for a moment tho
nnrrow silt of blue far above, and
thus I noticed that the opening termi
nated shortly. Dropping my gaze. 1
discovered on the left the abrupt turn
that 1 had expected, and, again look
ing skyward, I became Interested In
the antics of n colony of bnnk swal
lows. The footing was so good that
I walked steadily forward, my eyes
fastened on the swallows.
Suddenly becoming aware that the
light about me, which heretofote hud
come only through the silt far above,
was Increasing, I stopped abruptly,
with my body already thrown for
ward and my right foot raised for the
next step.
Just nhead the canon did Indeed ter
minate. Also, tho floor ended a few
Inches In front of my loft foot. Only
hy instantly pressing my both fore
arms with all my strength against the
sides of tho chasm did I overcome the
momentum that in another moment
would have precipitated me Into a
sonihclrculur cistern of ooze twenty
feet below and at least sixty feet wide.
Its sides were scooped out of the river
cliff In the form of nn arch, through
which came the light that hnd ar
rested my attention In the nick of
My host told me at breakfast that
many young cattle, colts and other
farm stuff had disappeared there
abouts and were supposed to hnve
been lost in the plnce, which was of
unknown depth, nnd wns called local
ly, "The Jug." Youth's Companion.
Earnest Work Brings Success.
No class of men have a monopoly of
opportunity. History Is filled with rec
ords of the poor mnn's progress. As the
race Is not nlwnys' to the swift, so Is
success not always to tho naturally
talented. It's the man who trains tho
talents ho hns who rises above his fel
lows. How often have wo seen the man
whom the neighbors nil looked upon as
a genius flush Into a temporary prom
inence soon to give plnce to the ordi
nary hut tireless worker who substi
tuted ceaseless effort and constant
pnlns for special gifts. Tho fact Is
men of exceptional talents often lean
upon them and cease to make real ef
forts to Improve. You will find them In
middle life where they were In youth.
Often they nro disappointed nnd
grouchy creatures criticizing the ef
forts of others who attempt on meager
talents to do what they ought to have
done. They have made no progress In
developing their own personality.
Joy in Winning Success.
The training of personality Is often
u matter of compulsion. .Men shun
loads and dodge responsibilities when
ever they. can. They covet ease nnd
wealth and try taking the shortest
road to It. That may land them thero
and It may not. Usually men have to
rise through struggle. That has a
way of making men turn to themselves
for what they get. Others are busy
with the same Job and they can't give
help to anyone. As men learn to do
they develop power to do and ecnt
unlly tho love of doing takes posses
sion of them. It's not Just u matter
of poetry, hut It's according to fact.
There's no Joy like tlmt of conscious
success nnd It grows with whnt Is
Gave Him the Snub.
I was sore at a certain boy at school
and when I walked by him In the hall
always put my bend high. One day
when I was going home at noun I met
him In tho hall with a big bunch of
boys. I gave him tho snub nnd put
my head up high. I didn't see the
steps. I fell nil the way down, and to
my mortification thin boy camo and
picked mo up. Exchange.
Big Supply of Yellow Pine.
In the southern states thero l a
yllow pine area of about 124.OO0O00
acres. Fully stocked and cnr-fully
foreated this will produco ah', n 70
cubic feet nn acre a year, or noie
thun 27,600,000,000 board feet a ye...
Doesn't hurt n bit I Sore corns
lift right off wih fingers.
Magic t
Costs few cents 1 Drop n littlo
Frcezone on that touchy corn, Instant
ly that corn stops hurting, then you
lift It right out with the fingers.
Why wait? Your druggist sells n
tiny bottle of Freezone for n few cents,
sufficient to rid your feet of every hard
corn, soft corn, or corn between the
toes, nnd cnlluses, without soreness or
Irritation. Frcezone Is tho much
talked of discovery of the Clnclnuntl
genius. Adv.
A Gambling Way.
"How does she bridge over the gap
In her finances?"
"By playing It."
Ugly, Unsightly Pimples
Are Signals of Bad Blood
Give Heed to the Warning.
Pimples on the face and othor
parts of tho body aro wnrnlngs
from Nature thnt your blood Is
sluggish and impoverished. Some
times they foretell eczema, bolls,
blisters, scaly eruptions nnd other
skin disorders thnt burn liko
flames of fire.
They mean that your blood needs
S. S. S. to cleanse it of these ac
cumulations that causo unlimited
Qoys and Girls of New Jersey Town
Have Made Record of Which
They Are Proud.
If there hns been less tnlk of tho
servnnt problem In llrldgeton, New
Jersey, than elsewhere, It Is quite ex
philnnbli'. Not to ho outdone by their
Kuropcmi sisters und brothers in mut
ters of thrift nnd industry, 25 young
sters In thnt town have Invested $1,000
In United States thrift stamps this
year, thanks lo their own hard work.
Hoys nnd girls nllkc hnve welcomed
opportunities of doing rcuiuucrutlvo
dishwashing, sweeping, dusting, store
clerking, bnby-inlndlng, errand-run-nlng,
etc., with thu goal of economy
symbolized by government slumps
nhead of them. Thu more ambitious
have uiitlei taken cutting weeds, carry
ing coal, sifting ashes, selling papers,
raising chickens, cleaning pnveiiients,
nnd some hnve oven won prizes to ndd
to their savings. Having found that
time can he converted Into money It Is
doubtful whether these hoys will ngaln
find tho street corner n worthwhile
place for spending Idle hours, or the
glrN be content to wnsto periods In
porch chatter.
What Really Counted.
Uachelor Are you In favor oflloine
Itule? i
Married Man (sndly) Yes; hut you
see, my wife is also, Stray Stories.
A Coffee-like
ever ape
in flavor and
but Postum is different be
cause it contains no health
disturbing drug.
A saver in many ways.
Made by Postum. Cereal Co.,
Battle Creelc.Mich.
Backache Slowing You Up?
Arc you dragging along with a dull,
throbbing bncknche? Feci lame morn
ings, tired all day; sutler torturing
twinges at every movo! Often the kid
neys nro to blame. A cold, strain or
overwork congests the kidneys; poison
accumulate and mysterious aches and
pains result. You may have headaches
and dizzy spells, too. with perhaps
bladder irregularity. Use Doatvs Kid
ney l'tlls. They have helped thou
sands. Ask your neighbor J
A South Dakota Case
11. D. liny, Ar
mour, S. D., says:
"I wns bntl oft
w 1 1 h backache
about a year ago.
Often when I Rot
up out of a chair
sharp pnlns
cntiRht me In tho
small of my back
nnd 1 hnd to
BtralRhtcn slowly,
Nights I had to
got up often to
nnKfl tlln klilnnv
socrctlons, which wero scanty ana
highly colored. I often got dizzy and
things would blur. Two boxes of
Doan's Kidney Pills entirely rid mo
of tho backncho nnd straightened mo
up In every way."
Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c Bos
doan's iiasr
KMloret lolor mna
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
suo. ana n w at umtxiiit.
Itlx-oiChmi. TVk.rtcliocn. W.T.
niNUbRUUKNa ltrmorn Orni. Cat-
louion, vto., stops all luiin, enturrs rurarort to toe
Irrt, tnskrs wal
Cs i
rar. lto. by mall or
r at Drue-!
cuts. lilrox Cbsmtau Works, 1'atcooeae,
Kill All Flies!
Tncv Brnr.AU
Maeeil snywhtre, DAISY FLY KILIXU attrsrtt an4
kills all dies. Nest, clean, cmamsntsl. tonrcnlnt and
,cnesp i.ui antra
ran't spill or tip overs
trill not sotlorlntar
rian. Mails or RlrUL
inythlnn, Onsranteeil.
at Tour dealer or .
8 by rxrRESS. prepslj. II.SS.
UAROLD 30MEU3. 1M lie Kalb A to.. Urooklyn, N.X.
Inventors. $1,000 liuyn 1-60 Interest In 150,00
mill thnt will produce 1300,000 yenrly. Terms,
contract let. Mnyncld, 1064 Humboillt, Denver,
trouble This remedy is the great
est vegetable blood purifier known,
und contains no minerals or chem
icals to injuro tho most dclicnto
Get a bottlo of S. S. S. today,
and get rid of those unsightly and
disfiguring pimples, and other skin
irritations. If you wish special
medical advice, you can obtain it
without charge by writing to Med
ical Director, 105 Swift Labora
tory, Atlanta, Ga.
Old Gentleman Had Particular Use
for That Peculiarly Atrocious-
Looking Beetle.
On tho counter of the Christmas
bazaar stood nil the usual horrors'
which an unscrupulous world Insists on
giving the p6or kiddles as "toys."
There were anlninls, birds nnd Insects
which resembled nothing save the
crentures of u particularly fierce night
mare. Thu customer steadied himself by a
chnlr, und nfter a careful selection,
picked up one specially terrible beetle.
"I'll take that," he told the assistant,
"How much In it?"
"Ilnlf n dollar I" replied the glrL
"Ih It for your littlo hoy?"
"No, I wnnt to take It to a dinner
party I huvo to nttend."
"Whntevcr for?" cxclnlnied tho girl,
surprised out of her cnrefully ncqulred
"Well, I'm going to stund It In front
of me on tho table when the drinks
nro going round und when I see two
beetles well, it's time to go home 1" .
Open Bribery.
June hud Just commenced school,
nnd the teacher asked her n question
in numbers which sho wns utiublo to
nnswer. She wnlked up to tho tench
er and said In n low volco: "if you
won't ask me that I'll give you soma
of my anliunl crackers."
a Reason
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