DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. ASPIRIN Sure Relief ov B K Wiih Europe ? ($ Name "Bayer" on Genuine 1 "Wkt r &E2m) JNDIGESTW T4-4o H M V J :i . . it How far is Europe from financial and social bankruptcy? A summary of facts gathered first hand by Henry P. Davison. t'v; v 9Htts aanaaniDU' far Ih Kurope from financial I tk(Jf I "'"' MH''"' bankruptcy?" Ih a I I I I fiic.Htlr)n of vital Importance to all I 1 the world. Herewith Is a concrete stimtiuiry of facts of groat valuo on this question, gathered at llrst hand ly 1 1 uii ry I'. Davison. Con cerning these factH and tho tiiiin who gathered them Rowland ThonuiH In the New York .Stmday World niakeK this statement: At this time Mr. II. I'. Davison, partner In the firm of J. I'. Mor gan, seems more thoroughly quail lied than any other person In Amer ica to express nn authoritative oplmnn in conditions in Kurope. He has an extremely keen, clear mind. lie Is n nan of the largest affairs, accustomed by many .jenrs of business experience to grasp tho essen tial details of complex situations. And on toj of his unusual personal rjimltllcntlons as a trustwor thy observer and reporter, he has Just, through ilils position as head of an International organiza tion, had put In his possession the lntest and com jiletest mass of Information obtainable anywhere. Jle Is chalrmnn of the board of governors and therefore ex-olllclo head of tho Leaguo of Red Cross societies which comprises all tho Hod Cross societies In the world except those of the central powers, and has Just returned from the llrst con ference of this organization, held In Geneva. At this conference the Kiirnpenn situation was the main object of consideration, and to glvo n basis for discussion and action, experts were brought In from tho Held all over Kurope and their first-hand reports were received and exam ined. The result was tho composite picture of post-wnr Kurope In the winter and spring of 1IW0 which .Mr. Davison holds In his mind. By tlxed rule, Mr. Davison does not glvo Inter views to Individual representatives of tho press, nor write signed statements for Individual papers. He has not broken his rule In this Instance. This ls not an Interview. Hut when his unique posi tion as a source of Information was pressed on Ms attention, he granted tho Sunday World ac cess to his data, and what follows may bo taken as it substantially accurate and complete statement of the facts as he sees them. Its significance can theroforo-hnrdly bo overemphasized. WlThe catastrophe," wrote Mr. Hal four, chalr mnn of the Council of the Koague of Nations, to the, Kim! Cros conference at Oeneva, "Is of un exampled magnitude," and In the same communi cation referred to "tho horrors with which we are faced," and stnted they had reached "appalling proportions." i These are very strong expressions, coming frourn personage of such standing. They Indicate n recognition of disaster. Is tho.ro any hopo of setting matters right? Can Kurope "cdmo back?" Or Is she bankrupt? The present siinimnry of known fncts will be nn at tempt to Indicate an answer to that question. I At the outset It Is necessary to clarify the sit uation by mnklng certain distinctions. Kurope Mretehes over 11,800,000 sijunro miles. Its people number 100,000,000, more than n quarter of tho globe's estimated population. Furthermore, nt present Kurope as n unit Is non-existent, If It ever existed. It lias been split by tho war Into vnrlous groupings, In which conditions widely differ. The neutrals, unravageil Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, with over -10,000,-(MIO population, constitute one group. Defeated Oeruiany and Austria form another. Kussla Is a third. The "Hlg Four" of the Kuropcan allies Kngland, Franco Italy and Helglum are nnother. 'And the less stabilized countries of tho central unil eastern regions are a llfth. Hetwoen theso groups conditions vary greatly, nnd this must be kept In mind In considering whether Kurope Is solvent or bankrupt. About our principal allies In the west there Is no question. They are strongly going concerns Htlll, nnd, despite their own distress, are doing their best to pull their neighbors out of the Slough of Despond. The French peasant Is working, and Hie French artisan, despite a sad need of raw material", has not lost bis habit of Industry and thrift. The encouraging fnct about Franco today !s that her people are fully alive to the serious ness of her problem and are going forwnrd brave ly to solve It. Italy, too, despite her great shortage of raw material, Is looking forward, not backward, led by one of the great men produced by the war, Mr. Nlttl. He Is a truly wise statesmnn, and under Ms leadership Italy can be rvlled on to do her part by herself and her neighbors. Helglum, as might have been expected, Is strongly on the mend, nnd Kngland Is meeting her problems of recon tit met Inn with quiet courage and sturdy common nense. She Is doing each day's work, and at tho Mime time rendering nil assistance her resources will permit to the countries on the continent. Helglum and France and Italy and Kngland are asking no charity of the United Stntes. Their peoples are as proud as we are eager as we aro to work out their own national destinies and car. ry on their own businesses. They seek only the op portunity to regnln their economic strength. And these countries have a population of 125,000,000. Combining them with tho -lO.OOO.OOO neutrals, It appears that about a third of the people of Ku roK could not be referred to as bankrupt. Some of them aro In serious dllllcultles, but they have plenty of hope left, as well ns energy, for the tasks of reconstruction. This distinction drawn, and It being under Ktood fhnt flennaiiy, because her problems are so peculiar to herself, Is left out of the discussion, St Is not too much to say thnt In nil the rest of Europe excepting, possibly, Hussln nbout which j-eporfs nre conflicting clvlllrntln- has broken Wn. For something like 200.0 -).000 people, 'disease, bereavement nnd uufferli nre present In practically every household, lillo food and JSsnitry fflffivSj&OTz-' &8 clothing are Insutllclent to make life tolerable. Particularly In tho broad belt ljlng between the Hnltlc and tho Black seas there Is appalling mis ery. This great area Includes the new Hnltlc states, Poland, Czecho-Slovakla, Ukraine, Austria, Hungary, Koumanln, Montenegro, Albania and Serbia, to say nothing of Kussla eastward and Armenia to the south. In nil that region there Is almost complete paralysis of national life and In dustry. All thnt part of Europe has today a tremen dous number of Idle people. Many of them wnnt to work. Hut there Is n great shortage of raw mnterlnls with which to work, and the Import export situation seems all but hopeless. Such has been the output of paper money and so much greater Is tho need of Imports than the possibil ity of exports under existing conditions that these countries hnve nothing, either money or goods, with which to purebnse from outside what they need to sustain life Itself, to say nothing of sup plies for tho revival of Industry. They totter on tho brink of utter ruin, from which nothing but n helping hand cnu snvo them. The depreciation In the currencies of some of theso countries, ns valued In dollars, Is unbellov nble. According to market quotations of April 10, It ran ns follows: Austrln 07.53 Hungary 07.4S7o Gormnny 02.32 Greece 43.20 Knumnnln 01.31 Polnnd 07.0S7o Czecho-Slovakla 02.78 In other words, If the peoples of these coun tries tried to buy materials nnd supplies In Amer ica at the present market values of their curren cies, Austria would hnve to pay approximately 40 times the normal cost, Germany 13 times, Greece Just double, Czecho-Slovakla 14 times and Po land no. Theso figures are olllclal and are the only In dex which can briefly glvo any comprehension of the economic conditions Inside these countries. Their currencies are depreciated because they huvo neither gold nor sulllclent production with which to maintain their normal position with the United States or with their Immedlnte neighbors. Until each such country Is nble to produce sulll clent to maintain Itself, either from within or by Importing In exchange for gold or goods, It can not hope for normal conditions, If Indeed It can hope to survive. There Is nothing dllllcult of comprehension about tho situation. Somewhere, somehow, some time, those countries must be come possessed of food, clothing, raw materials and tho means of transporting them, or they must perish. Economically and politically, they aro crippled to a point threatening complete paralysis, while at the same time the people aro ravaged by destitution and disease. The lnronds of the latter on the war-worn and undernourished population has rencbed tho proportions which Mr. Halfour called "appalling." Men, women nnd children nre dying by thou sands, nnd over vast once civilized areas there nro nolther medical appliances nor medical skill sulll clent to cope with the snnltary crisis. In the Ukraine, winter of 101S-10, typhus and Influenza nfToeted most of tho population. In vil lages of 2,000 and 3,000 half the people would be 111 of typhus at tho same time. Many physicians attended a territory 40 miles In diameter. Some who had 20,000 to 30,000 typhus pntlents could got no medical supplies whatsoever, nnd could give only oral encouragement to their sick. And this year the condition la oven worse. Pauperism Is becoming mora and moro Intense. Prices hnvo advanced steadily. In Austria, according to n report dated Feb ruary 12, thero were In Vienna rations for three weeks. People were npnthetlc, fatalistic and tired, nnd there was nn epidemic of dnnclng. One dance was attended by 4,000 people, half of whom hud had no dinners. Refusing to go home, they danced until exhausted. One hundred thousand school children were underfed and dlsensed as n result of food shortage, lock of fuel nnd Inade quate hospital facilities. Prime was Increasing among tho child popular n, hunger sometimes driving little boys to atte. ipta at murder. The kS? 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION BE North Louisiana Oil Leases On a few dollars great fortunes have already been made here. With 300 wildcat weirs now drill ing there are wonderful oppor tunities for a small investment to give you large and quick returns. Write for free map and Information. United Brokerage Company 517 Market St., Shreveport, La. population of Vienna was literally famished. The general death rate had Increased 40 per cent since 1013, and the denth rate from tuberculosis 2."0 per cent. Many children of one year had not surpassed their weight at birth. The middle class, living on salaries, were selling their belongings to buy even tho government ration. One meal for one portion cost (1 kronen nt tho municipal kitch ens, while the salary of a professor wns 77 kro nen a month. An overcoat cost three months' snl ary of a court Justice, and a second-hand Henault automobile sold for an amount equal to 17 years' salary of tho chnncollor. The following Is taken from a communication from Sir William Goode, Hrltlsh director of re lief: "All olllclal nnd other reports which rench mo glvo no hope of Improvement In tho situation In Central nnd Knstern Kurope. Tho misery of the outlook ,ln many parts, particularly In Austrln, Poland nnd Armenln. Is worse tlinn ever. The marshalled charity of tho world, government nnd unoflkinl, will not alone heal the disease from which Kuropo Is suffering. Increased pro duction and tho restoration of economic order out of political and economic chnos nro tho only solu tions of tho problem that now defies the Ingenuity of those who face It." Such Is the picture of conditions In tho spring of this year of our Lord 1020 according to the Information gathered by Mr. Davison during n two months' stny overseas, where he Joined In conference with representatives of 27 nntlons. How Is thnt aid to( bo rendered? A week ngo last night, nt a dinner given to him at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, Mr. Davison spoke nt length of conditions ns he had found them, and Indicated what seemed to him tho only posslblo courses of remedial nctlon. To quote from portions of his speech : "Any voluntary aid, to become effective, enn only follow the provision of such essentials ns food, clothes, and transportation, which must be given If tho peoples nre to live nnd le restored to n condition of self-support, nnd the need of which Is so vast thnt It cannot bo given by voluntary organizations, but must be supplied by govern ments. Upon nssuranco from the league of na tions that food, clothing and transportation will be supplied by governments, the League of Ited Cross societies shnll at once formulate plans for the Immedlnte extension of voluntary relief with in tho alTected districts, appealing to tho peoples of the world, through the Hod Cross organiza tions, for doctors, nurses and other nocessnry personnel, medical supplies, diet foodstuffs, and such money as ijmy bo required. "Wo aro going to find out that wo can no more escape the Influence of the Kuropcan situation of today than wo were nble to escape the war Itself. You cannot have ono-hnlf of the world stnrvlng nnd the other half eating. Wo must help put Ku ropo on Its feet or we must participate In Eu rope's misery. vu imd ourselves the only country possessed of many of tho- supplies which Europe needs and which cannot bo pur chased or given In sulllclent volume on credit. As a nation we should at once arrange to plnce within the reach of those peoples that which they need to save them and start them on their way to recovery. The situation has devel oped so far and so seriously that thero Is no pos sibility of Its being met In nny other way. "I have always been nn optimistic Amerlcnn, because of my supreme contldenco In tho ultimate judgment of tho Amerlcnn public upon any ques tion submitted to them. I believe that ns soon ns we renllze the truth nnd effect of such state ments ns I have mnde, we will take stops worthy of tho traditions of tho Amerlcnn people. There fore the responsibility upon everyone of us Is to do whatever may be In our power to tho end that tho American people may have a clear un derstanding of what It all means, thot they may tho sooner declare themselves. js'ot un til tho prior and fundamental step Is taken of fur nishing by government nctlon tho nocessnry ele mental!!, food, clothing nnd transport, will we, the American people, properly have established our selves among tho peoples of tho world nnd bo In n position to leavo a credltuMo heritage- to thos who are to come after." DONT DESPAIR If you aro troubled with pains or nchea; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL "Haycr Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu ine Aspirin proved safe by millions nnd prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only nn unbroken "Bayer package" which contnlns proper directions to relievo Headache, Tooth ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pnln. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Mon oncetlcacklester of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. Place Knew Her No More. Husband That now maid Is certain ly quiet. One would never know thnt she was about tho place. Wife She isn't. She left this morn ing. London Tit-Hits. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Look forth name Cold Medal oa arer? bos asd accept do imitation Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Permanent Relief CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vege table act surely but gently on the CARTER'S IITTLE IVER PILLS liver. Stop after dinner dis tress cor rect indiges tion: imnrove the complexion brighten the eyes. Small Pill Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplsness and Female Weakness. Ounlne mail bir tloiifire. S&tanZPSC Freshen a Heavy 8kln With the antiseptic, fascinating Cntl cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient, economical face, skin, bnby nnd dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cutlcurn Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Adv. All Suffer Alike. It Is nn eternal truth In tho political ns well as the mystical body that "where one member suffers, nil the members suffer with It." Junius. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-ROOT Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womens' complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other or gans to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Their Native Locality. "I see they arc eating camels in Paris." "Do they serve them for tho desert?" NOBLE RELICS OF THE PAST Triumphal Arch of Titus, at Rome, and the Colosseum, Are Splendid In Their Ruin. Tho Trlumphnl Arch of Titus In Rome, wns built In 70 A. D. to com memorate the defeat of the Jews, and wns dedicated to the Emperor Tltus after his death. It Is adorned with line sculptures In relief. On the frlezo out side Is a sacrificial procession nnd on the Inner side Tltus Is seen crowned by Victory In n quadriga driven by. Romn. On nnother part of the arch Is n triumphal procession of Jews, tho Tablo of Show Broad, nnd tho seven branched cnndlestlck. In the center of tho vaulting the consecrated emper or Is seen being carried to heaven by nn eagle. In 1SS2 the arch was n sot of ruins, and some of the medieval additions were removed and It wns pnrtly recon structed. The colosseum, with sents for 50,000 spectators, orlglnnlly called the Flavian amphlthenter, was com pleted by Tltus In the year 80 A. D.. and derives its later name, probably, from n colossal statue of Nero. Tho colosseum Is now all In ruins. To Insure gllstenlng-whlte table linens, use Red Cross Ball Blue In your laundry. It never disappoints. At all good grocers, 5c. WILLING TO STRIKE BARGAIN The Proper Place. "I say, Pat, did you impress that mustard plaster on your mind?" "No, sor on the back of me neck." "In real friendship there Is always tho knitting of soul to soul, tho ex change of heart for heart." Wife Quite Ready to Abandon Style If Her Hubby Would Only Do His Part. She was one of those dress women who always wear the latest thing whether It suited her or not. One day her lint touched her noso; next week it rested on the back of liei neck. Her last frock barely covered her shoe tops, her now one huddled round her tinkles. Oh, she wns always "it!" Her husband was no passive resist or. Regularly he ralscl his voice In protest at each craving after fashion. Hut the one thing that really annoyed him was when she suddenly -craped her hair straight back from her fore head on top nnd trained It down lll window curtains on ench side of hoi face. "Look bore!" he said, In exaspera tion. "Can't I Induce you to stop wearing your hnlr over your ears?" "Certainly!" she .-eplied, with a chnrmlng smile. "Ruy mo diamond earrings." Something. Wrong. "That guy you seen mo wit' just now Is either a liar or some kind of a nutl" declared Silk Shirt Slick of 12th street "What's tho matter wlt'im?" re turned Nimble the Nick. "He looks nil right; clnssy dresser, too." "Yeah! But w'en I asked him how ho mnde his money ho said ho earned it. Wouldn't thnt twist ych?" Knnsat City Star. MI"I,!!III!' IJillL f-, II. 'LIMIT!: .MTmuiiMi.miiMmiiMMMiiiiiiiiiiillimiiilllll.llillll.llliiTiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir Tffiat Unusual Flavor Wholesome, Rich, Delightful that comes from blending malt ed barley with, whole wheat is (distinctive of GrapeNut5 "TFiis food is ready cooked, eco nomical, easily digested and very nourishing. Soldhyg. !rocers i r v. .V U i r 15 rW -v