i u i l Ml fl l I- H ; ; 1 n ! T 4 1 ?ki ft w, ew & BJ i til' 1 I D ,'1. fj 1 ft m ft! ?,! T6H K- H I J. If- DAJttTA CPDKTI 9IftW fftSfi'A (HSU, HTKJI LEGAL NOTICES First Pub. Juno 3, 1920. . IN DISTRICT COURT OF DAKOTA COUNTY, NEBRASKA. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. To EH. S. Shorter, and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal renroscntntlvcs. nncl nil other par . ... .1 - -. .r T."ir tics interests in oi ; in nd to ,ot nvc (5) ,n fiaia ,)lock unknown heirs, devisees, legatees personal representatives, and anoth er persons interested in the estate of- Herman Kountze; Alexander Mac ready, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons Interested in the estate of Alexander Macready; A. C. Macready, and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, and personal .rep resentatives, nnd all other persons interested in the estate of A. C. Mac ready; Maggie Macready, and her un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, nnd all other persons interested in tho estate of Maggio Macroady; David Crow, and his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all oth er persons interested in tho estate of David Crow; H. B. Bryant, his un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, ftnd all other persons Interested in the estate of H. B. Bryant; II. C. TlfTey, and his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons intcrescd in tho estate of II. C. Tlffcy; Geo. B. Graft", and his un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Gcb.B. GrafT; J. D. M. Crockwcll, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees per gonal representatives, and nil other persons interested in the estate of J. 1). M. Crockwcll; D. A. Crockwcll, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, pergonal representatives, nnd nil oth er persons interested in tho estate of D. A. Crockwell; Wm. F. Lock wood, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, arid all other persons interested in the estate of Wm. P. Lockwood; Janies W. Virtue; and his unknown: heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives, nnd all other personc interested in the estate of James V. Virtue; M. A. Virtue, nnd her un known heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives, and all other persons interested in tho estato of Al. A. Virtue, and lots one (I), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (&), six (6), ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve (12), In block eighty-nine (89), in tho village of Dakota City, Dnkota County, Nebraska, and nil persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estato or any part thereof, Defendants. Each and all of tho above named defendants will take notico that in pursuance to an order of Guy T. Graves, Judgo of tho District Court inado at Chambers nt Pender, Thura ton County, Nebraska, on the 29th day of May, A. D. 1920, in tho above entitled cause, tho above named de fendants, and each aijd nil of them nro hereby notified that on tho 27th day of May, A. 1). 15)20, tho plaintiff, Clydo B. Cregoj filed his petition in tho District Court of Dakota Coun ty, Nobraskn, against them, and each of them, tho object and prayer 6f which are, to quiet tltlo n tho plain tiff against tho dofendantti and any and all persons claiming it. dor them, and to rcmovo tho clouds to tho tl- tin. occasioned hy tho clninisof nld have in and to said property, the same is subject to, Junior, rnd infer ior, to plaintiff's title, and plaintiff prays that tho cloud occasioned there by be removed, and his title quieted therein; that the defendant it.' B. Bryant, and the unknown hcira, dev isees, legatees, personal representa tives, nnd all other persons intercut cd in the estate of II. U. Bryant, claim soma right, title, nnd interest Dakota Cltv. Dakota County. Nebins ka, but tho plaintiff alleges, that whatever his claim may be, that it in subject to, junior, and inferior, to the plaintiffs title, and that the said H. B. 'Bryant, and Henry B. Hrynut, whose1 name appears as grantee and grantor of the said lot are ane and the same person, and prays that be determined and his title in and to said lot may be quieted against the Hnlmi nf anlil lrfnmlnntn nnd flip cloud occasioned thereby nay bo re moved; that the defendant H. C, TlfTey, his unknown heirs, deviscos, Ipintppq. nprsnnnl rpnrpsputfitlnvq. rj r ,- - ",-- " -- -. and nil other persons interested in the estato of H. C. Tiffcy clulmt:omc right, title and interest in and to lot ten (10). in said block eighty-nine (89). in said village of Dakota Citv. Dakota County, Nebraska, and plain tiff alleges that whatever their p.lnlms mnv ho thpv nrn miliirrt. to. junior, and inferior, to plaintiff's ti tle, and prays that the plaintiff's ti- tio may lie quieted therein and the cloud occasioned by the claims of said defendants may be removed: that tho defendants Geo. B. Graff. J. D. M., Crockwcll, and D. . Crock wcll. and their rosnective unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives, ana another persons in tcrcsted in their respective e3tctes claim some ripht, title, and interest in and to said lot ten (10), . n said block cighty-nhie (89). in said vil- Inec of Dakota Citv. NchniKkn. but plaintiff alleges that whatever their claims may be thev arc subiact to. junior, and inferior, to the rights and title of the plaintiff therein, nnd prays that his1 said title may -be uuieted atrainst snid rlninit uml t-Vic cloud .occasioned thereby .be removed; mat tne ucientiants Wm. F. lock wood, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, and nersonnl rini-ntn. tlves, and all otW 'persons interest- eu in me estate or Wm. F. lockwood claim some interest, and title, in and to lot eleven Mil. in onl,l i,lo.. eighty-nine (89), In said village of j-MiKum uiiy, unKora county, Nebnu ka, and plaintiff alleges whatever their claims may be they are sub ject to. iunior. nnd InfrHnr tn nln(n. tiff's title! and oravs thnt hu tuin may be uuieted thoroln nn,l thnt 4, cloud occasioned liv audi Kiimomn. be removed. Plnintirr i,rtu i leges in connection therewith thut leirnl Urocoodlncnt nnnn uMl. A i of Benjamin P. Chambers. Sheriff, to S. P. Van Doozer. Hnln,l Anmni irc 1873, recorded in Book I, in Deed Records of Dakota Cniintv Mniimckn on the pages 92-3-4-, were regular ana complete in every way, and that said deed conveyed n good and suffi cient title thereby to the sold gran tee. S, P, Van Doozer, and that his, and Samuel P. Van jtoozcr, whose name appears as grantor, and gran too in and to said lots eleven (11), and twelve (12), in said block eighty nino (89), In said village, were ono and the same person; and plaintiff furthor nlleges that James V. Virtue Who on December 10. 1859. solil. defendant, in nnd to tho following ," i i mu 12? I0? lv,l described -property Mtaated in Dakota J2'' , ,n d bk)c,k ,?by'n'"e l89 City, Dakotn County, Nebrdsko. to- J" "? ?" of Dakota City, one wit! Lots one Hi. t.n f'n !, i!iv at plolntlff's grantors, Was nt the iime oi sam conveyance a sinelo and ton? (4), Cvo, (5), six (3), ten (H), i-ioyen, iif, and wcivo (i) in nlock elghty-nino (99), in ho said .village of Dnkota City, Dakota County, Ne braska. Tho Plaintiff alleges that he ttnU'hls Rra.itPi', have boon in open, notorious, continuous, exclusive, and adverse possession ot uld premise for; more than twenty years lust past. That the defendants, Eli. S. Shorter nnd tho unknown heirs, devisees, leg ntees, and personal representatives, una all other persons interested In he estate of EH. S. Shorter, ;clalm some right, title or interMt, in said ltLt,V0',,n.sn,d bIock fhty-nine (89), and that said claims are void and not enforcible t either Jaw, or In equity, and are subsequent to, and junior, and inferior, to the title of the plaintiff therein; that the de fendant Hermnn Kountze, his un known heirs, devisees, legatees, peK sonal represenatlves, nnd1 all persons Interested In his estate claim sonie rigni, tine, ana interest in and to lot tour m, m said block olghty- . g), In aolil vllliwo of Dakota ,' Pnkotn County, Nebraska; that Said Claims arts miliininmnr ,.,i and inferior, to tlm riniit nn.i iih., )llalntlff therein, nnd ho wrays thai tltlo bo (micted In him ugninst such claims, and that tho clouds occn- . .,. th.cm ,,e removed; th Plnlntlff further nllcces that tho de fendnnt Divld Crow, his unknown heirs, devisees, legntces, porsonal rep. resentatlvcs, and nil .ither poisons interested in the estato or Dnvid Crow clnlm some right, title or In terest itn and to lot three (3), in said block elghty-nino (89), In said village of Dakota City, Dakota Coun ty, Nebraska, under nnd by virtuoof a deed by E. R. Kirk and Mnrv P. Kirk, dated January 10, lbOl, and re corded In Deed Book .12 of the Deed Records of Dnkota County, Nobioskn, ngp 131, juid alleging that the said K'rk is the same person as lulwin R. Kirk, whose name fiieari) In the chain of title ftsVraritee and tfrautor of said property nt other places, and' also alleging that snld claims ore subsequent to, junior, and inferior, to plaintiff's title in and to said property, and prays that his tl- tie be quieted therein, and tho clouds occasioned by said defendants claim be removed; that the defend, ant Maggie Macready, Alexander C. Macready, und A. C. Macready, and their respective unknown heirs, devis ees, legatees, personal representatives, mid all other pwfowft njer$ted in their respective' "(States, colkiifT soma right, title and lf ereetMri and to said Jot three (3),.bh4 that whatever Interertthey or either, of them may it" Conveyance rt sincrl unmnrried man und M. A. Virtue. who he married subsequent thereto, uiHjuucu no line or interest in ana to Mil 111 Int. PlnlntlfP f..tV, oll.,.. that notwlthstandhg Plafntiff's own- cibiiijj ui sniu premises anu open, continuous, notorious, exclusive, nnd adverse possession, of said premises, by him" "and his grnntors for moro than twentv veara lat nns ihn anl,l various defendants, their heirs, dev isees, legatees, and personal repre sentatives, nnd all other pursonK claiming an Interest In their respect ive estates, claim some right, title, and interest in nnd to nnM nmnrntii or portion thereof, and alleges that ino respective claims of said' defend nnts are junior to, subsequent, und Inferior, to the plaintiff's title, in nnd to said property, and that tho var ious defendants have no right undtl. tie and interest therein, and each and ever part thereof, and that they failed to, and refused to pay taxes thereon, and care for said property in any way and abandoned all inter eats therein, and that they are now barred, both by law. and equity, Kk uiuiminir anu no dlnor nnv In. terest In ,and to said property, nndl,m8messs that their snld o1nt,W irianti.. ,i.. Nebraska. rlnt,. tlin ntnl.l. ..i... r.' 1 I o " rm. mw M IWW I llliUMWm mm in y,i,,,(Liu IUMI iMliBiiil mix tw- . --,- - -- - -- - - . -' ' . wy' iif' Mil; 'Ji,', II.. .'.,. Jm , .. ii .in. i i i i i tmmmmm www mm I Wp&, Whats become of the -"V 4s '" nreiuH Jr pV!K v- :' " :V r J iV .".' m mm a againsTauTomobiles because MM vr. the q frightened the horses "rWT A? rt r i : QW cars arc every where. The horses have gottcr used to them afid.sbfias everybody else. i)ftin)pf;it!" TKisiyear the American 'people will spend ncmrly mbiltion dollmrs on ores aiooe. v' issc "VX 1 MMBayoTMue ttfi Wftereytr ;MT U.iNobby. FOf'jD r'oacJi ' erTJsco or front wheeltThe u.sf.'jnaku4-- ,;f- r, ucii rcwin eyl-v4rire U. M Jicyal Corals. Tires ,are one of, the big- gestitewjn$hc car owner's JHUrf. K Hardlv a Saturdav. whin Fc;ordSijry country ST'iJmn '! Tf Hm you motorists drop in to tune up" ior a Suny trip, that one of more of you doesn't tell us something of value to pur business. Sooner back to you 1 V uMD' 1.i '!. or later it comes in "Service. MIV?fT M 'J. MIL' - yd n mmoxw ! Service is what' the car owners of $iis qojpnimunity arc looking Jfctowidays. !r ' ' i, " ' ' '. ; And eipecially the small owners, who put service jffrsr in figuring their motor ing expenditures. Just because a man has a moderate - price car is. no reason why he should get any ess service but of his tires. We believe that the man with the small car is entitled to just as good tire service as the man with the big car rand both are entitled to the best tire service they can get. That's why we represent U. S. Tires in this commu nity. And why more car owners -large and small are com ing to us every day forU. S. Tires. lk IV in Come about tires. us and talk to We're here' to help you get the kind cf tires you want. V United States Tires G. F. BROYHILL, Dakota City, Neb. HORACE DUGAN, Jackson, Neb. Sri , Ji.'WUl of Nebraska, and certiilcul.j .f incor poratlon duly Issued, fiuld ntticles of Incorporation provide: 1. That the name of the corpora tion shall be Monroe-Wilbur-Lake Company, and Its principal place of business shall be at South Sioux City, Nebraska, -"- a iu suicuuiD yaiue OI ,' JnlH- " " iioiuio ui i. lie uubi- tiff's said property, and he therefore 'ness to bo transacted by tho corpora prays that all claims, whatever they t,0n 8jnl' utf tno' huying, selling, may bo, of each and nil of Bald de- handling, and dealing in lumber and fendnnts, to said property, ci any ner building materials, of .every part thereof, may be fnrvi- Wnd and description; hardware, fur- restrained and removed, and nlturc, coal, fuol, feed and all and that tho title, in nnd to said pro oortv every 'article or articles klhd or and every part thereof, be confirme'd i V ot merchandise ot NftVtry kind and quieted in him, and all clouds ha ana description; the, fiuyuAf "!". vuiuvi'u moreirom, nna bo prays for "lorvKKing, cncumuerin wau con ull such further relief as justice and veVlnK real estate; the makfnj,V buy 001110' may require, and facts and ,hK sHing and'HypothecatlnVlidUs, ciicumstances of tho case warrant D0d' tocks and other scurlties and nnd for costs. '.evidences of indiibtednesn! nnd th You and each of you are nuiulieil d?!nK to answer this said petition on or be fore the 12th day f July, A. 1. 1C20. llv w C 8rE B' CUKG0' W'UntlH. By Wm. P, Warner, Plaintiff's At torney. f termination 3hall ht on the 3oih day of April, 1940, unless sooner termin ated as provided by law, and the by laws of , this" corporation, but. said corporation may be renewed or ex tended from time to time according to law. ' A ' ' 5. The highest amount of indebt edness to which this corporation shall at afty time subject itself .shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stoctr, ' ' n ii l . (NH SE4), and che Northeast Quar ter of, the Southwest Quarter (NE SW), Sectioh Thirty -vo (25), Township Twenty-eight (28), Itange KiKht (8), Sast of the Sixth Princi pal Meridiun, in Dakota UVunty. Ne braska, and all persons claiming uny interest of any kir.d in said real es tate? or any part thctcof. Defendants. You and each of you are hereby no tified that on tho .20th rluv of Mnv. 'A D. 1?S0 plaintiff filed 'his duly of, each nnd ' everV First Pub. June 3, 192 Am NWU'K r IN'tOnroUATION and All thngs necessary, advisable or usual and customary in connection with he carrying on of any of said lines of business. It shall also have power to appoint ell necessary agents and 'to COimolv with tho Iawi rt nnv nV. eign state or country, relating to for eign corporations, and do all things in .connection therewith, necessarvto fr l no J!oiirufWllliurr,nki I.Hmhei cu"'Py wun any or ,sucn laws. Company. I ?; r".e capital stock of the corpo- TO WHOM IT MAY CONGKRK, Sttnffi'Lt. WT lk wffiiSJS&M""0, !L?y -"A h,ch U -Ml, be i- --t-i ". 7 w-.....y .. jjuiu up at me time of commencv- Us articles of Incorporation for rec- ment of business , ord in tho offlca nf th (Viuiitv riurV a ti. .i ..2 l. of Dakota Cmmtv n, h :m h',i k,:1" ""'"" " !itnt AprlM020. and that on the 12th'day day' o Ap .1 1920. the dae of the of. May, 1920, said articles of Incor- filfng of ft articles of Incor, .oraUon noratton were filed In t ba nfflm nf inltV npi.- ..r'iL" '. .'.'. rj 7rf,ll01 the Secrrrv of State of th Stkt. lv-otn tEZZ luJi.i.ly riff",?1 " - 'iwiuMtti aiiu us Pure Bred Percheron Stallion Secretary atfanteaartr.M the" of- - viji av fKimi. j officers and directo? of 'thls'corpora-: tion siiaii noia Office Tor ,lhq.rtenri or one year, and until thelr-auccessors are elted:s"ndhave'':qu'Uneil. at anyannu.al rMiKrtthgock; ur hl ' xnv junsc i wr rtuuii i n v iiuiiirrii ;r-i,. w t "tv.--craj MK&r w.vtATrjT7 mayBfMURyby ilmajSty'vote of the ijl(raNJckioOKrj)oraion. ?.Ttf- Edwarda, President. Tt. Ax Monroe, !ecretary. Carter k . CartirA?f Frist Pub.lJo,e .3, 19U3 -Iw T.rhatV vir'p'ib Charlea K .Wtou? Plsintlff. Aim rH.vop viaAWiiW. JoseMUi!.. ViUTam North Half of, the Southeast Quarter ,N; SE4), and tho Noi.thcnsi Qu.r-, tdr Of the 55oufhwost Onnrtoi- Mil, 4 SWJi). Section Thlrtv.Hvo r:t5K" aownsnip Twenty-eight (28). ttango cikiii.1 io, .osi ox tno&ixtn Principal KlailrllnM'' It nl.n, 't.i...... )L , V" ' XIVUI,4 VyUUIlL, IKUIJJIlii- kaf and to remove the clouds occa sioned by the claims of the defend ants' Ann P. OnTtin All MI!IM..n.r. i. T.' r "- vwuHi, iiuuiiu ti iiiiuiiu,, Bavjd W. Winiams, Arri. Cotton and! tauu n. .pon, as neirs at law ot "PPM u- n, deceased, in nud. ?aid Northeast Quarter of tho jAtyy uarter (MRV4 SW44). ' siid Section Thirty-livo (:5), Town Alp Twenty-elght (28), Uange Eight (8),, East of the Si ah Principal Me ridian, in Dakota County, Nebraska, ,u rfD,10Ve the cluds occasioned ny the. claim? of each and every one. c the defendants. Plaintiff also. Uroys for general equitable relief. You are renulrpd tn nnc...'.- ..t.. . '"i (A'" " r JBfore he 12 day of 'Jl. r-.w r atf.ii vfimiu.. i:aur; 2rIr-ffv."rHl,Dilrf.tlla 1st 1u f !.,.. ,oort aTOw jaiVtuwot''.' CtfARLlg.A; BI&CKER, plalnUir (jft iiT1'" v " J R--r"'i r""'ti.f Tviuiam u. uoiun. 4ceiisea; tiMIJ ,- . - . ' - iniiB u mm im. m FOR NEWS BbbHu9-..dbV ' .. wilt WiaMmjMaaaM WALLACE No. 121509 Wallace is a fine dappled grey stallion, fivo years old. He is n horso of extra good quality. .He hart been inspected by tho State Sanitary . Boar1 of Lincoln, and will stand the full season nt my ham at Hubbrird, Nebraska. T.OCIS KOGG Phone L"J. Hubbard, Nchraskn LCMBER K1U.WOUK iut imnl balkUas uaUrUl at 25 OR MORE SAVING tajou. OontTaiiIJrtflmmsUlroabT(mt SaEiltu 1UI or wbt rou uG tmi bar oar tttam 2520 BOYD 8TKEET "03liA, NEB, 7 - it P rs pi 4 tffl V HI II ' V v,r '""" V" - ' waMv -ll-t,, wlf 1 1",.. 'j wh MAryryj ).- . li--ji-