DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. FROM FORTY-FIVE TO SIXTY A Word of Help to Women of Middle Age From Mrs. Raney. Morse, Okla. -"When I was 45 years old LydiaE. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Com pound carried m o through the critical period of the Chantro of Life in safety. I am over GO and have raised a family of eight children and am in fine health. My daughter and dauKhtcrs-in-lnw recommend your iVcgctablc Com pound and x sun taxo lit occasionally mv- sclf. You are at liberty to uso my name if you wish. "Mrs. Alice Raney, Morse, Oklahoma. Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. This good old-fashioned root and herb remedy may bo relied upon to overcome the distressing symptoms which accom pany it and women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to carry women so successfully through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Mcdicino Co., (con fidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Acid Stomach Makes the Body Sour Nine Out of Ten People Suffer From It It sends its harmful acldi and gases all over the body, instead of health and strength. Day and night this ceaseless dam age goes on. No matter how strong, iti victim cannot long withstand the health destroying effects of an acid stomach. Good news for million of sufferers. Chemists bavo found a sure remedy one that takes the acid up and carries it out of tho body; of course, when the cause is removed, the sufferer gets well. Bloating, indigestion, sour, acid, gassy tomach miseries all removed. This is proven by over half a million ailing folks who have token EATONIO with wonder ful benefits. It can bo obtained from any druggist, who will cheerfully refund its trifling cost if not entirely satisfactory. Everyone should enjoy its benefits. BVe gnently the first tablet gives relief. No Necessity, Shop Assistant (selling dog trough) Would you llko one with "dog" pnlnted on It, nindfim? Customer No, thanks. You see, tho dog can't rend and my. husbnnd doesn't drink water. London Answers. IM4MMMHHMMlMH' "Diamond Dyes" Tell You How A Child can Follow Directions and get Perfect Results 4 4 ! ttj , ,) Each package of "Diamond Dye" contains directions so slmplo tlint uny woman can diamond-dye a new, rich, fadeless color Into worn, shabby gar ments, draperies, coverings, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect results) are guaranteed ven If you havo never dyctl before. Druggist has color card. Adv. Many a man creates his own lack of opportunities. Life. Get Back Your Health Are you dragging around day after day with a dull backache H Aru you tired, and lame mornings subject to headaches, dizzy spells, and sharp, stab lilng pains. Then there's surely some thing wrong. Probably it's kidney weaknewil Don't wait for more serious kidney trouble. Get back your health and keep it. For quick relief get plenty sleep and excrciso and use Doan's Kidney nils. They have helped thousands. Ask your neighbor I A South Dakota Case Clias. H. Trow brldKo, prop, of food Mtoro, Main St., Hprlngncld, a. D., aays: -wy ituinoyn were disordered and l lind backache. I suffered from nalna In the small of uiy tmck and li a s p Iwlnccs took inn when 1 Htooped over tn lift any thing, 1 had to pass tho kidney mere- -n.u iw u.tn nnu fI suffered from hciiclnohcH find diz zy spells. Several boxcu of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me." Get Dotn's t Any 3tot, 60c Bos DOAN'S "JfKLV FOSTER-M1LBUXN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. LadietKeep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum wKwmwrA I ' V i mk fJii JrHsm-tf rlS Vi massssessm TWO EXTREMES IN ATTRACTIVE SUITS 4 jC, Jsssssssssssssssss?! ss5Basaas8j ssssssssssssssssstf 7 jaMHBBak. isUvssssssssssssssssWtsVv rTT. T'lTssssV styr& ' JiSSSSSSSSSttSSIsk IV' SSSSSK t. ' lSSSSW "fcyX FIIOM the very plain tailored suits of wool to the hnndsomely cmbrol ilcrcd, sport suit of Bilk Is qulto n "fur piece," but tho Intorvnl Is filled with suits that gradually progress from the plain model to Its smart rival. Street clothes nowadays have a considerable flavor of sports styles, although there remains, and probably always will re main, tho trim, strictly tailored, busl-ness-llko utilty suit that holds the al legiance of American women. This they must hnvo, others they mny havo, and, If circumstances allow, several In varying styles they do hnyc. One of them will bo as simple and, we hope, ns well tailored as tho mannish suit pictured, nnothcr as definitely a sports stylo as tho suit at the right, and others formal or sportlsh. Bluo serge, It almost goes without saying, Is used for tho first suit. Its plain skirt has a llttlo fiaro and 'Is mado with box plaits down tho front and back. It doesn't toko long to describe this very slmplo nffalr but It is worth while adding that it Is per fectly fitted and tailored. Tho clever and unusual coat has slushes at each side In its skirt round- Blouses Ready nr lUSUH nro so many delightfully X pretty nnd chic blouses, mado ready for summer tlmo, that it is not rnsy to choose among them. About tho. most notlceablo thing In many t)t tho new ones, is their front fastening, or occasional back fastening, negoti ated with very obvious buttons nnd buttonholes. After following devious ways, leading to concealed buttons or snaps and leaving us to guess how they wore got Into, tlioy havo conio back to a mattor of fact mood and simply button up ns In days of old. But thero are still plenty of slip-overs and other stylos with concerned rastenings. Beginning at tho beginning of blouso styles wo Imvo tho plain tailored mod els In linen, wash Bilk or satin, cropo-do-chlno and other sultablo fabrics, followed by many blouses of sheer cottons with vollo und bntlsto at tho head of this dainty company. Mado up with hnndsomu laces and tlno ncedlowork, theso may reach any do greo of elegance Finally thero comes tho georgotto blouso tho flower of tho Hock and apparently the greatest fu vorlte. A blouso und u short smock, both of davk-colorcd georgetto among those ready for Bummer, nro pictured hero. In tho blouso a piping of nnrrow sntln Is used to llnlsli tho edges. This mod ol Is provided with link buttons, But-In-covered and joined by a email silk cord. Two colors in silk nro used for tho embroidery that embellishes It and ttiadHHHslflisiaH'l dB9B8HRAv-' ' &3v 9 jrijHHssBijKsKBsv cd at the bottom and it Is bound with braid. A group of three tucks or cords, stitched In the material and running parallel with the edge of the coat reveals a dldlcult piece of work done with precision. A panel at the back Is simulated by a fold or cord stitched in the material that extends downward from tho shoulders and terminates In n rounded end. Thero are plain coat sleeves and a small collar. A heavy fiber silk makes tho sport suit and a square-necked one-piece dress takes tho place of a blouse and Skirt to bo worn under tho coat The bodlco Is extended to form a short yoko for the skirt, which is stitched on to It. In this suit it is the skirt that claims most attention for it Is hcnvlly embroidered in wool yarn. In tho sweater coat a narrow shawl col lar diminishes In width on Its down ward way to tho hom, where It termi nates. Tho very wldoihem turns pry on tho right side providing place for deep pockets and tho coat has no dec oration other than four pearl buttons that finish oft tho long sleeves.. The narrow belt Is made of the goods. for Summer It Is nuiao wiui mo narrow shoulder yoko which -Is generally becoming. Smocks hnvo grown shorter and shorter until tho modol pictured may bo classed among those that are mod erately long. Except for being short this Is a truo smock, hanging straight from tho shoulders and with long Bleeves that Hare. 'Its belt of georg ette Is tacked to tho body of tho smock at Intervals to Insure a nent adjustment at tho back nnd sides. Em broidery dbno In French knots, outllno and other stitches employs several col ors. The selection of color for blouse or smock and lu tho embroidery slllc, Is a matter of Individual tuste nnd gives tho cannblo needlewoman n chnnco to havo something exclusively hor own. Hat That Should Please. In somo form, everyone may wear tho rounded or pouched crown und brim hat that tums upward at side, back or front, with flowers massed on tho upturned under brim. Long Black Silk Gloves, Long black silk gloves nro shown to bo worn with thin-sleeved black gowns. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never bgsitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." According tb sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the succesi of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is duo to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills al most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the una acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle oi Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtou, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at alt drug stores. Adv. Might Have Known It. "How did Blank, the rich architect, become so poor?" "Ho built a house for himself." Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot leach the diseased portion of the ear. Thero Is only one way to euro Catarrhal Deafness, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE1 acta through the Dlood on tho Mucous Surfaces Of the System. Catarrhal Deafness Is .used by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining- of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is tho result. Unless tho Inflammation can be re ducod and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which la an Inflamed condition of tho Mucous Surfncts. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Laws will never protect all the fool ish, but they are expected to. THERE HE STANDS! GRAND old "Bull" Durham. He belongs in this country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a more familiar figure ? For over half a century Bull has been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represents has made millions and millions of friends. You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. . GENUINE Bull Durham tobacco I sYssiiiiiiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiflfsVfr2rv(j'(x I 1 ! I lis jstjBjx sssssftVsssisssl!sSBSsi9"SsissssVfllssBi L a,, . i J 1 11 VtlsiaissssssssssssssBAX SSSHSSSSSISSSSiiSSSSSlSSlSSSSSSS ro ASPIRIN i '. , Introduced by "Bayer" J You want genulnt Aspirin ik jr Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. The name 4 "Bayer" wn the true, wa'rld--? famous Aspirin, nroved saf far i millions of people. Each unbroken packs. of X uarcr a nuiQbV ok Avuirin con im.. m.t.i.A. a tains proper directions for Colds, X, Headache, Tootbacht, Earache, Aspirin Is trade mark of Btjrtr Manufacture Monescttfcaclduter of SatUyUcasM 4444 4444444044444444444444444444444444444 Real Proof. "They say thnt Dobtis Is madly In love with his wife, but I don't see anyslgn of It. He doesn't pay her any special nttentlon, doesn't mnko any lover-like speeches or any particular fuss over her." "Maybe not; but whenever she asks him for money he gives It to her with out asking what she wants It for." Literal Truth. Harry "I'm not good enough for you, darling I" Carrie "I know it, but yoa're tho best I could get." A girl doesn't really believe that a young man never mado love to an other girl but she says she does. Welcome Relief From the Tortures of Rheumatism Can Come Only From the Proper Treatment. Many forms of rheumatism are caused by millions of tiny germs that infest the blood, and until the blood is absolutely freed of these germs, thero is no real relief in sight. The most satisfactory remedy for rheumatism is S. S. S. be t444444iY.4? V? r to Physician In 1900 Neuralgia, Lumbago, TUieumatUas, Neuritis and for Pain generally Always say "Bayer" when buy ing Aspirin. Then look for tha safety "Bayer Cross" on the pack age and a th tablet. Handy tin boxes of twelve tab- CMt bat few D glU also ssll larger packages. She Came Through Clean. Rev. Snlckers-And your daughter, Mrs. Hunks the one that was going In for nursing how Is she? Well, I hopc7 Mrs.. Bunks Splendid, thank you, sir. Last we 'eard from 'er sho was goln' 'up for 'or final contaminations. Baby's little dresses will Just simply dazzle If Red Cross Ball Blue is used In tho laundry. Try It and see for your self. At all good grocers, 5c A wise man realizes the emptiness of the title when his wife speaks of him as the head of the house. Few "good-bys" are adequate to tho sefitlment of the occasion. cause it is one of tho most thor ough blood purifiers known to med ical science. This fine old remedy cleanses the blood of impurities, and acts as an antidote to the germ of rheumatism. S. S. S. is sold by druggists, everywhere. For valuable litera ture and advice address Chief Med ical Adviser, 107 Swift Laboratory,, Atlanta, Ga. eTTiHHsVSBlBSBBBB) i J r A : 1 i !'l ' ei u i! J I & Ai' a'kflte v"-w .