Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 29, 1920, Image 6

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MHMLUUUHH23' HCT1C?i::MDIlM.y JlMMifMHBHBiMEab2r'MKw..:..i'.r..A4;
TIiIh Is the fninoiis ctiurch on w heels which followed (he Itoiiiunnlnn army
during tlic Invnslon of Hitngnry. It ns lifted as n dressing tntion on ninny
occasions by American lied Cross doctors cnrlng for wounded In the Rou
manian ranks. It Is built on standard pnoMmgcr conch f nunc, and Is still used.
Russ Tells of
Soviet Horrors
NoterfWriter, Just Before Death,
l" Asked U. S. Not to .Be
"No Word to Describe Darkness
Around Us," Is Assertion of Plea
Made by Leonid Andrelev, the
t Great Novelist.
1 Now York. "8. O. S.," a remark
able literary document by Leonid An
drclov, written by the great ntnwlnn
novelist and short story writer Jubt be
fore his death recently, has been re
ceived In this country by the Ameri
can Central Committee, for Russian
IRelief, with headquarters In the Ho
tel Buckingham, Now York.
Andrelev's message, like a volco
from the dead, describes the blight of
boInhcvlBin over ills country. An
drelev had been n pacifist, as .shown
by his play "Tho Red Lnugli," publish
il during tho Russo-Japanese war,
but ho came out 9trong1y for the al
lien and their cause. His yon was al
to turned against bolshevlsiu with tell
ing effect.
Appeals, to 'America.
' In one paragraph tho writer makes
a direct uppeal to America In thes
words :
"And you, every Individual Auiorl
can I call to you. You aro young
and rich, jou nro broad in spirit and
energetic, you desire Unit tho torcli of
your freedom shall throw Its light on
distant Europe also como then and
nco In whut agony wo are, in wlmt In
litimnii servitude our body and our
spirit nro struggling. If you would
but see, I assure you, you would bo
U'itIIWmI and jou would curso thoso
deceivers and IJnrs who havq repre
sented this most evil tyranny to you
as n break on tho part of tho whole
RiiMMian people for liberty."
Andrelev explains the title of his
appcul thus:
"Like n wireless operator on a sink
ing steamer that through tho night
and tho darkness sends the Inst calls,
'Quickly to our aid. We aro sink
ing. Save our souls,' ao also I, moved
by my fnlth In human clemency, throw
Into the dark space my prayer of per
ishing human beings. If you but knew
how dark the night Is around usl
There nro no words to describe this
Worse Than Death.
At another point ho writes:
"It is not nssistanco for tho Rus
sian peoplo thnt I Implore of you. But
hero aro these thousands, 'moro or
less. who linvo but one life, which
Is but nn Instant, and who are perish
ing every hour In unbearable suffer
ing, or who live, but In n way worse
than death. It Is of no Importance
that they ure called Russians, but it
Is o Importance that these human
beings, whose sufferings begun so
long ago and continue endlessly, con
tinue without a gleam of light, as in
One Child to Family,
Professor's Forecast
New York. Thf uv-mber of
children will- average Vu than
one to a family two generations
hence If the present birth rate
decrease con Inues, according to ?
Dr. Amy Hewes. pn 'tssor of
economics and sociology at
Mount Holyoke college.
The cause of tho decline wus
attributed to economic condi
tions and late marriages. Dr.
Ilewcs suggests as a solution
early marriages. She said tho
obstacle to many marriages
might be removed if the woman
continued to work after sho be
came a wife.
a real hell, from which malignant, tor
rlblo forces rule unchallenged.
"There Is still time to shorten their
sufferings; there Is tlll time to re
move tho menace of death from their
bends, and It Is for the saving Of their
souls that I send forth my human
To give assistance to these suffer
ing Russians In non-bolshevik terri
tory the American Central Committee
for Russian Relief was formed, with
prominent Americans nt the head of
It. Charles V. Eliot, president emer
itus of Harvard, Is the honorary pres
ident; Ellhu Root, Samuel Gompers,
John R. Mott nnd Cyrus II. McCor
mlclc nro vice-presidents, Princess
Cantncu.pnc, granddaughter of Presi
dent Grant, is chairman.
Maryland Woman Gets Verdict tor Bell
Ringing and Car Shifting
at Night.
RnUImorc. Mrs. Donnld L. Syming
ton of the Green Spring vnlley re
ceived a verdict of $2.7f0 from a jury
In the suit ngulnst Walker D. Hlnes,
federal railroad administrator, and he
Pennsylvania Railroad company. Mrs.
Symington asked for $25,000.
Mrs. Symington charged that the
ringing of a big bell, blowing of engine
whistles nnd shifting of cars kept her
family awake. Mrs. Symington also
contended that a hedge on her property
was destroyed and thnt a portion of
her land was used by the company.
Pumpkin Eaters Spoil a Record.
Cynthln, Ky. J. L. Garnett has Just
hud cut and made Into pics a pump
kin which he kept for two years. It
was In a prime state of preservation
nnd ho says It would have lasted much
longer If rnts had not gnawed It.
To Fight Under
the Fourth Flag
American Airman Ready to Bat
tle With Letts Against
Russ Reds.
Prisoner Free Too La,te
to See Dying Brother
New York. Judge Mnlone
granted permission to Thomas
Corcoran, a prisoner In tho
Tombs, to go to tho bedside of
Ids tick brother John, at 250
Park place, Brooklyn. Ho ar
rived there In charge of prison
guards soon after Uio death of
IiIk brother from pncumonln.
The brothers wcru r.rrestcd
March 4 In connection with a
safe burglary at tho of ce of
James R. Deerlng, 135 Broad
way, In which $05,000 was sto
lon. Each was committed to the
Tombs In default of $10,000 ball.
I.uter John bicumo 111. His ball
was reduced to $1,000, which
was furnished.
If; Accepted by Letts Twenty-Three-
Year-Otd Brooklyn Boy Will Have
Served Under Four Flags In
Four Years.
Warsaw. MaJ. Joseph C. Stehlln, a
twenty-threo-ycar-old aviator of Brook
lyn, N. Y., who already lias fought in
threo armies, bus gono to Riga to en
list under tho Lettish ilug in tho war
against tho Russian bolshevlkl. If his
services nro accepted, ho will haw
served under four Hags In four yvvtrs.
Tho colors of France, America, Poland
and Letvla, In turn, invo won his nl-
Since Inst full Major Stehlln has
been lighting In tho nvlntlon branch
of the Polish army, and in that serv
ice took part in tho Polish drive which
throw tho bolshovlk out of Dvlnsk.
Wins French Citations.
Stehlln, who was formerly a life
guard at Sheepahenil bay, Brooklyn,
went to Franco In January, 1017, ami
Joined tho French Hying corps, where
I JUfcJMMf&.'l "XXJtm
Another Royal Suggestion
WHEN the children
romp in hungry as
young bears, here are some
wholesome, economical de
lights that will not dnly be
received with glee, but will
satisfy the most ravenous
appetite in a most whole
some manner.
cup shortonlnc
z cups
.2 OgS
cuds HUear
cup milk
14 teaspoon crated u'ltmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or
grated rind of 1 lemon
4 cups Hour
3 teaspoons Koyal Raking
Cream shortening and sugar
together; add milk to beaten
eggs and beat again; add
slowly to creamed shorten
ing and sugar; add nutmeg
and flavoring;; add 2 cups
flour sifted wtth baking pow
der; add enough more flour
to make stiff dough. Roll out
very thin on floured board;
cut with cookie cutter, sprin
kle with sugar, or put a raisin
or a piece of English walnut
in the center of each. Bake
about 12 minutes in hot oven.
Cocoa Drop Cakes
4 tablespoons shortening
1 cup sugar
1 egg . .
V, cup milk
1 cups flour
3 teaspoons Royal Baking
V cup cocoa
Vi teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Absolutely Pure
T 1 1 --"
Cream shortening; add sugar
and wcll-bcaten egg; beat
well and add milk slowly; sift
flour, baking powder, salt and
cocoa into mixture; stir until
smooth, add vanilla. Put one
tablespoon of batter into
each greased muffin tin and
bake in moderate oven about
20 minutes. Cover with boiled
Orange Cakes
4 tablespoons shortening
1 cup sugar
i cup milk
f egg
2 cups flour
1 teaspoons Itoyal Baklnv
U teaspoon salt
I teaspoon orange extract
grated rind of i orange
Cream shortening; add sugar
slowly, beating well; add milk
a little at a time; then add
well-beaten egg; sift flour,
baking powder and salt to
gether and add to mixture;
add flavoring and grated
orange rind: mix well. Bake
in greased shallow tin or in
dividual cake tins, in hot
oven IS to 20 minutes. When
cool cover with orange icing.
Just off tho press and finer
than ever before. This
new Royal Cook Book con
taining 400 delightful re
cipes, will be sent to you
free If you will send your
name and address.
lit Fulton Strut
Hw York Oltr
"Bake with Royal and be Sure
aviators attacked by German planes.
When the American army came over
to France, Stehlln transferred his alle
glanco to the American ling, received
a commission ns first lieutenant of
aviators, and took part In actions in
tho Champagne, Verdun nnd Solssons
sectors. After tho armistice he re
turned to the United States, and Is said
to havo Joined the aviation section of
tho New York police ns a captain.
Made Captain In Poland.
Last September he joined the Polish
forces recruited In New York, was
commissioned ns captain, came to Po
land and was assigned to duty on the
northeastern front.
Ho spent four months with n Po
lish flying squadron, being the only
American with tho Poles on that par
tlculr' 'ont, and participated In all
tho aviation work preceding and dur
ing the Polish attack on the bolshev
lkl In tho region of Dvlnsk.
Stehlln tins flown over parts of
France, Belgium, Spain, Russln, Po
luntl, Lithuania and the United States,
nnd hns hopes soon of seeing Letvla
nnd Illga from tho air in his service
with tho Letts.
Major Stehlln says he has no Idea
what vocation ho will tako up If tho
war should end over here, but ho fools
certain that ho can never go back to
tho prosaic duties of u lifeguard at
tho beach. Thnt game Is not excitm?
enough for n mun not yet twenty
Fanny Crosby Credited With the Com
position of More than 6,000 Pop
ular Religious Lyrics.
Fanny Crosby, tho blind writer of
moro than 0,000 hymns, had an Inter
esting If uneventful career, according
to u recent sketch In "Along Broad
way," musical magazine. She lost her
eyesight when only six years old aud
12 years Inter, at the New York Insti
tute for tho Blind, she met and fell In
love with Uio blind musician, Alexan
der Vnn Alstyne. They were mnrrled
and lived happily, Mrs. Van Alstyno
afterward becoming a teacher nt the
Mnny of Fanny Crosby's best known
hymns aro to bo found In tho popular
Moody and Sankey gospel hymn books.
Tho slniplo earnestness and truo re
ligious spirit of her hymns make them
as popular as ever. Some of tho best,
including "Jesus Is Calling," "Only a
Step to Jesus," "Come, Great Deliv
erer" and others havo been snng by
great artists and recorded for the
A Worthwhile Job.
A pessimist and an optimist were
discussing life from their different
viewpoints. "I really believe," said
the former, "that f could make a bet
ter world myself."
"Surel" returned tho optimist
"That's what we are here for. Now,
let us get to work and do It." Boston
The Real Term.
"I wroto up those athletic achieve
ments from somo magazine foot
notes." 'I should call them feat notes."
In Lithuania the Production of Honey
Has Become an Important Na
tional Industry.
In Lithuania, when a bee stings a
man he turns the other cheek.
And almost literally, at that, because
It is a sin to kill a bee, and no one
ever commits that sin Intentionally.
As a result of their natural fondness
for bees, Lithuanians, with the growth
of their economic system, have devel
oped bee raising from a general social
custom to an important Industry.
Thousands of barrels of honey aro ex
ported from Lithuania annually.
Almost everyone in Lithuania has
at least ono beo hive. Sometimes they
have thousands of swarms. But It is
common even In the cities to havo a
man servo you mldus that Is made
from the honey gathered in his garden
hive. Mldus, the national drink of
Lithuania, Is made from fermented
Doughboy Might Have Had Right
Idea, but Surely He Had Never
Driven Mules.
Returning soldiers tell a good story
of a mule driver In France. Ho was
driving a four-mulo team hitched to a
ration wagon nnd, ns he told tho story,
he lost his way in tho night und mist
and drove right through the American
trench line, which was not continuous
at that point, and stnrted rumbling
along an old road which led across No
Man's Land. He had gono a few rods
when a doughboy Jumped out of a lis
tening post and began to signal to him
with both hands.
Not Himself,
"I once heard a pugilist say ho
would not enter tho movies for a sal
ary of $10,000 a week and nothing
could Induce him to go on tho stage
and make a monkey out of himself,
ns he was a fighter and not an actor."
"Extraordinary 1 What happened
"His manager rushed up In great
distress and soon proved to tho satis-1
faction of everybody present tnat the
pugilist had been drinking nnd was
not responsible for his wild talk."
Birmingham Age-Herald.
"Is ho a real movlo fan?"
"I'll say so. Why, he oven weais a
celluloid collar." Film Fun.
"What's the matter?" shouted tho
"Hush I" said tho donghboy in a low
nnd agonized whisper. "You're head
ed straight toward the German lines.
For God's sake turn nround and don't
speak above a whisper."
"Whisper, h 1" boomed the
driver. "I've got to torn four mules
Spilling the Beans.
"Now that you have your divorce, I
suppose you have no further use for
"On the contrary," said the beautiful
actress, "I lovo Reno and propose to
make my permanent home here."
And then her mother had to bawl
down tho staircase: "Dearie, when
does the next trnin leave?" Louis
vilio Courier-Journal.
A Mean Regret.
She Mr. Bangs was tho man I was
engaged to when you came along.
He I always did Just miss my
he won two citations nnd was promot
ed to ho sergeant for aiding fellow j four, who has fought under four flags,
Fitting Action.
"What did thoy do when the speak
easy caught flro?"
"Sent In a still alarm."
You may have noticed that few busi
ness men feel at case at a polite so
cial function.
Its Condition.
"Why do they allude to a baseball
as a sphere?" "I suppose because It
Is the whirled."
If- '" JL ' I
!' r V -Aril i "WBjlTt filthy mIiA i.l lt iiil irTfcjirtW rftHFWir i ' LmTruf?.i ifc, il a i j $v
KXiUbUlliaiBKftJBHmrr ill Mi JIBMHli ? WUM mtm Wmki&-M-H foj
E. tiratuljcun, forest supervisor t ihu Bolso forest In Idaho, looking" over tho proposed Sawtooth Natloual park
Is tho Sawtooth mountains. He was vocompanled on this tour by Otto M. Jones, state gam 6 warden of Idaho, and
Iff. Jones, who is shown In tho phot u -a ph.
25 Cents
will buy
a big package of
weighing over a pound, net.
What are you paying for
coffee ?
wmtwiij,aei1&csfcj jWttw
'.aUAWTir ' " JUSJSM' J