Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 29, 1920, Image 5

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V 1
The month of April is the beginning of preparations for tilling tho
The Farmer, like any other business man, must know his receipts
und disbursements to the penny, and to save time his bookkeeping must
ho simple nnd easy, yet accurate. A checking account is tho logical ans
wer to this need.
We shall be glad to furnish a Farmers Record Book for recording
your farm operations. This record will be especially valuable in deter
mining yourlncome for Taxation purposes.
For your valuables we have new Safety Deposit Boxes in our electric
ally protected vaults. The cost is very small.
The Mid -West State Bank
Minister Frank Forrest
Bride Frances Mahon
Groom , . Fred- Foley
Maid of Honor Melina Circo
Groomsman William Triggs
Father Paul Clinkenbeard
Mother ., Dorothy Learner
Bridesmaids : Margaret Giese,
Margaret Bargman, Ruth Graham, Louise Lowe
Flower Girls Louise Peir, Grace Hannah
Ushers Eldon Morris, Charles Mahon
A One Act Playlet. Scene Any Church.
A TeacHer Florence Frederick
Dr. Knowitall Dorothy Learner
A Prince ' Fred Foley
A Princess Frances Mahon
First Fairy, Flower Fairy . . .' Louise Lowe
Second Fairy, Fern Fairy Margaret Geise
Third Fairy, Frost Fairy ., , Ruth Graham
Fourth Fairy, Flower Fairy f Helen Maney
Fifth Fairy, Cobweb Fairy . . . .. Gretchen Forrest
Sixth Fairy, Moonbeam Fairy ."........ Vivian Hannah
Seventh Fairy, Butterfly Fairy Margaret Bargman
Eighth Fairy, Crystal Fairy Dorothy Fueston
Ninth Fairy, Daydream Fairy Louise Peir
Tenth Fairy, Wish Fairy Helen Ostmeyer
Scene I. Schoolroom. The Fairies at School.
Scene II. Forest, The Fairies' Graduation. '
Scene III. Schoolroom. Tne Faries on Duty.
Concluding Tableau: All of Fourteen Characters
Appear. Record of Marriage is Made in Marriage
The Herald $1.50 &
WestcotVs Undertaking
Old Phone, 426
New Phone, 2067
Gcorgo II. Hasso nnd family woro
dqwn from Emerson Sunday nnd&pont
tho day in the A. T. Unaso home.
Mrs. Pat rtollcher cmo down from
Norfolk, Neb., last Thursday, for a
visit with her mother, Mrs. Belle
Mrs. Will Powell has been on the
sick list for tho past two weeks.
Georee Gribblo camo up from Omn
hu Uoiuiuy lor u visit with relatives.
D. M. Neiswanger ruturned homo
Sunday from his visit in Oskaloosa,
Pi of. C. E. Simpson spent over
Sunday with friends in Woodbury
county, Iowa.
A baby daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Miller Wednes
day of last week.
Mrs Charity Hart und daughter,
Miss Beulah Hart, were visitois hero
the past week from Sioux City.
L. E. Butts, 56 years of age;, of
South Sioux City, died at a Sioux
City hospital Saturday of apoplexy.
There will bo a regular meeting of
Omadi Lodge No. 5, A. F. and A. M.,
Saturday evening of this week, May
the 1st.
Fresh home-rendered lard for sale.
Enquire of Mrs, George E. Heikes,
Dakota City, Neb., route 1. Phono
70- Fill.
Mrs. Helen Chesshir and two chil
dren returned to their home at Plain
view Sunday, after a visit hero with
W. H. Berger returned Saturday
from Omaha, where ho had been serv
ing on tho federal jury for the past
two week?:.
Frank Mahon has leased tne rie''
Bargman pool hall. Mr. Bargniu.i is gnnization was effected and o!icats
100 ir.n CENT American (M.IJI
A representative of tho Natinial'
100 per cent American club, Mr.
Russell P, Howard, of Lincoln, Nob.,
was here Monday and Tucsdny and
secured a list of members as n nu
cleus for tho organisation of a local
club in this place.
Mombcrship cards and literature
will be sent here as soon as his re
report goes in, and steps will thou be
taken to perfect tho organisation.
It is hardly necessary to Htato what
a 100 per cent American club stands
for, however, as soon as the organisa
tion is completed here the aims and
efforts of the organization will bo
fully explained.
'Following is a list of the members
obtained by Mr. Howard:
J .J. Elmers, Win, P. Warner, Sid
ney T. Frum, D. M. Neiswanger, C.
R. Young, Wilfred E. Voss, John II,
Roam, J. S. Bacon, II. II. Adutr, C. B.
Crcgo, S. A. Stinson, Georgo Barnett,
G. F. Broyhill, W. II. Berger. II. R.
Greor, F. E. Morris, L. R. Sanford,
Cyril E. Simpson, Walter E. A.ulor,
J. P. Rockwell, S. W. McKinloy, .- D.
Sanderson, J. C. Smith, B. v!. Buchan
an M. E. Blessing, C. H. Jinxwoll
Mrs., Belle Bnrnott, C. R. Lowe.
1 J. P. Rockwell was made president
and Walter E. Miller secretary of iho
organization until a permtment or-
making arrangements to move to a elected.
new locution.
Miss Mary Maxwell returned Tues
day evening from New Oneans, where
she had been for a week in attend-,
ancc at a Red Cm conventlnn.
Mrs. Ruth Paquin and An. Alice
To whom it may concern:
There will bo a meeting of tho as
sessors of tho several precincts in
terested, on Friday. A.uil aoth. 1920.
Peasley, of Sioux City, were visitors "t Coburn Junction, in the afternoon,
here Tuesday in tho home of their pr the purpose of adjusting and fix
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. .Joollttle. R the valuation of what is known
Frank M. Sides, who underwent . an ' "SmP nntf in Drainage
operation at a Sioux City hospital a f'!1' ,No- 1 nnd 2; . All persons
few weeks ago for hernia, is getting I,"1"?8?! arc "'lasted to bo pres-
along nicely and will soon be out or'"" J p. Rockwe l'
me Jiuspnui.
Butler, father of
Rockwell, County Asso3sor,
S. A. Draise, spent Sunday and Mon-
J.. ..i.i,: . !. -Kit r ., -i
Specials for Saturday, May 1
3 pkgs. Spaghetti or Macaroni.. 2"c
1 lb. Fancy Soft Shell English
Walnuts ii'c
2 cans 2-lb Pork and Bean?, with .
Tomato Sauco 32e
Largo Pkge. Post Toastlcs -0o
t lbs. Hand Picked Navy Beans . .JlSc
2 cans i&lb. Choice Red Salmon . .J.Vic
, 1 am Maryland Chief Stringless
Beans Il.'lc
Ono 3-lb can Banner Brand Tnblo
t Apricots :t0
. . 2 cans fresh Lima Beans Succotash , -
for re
y pkgs. Toothpicks ..i()e
Ono gallon can Red Raipbcr-
ries !K!.nO
Ono sack Pancake Flour ...30c
Boiling Beef per lb lor.
Rib Roasts, per lb 18;
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables of nil Kinds
for Saturday's Trndo
Dakota City,
nn. xn i ..
dav visiting at the M. E narsonnee1 uv, V'"winu mnrriage licenses
:L?1?ITL m. L nVlPnnnn wero issued by County Judgo Mc
Tuesday morning. ' , "7 ' AB, P week:
Harry H. Foltz has purchased the runa n i,!f, wi.i,i - no
house recently vacated by Mrs. Bps- Efrie j T Winfleh, Kas..."
sie Clinkenbeard, from Mrs. Charity c. . T L A,l tZ
Hart, and has moved into it, froi. the ,ey jr V0.' Siu cl 27
old Pizey residence. Mildred Hevington, Sioux City . . . .20
Sam Keir went to Kansas City, Mo., w.lVrri,,,.,rl,, m liwm'wr
Mortday on a business trip, and also yAfllJ,H LAllLh 10 PAslbRL
to meet his mother yho is returning Seventy acres of sweet clover, nnd
from San Antonio, Texas, where she plenty of water. Cnll on or phono
spent the past winter. L. L. Howard, 03 F 20, Dakota City,
Mrs. Martha S Francisco of RoyalN?brftska
Neb., was granted a divorce in the ' I "
district court at Meligli, Neb;, last u"'.","l'i urges iicuer roiuuy
week, from Henry Francisco. The National and state campaigns for
family formerly., resided in 'thls"'tmv-,production of more and better
county. ' '? fytist4ck Includes valuablo aid for
The Ladies Aid sqciety of the .VI. -E. IMltijy .rnistjrs in tho form of bulle
church wiirhold a bake sale in tKtf3? n"P circulars giving information
Keir Bros, store Snturday nttemoon fathered from cxtonsivo research nnd
of this week, nnd will have on sale' practical experience. A largo num
all kinds of good things to eat. l)er "bulletins nnd circulars cover-home-cooked.too.
inK about every phase of poultry
Edgar Coleman, who was arrested ri?leinl? " hcr Abtatine1lJ 'reo from
a week ago by Sheriff George Cain f ColIAefr1. f Agriculture at Lin
n.i ,i ru.. ci in- coin. A list of such miblications
Wm. Lord, of Philadelphia, was taken "&"! ,bo tained and those desired
back to Pennsylvania Monday to stand S1.0 few of the ttaejr
George Sh and family expect Theh Car fad fe Sto?
to soon return to Dakota couiityirom .Pointers. Poultry Disease Problems:
mSSS Ifnr Vl,. nk-t f. ,y h- Turkey Kaising, Duck Raising, Mites
!!I6 !. r P u. fT JCars a3,h,f nnd Lice, Hints to tho Poultry Rais
ITSSoS'JSJSk "f buita P,ant S2J- CulHng, Preserve Eggs
Mrs. Mary R. McBeath is this week k .
moving to the residence jusfc west bf I ,. SALES3LVN WANTED
me ik. ii. tvans nome, wnicii she re- Trt,;RoUH: or.lor.. fnr ini.rionflno- nll.
,.-- . .. .--. ,
G. F. Hushes
& Co.
Lumber, Building Ma
terial, Hardware, Coal
cently purchased. Mr. Bordwell, of
Morningside, who bought her place,
will move here this week.
Mrs. tu. &. (jole ana little son ac
companied Mrs. Cole's mother, Mrs.
Lucy A. Berger here from Phillips
burg, Knn., last Thursday, v. hero she
had been visiting' for the past month.
Mrs. Colo returned homo the same
County Judge McKinley officiated
greases and paintsv Salary or com
mission. Address THE TODD OIL &
PAINT CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
Personal Banking Service
You can place your money in this bank with
the firm belief that its olFifiei-i are your friends.
Come to them with your finaiu!j:l problems and re
ceive the advice and aid you ned.
Our ini.durts are identical with yours. We are
never too buv to go over your problems with yoii.
At this bank you can depend upon petting
will satisfy your every business rcouiremont.
Bank of Dakota City
Dakota City, Nebraska.
High Schools la State Contest
Livestopk judging teams from 21
high' schools took part in n stato
contest at tho Collego of Agriculture
at Lincoln April a. Tho Waverly
team won first place, and Clydo Wal
ker, a member of tho Waverlv team.
nt the. following weddings during tho was declared the best individual iudco
past week: Churloy B. Breltweg of livestock. The Friend team took
and Effie J. Taplin, both of Winfiold, second place, nnd Glenn Wright of
Kas., on the 21st, nnd Stanley L. Ingo thb Aurora team won second indlvld-
nnd Mildred Bevington. both if Sioux ual honors. Trophies were given by
City, on tho 2Gih. tho Nebraska Livestock Breeders' As-
The Salem Ladles Aid will meet nt sociation, n livestock commission firm
Mrs. Adolph Bartols' home on Thurs- "n(l several other private companies,
day, April 29th, at 2:30. The serv- About 126 high school students nt-
ine committee is Mrs. Harrv Ostmev- tended tho contest. They were on
er, Mrs. Ernest Runge, Mrs. Archie tortalned by tho Liicoln Commercial
Coughtry and Mrs. Adolph Bnrtels. 0,'ub nnd visited tho manufacturing
Everybody invited. plants of tho Hebb Motor and Nobrns-
Feed dry mash to secure tho max- ''"Aircraft companies. The contest
irnum number of eggs, says a now staged annually for tho purposoof
circular of tho Nebraska Collego of creating gronter interest among high
Agriculture called "Feed Dry Mash." 3tuu' siuuenis in ijuuur iivuaiuun
Uhe easiest way to feed dry mash is
by the uso of tho hopper or self,
feeder. The circular gives pointers
on the construction of a dry mash
hopper, dry mash rations, scratch
feeds, etc. This is what it says
about dry mash feed: It increases College Emphasizes Simple. Dress
egg production. It is an economic , TiB)lt CorSetH, high heeled shoos,
feed. It produces more eggs than oxtrcmo styles or "fads," nnd over
egg tonics It keeps tho hens In dress, nro a few phases of feminine
good condition. It makes pullets ma- iifo put uniler a han hy ft reccntcir
ture early. It should be kept before ciar of tho University of Nebraska
the fowls nt all times. Tho circular College of Agriculture. It says that
Will be sent free upon request. it s not consistent to wenr silkhoso
In remitting for The Herald, Theo- and oxfords with a fur coat, or a fur
dore E. Bllven writes from Santa about tho neck with a georgette
Rosa, Cal that "They aro all well dress in summer. Character is shown
and happy; that the weather i-j fine through dress, und it is difficult to
und the crops are looking good; tho respect yourself when dressed in rags
show for fruit Is great, if no late and dirt, or to be respected by othors
frosts come. Met Luther Heikes In when over-dressed. A person who Is
Santa Rosa, recently and hud dinner content Jo wear h silken gown ovor
with him certainly enjoyed the vis- torn or shabby undorgarmonts is
it very much. He seemed to think merely giving an exhibition of soma
California a pretty good place so far. undesirable characteristic. Tho most
He had been around seeing some of artistic costumes aro those which uro
our big fruit and chicken ranches simple in design, woll proportioned,
nnd thought them groat. 1-eo in the harmonious in color and consistent
last Herald of Mr. Bukei'n death, throughout. Tho circular is called
Mrs. Mason and family have oursym- "Selection in Dress," and may bo ob-
pathy. Ono by one our old friends tainud free. Another circular along
buck there aro passing nway. Re-,tlio same lino is called "Color in
member us to all our old friends." Clothing."
' u -
A Rock Island two-row stalk cut
tr. WILL H. ORR,
, Dakota City. Neb.
We have now been in Dakota City in the
Lumber, Hardware and Coal business, n little
over three years. Our aim has been to ploase our
customers, to treat every ono right and alike; and
to give satisfaction as nearly as possible in all sales.
Wo still carry the best Lumber, Building Material,
Hardware, Paints, Greases, Oils, and nearly every
thing in our line. Wo thank each, and all Patrons
for their past patronage, and will give you t ho same
courteous service in the future.
H. II. GREER, Manager. Dakota City, Neb.
Flynn Commission Company
Offico Phones
Auto. 0239 Bell. UG1
Rcsidonco Phono
Auto 88282
Room S01 Exchange Bldg.
Stock Yards
Writo US Wlro US Phono os
If you want market information.
Ship Us For tho High price nnd
good fill.
v wws o mhs mmmim m mw mm
I Abstracts of Title j
A $10,000 Surety Bond Guarantees tho Accuracy
of every Abstract I inako
3. J. EIMEIIS, Bonded Abstractor.
Successor to tho Dakota County Abstract Company