Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 15, 1920, Image 7

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    - '.wiHfrj.dlwW)MWtia
Eating Meat for a While
Your Bladder Is Troubling
When you wake up with backache
nnil dull misery In the kidney region It
generally means you have been eating
too mucli meat, says a well-known au
thority. Meat forms urle ncld which
overworks tlio kidneys In their effort
to filter It from the blood and they be
come sort of paralyzed and loggy.
when your kidneys get sluggish and
clog you must relieve them, like you
relievo your bowels; removing nil the
body's urinous waste, else you have
backache, sick headache, dizzy spells;
your stomach sours, tonguo Is coated,
and when the weather Is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine Is
cloudy, full of sediment, channels
often get sore, water scalds nnd you
are obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable physl
clan at once or get from your pharma
cist about four ouuees of Jad Salts;
take a tahlespoonful In a glass of
water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then act
line. This famous salts Is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon Juice,
combined with lltliln, and hns been
used for generations to clean and
stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to
neutralize acids In the urine so It no
longer Irritates, thus ending bladder
Jud Salts Is a life saver for regular
meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot
Injure and mnkes a delightful, offer'
vescent llthla-wnter drink. Adv.
When winter dies spring will fur
nish the flowers.
Jnst cay to your grocer Red. Cross
Ball Blue when buying bluing.' You
will be more than repaid by the re
sults. Once tried always used. Pc.
It's a pity a man can't put a plaMer
on his conscience when It hurts him.
Established Modes
in Afternoon Frocks
Finally vas Restored to
Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Lowell, Mass. ' ' I was all run down and
md an awful pain, in my right side, was
persistently consti
pated ana naa very
dizzy spells. I sut
fered for three years
and was perfectly
miserable until a
friend was telling
mo to try Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vege
table Compound and
I found it a wonder
ful medicine. I can
now do twice as
much work and I
recommend the Vegetable Compound to
other women. You can use these
facts as a testimonial." Mrs. M.
Theall Bessev, 186 Appleton Street,
Lowell, Mass.
Why women will continue to suffer so
long is more than we can understand,
when they can find health in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegotablo Compound 1
For forty years it has been the stand
ard remedy for female jlls, and has re
stored the health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with such ail
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, irregularities, etc.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by r.
woman and held in strict confidence.
1 1 1 flfciy'3MiJfcgrU 1 1
iMlt - i iiifflP Willi It
V BUT one afternoon frock might be
allowed In a waulrohe, we would
Hud most women selecting black or
dark blue satin ns the material for
making It. Every experienced wom
an knows n frock of this kind to be
tin most useful thing In her posses
sion, and every year designers Inter
pret the new styles In n variety of
ways, using plain black or blue satin
with the certain knowledge that the
frocks will please. Foulards In black
or dark color with white figures or in
tit Iter color combinations which have
liccn selected for Illustration bore,
lire both good exnmples of afternoon
frock's made In these popular fabrics,
i nnd each has something new to recom
mend it. The black has a body cut In
kimono style with round neck and
short sleeves. The skirt Is set onto
this body with a wldeluck and is gath
eied at the hips where It Is shnped
Into n deep curve. The new feature
In this frock Is the deep border nt the
bottom of the skirt of n machine-made
smocking. The same smocking makes
the cuffs. A narrow frill of flno lace
at the neck nnd u girdle of heavy silk
cord, ending In a long and handsome
tassel, measure up to the quality of
the dress.
The foulard dress appears to bo
made with a tunic, but close In
spection reveals that a wide, ungnth
ered flounce of georgette crepe and a
side drapery make the illusion of a
tunic where there Is none. The bod
Ice Is made of blue georgette over
white, with drapery of foulard extend
ing over tlio shoulders. At the nock
nnd sleeves the white crepe is extend
ed beyond the blue, making n becom
ing llnish. There Is n wide, plain gir
dle, ending In three flat loops nt the
left side, made of the foulard.
NT s ' .
iv z.
Often Caused by
Acid-Sf omach :
How can anyone with u sour, unsay
tomacb, who la "constantly lielchlng, tins
heartburn and suffers from Indigestion have
anything but n bad breath? All of tlicie
stomach disorders mean Just one thing
EATONJC, the wonderful rew stomach
remedy In pleasant ta.itlni" tubkt form that
you eat like a bit ot enml brines quick
relief from these stomach i ilxrles. KATUN
IC sweetens the breath bemuse It makes the
stomach sweet, cool and toinfilnbli. Try It
for that 'hasty taste, coiiK'HtP.l throat and
"heady feollnc" after too much smoking.
If neglected, Aclil-.SIoiu.i li i ny cause you
a lot of serious trouble It leads to ner
vousness, headaches, Insomnl?, melancholia,
rheumatism, sciatica, heart trouble, ulcer
and cancer of the stomuch It makes Us
millions of victims weak ami miserable,
listless, lacklnir In energ), all tired out. It
often tirlriiu about ilirunlo linalldlsm, pre
mature old age, a shortening of one's days
Tou need the hMp that KTONIQ can elVi
you If you uru not feoltsii; aa strong and
well as you should Tou will be surprised
to see how much better you will feel Just as
soon ib you beetn taking this wonderful
Htnmach remedy. (lot a blc 60 cent box
from your drusslst today, He will return
your money If you are not satisfied
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
leap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Taktta 25,
l yx jgi fjSjrh
j.i ww'rJt-..?B
'alHsisHflsiiiiiflsBBMiHiiKyX&ftm ? y lu
U. S. Army Overalls and Khaki
Breeches, 95c per Pair
or ICO pr ion. Army drab wool shirts II 75
a. or J16.60 doz Husset shoos, worth new
110, 13 95 pr. Hob nailed shoes, 12 96 pr.
These goods all used by army, but are clean
and serviceable. We carry complete line of
tents, stoves, refrigerators and all other army
goods. Write fur complete list. Send cash
with order; If not pleased we will liladly re.
fund money AnMV SAI.VAOH WARE
HOUHH COMPANY. Greenville, 8 C
W. N. U SIOUX CITY NO. 16-1920.
E VEIJY woman limy go lo the m'l-
llnery shop determined to II ml a
hat that adds fit least '() per cent to
her attractiveness, for such a hat In
to be found there. There Is .so great a
variety of "hapf-s and such diversity
of styles that it Is not hard to follow
the advice conveyed by that reliable
old millinery adage which says a wom
an should look better with her hat
than without it. She may choose be
tween hats large, small and medium In
size, till good style, In endless variety
of .shapes and materials and having
the advantage of real beauty In their
lines. If the head Is nn uveruge- size
It will not be hard to Hnd a becoming
shape, but, If It Is either larger or
smnller than the average, a hat must
be mado to lit It, for this Is tlio most
essential thing in the matter of hecom
lilgness. There are quite n number of llttlo
lints with veils of net or luco playing
the most Important part In their
udornment. Usually the veils uro very
brief affairs draped cleverly on shapes
along with flowers. They are wonder
fully becoming. In a few models the
veil fitllK from the front of the lint
Just far enough to cover the eyes and
longer but not very long at the buck,
On spring and summer millinery dow
ers, grains, grasses and grapes are
featured and many have streamers of
silk or velvet ribbon. An example of
these pretty trimmings a revival of
times gone by In the styles, appears
In the hat of llsoru braid with Its sash
of moire ribbon and clusters of flowers
and grapes with wheat and grass
among them.
Among the lints for mldsummei
there are inmjj black ones of hair
braid and mallnes or lace. Some of
them have very wide brims and col
lars of velvet ribbon with a single
long sash end. Sometimes two or three
very long-stemmed roses droop over
the brim edge Inward the back, nnd In
other models n variety of flowcra
posed flat on tlio brim, show through
the transparent fabric. A lovely hat
of hair braid and mullnes shown In
the picture Is nll-blnck with airy
goura fee thers uprlnglng up about the
fAUs $tfrldi
Should Sentiment Always Hava
"Taking stock" of oneself Is ti peri
odical duty, probably not always prac
ticed, and Is as necessary as taking
htock of your household elTeoth or your
"store goods." The right minded man
will do this. In unmolested 1ribjnent
he gives way to deep meditation; he
gathers his thoughts to ascertain ir
brains, energy, and ability are synco
pating properly, working together on
lines thot answer to nn ambition that
look's for n satisfactory return.
If there bo a deficit, his endeavor
should be to discover the leakage. It
may be that he lacks the nerve to go
Into n retrospective nnalysls, or falls
In Initiative thnt will prompt him to
throw his horoscope In the future. Un
less he enn do these things lie will
never he able to pull himself out of
any "rut" In which his condltlou has
placed him. He must "take stock."
"Slock taking" lends to modern-dny
efficiency, and Is demanded of every
worker If unsatisfactory conditions are
to be overcome. In the case of the
farmer It may bo that he Is working
a "too high-priced farm"; Interest and
rent may bo an "overhead" eating up
the profits. There may be other rea
sons why profits are not shown.. It is
just possible that ho Is sacrificing
profit and encouraging loss because
of sentiment, hut he does not realize
that this Is tlio cause. Tlio farm was
his birthplace; reared upon It, he
knows every nook nnd corner of the
old place. Ho fished In the brook,
hunted squirrels in the woods, hid In
the hnyfleld, grew to manhood upon the
place, courted and married nnd brought
up his family there. These are tics
thnt commend themselves, and why
shouldn't sentiment have a say? To
many this will appeal. Hut are these
good reason to continue? Does not
ono owe It to himself and to his de
pendents to "tnko stock," and put In
to effect nctlon thnt will bring n bnl
nnce on tlio credit side of the ledger
the balance thnt will bring happiness
nnd give n comfort far greater than n
mass of unpaid bills and a house full
of worry, nnd a devotion to sentiment?
Should he not look around for more
favorable conditions, which may easily
bo found?
Procrastlnntlon Is said to ho a thief
In this enso the axiom Is undoubtedly
true. To allow the adverse conditions
under which you may ho Inhering to
continue may keep you for yenrs longer
In the present unsatisfactory position.
There wns a man at Brazil, Ind..
who mado weekly vIMts for upward
of n year to the office of the Canadian
government nt Indianapolis, Ind., and
.from the agent secured all the Informa
tion ho possibly could as to conditions
In Western Canada. But he lacked de
cision, did not "lake stock," or If lie
took It, failed to act. This was four
teen yearn ngo. He lived on a small
farm, which gave him n mere existence,
and no promise of anything more, lie
Is still on tlio same place nnd no better
off today than then. Ho hnd n friend
working In a glass factory, who also
had but llttlo means. ' He became In
terested in Western Canada. lie po
sessed, though, spirit and action. With
the Impulse thus prompted ho moved
to Saskatchewan nnd took up a farm.
Today he Is the owner of a splenJId
section of land, has plenty of money
In the hnnk, and could retire with a
handsome competence.
Thnt which has been tho good for
tune of the Brazil glass worker, who
had "tnken stock" and profited by It,
may bo that which will follow any
other of like temperament and n firm
ShuSh BSD mf IW.
The Flavor Lasts!
the best
buy for
mce mm
ry VC71sssssssssssHBVV
Imf The greatest fKl
five-cents worth flHi
of beneficial lKk
Med Tubt-Kepf Right refreshment B
tr-flfisOl Lasts JBf
w (HI fgf jmK
wish to erect for a satisfactory future.
Western Canada submits for consid
eration and approval conditions In ag
ricultural lines that are exceptional.
There Is land there that annually pro
duces about the same return us any
other farming land, and It can be pur
chased at but a portion of what the
place which has not been n source of
profit can bo bold for. A section In
stead of n quarter-section, worked un
der western conditions, with no more
effort, solves the big "overhead" ex
pense. The boclal conditions, which
arc an important factor In deciding
on n nt'w homo location, are' Ideal.
Recognized the Description.
"What's she-dragon?"
"Now, my son, not another word
igalnst your aunt."
Microbes With a Double Life.
The transformation of microbes
from one foim to nnother has been
described by many lnvestlgntors, and
It has even been suggested that tho
same mlcrobo In different forms may
bo responsible for different discuses.
Sbnrlc oil 1 used for lighting pur
poses In many parts, of tho West Indies.
"Diamond Dyec" Turn Faded, Shabby
Apparel Into New.
Don't worry uhout perfect results.
Uso "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
glvo n new, rich, fadeless color to any,
fahr 'lether It bo wool, silk, linen,
cotto. or mixed goods,- drcssea,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
conts, fenthors everything I
Direction Book In pnekago tellu how
to diamond dye over uny color. To
match nny material, have dealer show
you "Diamond Dye" Color Cnrd.Adv;
A foolish woman Is one who can't
make her own living and marries a
iTIan who ain't nfako It for her.
Another Royal Suggestion
From the New Royal Cooic Book
BISCUIT! What de
light this word sug
gests. So tender they fairly
melt in the mouth, and of
such glorious flavor that
the appetite is ncvcr satis
fied. These arc the kind of
biscuits anyone can make
with Royal Baking Powder
and these unusual recipes.
a cups flour . , .
4 teaspoons Royal Baking
M teaspoon ealt
tablespoons ahortonlng .
cup milk or half milk and
naif water
61ft together flour, baking pow
der and salt, add nhortenlnK and
rub In very lightly; add liquid
lowly; roll or pat on floured
fcoard to about ono Inch In
thickness (handlo as llttlo aa
pogBlble); cut with biscuit cutter.
JDako In hot oven 16 to 29 minutes.
Royal Cinnamon Buns
cups flour
teaspoons Hoyal Baking
i-owaer .
tablespoons unortenlnsr
cup water
cup au gar
teaspoons cinnamon
tablespoons seeded ralslna
Blft 2 tablespoons of measured
uirar with flour, salt and bak
ing powder; rub shortening In
lightly: add beaten egg to water
and add slowly. Iloll out Inch
Akmolutmly Purm
thick on floured board; brush
with melted butter, sprlnklo with
ougar, cinnamon and ralslna.
Itoll as for Jolly roll; cut Into"
1'A Inch pieces; placo with cut
edgca up on woll-rrrcaacd pan;
sprlnklo with a llttlo BUgar and
cinnamon. Hake In modorato
oven '30 to 35 minutes; rcmovo
from pan at once.
Parker House Rolls
4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
teoBpoona Itoyal Baking
5 tablespoons shortening
1 cupo milk
Sift flour, ealt nnd baking pow
der togcthrr. Add melted short
ening to milk and add slowly to
dry lngredlonts otirrlng until
smooth. Knead lightly on floured
board and roll out H Inch thick.
Cut with biscuit cutter. Croaso
each circle with back of knlfo
ono aide of center. Butter tho
small section and fold larger
part well over tho email. Placo
ono Inch apart In greased pan.
Allow to stand 15 minuted in
warm placo. Urunli each with
melted butter and bake In mode
rato oven 16 to 20 inlnutca.
TVrlte TODAT for tho New
Hoyal Coolc Book; oon
talnn 400 other recipes J tut
as delightful as throe. Wilt
show you how to add Inter
est and variety to your
meals. Addroes
Ill Fulton fitrwt
"Bake with Royal and be Sure"
ixA ,itt' & ' tMnd,i bbi jyU''