Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 08, 1920, Image 2

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    '..7 wf$rijf''fW -wr -V'fj
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Funds for Cfarrylng Out Its
visions Will Be Raised by
, Tax on Luxuries.
r n
Washington, D. C Soldier relief
legislation 'with probable provision for
a cash bonus, funds for which would
he raised by sales or luxuries taxes
was approved by the house ways and
moans committee by a voto of 15 to
6. Details of the hill to bo recom
mended will bo worked out by sub
committees yot to ho announced.
Memhers of the committco liopo to
obtain final action by the house before
the contemplated recess for the na
tional political contentions, but they
express doubt whethor action by the
senate could bo had at this sosslon.
frnator Lodge, of Massachusetts,
republican leader, after a conforonco
with othor senate republicans as to
future legislation in tho senate, said
ho thought this 'would includo a bill
to give a money bonus to former
sorvlco men, wjth provisions for a
special tax to raiso tho necessary
funds. Tho program approved by tho
houso committee declares against any
bond issue. It is understood to have
been submitted by Representative
Longworth, republican, of Ohio, and
was discussed at great longth in ex
ecutive' session.
"While tho exact form of tho legis
lation was not decidod upon, commit
tco discussion was Bald to havo indi
cated approvnl of a, plan of extending
vocational education as an alternative
to tho cash bonus. These two plans
oro a part of tho Amorican Loglon's
program. Its othor BOloctcd plan of
government aid to soldiers and sail
ors for building homes or- obtaining
ownorship of farms was said by soino
members of tho commlttoo to involve
too mnny difficulties to bo worked out
by legislation beforo tho recoss.
Spokosmon for tho commlttoo said
it wns planned to have tho final draft
of tlio legislation roady for submission
(o tho Iioubo within a fortnight. It
was said that' thoro had been no do
clnlon as to whethor tho bonus would
be paid in a lump sum or graduated,
according to tho longth of service of
each individual.
Tho program Is understood to havo
tho approval of tho republican loaders
of tho houso, assuring early considera
tion for it.
Mrs. Tabor on Trial.
Taw Paw, Mich. Whlto faced and
nervous, Mrs. Sarah Tabor sat In a
Justlco of tho peace's court and listen
ed to witnesses tell how her doughtor,
Maude Tabor Virgo', 45, mot her.
death throo years ago. Tho mothor
43 -charged with manslaughter In con
nection with hor daughter's death,
Tho hearing before Juslco 0. W. Row
land was to dotormlno" whothor Mrs.
f'abor should bo tried beforo n Jury.
Tho stnto was expected to present
all its evidence the first day.
Rail Wage Fight to Wilson.
TVaahlngton. Tho whole railroad
wage controversy "waB placod before
President Wilson for tho third tlmo
alnce railroad labor filed Ita demands
for a general incroaso in wages last
summon In a letter to tho president,
B, M. Jowell, chairman of tho railway
committee which constitutes the labor
party on the, railroad wage board,
gaid ho regretted very much "to ad
Tlso you of our failuro to obtain any
beneficial results from these confer
eaces. Mexico Planning New Government.
Agna rrletn, Sonorn, Mexico. A
movement for a new United govern
ment In Mexico, to bo launched by tho
more Important robot tactions of tho
republic enmo to light hero when half
hoot posters appeared In tho form of
a proclamation signed by Frunclsco
Do L&Burra, former provisional presi
dent of Mexico.
Troops on Duty In Kentucky.
Mayfleld, Ky. A machine gun
squad of the state national guard was
on duty tjere following a report that n
second attack was to be made on May
field tobacco chutes by night riders as
a rouJt of the recent declino in tho
price of tobacco.
Acquitted cf Murder Charge.
Danville, 111 Kred Uuebler, Mary
II. Buehlor and Sophia, their 24-year-old
daughter, were found not guilty
by a circuit court Jury of the murder
of Mrs. Sablna C'Bratsi3K of Hoopo
ston. Ill tho ugod mothor of Airs.
Coal Prices Go Up.
Chicago; 1IL A general increase In
retail coal prices wjll be passed on to
the general public to pay for vtn la
er canes to miners, retail cal dealers
of the nlddle. west predicted. With
the removal of federal regulation of
coal price coal operators announced
increases immediately effective. Home
retailers wer still stiljng at the
March prices, but this, they explained,
whs due to the fact that tho new
prices bad not yot been received from
the operators, increase will range
from 25 cvaU Jo $1 a ton. ,
the name "Dayer" Is
you can get relief
out fear.
on tablets,
When tho Bayer Company intro
duced Aspirin over eighteen years ngo,
Iiliysicinns soon proved It n marvelous
help in rellovlng Rheumatism, Colds,
Ilcndnchc, Neuralgia, Earache, Tooth
ache, Lumbago, Neuritis, Aching
Joints, and Pain In general.
To gel this same genuine, world
famous Aspirin, you must ask for
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," mnrked
with the "IJnycr Cross." You will find
safe and proper directions In every
unbroken pnekugc.
Ilnndy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
only n few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Dayer" pnekages. Aspirin is
tho trade mark of Payer Manufacture
of Mononcetlcacldestcr of Sullcyllc
ncid. Adv.
Mucn Alike.
The stage manager wns hurriedly
giving .Instructions to his property
"Did you say you wanted a window
or a widow, sir?" asked the latter,
somewhat perplexed.
"I said window," he replied, and add
ed, with a luugli, "but they're both
much alike."
The property man scratched his
"Don't see how you make that out,
"Well," replied the stage lnnnnger.
"when I get near either of thein I al
ways look out I"
But "Diamond Dyes" Her Old, Apparel
Fresh and New.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
give a now, rich, fadeless color to nny
fabric, whether it bo wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed goods, dresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
coats, feathers everything 1
Direction Rook In package tells how
to diamond dye over nny color. To
match any material, Iiavo denier show
you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv.
Balked His Deal re.
A gentleman and his wife were ad
miring some college buildings erected
by wealthy nlumnl. Presently tlicy
came to a noble hall, over the main
entrance of which was a tablet read
ing, "Kroeted by John C. Black, as a
memorial to his beloved wife."
"Oh," lie paid with a sigh, "that is
whnt I should like to do for my col
lege." And for the life of him lt
couldn't understand why his wife sud
denly becamu cold to lilni,
Now Is the Time to Gat Rid of
These Utlr Spots.
There' no longer the slljchlest need ot
feeling ashsmod of your freckles, us Othlne
double atrensth te guaranteed to remove
theie homely spots.
Simply set an ounce of Othlne double
strength from your druggist, and apply a
little of It night and morning and you
should soon see that even the worst freckle
have begun to dloappoar, while tho lighter
ones havo vanished entirely. It Is seldom
that morn than one ounce Is needed to com
pletely clear the akin and gain a. beautiful
clear complexion.
lie aura to ask for the double strength
Othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee ot
money back It It falls to remove freckles.
Wood Alcohol Always Injurious.
Wood alcohol may cause blindness
not only when taken us a beverage
but by absorption through the skin, In
the case of the use of such articles
n h hntr 'tonics containing the poison.
It may nlso produce tho sumo effect
by way of lungs when inhulcd from
varnishes, etc.
Important te Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo ot
OABTOHIA, that famous old remedy
for lnfunts and children, and boo that It
Bears the yrtf yU' '
Signature (L&ffffl&V
In Uso for Over 80 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnetoria
It's surprising how much respect a
worthless man Is capable of gcnorut
Ing for himself.
Only one
is funny.
side of it practical Joke
often follows
Neglected Cold
SUndsrd cold remedy for 20 years
. 1. ubici iorm uie. aur. no
opiates break up cold in 24
nour relieve grip in 3 days.
Money back If it fall. Tfcs
.genuine box has a Ret)
.top. witu vr. liar
IAHGEST house in the world
J specializing in apparel for ex
pectant mothers. Newest styles.
Lowest prices becauso of our own
manufacturing. Your money back
if you are not satisfied.
3lyU aWok FREE
I'Uturlnx burnt style in Ceata.
Units. Dmm Const, ate.
Write Pert. YS $-.
a asssW lOnl it I
KJVnl I Uft sssa
lii hue 1 afc
ii i
J. 9
I "U
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
I.cltoy Inghum of Lyons took high
est honors In the college and school of
agriculture livestock Judging contest
at the university farm at Lincoln. He
was rewarded with n cup. The ten
high men judging till kinds of stock
runked as follows: Loltpy Ingham,
Lycns; K. A. Clark, Craig; I'aul Atch
ison, Cozad; Itoynl Schoen, Wells
Minn j I'aul Tuggart, Chambers; Ed
ward .Scheldt, Friend; L. 12. Finney,
Lincoln; A. K. Ilepperly, Norfolk; AI
vln Merrick, Osceola; Harold Hedges,
Indliinoln. They were awarded with
The Missouri Pacific's demnnd for 3
cents a mile passenger fare in Nebras
ka, whereas other lines only secured 2
cents a mile, before government con
trol, has been upheld by Special Mas
ter Cutties, appointed by the govern
ment to decide the Issue. This case
has been In court for years, mid In
volved hundreds of thousands of dol
lars. Refund slips Issued by the road
pending the ruling In the case are now
worthless, unless u reversal follows in
an appeals court.
.Secretary of State -Amsberry an
nounced that stickers cannot be legal
ly used on ballots cast in Nebraska, af
ter conferring with Attorney General
Davis on the subject. Interest has
been aroused In this matter by state
ments that friends of certain candi
dates expected to employ tills method
to place their names on Hie btillot
slnco they had not made tilings.
Pamphlets containing a list of !!,000
stolen automobiles on record Januury
1, 1020, have been distributed to all
parts of the country by the state law
enforcement division nt Lincoln. -Any
sheriff, chief of police or town con
stable will be mailed one of tho book
lets upon application. Nebraska Is
the llrst state to undertake a move of
this character.
When tho time limit for submitting
bids for tho paving of twenty miles of
Douglas county roads expired, not a
single bid was received. A permanent
Injunction granted against part of the
paving wus given as a probable reason
for tho lack of bidding on tills last
ClinrlcB W. Stolnbnugli, Omaha ar
chitect, member of the Nebraska cnpl
tol committee says that the new $5,
000,000 structure to be built ut Lincoln
will lie more serviceable, durable n,l
beautiful than any such structure here
tofore built In the United States.
The Nebraska supreme court hns
ruled that an automobile used for il
legal transportation of liquor In the
state can he confiscated and sold by
state authorities, even though tho ma
chine Is the property of a person other
than the driver.
Another record price for downtown
property in Omaha wus established
when Julius Orkln purchased tho prop
erty and building occupied by A.,Hospe
and company at. lfl! Douglas Btreet,
for $300,000. This was approximately
!)7,r)00 a front foot.
Census figures releused tho past
week give Columbus a population of
0,410, an lncreuso of 7.0 per cent over
1010; Hastings, 11,0-17, an Incrcnse of
24.7 for the same period, and Grund
Island 13,030, an increase of 35.2.
The. Lincoln Automobile club bus
started a campaign ugalnst certain
farmers who lntve been charging ex
orbitant sums for helping nutolsts
who have become stuck In the mud
near their farms.
Florence Ueanblossom, 12 years old,
struck on the Head by a gate blown
jhut while helping with the chores on
a farm near Shelton during the wind
storm March 28, died from her In
juries. ,
Sixty farmers from Cozad appeared
before the state railway commission
und gave their views on tho proposi
tion to give the Cozad Irrigating Ditch
Co. the right to raise their water rates.
Mrs. Oallen Plants, of Geneva, sister
of Raymond Hill,' young farmer await
ing trial on tho charge of the murder
of his father, asked that a guardian
be appointed for hoi accused brother,
alleging that he Is not of sound mind.
The district court of Lancaster coun
ty has IsNiied a temporary order for
bidding tht Royal Highlanders, a Ne
braska Insuranco fraternity, from put
ting Into effect a new table of rates.
Ronds for $30,000 for Improvements
to the county fair grounds at Sidney
will bo submitted to the people for ap
proval at the April. primaries.
Among the Improvements planned
at Albion this year are, 2,000 feet of
additional sewerage, 8,000 feet of wa
ter mains,, .mil 15 blocks of paving.
O. W. Uingley, who shot and killed
Judge 0. II. Pfelffer of Cortland, was
hcntoni'cri to the penitentiary for 21
years by Judgo L. M. Peniberton In
district court at Rent rice. A Jury pre
viously had returned a verdict of sec
ond degree murder.
Contract has been awnrded for a
new $30,000 telephone exchange build
ing at DuVltl City.
Tho Sidney Community association
lias appointed a. commlttoo to work
with one appointed by the city council
to establish a camping ground for
tourists. jv
A movement! is on foot in Omuhu
nntl Council Iiluffs for u double-deck
bridge to bo constructed across the
Missouri river Unit wilt bo owned by
both cities and operated free of cost
to the public. The structure will cost
about ?2,000,00O, - . .
It takes nn editor of a country
weekly to solve Intricate problems such
ns the high cost of living, et ., the lat
est being a scheme originated by M.
Wirt Hlutt, publisher of the Chambers
Sun. In order to beat building ma
terial profiteers, he is going to build
for himself a sod house, cemented lu
side and out and Install therein his
printing plant. The building will be
40 by CO feet and the walls four feet
thick, will be of prairie soil. After tho
walls have settled the building will be
cemented inside and out and the ve
neor lined In imitation of masonry.
It costs the state an average of $300
n month or $3,000 n year to pay tho
publication of a monthly bulletin Is
sued by Governor McKelvIe and State
Engineer Johnson, who are at the head
of the stnte department of public
works. Tills money conies out of the
stnte highway fund. State Engineer
Johnson suys Hint since law requires
him to report each month showing
the condition of tlilsi fund, he decided
he would make his report In the form
of n monthly bulletin.
Constitutional convention otllcials
are now counting the cost of the con
vention. It Is evident thnt the total
appropriation, $10,(K)0, set aside by
the legislature of lflin will be Insuf
ficient to pay nil expenses incurred
and soiiieof the expenses which it is
desired to Incur In the way of "publicity.'-'
Under the latter head the officers
of the convention hope to print about
300,000 pamphlets to mall to voters.
The Fremont city council heeded a
petition signed by 2,003 ellzens ngnlnst
permitting theatres to operate on Sun
day, and now the forces favoring the
Sunday shows are preparing to circu
late petitions to submit the Initiative
and referendum to the people for
adoption as a part of the city law. If
adopted, tney say lliey will secure a
popular vote on tho theater question.
Unregistered liberty bonds totalling
$3,000 make lip the loss In the robbery
of the First Nntionnl bunk, of Green
wood .March 22, according to officials
of. the institution." Robbers obtained
$42,5)00 in registered bonds, not ne
gotiable, and $0,000 in war savings
stamps which cannot be cashed be
cause the government has warned post
offices against them.
Rev. T. .7. Mnckey, for over fifty
years a member of the Episcopal
ministry, s or widen were spent ns
head of the All Saints parish at
Omaha, died nt his home In tho Ne
braska metropolis (Ut the age of 7G. Ho
was one of the- most widely known
piibtors In this state.
The University of Nebraska at Lin
coin will offer n twelve weeks' course
next summer, two terms of six weeks
each. Registration for the first term
will begin May 20 and class work on
May 31; the second dates being July
10 und July 12.
A hot, el company with twenty-flvo
Incorporators has been Organized nt
Old to flnnnco the building of a $200,
000 hotel. A local company will erect
the building, and lease it to an op
erator who will furnish and operate
the hotel.
Nebraska's quota of (he $100,000,000
the Northern Baptists of America plan
to raise in an eight-day campaign
starting April 25, has been plnced nt
$1,500,000, one third of which Is alloted
to Omaha.
The management of the Omaha-Lln-coln-lleutrlco
internrban line has been
buying considerable material recently
for tho Lincoln end of the road and it
is said the firm intends to press effort
toward the completion of the Hue.
Laurel Post No. 54, of the American
Legion, nt Laurel, adopted resolutions
declaring the non-pnrtlsun league "un
American and u meuuee to the best In
terests of this government."
Requesting tliat congress "take such
steps as It deems necessary to bring
about Justice and humanity lu Korea,"
u petition signed by 1,000 Nebraska
citizens wns sent to Senator Norris by
Governor McKelvIe.
Tho Lincoln Commercial club will
send 22 delegates to the eighth na
tional convention of the United Stntes
Chamber of Commerce in Atlantic
City tills month.
Conrad Sold, 50, of Ashland, and
Chns. Bullock, 55, bridge workers, were
killed at Louisville when a Rock
island train run Into n motor carrying
llvo men.
Wilson Tout, superintendent of
North Platte schools for 13 consecutive
years, has resigned to engage In n
business venture.
The district conference ot older boys
of tho northwest section held at Child
ren, proved a pronounced success.
The Genon-Albion road, which wns
built within four miles of Albion lust
fall, Is now being completed,
All teachers lu the Friend public
schools have refused to sign contracts
for next year without an Increase lu
salaries. The school board has declar
ed all positions vacant.
The state supreme court lias ruled
that the ndmlnlstrutlve'code hill Is still
In force and operation nniL.wlH so re
main until It has issued Its full man-
Miss Carolina Gochry, 113, of Lindsay,
wns found dead beside nn overturned
nuil badly wrecked automobile near
Columbus, She was alono In the car
when the accident occurred.
A 'lfotary club with twenty charter
nioinbers wns organized ut Columbus
the other day.
Census figures for Seottsbluff give
the city a population of 0,012, an In
crease of 2tiZ.i) per cent over 1010. The
record hung up by the beet mgar town
is uiieauiilled by any city in Nebraska,
it Is believed.
The Nebraska Hampshire Bretders
association is offering $100 In prizes
for llninpshlre pigs exhibited at the
slat fulr, and $1 u head for evety
Hampshire pig exhibited, to member
of.theNebuuUn boys' nnd girls' clubs.
A Votom From mioux City, Iowa, says
Worth KsWelqht In Cold
You cannot mistake the words o! Mr. W. W. Northrup, of M8 Fourth
Street. Sioux City, lows. Ho ia enthusiastic about hit present health and
the merits of PE-RU-NA and wants everyone to know It Here is a re
cent letter from blm :
h aaaiujvw m
There arc thousands Just like Mr. Northrup, skeptical at first but
convinced by a trial of PE-RU-NA.
If your trouble Is of a catarrhal nature, try PE-RU-NA, then tell your
fricndi. It is fine after an attack of grip or Spanish Flu. a
Sold Everywhere
The Right
in all cases of
of all horses, brood mares, colts
and stallions Is to
on the tongue or in tho feed with
Give the remedy to all of them. It acts
on the blood and glands. It routs the
disease by expelling; the germs. It
wards oft the trouble, no matter how
they are "exposed." A fow drops a day
prevent those exposed from contract
ing; disease. Contains nothing Injuri
ous. Sold by druggists, harness deal
ers or by the manufacturers. 80 cents
and SLID per bottle. AGENTS WANTED.
Remember to Carry Cheer, Not Sym
pathy to Those Who Are Tern
porarily "Shut In."
Every one Is called upon now and
then to visit the sick room. Condi
tions surrounding the bedside visita
tions present a wide variation. There
is one rule that holds good under nil
conditions, and thnt is to carry cheer
nnd sunshine not n long face, but a
smile. If the patients nre able talk
to them of whnt is going on outside.
Help them to forgot themselves. A
man who for over twenty years had
been paralyzed, was visited by a
rfrlend who wns profuse in expressing
his sympathy and regret at the sick
man's helplessness. As ho wns about
to leave, tho afflicted mnn said, "Come
again, wont' you, but when you do
please forget to tell me thnt you are
yctfry for mo as every one tells me that.
I've henrd it every day for twenty
years. Help me to forget it. Bring
ine a breath of tho outside world."
Flowers are always a gracious help
In making the sickroom n place of
cheer. A book or n magnzlne also
helps. Thrift Magazine.
Safe Bet.
She's clumsy and she's sloppy, and
fshe occupies much spnee. And for
these reasons we would like to bet
name Is "Grace." Arkansnw Thomas
There would be a very sizable rush
of town boys to the farm If town boys
had their way.
Same Ibir Price As
Before Tlie War
and the same pure,
wtiblesome beverage so
naaiy have eiyoyea. fbv
has a pleasing coffee -lite
flavor Into is more
economical than coffee
and has the added value
of absolute freedom from,
caffeine or other harm
ful ingredients.
"There's a JZeasan"
Made by
Postum Cereal Company..' Battle Creek.. Mich.
TE-RU-NA (t worth MtwettfaUn .old
ad then some. Insedto tbhdt It only a wo
man' remedy bnt have cbtnied toy mind.
I had a couch, especially la the morning.
After tulnr halt bottle ef PE-HU-NA was
mnchbetUr. I would cougfe u chink of
pMezm end mucus, my eye Itched and both
ered me. Judging from the symptoms given
layout elmac it wa catarrh. My stomach
kin much better condition since nslnf your
"Use this testimonial, K you wliK Don't
bealtato to advertise the merit of PaVRUNA.
(Signed) W.W. NORTHRUP.
Tablets or Liquid
Little Discussion He Had With Cor
poral Left Him Disgusted With
Relief From Giiard Duty. I
A couple of recruits of tho latest
vintage, who had enlisted In the hope
of being sent to the Rhine, were dis
cussing the pros and cons of army life.
"It ain't so bad," confided one. "Most
of It Is nil right, but it's that blasted
relief from guard duty that gets me."
"Relief from guard duty !" ejaculnted
the other. "Man, you're '"cuckoo t
There's nothing to being relieved from
guard duty. It's being on guard duty
that's Hell."
"No," mnintnined the first. "It's the
relief. Why, the other day they put
mo on gunrd for two hours, and It
wnsn't bad at all just standing nround
and watching the rest of 'em" drilling
nnd knowing thnt I didn't have to do
It myself, but then when the time for
relief came the corporal came up nnd
gave me the devil."
"What for?"
"Nothing. Nothing nt nil. I Just
couldn't remember where I'd left my
Sew to Speak.
Surgeon (threading his needle)
Feel much like laughing, Houlihan?'
yicthn (of an accident) SnYc your
funny sthorles, docthor ye'll hnve uio
in stitches soon enough I Buffalo Bx
press. i No Wonder.
"I tell you, thnt girl rings true."
"No wonder, when she's n belle.'
Baltimore American.
srWeBar fir
ssssssssk m LKrk
"t I
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