Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, April 01, 1920, Image 6

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    WW 'WJ'' i tf
stfttntrtm wwmnwE
What Lydia E. Pinlcharn'a
Vegetable Compound Die?
for Mrs. Warner.
Onalaska. Wis." Every month I hnd
cuch pains in my back and lower part of
siomacn 1 couiu not
lie in bed. I suf
fered co it Bccmcd
as though I would
die, and I waa not
regular cither. I
Buffered for a year
and was unfit to do
my houaowork,
could only wash
dishos once In a
while. I read an
ldvortloemont of
vhatLvdiaE. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound had dono
for otiier women and decided to try it.
It surely did wonders for me. I havo
no pains now and I can do my house
work without any trouble at all, I
will always praiso your medicino as I
do not befievo thcro is a doctor that can
do as much good in femalo weakness,
and you may uso these facts as a testi
monial." Mrs. Lester E. Warneh,
It. 1, Box G9, Onaloska, Wis.
The reason women write such letters
to tho Lydia E. Pinkham Medicino Co.
and tell their friends how they are
holpod Is that Lydia E. Pinkhnm's
Vcgo table Compound hasbrought health
and happiness into their lives. Freed
from their illness they want to pass tho
good news along to other suffering
women that thoy also may bo relieved
No More
or Blotchy Skin
Want a dear, healthy complexion.
regular Dowels, ana a
perfect working liver?
All easy to ob-1 m rwr rW
tain if you take
LIHto Liver
afe and easy
acting rem-
eay. for neaaache. dizziness. unt
a Y . 1
stomach and despondency, they have
no cquai. rureiy vegetable,
Saull Pin-Satan Deae-Small Prfcc
great nerve and blood tonic for
.Anemia, Rheumatism, NerveuHCM,
6Ieeplesaes and Female Weakness.
islaiait(stulfitua Vtart&nrC
BautyloCraraad Faded Hair
nmnarmm uuor um
.'"ji Cfam fo".tcho-ni.N.Y.
hjh. ann in bve nrnrMiu.
ihjhi, ria., itopt ail ptvla. etuurrs comfort to tt
Mt, ntkea wnlktDC mar, 16c bf mall or at DragM
CUts. UUoosCBWaUalWUtiratoboKtll1.T. J
JLiijMl -.iii'lM" i , iih mi
POtmvilY Rf MOVID ht Dr. lUrrr'a
P1. - f.p"- Or.
wo. MWim mwnii
Almost Indecent
"Tlii' Blur Is supponed to bo dead,
yet hero aim is responding to a cur
tain cull, ns brisk ns over."
"You think Hint destroys the lllu
Blnnr "Certainly. When nn actress fulls
on tlu floor In .hor death throes nnd
puwa ii bearskin rug, she ought to nt
least Htny dcutl until the next per
formance." -Birmingham Age-Herald.
Watch Cutlcura Improve Your Skin.
On rising nnd retiring, gently smear
tho fuco with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wash oft Ointment In flvo minutes
with Cutlcura Soup nnd hot water. It
la wonderful sometimes what Cutlcura
will do for poop complexions, dandruff,
Itching und red rough hands. Adv.
Slight Sympathy.
"You Buy you wulit no government
whiitovor?" snlil Mr. Uufforty.
"Nono whatever," rejoined Mr.
"I hope you get your wish for a min
ute or two. Then I can Imtulle you
any way I fool like without a chance
nf your culling u pnllccmiiti."
U Lii't, right to drug along feeling
tnucriibltf half ticL, l'nul out what is
malting you feci so badly anil try to
correct it. Perhaps your kidney are
chudIiik that throbbing backache or
those Hhnrp, atabbing p.iin. You mny
have morning Inmcnc, too. Iienti
aches, dizzy spells ami irregular kid
ney action. Ue Doan'j Kidney fills.
They have helped thousands of ailing
folks. Aek your nelghborl
An Iowa Cane
Mrs A. Hplcker
iiiun. 1718 7th Ave.,
Council Bluffs, la..
nays: "My back was
mine una uenca turn
I was lama through
my hip. My lower
limbs pained and
tny ankles and foot
swelled bo thut I
couldn't get in y
hoes on. When
ever I would press
tny tlnKc.ru on tho
flesh the print
would Htay. I felt
olariV nnit tlrnil nil
the time ana I would havo dizzy spells.
I was advised to try Doan's KUnov
Mils and after using' them I was 'bet
ter, I haven't been troubled since."
Cet Dean's at Any Store, 60c Bex
A Bad Cough
tf nttJected, oftssileatts to etiou troub!.
sVafwuatd your bealUi. rUve your dlatreia
m4 aoothe yvur britaUO throat by Ukinc
ConJtntatlon hv Mitt Sara A. Hamllr
Charles John Hut
fam Dickens was
born Fob. 7, 1812, at
Poi tsca, England,
Whom his father
was a clerk In tho
navy pay office.. Ho
died nt Oadslilll
Place, In Kent, on
Juno 9, 1870.
Ills dream of
writing c a m o to
him early when ns
a boy he road
breathlessly tho
battered novels In
his father's library.
He became, a re
porter on tho Lon
don newspapers,
nnd wroto (1836)
"Sketches by I3oz,"
wherein aro, In
miniature, all tho
abounding vlrtuon
of his novels.
Tho "Pickwick
Papers" (1837) wero
a groat success.
Tholr Inimitable,
rollicking humor captivated the English
reading World. Ills first extended novel
wan "Oliver Twist" (1838), followed by
"Nicholas Nlckloby" (1838-39), "Old Curi
osity Shop" and "Barnaby Rudgo" (180
41) Ho produced somo sixteen major
novels, tho last, "Tho Mystory of Edwin
Drood" (1870), being unHnlshed. "David
Copperfleld" (1859-CO), hold by many to bo
his masterpiece, nnd by not a few to bo
tho greatest story over written, is sup
posed to bo seml-nutoblographlcal. Many
of his novels wero published In Install
ments, and never boforo or since has any
literary publication oxcltcd such a furore.
After his Initial successes DlckonB life,
was a triumphal procession, saddened
only by domestic unhapplnosu. Ho visited
America, where his works woro even
moro popular than in England, In 1812 and
Ho wrote In his will his own best epi
taph: "I rest my claims to the remem
brance of my country on my published
works" Ho might woll have substituted
"tho world" for "my country."
Porhnps the quality that distinguishes
his novels among all others is tholr
abohndlng humor.
ON n cold November night, In tho
year 1775, tho English innl!
couch, on Its way from London
to Dover, was currying among lta pns
scngcrH a Mr. .Tarvls Lorry, a London
hanker of tho well-known firm of
Tollson & Co. As tho 'conch stumbled
along In tho dnrkness, there aroso he
foro him the vision of an emnclnted
figure with hnlr prematurely white.
All night between him and the spectro
the same words repeated themselves
again iukI again.
"Hurled how long?"
"AlmoBt eighteen yours." 'm (
"I hope you euro to live?" 1
"I can't Bay."
About eighteen yenrs before tho
Gtory opcnn, Dr. Mnnette, a prominent
young phyHlclnti of Paris, hnd sud
denly ''disappeared. Everything was
dono to discover some trace of htm,
but In vain. Tho lotts of her husband
caused his wife such anguish thnt she
resolved to bring up her little daughter
In Ignorance of her father's fate; and
when In two years sho died, she left
llttlo Luclo under tho guardianship of
Tollson & Co., to whoso care Dr.
Munctte for ninny years hnd Intrusted
his flnnnclnl affairs.
Btrango tidings concerning tho Doc
tor hnd Just como from Paris, nnd Mr.
Lorry wns on his way to meet his
ward, and explain to her the facts of
hor enrly life. This was n duty from
which the klnd-hcnrtcd banker shrank,
and when ho saw the slight golden
hatred girl who cnino to meet him, his
heart nlmost fulled htm; but his tnsk
wns accomplished nt lust.
"And now," concluded Mr. Lorry,
"your father hns been found. IIo Is
nllve, grently changed, but nllvo. Ho
luifl been taken to tho house of u for
mer Borvnnt In Purls, nnd wo nro going
there. I to Identify blin, you to ro-
Btoro III nt to llfo nnd love."
Tho sen-ant thut sheltered Dr. Mn
notto was a man by the name of Dc
fargo who, with his wife, kept a wine
shop In tho ohscitro district of St. An
tolne. The bunker and Luclo woro
taken to un attic where a haggard,
whlto-hnlred man sat on u low bench,
making Khoes, u wreck of a man, ob
livious of all urouml him.
Agjtln was the Channel crossed, und
ngnth tho old Inquiry whispered In tho
enr of JnrvlN Lorry:
"I hope you care to bo recalled to
"I can't say."
Flvo j'cors later, In tho court room
of tho Old Itnlley'lu London, a youug
Frenchman was on trial for his llfo.
Near him sut an untidy looking Indi
vidual by the namo tif Sydney Carton.
Willi his eyes fixed on the celling, ho
was unobservant, apparently, of all
thut passed around him ; but It was he,
who, first noticing tho extraordinary
resemblance between the prisoner and
himself, rescued Charles Dnrnny from
tho web of deceit which hnd been spun
around him,
Between these- two young men, the
striking resemblnuco was In outward
appearance- only. Charles Durnny wns
of noblo birth; but his nuccstors had
for many years so cruelly oppressed
tho Kronen peasantry thut thu nmnn nt
, Evremondo wns hated and despised.
Wholly uijllko them In .character, this
. Inst descendant of his race had given
tip his name nnd estate, and had como
iffvkt'Jt. i' ffMjmi,JnliUL bbV.
eager to begin llfo anew.
Sydney Carton wan n young English
Inwyer, brilliant In Intellect, but mwhI
lly deteriorating through his llfo of
dissipation, nble to ndvlse others but
unable to guide himself, "conscious of
the blight on him and resigning him
self to let It eat him away."
He and Darnay soon became fre
quent visitors at the small house In
Soho square, me home of Dr. AV'nnctte
und his daughter. Through Lucie's
care and devotion, the Doctor hud al
most wholly recovered from the effects
of his long Imprisonment, nnd It wns
only In times of strong excitement thnt
any truce of his past Insanity could be
detectetl. Tho sweet face of Lucie
Mnnette soon won the henrts of botli
tho young men, but It was Dnrnny to
whom she gave her love.
And so thnt Interview between Lucie
nnd Sydney Cnrtbn has a pathos thnt
wrings our henrts. lie knew thut even
If his lovo could have been returned, It i
ivould hnvo added only to bin bitter-'
ness nnd sorrow, for he felt It would !
have been powerless to lift hltn from
tho slough of Selfishness nnd Sensu
ality that had engulfed him. But ho '
could not resist this lust sad confes
sion of his love; nnd when she weeps
at the sorrow of which sho has been
tho innocent cnuse, lie Implores: "Do.
not weep, denr Miss Mnuctto; the Ilfet
I lead renders mo unworthy of your
pure love. My last supplication Is this:
Think now nnd then that thcro Is a
man who would glvo his life to keep
a life you love beside you." I
But dark days were to come. In tho i
year 1780 tho downtrodden French
peasantry turned upon thdlr oppres
sors. The streets of .Paris were Jlllcd
with crowds of people whose eager
cry was for "blood." Madame Defargo
no longer sat behind the counter of her
small wine shop, silently knitting Into
her work tho names of her hated
enemies, but uxe In hnnd nnd knife ut
her belt, headed n frenzied mob of
women on to tho Bnstllc. Tho French
Revolution hnd actually begun.
Madame Defargo was one of tho
lending spirits of the devolution.
Enrly III life she hud seen her family
full victims to the tyranny nnd lust of
the cruel nobility nnd from thnt tlmo
her llfo had been devoted to revenge.
Three years of crime nnd bloodshed
passed, and In 1702 Mr. .Tarvls Lorry
and Charles Darnay landed In Paris,
the former to protect the French
irunch of Tellson & Co., nnd the latter
to befriend nn old family servant who
lnul besought his help. Not until they
Had set foot In Purls did they realize
Into what a caldron of fury they had
plunged. Mr. Lorry, on nccount of his
business relations, wns allowed his
freedom, but Dnrnny was hurried at
once to the prison of La Force, thero
:o await his trial. Tho reason given
for the outrngo was tho new Inw for
Hie nrrest of nil returning French
'migrants', but the true cause was that
ho. had been recognized ns Charles
These tidings soon reached London,
and Dn Manctte, with his daughter
Lucie, hnstencd to Paris, for ho felt
sure that his long confinement In the
Bastllo would win for him tho sym
pathy of tho French people, and thus
enable him to snvo his son-ln-lnw.
Days and months pnssed, nnd although
tho Doctor succeeded In gaining a
promise that Darnny's llfo should bo
spared, tho latter wus not allowed to
leave his prison.
At last came tho dreadful year of
tho Itclgn of Torror. The sympathy
which at first had been given to Dr.
Mnnette hud become weakened through
the Influence of the bloodthirsty
Madame Defarge. Also, thero had been
found In tho ruins of tho Bastllo a pa
per which contained Dr. Mnnotte's ac
count of his own abduction nnd Im
prisonment, and pronouncing a solemn
urse upon' tho House pf Evremondo
and their descendants,1 who wero de
clared to bo the authors of Ids eighteen
yenrs of misery. Charles Darnny's
doom wns sealed. "Bnck to tho Con
clergerlo nnd death within twenty-four
To Sydney Carton, who hnd followed
his friendB to Paris, came an inspira
tion. 11 ud he not promised Luclo thnt
ho would dlo to save n life she loved?
Uy bribery, he gains admittance to tho
prison ; Darnay is removed unconscious
from tho cell, and Carton sits down to
await his fate.
Along the Paris streets six tum
brils are carrying the day's wine to In
guillotine. In the third car sits a young
man with bin bunds bound. As tho
cries from tho street, nrlse ngalnst him
inoy ouiy move nun to u quiet smile ns
lie shakes more loosely his hulr nbou?
his face.
Crush I A head Is held up and tho
knitting women who nro ranged about
tho scaffold count "One."
The third curt conies up and the sup
posed Evremondo descends. Ills llpt
move, forming tho words, "a life you
The murmuring of many voices, tho
upturning of many faces, then all
Hushes away.
"Twenty-throo I"
"I am tho resurrection and tho llfo-.
suUh the Lord; ho thnt bellevcth In
me, though he we're (lend, yet shall ho
llvo; and whomever llveth and be
lleveth In me shall never die."
Copyright, 1919, by tho Post Publlohlna
Co. (Tho lloston Post.) Copyright in
tho United Kingdom, tho Dominions,
Its Colonies nnd dependencies, undor
the copyright not, by tho Post Pub
lishing Co., Boston, Mass., U. S. A.
All rights reserved.
Relic Goes Like Hot Cakes.
"You Buy this Is tho only autograph
of Charlemagne In existence?" asked
tho, customer suspiciously.
"It Is."
"It muBt bo very desirable."
"Yes," said tho absent-minded aalea-
I man. "Wo'ro selling lots of 'em."
If Constipated, Diliotw or
Headachy, take
" . .,
va5careis -
--- ....,
Brain foggy? Blue devils got you?
Don't stay sick, bilious, hendpeby, con
stipated. Remove the liver nnd bowel
poison which Is keeping yon head
dizzy, your tongue contcd, your breath
bad and stomach sour. Why not spend
n few cents for n box of Cascarets and
enjoy the nicest, gentlest Inxatlve-ca-tiiartlc
you ever experienced? Cas
carets never gripe, sicken or inconve
nience onp like Salts, Oil, Calomel or
harsh Pills. They work while you
sleep, Adv.
Bible Quotations.
Two brothers, Francis, tour years
old, nnd Fred, Jr., two years old, havo
been taught Bible sayings by their
aunt. The other day while both ba
bies were playing their mother heard
Francis say: ".Testis said, 'I nin the
way, the truth nnd the life.'" Fred,
Jr., said: "And Jesus said, 'All little
children come to supper." "No, Frcfl,"
Francis said: '"Suffer little children
to come unto me.' "
Fred, Jr., declared: "No. come to
supper," nnd Insisted he was right. .
Shabby, Fadi, Old Apparel Turns
Freib and Colorful.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
give a new, rich, Vloless color to any
fabric, whether It m wool, silk, linen,
cotton or mixed coods, dresses,
blouses, stockings, sklits, children's
coats, feathers everything!
Direction Book In package tells how
to diamond dye over nny color. To
match nny material, have dealer show
you "Diamond Dye" Color, Card. Adv.
Answer That Was No Answer.
Gcorgq M. Cohnn was cross-examining
nppllcants for parts In one of his
new productions.
"Can you dunce?" ho asked of a
young chap who had been wnltlng nn
"Sure," replied tho candidate.
"Can you sing?" continued Cohnn.
"Well," replied the other, "I can sing
as good as you can."
"But I asked you," retorted Cohan,
"can you sing?"
There is only one medicine that really
itands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys', liver and
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to bo just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Boot makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It 'is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound. 9
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co,, Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper, Adv.
Blchvdeposlts of potnsh hnvo been
discovered on the Islnnd of Sicily.
Another Royal Suggestion
THERE is an art in
making flapjack pan
cakes, griddle cakes or
wheats, call them what
you will. But it is an art
very easily and quickly
acquired if you follow the
right recipes.
Here are some recipes
for a variety of breakfast
cakes that will make
grandmother envious. The
secret, of course, is Royal
Baking Powder.
Royal Hot Griddle Cakes
2 cups flour
ty teaspoon salt
i teaspoons Hoyal Baking
ltt cups milk
i tablespoons shortening;
Mix and sift dry Ingredi
ents; hdd milk and melted
shortening; beat weH. Bake
on slightly greased hot grid
dle. Griddle Cakes with Eggs
IV cups flour
H teaspoon -lt
J teaspoons Hoyal Baking
3 eggs
VA cups milk
1 tablespoon shortening
Mix and sift dry ingredi
ents; add beaten eggs, milk
id melted shortening: mix
well. Bake immediately on
hot griddle.
"Bake with Royal and
WflflllJXV' I
vv z II NIMH MHHHI itU jJlfrvV
ajr For rosy cheeks, I
jTWV9 smiles, white
m teeth, good appetites I ,
Jr and digestions. I
IS Its benefits arc as GREAT I
If as its cost is SMALL! 1
lit It satisfies the desire for I,
RUiPPfQ. and fc honefiwal 1 1
g wttw.wv VWHWIIWIUK VV m
I Seated Tight Kept Right I
I "After T P the Ii I
Every If fljffSS'JIXS1 t navorS
H lY i, tmi PERFECT OUMrltm . 1 V
Ij W 4MMZwZ$ A12-J T 1
Missing Something.
"Anybody around here who might
buy n little stock?" asked the flashy
"It's, lucky you came to me first,"
said Squire WItherbee.
"How's that, sir?"
"Everybody around here hns bought
a little stock exqept me. That's why
I'm giving you n chance to catch the
next train 'out' of town Instead of call
ing my boys together and sending a
rush order for a bucket of tar, a
sack of feathers nnd a good, stout
rail." Birmingham Agc-IIerald.
Useful Kerosene.
Housewives, with but few excep
tions, ao not properly value kerosene.
As a lubricant n drop or two will set
things going which refused to go be
fore. As a cleanser It can often be
isedxwlth great advantngo In plnco of
sonp and water. Floors can bo more
quickly nnd more, thoroughly cleaned
with a well-oiled mop thnn with sonp
nnd wnter, lenvlng a bright, shining
,iJ ... u
Absolutely Purm
The Planlot.
"This plnnlst Is charging me enough
for a little music. I wonder how bo
figures It by the note?"
"Dunno. He's making a fearful
"I'll sny he Is. Probably he charges
by tho pound " Judge.
Wants to Know.
The Daughter Mercy, not I never
wear this costume on the street. I hud
It mndc just for gym.
Her -Father Jim who?
Fresh, sweet, white, dainty clothes
for baby, If you use Red Cross Ball
Blue. Never streaks or Injures them.
All good grocers sell it, 5c, a package.
Kindness does not have to speak
very loild to be heard.
If you don'tllke the rules of tho
game start a game of your own.
Marriage Is sometimes nn Illusion
ond sometime" !i fVs'Unslon.
Buckwheat Cakes
2 cups buckwheat (lour
1 cup flour
6 teaspoons Royal Baking
1 teaspoon salt
ZY, cups milk or milk and water
1 tablespoon molasses
1 tablespoon shortening
Sift together flours, baking
powder and salt; add liquid,
molasses and melted short
ening; beat three minutes.
Bake on hot greased griddle.
2 cups flour
4 teaspoons Royal Baking)
i teaspoon salt
cups milk
2 eggs
1 tablespoon 'melted shorten
ing Sift flour, baking powder
and salt together; add milk
to yolks of eggs; mix thor
oughly and add to dry in
gredients; add melted short
ening and mix in beaten
whites of eggs. Bake in well
greased hot waffle iron un
til brown. Serve hot with
maple syrup. It should take
about Xhi 'minutes to bake
each waffle.
Now Royal Cook Book
containing those and
scores of other delightful
recipes. Write for Wtoiiay,
US Poltsn Stmt
Nw York Car
be Sure79
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