Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 25, 1920, Image 2

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Entente Military Display l Mute
Evidence of the Waning Power
of the Sultan.
Constantinople) Mohammed VI, sul
tan of Turkey, looked older and more
broken than uaual ns he made his
wookly rido In state from Ylldlz
palace to Mojldolh for his "solmanll"
or official attondanco at prayers. Al
though the allied proclamation of
military occupation of Constantinople
declared tho allies' Intention to up
hold the sultan's powor provisionally,
tho crowds which watched tho un
happy old man omergo from hfs pal
ace overlooking tho picturesque min
arets and towors of Stamboul and tho
sun bathod Dosphorus appeared to
rcallzo that 8000 years of Turkish
rulo In Constantinople hnd virtually
Constantinople. The passing of tho
sultan's powor Is grimly evidenced by
tho long lino of British dreadnoughts
in tho DosphoruB, but It is apparent
that most of the Turks refuse to ac
cept this evidence
Tho sultan Issuod an exhortation to
his subjects to purBUo tholr usual
vocations In peace regardless of fort
elgn occupation. Meantime a British
warship wbb Btcaming toward Malta
carrying Iteouf Bey and many others
of the national loadorB who wore sup
porting Muatapha Kernel's opposition
to tho dismemberment of Turkey, and
who woro takon in a raid on Constan
tinople preceding tho occupation.
Tho nationalists chargo tho sultan
with treachory and say ho lacks
courage and patriotism. Tho Bultana
cabinet threatened to resign, but after
soveral meetings they decided to re
tain office.
Tho only government in Turkey
which has, nny power is believed to bo
at Angora (215 miles', southeast ot
Mustapha Kamel and his commit
too have tho Interior ot Asia Minor
largely at their mercy, Communica
tion thac boon broken with virtually
ill of Asiatic Turkey.
Tho small number of allied troops
In Turkey has made it impossible to
afford protection to tho Chlrstlan
people In tho Interior, and great un
easiness Is felt form welfare workers
In Anatolia and Clllcin, as it Is
fonrod tLe nationalists will tako host
ages. Homo Folks Greet Andrews.
Menomlnqo, Mich. Roger M. An
drows, one of Uio soventoon defend
ants In tho Newberry election caso,
found guilty by a Jury, returned to
his homo hero and was greeted as a
conquering hero by citizens ot Me
nominee. A delegation ot bunlnoss
men mot him at tho railroad station
nad an address ot wolcomo was ex
tended. Floral tributes -from many
sources woro rocoived. Androws as
serted that It "woro hotter that six
teen men go to Jail for a violation ot
tho election law than to liavo Henry
Ford in tho senate"
Brandy Concealed In Dolls.
Boston An Italian immigrant wom
an's eagerness to romove from her
trunk a largo china doll led to tho dis
covery by customs officials of 300
quarts ot brandy hidden In various
parts of the Wnltu Star liner Cedrlc,
from Mediterranean porjs. Tho of
Acorn naw a woman hastily tako a doll
rrom her trunk and attompt to carry
it awuy, and also noticed that othur
women woro carrying dolls. Investi
gation found the brandy beneath tho
dress of tho first doll and a quart hot
Uo concealed In tho clothing ot each
ot tho others.
New Gold Discovery.
Aleask, BaBk. Whllo working In a
ehallow woll tun miles oast ot here,
Georgo Egstead brought up what ap
peared to bo gold nuggets, and analy
sis at Calgury is said to havo de
veloped that the mineral was ot good
quality. Friday ho fllud a cluml at tho
Dominion lnd office. Thu woll is lo
cated on tho farm ot W. Andrew, near
a crock. It 1b said to be an ideal
placo for placer mining, and tho dis
covery tins created much excltoment.
Earthquake on Martlnque.
Fort DoFrunco, Martlnquo. A rath
or utrpng ourtliBhoclc was felt here
early. No damage was caused.
Qompers Says Float Is On.
Washington, D. C Sninuol Qom
pert, writing In tho current Issuo ot
ttie American Fodurnllonlst, assorts
that labor's nonpartisan political fight
will bo aimed "particularly at tho de
feat of Uioso candidates who arc en
' emols of labor," "Tho light Is on,"
tho article said, "abor has no weapon
but tho truth, no force but the force
of reason and argument. Us appeal
In to the heart and brain ot America.
Its ujtn is tho welfni'u ot the Amorlcati
- uutlon, the safeguarding ot tho Amor-
icon democracy."
& 4
"Danderlne" check that
dandruff and atop hair
Get n small bottle of "Danderlne" at
Any drug store for a few cents, pour n
little into your hand and rub well into
the scalp with the finger tips. By
morning most, If not all, of this awful
scurf will linve disappeared. Two or
three applications often remove every
hit of dandruff and stop falling hair.
Every hair on scalp shortly shows moro
life, vigor, brightness, thickness and
color. Adv.
Thei Contrary Sex.
"How would you answer the objec
tion to equal suffrage that every wom
an would think and vote Just ns her
husband does?"
"That the user of that argument was
not n married man."
Bayer Company, who Introduced Aa-
plrln in 1900, give proper
To get quick relief follow carefully
the safe and proper directions In each
unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin." This package is plainly
stomped with tho safety "Bayer
The "Bayer Cross" means tho gen
uine, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed
by physicians for over eighteen years.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can bo
taken safely for Colds, Headache.
Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lum
bago, Rheumatism, Joint Fains, Neu
ritis, and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tnblcts cost
but a few cents. Druggists 'also sell
larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is
the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture
of Monoacetlcacldcstcr of Salicylic
acid. Adv.
Cruity Comment.
"Wo nil think tho bnby has got Itr
mother's noso."
"I'm glad to hear It. Then she
:nn't go around nny more poking il
,'nto other people's business."
Tho ten tree is nn evergreen.
What Neighbors Say
Woldon, CoIo.s-"I am glad to add my
testimony in regard to what Dr. Picrco a
Anurlo Tablets havo dona for mo. I am suro
tncy saved my wo;
and If I can bo in
strumental in help
ing others I will feci
well repaid. My
kidneys and bladder?
vrcro in very bad
condition for a long
time and got worso
every day. I used
ono bottlo of a well
known kidney medl-
VvmySWzZ liof. then I took two
bottles of another
remedy and used them but got worso every
day. I was in terrible shape, was disturbed
eight to twelve times In a night and suffered
excruciating pain and thcro would bo a
thick brownish sediment. I was despondent.
At lost I saw 'Anuria' advertised in a
Kansas City paper and I thought it just
cuitcd my caso bo I sent to Dr. Picrco's
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y for a trial
package, which was ten cents. I took two
tablots at night and felt much hotter in tho
morning and by tho second morning I
didn't fool any pain at all whcnToiding tho
kidney eccrotion. In a week there was no
ocdlmcut in tbo water, and it has been
normal ovor since. That was eighteen
months ago. therefore it would bo hard to
mako tho claim for 'Anurlo' too stronr"
When Run-down and
in Need of a Tonic
Kansas City, Kans. "About tho only
medicine I havo ever given my littlo boy is
Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Discovery.
Ho novcr was very strong, and being deli
cate would bcoomo run-down very quickly;
would suffer loss of nppctlto. I would givo
him tho 'Golden Medical Discovery' and it
always built 1dm upin good health. I havo
also given this modlclno as a spring tonlo;
for such 'Golden Medical Discovery' has no
equal. I do recommend its usoi MRS.
GEO. MAUL, 1043 N. 13th BU
Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean
serious disorders. The world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladdf and uric acid troubles
tmnjr quick relief and oftan ward ofl
deadly diacaMa. Known aa tha national
remedy of Holland for mora than SCO
yaara. All druggists, In three? !.
Luek far Ifce una Cold MnJtl oa everr hoi
aa4 except do tmilUon
INM laT MA aMlllllllll t BtHAUiH a. - w u.-
i iikvnLbv CJalVi
w &z
HPiw' & ' '?4aaaH
- IPjf aaaaaaXa.i.!.. .m w I'. aW
J. V. sutiotis of Louisiana lias nt
Inst set out for his life's goal, a sent
in the7 United Stntes senate. He has
risen step by step In politics with the
senntorshlp In view, and his chief as
set is personal ncqualntnnco with about
75,000 voters In his state.
Stable Rates and Big Production
Aim of Chamber.
Convention of the United States Com
merce Body to Tackle Big
Washington, March 20. Seeing In
Increased production a means of re
storing normal business nnd price con
ditions, the Chamber of Commerce of
the United States, It is announced, will
make Its eighth nnnunl meeting, to bo
held in Atlantic City April 27 to 29,
nn incrensed-production convention.
Every topic will be considered from
that viewpoint. Tho relation of gov
ernment to production will bo tnken
up, nnd under that heading will bo
considered nntl-trust legislation nnd
taxation. Business of every kind Is
dcclnred to bo keenly Interested in
taxation, especially excess-profits taxes.
Another phnse of tho problem to be
discussed will ho the pnrt of the gov
ernment, the farmer and the business
man In Increasing farm production.
Secretnry of Agriculture Meredith will
spenk for tho government. The rela
tion of labor to production will he ap
proached from both sides, the em
ployee's viewpoint to bo presented by
n representative of the American Fed
eration of Labor nnd the employer's by
n business man. There will be group
meetings of ench of soveral great divi
sions of Industry.
Masked Men Force Way Into Official's
Home Shoot Him Escape i
In Automobile.
London, March 20. The lord mnyor
of Cork wns shot dead at one o'clock
this morning. Tho revolver wns tired
by masked persons whose Identity Is
unknown. iThey entered his residence
nnd, after firing the shot, escaped In
un automobile.
A half dozen men knocked nt tho
dpor of tho home of the lord mnyor,
Thomas MncGurln. Mrs. MncGurln
opened the door and the men rushed
In. Some of them held her while oth
ers rim upstairs to tho mnyor's bed
room.' They took him to tho landing
nnd shot him In tho chest. They then
Mnyor MncGurln, n prominent Sinn
Felner, wns Interned after the Banter
rebellion. He hnd been nrrested sev
eral times before, accused of polit
ical crimes.
Seven Hundred and Thlrty.One In Chi
cago District Pay Taxes on Over
$1,000,000 Incomes.
Chicago, March 20. -Evidence that
the Chicago district Is fertile territory
for tho growt'i of big Incomes Is
shown In the department of Internal
revenue compilation, which lists :it
more $1,000,0000 Incomes this jenr
than Inst.
Tho figures show thnt 731 persons In
tho district, which Includes nil the ter
ritory between tho north state boun
dary and l'eorln, now pay taxes on In
comes of $1,000,000 or moro. The In
crease, ofllclfils Mild, Is the biggest In
this district of nny In tho country.
Turks Protest Allied Occupation.
Constantinople, Inurch 20. Tho
Turkish chamber of deputies has ad
journed as n protest ugnlust allied oc
cupation of this city and the deporta
tion ot a number of Turkish National
ist leaders.
Bryan Is 81xty Years Old.
New York, March 22. William Jen
nings Bryan celebrated his sixtieth
birthday In New York Friday, Ho ar
rived lvre from Washington to speak
at a bnuquct to bo given In his honor
by friends at tho Aldlue club.
Would Elect U. S. Judaes.
Washington, March 22, A resolution
imposing a constitutional amendment
'or tho direct election of federal judges
vna introduced by Senator Ln Follctto
Itep.) of Wisconsin. It wns referred
o tho Judiciary committee.
New3 of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
For the first time in the history of
Nebraska a court of Knight Com
panions of tho Court of Honor wns
held when tho lnvestltute of the or
der was conferred on 29 masters from
nil parts of tho state at the Scottish
Itlto cathedral at Omaha. The candi
dates were elected to receive the honor
by the supremo council of the Ancient
rind Accepted Scottish Rite, southern
Jurisdiction, In Its conclave last Octo
ber. The Inquiry ordered by the state
supreme court, on petition of the
Judges of Douglns county, as to wheth
er nny of the attorneys Interested, In
tho release on furlough of Burl C.
Kirk, Omaha bandit, from the state
prison, linde done anything that would
require further action of the courts,
cost the stale $1,800.
Following Governor McKelvIe's de
mand that he resign because of his
returning an Increase In salary which
was allowed under the cole daw, denied
by the stnte supreme court, State Fire
"Warden Beach compiled with the re
quest in a letter to the stnte chief
executive, which airly sizzled with
At the closing session of the D. A.
It. annual convention at Hastings Nio
brara chapter of that city was given
a silk flag for having the largest gain
in membership of any chapter In tho
state. The chnpter's gain the past
years was declared to be 90 per cent.
Miss Anna 13, Yockel of Beatrlco Is
the first woman candidate in Nebraska
for on executive state ofllce, she hav
ing Med with the secretary of state
at Lincoln as a cundldate for tho demo
cratic nomination on April 20 for sec
retary of state.
A bronze tablet to the memory of
graduates and former students of tho
state engineering college at Lincoln,
who died In military service during the
war Is proposed by Sigma Tau, hon
orary engineering fraternity.
Ord Is embarking upon Improve
ments which will aggregate 500,000,
Including n new court house, sewer
system, a new ofllce nnd bnnk build
ing and a considerable nmount of pav
ing. Ovor 100 ex-servlco men of Lincoln
nnd Lancaster county have formed a
club for the purpose of assisting In
the cnmpalgn to secure the republican
presidential nomination for General
Petitions bearing over 7,000 names
were filed with the secretary of state
nt Lincoln for tho nomination of dele
gates to the republican natlonnl con
vention by supporters of MnJ. Gen.
Loss by flro of undetermined origin
In fho Union stock yards nt Nebraska
City Is estimated at $100,000. Several
small buildings and 500 hogs were also
destroyed by tho flames.
Bunvell's school facilities are Inade
quate to enro for tho growing popula
tion nnd a proposition is soon to be
put to citizens of tho city to vote
boiujs for a new structure.
The scarcity of houses In Fremont
has led tho board of trustees of the
First Cluistlnn church to purchase an
?8,000 house to bo used as a residence
for tho pastor.
A new Curtis airplane was wrecked,
five store fronts bjown In and manjr
houses hnd wlridows destroyed at Mc
Cook by a GO-mlle gale that swept
over the city.
Dpshlcr city ofllclals havo been as
Bured by census takers that tho city's
population will be close to ono thous
and when tho ofllclnl count Is com
pleted. A salary budget carrying nn lncrcnsc
of nearly $200,000 was passed by the
board of regents of the state universi
ty nt tho meeting at Lincoln.
The melting of heavy snows In North
nnd South Dnkotn Is said to bo re
sponsible for tho rapid rlso ot thu
Missouri river In tho past few days.
llenyv hogs sold as low ns $10 per
hundred nt tho South Omaha market
Inst week, the lowest In many months.
Arrangements a'ro being made at No
lirnskn City to hold an automobile
show the first week in April.
Nebraska third class postmasters
have nsked congress for nn Increase
in salary.
The republican stato convention will
bo held In tho city auditorium nt Lin
coln, Muy 18. Tho cnll authorizes the
seating of 811 delegates from the
various counties of tlio stnte.
A crato of 55 hens, hauled to Fre
mont in his nutomoblle, brought $05
when offered for salo by Georgo noag
Innd of Mend. Years ago a load of
hogs brought less than that.
Samuel G. Hudson, postmaster of
Lincoln, who died suddenly jus
recently, Is tho third Lincoln postmas
ter to dlo during President Wilson's
administration. Ho was 05 years old.
School teachers at Waco have been
grunted a salary increase of SO per
cont by tho school board.
State democratic committeemen havo
rolled tho state convention nt Omaha
on May 18. Tho dato previously had
been fixed by law.
Figures Just made public by Provost
Marshal Crowdcr at Washington show
that Nebraska's total registration for
the draft was 287,414 or 1.2 per cent
of the total registration ln tho coun
try, which was 23,003,570. Of this
tote's total only 1,048 were rejected
nd 31,270 received Into ,i.o service.
A cti"pulgn Is to be pin on in -Nebraska
for 11 vo days beginning April -1
to raise $3,500, this state's apportion
ment for America's gift to France.
The campaign will be conducted
through the schools, Every city nnd
county superintendent will bo nsked to
give tho children and citizens a chnnce
to subscribe.
Tho action of the stnte supremo
court, in affirming tho validity of tho
referendum as applied to the gover
nor's code hill, affects the status of
State Conpcnsatlon Commissioner Ken
nedy to tho extent of reducing his
salary from $5,000 to $1,500 a year.
Other membors of tho department are
likewise affected.
Governor McKelvle has extended
until June 4 the date for the electro
cution of Alson B. Cole, who Is under
sentenco to die with Allen V. Gram
mer for the murder of the hitter's
mother-in-law. Grammer's evccutlon
has been automatically stayed by court
John Speedle, deputy stnte super
intendent of schools, has sent a letter
to E. L. Hunt of Syracuse, In which
.ho holds that all qualified voters of a
proposed consolidation district, where
n small village is included, arc entitled
to vote on the establishment of the
Overdrafts of $40,000 have been un
covered nt the American State bank
at Aurorn by J. E. Hart, secretary ol
tho State Banking board, who has as
sumed charge of the institution since
It voluntarily closed its doors on
March 17.
Twenty-nine prominent Lincoln busi
ness men sent a request to Attorney
General Davis to find some way in
which the expense of submitting tho
referendum on the administrative code,
estimated to be $200,000, can be elimi
nated. Ofllclals of Tecumseh, determined
that the city must have a better wa
ter supply, are Investigating the mat
ter of purification of water from tho
Missouri river ot Nebraska City and
Colonies of prairie dogs that havo
long Infested the fields in the neigh
borhood northwest of Duncan, Platte
county, are to be exterminated by
County Agent W. G. Mcltuer nnd tho
farm owners in that vicinity.
York citizens were shocked on tho
morning of March 12, when Lawrence
Harrington, whose homo wns In Au
rora, 111., shot his wife In the head
at the home of her mother, Mrs. Rosa
Keycs, nnd then killed himself.
Tho Guide Rock village board has
accepted n proposition with the South
ern Nebraska Light nnd Power com
pany of Superior for tne building of
transmission lines nnd furnishing cur
rent for tho vlllnge.
The state campaign to raise Ne
braska's apportionment of the 1020
lnter-church world movement budget
of $330,777,572, will start April 25 and
continue until May 2.
Tho new agricultural engineering
building of the Nebrnskn college of
agriculture nt Lincoln, said to be tho
finest of its kind in America, will be
dedicated April 14.
One feature of the national conven.
tlon'Of the prohibition party In Lin
coln, July 21, will be nn Interstate ora
torical contest under the auspices of
the W. C. T. U.
nolt county liny men expect a sharp
advance In tho wholesale hay mnrket
within the next week nnd the market
may reach $30, when spring farm
work begins.
Smallpox has broken out nmoi)g
students at the State University at
Lincoln. Every student of the insti
tution Is advised to be vncclnatcd at
Cottages for automobile tourists are
included in the plans for $170,000 Im
provements to tho Midway Amusement
park on the Lincoln highway nt Kear
ney. Odell, Steele City, Lanhnm and Dll-
ler have been connected with a 24-
hour lighting nnd power service
furnished by the Herklm Supply com
pany. Valley county ofllclals estimate the
county's wealth at $25,000,000, bnslnc
their conclusion on real estate trans
fers of the past few days.
Several thousand dollnrs damage re
sulted to farm buildings In the vicini
ty of O'Neill when a terrific wlud
storm swept tho district.
Tho non-partisan league will placo
an entire legislative ticket In the Held
In Boyd, Holt, Keyn Pahn, Wlleeler
nnd Gartlold counties.
Col. John G. Maher of Lincoln de
clined to accept petitions to plncc his
nnmo on the democratic primary ballot
for governor.
Ovor $18,000 worth of native furs
wcro shipped from Burwcll since the
first of tho year.
Tho sudden slump in stock prices at
the South Omaha market Is snid to
have been due to tho unsettled condi
tions In Germnny.
Richardson nnd Nemnha county fish
ermen report fishing In tho Missouri Is
tho best In history. Two men made a
haul of 1,000 pounds of fish In a Blngle
day last week.
General Pershing's cnndldncy for
tho presidential nomination wns form
ally launched when a petition nsklng
that his name be placed on the repub
lican primary ballot In April, was filed
wltli tho secretary of state ut Lincoln.
Citizens of Fnlrbury are organizing
a $25,000 corporation to build a mun
icipal swimming pool.
Among tho improvements planned at
tho stato fair grounds at Lincoln this
yearo nro a new entrnnce and exit and
a new paved approach to the grounds.
Twenty-six hens laid twenty-three or
moro eggs ench during February ln
the national egg laying contest being
conducted by the Nebraska agricul
tural experiment stntlon nt Lincoln.
One hen, a Rhode Island Red, owned
by tho M. C. Peters Mill Co., of
Omohn, laid twenty-eight
If Constipated, Bilious
or Headachy, take
Feel bully I Bo efficient! Don't stay
sick, bilious, headachy, constipated.
Remove tho liver and bowel poison,
which is keeping your head dizzy,
your tongue coated, your breath bad
and stomach sour. Why not spend u
few cents for n box of Cascarets and
enjoy tho nicest,, gentlest laxative-cathartic
you ever experienced? Cas
carets never gripe, sicken or incon
venience one like Salts, Oil, Calonml
or harsh Pills. They work while yon
sleep. Adv.
Had Experience.
Doctor Chargcm (meeting former
mtJent) Ah, good morning, Mr.
Blnks. How are you feeing this morn
ng? Blnks (cautiously) Doctor, does ,lt
cost anything If I tell you? Boston
How to Get Relief When Head
Nose Are Stuffed Up.
Oount fifty. Your cold In head or
catarh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freely. No more snuffling,
hawking, mucous discharge, dryness
or headache, no struggling for breath
at night
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply o
little of this fragrant antiseptic
cream In your nostrils. It penetrates
through every air passage of the head,
soothing and healing the swollen or
Inflamed o mucous membrane, giving,
you instant relief. Head colds and
catarrh yield like magic, t Don't stay
stuffed-up and miserable. Relief lit
sure. Adv.
Dire Conaequences.
She You liked my cooking well
enough Just after we were married.
He I didn't have dyspepsia then.
If You Need a Medicine ,
You Should Have the BesfT
Have you ever stopped to reaeon why
it is that so many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten? The
reason is plain the article did not fulfill
the promises of the manufacturer. This
applies more particularly o a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is.
recommended by those who have been
benefited, to those who arc in need of it.
A prominent druggist says "Take for
example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a
preparation I have sold for many years?
and never hesitate to recommend, for in
almost every case it shows excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who havo
used tho preparation, the sitccess of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact,
o many people claim, that it fulfills al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments; conrccts uri
nary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.,
and enclose ten cents; also mention this
paper. Large and medium size bottle?
for sale at all drug stores. Adv.
Cheerfulness Is an excellent wenr-
Ing qunllty. It has been called the
bright weather of the heart. Samuel
A pawnbroker who Is nlways
ranclng Is naturally progressive-.
Drugstores SelUt.
Five million people
use it to KILL COLDS
Standard cold remedy for 20 yer
in laoici lorm uie, ture, no
opiates -breaks up a cold in Zt
. noura relieves grip in j aayt.
Money back if it fall. The
genuine dojc mi a Ked
top witn nr. Mint
At All Drag 5or
ivfncj iHfn
LARGEST house in tho world
1 specializing in apparel forex
pectant mothers. Newest styles.
Lowest prices because of our own
manufacturing. Your money back
if you are not satisfied.
SlyU Book FREE
Picturing latent atrlea In Coata,
Bolts, Dreaaea, Coraeta, etc.
Write Dept.Y-3
Clear Baby's Skin
With Cuticura
Soap and Talcum
Sap 2St Okbmert 25 ud SCe, Talesw 25c
BHBl i Anlir nW
-i-M.fJ4l- ..-,