Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, March 18, 1920, Image 6

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zo yuuj&r
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
I Lju.
Don't let constipation poison your blood
and curtail yourenergy.
If your liver and bowels
er I y tako
Utile Liver k
a Ilia luud
and your
trouble will
cease. For dizziness, lack of appetite,
headache and blotchy skin nothing
can equal them. Purely vegetable.
Small Pill Small Dose Small Price
great nerve and blood tonic for
Anemia, Rheumatism, NcrvoHsncss,
Sleeplessness and Female Weakness.
Qcealas nasi tear lgiifre VtO'urts'eoeCt
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painfal
It is usually an indication that the
kidneys are out of order. Keep
these organs healthy by taking
The world's standard remedy for kldni y,
liver, bUdder apd uric acid troubles.
Famous since" 1690, Take) regularly and
keep In good health. In three sizes. All
druggists. Guaranteed as represented.
Look for the name Cold Medal on ovcry fox
and accept no Imitation
What Next?
A cook recently engaged by u worn
nu of conspicuous wealth, mid fashion,
brought her own mulil with her.
Through every rank of society Uko con
ditions prevail. Now York Herald.
Cntr'n CnrltollmiHc (Illicitly Itrlletra
and heals burning. Itching nnd torturing
skin diseases. It Instantly stops the pnln
or burns, Hoals without senrs. 2i nnd Wo.
AbIc. your, druggist, or send 25o to Tho J.
W, Colo Co., Uockford, III., for a pltg.Adv.
Home, of the "public movementH"
nro gone Into for something to do nnd
Others for KoinHiody to do,
112 Millions
used last year
!$v vvgjs
Standard cold remedy for ttTyuri
. o ueui lorae eate, aura, ao
opiate breaks up a cold la It
kBourt relieves grip in I dan.
Money back If It fail. The
. genuine box na a Ked
Ttop with Mr. Hm'a
picture. i
At All Drm Star
Children Who An Sickly
Wlien your child cries at night, toatea
restlcaaly la Its tlccp. Is constipated, lev
erlib or has eym.Hom of worm, you feci
worried. Mother who value lucir own
comfort and the welfare o their chlldreu,
ehould never be without a box. ot
Mother Gray's Sweet
Powders for Children
ior ue mrouiuoui iub
ton They tend to Ureak
up Cold, relieve l'everlili
nai, Conitlpallon, Teeth
inn Disorder, move and
regulate the Dowel and
deilroy War me. These
pander are Dleatant to
take and eaiy tor parent
torWa. Ilia claanta the
lomaeb. act on the Liver Trade Mark,
aad live healthful tleep Don't accept
by regulating the child's any eutattltute.
UnJh tHfikiriftr rvr JO r Sold
br alldrutelxla. Suiple mailed HHlUt.
Add'ew, Mother Gray Co., I.e Koy, NYU
l)t sure you ask for and obtain U
Mothir Graj's Sweol Powder (or Children.
IANB BRYANT-BpoclallattnMatcr.
J nity clothes. Nowest modus; conceal
condition. Worn bv over
a million mothers. Your
Money bach if not mtitfed.
Styla Book FREE
Picturing lit rt stylea in Coatt,
bulls, JJrcuei, Loricts, etc.
c.;- Wrlw Deju 1
loo V
Coughs Grow Better
urptlflly eooa, throat Inflammation dltap.
I war, UrtUiUoH'l reUeved and throat Uck
In atopa, whea yiM ue reliable, tlme-ltated
TTits photograph, tuken at Gtmntnnniiio bay, Cuba, where tliu Atlnntlc fleet
fJlmpson boardlujc tho battleship Pennsylvania to meet Admiral Wilson.
Reed Found In
Soviet Russia
Communist Long Sought on
Charge of Conspiring Against
United States.
Lenlne Welcomes Him as Envoy From
United States Communist Party
Lived in Kremlin as Quest
, of Authorities.
Washington. -Tolm Reed, 'close
friend of Lcnlnc and Trotzky, who Is
under Indictment in Chicago for al
leged conspiracy to overthrow tho
United States government, arrived In
soviet Russia by way of Finland Inst
December, It Is learned. Since his In.
dlctmcut recently federal und Illinois
statu agents hnvu been searching for
Reed nil over tho United States.
On being told of Reed's presence In
Russia It Is not known yot whether
ho has left there tho stnto depart
ment was Interested to learn the chan
nel through which ho obtained a pass
port. Tliu department Is Informed that
ho shipped ns a sailor from nn Ameri
can port to Norway. From thoro he
traveled on foot to Stockholm. There
ho stowed himself away, or vwas
plowed away, on a vessel about to sail
for Hefslngfors.
Tho adventurous Mr. Reed narrow
ly escaped arrest In Ilolslugfors, but,
disguising himself its n Russian peas
ant, he crossed the frontier Into Rus
ln. lie wns received In Moscow as
the nfllclnl envoy of the American
Comnulnlst party, nnd ns such at
tended the moctlngs of tho third In
ternatlonale, nnd made a speech nt the
All-Russian Soviet convention In the
niltldln of December.
Lived at the Kremlin.
In Moscow Mr. Reed lived nt tho
Kremlin ns. tho guest of tho people's
He was In constant, communication
vilh l.wilno and Trotzky, It Is stnted,
Use atones as Money,
Says This U. S. Marine
Han Francisco. Stones, flat
smooth ones, with holes drilled
In tho center, constitute tho form
of money the Yaps use, accord
ing to Marino Corps Sorgt. U
hertos Bresunhnn, who Just re
turned from the Orient und who
wns a visitor recently at the
Island of Yap, a tropical Isle In
tho Pacific, used as n trnns-Pn-cltlc
cnblo station.
"A Yap dollar stone weighs
two pounds," adds tho marlnq.
"When tho natives get on top
of a mountain and pitch pennies
It reminds one of a landslide."
Aviator Has Thrilling Experience
Trying for Record.
Oxygen Tank Begins to Fall and Flyer
Almost Loses Con
(J sclousness.
Dayton, O. Dropping ,14,000 feet
while tlx tulles in the air and still
alive today was nn experience through
which MnJ. R. Schroeder, chief teat
pilot ut MrCoolt field ami champion
ultltudo tlyer of tho socrct service,
pussed recently.
Major Schroeder formerly lived on
Washington boulovnrd, Chicago. He
mndu his first Might over the 'stock
jimlw hero ten days ago.
White making n maximum test night
In n I.o Peru ship, lu which ho has
boon Hying for altitudes, Schroeder
tititlced tho thermomoti'r'of the ship.
It registered fl' degrees below y.ero.
and visited the Red army nt the front.
Mr. Reed wns lu Moscow until the
middle of January. Of that tho state
department Is quite certain. Ills ie
coptlon In Russln was the warmer be
cause two years ago Trotzky appoint
ed him bplshevlst consul general ,nt
Now York. Mr. Reed never assumed
that olllce, for, as It turned out, the
appointment wns inndo to facilitate
his return to the United States.
It would seom that Reed antici
pated thnt he would bo Indicted nnd so
sought Inure hospitable shores. In tho
courso of the widespread search for
him ns n fugitive from justice n mnn
suspected of being Reed was arrested
near Poughkeepslo, N. Y. This man
proved that he wns Harrison 1$. Kills,
that he had not been In Chicago for 15
Grim "End of
Perfect Dream
Living Conditions in Russia Pic
' tured in Dismal Colors by
Prof. Zeidler.
Typhus, Cholera and Influenza Are
Rapidly Depleting the Population
Cold, Hungor and Despair
Are Lot of the Living.
Helslngfors. Reports of serious liv
ing conditions nt Pctrograd have been
received by Prof. 'Hermann Zeidler of
Vlb'org, showing thut typhus, cholera
and Influenza are diking it heavy toll
ot the depleted population.
Up to January 15 deaths In Petro
igrttd wore reaching u total of 8,000 a
dny, Tho colli n factories could turn
out only 1,000 cotllns dully, nnd most
ot the bodies were being carried into
tho country on sleds nnd left In the
Many bodies were being dropped
through tho ice In tho River Npva. Fu
nerals, woro prohibited owing to tho
scarcity of horses and because of tho
depressing effect of funeral proces
sions. -
Stagnant Broken Sewers.
"Living conditions arc intolerable,"
Professor Zeidler said. "It costs flO,
000 Lcnlno rubles n day for food alono.
Pctrograd nt nlgh't Is without light
and there Is very little drinking water.
Houses nro flooded by the bursting of
frozen pipes. The sowers are stopped
nnd sanitary conditions nro deplora
ble. v
"A month ago the number of fphus
enses was !HX) 'n dnv and Hteinlllv In-
I creasing. Hospital conditions are in
In this extreme cold tho oxygen
tank began to fall.
Ho had Hourly lost consciousness
when ho suddenly realized that ho was
losing his benso of direction and con
trol. He ronched for the throttlo of
his ship and missed. He then tried
tho switches.
Suddenly the ship dropped. At 18,
000 feet Major Schroeder partly ro
galited consciousness und found that
his ship wns turning a spiral. In n
desperate effort hu righted the Le
Pere, which began diving safely" Into
MeCook field.
As a result of the ordeal Schroedor's
sense ot hearing is dulled.
lie was at the hangars next day pre
paring to mnko another flight. Nerves
shaken? &ol
It Is for him that Is lonely or "lit
prison to dream of followMilp,.but for
htm that Is of a fellowship to do and
not to dream. William Morris.
Is at winter practice, shows Aurulral
i years and hod never uttered or written
unpatriotic opinions.
t mighty-five big nnd little leaders ol
I the Communist party In Amerlcn were
Indicted In Chicago on the same
' charge its Reed on January 23 Inst.
Among them were Mrs. Rose Pastor
Stokes of New York City, n member ot
the (Vcecutlvo committee of the Com
munist pnrty; Nicholas J. riourwltch
of New York city, publisher of Novy
Mir, tho most prominent Russian
newspaper In tho United States, who
formerly employed Leon Trotzky;
Isaac E. Ferguson, chief counsel for
the pnrty, nnd Louis E. C. FrnlnC, edi
tor In chief of nil Communist propa
ganda In this country, who Is In Mex
ico. It Is believed. .
The authorities here regard Reed,
although he wns graduated from Har
vard, ns one of the most earnest young
Communists In America. Before the
Indictment which hnngs over him was
found, federal and state courts had In
dicted Reed for alleged seditious ut
terances and writings. But the Indict
ments were quashed, or, on being tried,
ho was ncqultted.
describably bad. Thoro Is no bed linen,
no medicines, no soap and no disin
fectants, the Inst of the supply of sub
limate having given out January 1,
when .15 disinfecting stations were
"The people have given up hope and
they do not wish to live. They make
grim Jokes among themselves ns to
how much longer they will hold out."
Conditions among tho soviet peas
antry, cost of living nnd scenes nt
Moscow and tho other soviet centers
nre given by the staff correspondent ot
the Amsterdnm Hnndelsblnd, O. Ny
pels. Just back from nn extended tour
through soviet Russia.
"At tho rallwny station in Smo
lensk," the correspondent writes,
"there Is a long row of stalls In which
people sit behind little bnrred wln
dows und sell all sorts of merchandise,
"I noticed tho prices. One pound o
suited meat was 820 rubles; a pound
of black bread, 100 rubles; n little
pleco of potato cake, 40 rubles. A lit'
tie water glnss full of makhorka (to
bacco root) wns 100 rubles.
"On the station platform one seei
the solillcrs lying about amidst tlif
dirt which covors tho ground. Thoj
roll their cigarettes with bits of pa
per torn from newspapers, and wall
patiently for what will happen next.
"By the side of n big cash reglstei
stands a barmaid selling salted meat)
cake nnd pastry to tho smnrtl
dressed men guthered about her, Th
poor devils lying on the ground do nol
oven notice It, for thoy know very well
that In the new stnto there are rich
men und poor men Just as beforo."
Black and White Wed.
Loudon. Black and White wero the.
names of the brldo and bridegroom at
a North London wedding, Tho namo
of the best man was Brown.
London Judge Says It's a Question
Requiring Much Thought 60
Reserves Judgment
London. Whnt Is the cash value of
a wife? Is u question which agitated the
London divorce court for a time.
Counsel for tho husband In a case,
arguing on thq question of damages,
said that "the old theory that a wife
was a chattel and that tho Jury had to
award damnges to the owner of the
property still holds truo with some
slight modlllcntlon."
"Then you cnll her a quasl-chatfel,"
said he Judge. The court found thd
matter too heavy for hasty decision
nnd reserved Judgment.
State Gets Walter's $35,000.
Sun Francisco. Tho $35,000 estate"
left by Unrry Hastings, ti waiter at the
Klk club hero, will go to tho state be
muse tho public administrator has
been unable to loento any relatives.
Hastings enmo hero 'from the Euol
'.15 years ago.
In WW . Here's Wk
mm m toteeth M
in w appetite H
wm m The flavor digestion! f
gjgjH lasts-and the A
MH g electrically- j
arrtrtTfTTtl X an1aA V M 52
p package w v f
to you with all Its Bff
4 - goodness perfect- B I
y preserved. W A
m Seated Jl m
ym. Tight ijiffij
$rSy gtlta5iT If-3) llJIllEUlUilJMilLIJlJllliJU
jglfffimf iyi 3chewingciimF I
. uuv .J
1 ftA, . . I i
'Ajs?essse ait i i
x.-.. ... "X... 'V..X. X. .. . V
The Easiest.
"What Is the best way
hard cash?"
"Working some soft thing."
Important to Mother
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, thtat famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see thut It
Bears the -0 tm'
Signature ofit75jgJf
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Perhaps a pretty girl Is called a
"peach" because she has a heart of
... .. . .. ..-
If your Aspirin tablets have' the
namo "Bayer" stamped on them,
they are gonumo "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin," proved safe by mil
lions of people. The namo "Bayer"
identifies the true world-famous
Aspirin prescribed by physicians
for over eighteen years.
Always drink ono or two glasses
of water after taking tho tablets.
Each unbroken "Bayer package'.
Aipltki It ttide mi of Birer Mtaalactare Moflotcctlcicldnter ol SillcWktcId
't' t 1 1 1 1 "t "!" -f-!H4'-M'H4rfH"",,'-,,M!,';,A'
How Tastes Change!
Pnynter Aren't wo losing our tnsto
for the liner things?
Greene I'm nfrultl so. After a man
has eaten margarine for a time regular
butter tastes as If there wan some
thing the matter with It l London Answers.
How About YourCatarrh?
Do You Want Real Relief?
Then Throw Away Your Sprays
and Other Makeshift Treat
ment. Why! Simply because you have
overlooked the cause of catarrh,
and all of your treatment has been
misdirected. Remove tho ciuse of
the clogged-up accumulations that
choke up your air passages, and
they will naturally disappear for
good. But no matter how many
local applications you use to tem
With That Voice.
U. i have formed the habit of sing
ing at my work.
Shenow you must hnto It.
f Night
KeepVbur Eyfes
If a cook has n good temper It's
sign that ho Is not a good cook.
$100 Reward, $100
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly Influ
enced by constitutional -conditions. It
thoreforo requires constitutional treat
Is taken internally and act throueh the
Blood on the Mucous Surfacbs of tho Sys
destroys the foundation of tho disease,
gives tho patient strength'by Improving
the general health and assists nature In
doing Its work. 1100.00 for any case of
Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE falls to euro.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. I
There Is no punishment for wasting
taxes; so it nevqr stops.
itft )ilaa afciJtafctla tfta if a a! tBa fcafai?aaiiti84 ewlfte eaf4
- I
With Water
contains proper directions for
Colds, Headache, Toothache, Ear
ache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheu
matism, Neuritis, and for Fain.
Always say "Bayer" when buy
ing Aspirin. Then look for tho
safety "Bayer Cross" on tho pack
age and on tho tablets.
Handy tin boxes of twelvo tab
lets cost but a few cents. Drug
gists also soil, larger packages.
"Are you going to enjoy yourself at
the movies?"
"Well, we do expect to have a reel
good time."
The different diseases which affect
mankind number about 1,-00.
porarily clear them away, thoy
will promptly re-appear until their
cause is removed.
S. S. S. is an antidote to the mil
lions of tiny Catarrh germs with
which your blood is infested. A
thorough course of thi3 remedy
will cleanse and purify your blood,
and remove the disease germs
which causo Catarrh.
For free medical advice write to
Chief Medical Adviser, 101 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.
neaiorca v-oior ana
Beauty to Grey and FadadlUV
toe. and II 04 at dnrrlita.
BUnoiCti.m. Wki.P.ubcrn. W.Y
.rCORNS HnnoTM rvm. r.l.t
Intl.. U. . .n.! all tMlf. aninM. ...... ... a....'
teat, nvikt-i alktn ar. Us. by- mail op at Drtir
(im. mroxCfetwitecjWorta.t-atcl.or'.a.I-.T.
Sunoiutittr, Itemovea Wrinkle. V,hniu hi. la.
Tighten Snsglne Muscles. 4 trra't icnt 60c.
J l'repalil l'eurl Sana, CO June, s .11 1 ranrltoo.
VB fiTAKT YOU In buil!if wriu J: (JC
r year. Write for particulars 1 u t Sav-
ins Co., HIT S. Seventh St., ay- u. iM, IU,
t&t Ut fr b Cr Be HuriA Co,Olc0.u