DAKOTA CITJ, NEDltAflKA - Wsac.7.asr,Tav-TS rarjsj.'.tgr.mWL.-ft KmtXitr-.xTr.tAftja yjjjg DAKOTA COUNTS UEUAIDi i Wk L 4 V 2?T E- r ,Y fr , A& 11 You Owe It To Yourself If you don't save every pay day part of what you earn, the other fellow will. Don't let him. , A Savings account with us is a starting ppint. ' Will you make the start this pay day? 4 per cent On Savings and Time Deposits. 4 per cent. Safety Service The Mid -West State Bank 10s Trail Street Sioux City, Iown. S. C. White Leghorn Cockerels from mtitis tiiai'Ni:sti:d hi:ns which laid 230 to 2G4 eggs in their ytillet yenr. A now cockerel strain that insures large, vigorous breeding l)ird9 that will advance the egg lay ing proclivity 6f their daughters. Only n limited number of birds for sale at $5.00 each. x. 31. it. iii:iki:s Phone 70 Fin Dakota City, Neb. LUMBER lilLLWORK ami encral building m.terll tl 25 OR MORE SAVING to jou. Dont ten eontldtr buylnt tmtll you haramrt M complete lift or what yon need Dd ba?e our tloikta tor return mall W hip quick indjuv is freight. fa'rs LUMBER CO. l2.'20 BOYD STIIEKT OMAHA, NEB. T-sltnou what and how to rlartlit ryouriiretabte oatl (lower Harden and r when to plant IL Mitci crops sure nnJ dependable. I Send 10c. for one package 17D?P I each of Giant Pansy and FKfcli adUhietdiBnuget the book- THE HCIVCS LUHLRMAN SEE0 CO., .721 H. C'cveUnd .vc, Cantoa, Onld. 5 livuttiitsi Burpee-sAnnual for 1920 The Leading American Seed Catalog Burpee's Annual is a complete guide fortheVegetnble and Flower garden. If you are Interested in gardening Burpee's Annual will be mailed to you free. Write for your copy today. W.Allee Burpee Co. 21 Burpee' Bldg. Philadelphia LOCAL NEWS ITEMS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 1U20 AT HOMi; EXPECT YO TO Ti.L. 'EM Aii. BOUT VISIT IT The FOLKS "OMAHA'S FUK CENTRE." THE Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville ltlt Alfirt Flllld Willi rilt Clflf, Fiinir Clotni, Oontlll Et)ulic. Brllllint Senile Envltonmciit LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody Goes; Ask Anybody ".HUTS IKE 01GOCST MO BEST ShCVJ WEST OF CHICiGl r How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medlclnci has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thlrty flve years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol son from the Blood and healing the dis eased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short tlmo you will seo a great Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at onco and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. P, J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Sanford Tuesday. Chas. Sund returned Sunday even ing fiom a week's visit with relatives at Lyons, Neb. Fred Parker autoed down from So. Sioux City Tuesday and took home a jag of chicken feed. Mrs. Irving Fisher went to Spencer, Iowa, Saturday to visit in the home of her son, James Fisher. Mrs. Mollie Broyhill and son Mar ly of Sioux City, were week-end vis itors in Salem at the Arthur Arm bright home. Win. P. Warner and family are now nicely settled in their new home, the Ayres residence, which they re cently purchased. Amos "Wright, a garageman of For dyce, Neb., was a visitor here with R. M. Waddell and family, former old friends, from Thursday till Sat urday. ,Sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Border and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Webster, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore, all of So. Sioux City, on Friday, the 13th. Rev. Cr R. Lowe went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend the convention of Nebraska pastors under the aus pices of the World's Inter Church movement. He will return Saturday. Chas. H. Fueston, manager; of th6 Farmprs' Grain and Supply Co., was a Sunday visitor with his family at Homer. He informs as that he hns disposed of his residence in Homer to Mr. Hoover, the restaurant man. Thos. Gormally of Willis, and Miss Francilla Kerwin of Emerson, were married Wednesday of last week in the Catholic church at Emerson, Fr, Burke officiating. They will make their .future home on a farm near Willis. Among the relatives who were here to attend the funeral of Clayton Hil born were.his father, Ed L. Hilborn, of Long Pine, Neb.; S. J. G. Irwin, of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirk, of Spencer, Neb.; nnd Miss Martha Gal ler, of Creighton, Neb. County Judge S. W. McKinley of ficiated at the following weddings during the past week: Earl D. Jef ferson, of Havolock, Neb., and Coe Sharan, of Lincoln, Neb,, and William It. Thorn and Vorn B. Batman, both of Sioux City, on the 16th. , Mr. Farmer: You could quit worry ing when you hear of your neighbor's hogs dying, if you would only insure your whole herd of hogs in The American Live Stock Insurance Co. We insure hogs against death from any cause. Carl Andersen, Hubbard, Neb. Mr. Walter Sandquist, of Walthill, hns announced his intention to run for the office of representative from this district, including Thurston and Dakota counties. Mr. Sandquist served as representative in tho last legislature, and his clean record erf titles him to re-election. Mrs. A. W. Lang was operated on at the Frederick hospital in Omaha on Tuesday of last week. She is getting along very nicely at this writing, and it is the hope of her ninny friends here that she mnyluue a speedy recovery. Her father, D. Van de Zedde, of this place, was with her during the operation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry II. Adair and little daughter, Margaret Ellen, ar rived homo Tuesday morning from a several weeks' stay in Florida. 'I hey spent mast of tho time at Jackson ville. They report the Geo. W. Mc Bcath family, who reside at Jackson ville, as getting along nicely. Mr. Adnir says that this trip may result in their spending tho winter months there in the future. Miss Lfcla Francisco of Royal, Neb., visited friends hero nnd In Sioux City over Sunday. The high school basketball team will piny the Sloan, Iown, highschpol team here Saturday night. Mrs. M. M. Ream of Sioux City re turned the first of the week from a scvki.l months' visit with rclntives in California. Rev. S. A, Draiso went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend the convention of tho Inter Church World Move ment In session there this week. Otto F. Dahms and Miss Anna Luth, both of Emerson, Neb., were married Wednesday by Rev. C. R Lowe nt tho Lutheran parsonage. Chas. Sund has secured the job as mail messenger between tho post- offices and depots, nt a salary of $30 per month. Ho enters on his duties Mnrch 1st. Mrs. Elizabeth Broyhill left Wed ncsday for Phillipsburg, Kans., ac companying Mrs. Lucy A. Borger to that placo where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Cole. C. E. Armbright has announced tho date for his big closing out sale for Wednesdny, February 25th. He hns a big list of live stock and 'farm machinery, etc,, to dispose of, and it will pay you to attend this sale. Clell Maulding, of White Lake, S. D was a visitor here last week for a few days in tho J. P. Rockwell home. Mr. Maulding was a personal friend of the late Howard Rockwell, and is naturally interested in How ard's parents. It is reported that a second bank will be started in South Sioir ' ' DAKOTA (51TV SCHOOL NOTES ' A. II. BUXELIr, Prlnclpnl The pupils of the fourth grade hnvc been studying in geography tho production of chocolate and cocoa; in connection with this interesting subject, they joined with the third grade nnd under Miss Cook's direc tion gave a cocoa party last Wednes day afternoon. Tho Messrs. "Tick" Antrim, "ClifT" Gribblo and "Brick top" Grnhnm wero among the honor ed guests. The high .school students spent n pleasant evening last Friday, when they gathered for n Valentine party. The committee had planned a number of lively "stunts" with which tho hours passed swiftly. That very important feature, the refreshments, had not been overlooked, and so about eleven o'clock the games ceased to make way for this closing feature. Goldie Frederick, Genevieve Mason, Anna Blancho Evans, and' Mildred Ream comprised the very efficient committee. Exceeding tho fondest hopes of tho local followers of the game, the basketball team overwhelmed Emer son in a fast game Inst Thursday. Emerson's close guarding prevented a score for several minutes after the opening of the game; but the defense was finally solved; the visit ors stiffened again at the opening of the second half, but again broke down before Dakota Citv's determ- in the near future, with E. II. L ih-Jncd attack. Though the gamowas ble as president. Others inte-ented unintentionally rather rough on both in the new institution are ... P. sides, the local team put up a neater Warner, J. J. Eimers, Henry Kur.ge, "rand of piny than they have dis and J. S. Bacon. i played during the senon. R. C. Becker left Monday for the'., L-UP nml summary home of his parents in Wisconsin, I crf- , , Dakota City, where his three eldest children have gtkcrn ....forwa 1 ....Kramper been staying since their homo was fckwell ....Forward Graham destroyed by fire before the holidays. !,re,rs centor, I'rcdcrick He will bring the youngsters home W', .Jo,nscn BUnril. "tr'm with him the latter part of the week. . ScS. " i?f ' ' . ' f- ? " '".' f?r,bI, T. ,. VT . . , , , .. I Substitutes: E. Jensen forSchind- D' a V NewnnK,4 hos rctnt.ed thu ler, Fisher for Brustkcrn. Mrs. Altemus property on Main street Gonls from flcId. Grnhnm 8 Kred. opposite lis drug stole and will move erick G Gribblo 5, Kramper 4, Rock- w-tl " ithe n f Mnrd.'' JShFn wel1 l Petcrs 2- W. Jensen 1. Free Win bmrk will move to the Neis throws: Graham 2, out of four at wanner home, which ho recently pur tempts; Rockwell G, out of 9 at chased. "Doc" McKernan and wife tempts , will move into the Sirk property,' Finnf score. 1)nkotft City .,8 E which they have purchased. lerson 13. It will pay every hog raiser to in-' Previous to the came, tlm hlirli sure their brood sows against death school girls served supper to the Trom any cause. During farrowing visiting team and coach. Tho team time losses sometimes run heavy, goes to Emerson for a return game Better insure today in tho American next Wednesdny, and at tho same Live Stock Insurance Co. They pay time, the second team will make the full indemnity. For more detailed journey to piny Emerson's second information, see team. Both teams may look for Carl Andersen, Hubbard, Neb. stiff opposition, as Emerson will have Mrs. Guy Manning of Walker's Is- t,l advantage of playing on her own land, died at her homo last Thurs- floor wit'1 the added desire for re day morning of pneumonia, following venge; and Emerson's second team hns a siege of the flu. She was in her ueon pushing tho first team all sea 32nd year, and leaves a husband nnd son Twelve men will make the trip. threo children aged 11. 7 and 5 years of age, and her parents, Mr.' ana wirs. John Horton. res diner ninn Sioux City. Her husband fs very ill, Stinson's 4 Specials for Saturday, Feb. 21 FOIt THIS DAY ONLY Bacon, by the strip, per lb 10c 12 boxes of Matches ...70c 10 pnir Misses Hose (small size) per pair 20c 1 pound Howell's Best Mince Kent -. ir.c ,:i pkgb Spaghetti or Noodles 2.".c 2 cans Hot Tomalcs ' L'.'k; 2 pounds pitted Prunes for J5c 3 lbs hand-picked Navy Beans.... 35c, 1 can Hominy, Kidney Beans or Tomatoes 15c 1 Sne.k -1-lb. Blue Bell Puncak ' Flour DSc Fresh Fruit niul Vegetables of all Kinds for Saturday's Trado Stinson's Dakota City, Nebraska Farmer's Checking Accounts A checking account is a business necessity to every fanner. It provides a complete record of incomes, from crops, live-stock and other "sources. Every check drawn against these .funds is a legal receipt. In harvest, feeding, planting season all the year 'round the "check-book" way is the convenient way of handling farrn finances. Bank of Dakota City Dakota City, Nebraska. g SH having recently undergone an opera non ior an aucess on his head. A raid was made bv Detoctivr. A L. Mathwig nnd SherifT George Cain Tuesday on the G. 'W. Horton resi dence in South Sioux City, and a large quantity of merchandise, vnl- nnrl of !,., CMnAft -11 i j . I" ,,r 7C" rT"'..".".uFV.x? ..nn have never been on it ..... .uauii iiuiii uua cars in transit was recovered. Besides this a near ly complete moonshine "still' was un covered in the basement of tho res idence. Horton was nrrnstncl in Sioux City Tuesday by a special ugent 01 tno at. .raul railroud, und is Doing held for investigation by tho Sioux City officers. Home Demonstration Notes Miss Florence Atwood Homo Demonstration Agent es A number of thewomen are very enthusiastic about tho way pressure cookers will cook foods. All nour ishment which Is cooked out of tho foods Is retained in the cooker and foods are cooked in an atmosphere of vapor from their own juices which adds to their food value. Tho higli temperature at which tho foods are cooked, breaks down the connective tissues in the meats and the fiber in vegetables, and softens foods so that they are more easily assimilated. The steam pressures cookers are so responsivo that much time is saved. Such o cooker will cook chicken ton der in thirty mi.nutes, potatoes in ten lllin'ltcs and other fnndr. innvniM. short time. Steamed puddings should ' bo cooked at a low pressuro so as to ue ngnt when done. When used for M. E. Church Notes Rev. S. A. Drnlse, Pastor There aro some real Nebraska church people in Dakota City. You would have known that for sure if you had seen them come to Sunday school and church last Sunday. There were a few, though, who "got cold feet" and failed. Tho honor roll in S. S. lost one name some How about next Sunday. Lot us make it a "bumper" for attendance. The morning preaching hour will bo occasion for tho report of the In ter Church World 'convention, at Lin coln. You will bo interested. The evening servico will bd a com memoration of Washington. A pro gram of special singing and an ad dress in keeping with the day. Do you know thero aro three wo men and two men who still have a "perfect" absent record of church at tendance during tho past 5 years. Do you believe that? Hardly rea sonable, but true. Sunday Evening Program: Hymn Holy, Holy; All standing and singing. Prayer Rev. Lowe. Song Chorus, The Lord is my shepherd. Vocal Solo Mrs. Schmied. Duet Mrs, Mason and Mrs. Lean. Solo Rev. Lowe, Chorus of Juniors Brighten the Corner. Solo Elda Borger. Duet Kathryn Warner and Helen Walden. Chorus by Primaries Bonnie Flag. Solo Genevieve Mason, Ladies Quartet. Scripture nnd Announcements. America. Address. Hymn Load On O King Eternal. No. 488 -M. E. Hymnal. You will find a welcome when you v Throw your bundle in that oile- theyVe all going to'SHUBERT: The Highest Prices Ever Known That's What You'll Get from "SHUBERT" VE WANT 'EM NOW AND WILL PAY THE PRICE TO GET 'EM I NJIIXTRA LARGE LN?I URGE N?l MEDIUM N?I SMALL lil.ua vtatoi ht to yRot Hint to vnoi lTn tOAVtiuat n io mi atftur MUSKRAT Spring Winter 8.00(0 7.00 6.50 to 5.50 6.501.0 5.50 5.00 to 4.00 5.001(1 3.75 3.50 to 2.75 3.50 O 2.75 1.75 3.00 to 2.80 2.Mta L5Q MINK Fine, Dark Usual Color Pale 25.00 (0 20.00 18.00 to 14.00 13.00 to 11.00 18.00 to 15.00 13.00 to 11.00 10.00 to 8.00 14.00 to 11.00 900(0 7.75 7-5010 6.00 IBM to 8.0i 725 to 5.75 5.5ftto 156 S K.U N K 10.0011 5.00 7.00 to 100 NtlfJURAlARGEI NUARGE I' N?l MEDIUM I W I SMALL IGOOU UNPRIME itATovmiaf mTovmtoi f n to v(oif m to vtmot nil tin a ouitirr Bhlck 1 16.00 to 13.001 12.00 to 10.00 9.00to 8.00 7.501a 6.56 7.66to 4J6 Short 11.00 to 9.50 8.50 to 7.50 7.00to 6.00 5.75 to 5.00 5.00 tl 2.50 Narrow 9.00 to 7.50 7.00 to 6.00 5.50 to 4.75 Oil 4.00 4.00 tl 2i0 Broad 5.00 to 4.00 3.50 to 3.00 2J0.8 2.00 1.75 to 1.00 1.5018 .75 processing in the cold pock method, the cooker should be removed from the fire at tho end of tho process per- cmno to this uervice iou anu cooiea gradually. Do not allow bteom to blow ofi" or escape bo- lliinil Builders to .Meet. SV2U Wi" l0S UU! HqUid Ut f T'' third Nebraska road Institute y tL ;!, . , , , will be held at the University of Ne- , r T als sn1vo,labor. b- lunska the first- week in March. All cause the foods are cooked by steam, Nebraska engineers, surveyors, drafts- 5J Mi I lf 0u,,)Urn- , This "on, highway commissioners, county saves stirring and watching and gives commissioners or supervisors, road time for other duties while the cook- i)Uu(erfli contractors, and others in- ?., PrK'CS8' Pud .is saved, terested in the improvement, con because after the pressure is obtain- , .!.?- .i ii .... . r xt da low fire is all that is required ))rn8ka'8 'public roads and bridges to keep up tho pressure. ,mvc ,)ee invlted to Ilttemli Sf,0 of the subjects on tho program aro Sheep Men Consider Pooling Wool Organization of stute highway do Tho Nebraska Sheep Breeders' As- partment, bildges, culverts, earth soclation meeting at Lincoln January road construction and inaintenance, 1U, passed a resolution asking sheep construction and maintenance of per- brecders in each county in tho state manent improved roads, motor truns- to decide on or about February 0 portatlon, and inspection of actual whether they desire state federation work Doing done in Lancaster county, for tho marketing of wool. If The main object of tho Nebraska road enough counties so desiro, the state instltuto is to aid in tho disscmina- association will iperfect arrangements tlon of knowledge of tho construe- for pooling. Iowa sheep mon last tlon und maintenance of roads and year pooled their wool and received bridges and tho materiuls to bu used an average of 02 cents a pound. Bo- in their construction. More than fore any organization wos In exlstt ',()0 persons attended the institute In enco in Iowa, wopl was as low as" :i!j lyi'J. cents a pound. Nebraska breeders ' last year sold their wool at eleven' FOIt 8ALE combination sales for an average of Poland China boar pigs. 47 cents a pound. ' Don Forbes, "Dakota City, Neb. These extremely high prices for Nebraska Purs are based on the well known "SHUBERT7' liberal grading and are quoted for immediate ship ment. No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. Ship your rurs now when we want 'em. You'll cet "more money" nnd Get i ' picker"- too. SHUl -IT RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY SHIP -JDAY-AND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST SHIP AIL YOUR FURS DIRECT TO A.B.SHUBERT THE LAR6EST HOUSE IN THEWRLO DEALWGJXCLUSVEIY INj AMERICAN RAW FURS 25-27 W. Austin Ave.JLEopricago. U.S.W New Meat Market BEEP BOIL, PER LB ' 14c BEEP ROAST, PER LB Kic BEEP STEW, PER LB 12c, HAMBURGER, PER LB 18c ROUND STEAK, PER LB .- 85c LOIN STEAK, PER LB ! LARD, PER LB :14c BACON, PER LB -. ..'15c SOUP MEAT, PER LB. ....' 10c TODD BROS. ' DAKOTA CITY, : . NEllltASKA 1 ?v I w 1