DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. 'MIMM'H'H'Ky'K'M'' SPIRIN A Talk CM Wf& f b" W Take Aspirin only tio name "Bayer" Identifies tho fuc, woriu-iatnous Aspirin pre- tribed by physicians for over t fightcen years. Tho namo "Bayer" incans ccnuinc Aspirin proved safo ily millions of people. f In each unbroken packago of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" you nro told how to safely take this k'cnuino Aspirin for Colds, Head- V Aipllln li Hide milk ot Direr Manufacture T Protect School Books. Cover the children's schoolhooks with either stiff pnper or cloth so they will Inst the yenr and be In con dition for the next In the family who will need to use tliuiu. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream In Nostrils to Open Up Air Passages. All! What relief I Your clogged nos trils open right up, the air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, enuffllng, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh Is gone. Don't stay stuffed up I Get a small, bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nos trils, let It penetrate through every air passage of tho head ; sootho and heal tho swollen, inflamed mucous mem brane, give you instnnt relief. Ely's Cream Balm is just what every cold and cntnrrh sufferer has been seeking. It's just splendid. Adv. Mountain Trips Cost More. Charles A. Parry, In writing of n walking trip In Japan, stopped at a tea house between Ikno and Ilnruna. He continues: "Four men soon came up bearing two of the small convey ances called kagns, which nro light, open litters with wicker roofs on which the traveler's light baggage is -carried. With the kngo-men 1 had a little chat on the question perennial ly Interesting to nil men : 'IIow's busi ness?' One tnld It takes live hours to go from Ikno" temple to Ilarunn tem ple, and three to return. The charge Is $2.10 for two men. Last year it was $1.40. Despite the increase, the men have more custom in the fall of 1911) than they hnd last autumn. This primi tive conveyance is sufficiently costly; but there Is a still 'higher collar' con veyance, the Chce-ny-ah, or true palan quin, with which, for the privilege or being able to loll at full length and of having four coolies close to your person all the time, you pay $4.20." Treat Cataract With Radium. Of tho 21 cases of cataract treated with radium by two New York physi cians, Improved Vision is reported in CO per cent, with some Improvement In 87..r per cent. In the treatment, which was continued from three months to a year, the radium was fixed a little less than an Inch In front of (he eyelid, which was closed, and hnrmful soft rays were screened out by it llltcr of suitable kind. No Injurious effects on tho eyo have been observed. v Edible Prune Pit. The stoneless prune, a Burhank production, promises to become a pop ulnr fruit. Tho fruit Is practically the same as the ordinary breakfast prune, with the exception that the stone In the center Is replaced by a soft kernel or seed that can be cooked with the fruit and eaten. No wise man ever gives advice until asked for It. No first-class phonograph Is ashamed of its record. Your Table Drink should brin you comfort as well as appetizing flavor. Let us SuP&est INSTANT POSTUM If you have used this pleasing table beverage, you Know its wholesome charm. If you have never tried Instant Postum, you have a delight in store. All Grocers sell Postum "There's a Reason1' as told by "Bayer" ache, Toothache, Earache, Neural gia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu ritis mid for Paiu Always say "Bayer" when buy ing Aspirin. Then look for tho safety "Bayer Cross" on tho pack age uud on tho tablets Ilandy tin boxes of twelve tab lets cos,t but a few cents Drug gists also, sell larger packages. Monoacetloclilcitcr el SllctkcU One of the Old Birds. One of the "old birds" who spends most of his time among the girls of the younge1- .set was Invited to a masque ball. The first time 1 saw him i the floor I guided my partner In his direction. To our delight we came up Just In time to hear him Implore the llttlo shepherdess to come sit In the comer, ui.innsk, and talk with him. She skill fully led him on. then suddenly ran laughing away. My partner was gig gling so extra ngantly that I pressed her for the reason. "First lime I ever heard of a girl vamping her own dnd !" was the au- swer. Exchange. Important to all Women Readers of this Paper K, Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may cause the other organ to become diseased. You may suffer pain in the back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of iromen claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Boot, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.. you may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Adv. While the Sun Shines. One morning Mr. Jenkins, the pro prietor of the vlllnge provision sjores, received a letter which caused him to Indulge In a few Imprecations at Its cool effrontery. It ran as follows: "Dear Sir: Will yoi. let my little boy, Billy, 'avo six loaes and a pund of ehcazc on trust, ns my 'ushand Is out of work, and will yer rap tho eheaze In a bit of the situations va cant advortlsefiients of a newspaper, and tic the brend In a lump of your buter muslin, cos If the werst comes to the worst and the old man don't Hnd a Job 'o'll have to horreryour pair of steps and a pall and go 6'ut winder cleaning." Tit-Bits. What He Needed. Mr. Greenby decided (o grow vege tables, and straightway pnld a visit to the n en rest store to buy the nece Miry seed. The salesman showed him samples of the various kinds of potatoes us n start off, but Mr. Greenby could find none to suit. "I am nfrald these will not do," ho rcninrked. Then In a confidential whNper, he added: "You see, I hnve only two teeth in my head, and un fortunately they are not opposite ono another. Haven't you any mushed po tato seed?" Pearson's Weekly. Few women know how t' grow old gracefully and even they do not want to. No, Hazel, footsteps are not always 12 hiches. FABRICS INSPIRE "",L, ' NEW COSTUMES H P ACTflREfi MjRfr.t Contents 15T?luid BraolmB UJ1 I IIllU BPK' ESR l'flltI1PJ I For Infants and OMIdron. S iSP x HffisjSfS Mott,ers Know That m Jk BB! Genuine Castoria P i ffflfllUaKII HfiS Signature Jfllr . m S H ffllSi mmF' KlT aiccrfulncssandRc sign lUiss o CVAlT i IV. ffc-.. .- -vft-MR ImBmtmmmmfimJiSXMi fUJlM neither Oplum.Morpluricnor U IM .1 , - wmBBmmBm ', RSSif A Wrists? mi I i ir XrJBBjX lirfe'iVF For Over NKAllLY all afternoon gowns ror the senson now passing have been made of plain cloths nnd tho spring llnds us prepared to welcome something different. New figured silks "id light weight wooh. In dull plaids Dr crossfhars, foretell afternoon frocks traveling 'away from one-color cloths and familiar designs. Their creators, dealing with new fabrics, are Inspired lo delight us with models ns orlglnnl md handsome as appears In the digni fied dress shown In the picture above. Any of the finer fabrics, whether of silk, wool or cotton, might bo success fully built Into a dress ,UUq this. In this frock die stralght-hnnglng skirt Is nnmiRcd In wide box plaits, with tho distance between them equaling their width. It Is the regulation shoe-top length with three-Inch hem, and these Hats for Crisp Springtime SUMMERTIME may bring big and wlde-brlinmcd hats, nnd already rumor Is making generous promises In thnt respect, but for early spring the number of small hats hardly leaves room for the consideration of anything else. Tho small tailored hats for early weur, nre brilliant In Inverso ratio to their size. Everything, almost, that llnds place In their construction or trimming Is "shiny." Straw and silk braids, and innny fabrics have a var nished, high-luster surface. Man off-the-fneu shapes provide spirited small lints developed in the new materials, and there are u few models with moderately wide brims, like tho hat made of silk shown at the renter of the group above. Above It, at tho left, u strulgliMirlmined sailor . f l i ild has a top crown of georgette. unHBHHB uiB4&K .inx ic"""---Tr. I II II II IMMIV mm 3 CASTOR I A ?& mMBSmV" v Exact Copy of Wrapper. mcmM9mJniiMim brief details cover Its description. A very graceful overgarment amounts to a short coat, with front and back pan els extended to the knees nnd llnished with embroidered motifs In silk lloss. The coat Is bhortencd over the hips, where a little fullness In the material suggests something of the fnshlonnblo Hare at the sides. Three-quarter length sleeves are finished with n band and tubs of ribbon, in which tho band slips through the tabs. The neck Is llnished In the same way with long ties of rib bon hanging at the front. Round, sntln covored buttons are set In n row at each side of the fronCwhere the ovor gnrnient opens over a vest of plaited white georgette. Black satin ribbon, like that used for the ties, makes jho nnrrow, plain girdle. Hands of ribbon and metal buckles mnku Its neat finish. The llttlo hat at Its right Is of black and whlto sntln straw braid nnd has n cut-out upturn ed brim with little rosettes of straw posed against It. A slmllnr braid covers the round crown of the hnt at the left. Tho up turned brim is faced with a millinery patent leather, bunded and crossed with braid, This Is n sturdy looking llttlo modol which Invites the uso of a veil. Patent leather is u rourtesy title for n thin, shiny fabric which Is soft and very popular. Highly lus trous straw bnlld nnd crepe georgette make tho trim hnt opposite. fShgi J lAtCAs -VIA YOUR CATARRH MAY LEAD TO CONSUMPTION T . t tr .1 .1. V i .. 1 dangerous a use ireauncne for Only Temporary Relief. There is a more serious stage of Catarrh than the annoyance caus ed by the stopped-up air passages, and other distasteful features. The real danger comes from the tendency of the disease to continue its course downward until the lungs become affected, and then dreaded consumption, is oa your INFORMATION FOR THE SWEDE Bright Boy at Once Saw Answer to Conundrum That Had Long Puzzled Audience. hvthe furro-romedy? "Imagination," tho character of n Swedish servant girl has what Is called In theatrical parlance "n gag line," which Is, In brief, n line often repeated by the same character during the course of the play. This particular jjbr line Was: "Ay know a conundrum; Ay don't know what the question ban, but tha aln ser ban, becnuso ny knlnt sit down." Kach time the line was repeated It was greeted with a chuckle from the audience and had thoroughly Impress ed Itself by tho time the eloping bride groom came on with his future bride, tho chunky leading lady. Doth were in riding habit. They showed the fatigue of n twenty-mile gallop across country. "Won't you ho seated 7" asked the rector's wife. The brlde-to-bo attempted to comply, then fnlterlngly replied: "I J think I hnd better Bland." "Great I" chirped n boy hi tho gal, lery. "Tell It to the Swede I" St. Louis Star. ,.i t m it ii i ,ii. i.i 1 1 n. t i. . YOUNGSTERS! Need "Cascarets" when Sick, Bilious, Constipated. When your child Is bilious, consti pated, sick or full of cold; when the little tonguo Is eontcd, breath bad nnd stomach sour, get n box of Cascnrets nnd straighten the llttlo one right up. Children gladly take this harmless candy cnthnrtlc nnd it cleanses the lit tle liver nnd bowels without griping. Cascarets contain no calomel or dan gerous drugs and can bo depended upon to movo the sour bile, gaHos mid Indi gestible waste right out of the bowels. Rest fnmlly cathartic because It never cramps, sickens or causes incon venience. Adv. Shuts Off Gas. Abovo the frame of n new gns light fixture Is a turbine that is whirled by the lwutod air, stopping and shut ting off the llo of gas should tho Dame ho blown out. Tho war has mnile tnblo linen very valuable. Tho use of Red CroHS Ball Dlue will add to Its wearing qualities. Uso It and sec. All grocers, Oc. No Room to Turn. "I Mipposu you turned over a now leaf the first of tho year?" "Gracious, no J We live In a fiat." imm i Nitlht Morning eepVbur Eyes I -. . - I -. .. -. k-i -:.. , TfutSHlwJi. sjYYl vTrrr-tiJc i CA-iA I ajirojnw i path. Your own experience hat taught you that the disease can not be cured by sprays, inhalers, atomizers, jellies and other local applications. S. S. S. has proven a most satis-? factory remedy for Catarrh be-. cause it goes direct to its source. Get a bottle today, begin the only logical treatment that gives real results. For free medical advlco write Medical Director. 4Z- Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga, Seamless Boats Now Molded. Seamless honts aro now molded out of thin steel, A plnte of the metal is run into n huge hydraulic press, which forces or stamps It Into the form of a Lhoat, and turns It out virtually ready for the sea. Clean Bill. "Have you any avuncular relatives?" "No; haven't a disease of any kind In our family." COLDS breed and Spread INFLUENZA KILL THE COLD AT ONCE WITH HILL' CASCARA&rfQUININI fiftOMlDfc Standard cold remedy lor 39 yen in timet iorm mic, iur, ma opiates break up com la It nourt relieves grip in oin, Money back u it lam. ina genuine oos nai " top witn Mr, niua picture. At AIIDrmM SHru Acid-Stomach Makes 9 Out off 10 People Suffer Doctor ileclare that more than TO nom orvanlo illenis can be traced to Acl4 Stomach. HUrllnn with Indlueitlon, heart burn, bolchlnir, food-repeating, bloat, aour, traaay stomach, the entire ayetem eventually become affected, every vital organ Buffering In aome demo or other. You ere theae vic tims ot Acid-Stomach everywhere people who are subject to nervousness, headache. Insomnia, biliousness people who suffer from rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and aches an pains all over the body. It Is safe to a ay that about 9 peoplo out of 10 suffer to some extent from Acld-Stomnch, It you surfer from stomach trouble or, even If you do not feel nny atomach distress, yet are weak and alllnt, feel tired and dragged out, lack "pep" and enthusiasm and hnow that something Is wrong although you cannot locate the exact cause of your trou bleyou naturally wont to get back your grip on health ns quickly as possible. Thn Uke KATONIC. the wonderful modern rem edy that brlnso quick relief from pains of Indigestion, belching, nasay bloat, etc. Keep your stomach strong, clean and aweet. Bee how your general health Improvea how quickly the old-time vim, vigor and vitality comes back I tlet a big Etc box ot BATONIG from yout druggist today. It Is guaranteed to please yon. If you aro not aatlsfled your druggist will refund your money, F ATONIC fcC rem your acid-stomacbi Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 sod 50c, Talcum 25c I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM RemoviPAndruff-RtniullMrKaUlnd Keitores Color and DeautytoGraynnd Faded Hab boaandfioost dMirctits.. nirorChm. Wk latglingii. W.Y HINDERCORNS llt-mor Corn.. Cal., loinci, rut., stops all twin, renins comfort to tlis ftoi, insists walklne ear. lie. Ir mall or at Drug gut, lllioox Chemical Works, ivitcliogao, N. Y. ' WOX 1 b. e39 go 1M - N- u SI0UX C,TY- M- '-'920- ' iUte.