Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, February 19, 1920, Image 2

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Canadian Farmers Turn Winter
Months to Good Account.
Lnrge crops and good prices for the
wheat, oats, barley and flax from Ca
nadian farms have made the winter
resorts In California at times resemble
a meeting of n Canadian farmers' In
stitute, but the practice among suc
cessful farmers of spending their win
ters holidaying seems to bo on the
wane. After all, nothing can be raoro
tiresome than having nothing to do,
nnd the farmers of Western Canada
are now finding winter employment
right on their farms which rivals the
attractions of the sunny South.
Live stock Is the explanation, ac
cording to a six-foot Westerner who
dropped Into the Canadian Government
Information Bureau at 311 Jackson
street, St. Paul. ITo was on his way
back to Western Canada with n car
load of selected breeding stock which
had carried off blue ribbons nt several
stato fairs In 1010, "We have found,"
Hold he, "that there is just as much
Pleasure and a great deal more profit
In developing a herd of prlzo stock as
In listening to the murmur of the sad
sea waves. Where we used to grow
grain exclusively now Wo nro raising
stock as well. The fact that steers
raised In Western "Canada took the
grand championship nt the Interna
tional Live Stock Show at Chicago two
years In succession shows how well we
are getting nlong. And Instead of de
pleting our bank rolls wo add a tidy
sura to them."
"But don't you find the life monoto
nous?" "Not In the least. You see, we have
n rural club which meets In our
school houRo, where we thrash out all
kinds of problems. Here wo exchange
Ideas nnd tlso have occasional talks
from government exports, and the man
who goes nbrond for the winter only
realizes how much he has missed when J
nt a summer picnic ho hears an ad
dress by n neighbor that would do
. credit to n collego graduate.
"It was at one of these meetings
that wo decided to Import n prize
winning stallion, nnd todny our dis
trict Is raising some of the- best draft'
horses In Cannda. The carload of
breeding stock which I am now ship,
ping to my farm In Indirectly tho re
sult of our club meetings. Vo arc
going to mnko thnt little corner of
Saskntcbewnn one of tho big stock
centers of America. Why shouldn't
wo? Everything Is In our favor ell
mat, fertility, cheap land, free graz
ing land adjoining lots of fnrms,
creameries, government supervision.
Ton know how energetic tho northern
fllmnto makes a man? Well, It's Just
' llko that with stock. Thoy get to bo
OTeat, husky fellows, hardy nnd big
frnmed nnd tnat counts on market
day. t
"Come up nnd sco mo some time,"
wore his parting words as ho loft to
cntqh his train. "I'll show yon some
mf the finest land nnd llvo stock out of
idoors, nnd treat you to n real farm
imenl everything but the coffee nnd
sugnr grown right on ray farm. Thnt
-counts some In these days of high
'prices.' Advertisement.
r" Both Overestimated.
"Tho roses of pleosuro," didactical
ly' began Professor Pnte, "seldom last
long enough to ndonv tho brow of him
who plucks them."
"Yos," replied .1. Vuller Gloom, "and
IIuSsq who hnvo attempted to rest on
tlolr, laurels tell me thoy mnko n very
poor bed." Kansas. City Star.
r ' ' '
At once I Relief with
Tape's Cold Compound"
.Tho first doso cases your cold I Don't
stay istunVd'Upl Quit blowing and
finuflllngl A doso of "Papo'ii Cold
Compound" taken every two hours un
til thrco doses nro taken usunlly
, breaks up n sevcro cold and ends nil
grlppo misery.
, llellef awaits you I Open your
cloggcd-up nostrils and tho air pass
ages of your head; stop noso running;
rellovo tho headache, dullness, fovcr
Ishnoss, sneezing, Boroness and stiff
ness. "Papa's Cold Compound" 1b the
quickest, surest relief known and costs
only a few cents nt drug stores. It
nets without assistance. Tastes nice.
Contains no quinine. Insist on
Papa's Adv.
There may bo a wrong way to do
right, but there Is no right way to do
Cutlcura for Sore Hands.
Bonk hands on retiring In tho hot eutis
of Cutlcura Soap, dry nnd rub In Cu
tlcura Ointment. Itemovo surplus
Ointment with tlssuo paper. This Is
" only one of tho things Cutlcura will do
" If Soup, Ointment and Talcum are usod
1 - for all toilet purposes. Adv.
1 Happy Ik the man who sees thlngx,
ii t they should bo Instead of uh the
L ft I
Glory of the
By Katharine Egglcston Robert
(Coprrlsbt, 1120, Wtilirn Ncwipapir Union)
The world was opaline. From high up
In tho citadel I looked down Into the
heart of It. The sun, half hidden by n
cloud, sent streaks of flame across the
pearl-gray sky. Within the shadowy
girdle of tho hills a rainbow hazo en
meshed the valley. It melted the red
and yellow of tho peaked roofs that
crowded by the stream) of flowing
gold, thinning where the waters met.
There in the weird and mystic light
lay the unreal earth, and I was far
away tip thero nlone In reality. Sud
denly I longed for some one else to
look with me and feel the eerie beauty
of It all. The loneliness pinched at
my heart and made it ache.
And then n voice within the stones
behind 'me cried: "I built this cita
del long centuries ago, nnd every day
I've watched the Journey of tho sun
from morn till night. I've wntched tho
people living underneath those penked
roofs. You cannot see them ; you havo
not my eyes. Alwnys I watch the peo
ple of Namur."
Tho voice did not seem strange to
me. It was an answer to my longing
for sonio one. I feared that It might
go might Irnvc mo there nlone above
the wonderlnnd. I begged It: "Tell
mo whnt you've, seen, what you are
seeing now."
"Oh, I enn't tell you. It tnkes too
long; but something yes. You seo
thnt bouse down near the church, the
b HVawBHHFSKr.''flB V i JWe ?f 'X'iWdmPMQfikr'''' A V S3 r n t,t9tmf 'e "toHHs ImmwFlmWrmmmmFVV v!jJB
"Won Their Entrance Into Old Namur."
white one with green shutters nnd red
roof? It's Just a little higher than tho
rest. You ennnot seo tho canopy be
fore trre door. I'll tell you why It's,
"Five years ago tho troops wore or
dered out to fight luvndors from ncross
tho Ilhlno. To that houso came Mar
cel Duvnl to tell his, Jeanne 'Good
by.' They were to have been married
the next month, and It was very hard
for them to part. Marcel had light
hah- and blue eyes; be Could talk Ger
man better than the rest, nud he was
not to light with gun and sword, but
vtth tho cunning of his mind to be a
"I looked down nt them as they
stood before tho house. The ovenlng
wrapped them close, but I could see
Jeanne's eyes were wet gray, like the
twilight woven through the mist. Her
dark bend pressed against his coat.
Tho circle of her arms gleamed whlto
about his neck. They kissed. Sho
choked her sobs and smiled. He looked
just nnc!t long time then he turned
"House Down Near the Church."
nnd run. Ho dared not look again.
The smile died on her lips. She sank
upon the door step und her shoulders
"It wasn't long before the German
horde came to the hills about the
town. They stormed tho forts for
three days, till at hist they won their
entrance Inlo old Namur. They occu
pied the place. They took the best and
sold the Icnvlngs to Namur folk nt
triple price. They occupied my home,
paraded round nbout my walks, I knew
them well, and I was sorry for tho
people In tho city down below. I saw
Jeunno und her mother trying to llvo
on nothing, but It wasn't only luck nf
food Unit ninile .Tennne'n eyes so big
and dark In the pule ivory of her fuce.
I AlwnyH her quick glance warched each
one who passed, hoping to And Inc fcn
turcs of Marcel. A spy might not bo
In Germany; he might bo here amidst
the army of tho conquerors In Belgi
um, In Namur, nnd any time, nut all
her hopes were vain and, ns tho
months dragged Into years and no
news came, she ceased to look at ev
ery passerby, for disappointment only
emphasized her fear.
"Then one night, when tho lights
were out and nil was still, she heard
a gentle tapping at tho door. Her
mother opened It n little way, nnd
through the space a mnn's voice whis
pered: "I'm weary; I have traveled
far today. Once, long ngo, they told
me If I visited Namur, I'd find safe
shelter In your home." Her heart bent
quickly as they let him In. Was It
Marcel? At least, perhaps some news.
Hut no, the stranger knew only thnt
once two years ago he and Duvnl
had been together on a bit of work In
Austria. Duval had said that If he
chanced to rench Namur, they'd give
him lodging In that house. Duval had
sent n message, but that was lent; ago,
nnd since then well, no one had heard
from him. Tho stranger hid there nil
next day, nnd then at night departed
and was swallowed, by the dark,
''Five years ot hopeful tomorrows
turned to dreary yesterdnys. To me,
who has lived for centuries, five years
are like 4 minute of tho day. To
Jeanne, each year out of the five was
llko n century. It was the Imprison
ing silence, not the Bochc, that crushed
her soul. The Huns were driven back
to their own land. Namur was free
and, one by oue, the soldiers who had
lived rotuncd, to stay nt home ngaln.
And still no one could tell the fute
of lost Marcel Duval. And then"
The voice broke off, for down below
the bells began to ring, the chimes
that drove the cloud from off the sun.
The opnlescent sky turned turquoise
blue; the sunlight tore the rainbow
haze and sent n golden shower across
the world. And from tho church door
came n bridal nntr. I heard a whisper
of the voice again: "The eyes ot
Jeanne are gray morn lit with dawn."
My loneliness was gone. Tho earth
was real I And from the citadel above
Namur I looked down on the glory of
the morning.
Not Even Walls Remain to Mark
Towns That Exlpted Before Ar
rival of Spiked Helmet Mer
Of many smaller villages not even
tho ruins remain, tho walls hnvlng long
since been reduced to stone dust. Of
old magnificent forests there are only
occasional naked tree stems, with n"
few leafless branches. There Is no Uv
Ing tree for miles nnd miles. German
gns did It.
Tho old Inferno of sound has given
place to a more terrible silence; a si
lence unbroken by living crenture. NcC
birds, no moving things In tho grass,
nothing but tho absolute silence of a
man-mode desert.
From the agricultural point of view
the country is years In tho future.
Kvir. Miuure foot must he leveled nnd
restored. The undertaking Is infinitely
dllllrult. Any moment tho work
man may run into an unexploded shell
or a bidden death trap.
Every farm will havo to he equipped
with u complete now drainage system.
The old pipes were ripped out during
the early part of tho bombardment, al
lowing the waste wntr to spread out
over the flat countryside and collect lu
Country's Condition as War"-Torn and
Barren as When the Armistice
Was Signed.
Although small armies of men, most
ly fiormnn prisoners, have been work
ing nearly a year, devastated Belgium
looks today Just as barren nnd war
torn ns when tho nrmlstlco sent the
German armies hurrying back Into the
distance from which they had come. So
Immense Is tho reclamation task be
foro them, It Is not noticeable that the
workers have made any Impression vt
Ypres Itself, a collection of rulni
has hardly been touched. Tho debris
has been swept from the streets nnd
lean-to station put up near the slto of
tho old. A few restaurants have been
reopened for tourUis and relatives of
fallen soldiers visiting the zone.
A biuull gantlet of postal card sell
ers nnd curio venders forms regularly
outside the station n few minute be
fore train time. Several liverymen
and garage owners do n tine buhlnet-t
driving sightseers over the buttleuelda.
Gtop Eating Meat for a While If
Your Bladder Is Troubling
When you wake up with bnckache
nnd dull misery In the kidney region It
generally means you have been eating
too much meat, says n well-known au
thority. Meat forms uric ncld which
overwor' s the kidneys In their effort
to filter It from the blood nnd they be
come sort of paralyzed and Ioggy.
When your kidneys get sluggish and
clog you must relieve them, llko you
relieve your bowels; removing nil the
body's urinous waste, else you have
backache, sick headache, dizzy spells;
your stomach sours, tonguo Is coated,
nnd when the wenther Is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine Is
cloudy, full of sediment, channels
often get sore, water scalds and you
are obliged to seek relief two or three
times during the night.
Either consult n good, reliable physi
cian at once or get from your pharma
cist about four ounces of Jnd Salts'
take a tnblespoonful In a glass of
wajer before breakfast for n few
days and your kidneys will then net
fine. This famous salts Is made from
the ncld of grapes and lemon Juice,
combined with llthln, nnd has been
used for generations to clean nnd
stimulate sluggish kidneys, nlso to
neutralize uclds In the urine so it no
longer Irritates, thus ending bladder
Jnd Snlts is a life saver for regular
meat enters. It Is Inexpensive, ennnot
Injure nnd makes a delightful, effer-.
vescent lithla-wnter drink. Adv.
Hasty Figuring.
"I took Professor Jlggs out for n
ride In my enr'the other day."
"He's fully ns absent-minded ns you
snld he was. He was thinking nbout
something ah the time wo were riding
and never mico opened his mouth."
'1 think I can explain thnt. He was
probably counting tho number of jolts
you were giving him nnd calculating
how much energy was wasted every
time he wns hurled Into the nlr."
So half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum,
a small Jbox of Barbo Compound, and
oz. of glyocrine. Apply to the huir twice a
week until it becomes tho desired ohadc.
Any druggist can put this up or you can
mix it at home at very little cost. Jt will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair,
and will make harsh hair soft and glossy.
It will not co'or tho scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and docs not rub off. Adv.
The Reason.
"Thnt Supposed burglnr-proof safe I
bought for n bargain Is n joke."
"Maybe thnt Is why the crook
cracked It."
How' This?
We offer 3100.00 for tiny case of catarrh
that cannot bo cured by HALL'S
en intornally and acts through the Blood
on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System.
Sold by druggists for over forty years.
Price 75c. Testimonials free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
God makes the pure nlr, but unless
we breathe It freely It proflteth ns
When fines fail to deter lawbreakers
It Is high time to try jail sentences.
sad IMm: 'f; MMiMm
iAW :;i7?PiiBBillLA W ALW mm Ml w9w EM
Mkm mO'l'-NtaTMHnHLkw mmw Mm Mm VmmmWmm
famm -Mkfcii:':tt' T'WiTHHMHUHW mm aSHI mwmmTJmw
hfc mi I jmVhAkFVA Vtk- mmmw
When you're
nervous or
i .
see now it
t 'j.
The Flavor
r.rsrwrrjr. i ry. r-3
London Tiring of the Dance.
London jazz band proprietors nre
somewhat gloomy just now, fearing
that the dunclng boom may not last
much longer. One proprietor snys that
the men ho sends out nightly return
with very gloomy reports. The nt
tondnnce Is not so good recently In the
suburbs, but in the West end pro
prietors of large dancing halls sny the
craze will last for at least live years.
Unjustly Accused.
Mamma Bobby, why did you clean
your shoes on this towel?
Bobby Why, mamma, I only wiped
my fnce and hands on" It I
Hnlf the troubles we complain of
nro troubles because we complain of
t j -
fa ) Guaranteed ty
ShsiS JtWJL&z
fZ 4
For mother
father, the boys
and girls. It's
the sweet for all
ages at work or
i vyv."" ..
, J ,
'' "k
All Going Smoothly.
The cbnplnln came plodding along
the road coming back from the front,
lines several hours after the Infantry
had gone over the top.
"How are things going up there?"
Inquired an artillery lieutenant.
"Fine, fine," said the chaplain.
"We're knocking them for a goal."
"Haven't seen many prisoners," said
tho lieutenant skeptically.
"No, I guess you won't," replied tho
chaplain, "our machine guns hnven't
jammed all morning." The Home Sec
tor. Too much "uplift" Is keeping many
people down.
Some men tucceed In spite of them
selves. "OOD IDEA!
- Open your
Lucky Strikepack
age this way tear
off part of the top
- t flia T unlrv Strike
to 21
ran A
" PW
cigarette a cigarette made
of that delicious real Bur
Icy tobacco. It's toasted.