S hj,u y W-W- 1 'M DAKOTA COUNTY HERALD, DAKOTA CITY, NEBRASKA. I M tt & 8 m J i -. i TOO WEAK TO DO ANYTHING A Serious Feminine Illness Remedied By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Cnsco. Wis. "After the birthof each of my children I had displacement and wna bo weak i couldn't do anything I found n book about Lydia E. Pink h a m'o Vegetable Compound so thought I would try It, and after taking it I soon felt bet ter. That was fif teen yearn ago and I have felt well over since except that I had a slight attack or the troublo some timo ago ana toon nomo more of your Compound and wns ooon all right again. I always recom mend your medicine and you may pub lish my testimonial for the benefit of other women." Mrs. Jules Beko, Jr., Ji. 1, Box 99. Casco, Wis. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Corn pound.madofromnativo roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills in this country, and thousands of vol untary testimonials prove this fact. If you have tho slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound will help you, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Mcdicino Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter will bo opened, read and answered by a woman, und held in strict confidence. mmmmmWJLZmW jEJmi MHWeM DONT DESPAIR If you aro troubled with pain9 or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass ago of urine, you will find relief in COLD MEDAL Ths world's standard remedy for Mdntjr, liver, bladder and uric add troubles and National Remedy of Holland since 1685. Threo sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed. Lookfor Ilia name Gold Mdal on rrr bos mod accapt bo ialutloa Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug Cotirerm Bop U th forl U f omf otyruor tharlnc. No Homo for Leonldas. "Docs your husband stay homo nights?" "Certainly not," said Mrs. Mcelcton. "I Insist on his going with mo to nil the meetings I attend." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation Invites other troubles which cotno speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by Green's August Flower which Is a gcntlo laxa tlve, regulates digestion .both In stomach und Intestines, cleans und sweetens tho stomach and alimentary cnnnl, stimulates tho liver to sccreto the bile and Impurities from the blood. It Is n sovereign remedy used In many thousands of households all over tho civilized world for more than linlf a century by those who have suffered with Indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal pitation, constipation and other in testinal troubles. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, takn no substitute. Ady. Can't Fool Him. Teacher What Is n polygon? Bright Youth An escaped parrot. Chicago Dally News. A pretty woman's wrinkles a man's purse. smllo often Why That Backache? Why 1k miserable with a bad buck? You can't be happy if every day brings lameness; sharp, snooting painB and a dull, nagging ncho. Likely the cause is weak kidneys. You may havo head aches and dizzy spells, too, with a weak, tired feeling. Don't dclayl Try Doan'a Kidney I'flJ. They havo done wonders In thousands of such cases. Ask your neighbor! A South Dakota Case U. D. Itay, Ar mour. B. IX. says: "unen wuen i not uu out of a chutr Bliarp pains caught a It. tliA mnll'nf my tiack and I lind to stralghton slow ly. Nights I had to net up otten to pass the kidney so crotlons, w it I c li were mmnty and highly colored. 1 often got dizzy and things would blur. Doan'a Kidney l'llls soon relieved mo. TVvo boxes of Doan'a entirely rid mo of the backache and straightened me up In every way." Gt Dean's at Any Store, COe a Box DOAN'SSS? FOsVrOWWUURN CO BUFFALO. N. Y. the 'Wan? Did For itterieatt Fat itu$ luweru ii.i lourcon fF Vf X aaVsttsaHsBttaV. X X B aSRHr Tr f .BaaWr!3apr:i.. .t-ZlaKfesBtf&&i32t9mM 1 A i i 'i a i am i i aim hi' imiwi , ia11 i r an bit rmiATi i jm m ai-ara ..ai t jm p .. , nsaBMssnaT 1iMMHsfTlOrTi H. . slirwW wf " ""jMMOKgaMBiliiMMfflfcw ; a-SBBBBBBBBBBBlSSKjBBBHac "tMmMmmWSMWMi &MB6k?lAyapj SUV fk MIA n. MEL I & Wf Svw T ' gfw9MMMMWSBKtBKwtBitBSlumVBSKSBfKlMSKSiMmMm 11 MBaBSBSBSBSjpraaBjaaBjB aaaasBagsajBjipjg 9jJSh?fc &Z0fa sWoflBmcaa H9 JSi9l am i" SP ff 'r SMsBaHBHw2Bw8BHBB'8Ks'9SBKF''l LsaKISBflsBW 'jdmW-wBmWtimSmmmMtimW!!? Du9sfliPSAV ' " "WwJilf . '' '"iriTBiiBrilHBsli 7 WLfif TmW i-v 1 a Sib1sC??3HHbsbKSWsb5 liSCCivr a"a JditimJiS!mytrA m HL ' m J"r4 1 JTi.TiMrlslsaV-irr :''JfW$:&&& 1 ejar Mwaaw I ivWit m " i1 ' ! ,J.m"ttWi&.-XK0W?M.YT.rmMWfr,- A jvzz&jwrzjzv&sroctr- Dp-Satd Coughs 4valep aerioua corapllcatloni If ccslccttd. Um aa old aod time-tried remedy that baa glyea satlsfactiaa far mon than fifty yean PI SOS 27? 'HORWZR "COW URINO the past two yearB the methods of production nnd conservation em ployed by tho ftinncrs of this country have ndvunccd 20 yenrs of pence times. Trior to 1014, nnd even up to the dec laration of war by the United Stntcs, ' thcro wore fnnners In every communi ty who wore not Interested In county ngents, farmers' Institutes, the ngrl- aultnral colleges, or tho United Stntes department -of agriculture. Hut when war wns declared and' Unelo Sum nsltcd the farmers to grow more food ntuffs of ovcry kind, thoso who had beforo assumed nn nttltude of Indlftcrcnco responded lo tho call, throughout tho nation thoso farmers, with n spirit of patriotism and nn nddltlonnl Inducement of fulr prices nnd nn nssurnnco of reasonable compensa tion for their expenditures, called upon tho fed eral department nnd other agencies that could gtvo them Information. Tho nttltude ns well ns the spirit of tho farmers changed from peace-time to war-tlmo farming. Improved methods and practices adopted and now being applied havo como to stny. In futuro farming methods thoro should ho little question as to tho practlco of tho man who has treated his oats for smut and hns Increased his yield ; the man who has applied fertilizer to his wheat and has In croased his crops flvo to ten bushels nn aero; tho man who has sought information on the feeding of cnttlo and has found that by adding protein to tho ration ho can produce n pound of beef with nine pounds of com whero tho old ration required 3(1 pounds of grain ; the man who was encouraged to build n silo through which ho Is nhlo to feed n cnrlond of cattlo with the crops from 10 ncres of land when beforo It lequlred 20 ncres. Mon who hnvo learned these lessons, havo seen tho result, nnd huvo profited hy them, tiro not going back to nld-tlmo methods. Pat mors tiro reaching out In u broader wny for additional nld. Last fnll fnnners planted 40,000,000 acres of wheat, and whllo the early prospoctlvo yield was reduced to sonio extent by reason of ndverso weather nnd Insect enemies, n crop of approxi mately a billion bushels Is tho result. This hugo crop Is tho direct result of tho good methods of farming that wero employed In the fall of 1018. Thero wero moro tons of fertilizer npplled to this whput than during nny previous year. There was moro early plowing. Thero was better cultivation. Thero was better selection of varieties nnd better treatment of the seed, Thero was moro top-dressing of the crop with straw and manure than ever ' was known In any other your. Tart of the crop was duo to favoiablo weather In some localities, some Just to plain luck, hut tho big results achieved in tho wheat Ileitis all over tho country was duo to the Improved methods employed by fnrmers. There Is lurgo and nulllclent evidence to show that ngrlculturo has mtulo u rapid, suro, and sub stantial advance. If that Is true, then agriculture will not readily revert. At no tlmo has tho fanner been called upon to give greater attention to tho business sldo of his operations. In this day of hlgh-prlcodjand, labor, seed, fertilizer, machinery, and other materials and equipment, enrcful attention must ho given to economical production. Industrial plants hnvo found It necessary to Introduce the cost-accounting nystem In order that tho cost of each part manu factured may bo determined. In tho same way, farmers must conduct their business and know moro definitely tho deslrnblo and profitable lines of production, Not every farmer has It within bis power to In creaso his acreage, but ho can very materially in crease his Incnmo by judiciously Increasing tho slzo of his business. Thoro Is ono way of doing this that seems to bo open to farmers In prac tically all parts of tho country. Tho Minplest and surest way for tho land-locked farmer to make atoro money Is to produco moro and better llyo stock. Thoro Is but limited opportunity for ex pansion In tho production of the Intensively grown crops, but thero Is groat opportunity for expansion In the breeding nnd sale of nil classes of live stock. In tho case of 42 farms surveyed In Henry county, Indinnn, by the department of agriculture, 11 mado an nverngo labor Income of $l,42y a yenr. These farms kept the most live stock, nvernglng 02 animal units that Is, 02 full-grown cattle, or their bqulvalcnt In smaller nnlmnls. Sixteen fnnns made an nverngo labor lncomo of $470. These farms kept live stock averaging 10 nnlmal units per farm. Fifteen farms made nn average lubor lncomo of but 51. Not ono of these farms kept more thdn IS animal units. Dividing these farms Into three groups accord ing to the number of animals 'to nn acre, tho same tendency Is shown. Tho moro heavily stocked tho farm tho larger tho labor Income. A specific exnmple of what can be accomplished by rnlslng inoro and better stock, is that of a corn belt 'farm, formerly managed ns a straight-grain farm, that for tho past flvo years has been oper ated as a hog farm. Tho system followed Is rather unusual, In that but ono litter is raised each year, the sows bred being gilts, which aro fnltcnqd nnd sold nfter their pigs havo been wonned. The pigs, put on full feed on self-feeders, aro sold when from six to seven months old. Enough hogs aro bought to hog down tho corn crop. The profits realized nre far In advance of Uiqso. realized under tho old system. For the past threo years, respectively, the net returns from the hog enterprise alone hnvo been $1,250, $l,S5l, and $3,733. It should bo bonio In mind In this connection, however, that, Just as n large acreage may bo a handicap rather than nn advantage unless used to ntlvuntngc, mo live stock may bo n liability rather than an usset unless the qunllty of tho anlmnls Is high. Tho more scrub covs n man has tho worse off he Is If ho persists In trying to produco milk from them, and In some enses the quickest way to Increaso not returns Is to sell a bunch of cannors. Tho high-class hog and tho hlgh-clnss cow, each In Its own field, has no equal In efficiency In turn ing raw products Into human food, but until wo realize tho wldo difference In efficiency between tho scrub cow producing 2,000 pounds of milk and tho nnlmal yielding 7,000 pounds of milk, or between tho razorback hog and the hog that converts corn Into pork rapidly and economically, wo aro not In n position to mnko the most of this fact. So tho farmer who seeks to Incrcnso his busi ness by going Into llvo stock enterprises will mnko n gravu mlstako unless he pnys strict atten tion to the vltnl question of quality of stock. It Is not necessary to begin with expensive regis tered nnlmnls, for good grndo stock will serve, but It Is essential thnt great euro bo exercised In selecting tho Individual anlmnls thnt are to serve as tho foundation of tho herd or flock. When such enre Is taken, however, there Is no safer way for tho farmer to incrcnso tho slzo of his business than by intenslvo production of llvo stock. honesty, frugality, and industry to secure loans from tho federal Innd bnnk up to 75 per cent of tho appraised value of tho land. We nlso ask thnt tho maximum rate of annual payment, Includ ing nmortlzatlon, shnll not 6xceed 5 per cent. "Fourth. We Insist thnt tho secretnry of agri culture should be n practical working farmer, and thnt the Indorsement of farm organizations should receive duo consideration In the selection of men for that office. "Fifth. Thnt tho highest rates of taxes levied during tho war on incomes, corporations, nnd excess profits bo continued until tho full cost of the war has been paid, and that the government also levy a tax on the value of land and other natural resources held for speculative purposes. "Sixth. We urge the adoption of a far-seeing, patriotic policy for tho reclamation of tho waste lands of all sections of tho country for tho pur poso of enlarging the nrcn of ngrlcultural pro dtlctlons. "Seventh. We demnntl tho most vigorous en forcement of njl federal la'ws to prevent the Im migration of undesirable aliens, nnd we also urge tho prompt dcportntlon of nil aliens seeking to overthrow our government and destroy our freo Institutions. , Eighth. Wo believe that tho principle of co operation should be npplled to the solution of our marketing nnd Industrial problems, to tho ad vantage of the producing, consuming, and labor ing classes. "Ninth. We are. opposed to tho maintenance of wnr-tlrao armaments in tlmo of pence and to nny system of mllltnry organization that includes universal military training." Oyster Shells for Poultry Oyster shell Is not needed by chicks, but pullets nnd hens do better for having oyster shell ns n reg ular part of their ration. This wns proved by tho New York' ngrlcultural experiment stntlon somo years ngo, when n poultry writer condemned tho uso of oyster shell ns unnecessary. The New York station proved thnt a pound of oyster shell contnlns enough lime to manufacture about seven dozen eggs. Tills should not bo fed In tho mnsh. Fowls know moro nbout whnt they need to ent than wo do. If they hnvo the shell, ground bone, meat scrnps nnd grit in hoppers beforo them, with a variety of ground grains In dry mnsh, they will balance their ration better thnn wo can bnlnnco It for them. National Farmers' Union Senator Capper of Kansas recently put Into tho Congressional Record resolutions nnd recom mendations adopted by tho National Farmers' union nt Its mutual convention In Memphis, Tenn., as follows: "First, Wo Indorso tho Kenyon-Anderson bill, which embodies Important recommendations of tho federal tntde commission designed to correct the abuses and extortions that oxlst In tho meat packing industry nnd urgo Its immediate enact ment by congress. "Second. Wo Indorso tho Cnpper-IIersman bill to give tho farmers of tho republic tho prlvllego of organizing and conducting collective bargaining associations, based on co-operntlvo principles, but wo ask that proper safeguards bo Included In such legislation to prevent corponttlons from tak ing advantage of Its provisions. "Third. -Wo favor nn amendment to tho federal loan act that will cnablo n mnn without a farm but possessing an established reputation for Combat Vermin on Animals It doesn't tnko much argument to convince tho owner of lousy stock thnt relief measures should bo lnnuguratcdto conibat tho llco nnd relieve the animals. Llco show on animals usunlly In tho Into winter nnd early spring months. Tho hnnn they do Is then very apparent. Stock owners usually busy themselves when the llfo nnd thrift of tho Infested nnlmnl Is seriously Involved. Rut It takes grentcr argument to get the nverngo stock owner to combat llco on nnlmals thnt do not look lousy. Lousy spring nnlmnls were also lousy fall anlmnls. Tho only difference Is In tho number of lice. Why not kill the fow llco now that apparently do no harm, lnslcnd of tho mnny thnt have done hnrm7 "Fertilizer on Grass Lands To keep up tho organic mntter of tho soil and thereby Improve tho fertility It Is tmportnnt to maintain good sod. In-other words, It Is a mistake to keep mowing a field until tho yields of hny aro no longer profitable and then plow up tho sod for somo other crop. If a field Is to bo mown moro thnn onco n yenr It should bo fertilized each yenr after tho first with either manure or commercial fertilizer. Nothing Is better for n top-drc-sslng than mnnure, which may bo applied when weather permits at, any time during tho winter. If ma nure Is not avallablo equal pnrts of nltrnto of sod and field phosphate Bhould be applied at tho rat of 200 to 800 pounds of thi mixture to an acre. r B U U.Y ! If Bilious, Constipated or Headachy, take "Cascarets" f.....-"----"---"-j Feel grand I Cleau up Inside I Your system Is filled with liver nnd bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head foggy nnd aching. Your meals arc turning into poison and you can not feel right. Don't stny bilious or constipnted. Feel splendidly nlwnys by taking Cascarcts occasionally. They act without grip ing or Inconvenience. They never sick en you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or lasty, harsh Pills. They cost so little too Cascarets work whllo you sleep. Adv. Seems So. "Things you worry about never hnp pen." "Then it must pay to worry a cheap way of staving off tronble." Catarrh Cannot Be Cared by LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the scat of tho disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly lnrtu Bnced by constitutional conditions'. HALL'S CATAUUH MEDICINE will cure-catarrh. It Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of th" System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is composed of somo of tho best tonics known, combined with somo of the beau blood purifiers. The perfect combination of tho ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is what produces such won derful results In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free, F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo,. Ohio. Good Advice. "I feel I am going all to pieces." "Oh, do collect yourself." Balti more American. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIFr. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Day Run, a small box of Barbo Compound, and oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired shade. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co'or the scalp, is net sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adv. t It's an unpardonable sin to steal an umbrolln on a clear day. For Mothers and all Married Women I Omaha, Ncbr.: "Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription was a splendid tonio and relieved mo of all nauseating condi tions during expect ancy. My baby was strong and hardy in every way. I surely am glad to recom mend Dr. Pierco's Favorito Prescrip tion to tho expectant mother because I uuw uy uciuzu e ruvrrArtfW tinf. tf iq tmnrl " XTTJfl .TAWl? COOPER, 3310 Cass St. " For Women Who are Ner vous, Weak, or Run-down Omaha, Nobr.: "As a special tonio I havo taken Dr. Pierco's Favorito Prescrip tion and found it to givo almost immediate relief in coses of nervousness or a weakened or run-down condition. I have taken this mcdicino einco ray earliest girlhood when ever my system seemed to require a tonic. and it has aover foiled mo. I am very glad to recommend tho 'Favorito Prescription' to women nnd young girls who need such a tonic." MRS. MARY LALONDE, 6301 N 34th St. Every woman who has reason to bcliovo , that backache, headache, unnatural pains, low spirits, sleepless nights, irregularities or a catarrhal condition is caused by a derange ment of tho womanly functions, owes it to horsclf and dear ones to speedily overcome tho trouble before a general breakdown causes permanent prostration. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a non-alcoholio remedy that any ailing wo man can safely tako because it is prepared from roots and herbs containing tonio prop erties of tho most pronounced character. It is not a secret remedy becauso its ingre dients aro printed on wrapper. Get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to-day, cither in liquid or tablet form oi send Dr. Pierco's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo," N. Y.. lOo for large trial package. Sure Relief aa tBftfcKN JNDIGESTKWJ '?""- "VC 6 Bell-ans Hot water dW Sure Relief . RE LL-ANS 1-Pfor indigestion Are You Getting Your Share ol LOUISIANA OIL If Not, Why Not? Write U The Leskey-Keohane Co. LICENSED BROKERS OIL STOCKS and LEASES 523 Market St SHREVEPORT, LA. The Utcst geolofftc&l map In fire colors show, tug plpa lines, renneriea, oU and gu Uelds. eus. Kntoa receipt ot S6 cents. . Cuticura Soothes Itching Scalp On retiring gently rub spots of dan druff nnd Itching with Gutlcurn Oint ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap nnd hot water. Makft them your every-dny toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands. Adv. Tomorrow never comes unless you have n note to meet. Si V t r"- -. I t ,"t i 1