Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, January 22, 1920, Image 5

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    f - . " in fcl
. vV-i .
,1 . f .
v vy A?1, .f
How ,,'jout your income tnx? We have special facilities to help you
after the 10th of January, 1020. Call on us, our sen ice is yours.
We Invite you in all branches ol banking.
How about your form loans? Call or write us. We loan on tlio
following plans: Five, seven ten, twenty and thirty-one and one- half
years plan. We have what you want, giving you preference to the kind
of loans and the length of time you wish to have it run.
Join U3 and attend farm sales. Headquarters for clerking sales.
The Mid -West State Bank
Under State Supervision.
' Sioux City, Iowa.
'.'See us FIRST" it .'AYS.
Cash for Homes and Forms many buyers waiting.
Farm and City Loans the BEST Rates Service Treatment
GOOD Insurance every kind written. Coll and "get Ac
quainted." We sell OAFE 1st Mtgs netting you (5 por cc.tt
Int. No loss 33 yrs loaning thus.
G19 Davidson Bldg.
"Our SERVICE yours"
ED. T. KEARNEY, President.
Federal Finance Co.
Fourth and A Streets
100 Modern .Rooms $1.00 JUp
Europoan Plan. f
All Rooms Steam Heated.
The Hotel Barstow has been
entirely refitted, and is par
ticularly popular with ladies
ind families. Special rates
to permanent guests.
The Land of Sunshine
and Roses
The Horold, $1.50 per year
J. A, Hill was here from Jnckson
on business Wednesday.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Robert A. Colwell on the 14th.
Postmastdr Schmicd entertained an
office inspector ot his home last Fri
day. S. A. Stinson went to Omaha on
Wcdnesdny morning for a short vaca
tion trip.
A teachers' examination will bo
held Saturday at the court, house,
when county life certificate subjects
will bo given.
A card received from Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. W. Bates states that they ar
rived in Kansas City O.K., on their
way to Phoenix, Ariz.
A number of relatives of tho Fred
Schmidt family went to Sioux City
Sunday and helped them colebrato
their silver Wedding anniversary.
Walter E. Miller, county treasurer,
leovds next Sunday for Rochester,
Minn., where ho will enter the Mayo
Bros, hospital for an operation for
stomach trouble.
Mrs. Pat Kellehcr come down from
Norfolk, Neb., Tuesday evening, bring
ing her grandfather, Samuel Gr'ibble,
who was taken ill whilo visiting rel-'
otlves there, to tho home of his
daughter, Mrs. Bello Barnctt, in this
An item in the Wayne Democrat
announces the marriage of Walter A.
Schultz and Miss Grace V. Ream on
January 9th. ''The bride is a daugh
tre of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ream, living
near Dixon, Neb. I he young couple
Lutheran Church Notes
By Rev C. R. Lowe.
The choir enjoyed n very pleasant
evening at tho homo of Mr. Wm.
Ostmcycr Inst Saturday evening.
'Iho pasvoi hud iho li.'iri lurk of it
blowout as ho was leaving town, but
Mr. Verne Morgan met him before
ho had walked but a liltlo way after
having taken the ctipplcd rig home
and Mr. Emory Bobler mado tho trip
to tov.n nftei tho party was over,
Sunday morning, of courso we had
to wnlls to Saleih, but that was no
hardship. We would not havo dono
so if tho Ford had been in running
order. Ono of tho worshippers re
marked that if all the folks would
do as I had dono, there would have
been a lot of pcoplo there who were
not present. Which leads me to re
mark that a good deal of our luck
of time and the inability to get to
the worship is n lock of planning and
determination on our port. It is
that wo do not look olieod and got
ready, and aro careless whether wo
are ablo to worship God in tho
sanctuary. Tho other day wo were
ot a meeting of the executive boord
of tho synod. On that board is one
of the busiest bankers in Nebraska,
with board meetings and committee
meetings galore, but on two days'
notice ho was able to meet with us
and give us two hours and a half
time. Marshal Foch run the war
and won it, and had also time to go
to the house of Prayer for nn hour
every day; maybe ho spent as much
as an nour and a linlf from his work.
will reside on a farm near Mniilv. Maybe wo think tho banker could tear
State of Ohio. City of Toledo,
Lucas County, so.
Frank J. Cheney makes onth that ho
Is lenlor partner of the firm of P. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business In the City
of Toledo, County and Stato aforesaid,
and that said Arm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo
cured by the use of HAUL'S CATARRH
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In
my presence, this Cth day of December,
A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON,
(Seal) Notary Public: i
Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken In
ternally and acts through the Blood on
the Mucous Surface.1) of tho System. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c,
Hall's Family Pills for' constipation.
The Leading American
Seed Catalog
Burpee's Annual Is a complete guide
for theVegetablo and Flower garden.
If you are interested In gardening
Burpee's Annual will be mailed to
you free. Write for your copy today.
"Wi Aleo Burp.ee Co.
21 Burpee Bldg. Philadelphia
Walter E. Miller and wife wo'c
visitors with friends in Homer Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hirsch of Sioux
City, spent Sunday here with relatives.
The Herald is printing sale bills
this week for Wm. Heenan, whose
sale will be held on Thursday, Feb
ruary 5th, 11)20.
County Supt. W. E. Voss went to
Lincoln Tuesday noon to attend a
two-days' conference of county super
intendents of the state.
Scads of river ice is being put up
this week by the local business firms
and farmers in this vicinity. The
Ice is of good quality, and about 14
inches thick.
D. Van de Zedde went to Omaha
Sunday to be with his daughter, Mrs.
A. W. Lang, who will undergo an op
eration at hospital there sometime
during this week.
George C. Blessing of Homer was
here several days last week, and Mon
day and Tuesday of this week work
ing on matters pertaining to the re
districting of tho county schools.
County Supt. W. F. Richardson, of
Dixon county, was here Tuesday in
conference with the redistricting
board concerning boundaries of school
districts having territory in both
Samuel Grlbble came over from l
visit at Humeston, Iowa, last Thurs
day and spent a few days at the horre
of his daughter, Mrs. Belle Barnott,
leaving Saturday for Meadow Groe,
Neb., to visit relatives there, before
returning to his home at Goodwin,
S. D.
Tho Salem Ladies Aid will meet
Thursday at 2 p. m., January 29th, at
the home of Mrs. H. E. Brbwri. All
friends and members are cordially
welcome. The serving committee is
Mrs. H. E. Brown, Mrs. Alice Sides,
Mrs. Pierce Wilson, Mrs. Flora fish
er and Mrs. Thos. Cribble.
Mrs. C. N. Derry of South Sioux
City, and her daughter, Mrs. W. E.
Morrison, of Murdo'S. D., were vis
itors here last Thursday with old
friends. Mrs. Morrison was down to
see her mother, who had been ill for
several months. She expected to re
turn home the first of the week.
In a letter to G. -W. Sayre, from
Mrs. John B. Dewitt, postmarked at
Aneheim, Cal., January 9th, sho says:
"My husband is no better, they
brought him home from the hospital
on a stretcher to spend Christmas;
his left side is entirely useless, and
I hod to feed him. Ho eats good
and says he feels fino and has lots of
strength in his right side, but cannot
move himself about. He was at home
two weeks." The letter also stated
that Levi Yeoman and his wife had
moved to Glendale, twenty-eight
miles from Anaheim, where he has
two 5-acre orange ranches. He keeps
a hired man to do his work, and he
is living a retired life. They have a
fine homo and an automobile.
burg, Neb.
F. H. Forrest, local .manager 'n
the Nebraska Telephone Compay in
this place, left Monday for Detroit,
Mich., in response to a message stat
ing that his father was seriously ill.
having suffered a stroke of paralysis,
from which he is not expected to
Internal Revenue Collector Geo. L.
Loomls of Omaha", announces thnt a
deputy collector will visit this coun
ty on the following dates and assist
taxpayers in making out their in
come tax returns: jlomer, Feb. 20:
Dakota City, Feb. 21; South Sioux
City, Feb. 23.
Following the example set by com
mercial clubs, chamber of commerce,
etc., many organizations of farmers en lulty to worslp Go(
Ul 13
way from his work any time for a
couple of hours, but they have work
thnt has to bo dono tho same as we
have. Oh, ono will say but that the
head of the Allies' war operations
did not hnvo work to look after.
Time, we havo the ti: o if wo want
to use it that way. There are n
lot of things which present them
selves to be done, they will keep the
Christian from his duty and his pro
mise if he will let them, but we will
have to do as Peter says, put them
away. I am not minimizing the ne
cessity of our labors, but wo ought
not to rob God of the time and tho
worship due him, but bo as glnd to
do that as we nro to receive the
grain at his hand. I wish I could
make men see thnt it is their bound-
Wo think
1 Systematizing tiim family spending
p Tho family that does its spending according to
H a fixed plan avoids debt and is able to save system-
jj atically.
Divide your spending about as follows and
'watch results at the end of six months: Fo6d 30
per cent, rent 20 per cent, general expense 20 per
cent, clothing 10 per cent, amusements 10 per cent,
savings 10 per cent.
Thousands of families have adopted budget sys
tems to their great advantage, financially and other
wise. Give it an honest trial,
Bank of Dakota City
Dakota City, Neforaskn.
navmg oanquets tnis winter. ' ,i i,:a ,., ,n. 1...1.
County Farm Bureaus, breeders' asso- tncro wlll bo a timc whon wo'win
ciotions and other farmers organiza- wish thtA we hnd done ourduty as
lions are finding these get-together it ,s outlined here. Even If you
feeds of much value in promoting aro of the heavenly hosts, you will
good fellowship. A recent banquet wish you had dono so. First you
in Dawson county was attended by wjU bo sorry just on general princi
more than 100 farmers and breeders, pies, and second becnuso there will
Dewey Kinney, of Johnstown, Neb., be others who aro enjoying more df
tnp supposea victim 01 tne Killing ino glories or if you please will be
during a holdup at South Sioux City enjoying the glories more than yoa
recently, for which Don Piazzi is be- are. Somo find more pleasure in
Ing held to answer to a charge of tho service of worship hero than oth
mUrder or robbery, turned up in ers, and in heaven there will bo the
Sioux City Monday "alive and well." same difference. If you want hcavci
This puts another phase on tho kill- to bo the fullest possiblo of good
ing and robbery. The body of the things, you will have to live to that
man killed was taken to Johnstown end here.
rprvtmrmif last week, but will be ex- Mr. Robert Hijeman and family
humed and brought bnck tcDakoth havo asked for their church letters
county, it is reported. Meanwhile to the Presbyterian church at Mc
Piazzi is languishing in tho Dakota. Minnville, Ore., and Mr. J. P. Lake
county jail awaiting further developments.
County Judge S. W. McKinley of
and family wish their membership
transferred to Sturgcs, S. D. These
have been given in both instances
ficinted at tho following umlrlinr-i Wo hate to give un these ncoDle. but
during the past week: David E. For- thcv have done tho right thing. The
dig and Mary N. Kail, both of Sioux mo to ho sorry is when thoy go
City, on the -13th; Raymond C. De- away from lho work of tho church.
laney 01 waieraury, JNebr., and Mary v mu" uuriii. to iuko nis cnurcn icc-
v. uavey 01 ronca, Neur., on the 14th;
Fred E. McClatchie and Irene E.
Wright, both of Sioux City, John E.
Annell of Winnebago, and Kuttic
Shunk, of Lake Andes, S. Df, Harri
son M. Calp and Dortha H. Wright,
both of Sioux City, Peter Brewer and
Florence Mack, both of Yankton, S
D and Clifford M. Terrill and Graco
Lill, both of Sioux City, ,U on tho
15th; George Voulgaris and Esther
V. Lawton, both of Sioux City, on
tho 17th; and Forrest Cobb and Kate
M. Ahrendson, both of Correction
vilie, Iowa, on tho 18th.
ter with him always when ho has
changed locations permanently.
We havo not seen it in print, and
thereforothero nro a lot of our peo
ple who will bo pleased to find out
that B. M. Boals is busy just at pres
ent with a building campaign of tho
Y. M. C. A. at Payette, Idaho.
First Pub. Jan. 22, 1920 3w.
Notlcu of l'robnto of Will.
In tho County Court of Dakota
County, Nebraska.
Stato of Nebraska, Dakota Coun
ty. ss,
To Margaret C. Parker, Bert Park
er, Nettie F. Rockwell, Hattio E.
Bronson, Leo Parker, Fred Parker,
Walter Parker, Verno Bronson, Mol
vln Bronson, Violet Bronson, Ora
Rockwell, Leslio Rockwell, Richard
Porker, Evelyn Parker, Olgn Parker
and Farmers Loan & Trust Company
of Sioux City, Iowa, and to nil per
sons interested in the estato of An
drew J. Parker, deceased.
On reading the petition of Fred J.
Parker, praying that tho instrument
filed in this court on tho 15th day of
January, 1920, and purporting to be
tho lait Will and Testament of
The following marriage licenses
were Issued by County Judge Mc
Kinley during the past weelc:
Namo and Address. Age.
Raymond C. Delaney, Waterbury..22
Mary F. Davey, Ponca 13
David E. Ferdig, Sioux City 50
Mary N. Kail, Sioux City 37
Fred E. McClatchie, Sioux City ...37
Irene E. Wright, Sioux City 28
Harrison M. Calp, Sioux City 31
Dorothy H. Wright. Sioux Cltv ...19
John E. Armoll. Wlnnpim M,.i. 04 ' the said deceased, may bo proved, al
Hattio Shunk, Lake Andes, S. D. ,10 , lowe(l nml recorded as tho last Will
Clifford M. Terill, Sioux City ....23r'!nd Tes,tnie"t of Andrew J. Parker,
Grace LIU, Sioux City ....... 18 de?Td t,1Bt.Ba'd Instrument bo ad-
. ,, , mitted to probate, and the adminls-
Peter Brewer, Yankton, S. D 21 ' tratlon of said estate bo granted to
I'lorenco'Mack, Yankton, S. D....20 J. J. Rimers, ns executor. It is hero
Forrest Cobb, Correctionville, la.. 21 by ordered that you, and all persons
Kate M. Ahrendsen, Correctionyille, (interested in said matter, may, and
Iowa , .18 do, appear ot tho County Court to be
George Voulgaris, Sioux City 23 ll0111 in nn1 for siW county,' on tho
Esther V. Lawton, Sioux City IS 14tl (,ny of February,' A. D. 1920, at
j 10 o'clock A. M to show cause, If
1 nny thoro be, why tho prayer of tho
Isilwililo Information For Irrigation petitioner should not bo granted, and
Farmers that notice of tho pendency of said
" Practical Information for Begin- Petition and that tho hearing there
ners In Irrigation," and "Irrigation of ho given to all persons interested
of Alfalfa" aro two United States .'" said matter by publishing a copy
deportment of agriculture farmers' f this order in the Dakota, County
bulletins containing much vnulablo Herald, a legal weekly newspaper,
information for thoso who aro con- printed in said county, for three suc
templatlng farming by Irrigation, cessivo weeks, prior to said dato of
The first one contains suggestions hearing.
aimed to assist those who would mas- Witness my hand and seal of said
ter tho details of preparing land for Court, this 20th day of January, A. I).
Irrigation, laying out and building 1020.
rarm .Hitches, and handling tho wator a. w. mcivinlkx,
supply so as to nstiro tho best re- (Seal.) County Judge.
suits. The other bulletin deals with ,
the methods of irrigating alfalfa,! .
amount of water required, proper " W WV JIM W W
time to irrigate, winter irrigation,! I I 1 IVl " Mz. IX
Irrigation to nrevent wintor-kllllnir.i mjf. -A 7 -!ff .
rise of ground water and Its effects oec rP AinDlT QAVINP
on alfalfa, subirrlgotion, etc. Tho ?5 OR vPRr . VN5
numners or tno bulletins aro 801 and
805 respectively. Thoy may bo ob
tained freo from the College of Ag
riculture, uncoin.
Iatou. nnnlaf n0flkldrbll!llff antllyoahAVftM&ft
M compl.u I !( ol wti.t rou Dm 4 bar oar Mtlmu
irntarnnull, VV (hip quUktndMy tfc freight.
Specials for Saturday, Jan, 24
2 Pkgs. of Grape Nuts ,..3."c
Matches por box (c
3 lbs. hand picked Beans 3,"c
1 lb. can of Salmon ..,.. 28c
2 lbs. fancy Rice 35c
2 Lamp Chimneys 2c
5 lb. can of Prunes .$l.(i,'i
G boxes Duck Soap 25c
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables of nil Kinds
for Saturday's Trndo
Dakota City,
$ ill ipyr8y ratg""
2ttVSP&JSiB?sa2Ammm! v
mi2Km,; AsH'v -kx 5 UA
4P jT ' '
1019 A- B. S.. Inc,
"Shufljert" Wants Nebraska Furs
And Will Pay These Extremely High Prices
iai lo vitcc ct to vm.ot lmo tovioi Iiit ioviur
N9 2 1
mid tin souuirrl
6.00 to 5.00
4.50 lo 3.75
4.75 lo 3.75
3.50 to 2.75
3.50 to 2.75
250 to 2.00
2J0 to 1.75
1.75 tt liO
250 lo 1.50
1.75 to 125
Fine, Dark
Usual Color
15.00(0 12.00
ll.OOto 9.00
ll.OOto 9.00
8.00lo 7.00
11.00 to 9.00
8.00 to 6.50
6.00 to 5.00
8.00 ! 6.50
6.00 to 5.00
4.50 to 4.00
8.001. 4.00
6.00 to 3.00
4.50 tt 20
PTATOVtc nrwto Avintct tTMT vll HTtutyVMU MWWHtMwrv'
BlaTk 1 15.00 to 12.00 11.00 to 9.00 8.50 to 8.00 7.5Qli 650 7.60 to 4.00
Short 10.00 to 850 8.00 to 7.00 650 to 6.00 5.75 to 5.00 5.09 to 258
Narrow 8.00 to 7.00 650 to 550 525 to 4.75 450 to 4.00 4.00 to 2.00
Broad 5.00 to 4.00 1 350 to 3.00 1 25Qta 2.00 1.75 to 1.001 150 to .75
These extremely high prices ore boned on the well-lcnown "SHOBERT" liberal grading ami arc
quoted for Immediate ihlpment. No. 3, No. 4. and otherwise Inferior tklni at hlgliett market
value. For quotation! on other Nebraska Fun, write for VtShe atbabcrt tkblpsrr, the only
reliable and accurate market report and price Hit of I tt kind published. If t'HEaWfiU fat W,
A shipment to "SHUBERT" will
wcult In "more money"aqulcker."
A. B . S HUB ERT'"
25-27 W. Austin Ave. Dept.263Q Chicago, XJ.S.A
E. F. Rasmussen
PoncBi Neb.
Write or phono 1110 onrly for
dates, as I will soil nearly ev
ery day this season, I am soil
ing for tho best farmers and
stockmon in Northeast Nebras
ka. I huvo somo good farms
und ranches for sale.
Yours for Ituslncss.