Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 18, 1919, Image 5

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We will accept your applications for closing up to March first, 1020.
We loan In Iowa, Minnesota, East half of Nebraska and East of the James
River in South Dakota, twenty and thirty-three year loans Federal plan,
also five and ten year plans, interest rates BH to 6 per cent. Make your
wants known, wo arc at your service.
We invite you in all branches of banking, checking accounts, time dr
posits, loans money, foreign drafts, steamship tickets, clerks sales (watch
our future sale advs.)
The Mid -West State Bank
Under State Supervision.
Sioux City, Iowa.
"Uncle Sam's" Federal Loans LESS thaii 5 per cent (if
Our 33 yrs. experience and SERVICE yours.
Also, G and 10 to 33 yr. Farm Loans 54 per cent,
you liye on your land.)
"Our SERVICE yours." Federal Finance Co.
G19 Davidson Bdg ' ED. T. KKAKNLY, President
Sioux City, Iowa.
We have a few of the strictly Big
Tpe Chester Whtte boars left for
quick sale. They are February arid
April farrow, and cholera immune.
Heikes Bros., Dakota City, Neb., R. 2.
torn we have put in a stock of the
Jlnest Christmas Candies, Toys, and
Gift Articles, suitable for the holi
days. Drop in and See vUiat we
have; we know we can' please you;
also do not fail to notice our store
decorations. We have gone to con
siderable work in decorating our
store ,thls year, and believe it is
better and more pleasing than ever
before. Be sure to see us for your
Christmas tree and decorations.
Wishing you one and all a very
Merry Xmas.
Fourth and A Streets
100 Modern Rooms $1.00 Up
European Plan.
All Rooms Steam- Heated.
The Hotel Barstow has been
entirely refitted, and is par
ticularly popular with ladies
and families. Special rates
to permanent guests.
The Land of Sunshine
and Roses.
Anyono wanting draying done, call
Will Sanford, at tho depot, phono
No. 3.
I The Ladies Aid society of tfie M.
IE. church will meet with Mrs. Will
Berger Frm afternoon of this week.
I Donald Best was laid up at home
a few days tho past week with a bad
case of tonsilltis. He is back on the
job at Stinson's storo again.
Chester Antrim camo down front
Willow Lake, S. D., Saturday, accom
panying a shipment of sheep for hit.
brother-in-law. Ho expects to re
main here tho balance of tho winter.
Mrs. Chester Ream of Westflcld,
Iowa, is spending tho week hero
at the C. II. Ream homo, while re
covering from an operation which
she recently underwent at a Sioux
City hospital.
Buy Colorado Land producing 50
bu. corn, 25 bu. wheat, etc., $27.50 to
$40 an aero; easy terms; sub-irrigated
alfalfa land $50 to $75. Boom just
starting; como to Denver before win
ter sets in and seo land by auto. F. L.
Hammond, Colorado BIdg., Denver,
Miles t Brotherton, of Ringlinpr,
Okla., visited hero the past week with
his grandchildren, Mrs. Henry W.
Lahrs, and Mrs. Gcorgo M. Barnott,
and at South Sioux City with his son,
Frank Brotherton,. and family. A
family reunion was held Sunday In
his honor at tho George M. Barnott
home in this place.
Miss Emma Becker arrived hcrco.i
Friday from Monroe, Wis., and re
turned baturuav. takintr the children1
of her brother, R. C. Becker, whoso
hoiio was destroyed by firo Itixt
Thursday, back homo with her. .t.
and Mrs. Becker left the first of this
week for Wisconsin to visit j ..11
after the holidays with Mr. Becker's
Mrs. Beacham, wife of C. L. Beacm
am, editor of the Winnebago Chief
tain, died suddenly last Thuisday in
her home at Winnebago. Her hus
band has been confined to his bed for
several montm), suffering from a
stroke of paralysis, and Mrs. Beach
am has been issuing tho paper during
his illness. Tho sympathy of their
many friends goes out to the family
in its sore affliction.
No grass will grow under a greater
variety of conditions than redtop,
says United States Department of Ag
riculture circular 43. This leaflet
deals with tho value, uses, seed, soils
and climate, and culture of redtop.
8. Mum
1 1 &2(
' ?l-"BW
Axel Rasmussen, 24, and Mae White,
19, both of Hubbard, Nob., were mar
ried in Sioux City last Thursday.
An adiourned term of tho district
court wiil be held here on Monday,
January 5th, by Judge Guy T. Graves.
Charlev Moore and wife departed
Tuesday for Kansas, where they will
spend a month or two visiting rela
tives of Mr. Moore.
Program. Basket Social, Parker
school, district twelve.- Five miles
south of Dakota City. Friday even
ing, December nineteenth, at eight
o'clock. Everybody welcome.
Word was received by the D. H.
Haccr iamilv the first of the week Ttedton Is the boat wnt.lnnri irrns-i
Of the serious illness with scarlet ic among the tame species. It is also
ver of Miss Helen Rix, a former Da j strongly drouth resistant and will
kota City girl, at her home in Ful- grow on sour and other kinds of poor
lerton, .Neb. soils. Circular 43 may be-obtained
E. J. (Doc) McKernan returned' from tho Collcgo of 'Agriculture,
last Thursday from Rochester, Minn., Lincoln.
where he had been for several weeks, The following couples, were married
at the Mayo Bros, hospital, receiving by County Judge S. W. McKinley dur
treatment for a goiter, which tho ng the past week: Peter C. Peter
physicians successfully removed fro.i' son and Nellie Sandbloom, both of
his neck, He feels greatly improv-' Sioux City, on the 10th; Frank W.
ed since returning home. Hansen of Omaha, Neb., and Rose C.
Wm. P. Warner received a letter 'Dalton of Dent, Minn., "-on the 11th;
the past week from his brother, D William Whalon and Mabel Rice,
W. Warner,, of Edmonton, Canada, in both of Sioux City, on thel3th; John
which was enclosed a bundle of Wanderscheid of LeMars, Iowa, and
moose whiskers the "only thing Mr. Katherino E.-Kellerof Cherokee, 'la.1:
.' i J -J ..- A 1.. AH U 1CiL
Warner nas prouueu bo xur iu veruy vn uiu juui
the' big stories ho has told of his I Mrs. Eliza
hunting experiences while on his re
cent trip to Canada.
Frank Gribble, of Yale, S. D., vis
ited relatives hero Sunday and Mon
day, being en routehome from a trip
to Missouri to attend a Hereford cat
tle sale. He spent a few days at
his old home at Humeston, Iowa,
while on the trip. He found tho
train service something fierce, owing
to so many trains being discontinued
for the time being on account of
the shortage of coal.
A Northwestern train ran into a
bunch of mules at the Vern Heikes
farm just west of town Monday morn
ing, killing two of them outright and
crippling four others. The animals
had gotten onto the rightofway at
the gates leading from one field to
another, and would not leave the
track when the train came along, on
account of the deep snow along side
the rails. They kept ahead of the
train for" some distance, but were fi
nally run down.
Fire broke out in the house occu'
Elizabeth Beacom. G8 years of
age, who located in Dakota county il.
1873, died Tuesday at tho home of hor
daughter, Mrs. Harry Covell, in Sioux
City. ' She was a resident of this
county for forfy-two years. About
four years ago she moved to Sioux
City to make her home. She is sur
vived by six sons, James, Michael,
John, George, Owen, and Dave Bep
com, and two daughters, Alice Bea
com and Mrs. Covell; and two broth
ers, Owen Mclntyro of Wing, N. D.,
and Thomas Mclntyre of Dubuque,
Iown. Her husband, Michael Bea
com, died a number of years ago.
The funeral will be hold at Hubbard.
Neb., her former home.
A. II. BRUNELLE, Principal
The Christmas Vacation will begin
Friday. December 19. and will end
January 6, when school will resume
MlLLWORXudiWMrelballdliiE nuUrUlst
ft von. Don1 tb Mfltlrfar baylnf ttntll Toil ban mbA
M compute lirt of wtiAtrotjpMdud bT our Mtlmata
fc nturn mall, W lf aulok an4ay tha I rajgbl.
Iapmers lumber CO.
pied- by R. C. Becker and family last as usual.
Thursday forenoon about 9:30, and The uncertainty as to tho weather
before the volunteer fire department was the only doubt as to the success
could get a stream of water to the of the evening of merriment at the
blaze most of the contents of tho school, planned for Wednesday oven
house were ruined. The fire origin- ing. Rehearsals of the several fca
ated in a closet down stairs, and had tures of the evening showed that ev
made considerable headway before it eryono was entering into the prepa
was discovered. Tho building, how- rations with hearty effort. Tho jig
over, was saved, but was considerably by John Sanfdrd and Warren Heikes
damaged by both firo and water. Mr. promised to bo a genuino treat, to
Becker carried $500 insurance on his bo featured along with many other
furniture and belongings. The prop- bits of foolishness from tho South
erly belongs to Mrs. Charity Hart, land. At the mock trial, it was ex-
now residing at Portland, Ore., and pected that ample evidence would lie
her loss is covered by Insurance.
. This bank offers farmers and business men
everj; facility and convenience for the prompt and
careful transaction of their banking business, be
sides absolute security for their funds.
Checking accounts for handling their current
business; Certificates of Deposit for depositing
money at interest for short or long .terms.
You will appreciate the kind of service we are
prepared to give once you learn all about it. May
wo have an opportunity to talk it over with you?
Bank of Dakota City
Dakota City, Nebraska.
presented to convict one of Dakota
City's most prominent citizens of a
hitherto unsuspected crime. Songs
by the Girls' Glee club were to in
cludoV'LulIaby Land," "Santa Lucia,"
and "Holy Night." Failure of mu
sic to arrive prevented tho girls from
preparing musia of n more special
Specials for Saturday, Dec. 20
Ladies' Vict GuirMotal or Pat. Colt Button Shoes, por pair ..51.00
(Don't miss this Special Shoo Salo)
Ono Can of Salmon 1 pound. , . . . ' 28c
3-pound Can" of May, Coffee, $1.1",
Ono Fackago'Llfo O' Wheat 2(lc
Three Packages of Krumblcs, 10c
Corn, Pons, and Succotash, per Can Hie
Ono Largo Package of Oats '.....' '. UOc
Three pounds of Hand Picked Beans 33c
Bacon, by the Strip, per pound .' !(7o
We havo a full supply of Mixed Nuts, per pound 10o
Candy In quantities, por pou nd .'..'. !10c to .15c
Fresh Fruit ami Vegetables of all Kinds
for Saturday's Trade
4aBtllafafc a
Dakota City,
ULbbbL A LLb
Most Important Work of Peace'
Is'Welfare of People, Says
Dr. Farrand.
Duroo Jersey boar pig, 7 month
old. Eligible to registration.
Ed Fredorlok, Dakota City, NH.
Tho following marriage licenses
wore issued by County Judgo Mc
Kinley during the past week:
Name and Address. Age.
John Wandetschuld, LeMars, la. ..23
Katherino E. Keller, Cherokee, Iu..I8
Frank W. Hansen, Omaha, Neb.... 28,
ivusu j, uunvn, uent, juinn. , . . , . .JtJ
Peter C. Peterson, Sioux City 31
Nellie Sandbloom, Sioux City .... ,2'J
William Whalen, Sioux City U0
Mabel Rice, Sioux City ........... 2ft
I have a few Whlto Rock Cockefreln
for solo at $2.C0 each.
Phono 97. Mrs. G, M. Be3t.
Co-ordination of All Movements to
Concerve Humanity and Prevent ,
Disease-Is After-War Task.
"The efficient organization which
Ibe American Red Cross built up td
meet tho demands
of war must not
bo permitted td
slip back Into In
activity," aaldDn
Livingston Far
rand, chairman olj
tho Central Com-j
mltteo ototho American Bed Crops who
Is touring tho country to placo tho
proposed peace work Squarely before1
the people. His tour waa outlined toj
carry tho messago Into all states as a
forerunner of tho Third Bed Cros
Roll Call, to bo conducted .from Novv
2 to 11 for 20,000,000 annual member
ships and $15,000,000. '
Most Dleeaseo Preventable. ,
"Tho war lias accentuated and
sharpened our realization that thu
greatest contributing factor In dlBturb-j
ing tho happiness of mankind Is thu
question of physical well-being, tho
problem of health and disease," Dr
Farrand mild. A largo portion of thej
dlseaso of tho world Is proventablcj
and tho peoplo naturally uro looking
to o.ganizatlons that uro nbla to help,
aud guide; that aro built on lines that
beget confidence.
"Tho organization best equipped for
this purposo Is tho American Bed
Cross. States and municipalities must
conduct this campaign and tho local
Red Cross organizations aro operating
units. For tho last ten years leaders.
In health work havo sought an organl-j
zatlon cnpablo of co-ordinating thej
various local activities into a massed!
movement which would produco re-j
suits. That organization Is tho Bed
Nursing Program Developed.
Aro wn not fnlnir tn fnkn ndvantneu
of this opportunity to'better humanity
we iiavo nero an organization mac
represents every national interests
that knows no party and no creed;
that has attached to It every typo of
man, woman and child in tho United
Slates nd wo proposo to put this en-.
,rrgy behind tho great movement td
.co-ordlnato and bring together thesd
varied Interests bo far as posslblo. ,
'"Tho biggest activity which tho Bed
Cross has undertaken In this field is
,tlio great public nursing program.
Iho entlro movement for public health
depends upon tho adequate develop
E. F. Rasmussen
Ponoaf Nb.
Writo or phono ino early for
dates, as I will sell nearly ev
ery day this soason. I am sell
ing for tho best farmors pnd,
stockmen in Northeast Nebras
ka. I have soma good farms.
and ranches for sale.
Yours for Business.
H' vBubHbMHbHbI
' bbbHbPHkHbHbbbbbW '
G. F. Hushes
- & Co.
Lumber, Building Ma
terial, Hardware, Coal
We havo , now boon in Dakota City in the
Iiumbor, Hardwaru and Coal business, a little
over threo years. Our aim has been to please our
customers, to trent every ono right and alike; nd
to Rivo satisfaction as nearly as possible in all sales.
Wo still carry tha best Lumber, Building Material,
Hardware, Paints,. Greases, Oils, and nearly- every
thing in our line. Wo thank each, antj all Patrons
for their past patronage, and will give you tho same
courteoua service, in tho future.
H. H. OR13EII, Manager. Dakota City, Nob.
s -31
- - T
The Herald, $1.C0 per year
ment p tho public nurao."
I flglalalSgJSSi
- I -. I