Dakota County herald. (Dakota City, Neb.) 1891-1965, December 18, 1919, Image 4

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    JWWWNwwilltwwi w K1 wwi ti7w J wi'i'M.'i wwVtoWwlMfi tAik J wwMWtf i
!iNAMMiHVMVIMR?ntWKiiVMMKH .-' jmm jKkwiiwtw
JOHN II. llEAM, rubll.il.-r.
Official Taper of Dakota Comity.
Permission has been granted for
t e transmission of this poper thru
t'-o mails qs second class matter.
Telephone Nos. 13 nnd 15.
Subscription Price, 51.50 per year.
Lutheran Church Notes
By Rev C. It. Lowe.
Salem is not to be outdistanced in
the cool saving campaign, but is In
the game liko a lot of -other folks.
,Wc have not been heating the wholo
church every Sunday but only the
Sunduy school room. It is a little
crowded at times, but while some
others are suffering n deal of con
venience In the fuel situation, wo
.will gladly put up with some. After
all there is an advantage In being
plose together, in "not having a wide
Bpaco between the pastor and the
)eople. We have often wished the
tiack scats were the most comforta
ble in the house. We bring tho pl
tino and tho pulpit to the anteroom
end there we have the service as
snugly as you please,
The practice for the Christmas pro
gram goes on. Last Friday was such
bad night and so cold that we took
a chanco for Saturday night helm;
better, and It was. Cold, indeed,
but It was a lino night to be out
aside from that. Tho wind did not
Mow and tho stars shono as bright
us you ever saw them. Some of the
folks walked all tho way, some part
of the way and somo got out their
bob sleighs, and we had n merry
time. When we had sung a while a
big pan of old time popcorn balls,
the brittlcst you ever ate, was passed
with candy and salted peanuts.
Games, grafanola music and visits
were tho order of tho evening. Why
should we think wo have to go a
Jong way to have a good time, why
tlo we havo to have a good tlmo made
for us? We do not, all wo have to
do is to get out and make it for our
selves, and it will be tho best time
you over had. And why cannot the
wholo church havo good times like
that together? Wo will have ju3t
vho right kind of a time at tho
church Christmas Eve. Wo want ev
ery one to como to havo a good time.
Of course 'wo want the friends to get
Jn tho way of coming to tho church,
wo want to bo soclablo and pleasant,
for our sakes and for tho sake ,of
every one olso who will come and en
joy an evening with us. Wo have
hoard a lot of a church that serves a
Hocjal purpose, and they all ought to
do'so, but just to bo a social servant
:ind center is not what a church in
or, I know thero aro somo which
havo becomo but little else, but they
have debased their high calling. I
3cnow of one church which had such
win all congregations on Sunday even
ing that they decided to have juat a
nociai gathering ,ot the community at
that hour. The first two" nights thoy
had a house fulLahd they thought .tno
Hchcme wag a, success, but tho next
night they found tho crowd cut In
half, and beforo two months ,they had
fewer than thoy used to have at a
,rcgular church service, and ono of
the members told me that it was al
most impossible to have anything ut
xne, cnurcn in tno evening now, ana
they wore considering abandoning the
scheme. Tho church, Salem can bo
made a social center for the commu
nity without detracting from tho
church services. The gospel can be
preached regularly, and we can gath
er there for purely social ends. too.
It would be a good service to the
community It we would have various
social gatherings there, We lack
just that thing yin our community.
We have one good thing to tell this
week, and that is we will he favored
by the Delco-Llght people of Sioux
City Christmas eve. They will
have one of their excellent light
pjants at work and we will have mo o
brilliancy that night than the church
has ever seen. Say, won't that he
joyous? We know you will want to
lie there now.
It is found in Iwi ii 1 im on If mottim
just yet with the cold and Inclement
weather, to do much with tho organi
zation of tho mon's Sunday nchor-l
aloss, hut wo will try to go' ahead
With the work as best wo can, and
thero has been some work done al
ready, and thero is moro in the nit
for somo tlmo after Christmas. Wo
are not ready to tell just now what
It is to be. The preacher pastor
is not at tho bottonj of it either.
It is a good community.
Have faith in It.
It will bo what you mako It
Pump Irrigation In Nebraska
Before ono decides to install a
pumping plant for Irrigation pur
pose there aro a good many factois
that should, bo considered regarding
tho feasibility of tho -project nnd tho
construction of tho plant, says Ne
braska Agricultural Experiment Sta
tion circular 2. "Pump Irrlcatton in
Nebraska." Tho circular discusses
the amount of water neccssarv. do.
sign of a plant, wells, pumps, etc.
It may bo obtained freo from tho
College of Agriculture, Llnpoln,
(looil 'ov llnnis la
Tho dairy cow, of all farm animal,
Is the most efficient machine for con-
centrated, high-priced food products,
says "jDalry Barn and Milk House Ar
rangement," a new circular of tho
Nebraska Agricultural Experiment
Station; Therefore, from nn oco
noinlc point of view, as well as from
the standpoint of nnhnal comfort, .t
Is highly desirable that adequate
barn or shed facilities .be provided
.for the dairy herd. This 28-page
'circular is well Illustrated with pic
tun and drawing of dairy barn and
milk, house arrangement. Ask for
, circular 6, addrewtng request to Ag-rleukural-
Experiment Station,- Lin-
eeln. r,
I'""B ui Kiymi utui JIUil von
GD 5
d is
Mrs. J. Kosslng was called to Mo
vlllc, Iowa, Sunday by the .announce
ment of the sudden death of her sister-in-law.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom O'Connor, of Ver
million, S. 1)., arrived here Monday
for n visit in the home of her par-
nnto IV Hnrlnlnla nml fnmllv
The schools will close here Friday
for a two weeks' holiday vacation
William Heenan has purchased a
corn sheller, also a new tractor from
C. J, Goodfellow.
' . I
The business men hero arc reorgan- Tuesday,
izing and expect to operate tho locnl- John Beacom motored to Sioux City
telephone exchange, which was sus- the first of the week,
pended several months ago. Tom Long shipped two car loads of
Gcorgo Baney, Mike Boler and Har- cattle to Omaha the first of the week,
old Hall had hogs on tho Sioux City, He accompanied the shipment,
market last Wednesday. Tho Rich-' Miss McCauley and Miss Webber
ards' Brothers hod a load of cattle on will spond their Christmas vacation
tho market tho same day. in their homes.
Mrs. Orvlllo Beith and children vis' Margaret UfHng and Alice Howaid
itcd relatives in Allen, Neb., several , ca,nc. UP Trom ONelll lost week to
days last week remain over Christmas In their homea
' here.
Lee Hall was down from Dixon. A ,nrKC nulAi,er from ncro went to
Nm'u1.aStT1UrSyMf,0r ? 8hrt Vls,t Sioux City Tuesday to attend the
with his family in this place. wako of Mra M j Beacom.
John Ilickcy departed lust week for Mr8. W. Rooney is COnfincd to the
Hot Springs, S. !)., to receive treat- hospital in Sioux City,
ment for rheumatism. He expects, Mr aml Mrfi c M. Rasmussen and
to be there a month. family who havo been visiting the
Born, to Mr. ami Mrs. Jas Mackay, pnst. weck ln tho Chris RnsmU8Scn
of South faloux City, formerly of this ,0 left Mondny for Iow wherc
plu7,PCE'em,C,ri 8thi a S1" :tJlc.V will visit relatives, after which
Hattie Kcnnelly, who underwent an i, '., ,ni i,. r .nn,.,..i,. .,i.
operation at SL Vincent's hospital a
... --- -n-, I- ..... ..
last of this week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Noble League and
baby departed Monday for Omaha.
Paul Colo underwent an operation
at St. Vincent's hospital Monday. l'
An entertainment Will be eiven at
St. Catherine's Academy on Thursday
ZCnlng,?mbCAu8iK ?fc u 'lc,ock'L
byheru,p,H' . . A I ar? 'nyltcd. . ,'
" n.iifcfc Btuu ui xxcrciuru
SLTn?!.!1?!' FrU,ay' ?"d ViaS f"irvere cold, bordering on pneumonia. "
n uZ undit cons'deri"K; ho state Mrs Jensen via,d th first of tho
of tho weather. Seventv-four hedd ,i, i,rt r u 1 i
bvv tyiw iiuiu itu uiu DLuurv VUI13 111 1
were sold, at nn nverago of $327.
ills herd bull went for $3325.00.
Tom Sullivan had n load of hoori
on tho Sioux City market last week.
Curtis Boler returned last wec!c
from a Thanksgiving visit with rela
tives at St. Peter," Minn.
Earl Swctt arrived Tuesday of !ast
weok to visit his brother, Prof.
Swctt and wife for a few days.
Prof. Swett and wife, Mr. Enrl
Swctt and Miss Elsie Elliott were
entertained at tho Chns. Holsworth
homo Wednesday evening.
JJoc Hale was n Homer visitoi
Miss Mary Nelson was nit inenm.
ing passenger from tho north Thurs
day. J. M. King visited in Homer Thurs
day. Scth Barnes returned to his homo
in Omaha Friday after a several
weeks visit with relatives in nnd
around Homer.
J. E. Rogors and wife and Miss Mar
garet Smith were Sioux City shop
pers Thursday of last week.
Francis Davis was a north bound
passenger Sunday, returning Monday.
Miss Lulu .Olsen of Sioux City was
il Homer visitor Sunday.
Mrs. Alice Walters of Sioux City,
was, an Incoming passenger from the
north Sunday.
Tom Ronz of Wayne, visited his
parents, Phil Ronz and wife tho first
of tho1 week and attended his fath.
ors sale. The sale was not well at
tended but everything was sold and
at a good prico,
We understand tho CrUslor broth
ers have bought tho hotel and after i
good bit of llxln up, will run nftrst
class little hotel which Homer is
much In need of, "Andy and Joe"
will bo remembered by many of our
people as running u resturant hero
about ton years ago.
Dana Purdv has rnntml n fni.in
Iowa in tho vicinity where his sister,
Mrs. Myron Bates lives, and will
move there in tho spring. His par
ents. Dun Purdv nml wITa wkn .
horo on a visit, will return to that
part 01 tno country with Dana.
Bob Harris, who had a coon skin
coat mado in' Sioux City recently,
says his numo Is still Bob. Maybe
George clnims tho honor of owner,
ship but Boh snys ho is tho guy who
wonrs it. , '
Aiiawny uros, Kettlor &. Proluc
and Ashfords havo very prettily dec
orated Christmas windows which
muKos us realize that Christmns hs
luiuiy inmost upon us,
mrs; will JJIackoter and daughter
Mildred are on tho sick list. '
The children of John Labnhn and
wlfu are on the sick list.
Lewis Pilgrim visited his father in
the hospital Mondny nnd reports him
ulilo to walk.
Dr. Daily nnd wife nnd Miss Helen
Bolster were Sioux 'City visitor
Tuesday. J , i
Doc .ilclvcrnnn of Dnkotn City was
u Homer visitor. ,
Airs. Tom Christopher
and Mrs.
Millie MidkllT were incoming pnsse
gers from tho north Tuesday.
- xi'iVVlP oU&ed hl bnr. Get.
at Mitchell, S. I)., lust Week and
ports Geo. Wna better Tut not
of danger, ho will have to uml
another operation. Ho hm been ill
for a long time, ,
Mrs. Tom Ashford of Sioux City
visited her father, Tim Murphy, be-
.,wV.. ... ....iiK iicuuinaii winter
Mrs. M, M, Beacom passed away
Tuesday morning at six o'clock, at St.
- ,w ..... immtui, ciuux uuy. urniul
ma Beacom had been a sull'lforer foi
several months. , i
Charley Heenev slilim.i n i,.,.i. .
of cattle to Omaha lost week.
Kathryn Long was a visitor In the
Herman Rcnze is assisting with the
farm work on the Dan Hartnett farm.
A lot of corn shelling is being done.
Sine Brock was an over night vis
itor Sunday in Sioux City.
Mrs. C. M. Rasmussen was Up to
sloux uity tp see Santa Monday
mV " ,' ,",,".," "' 0,uu-"
.ft sotucli drlftingof snow
tho ,.onds j,nve been Mocked most of
tne time for tho past two weeks.
I Union Lone wnnt to Sioux filtv on
ik1 A H jAUMnl .ItA. f . Cjfl. ftl-aa
natlve Iandt where they w, mnke
nn cxtcnueu visit.
Several cars of Rrain WCEe shipped
out of hero lhc past week
Mrs. Jo,,n Grcen was a Christmas
!,,. ; ! rif m,1o
IJ ,i m iu ...' .i .
it, u v ti " 1 j...
lost week
Bill Rooney spent the past week in
Sioux City with his wife, who is in
a hospital I
is irun : ..rrHHiM j - -
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen enioved
visit from relatives Sunday.
Louis Larsen and family were Sun
day visitors in tho John Jensen home.
The Uffing girls were Christmas
shoppers fn the city the first of the
FloreHco Hariner was a Visitor in
the Joe Hefiernan home Monday.
Mr. Miller has given up work- or.
the Section.
Edna Andersen returned to her
homo after a few weeks' stay herein
tho home of her uncle, L. Pedersen.,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Long were in the
city this week. f
. Mrs. B. Rooney and infant son were
in the city the first of the week. ,
w George Timlin was in Sioux City on
business one day the past week.
Ebol & Blessing purchased a Hok
stoin bull at a sale in Sioux City
Monday, paying $500 for the animal.
A number of tho farmers from Sa
lem 'attended the' John Critz sale in
Omadi precinct Tuesday.
Ray Hazlegrove, who hid been
workine around hero fnr t.h nus.t
year, roturned to Goodrich, N. D.,
last inursuny to spend tho winter
with homo folks.
Mrs. F. W. Beermnnn spent over
Sundny in the Elmer Cornell home'
nt Poncn.
1 Herald
For News
When It Is
New Accredited Herd List Out
The second list of herds officially
credited as freo from tuberculosis
and of herds that have passed suc
cessfully one test with a view to cer
tification has been received by the
College of Agriculture for free dis
tribution. Lists of such herds are
published from tlmo to time by the
United Stutea Department of Agri
culture. They contain tho different
breeds of cattle, tho names of the
owners, and states where the herds
aro located are arranged alphabeti
cally. Control with a view of event
ual eradication of tuberculosis in
cattle is being accomplished by sys
tematic eirorts of Federal and Stato
authorities in co-operation with cat
tle breeders' associations and herd
ownors inosa wishing a, copy of
'lcnl ,,st No 2 should nsk for United
Statcs Department of Agriculture
circular 54.
t " ' ,
We can 'umUh you the kind ol
printed tales letters end drculan
I will get your message in the rihi
way to the man whe can buj
your gooas.
Use more printed seiesmaiuklB,
Ask us.
The Herald for News when it Is News.
parental home here the first of
WlSr4 tVSA
vl 1 'ifVajy
2 i v
11 I'W
Nothing Else
Ever Helped Her
A WASTED 8500.00 ON
"Honestly a few bottles of Tanlac
has done me more good than other
treatments and medicines that have
cost me $500," said Mrs. E. P. Weld
hier, living at 1012 Wall St., Mil
waukee, Wis., the other day.
"This may sound like' a very broad
statement," continued Mrs. "Wafdhier,
"but It is so, for I never got the
least benefit from all the other med
icines I took and after taking Tanlac
I feel like a new woman." Continu
ing she said:
"I have suffered with stomach
trouble more or less all my life. I
had a poor appetite and could scarce
ly eat a thing without it nearly kill
ing me, especially for the last few
months, when I could eat only the
liehtest food. Everything I did man
age to eat would sour on my stomach
and gas would form and I would be
bloated something awful. The gas
would press up against my heart so 1
could hardly breathe and I would
feel like I was choking. I never
knew what it was to be without a
headache, and I had severe pains al
most continually in my right sid.3
and shoulders. I lost so much weight
I was scarcely moro than a frame,
and was so weak I could hardly do
my housework. I was so nervous 1
could sleep but very little at night,
nnd would get up in the morning
completely worn out.
"I saw in the newspapers where
Tanlac had been of such benefit to
others whoso condition was described
as being similar to mine, so I con
cluded to try it. Well, It surely was
what I needed, for after taking only
four bottles my stomach is all right
and I havo such a fine appetite I eat
anything I want and I never suffer
the least bit afterwards. I am not
bothered with gas or bloating any
moro and the smothering and chok
ing spells havo disappeared, I have
n't had the headache since I beiran
taking Tanlac, and the pain In my
side and shoulders are things of tho
past. My nerves are in fine condi
tion, and I sleep all night without
waking up once, and get up In the
mornings feeling refreshed. In fact,
1'fvver felt as well before in my life,
and I will never miss a chance to say
a good word for Tanlac."
Tanlac Is sold in Dakota City by
Nelswanger Pharmacy. In South
I Sioux City by Shane's Pharmacy, and
in uomer uy wagner's Pharmacy.
'!nril of Thanks
Wo desire, through the columns of
jThe Herald, to express our sinccio
, thanks and appreciation to the peo
.pie of Dakota City for the timely
assistance rendered us in the loss of
our home by fire. '
I R. C. Becker and Family.
Keir Bros.
Grocery Co.
Specials for Saturday
Honeymoon Coffee, per lb 50c
Steel Cut Coffee, 2 lbs for .85c
Tea, uncolored Jap, per pkij 30c
Pancake Flour, per sack 35c
Raising, seedless, per lb pkg 25c
Raisins,, seeded, 2 Ib-pkgs .- ,....,. 45c
Mince Meat, per pkg 1 5c
Peeled Peaches, ,5 lb pkgs .7 ..$1.60
Karo Syrup, gallons, Light per, can $1.05
Karo Syrup, gallons, Dark, per can '. . ,l.C0
We have a full line of Christmas Candies,
Mixed Nuts, Oysters, Fruit, Etc., for
the Holiday Trade.
Telephone No. 31
Buy Here and Save $$$$$
Flynn Commission Company
Office Phones
Auto. 9239 Bell. 361
, o.BBsWriSM' . &?. -Bsa-' '
i j'i?'BMTseTseTri?IBMW,bv'l
Westcott's Undertaking
Old Phone, 426 Now Phone, 2067
Buy your Boar Early, and have the advantage of
a Wider Selection.
I am holding no Boar Sale
This Fall
This saves you money, for it costs to run a sale.
I have a. large number of big-boned, stretchy boars
of good quality and breeding They are priced
to sell quickly.
Crystal Lake Stock Farm
John B. Evans, Prop. Dahota City, Nebr.
Everybody Reads the Herald
.Residence Phone
Auto 88282
Room 301 Exchange Bldg.
Stock Yards
Write US Wire US Phone US ,
If you want market information.
Ship Us For the High price ami
good fill.
4- i
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m A.A?'
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